October, 2017 Issue 7
Thornbury Self Storage
Storage Solutions
01454 413343
Public meeting requested over Armstrong Hall CALLS have been made for a public meeting to debate the future of Thornbury’s Armstrong Hall complex ahead of a decision being made on where a performance venue should be sited. The hall has long been the town’s main location for events such as drama productions and concerts. But it needs a major upgrade if it is to continue in that role
long term and council leaders are considering whether to refurbish the premises or extend the Turnberries community building and transfer performance space to that location instead. That option would then allow the Armstrong Hall to be sold off for redevelopment. A programme of consultation has just ended but there have been concerns among some
residents that a sell-off will take place, despite being told that no decision has yet been made and that people’s views will be taken into consideration. Another way of tackling the issue has also been put forward by those who want to keep the complex - having a new purposebuilt development on the current site in Chapel Street. Full story page 20
Anti-social behaviour crackdown Police launch dedicated patrols in Thornbury PAGE 4
Metrobus to Thornbury? Feasibility study is launched PAGE 11
Public inquiry is new housing battleground Scheme in Falfield referred for decision PAGE 16
Wriggle Jigglers, a young folk band from three three families in Thornbury and Rockhampton, have helped Thornbury Lions celebrate their 30th birthday. More, page 24
You win some, you lose some Thornbury Rugby Club’s season off to a mixed start PAGE 31
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