October, 2020 Issue 41
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What now for huge development site? Affordable homes plan approved
PLANS for 13 new affordable homes in Alveston have been approved, despite objections from neighbours who currently park their cars on the site. PAGE 5
Charity job losses The site proposed for a new nuclear power station, with the old Oldbury plant in the background. Picture: Horizon Nuclear Power
New nuclear power plant axed PLANS to build a new nuclear power station at Oldbury-on-Severn have been cancelled. Questions are now being asked over the future of the 170-acre Shepperdine site earmarked for the plant, which would have had two new reactors providing enough electricity for 5.5 million homes. Horizon Nuclear Power, the operator behind the plans, announced the "orderly closing down of all its current development activities" at Oldbury and another site in North Wales on September 16. Construction of the new plant, near the site of
the previous Oldbury power station, would have created up to 9,000 jobs. Once operational, it was expected to have an estimated 850 permanent employees. But development on the scheme had been suspended since early last year and Horizon's parent company Hitachi said that since then, "the investment environment has become increasingly severe due to the impact of COVID-19". Turn to page 3
CHARITY Brain Tumour Support has had to lay off almost a quarter of its staff as the pandemic hits donations. PAGE 4
Police warning over con couple A COUPLE who conned their way into the homes of vulnerable Thornbury women are wanted by the police. PAGE 6
No one-way option
A SUGGESTION that Thornbury's experimental High Street closure could be changed to allow one-way traffic has been ruled out. PAGE 7
Property experts working in the Thornbury property market since the early 1980’s, coping with fast markets, slow markets, boom or recession but always working our hardest to achieve the absolute best for our clients. Please contact
Penny Skinner or Rowena Moncrieffe for further details‌
14 The Plain, Thornbury, 01454 858007