February, 2018 Issue 11
Thornbury Self Storage
Storage Solutions
01454 413343
Re-build plan up for debate at Armstrong Hall public meeting A THIRD option for the future of Thornbury’s Armstrong Hall complex has been proposed ahead of a public meeting about to take place. The town council has organised the meeting as promised in the wake of opposition to two other options put forward. One involved refurbishing and extending the hall, while
the other would see the site redeveloped to help fund an extension to the Turnberries community building for use as a performance space. But there was criticism that Turnberries wouldn’t be big enough and a refurbishment of the Armstrong Hall was not sufficient. An extra proposal to rebuild the Armstrong Hall on its
current site has now been added and will form part of a new consultation to start on February 16. The public meeting will be held in the Cossham Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday, March 1 and a decision on which option to pursue is set to be taken on March 20. Full story, Page 2.
Have your say Community survey launched for Thornbury PAGE 3
Fancy a good read? Literary festival coming to Thornbury PAGE 7
New homes for Falfield 85 houses approved despite protests PAGE 15
Handy around the house - 4th Thornbury Brownies have been honing their DIY skills as part of new activities on offer. More in our community section, page 11
School open after clean up Vandals target Castle School PAGE 23
Backhand compliment Tennis club serves up awards PAGE 29
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