Thornbury Voice October 2019

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October, 2019 Issue 31

Thornbury Self Storage

Storage Solutions

01454 413343


We must act now Rapist is jailed A rapist who blackmailed his victim using multiple fake social media accounts is starting a long prison sentence. PAGE 8

Tribute to Dec A rugby player who coached Thornbury youngsters has been killed in a crash. PAGE 7

Bus fares cut Bus passengers will be able to travel around Thornbury for a new lower flat-rate fare. PAGE 9

George and Shona Howell of new group Climate Acton Thornbury and Surroundings A CALL has been made for people in Thornbury to join the fight to tackle climate change. The town was one of thousands around the world where protests were staged as part of the first Global Climate Strike. Now campaigners are calling on people, businesses and politicians to join together to

find ways to make a difference. From planting more trees to solar energy and electric car projects, residents are being encouraged to get involved and make a difference. Turn to Page 3

Beer is here A special beer brewed from hops grown in Thornbury is now being served at a town pub. PAGE 25

Experience, local knowledge, honesty and passion... We’ve got all the right ingredients to sell your home. Call us to book a friendly and free expert valuation. Castle Estate Agents Ltd 63 High Street | Thornbury | BS35 2AP T: 01454 414422 | E: | W: @castleltd


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