Thornbury Voice April 2018

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April, 2018 Issue 13

Thornbury Self Storage

Storage Solutions

01454 413343


Flooding fears to be raised at housing public inquiry MEASURES will have to be taken to ensure no increased risk of sewer flooding to downstream properties if a plan for up to 370 homes on the outskirts of Thornbury is approved. Bovis Homes wants to develop land off Gloucester Road from Upper Morton to Crossways Lane at The Knapp. A planning inquiry will be held in the autumn into the scheme after South Gloucestershire Council failed to determine the application within a specified time. The council’s planners were being recommended to oppose the development as Thornbury Voice went to press. Neighbouring parishes have already said they have worries about flooding downstream of Thornbury which could affect them if the houses are built and Wessex Water said existing foul systems were remote from the site, requiring a new and long off-site connecting sewer. It also said there were no local public surface water systems with capacity to accept surface water connection from the site. Full story page 4

Stars of the community Thornbury stalwarts honoured PAGE 2

Pounds for play

Snow stops play

Mundy Playing Fields get cash boost PAGE 3

Closed country Countrywide store rescue fails PAGE 5

IT was a little hard to see the white lines as snow interrupted the winter season at Thornbury Tennis Club. Members hope spring will have sprung by the time the summer season gets under way. Tennis news, page 38

En garde for England Thornbury fencer gets call up PAGE 36

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