September, 2019 Issue 30
Thornbury Self Storage
Storage Solutions
01454 413343
Why Jackson has a winning smile GCSE results
High achievers like George Bazzone, above, were in the spotlight as Castle and Marlwood schools celebrated the arrival of this year's GCSE results. PAGES 6&7
Master plan is rejected
Campaigners have called for a crisis meeting after a controversial blueprint for thousands of new homes in the Thornbury area was rejected. PAGES 8&9 Picture: Ryan Cowburn
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Festival of youth for Thornbury A FESTIVAL to celebrate the best of Thornbury's youth will be staged in the town. YouthFest 2019 will be staged at the skate park by Thornbury Leisure Centre and will be free for young people to attend. Organisers say the event, which will include a wide range of activities from skateboarding and
street dance to archery and photography, is being staged to celebrate the positive side of youth – and make young people feel part of the community. They are now looking for volunteers of all ages to come forward and help ensure the festival on September 28 is a success. Full story: Page 2
Playgroup's vow
Leaders of a village playgroup are confident it will regain its 'good' rating after being told to improve by Ofsted. PAGE 5
Repair café
A café with a difference will give people the chance to bring broken gadgets back to life. PAGE 19
Experience, local knowledge, honesty and passion... We’ve got all the right ingredients to sell your home. Call us to book a friendly and free expert valuation. Castle Estate Agents Ltd 63 High Street | Thornbury | BS35 2AP T: 01454 414422 | E: | W: @castleltd
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