Contents Teaching Staff 2008. .................................................................3 Psychology & Learning ..............................................................5 Support Staff .............................................................................5 Ancillary Staff. ............................................................................6 Principal’s Report.......................................................................7 Deputy Principal’s Report.. .......................................................8 Assistant Principal’s Secondary Report.. ...................................9 Assistant Principal’s Primary Report.. .....................................10 Chaplain’s Report. ...................................................................10 School Board Report................................................................12 Head Boy and Head Girl Report..............................................13 Student Council Report. ..........................................................13 First Assembly 2008.................................................................14 Commencement Service and New Parents get-together.........15 Easter Service. .........................................................................16 ANZAC Service. ........................................................................17 See You At The Pole. ................................................................18 The Great Shave Off. ................................................................20 Career Expo. ............................................................................21 College Sunday. .......................................................................22 Open Day. ................................................................................23 PRIMARY SCHOOL ...................................................................24 Primary Sport Teams . .............................................................24 Indonesian Language at Primary School. ................................26 Choir. .......................................................................................27 Harmony Day. ..........................................................................28 Disco. .......................................................................................29 Kindy. .......................................................................................30 Pre Primary NC. .......................................................................33 Pre Primary YO. .......................................................................34 Year 1P. ....................................................................................36 Year 1S ....................................................................................38 Year 2F. ....................................................................................40 Year 2/3Kw. .............................................................................42 Year 3Ke. ..................................................................................44 Year 4B.....................................................................................46 Year 5W....................................................................................48 Year 5/6M. ...............................................................................50 Year 6V. ....................................................................................51 PRIMARY SCHOOL 2008 AWARDS...........................................55 Middle School Sport Teams . ...................................................56 MIDDLE SCHOOL .....................................................................56 Choir. .......................................................................................58 Personal Development. ...........................................................59 Visit to RSPCA. .........................................................................59 Year 7 Boys. .............................................................................60 Year 7 Girls...............................................................................61 Year 8 Girls...............................................................................62 Year 8 Boys. .............................................................................63 Year 9 Girls...............................................................................64 Year 9 Boys. .............................................................................65 Middle School Music. ..............................................................66 MIDDLE SCHOOL 2008 AWARDS ............................................67 Year 7 Awards. .........................................................................67 Year 8 Awards. .........................................................................68 Year 9 Awards. .........................................................................69 SENIOR SCHOOL ......................................................................70 Commi ees. ............................................................................72 Year 10.K. .................................................................................75 Year 10.SO . .............................................................................76 Year 10.S . ................................................................................77
Year 11.B . ................................................................................78 Year 11.L. .................................................................................79 Year 11.P . ................................................................................80 Year 12 . ...................................................................................81 Art Exhibi on...........................................................................82 SUBJECT REPORTS ..................................................................84 Art............................................................................................84 Compu ng. ..............................................................................86 Drama. .....................................................................................87 Design and Technology. ...........................................................88 English - Year 8. .......................................................................89 English - Year 10. .....................................................................90 Home Economics. ....................................................................91 Senior School - Home Economics / Hospitality . .....................92 Indonesian Language at TCC . ..................................................93 Mathema cs Department. ......................................................94 Senior School Music. ...............................................................95 Instrumental Programme. .......................................................96 Sports. .....................................................................................97 Athle cs - Inter-House. ............................................................98 Senior School Sport Teams . ...................................................99 Cross Country. .......................................................................101 Swimming - Inter-House. .......................................................102 Social Studies.........................................................................103 Science - Department. ...........................................................104 Structured Workplace Learning . ...........................................105 Class of 2008 .........................................................................106 Year 12’s Have Their Say. .......................................................108 Year 12 Ball. ...........................................................................116 Presenta on Night.................................................................117 SENIOR SCHOOL 2008 AWARDS ............................................118 HIGHEST ACHIEVERS YEAR 10................................................118 HIGHEST ACHIEVERS YEAR 11................................................119 YEAR 12 AWARDS. .................................................................120 OTHER AWARDS. ...................................................................121
Front cover page designed and created by Jus n van der Westhuizen, Year 11 Art student.
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Other designs
Clinton le Chat produced this cover that was highly acclaimed for its design.
Teaching Staff 2008 Mr Bill Innes. Principal
Francis Chow Maths and Science teacher Qualifica ons: Cer ficate of Teaching, B. Econs and MBA First year teaching in WA
B.A., Grad Dip Ed – Remedial Educa on, Grad Dip Ed –Physical Educa on Born in Zimbabwe, raised in South Africa, living in Australia. 27 years in Educa on, 18 years in leadership. Blessed with nearly 6 years at TCC – PtL!
Mr Mike Kingsford. Deputy Principal
Mrs Meena Coelho
B.Sc., Grad. Dip Ed; Mathema cs and Computer Science. Born in England, lived in Australia since 1969. 16 Years working in Chris an Educa on, 7 in leadership and a total of 4 at Thornlie Chris an College. Interests include: Theology, Poli cs, Economics, History, Anthropology, Music, Photography and Sport. Eagles supporter.
Qualifica ons - B.A, B.Ed, M.A. At T.C.C. Since 2005 term 4.
Helen Balding. Assistant Principal - Secondary
Mrs Janine Coombe
I am married, have 3 adult children and 2 beau ful grandchildren. I have been serving at the College for 14 years. I have enjoyed many posi ons in this me and love working with students and fellow staff. I have a Post Grad. Diploma in Career Development, a Diploma in Teaching - Secondary, a Cert IV in Workplace Assessment & Training and I am at present nibbling away (slowly) at a Masters Degree in Educa on & Career Development. I enjoy coaching Netball, playing tennis, squash, skiing and boa ng . My passion for teaching is the same today as it was the day God called me to serve Him in this way.
Teacher Assistant in the Pre-primary classes.
Mrs Hilda David
Mrs Sue Yardley. Acting Assistant Principal Primary. Assistant Principal in the Primary School for Term 4 of 2008, my usual role is that Early Learning Coordinator and Pre -primary Teacher.
Secondary English/ Career and Enterprise teacher and SWL Coordinator Degree: B-Ed Specialisa ons: English and Humani es Second year of teaching. 22
Mr Amit Khaira. College Chaplain
Mr Chris Eikelboom
Chaplain / Biblical Studies Co-ordinator B-Ed (Sec) Enhanced Major in Accoun ng Qualified ISSA Fitness Trainer & Remedial Massage Therapist Joined TCC mid 2006
I a ended Rehoboth School for all 12 years of my schooling and graduated in 2003. I then completed a Bachelor of Science (Sports Science) at ECU for 3 years and a Graduate Diploma of Educa on (Secondary) last year, meaning this has been my first year of teaching. I have been teaching Physical Educa on, Health Educa on, Year 11 Physical Educa on Studies and Year 7 & 9 Biblical Studies.
Miss Maree Baty
Mrs Andrea Flipse
I was born and raised in Albany and come from a family of six. I have lived in Perth for six years in six different suburbs! I have been teaching for two years and hold a Bachelor of Educa on degree from Cur n University. I have a passion for children, to see them reach their poten al in God. I also love to read, shop, walk, socialise and do any kind of art/cra work. I am involved in my church and I love serving God and building His church. I absolutely love teaching and am learning more about it everyday.
I started teaching in 1991 (in The Netherlands where I have lived most of my life). I lived in the USA for a couple of years and then came back to The Netherlands, where I taught for another 6 years. I migrated with my husband to Australia in 2006 and I came to work at TCC in 2007. I teach the Year 2 class.
Mr John Berkelaar
Mrs Sally Florisson
Secondary Science/Mathema cs Teacher. Degree: B-Ed (Middle School) Specialisa ons: Mathema cs and Science Second year of teaching. 15 years in the telecommunica ons industry combined with 6 years service in the Australian Defence Force. Married with four children, I enjoy summer holidays, fishing and golf.
Senior School Visual Art Teacher. This is my second year teaching at TCC. A er comple ng my ini al twelve years of schooling here as a student, I graduated in 2002 and gained a Bachelor of Educa on at Edith Cowan University, got married and returned! I enjoy nurturing and being part of young people’s crea vity, and I feel blessed and called to be at Thornlie Chris an College.
Mrs Wendy Brownhill
Eliza Ghani
Naomi Cameron
Anthea Gould
Teacher / Librarian, Bush Ranger WA Unit Leader & Relief Teacher Coordinator. Quals: Bachelor of Applied Science, Dip of Ed (Primary). I am married, we have 2 children who completed their primary and secondary schooling at TCC. I have been involved with TCC since 1988 as a parent and then two years later I began my teaching career here. It has been a privilege and a blessing to see students I taught in Year 1 graduate from the College. I have a dream to see our College Library grow much bigger and be a resource centre of excellence. Interests: Deligh ng in our Lord’s crea on, reading, science and technology, walking, especially in the bush and AFL (go Freo).
Qualifica ons – Grad Dip Ed – UWA (Major in LOTE/Minor ESL) BA Arts – Cur n University (Dbl majors – Asian Studies (Indonesia) & History) My goal is to complete a Masters of Educa on at Cur n University by 2010. I joined TCC in June 2008, and this is my seventh year of teaching. I have taught both in private schools (Perth College/Peter Moyes Anglican) and state schools (Safety Bay SHS/Warnbro CHS) from PP to Year 12 (TEE) and I am a member of the Curriculum Council TEE Examiners’ Board.
Teacher Assistant in the Pre-primary classes.
Early Learning Teacher and Junior Choir Coordinator with a heart for Christ and mission work.
Mr Nicholas Chan
Mrs Nannette Green
Secondary Science Teacher. Degree: B Sc / BA (Educa on). (4 year qualifica on at Edith Cowan University) Major in Biological Sciences (Biology / Human Biology) Minor in Math Minor in Catholic Educa on Third year of teaching. I also enjoy roman c poetry, breathtaking sunsets and long walks on the beach.
Qualifica on: Cer ficate IV Workplace Training and Assessing. 7 years experience teaching Years 7 through to 12 Home Economics. I enjoy patchwork, quil ng and sewing.
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Mr Manfred Heske
Mr Wabo Majinda
Trades Qualifica on Cook Berlin Germany 1960 Diploma of Teaching WAIT WA 1985 Higher Teaching Cer ficate Ministry of Educa on WA1999 Bachelor of Educa on Cur n University of Technology 1994 Graduate Diploma of Public Sector Management 1998 Post Graduate Diploma of Business Human Resource Management 2002
11 years in Secondary teaching. Diploma in Secondary Education. Bachelor of Education (Special Education) Masters of Education (Special Education: Curriculum & Learning Difficulties) Teaching areas - Major SOSE, Minor Geography, Religions Qualified soccer coach( Basic Preliminary Certificate- BFA,CAF-FIFA)
Mrs Grace Iburg Music Teacher; M. Mus, B. Mus Ed, LTCL (London) This is my first year at Thornlie Chris an College and it has been a year of many new experiences teaching Years 2 - 12. A er gradua ng from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, I taught for 2 years before working at the Anglo-Chinese School in Singapore where I taught for 14 years. The last 7 years were spent teaching new materials I had developed in various schools and workshops. I moved to Perth in 2006 a er mee ng my husband, Robert. I enjoy nurturing musical talent and am excited when students are making music.
Mr Gary Mewhor I have been teaching in Chris an schools for the past 17 years. Though I am predominately a primary teacher, I have taught whole school sport, MS spor ng op ons and MS Health. I have three children under the age of 10.
Mrs Petra Jacobsz
Mrs Raelene Munyard
Secondary Mathema cs and Science teacher. Qualifica ons: B.Sc with Hon in Chemistry and Dip. Ed. Teaching experience: 17 years. Married with four children. I enjoy any outdoor ac vity.
I have been involved at TCC for over 20 years in various roles. In the early days of the College I worked as a Monitor while our 3 children completed their educa on under the ACE Program. In 1997-97 God led me to Murdoch University to complete a BA in Primary Ed then back to the College as a teacher, to be a part of the transi on from ACE to regular classes and Curriculum. In 2000 I ‘graduated’ to Middle School and am currently teaching Mathema cs in various grades in Senior School. I have been blessed to be a part of the journey of TCC and the families that have followed God’s calling to this, His College.
Helen Jubb
Mrs Anita Ossevoort
15 years experience as a Teacher’s Assistant 12 years experience teaching religious educa on in government schools Hobbies: reading and looking a er the grandchildren Cer ficate IV in Childcare Teacher assistant extraordinaire!!!
Secondary Mathema cs Teacher Diploma of Teaching I am married with 5 children and this is my 4th year of part- me teaching a er a long break raising my family. I have had a wonderful year at TCC and feel truly blessed to have been a part of this Chris an Community.
Mrs Chisanga Katwishi-Ng’andwe
Mrs Carol O’sullivan
Health & Physical Educa on Teacher. Qualifica on: B Ed, Masters of Applied Science. I came to Australia from Zambia in 2002 to study at the University of Queensland. I lived in Brisbane for two years then moved to Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory for another two years. I moved to Perth in 2006 and married Mwansa Ng’andwe. God blessed us with our first son, Chipalo, in July this year. TCC is the seventh school I have worked at in Australia and it is surely the best College as it is more of a family than a job. I love it here. The students and staff are all just great!
Qualifica ons: Diploma of Teaching I have been privileged to have been teaching at TCC for 19 years in both Fullme and Part- me capaci es, mainly in the Primary School, however this year I have also been working with some Middle School students in the Learning Support Unit. I am married with 3 children and 6 beau ful grandchildren.
Mr Joseph Kennedy
Katrina Ozsdolay
I’ve been married for 17 years and have 3 daughters aged 15, 13 and 8. I’ve been teaching for 2 years and really enjoy being with the students. My favourite things to do are picnics and ou ngs with my family, bike riding, kayaking, and playing board games.
This was my first year at TCC and have thoroughly enjoyed the year. I have a Bachelor of Educa on and more than 20 years of experience in teaching, mainly in the Junior Primary area.
Mr Roy Kieft, part time Art teacher.
Mr Stephen Peek
A varied career. I studied at Leicester College of Art, Royal College of Art (UK) and Cardiff University (Post Grad teaching diploma).Worked for the Victoria and Albert Museum, London in the conserva on dept. Taught in the UK for about 14 yrs. Developed and marketed a range of teaching aids which won a Bri sh Design Council award in 1982. Migrated in 1990 to this fair land. Taught for the next 3 yrs at The Australian Business College. When that closed I taught at Swan Chris an High School and then Scotch College. For the past 8 years I have been managing a landscaping business.
Design & Technology Teacher Bachelor of Educa on (FET) 16 years in the automo ve industry (qualified mechanic) The last 10 years teaching in the Chris an Schools sector.
Jessica Plenty
Miss Priscilla Kwang My name is Priscilla Kwang and this is my first year teaching Year 2/3 at Thornlie Chris an College. Before becoming a primary school teacher I worked as an Events Officer at the Heart Founda on. I really enjoy teaching primary school students and fostering in them a love for life and most importantly for God.”
I have been teaching Grade 1 at TCC since 2005. I have been involved in training and coordina ng the Junior Primary Choir for two years and have a real passion for singing and music. I am a keen sports fan and I must say “GO THE DOCKERS!” My passion for teaching is just as strong and I enjoy watching young lives change and be influenced in this suppor ve and caring Chris an environment.
Raj Pitts
Mrs Joan Lee
I am married with two teenage children. My teaching experiences have included me in Singapore, Malaysia and now, Perth. My area of exper se is in the English learning area. However, I have a passion for languages and speak several, in addi on to four Chinese dialects. I have climbed the highest peak in South-east Asia, enjoyed the company of orang-utans in the Bornean jungle, crossed crocodile infested rivers and snorkelled in the waters of Sipadan Island, off the South China Sea (Jacques Cousteau called it the ‘the last truly pris ne environment on the planet’).
This is my first year at TCC and as an Indonesian teacher. I worked full me un l I had my children and then did support and relief work un l this year. I have 3 children and a dog who keep me VERY busy.
Rachael Madden
Mr Allan Soo
Qualifica ons: BSc (Hons) - Chemistry and Physics Majors. Grad Dip Ed. I like bushwalking, Basketball, Badminton, travelling and playing the Piano. I have just returned this year from backpacking around Europe, Asia and Africa for a year and a half. I have a desire to someday spend me on the mission field in either a full- me or part- me capacity.
History, SOSE and English teacher Qualifica ons: BA, PGDE, MEd. 15 years of teaching experience in Singapore. This is my first year in Australia and TCC.
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Kristy Van Der Kooy
Olwen Raynor
I studied Primary Teaching at Notre Dame University and
Science Coordinator and teacher of Physics & Chemistry. Married with 2 adult children who both a ended TCC. Apart from Science I like peace and quiet and pain ng portraits.
graduated in 2005. I also took extra Phys Ed classes at ECU. In 2003- 2004 I had an awesome opportunity to study while playing basketball in the United States. This was an experience of a life me. I taught for a year at Rehoboth Primary (Kenwick) before going to Sydney for two years (2006 & 2007) to study music and drama at Wesley Ins tute. I have enjoyed my me at TCC so far and appreciate all the support and encouragement I have received.
Erica Shanhun
Joanne Van Der Westhuizen
I have been teaching at Thornlie Chris an College for 4 years and hold a Bachelor of Early Childhood degree. I have thoroughly enjoyed working here at TCC and have been so blessed by the staff, students and parents. I will become a Mum in April 2009 and am very excited to start a new season in my life. I enjoy holidays, beach, sleeping in, travelling and watching movies.
Hi, my name is Joanne van der Westhuizen and I am an Educa on Assistant in the pre-primary area, which I love. I have been part of the College for many years but have worked here for the last couple of years. My spare me is spent with my family, to which TCC has been a blessing. This year has been wonderful working with Naomi and the beau ful pre-primary class.
Mr Matthew Splatt
Miss Allison Williams
I am the Physical Educa on and Informa on Technology teacher for the Primary School.
I hold a degree in Marke ng and Media plus a diploma in Teaching. I’ve been teaching since 2000. My first school was in Mandurah at Founda on Chris an College- where I taught from Kindy to Yr10. Before coming to Thornlie Chris an College, I spent a year teaching in North Carolina, USA. I am ac ve in my church, Forerunner Ministries, and I am passionate about ‘becoming more like Christ’ each day.
I love my job and love seeing the way God can change children’s lives. I look forward to the challenge this new role brings and pray that God will con nue to guide me.
Mr Trevor Steel
Psychology & Learning Support Staff
Teaching experience: 38 yrs Married 36yrs - Four daughters, one son. Qualifica ons: Secondary Teacher’s Cer ficate. Bachelor of Educa on. Grad Dip Computer Studies. Whats over the next hill?
Miss Becky Stevens
Angela Guthrie
I have a Bachelor of Educa on in Secondary teaching with a major in Society and Environment and a minor and specialisa on pathway in English. I have taught Year 8-10 Society and Environment, Year 12 History and Geography . I am currently the Learning Area Coordinator for Society and Environment.
I am married, have three children and joined the College five years ago. My life prior to TCC was involved with learning support, diversional therapy, small business and my family. I studied at the University of WA and gained a Bachelor of Psychology and then a Grad Dip Ed. I am currently back at UWA part me studying Masters units in Developmental and Educa onal Psychology. I feel very blessed to be a part of the TCC community.
Mr Antony Street
Rima Akasheh
IT Network Administrator and part- me Computer Studies Teacher for this year. Also a parent at the College. BSc. in Informa on Systems and Computer Science
I started here at Thornlie at the beginning of this year as an Educa on Assistant (Special Needs). I have a Cer ficate III in Children’s Services, a Cer ficate III in Teacher Assistant and a Cer ficate IV in Educa on Assistant Special Needs. This is my first year out of studying and I have currently been working with various Kindy, Pre-Primary, Yr 1, Yr 7 and Yr 11 students.
Mrs Kylie Stryder
Mrs Marilyn Marlow
I have been teaching for six years, this is my seventh year. My first two years I taught SOSE, Year 11 and 12 Geography and Year 11 Accoun ng. Then I worked for a year with Aboriginal students with the Follow the Dream program. My past three years were spent in a public school working in Middle School, Years 8 and 9. I have a Bachelor of Secondary Educa on – Major in Social Sciences, Minor in Business, Specialist in Careers.This is my first year at Thornlie Chris an College.
I am married with 4 married children and 3 grandchildren, 2 of whom a end the College. I was born in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) emigra ng to Australia in 1981 and se ling in Oakey, Queensland for 4 ½ years before moving to Perth. I was involved in establishing and running children’s churches, a er school kids clubs and holiday outreach programs in Zimbabwe and Australia for many years. This is my 13th year at the College working in various areas over the years but mainly in Learning Support in the Middle School.
Megan Sullivan
Mrs Susan Palmer
Secondary Drama Teacher BA Crea ve Arts - Theatre and Music, Bachelor of Educa on I have been teaching for 11 years and within this me I have taught at various mes from Prep – Grade 12. Most of my teaching has taken place in Queensland. I like shopping, going to the beach and Vanilla La es. I have had a fantas c me at TCC this year and I’m proud of all the Drama students who stepped out of their comfort zone at one me or another and challenged themselves to achieve their best.
I’m a highly qualified and commi ed Educa on Assistant and I also read, write and transcribe Braille! I have worked at TCC for many years and have seen it grow and change into the amazing place in which we all work and learn today. I have been married to the most amazing man for 37 years. I have 2 sons and 1 beau ful granddaughter. I enjoy hobbies such as gardening, paper-cra s, reading good books, playing the Piano and going for bike rides (Honda Classic Shadow 750cc).
Sara Sutton
Danielle Plug
Teacher Assistant and parent at the College.
Teacher Assistant in the Pre-primary classes.
Varsha Solomon
Natasia Swales I have been teaching at TCC for 4 years and have loved every minute of it! The staff are so wonderful and encouraging and I am blessed to be working in an environment where people love and honour God. I have a Bachelor of Educa on with a Primary major and an Early Childhood minor. I am to be married in 2009 which is very exci ng! I play in an UNBEATABLE basket ball team… (go RIVO!!!), love going to the gym and I enjoy playing pranks on people :)
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Teacher Assitant in the Pre-primary classes.
Mr Justin Gunn
Mrs Lindley Thompson
Joined the College in 2006 Area of exper se: Footy pping. Qualifica on: Bachelor of Pseudo-science (Sta s cs, Predic on of Results and In mida on) – non recognised qualifica on (see above). Student of the art of leather propulsion Training: Dedicated study, observa on and analysis of examples, results & data, aided by the assistance of nourishment and hydra on. Years Teaching: 35 (but no-one is listening, cap ve audience of 1 student (son) for 9 years)
Born and raised in Tasmania. Diploma of Teaching gained at the Launceston Teachers’ College. Further qualifica ons are Tasmanian Teachers’ Cer ficate and Bachelor of Educa on. Appointments have been a mixture of full me, part- me and casual classroom or Literacy Support teaching in public and private schools over a period of 25 years. Moved west at the beginning of 1988 returning to teaching a er having a 10 year break to be the “at home” parent. I am currently the Primary Educa on Support Teacher.
Judith Lester A er being seconded from Forres ield Chris an School, where I worked for ten years, I have now been at TCC for over six years. Prior to that I worked at Rehoboth Chris an School for five years and Calvary Chapel Chris an School in Sydney before that. My experience has been in the area of Accoun ng most of my working life except when I was Nursing at the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children in Camperdown, New South Wales. During my working life my priority has been to serve God faithfully in whatever area of work I find myself. At TCC I work in the Finance Dept. as Accounts Officer.”
Ancillary Staff Irene Alberts
Marisa Mews
I was appointed as Canteen Manager in July 2007 with my passion for cooking and hospitality as my only qualifica on and helping to organize and prepare many family birthdays, bap sms, weddings and community func ons as my only experience. I came to learn about the industry and boy-o-boy, what a learning curve!! As I move on to , hopefully opening up a coffee shop in the vicinity, I will hold on to the lessons learnt and the friendships made. May God bless this College and everyone who helps to grow and develop it.
Part- me Student Services Officer.
Mrs Frances Beckingham
Cassie Rebeiro
I am from Wialki in the North Eastern Wheatbelt of WA. My husband Noel and I moved to Perth from our family farm just over 3 years ago. We have 4 adult children and 5 grandchildren. Prior to working in Parent Services at TCC I was secretary for our farming partnership and also held other part- me posi ons off the farm. Noel and I a end church at the Bassendean Church of Christ.
Part- me IT Supoort Officer and past student of TCC.
Mrs Sharon Bonnington
Richard Triplett
Commenced at the beginning of 2008 as Mrs Balding’s Personal Assistant (PA to the Assistant Principal, Secondary School). Previous work experience has been in administra on and retail at Koorong and at UWA.
Part- me IT Support Officer and past student of TCC.
Mr Geoff Edwards
Pamela Stringer
I took up the posi on of Business Manager at the beginning of 2008 a er working in a similar posi on at Strathalbyn Chris an College in Geraldton for 9 years. Prior to this I had spent 27 years in local government in a variety of small country local authori es. I am married to Rose, have two grown daughters and one grandson.
Commenced in Student Services at TCC at end of 2006. At the beginning of 2008 I began a job- share posi on in the Student Services and Registrar posi ons. I have worked in administra on and customer service my en re employment history. I am married to Mick and have two sons. Interests include cooking, sewing, reading and gardening.
Mr David Field
Mrs Lynda Walker
Finance Manager Bachelor of Business Married with 2 teenage children and a dog Joined TCC July 2007.
Librarian at TCC since 1985 (where I started the school library with a box of books.) I have a Diploma in Library Sciences. I am married to Adrian, we have three adult daughters, who a ended TCC for their schooling.
Christine Fogarty
Mrs Merica Wharton
Began working at TCC May 2006. Assistant - Art, D&T and Home Economics. Hobbies include woodwork, mosaics, polished stone jewellery, photography, leadlight/copperfoiling glasswork, motorbike riding and learning to play the violin. Also teach a crea ve therapy class at Harry Hunter Rehab Centre.
School Bus Driver – I have been employed at TCC since 2003 driving the school bus. Since then I have also volunteered every Monday in the library.
Kim Green
Robbie Wojcik
Part- me Registrar.
My role is to supply the uniforms for the lovely students of this College. This entails liaising with the various manufacturers of our garments and detailing our specific requirements. There are four changes of uniforms from Kindy to Year 12 therefore, I have to be on “top of my game”. I also have to balance all the funds paid to the uniform shop each week. I have had over 12 years experience working for a bank which aids in cash handling and balancing. Although it can be hec c, I enjoy the challenges that arise in our busy li le shop. I look forward to our College expanding and hopefully having a more spacious shop to be er serve our College community.
Mr Christopher Godleman
Staff that left TCC during 2008.
I am star ng my eighth year at TCC in 2009 and my main role is driving for the daily Rockingham Bus run and College excursions throughout the week. My other roles are coordina ng the maintenance of the College’s commercial vehicles and their annual licence inspec ons as well as general day to day College maintenance . My other interest is listening to and performing country music and caravanning .
Thornlie Christian College
Mrs Corrina Keane.
Mr Neil Munyard
Mr Daniel Winslade
David Lepileo
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Mrs Debra Heathcote
Principal’s Report As I look back on the year 2008 at Thornlie Chris an College, I am reminded of the frene c ac vity that one would typically encounter in a beehive – an abundance of ac vity and movement that at first appears to be slightly chao c but under closer scru ny takes on the character of a well-choreographed ballet. The TCC hive has been busy this year, it has grown and developed and established itself more firmly in the Southern River community as it has striven to provide the broader community with a high quality educa onal op on - one that values and espouses Godly principles and values. Within all of this ac vity the College year has been punctuated by a number of memorable occasions that are worthy of men on. Our year began with a Staff Retreat during which we focused on ge ng “Back to Basics” in Chris an Educa on. We went to the Word of God for instruc on and added to this the wisdom of people like Saint Augus ne and Charles Schultz of ‘Peanuts’ fame... We came away with a clear focus and intent to make the learning experience for all students at TCC one that is characterised by high expecta ons and clear goals, underpinned by an abundance of posi ve, Godly input. Another highlight was our Commencement Service that took the familiar format of a Sausage Sizzle followed by a Message from our Chaplain Amit Khaira, and then an Update on College developments, plans and goals for 2008. We also had an opportunity to welcome our new students and staff members to TCC and to announce our College Theme for 2008: QUALITY. Underpinning this theme is the understanding that we have all been uniquely created and talented by God and we should therefore aim to use all of our talents to the best of our ability in all aspects of life. It was good to be able to commit our efforts in this regard to God and to ask His blessing on all our undertakings in the exci ng year that lay ahead. Easter was, for once, celebrated during term me and this allowed us the opportunity to engage more effec vely with our students at this most important of Chris an celebra ons. In August we renewed an old tradi on and held a combined College – Thornlie Church of Christ service. We were excited at the opportunity for the College and the Church to once again share some me together. Thornlie Church of Christ, as our founding church, holds a special place in our hearts and has been faithful in its role as ‘spiritual guardian’ of TCC since the College’s incep on twenty four years ago. We thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to join with the congrega on as our students took complete control of the service and provided us with an inspiring message. Open Day this year, was once again a great success. We received a greater number of expressions of interest in the College than ever before and it was with a sense of great pride that I observed the presenta ons, ac vi es and most importantly, the very posi ve general conduct of our students. Our Open Day emphasised for me, once again, that our students are truly our most effec ve marke ng resource, providing be er outcomes than radio adverts or bill-boards can ever hope to achieve! During the course of the year there was an extra layer of busy-ness superimposed on the life of the College as we prepared for our Re-registra on visit. As you may know, all independent schools are required to undergo a process of periodic re-registra on conducted by the Department of Educa on Services (DES). The purpose of re-registra on is to ensure that all independent schools are providing high levels of service over a broad range of areas including curriculum delivery, duty of care, occupa onal safety and health, effec ve policies and procedures and financial accountabili es and infrastructure to name but a few. The process is rigorous and involves an ini al review and subsequent prepara on of extensive documenta on that is followed by an on-site visit by the Re-registra on Panel. During the visit all aspects of the College’s opera on come under the Panel’s scru ny. I am pleased to be able to report that upon comple on of their visit, the Re-registra on Panel stated that they would be recommending to the Minister of Educa on that Thornlie Chris an College receive the maximum term available for re-registra on – an outstanding outcome that tells us that TCC can stand on equal foo ng with any Independent School in the state! We thank God for this excellent outcome. It is our desire as a Chris an College to always be ‘good before God.’ We work to ensure that all we do is always the best that we can offer and we are constantly reflec ng on and reviewing our processes and procedures with a view to con nued improvement. Page 7
At the me of wri ng, our Year Twelves have already been gone for a number of weeks and soon we will be celebra ng the successes in each school at their respec ve Awards Ceremonies. The academic year is drawing to a rapid close and Christmas is drawing near so it is appropriate to close with our focus firmly on our Lord and Saviour, our Redeemer and Restorer, as we give thanks for all that has been in 2008 and look forward with an cipa on to all that is to come in 2009. Bill Innes Principal
Deputy Principal’s Report. 2008 has been a wonderful year to have joined Thornlie Chris an College. I last worked here from 1989 to 1991 in a mix of roles. I was the College bus driver, assistant groundsman and teacher’s assistant. I have found my return, a er 17 years, a re-energizing experience. My role as Deputy Principal is a new one for the College and I feel I have fi ed in well. This is thanks to the wonderful Leadership Team and Staff. Throughout the year I have looked a er Behaviour Management, mostly in the Secondary School. Other responsibili es have included edi ng the newsle er, a ending Board mee ngs and being involved in a number of College commi ees. I have also been involved in the orienta on and support of new staff as well as helping with the provision of in-house professional development. Ge ng to know the students and parents has been wonderful and I look forward to con nuing to work together as we move into 2009. This certainly is a blessed community. My prayer is that all of our families and staff will have a blessed Christmas and that they will rest in the hope that Jesus has brought to the world. Mike Kingsford Deputy Principal
Assistant Principal’s Secondary Report. At the end of my first year as Assistant Principal Secondary I look back and reflect on the year that has been, and how every student, parent and staff member has been involved in some way in shaping the direc on of the Secondary School. Its tradi on is s ll very much “in the making”. This 2008 edi on of the College Year Book captures the excitement, energy and enthusiasm of the Secondary School during this past year. The year began with a commitment to two core values. Respect and Quality. Our new vision statement reflected our inten ons - “Thornlie Chris an College seeks to develop people of influence who engage life from a Chris an world view, providing them with the skills to succeed in their chosen calling.” We opened the year with 318 students. 158 in the Senior School and 160 in the Middle School. In the Middle School a few new ini a ves “got off the ground”. The introduc on of Study Timetables, a Homework Spelling and Mathema cs programme, which has seen a renewed interest from the students in Spelling and Math tables. Extension programmes in Mathema cs have challenged the higher achievers in Math as have the Enrichment classes for those who need a li le more a en on. Every student has had training in Library and Referencing Techniques.
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As well as curriculum opportuni es another focus has been on Student Opportuni es, rewarding students with Merits and Student of the Month Awards, Showcasing gi s and talents at assemblies, training Student Councillors to lead assemblies and take on other leadership roles and ini a ves, Professional Development and Team Building days for the Year 9 students, and the opportunity of leadership training through Bushrangers. A highlight for the year would have to have been the performance of the all students in the Middle School as they together performed a Christmas message with a number of songs, breakdancing and instrumental items at the Awards and Presenta on Evening. In the Senior School it has been more of a year of consolida on, refining and streamlining procedures of the past year. Once again we were extremely proud of the success of our Year 12 students with 100% of our students gradua ng and each on of them have been successful in entry into either University, TAFE, Bible College or the workplace. Our affilia on with TAFE con nued with many students achieving a Cer ficate in Informa on Technology, Hospitality and in the Cer ficate in General Educa on for Adults. In the Arts Department, our Year 12 Art students consolidated our reputa on by receiving many prizes in the “Outside The Frame” Art compe on, the Senior School Drama students certainly demonstrated their talents in the produc on of :”Away” and the Year 12 Music students by producing a CD of their own composi ons in both the prac cal area of music and the lyrics. Term Four was full of celebra on of achievements with the Year 12 Final Assembly, Valedictory Dinner, the Senior School Awards and Year 12 Gradua on Evening, a highlight being the Musical recital by Xavier Hardy of Etude in G Minor by M Moszkowski. Many students in Years 10, 11 and 12 were members of the Student Leadership Team as Prefects, House Captains and Student Councillors. This year under the very competent guidance of Head Boy Lennon Smar and Head Girl, Laura Gray they have made a very valuable contribu on as leaders. They have performed with passion and energy and much has been achieved. I had the pleasure of working alongside the Prefects and it is always rewarding to observe the genuine growth in confidence that develops as they fulfil their respec ve leadership roles. On the social scene, all of the func ons organized by Chairpersons and commi ees were very well supported. These included, a Prefect Retreat, a number of Free dress days, Dala Mission fundraisers, Hot Dog fundraisers for the Earthquake and Bush Fire appeals, Cancer Head Shaving appeal, Movie Night, Open Day, River Cruise, College Senior Ball, and the Yearr 12 Retreat . This year also saw the introduc on of Community Service as part of the Curriculum Council requirement for Secondary Gradua on. All of the Year Ten cohort completed their twenty hours of voluntary work with the Kent Street Weir project, Department of Environment and Conserva on Metcalf and Nicholson Road project, St Barbe Grove Nursery project and the Murdoch University Environmental project. As the year draws to a close, I thank our staff for their absolute commitment to the educa on and nurture of our students. They are a very dedicated team of educators and support staff. I also gratefully acknowledge the work of my very competent Personal Assistant, Sharon Bonnington. Thank you to our community of 2008, students, parents, and former students of the College. Each has played a part in shaping the Secondary School. Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary Page 9
Assistant Principal’s Primary Report. Dr. Seuss “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direcƟon you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” In the Year 6 gradua on speech I used this quote from the famous children’s author Dr. Suess. It talks to the fact that we have what we need in life, it is our choice what we are going to do with it. I really like the quote! Although I am very thankful that the part that says’ your’e on your own’ isn’t true for me. I choose a different path. When we stand before God , He is going to call us to give account for the life He gave us. It doesn’t ma er if we are 5 or 12 or even really old like me, God is going to ask us to talk about all the different decisions we made. He is not really going to discuss what happened to us as much as how we reacted to it. That is always our decision and remains in our control. Primary school is an opportunity to prac se making good decisions. Do I stop watching TV and do my homework? Do I include that person in my game? Do I stop talking in class when I am asked? Do I choose kind words even when someone is being mean to me? Do I put in some extra effort or is this good enough? The tricky thing is, all the small decisions we make really add up to the big decisions that God calls on us to make. things like; What job does God want me to do? Where will I serve Him? What does God want me to do to help others around me? One of my favourite things to do is to sit and think! I know it sounds funny but I do it al lot. I wonder if you ever stop to think about 2008. Were you the best you could be? Did you honour God when nobody was watching you? What could I try to do be er? We all need to take meto think about these things. I hope that as you enter 2009, you take care of the precious gi of your life that God has given you. I pray that you will grow more into the person that God wants you to be and that you have a happy, happy new year at Thornlie Chris an College. Sue Yardley
Chaplain’s Report What a year 2008 has been! There have been many events this year that have sustained an exci ng momentum within our College community. The BCNA Fundraiser (who could forget 14 staff members all ge ng a haircut on the same day!), sports carnivals (the Inter-house Cross Country was an epic event), lunch me programs, community service developments, the EXO Fesitval in Term 3 and guest speakers through the year are what spring to mind immediately. The most sa sfying by far would have to be seeing the many students who seemed hopeless, without purpose or direc on coming to a point of recognising who they are in Christ and developing the confidence to work through life one step at a me. It has been exci ng to be part of a movement that is growing and changing. On reflec on the past year has been full of valuable lessons that have been learnt. For me, the most important one has been to establish a ministry that is well structured with a clear direc on, not dependant on an individual for its sustained success. Having me away for personal reasons this year allowed me to look at the ministry and think about what we are trying to achieve through Chaplaincy at TCC. I believe that God used this me to clear my mind and set in place a clear vision of where He is taking us. Without giving too much away at this stage, the next couple of years are going to be exci ng to say the least! The ba le that lies ahead will only be won if we fight on our knees in prayer. This College is truly a unique place, and each of us has the ability to make a las ng contribu on. We recognise the fact that you as parents are the primary educators of your children, and the support role we play as a College is crucial to their further development academically, but also socially and spiritually. I thank God for the support of the College community and look forward to building a ministry founda on that remains Christ-centered and unshakeable (is that even a word?). If you would like to find out more about Chaplaincy at TCC and how you can support us or become a part of what is happening, don’t hesitate to contact me at the College at any stage. Amit Khaira College Chaplain Page 10
School Board Report For those of you perhaps not overly familiar with the governance structure of Thornlie Chris an College, the role of the Board is to oversee the current and future plans of the College. This means that the board takes responsibility for among other things; • con nuing to see the Vision of the College expressed in the way the College operates • overseeing policy development and direc on • overseeing the financial decisions and plans of the College • working with the Principal to con nue to grow the College into an excep onal example of a Chris an College. I would like to publicly acknowledge the efforts of the Board members throughout this year. These people give of their me and talents freely because they have a heart for the College and choose to be ac vely involved in helping to solve the many challenges that come with guiding and direc ng a large organisa on. To • Chris Bridge • Andrea Mellor • Margaret Swan • Adrienne Wright • Ron Pa erson • Yu-Peng Rose sincere and hear elt thanks for a difficult job well done. Over this year it has been exci ng to see the con nued upgrade to the infrastructure of the College and the growth of our student and staff popula on. The College has con nued to provide excellent educa on within the framework of the Chris an faith and the Board would like to express to the staff, their hear elt congratula ons on the energy, enthusiasm and just plain hard work they have put in to keep the College’s educa onal levels growing. One of the aspects of modern life that has changed greatly over the last 30 years is the concept of community. Today, for many families, the school that their children a end is o en the only community to which they belong. As a result it has become even more vital today for the College to have a strong community where families can become involved and feel like they belong somewhere. So to those parents within our community who have chosen to be ac vely involved in the College’s programs in one way or another, thank you. Your example is well set and be assured that you are important in helping other families to feel a part of something larger than themselves. The College has con nued this year to move through a period of unprecedented growth. With growth always come challenges that must be solved. To fulfill one of these growth needs the Board has approved the building of a new Administra on block. As part of planning for this new Administra on Block, a thorough review of the College’s master plan has been undertaken with a view to con nuing to build other much-needed infrastructure such as a gymnasium that will allow the whole College to assemble together under cover and further specialist classrooms and general classrooms. For those of you who will be with us for several more years, I’m sure you will find these developments exci ng and worthy of your support. Of course the greatest asset the College has is its staff and the Board con nues to enjoy working alongside the senior leadership team to build a great working environment that will not only help in maintaining the excellent educa onal program the College has, but will also a ract other quality staff. “Thornlie ChrisƟan College seeks to develop people of influence who engage life from a ChrisƟan world view, providing them with the skills to succeed in their chosen calling.” To the gradua ng Year 12s our hope is that this vision statement will be true in your life. There is a great line from the movie ‘Transformers’ which goes “50 years from now as you look back on your life will you say that you had the courage to...“ In the movie its, “get into the car,” but for all of you it will apply to a great many new challenges. Whether you like it or not, whether you want it to or not, whether you decide to or not, your life will be transformed. My ques on to you is, “into what?” You can either make deliberate decisions about how your life will be transformed, or you can allow the ideas, values and truths of other people transform you into something they want you to become. Page 11
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The Apostle Paul spoke about transforma on when he wrote to the Chris ans in Rome. Do not conform any longer to the paƩern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. Take this with you. Be aware that there is a pa ern the world would have you live by. It revolves around what can you do in life to gain all the goodies for you. But Paul urges all of us to resist this pa ern and be transformed by the renewing our minds, by taking on God’s pa ern for living, a pa ern that seeks the best for others before ourselves. The College Board throughout this year has prayed for you as a class and we will be excited in the years to come to hear of your successes and the courage that I’m sure you will show in beginning this new, transformed life. Graham Irvine. Board Chairman
Head Boy and Head Girl’s Report FROM the HEAD BOY and HEAD GIRL of 2008 It was a year ago at this me of the year that all fourteen excited Prefects-in-Training were an cipa ng what we hoped would be a “great 08”. We all discussed what we wanted to achieve and the sky was our limit! Unknown to us were the stresses of endless hours of study for TEE, countless hours of prepara on and a er school work and ac vi es and on top of all that, a badge that represented more than just the name Prefect. Being a Prefect, or in our case Head Prefects at the College has meant so much more to us than just a name, or just a job. It has literally meant a way of life, and I know all the Prefects would agree with that statement. Many people will remember Lennon for the statement “it’s not how many mes you fall down, its how many mes you get back up that counts”: and this statement has been a guideline for all the Prefects, House Captains and Year Twelve’s alike. I would like to thank the following Prefects for their admirable hard work and willingness to always go one further: Mickey Yardley & Jacob Street (Chairpersons of Publica ons): pioneering the student newspaper “Mind Your Business”, as well as organizing the yearbook and taking photo a er photo at each and every event. Rebecca Rebeiro and Rachelle Storer (Chairpersons of Worship): for running See You At the Pole, the Exo Fest, prayer mee ngs, worship and band sessions and for always se ng an example with your a tudes. You two have been great! Amy Irvine (Chairperson of Social Concerns and Environmental Issues): Amy, along with her commi ee, has par cipated in a Water Wise course and brought fresh ideas back to the College, she has co-run the 40 hour famine which raised in excess of $4000 and we thank you Amy for all the other areas in which you have assisted. Jessica Peak (Chairperson of Fundraising): for organising and running three Free Dress Days (end of each term), as well as co-running the Forty Hour Famine (raising in excess of $4000) and being involved in prac cally every other event that the Prefects organised - thank you for your great a tude! Emma Robinson (our newly appointed Prefect who assisted Jess as Chairperson of Fundraising): assisted in every event throughout the year whether she was a Prefect or not. You were always one of the first there to help, Emma! Sarah Bahbah (Sports Captain): organized and assisted with all sport carnivals with Mr. Eikelboom and Mrs. Katwishi, as well looked a er the House Captains. She spent the year organizing netball compe ons, training our mascots and cheer squads. She rewarded the compe tors with vouchers and cer ficates. Great job Sarah! Rachelle Dus ng (Chairperson of Entertainment Commi ee): along with her commi ee Rachelle organized the College Senior Ball, River Cruise, the Middle School Movie Night and the “Primary School Hang out Lunch”. What an incredible year, thank you for all you have done for the en re College! Page 13
Laura Gray and Me (Lennon Smar ) (Head Girl and Head Boy): well a er typing and reading over what all these great Prefects have done I feel somewhat lost! I would like to congratulate Laura on always helping the Prefects, running mee ngs with myself and always being a lady of influence. She has organized and run an Outreach Program, as well as assisted and helped out in every aspect of College life. This group would not have been a team without you! And for my achievements, need I say anything when we look over everything the Prefects have done? One of my claims to fame was when the College was asked to raise $2000 in two days for our cyclone-demolished sister school, Jewel’s Future in Dala was to quickly put together a Hot Dog Sale. With help from the team and all the willing buyers we raised the amount! So all I have done is run a Hot Dog Sale or 10, help out when I can, but as I’m sure most of the Dads will agree it can be very hard in a female dominant team (when poor Jacob and I are automa cally branded as unar s c and not decora ve enough...) So that cancelled out the River Cruise and the Ball, oh and of course the mascots and free dress days, so my greatest achievements this year-have been carrying equipment to and from assembly, packing up and of course enjoying the very professionally run Ball and Cruise that I have tried to squeeze some credit for! All of us (the eleven Prefects) have got so much from serving our College environment and we would all like to take this chance to thank you, the parents, for your support. As one chapter closes a new, fresh chapter opens in our journeys. I personally have been privileged to learn life quali es from my close, dear friend Laura, and from our pa ent loving determined prefects. I would like to give one of the biggest thankyou’s to our amazing friend, and mentor Mrs. Helen Balding. This lady has been present at every event, every mee ng and prac cally 24 hours a day. Nothing at this College could be done without you and I want to bless you with success and triumphs in the Lords name! Thank you TCC for making our final year incredible. Best wishes, God bless and Thank you all, For one last me, with love, Lennon Smar YOUR Head Boy
Laura Gray YOUR Head Girl 2008
Student Council Report During the course of the year the Student Council members from each year group from the Middle and Senior Schools have aided in making Thornlie Chris an College a be er splace to be by bringing different ma ers to the a en on of the College Administra on. Though at mes these issues may seem small they s ll contribute to the general well-being of the students and the teachers at TCC. The Student Council brings across issues from a student’s perspec ve that may have slipped under the radar of the teachers and staff. At the See You at the Pole Prayer Mee ng, a number of Student Councillors par cipated in se ng and packing up equipment as well as scripture readings during the mee ng itself and added to the overall success of the mee ng. On behalf of Lindon and myself, I would like to thank all the Student Councillors who gave up their me to serve their fellow students and make a posi ve impact on the life of the College. Our prayers are also with the Student Council of 2009 - may God bless you all abundantly. Tammara Carter and Lindon Mellor Heads of Student Council. Page 14
First assembly 2008 Welcome back to another College year. I don’t want to take too much of your me this morning but I do want to raise a couple of points with you. This year, we are going to do things differently here at TCC, and for that to work, we need you as the student popula on to get behind this movement. I am not sure about you but I want to be part of a school that is willing to be different and proudly have Jesus Christ as our leader! I want people around us in this community to know that at this College, we want our lives to mean something and we want to make a difference in this world. I want you students to be known for the RESPECT you show and the QUALITY that is evident in everything you do. In 1 Corinthians 10 we read the following words: 31
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. To the year 10’s, 11’s and 12’s, the start of verse 32 is very important for you as the leaders of this College. Make sure that in everything you do, you do not cause anyone around you to stumble. Look at ways to build yourselves and your peers up, not break them down. The key in this passage is found in the end phrase “…so that they may be saved”. This is what we are about, ge ng to know our Saviour and sharing His message within our community. I want 2008 to mean something. I don’t want to go through this year as if it were just another. Let’s make this year count! Amit Khaira College Chaplain
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Commencement Service and New Parents’ Get-together This year our Commencement Service took the familiar format of a Sausage Sizzle followed by a Message from our Chaplain Amit Khaira, and then an Update on College developments, plans and goals for 2008. We also had an opportunity to welcome our new students and staff members to TCC. We were blessed with a pleasant, (rela vely) cool evening – quite a blessing a er the very warm preceding weeks and certainly an improvement on the 420C evening of 2007! We were also blessed with a turn out of over two hundred parents and students. There has been a steady growth in a endance each year and we trust that this will con nue in the future as this is a wonderful opportunity for parents and families to meet and grow more of the vitally important rela onships that make up the TCC community. Mr Heske our very new Hospitality Teacher (only his third day on staff!) proved his worth by preparing delicious sausage sizzles for everyone. The queue became quite long at mes (and we’ll look at improving this next year) but it seemed to encourage mingling and great conversa ons! Our focus on QUALITY in 2008 was explained and well received by all a endees. Underpinning this theme is the understanding that we have all been uniquely created and talented by God and that therefore we should aim to use all of our talents to the best of our ability in all situa ons. It was good to be able to commit our efforts in this regard to God and to ask His blessing on all our undertakings in the exci ng year that lies ahead.
Held on Wednesday the 6 February, at 6pm.
Bill Innes College Principal.
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Easter Service
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ANZAC Service
A service was held on the first day back at College in the 2nd Term in remembrance of the servicemen and women who gave their lives for our country. Student representa ves from the dierent schools of the College took part in the service and Captain Desmond Maguire of the 11th 28 Ba alion of the Royal Western Australian Regiment gave the ANZAC address. The Bushrangers were on parade in uniform and formed a Guard of Honour for the oďŹƒcial party.
Wreath Laying. Jake Lemmer and Maddison Kennedy. (College Bushrangers)
Capt Desmond Maguire, of the 11th 28 Ba alion of The Royal Western Australian Regiment.
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See You At The Pole At 7:30 in the morning on the 22nd of May, the students, teachers and parents of Thornlie Chris an College gathered in the Senior School quadrangle to worship and pray together. This annual event is known around the country as “See You at the Pole”. The morning kicked off with praise and worship with our very own year 12’s leading the congrega on. With voices raised and arms li ed, the Spirit of God became tangible. A er this a me of prayer was enjoyed. There was a set structure of scripture readings and prayer points to be addressed but as the atmosphere changed and the people started to engage with personal worship and devo on to their Almighty Father, the structure soon dissipated. Our prayers of praise and salva on to God, combined with scripture readings, glorifying God for all He is and all He does, were proclaimed and a renewed strength and sense of hope was received. The mee ng ended with a praise song that could be heard around the school. At around 8:40 am, the mee ng ended and with smiling faces the students, teachers and parents went on their way. I for one enjoyed star ng the day with offering praises to God and having my strength renewed for the weeks to come. Being able to worship and pray to God in the College environment is something that is very special here at Thornlie Chris an College. We don’t know how fortunate we are to have this freedom and should grab every opportunity we can, as Chris an brothers and sisters, to come together in fellowship. In doing so we glorify the very Name of Jesus Christ and seek first His Kingdom and His plans and purpose for our lives. A big thankyou is extended to Mr K, our College Chaplain [I like to refer to him as our pastor] who liaised between the worship team and the staff. This wouldn’t have been as organised without him and on behalf of Rachelle and I, we’d like to thank you for all your commitment and inspira on. I would also like to thank my co-organiser, Rachelle Storer, for being a joyful companion and a much appreciated stress-buddy. Thanks for always pu ng 100% effort and dedica on into everything we set out to do. To the muso’s: you guys are awesome! Thanks for sharing your gi s and talents with us. Your hard work, commitment and early morning starts are much appreciated. Also to the students, parents and staff of the College who joined us, thanks heaps! God sees your heart for Him - so be blessed. You guys are awesome! Last but certainly not least, thanks be to God for moving powerfully and extending grace to our lives, and for blessing us abundantly every single day.
Rebecca Rebeiro Worship Prefect
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The Great Shave-Off
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Career Expo
On Friday 20th of June, year 11 and 12 Students were taken by bus to Claremont Showgrounds where we were able to explore the dierent career op ons and pathways that are available to us. There were numerous stalls where students could par cipate and get a first hand experience as to what you would have you do in a specific area of work. These stalls in par cular were very popular and included hair styling, woodwork, and food prepara on and presenta on.. There were also other informa on stalls represen ng various universi es, TAFES and appren ceship schemes. Overall the day was an opportunity to ask ques ons and learn more about the career, university, or TAFE path thatwe may be interested in taking. A great day was had by all! Tammara Carter
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College Sunday Thornlie Church of Christ, 3rd August 2008
Our College Choir singing the anthem Enter with Singing, directed by Mrs. Grace Iburg.
Rachelle Dus ng shared about her College experiences.
Worship Band led by Rachelle Storer, Patrina Miduku, Rachelle Dus ng, Lindon Mellor, Jacob Street and Ma Storer.
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Open Day 30th August 2008
This year’s Open Day was a blast! The concert featured a variety of con nuous music from our students in the Primary, Middle and Senior Schools. The event started with a bang from our year 12 band who rocked the stage with songs like Misery Loves Company and their own composi on, Inspire Me. Instrumental performances: The string quartet consis ng of Michelle Lau, Adela Widjanarko, Cameron Wright and Ms. Monkhurst performed Pachelbel’s Canon and Mozart’s Rondo. May-Yen Leong and Erana Stevens teamed up for a flute duet, Cha a Nooga Choo Choo and Rio. Levin Lian performed a piano solo. Another highlight was the various College Choirs. Ms Van der Kooy’s class sang Nothin’ Sweet About Him and a sea shanty while the Primary School Choir belted out the song Hero. The Middle School Girls delivered an African Praise number, Gabi Gabi. accompanied by the percussion ensemble led by Mr. Carmelo. Not to be outdone, the Middle School Boys rounded it up with Debarge’s Rhythm of the Night. . The crowd’s favourite was definitely the hip hop rou ne by Josh Klenner and Lindsay Carter who stole the show! Mr Chris Godleman, a man of many talents rounded up the day with a few Johnny Cash numbers in a classic red shirt. All in all, a very musical Day! Grace Iburg Music Teacher
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Primary Sport Teams
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Indonesian Language at Primary School Indonesian Language at Primary School In term 1 and 2 students learnt about numbers, colours and animals in Indonesian. It is great to see students keen and enthusias c about learning another language. Part of the program involves singing and playing games. This is one aspect of the program that most students seem to enjoy. This was also the first me that primary students had a LOTE room to call their own. They have been able to display some of their handiwork in this room for all to see. In term 3 the Primary School students studied the Beijing Olympics ( Olimpik Beijing). They learned about the many different countries par cipa ng, Indonesian names for the events and all about the mascots. Many students enjoyed looking at the daily medal tally and were very excited whenever Australia won a medal. We also contributed to our Open Day this term. One of the highlights was the Indonesian food stall…….delicious, spicy food !! In Term 4 the Year 2/3 class presented one of their assembly items in Indonesian ( Potong bebek angsa - Chop up the duck ). Some of the students were dressed in sarongs. It was a fantas c performance. Ibu Raj Pi s Primary Indonesian Teacher
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Harmony Day
Monday the 17th March
Harmony Day is celebrated each year and is about bringing people together to celebrate Australia’s community harmony, par cipa on and cultural diversity. This year in the Primary School, Harmony Day was celebrated with a “Cultural Dress Day”, where the students and teachers were able to dress up in cultural costume or wear the Harmony Day colour ‘orange’. At the Primary School Assembly, each student was able to showcase their costume during the Harmony Day Parade. It was fantas c to see so many countries being exhibited in the parade; it truly shows what a mul cultural country Australia is. Two students from the College performed an African Dance at the Assembly which was very well received by the students. Students donated a gold coin for the chance to ‘dress up’ and many chose to donate more. The money collected went towards the College’s Mission Project of suppor ng Jewel’s Future School in Dala, Myanmar. The ‘Harmony Day Theme’ con nued with students par cipa ng in ac vi es organised by Mrs Raj Pi s during their Indonesian lessons. The Primary Staff had their own ‘mul cultural’ morning tea to also celebrate Harmony Day. It was a very enjoyable day, one in which the students learnt a lot about living in harmony with one another, which is what God has instructed us to do. 1Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympatheƟc, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Page 29
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Term 1… Our Easter Picnic!
We travelled on the bus to Heathcoat! When we arrived the kindy kids played on the playground. There was so much to do… slides, swings, things to climb, tunnels to explore…
When Miss Swales rang the tambourine it was me for our Easter Parade. We wore the Easter hats we had made. We looked stunning! Then it was me for an Easter egg hunt! There was me to explore the beach and then we headed back to school. What a fun day! Term 2… The Farm!
We visited Kelmsco farm and got to see the cows being milked, hold some baby chicks and feed the animals. Term 3… AQWA and Cicerellos!
We had a great me learning about the creatures that live under the ocean at AQWA! Page 32
At Cicerellos we had the opportunity to touch Starfish, Sea Apples, Crayfish and a Port Jackson Shark! We then explored the beach and found many interes ng objects. Lastly we ate fish and chips at the park- YUM! Goodbye my Kindy kids. I will always remember you!
We have had such a busy year… making rainbow jelly, using our imagina on to create things out of play dough, dressing up in our home corner, pain ng beau ful pictures. We have grown up so much and Miss Swales and Mrs Judd are so proud of us. Now it’s me to move on… I wonder what Pre-Primary holds for us… Page 33
Pre Primary NC
This year has been a year full of blessings with beau ful children and wonderful parents. Many parents have put in 110%, you know who you are, and we would like to say a big thankyou for that. We have had lots of fun with many highlights this year. Just a few are our Teddy Bears’ Picnic, Breakfast at School, our trip to Kahoona Wildlife Park and having the emus chase us! And of course our annual girls’ night and boys’ night. We even had a Dad at our girls night which meant he went home with nail polish on! Open Day was certainly a highlight! Our focus this year was on Crea on and the children worked really hard to display their amazing work. Each and every child has been special to us in their own unique way, and we thank God that they were placed in our care as we realize it is a privilege to have had this opportunity. Thank you for a wonderful year! God Bless.
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Pre Primary YO
The First Term, started out a li le disorganized as our expected large room was not ready, however, in March when the wall finally came down we were blessed with an enormous space for lots of ac vi es. First term was a se ling in me and star ng to learn our alphabet, crea ng a book on the Fruits of the Spirit and watching the life cycle of the Monarch bu erfly, it was truly amazing to see the bu erfly emerge from the chrysalis. We had an incursion called “Spineless Wonders” presented by Mrs Knowles who showed us many amazing insects. We were even able to touch some, like the biggest cockroach found in Queensland! In TermTwo we created a book about our bodies and had a visit from Kids in Hospital Familarisa on. We were able to use crutches and bandage each other up. On the 9th of May we had our big Mother’s Day celebra on in the Pre-Primary with lots of ac vi es and morning tea. We loved spoiling our Mums. We visited the REMIDA Centre in Carine and saw and learnt about how we can re-use and recycle items. Term Three began with a visit from Aliki, an inspira onal speaker and singer, who showed us that we are all hidden treasures and we need to polish ourselves to shine as God sees us. Then we were working fran cally for Open Day. Our theme was Crea on - we learnt a lot and our room was amazing! We had our assembly item and on the same day par cipated in the Giant Walk. In September we had a Fathers’ Night. This gave the Dads a chance to see what we do at school all day and everyone had a fun night. At the end of the term we went to the zoo. We had a lovely, sunny day and lots of parents to help out. My! The zoo is a big place and we were really red at the end of such an exci ng day! Now we are in our Fourth Term and we have made so much progress that we think we are ready for Year One! Page 35
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Year 1P s
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Year 1P Yearly Look Back. Year 1 Plenty..What a Wonderful Year ! The year of 2008 was turning out to be something great. From a Mothers Day Salon, to lunch orders that had gone wrong. The year started off with a great big bang, a pool party to get us going, where we danced and sang. Excursions came and then they went. Off to the Zoo and a Fairy Tale Bowling event. We had our big buddies from Year 11 and the mini Olympics held with them was heaven. We found as the year went on, something was very wrong. We didn’t have our class complete, un l two li le girls came with a skip in their feet. By the me fourth term came around, we found ourselves se led and sound. Our wri ng had improved and our listening skills were moved. Such classroom fun and memories, that will never be undone. Year 1P of 2008, are a class that is nothing less than great! Their teacher will miss them and love them s ll. She cannot wait to hear how they live out God’s will. Good luck li le ones as you travel on, you will not be forgo en, God will keep you strong.
Teacher: Mrs Plenty.
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Year 1S s
Laura Gray
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Memories With another year almost ended, for me it has been a wonderful and memorable four years at Thornlie Chris an College. The Year Ones are a lovely group of students who have grown up so much before our very eyes. They’ve grown in confidence, and maturity. It is such a privilege to teach twenty two vibrant and happy children. I am so encouraged by their smiles and prayers every morning and also by their le ers of encouragement. The class has worked extremely hard and we have had lots of fun too. We have learnt to blend phone c sounds to read, write beau ful stories, work together as a team, work in a Buddy System with the Year 11 students and to be the best achievers in everything we do. The children have par cipated in various ac vi es both on and o campus. Some highlights have included: Cicerellos, AQWA, Mothers Day beauty salon, class par es, excursion to AMF Bowling/Volcano Park where the kids and teachers dressed up as fairytale characters. I would like to thank Miss Rima Akasheh, who has contributed so much of her me to the lives of the children in the class. Thank you also to all the parents who have helped during the year in our busy classroom. Your help has always been greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. I would like to bid a big farewell to these Year One students. You have made my year such an enjoyable one. I will never forget you and will definitely visit you next year with my baby. Finally I would like to bless all the children in year 1, with this special verse taken from Philippians 4:13: I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. God bless all of you and may you have a safe holiday.
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Year 2Fs
Year 2F started this year with 24 children, 16 boys and 8 girls. During the school year, one boy le and 2 new boys and 2 new girls joined us. This ar cle will tell you what we usually do during a day and we will share with you the themes we have studied in each Term. Every morning, we start with mat me. During this me, we share some news; we hear what the program of the day is, and we pray, sing and listen to a Bible story. We started in Term 1 with Bible stories from the New Testament: Jesus as a boy, the miracles, the parables, Easter and stories from the book of Acts, such as the work and mission trips of Peter and Paul. In Term 2, we hear stories from the book of Genesis: God’s wonderful crea on, the Fall, Noah, Abraham, Joseph and Moses and so on. In Term 3, we hear some other stories from the Old Testament and in Term 4 , we learn about Christmas. Our next ac vity each day is Fitness. We especially enjoyed our prepara on for the ‘Jump Rope for Heart Day’. All of the children learned to skip and some of them became very skilful in special ways of skipping, such as skipping backwards, skipping with partners or the ‘crisscross’. Every morning we do Mathema cs. We have been learning to work with numbers up to 100. We use numbers lines and the hundred chart. The children can do sums such us: 50 + 20 = ? They have also started to memorize number facts, such as doubles (6 + 6; 7 + 7, etc.). We have also done measuring ac vi es: measure the length of the classroom, measure the height of your desk and measure the width of the door. The children loved these hands-on lessons! A er recess, we usually have Literacy me. Some mes, that means that we prac se our Spelling words and other mes we do wri ng ac vi es, wri ng different kinds of sentences, learning to use punctua on marks and wri ng stories. In the a ernoon, we o en start with Reading. Some parents have been helping us and we read o en in (levels) groups. We try to learn to read with expression and we have learned about different types of texts and different strategies we can use to read. Page 41
A couple of mes a week, we do Handwri ng. The children have started to learn the capital le ers. They enjoy making pre y pa erns and they have learned to write their numbers and number words correctly. Every day we have some special subject: Indonesian, Music, Library, Sports, Computers and Arts. In Term 1, our theme was: Plants and Water. A highlight was that everyone got to plant their own seed. We saw the roots, the stem and the leaves of our plants growing. A er the plants had become too big for the pots in the classroom, the children got to take them home, and some children planted them in their gardens where they grew to have flowers and later, new seeds. We also heard the Bible story of the Parable of the Sower and we learned that Jesus wants us to bear much fruit in our lives by the way we live. We shared this with the whole Primary School during our Assembly. Our excursion in Term 1 was to Kings Park. In Term 2, our theme was: Countries. We have been thanking God for crea ng our beau ful world with a variety of environments, animals and plants. We also talked about how He has made such a variety of people with different skin colours, different hair, clothes, customs and languages. One of the songs we learned was: Jesus loves the liƩle children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the liƩle children of the world. The children learned about maps and the globe. We learned a song about the con nents: (Sung to the Tune of ‘Jingle Bells’) ConƟnents, conƟnents, do you know the conƟnents? North and South, East and West and all around the world. Asia, Africa, North and South America Australia, AntarcƟca and Europe too.
The children all made a passport with their picture and their personal details: name, signature, Date of Birth, length, hair colour, eye colour and fingerprints. Each me we learned about a specific country, the children would draw a ‘visa stamp’ in their passports, to remember that they had ‘visited’ that country. We went on an excursion to the Western Australian museum in Perth. We learned their about how children in other mes, the past, played. The children got to play some of those games too and they loved it. Some pictures of this excursion have been included in this ar cle. The other pictures are from an Arts lesson in our classroom. In Term 3, our theme was: The Five Senses. We learned about sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. We also learned about people who are blind or deaf. We learned about Louis Braille and Helen Keller. A highlight was that Mrs. Palmer visited our classroom and showed us some Braille books and a Braille typewriter. We also visited Sci-tech in this Term. In Term 4, we learned about Food and in the last weeks of the year we learned about Christmas. We have had a wonderful year together! Praise the Lord! Andrea Flipse Year 2 teacher
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Year 2/3s
What a year for 2/3K! Year 2/3K has had a very exci ng year filled with lots and lots of fun ac vi es! Here is a recap of some of the most exci ng things we have done this year: Term 1 In Term 1 our theme was Australia. As a special treat we went on an excursion to the WA Museum. We were given a talk about how Australian children used to live in the olden days. Then we were given the opportunity to take part in olden days ac vi es and games such as hand washing our laundry, dressing up in old-fashioned clothes, playing knucklebones, prac cing old fashioned wri ng and playing with marbles. We were then given one hour to explore the other museum exhibits with our parent helpers. Some of our favourite exhibits were the dinosaur bones, the diamond room and the wall of bu erflies. Term 2 In Term 2 our theme was Fairy Tales. We read dierent fairytales such as Cinderella and The Ugly Duckling. We also had lots of fun coming up with our own fairytale stories. During Term 2 we also grew our own bean plants. We conducted an experiment to see whether the plants would grow be er in the dark or in sunlight. Sunlight won! At the end of the term we went to Scitech for our class excursion. At Scitech we went to the Planeterium and had lots of fun looking at the dierent exhibits. Page 43
Term 3 Term 3 was a very exci ng term because it was the term of the Beijing Olympics! The Year 3’s completed an Olympic sport assignment that required them to do some in depth research about an Olympic sport. Some of the assignments were absolutely fabulous! To e in with the Beijing Olympic spirit, our theme for the term was China. We learnt lots of interes ng facts about China’s culture and history. For example, did you know that the Chinese invented fireworks? We made dancing lions, Chinese opera masks, designed our own Chinese characters and created our own Chinese firework displays. As a special end of term treat Miss Kwang had all our names translated into Chinese characters and gave them to us on the last day of term. Term 4 The last term of the year! We’ve had a busy year and have enjoyed every moment! At the moment we are busily preparing for our class assembly. We will be performing an Indonesian dance and a worship song called “Every Move I Make.” We are par cularly looking forward to our Edu Dance performance of ABBA’s “Rock Me” at our end of year concert. We’ve had a hardworking and wonderful year and cannot wait for our well deserved end of year break!
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Year 3s
Yr 3 2008 One of the highlights of the year was our excursion to Scitech. The students all loved the ‘dome’ where we were ‘wowed’ by the vastness of our universe and facts about it and the planets in our solar system. We were lucky enough to see their music exhibi on and were fascinated by the science of sound. They had musical instruments from yesteryear and present on display. We all had fun making different sounds. A er that, we spent an hour roaming freely around the general exhibi on area enjoying all their ‘hands on’ ac vi es. The excursion was very educa onal and helped our class understand that science can be lots of fun. Mr Joe Kennedy
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Year 3 excursion to Scitech in pictures
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Year 4B
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Year 4B Memories I will always remember… The Year Four’s sense of humour, the way they made me laugh everyday with the funny things they did and said, the variety of talents and personali es in the class - from quiet achievers to outgoing drama kings and queens and everything in between! The way the Years Four’s encouraged each other and me all the me with great enthusiasm. The class’ ability to pull together as a team and achieve more together than they would alone. Thank you for an incredibly enjoyable year, you have been a blessing in my life, Year Fours and I will miss you. All the best for the years ahead! Miss Baty
My Favourite thing about year 4B is…. Everyone treats others with respect and they are always kind. We always have fun and work together as a team (Alyssa Seow) The year fours are very arty and sporty. (Jordi Bri on) I enjoyed having to do sport on Tuesdays and I.T. on Fridays. (Disura Gunadewa) Everyone is kind and loving most of the me and treat others with respect and we laugh and have fun and I love my friends. (Demi Mills) Everyone usually has a smile on their face and we all have fun. (Samuel Throssell) Every one is usually kind, nice and ENCOURAGING. (Skye Watson) Everyone is nice, quiet and encouraging. (Brennan Steven) The thing I like about Year 4b is that I have the best teacher and best friends. ( Anthony Chin ) I like 4B because we have cool subjects and a nice and loving class, not to men on Miss Baty, the best teacher in the world. (Liam Murphy) My favourite thing is all the encouragement and spelling and sport. (Hilton Bratschi) My favourite thing about Year 4b is that everyone is cheerful, friendly and they include everyone. Also, Miss Baty is great. (Samarah Cook) I love spending me with my friends, all the games and sport stuff and fun ac vi es. (Lachlan Mews) My favourites were my friends, sport and having fun. (Brendan McCamley) I enjoyed Daily Fitness, sport and Maths. (Mitchell Kwok) We learned lots of things. (Samadhi Fernando) We have a really amazing teacher and everyone is kind to each other, no-one is ever le out. (Janine Jacobsz) The classroom is very colourful and it looks cool. (Samuel Byrne) I enjoyed learning mes tables and Miss Baty (Cassie Be ermann) I love the art we do. (Abby Shenton) Most people are funny and Miss Baty is cool and we have fun doing sport and art. (Hannah Pillinger) I enjoyed my friends, the subjects, and Miss Baty. (Esther Giles) We get taught cool stuff and Miss Baty is a cool teacher! (Harmonii Ruri) We have a magnificent teacher! (Dylan Williams) The teacher!(Samuel Broughton) We play games, we get taught, we have a nice teacher, I have lots of friends, we play top ten… I like it all! (Damon Allender) I enjoye the sport and daily fitness. (Joshua Su on) The fun that we have and all the friends – I like everything! (Clarissa Widjanarko) Page 48 Thornlie Christian College
Year 5W
when I played the bongo’s in the flute duet at Open Day.
Most Memorable Events of 2008 Kirah Jones- My most memorable event was when I joined the Maths enrichment group with Liam M. and some others from other classes. Mrs Jacobs was our teacher. It was a lot of hard work but fun at the same me. My favourite parts were handing in my problems and chocolate cake with yummy icing! Peter Chambers- My most memorable event of the year was in Term 2, going to a park for a WaterWise excursion and I got to hold lizards, frogs and snakes. Rebecca Le zia- I love doing Edu-Dance because I love dancing and the dance moves are really cool! I really enjoy it! Stephan Lemmer- My most memorable event of the year was the Interhouse Athle cs Carnival. I came 2nd in 100m, 2nd in 200m, 1st in 800m, 1st in T-ball throws and 1st in long jump. I ended up becoming Champion Boy in Yr 5.
Nina Chase- My most memorable moment is the swimming carnival when I got Champion Girl. It was so much fun! Brooke van der Westhuizen- My most memorable part of this year was … when I won the “Design an Ad” compe on for the West Australian Newspaper, in which Miss Williams entered the class. I did an ad for AQWA . We went to a presenta on at AQWA and there were quite a lot of people from other schools. A er the presenta on had finished, we had an a ernoon tea. My ad was in the West Australian. It was really cool! Joshua Bandi- My most memorable moment of the year is the sports carnival because I came second in 200m, first in 100m, second in 400m, and 1st in 70m relay.
Jordan Anderson- I was really excited when I held the li le snake on the Waterwise excursion and when I held the li le froggy there as well. Sierra Scaddan- My most memorable event was the Interhouse Swimming Carnival. I came Runner Up Champion Girl and my best friend Nina was the Champion Girl. Liam Kennington- My most memorable event of the year was Thornlie Christian College
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Term 2 what a wonderful term. We went on so many excursions like the Waterwise one. We played games and got to hold so many animals like snakes, frogs, lizards and many more. What a wonderful day we had. So much fun as a class.- Olivia Coombe. At the beginning of Term 2 we went to the Greater Union cinema’s in Innaloo. We watched The Ten Commandments movie. We got a choice of drink and large, medium or small popcorn. It taught us lots of things like how we should not be selfish and how God leads us out of trouble when we need help. – Trindale Fuller.
Harley Thri - One day I came to a new school. I found a bobtail and picked it up and saved its life from being poked to death. Shanis Lovin- My most memorable event of the year was when we prac sed our Edu-Dance song- Bartman. It was fun and it made me puff a lot a er we had danced. I can’t wait to do the Edu-Dance performance next year. Jesse Waters- My most memorable moment is the Sport Carnival because I absolutely love sport and it’s healthy for everyone, and it’s such fun. Monique Haddock- My most memorable event of the year was when we went to the Water-wise excursion. I liked it because we got to hold lots of rep les like: snakes, frogs and lizards. We got to see all the different types of frogs, but unfortunately they were all dead and placed into jars. The next thing we did was plant lots of plants in a certain area. We all counted the empty plant pots and stacked them together! We ended up ge ng 200 or more! We absolutely loved it! That was my most memorable moment. Excursions: Term 1 In Term 1 we went to the Art gallery and we weren’t allowed to touch ANYTHING! (but some people s ll did…) Then we saw a s ng ray ( don’t worry it wasn’t real) and got to make sculptures. Instead of going to King’s Park as planned, (because it was raining) we dashed next door to the museum. We saw things like dinosaurs and the planets. Ope Olubodun.
In term 2 our class went on an excusion to a park, where people showed us many ways to look a er our water and the rivers. My favourite ac vity was a massive boardgame. There were four different teams, but the boys’ team won. It was fun anyway. I’ll never forget it. – Nina Chase. Term 3 On the last day of Term 3 we had a Jumpy Castle day. There was screaming, jumping, singing, dancing, rapping and doing the Limbo dance. It was the most memorable and funniest moment of 2008 5W.- Ella Strong. Term 4 On Friday 24 October Year 5W went on a ship called the Doulos. The Doulos is a special ship. It has a school and rooms to sleep in, so you can take your home wherever you want, but it would not be much fun. The Doulos is a very well-organised ship with the best crew and if you were there you would learn how to make friends through drama and songs. - Chloe Lee I have really enjoyed the lovely students in my class this year. I’ve got drama kings and queens, comedians and budding athletes. This year has been filled with laughter, warmth and encouragement. I wish all of the students the best for next year. My most memorable moments included the Year 4-6 Disco, holding snakes, and the endless an cs of my li le chickens. All my love and warmest wishes for the future. Miss Williams. Class Teacher
Term 2
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Year 5/6M
Excursion Report on Trip to Perth Observatory and Mundaring Weir. On 18-6-2008 at 9.00am, Yr 5/6 M boarded to T.C.C bus. We were going on an excursion, First we were going to the Perth Observatory for Science to learn about the universe. The bus trip to the Observatory took around 45 minutes. When we reached the Observatory, the first thing we did was to have Recess. A er we had finished ea ng our snacks, we went for a tour around the Perth Observatory. We went to 2 buildings with domes. There were a lot of big, old telescopes. We stayed there for almost 2 hours. A er our tour we got onto the bus again, this me to Mundaring Weir. Mundaring Weir is only 10 minutes drive from the Observatory. They are both up in the hills. As soon as we reached Mundaring Weir, we ate our lunch. At Mundaring Weir there is a large dam and a huge bridge. We had to draw a picture of Mundaring Weir as an art lesson. The scenery there was very beau ful. We le at 1.30pm and reached school at 2.00pm. For the rest of the day at school we played games. Elisa Lian – yr 5/6 M.
Thornlie Christian College
MARITIME MUSEUM VISIT On Tuesday the 8th April, the Year 5/6s visited the Old Mari me Museum and learnt about ‘boat’ concepts like, buoyancy, keels and propulsion. The students then built boats out of cardboard milk cartons and tested them in a test pool. A er a number of tests, the students raced their boats against one another to see who had made the fastest boat. The winners were Cameron Flood, Ashley Pearce and Braydon Beckley. Following this great ac vity, we had lunch in the Esplanade Park before heading to the new mari me Museum and learning about and seeing real boats! It was a fantas c day! Mr Mewhor.
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Mr Kennedy’s class (Year 3) joined with our class to do inves ga ons in Science, we called the topic ‘Mythbusters’. We had a great me doing small experiments, analysing results and filling out a Mythbusters booklet.
Year 6V
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Year 6V This has been a great year for the Year 6 class. We have had a lot of fun mes, together with lots of learning and praising God. To give you an idea of where we were at the start of the year to where we are right now, here is a “I used to be, but now...” poem we wrote up as a class: We used to not sing in class but now we do. We used to be scared of Miss Vander Kooy but now we are not. We used to be in Year Five but now we’re in Year Six. We used to have no blinds but now our windows are protected. We used to be shorter but now we’ve grown. We used to be too young for ping pong but now we can play. We used to be smart but now we’re even smarter. We used to dream of sailing but now our dreams will come true. We used to have Latoya in our class, but we now we don’t. We used to have no fans, but Iris is now our fan. We performed this as a class in groups and had a beat going. We enjoyed wri ng poetry and our colour poems that included all our five senses were definitely a highlight. Here are a couple we wrote in groups and were able to perform to the Year 3 class: Blue comes from the sky, a cloud dri ing by. Blue feels like a tear drop, as wet as a mop. Blue smells like the sea, as salty as salty can be. Blue tastes like cake, the icing that you make. Blue looks like rain, falling on a train. Blue sounds like a pen, wri ng about Ben. Blue comes from a rainbow hidden very low. (Wri en by Sheryl, Ka e, Dion and Tyrone). Yellow comes from the sun, ligh ng up your day. Yellow feels like sand slipping through your fingers. Yellow smells like eggs freshly made in the pan. Yellow looks light bright lemons squeezed into lemon juice. Yellow looks like melted cheese gently spread on a sandwich. Yellow sounds like bees buzzing in your ear. Yellow comes from a bright fire burning down a house. (Wri en by Caleb, Claude and Daniel). The year six class has certainly used their gi s and talents in regard to music this year. One of the huge achievements they have made is winning a Sea Shanty compe on run by the West Australian newspaper. A er sending in a recording of the song we created about being on a boat as a convict, we found out three weeks later that we had actually won! The prize is a half day sunset sail on the Leeuwin ship where we will be performing our sea shanty on board. We are really looking forward to this on Dec 8th. Some other ways the students have used their musical talent is performing a number of items at this year’s Open Day and assemblies, performing a farewell song for Mrs Keane and singing at Princess Margaret Hospital and Manoah Chris an Senior Ci zens centre. We are currently working on our gradua ng item and I am sure that all these memories of performing and blessing other people with our talents will stay with us. Don’t ever stop singing year 6’s!! Remember the beats! The excursions we have been on this year are the Art Gallery of WA, Parliament House, PMH and Manoah, Adventure World, the Leeuwin ship and the Perth Mint. Our favourite place to Thornlie Christian College
go for lunch while we were out and about was Kings Park. We have had many fun mes there! One thing I know that we will always remember and cherish is the experience we had on our year 6 camp! It was such a highlight! It was so well run, the students were so well behaved but most of all we had an absolute blast! What I will always remember about the year 6’s: Harry…. what more can I say…but what was that sound? Tyrone’s rat leaving a mess on somebody’s shoulder… Kyall si ng up like a soldier with his finger over his mouth every me I wanted the class’s a en on. Nicole and her ‘jumping for joy’ tac c she used during top ten. Sheryl and Aimee’s beau ful poems and wri ng they would o en share with the class. Hayley you were the first one I met! Who can forget that smile! Ka e and the bongo drum Simone’s laugh! April thinking that apples were the best thing ever! Kyall having an obsession with chicken! Caleb pretending to trip that turned into a prayer. Ben and all the stories about the farm! Emma and Amye giggling even if they were bored! Daniel and his descrip ve stories. Dion’s awesome SOSE projects. Brendan and his umpire arms while playing top ten Adela never moving out of the top two posi ons of top ten! Beth and her quiet voice! Sean and his reac on every me his “tall teacher” walked by. Amber and the poem she read out so beau fully for the year 12’s. Jarred and Juniors’ love for computer games! David and him returning to class a er the bell had rang. Erana and the beau ful gi s and cards she would make. Claude and his beau ful smile! Georgia and Nicole ge ng hyper on sugar. And finally to my dear Year 6’s! I pray that you will always lean on God for direc on in your life. He loves you so much! Thank you for an awesome year. It has been both challenging and fun but I know that I will always cherish the memories I have had in my first year at TCC teaching the Year 6 class. Thank you again and God bless you all as you go onto the next phase of you lives! Kristy Vander Kooy Class Teacher
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PRIMARY SCHOOL 2008 AWARDS Year One Awards Christian Character David Ling Jacob Freeman Artistic Achievement Christina Ong Best Effort Luke Cornwell Most Improved Jonathon Lucio Samuel Mackenzie Persistence Talia Atieh Apoorwa Fernando
Year Two Awards Outstanding Effort Hannah Baverstock Christian Character Shane Durka
Christian Character Emma Hull Most consistent Joshua Smith
Year Four Awards Excellence in Sport Brendan McCamley
Academic Excellence Sheryl Pang
Most Improved Brennan Steven
Christian Character Simone Snyman
Academic Excellence Alyssa Seow
Science Award
Christian Character Clarissa Widjanarko
LOTE Award
Joshua Nieves
Year Five Awards
Consistent Effort Amber Mellor
Overall Academic Samuel Halse
Positive Attitude Brendan Higgins
Most Improved Rebecca Letizia
Fantastic Effort Jasmine Hull
Year Two/Three Awards
Outstanding Worker Monique Haddock
Christian Character Lauren Kennington
Year Five/Six Awards
Outstanding Effort Isobel Baverstock
Encouragement Award Brianah Flynn
Academic Excellence Jeremy Wright
Quiet Achiever Award Andrew Broedelet
Most Improved Maurice Snyman
Christian Living Award Iain MacLennan
Year Three Awards
Consistent High Achievement Elisa Lian
High Achiever Kara Mackenzie
Enthusiasm Kyall Clark Positive Attitude April Stephens
Academic Excellence Thomas Throssell Olufemi Oyeniyi
Most Improved Callum Barr
Year Six Awards
Excellence Award Kyall Clark Katie Bilich
Ed Support Award
Scitech award Joshua Nieves Adela Widjanarko Page 56
Christian Character Samarah Cook Achievement Award Michelle Ivantry
IT Award Excellence Award LachLan Mews Elisa Lian
Middle School Sport Teams
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Personal Development Day
Visit to RSPCA
To summarize it in one word: growth. For the Year 9s of 2008, Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th of March were two special days to remember. During those two days, the Year 9s enjoyed a bonding me with each other and their teachers . Mrs Helen Balding, the Assistant Principal of the Secondary School, planned the event with the aim of nurturing the students’ teamwork skills and their a tudes when faced with problems. Hence, the theme for the two days was styled ‘Personal Development’. The students of Year 9 were divided into their house fac ons, which would be their teams over the next two days. Student par cipa on in the planned ac vi es earned points for each team, and the house that scored the most points a er both days won. Tuesday, 18 March 2008 The Year 9s were bussed to the beach at Woodman’s Point Regional Park where they took part in a series of games aiming to build teamwork and strategy skills. Some of the ac vi es included volleyball, ‘skeetas’ and ra building. A good many of the students ended up sunburnt at the end of the day, and even more had been stung while swimming in the sea. Wednesday, 19 March 2008 The students were taken to Bethany Fellowship (along Wharton Road) for their next day of events. The day started off with a few team ac vi es before morning tea. A er their break, the students were introduced to a speaker from Equipe Industries, an organiza on dedicated to helping young people prepare for their lives ahead. The message was about ‘A tude’. Jason, the speaker for that day, brought with him a video presenta on about a person, Kyle Maynard, who was severely disabled, yet managed to achieve great things just by adop ng a posi ve a tude. At the end of the day, none of the students le without learning something new. It was a good experience for everyone, and one definitely worth remembering.
On 6th March the Year 7 girls went to the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Preven on of Cruelty to Animals). There we met a pony named Maisey. She was found at the back paddock of a farm. When they found her she was three mes the size of a normal pony. Maisey is now on a special diet to help her lose weight. She shares a paddock with three goats. She was really friendly. By Darian Saron The Year 7 girls went to the RSPCA on Thursday 6th March 2008. At the RSPCA we saw beau ful dogs and cats. We got to see one very special dog, her name is Meka. We were able to pat Meka and take photos of the dogs, cats and Meka. We learned about how a horse should look when it is healthy and how a horse looks when it is unhealthy. We learned how a dog should look when it is healthy and how a dog looks when it is unhealthy. We learned how a cat should look when it is healthy and how a cat looks when it is unhealthy The RSPCA helps animals that are in danger and have been hurt in the past by looking a er them. The RSPCA is a very special place for animals that are found in yards, streets, and the bush and on farms. By Brigi e Alberts On Thursday 6th March the Year 7 girls went to the Royal Society for the Preven on of Cruelty to Animals - the RSPCA. We first checked out the dog kennels. There were lots of dogs and they were so, so cute but we weren’t allowed to pat or touch any of them. Then a er that we went and visited the ca ery. It was full of brown, white, ginger and adorably fluffy cats. There was also a white Shetland phony. Her name was Lucy; she came into the RSPCA because she was extremely round, large and FAT. Anyway it was fun and was a very educa onal day. WOOF WOOF! By Tahlia Cole
By Levin Lian Page 60
Year 7 Boys
Yearbook 2008: Year 7 Boys: I think the Year 7 Boys’ class of 2008 was the best Year 7 class in the world. We learnt a lot and we also had lots of fun doing it. What made it really great was the fact that we had the best Form Teacher ever. Mr Munyard was the most awesome Form Teacher and he also taught us Mathema cs and SOSE. He always did fun stu with us and once he invited the whole class to his house for a pool party! There was always someone who found a way to make the whole class laugh or cheer us up. Everyone in the class was friends with one another and there were no bullies. About half way through the year Mr Munyard le us. Miss Madden then joined us as our new Form, SOSE and Math teacher. She was also a great teacher and let us go out and play games on some occasions when we had done lots of work and behaved well. This was definitely my favourite year so far and it was lots of fun to have only boys in the class for a whole year! By William Jacobsz
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Year 7 Girls
Year Seven Girls -2008 Final Note.
an exci ng opportunity, as a class, to do well. A er all, when you think about it, Jesus brought people Nego a ng with personal thoughts of a year gone from very different backgrounds into His team. There by isn’t easy: how do you comment on a class of must have been a great deal of conflict even then, very young lasses who enter your room, with an but when He was finished with His young people excited immaturity and then are ready to exit with they were equipped to take the Good News to the ripening grace? world. I pray that these scholars will do likewise. Individuality and dissimilarity wear a lot of different We did a lot of learning along the way. We learned hats. My young students did not take too long to to harmonise with one another without losing display vociferously the base of their endearment our iden ty. We learned to form meaningful or annoyance from their first steps into my class rela onships despite our differences. room. We used our resources and talents and teased out This year has been hard work. our affec on and anger, and became a community As one undertakes any journey, we began with of strong, young adults , learning from our source small, cau ous steps. - Jesus - that there is much joy when there is unity And who helped us take these? The Master among our fellow students, which has long term Himself. consequences, for the world in which we presently As a Form Teacher, I had to make it possible to live. ‘invite’ the Great Assortment of my students into Every heartbeat is a universe of possibili es. We each other’s worlds. Young adults do not je son have chosen our hearts to beat for Jesus. their ways very easily. So it becomes impera ve I am grateful and proud for what my class this year for us to understand that we can dig deep if we has taught me. are firmly rooted in Jesus. Each pupil brings with her, unique skills, hopes aspira ons, fears and Meena Coelho uncertain es. This mix of diversity provides us with Class Teacher Page 62
Year 8 Girls
Thoughts about the year. Stephanie Strong: “I loved year 8 because it was a me that I got to make friends and move closer to everyone”. Nicole Beer: “I really enjoyed the Indonesian excursion.” Stacey Leeb: “I like having Form with Mrs. Florisson because it was fun and she was always nice and approachable”. Amy Commons: “I enjoyed mee ng new people and making new friends”. Maddison Kennedy: “I loved playing beach volleyball in sport”. Rebecca Moore: “I loved our Form Class because Mrs. Florisson went out of her way to do devo ons with us and make Form the best!” Ashley Negove c: “My highlight this year was making awesome friends.” Tori Pickens: “My highlight this year was having a good Form Class and making good friends.”
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Year 8 Boys
Thoughts about the year. It was not easy taking over a group of boys in the middle of the year. No ma er how experienced and inspira onal one may be; it takes a while for a group of people to accept and embrace new things introduced to them. I am glad to say that this group of boys have gradually responded to my expecta ons as their new Form Teacher. I trust that for many, God is now more a part and parcel of their lives - some of them did not even believe in prayer nor close their eyes during prayer me. However, we now have two or three volunteers for prayer every morning. I am pleased to say that most of these boys are now responsive to instruc on and rou ne. I look forward to seeing them con nue to mature and develop in Year 9. God bless you boys: Psalm 121 & Ma hew 10: 16-20 Mr W.Majinda.
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Year 9 Girls
This year it has been a blessing to watch the Year 9 girls mature into more caring and responsible young people. The year started with a couple of days o-campus for some team building ac vi es involving the year 9 girls and boys, which gave everyone, students and sta, an opportunity to get to know one another, especially as we had several new students join this year group. Throughout the year, the girls have been involved in a variety of ac vi es including the swimming and athle cs carnivals, where they demonstrated great peer support and team spirit, as well as incursions and excursions for Society and Environment to learn about Australian Government and Law. I have been impressed by their contribu on to discussions and their insight during class devo ons and the many prayer requests to li others before the Lord. Their willingness and enthusiasm to support others in the wider community less fortunate than themselves with generous dona ons of food and cash, has blessed several appeals throughout the year. These girls have been a delight. I pray that God will con nue to bless and guide them as they seek to know Him more each day and that He will grant them wisdom in the choices they will face in the future. I thank God for the privilege of being a part of their lives this year. Mrs Rae Munyard Form Teacher Page 65
Year 9 Boys
This year has been a great year in 9b. We par cipated in many memorable ac vi es. One of the many highlights of this year was when Mr. Chan taught us the ways and the art of break-dancing! The only problem was that he could never actually show us... because he always ‘had a white shirt on that he couldn’t get dirty...’ Another me, when our class was at a Leadership day at the beach, Mr. Chan drew on his arsenal of tricks once again. What he did next, none of us expected. He walked onto the sand and whipped out a back-flip! We really enjoyed that Leadership day as it was filled with ac vi es that challenged us all, made us think and made us work together. Funny thing is, the only way we could thank Mr Chan was to give him a brick for his Secret Santa! In our class, we had numerous students who received spor ng awards. For example, we had Luke, who was crowned Champion Boy at the Swimming Carnival, and we also had Mitchell, who was crowned the Champion Boy at the Cross Country as well as receiving the Highest Achiever Award for Sport. All in all, this has been a fun, exci ng, but most of all, a memorable year for our Year 9 class! Joshua Klenner 9b Student Councillor
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Middle School Music Keyboard work, reading music nota on, singing solfa, listening to various musical works and learning to describe sound elements, are among some of Middle School musical ac vi es. In their music projects, the students have explored “jingle� wri ng, composing an original song, a mini musical of song & dance, and a research presenta on. Thisencouraged them to stretch their ar s c poten al, producing some innova ve projects, some of which were showcased at the School Assembly.
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All Middle School students performed at the Awards Night Presenta on together with Music Instrumentalists.
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Highest Achiever
ART Rachael Murphy Brady Pearce Tiffany Tilaka Ben Pillinger
BIBLICAL STUDIES Ritchell Lim Highest Achiever William Jacobsz Commendation
Kylie Choong Michael Akasheh
DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Jaimee Hoskins Highest Achiever Elliot Chase Commendation
Rachel Murphy Quentin Prims
ENGLISH Connor Marshall Highest Achiever Kylie Choong Commendation
William Jacobsz Rachel Murphy Shenoah Penny
HEALTH EDUCATION Brady Pearce Highest Achiever Anita-Marie Marbeck Commendation
Josiah Laloh Kylie Choong
HOME ECONOMICS Brady Pearce Highest Achiever Jaimee Hoskins
ROBOTICS Kristen Monteiro Highest Achiever Anita-Marie Marbeck
Quentin Prims Meghan Rowlands
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Highest Achiever Richard Invantry Kylie Choong
Highest Achiever
Michael Akasheh Tahlia Cole
LOTE Highest Achiever William Jacobsz
Josiah Laloh Blane Crockart Tahlia Cole Tiffany Tilaka
MATHEMATICS Highest Achiever William
Jacobsz Anita-Marie Marbeck
Connor Marshall Kylie Choong
MUSIC Highest Achiever
Elliot Chase Ritchell Lim
Josiah Laloh Rachel Murphy
Page 69
William Jacobsz Kylie Choong Ben Pillinger Anita-Marie Marbeck
SOSE Highest Achiever
William Jacobsz Kylie Choong
Connor Marshall Rachel Murphy
Kylie Choong Commendation
William Jacobsz Kylie Choong
PHYSICAL EDUATION Highest Achiever Connor Marshall Rachael Murphy Anita Marbeck
Year 8 Awards Highest Achiever
ART Samuel Swarbrick Stephanie Broedelet Jack Woods Sasha Emrith
BIBLICAL STUDIES Jake Lemmer Highest Achiever Tori Pickens Commendation
Joshua Pendred Rebecca Moore
DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Michael Long Highest Achiever Larissa Bennett Commendation
Jacobus Lemmer Talitha Stephens
DRAMA Nicholas Coombe Highest Achiever Amberlie Evans Commendation
Nathan Giles Maddison Kennedy
ENGLISH Vassili Achkar Highest Achiever Sasha Emrith Commendation
Jacobus Lemmer Amy Commons Rebecca Moore Joel Smith
HEALTH EDUCATION Jake Lemmer Highest Achiever Yerushah Ledbury
MUSIC Highest Achiever Nick
Daniel Fleay Stacey Leeb Jasmine Ridgeway
HOME ECONOMICS Jessica Sam Highest Achiever Quaid Smith-Colombini
Coombe Rebecca Moore
Bradley Dusting Chontelle Wharton
PHYSICAL EDUATION Highest Achiever Joel Smith Tori Pickens Jake Lemmer Felicity Smith
Commendation Commendation
Samuel Swarbrick Tauo Nguyen
SCIENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Highest Achiever Jake Lemmer Teagan LaHogue
Highest Achiever
Jake Lemmer Felicity Smith
Zachary Seow Amy Commons
Bryan Kwok Amy Commons
SOSE LOTE Highest Achiever
Jake Lemmer Amy Commons
Vassili Achkar Tegan LaHogue
Jake Lemmer Amy Commons Zachary Seow Vassili Achtar Tegan LaHogue
MATHEMATICS Highest Achiever Jake
Lemmer Amy Commons
Highest Achiever
Vassili Achkar Thao Nguyen Rebekah Flynn Chad Ramsamy
Page 70
Year 9 Awards ART Highest Achiever
Stephen McLeod Rachelle van der Bos Isaac Nieves Amber van Aurich
BIBLICAL STUDIES Joshua Klenner Highest Achiever Vivian Chitatombe Commendation
Levin Lian Phoebe Chase
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Highest Achiever Mitchel Higgins Eden Fogarty Marcus Altman Catherine Dewar
DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Levin Lian Highest Achiever Aimee Simpson Commendation
Joshia Klenner Nathania Wodjanarko
DRAMA Sarah Smith Highest Achiever Addison Van Houwelingen Commendation
Benjamin Gray Breanne Carter
ENGLISH Levin Lian Highest Achiever Nathania Widjarnarko Commendation
Joshua Klenner Amber-Lia van Aurich Rachelle van den Bos Jadon Steven
Levin Lian Nathania Widjinarko
STUDENTS OF THE YEAR Katrina-Jane Culling Year 7 Jake Lemmer Year 8 Levin Lian Year 9
Jeffrey Bandi Jonathan Narayanan Eden Fogarty Breanne Carter
LOTE Highest Achiever
MATHEMATICS Highest Achiever Levin
Hyonjin Yang Eden Fogarty Lindsay Carter
MUSIC Highest Achiever
Levin Lian Michele Riley
Levin Lian Eden Forgarty Nathania Widjanarko
HOME ECONOMICS Stephen McCleod Highest Achiever Shannon Peek Commendation
Levin Lian Nathania Widjanarko
PHYSICAL EDUATION Highest Achiever Mitchell Higgins Nicole Bailey Ben Gray Melody Neale
SCIENCE Levin Lian Nathania Widjinarko
Martin Jacobsz Lisa Hill SOSE
Highest Achiever
Kylie Choong William Jacobsz ACADEMIC PRIZES
Year 7 Honor Certi icate Anita-Marie Marbeck Conner Marshall Kylie Choong Academic Excellence William Jacobsz
Year 8 Lindsay Carter Tegan La Hogue Nathania Widjinarko Honor Certi icate
Highest Achiever Commendation
Jake Lemmer
Lian Nathania Widjinarko Year 7
Commendation HEALTH EDUCATION Stephen McLeod Highest Achiever Kezia Wojcik
OTHER AWARDS COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS Jaimee Hoskins Year 7 Elliot Chase Rebecca Moore Year 8 Jake Lemmer Eden Fogarty Year 9 Joshua Klenner
Levin Lian Nathania Widjinarko Jarrod Street Kezia Wojcik Page 71
Vassilli Achkar Academic Excellence Amy Commons Jacobus Lemmer Year 9 Honor Certi icate
Edwina Leung Hyonjin Yang Levin Lian Academic Excellence Nathania Widjnarko STUDENT COUNCILLOR AWARDS Year 7 Tahlia Cole, Darian Saron, Jaimee Hoskins, Katrine-Jane Culling, Connor Marshall, Ben Pillinger Year 8 Maddison Kennedy, Felicity Smith, Chad Ramsamy, Luke Willis, Jake Lemmer Year 9 Michele Riley, Nathania Widjanarko, Joshua Klenner, Levin Lian, Martin Jacobsz, Ben Gray
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Year 10.K
Year 10 K End of Year Party A er Feeding the mind all year it was great tro feed the body...
Year 10 K Class Report Looking back, 2008 seems like a blur as the year has gone by so quickly! It has been a great year full of ac vi es and fun both in the College and in our class. It started when we received a new Sports and Form Teacher from Zambia in the second week of the College year. This was really interes ng as there were so many stories to share. 2008 brought with it the beginning of the many challenges that face Senior School students. All of a sudden, classes were gender mixed! At first, it was quite challenging to be comfortable and free with everyone in the group but later on we all got along so well! We also faced the challenges of subject selec ons that opened up a maze of inves ga ons and decision making for our futures. This got us thinking seriously about what we want to do with our lives and how these decisions would impact on our futures. A er much consulta on we finally got through it! We enjoyed celebra ng birthdays with class par es and had some sports compe Year 10 Form classes. Thinking about it now, we actually won each one of them!
ons against the other
Our Form Class had students with a variety of skills and abili es. We will never forget how Micah and Caleb’s musical talents upli ed our devo ons, leaving us so refreshed and ready to serve our God. Unfortunately, through the year we also had to say good bye to some of our Form members. We pray that God will con nue to look a er and bless them wherever they have gone as they will always be a part of us.
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Year 10.SO
MANY PERSONALITIES ONE CLASS 2008 will be remembered for many things. One notable event that comes to mind is the Beijing Olympics. My favourite event would have to be the relay races, especially the 4x100 relay. In a relay race, there are a number of things to get right before a team can complete the race. All four runners must not only be able to sprint as individuals, more importantly, they must be able to work as a team. The team members must be posi oned in the right leg for the race, according to their strengths, and they must master the ming and control for the baton to be successfully passed within the designated zone. I would now like to sum up your year using the same analogy above: • Some of you have paced yourselves well. You have had a good start and an excellent finish to the year. Many have fulfilled their poten al, in the academic, spor ng, and various arenas. Even more heartening has been your wholehearted par cipa on in College events like “Meet You At The Pole”; volunteering to help out in the canteen, to clean the College bus and even to lead devo ons; and the enthusiasm shown during your workplace a achment and community service. This showed commitment, care and strength of character… a ributes that will take you far in the marathon of life. • Just as there is a strategy with regards to the placement of the runners that capitalises on the strengths of the individuals, many in our class with various gi ings also came forward to serve the larger College community. To all of you who shared your thoughts during devo ons; coordinated and invited other teachers to share devo ons, umpired and par cipated in the various captain ball/basketball games; organised and implemented two successful class par es – we thank you for using your gi s and talents to serve the class and College community so well. • Just as there is a clearly defined zone where the baton must be passed on to the next runner, most of you have observed the rules like well-disciplined athletes. Some do test the boundaries and are at risk of losing their own race. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you all that your ac ons within this transi onal zone are s ll an important and vital part of the race. Let us not disregard the rules, drop the baton or lose sight of our goal. Let us all run our race well, persevere to the end and congratulate each other at the finishing line. • Finally, although all of us have different personali es, strengths and weaknesses, it has been my privilege to have supported and guided you to our common goal of a good finish in TCC. Mr Allan Soo FT 10 2008 Page 77
Year 10.S
This year I have been blessed with a really great bunch of students. We have spent our me playing games such as Fruit Salad, Poison Pond, Catch-me-if-you-can and so on to help us to get to know each other. We have had two luncheons – a pizza and so drink luncheon as well as a sweet and savoury luncheon, which were yummy and gave us an opportunity to enjoy each others’ company once again. We also made ‘warm and fuzzy’ cards for ourselves and then sent them around the room for others to write posi ve and encouraging comments. This was an encouraging exercise for all - even I got one... This is a great way to li ourselves up when we’re feeling down to have a read of all the nice things people think about us. We’ve also played sports a few mes as a Form and also in an inter-form game. Our prayer life has showered others with blessings. This year has been a good year and I hope each student has been blessed by ge ng to know one another be er. Mrs Kylie Stryder Form Teacher
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Year 11.B
T year 2008 has been filled with ac vi es from The handball compe ons on the basketball court h tto making pancakes in the Home Economics rroom. We’ve been confused by Mr Berkelaar’s d devo ons, annoyed by Dylan’s inability to stop ttalking, surprised by Rechelle’s a endance, h humoured by Ashara’s excuses for being late aagain, and have all been curious about John’s eever-changing hairstyles. The year has been a memorable one and we look forward to eexperiencing more next year. Megan Jenkins & Kimmy Choong
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Year 11.L
For Year 11L, 2008 has been a year of consolida ng rela onships and growing personally and spiritually. Students have had opportuni es to par cipate in taking devo ons and showing care and concern as we have interceded for one another in good mes and in mes of need. Over the year, we have witnessed how God has answered our prayers and our faith has been encouraged and strengthened. It is my hope that these students will con nue to strive hard in all their endeavours and grow in Christ in the next year. Year 12 will be a year of great excitement and opportuni es and we all look forward to it. Mrs Joan Lee Form Teacher
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Year 11.P
11P 2008 Kristen Year 11, 2008 was a very entertaining year. I loved making Mr Peek’s day. Bring on 2009.
Rebekah This year has gone so fast. I made some new friends and met some awesome new people.
JusƟn This year has been really enjoyable including class par es and mee ng new friends.
Jane. I know it’s corny but this year at TCC has been lifechanging. Changing friendship groups, mee ng new people and finally ge ng serious about school. Only one more year le . God bless!!
Cacha This year has been a laugh- I’m going to miss everyone. Michelle This year has been really great!! It has been loads of fun.
Mr Peek What a mixed group of characters. Each one has made my life the richer for being part of 11P. God bless you richly, don’t forget to come and share your successes with me in the future.
Renee My last year of school! I’m going to miss my friends. SMILE. Page 81
Year 12
Form is how we began everyday of our year 12 experience and on reflec on it’s probably what got us through the year. Our wonderful and beau ful Form Teachers, Mrs Jacobsz and Mrs David are the reason we all made it this far. Without their love, support and guidance each morning to push us through the day, we would’ve all lacked the mo va on needed to survive year 12. Not only did they guide us academically, but also spiritually. One of the many highlights of Form would be the devo ons we shared. Whether we were sharing from the Bible, learning from each other’s life experiences, listening to poems, joining together in praise and worship, or watching Alan’s DVD… we were all able to take advice from each other to help us on our Year 12 journey. Although as a group, we are all so diverse in our personali es and hold many different and unique talents, we are united. We didn’t always manage to see eye to eye, but we have learnt to love and accept each other and I personally consider every member of 12J and 12D as brothers and sisters. On reflec on it is evident that some of our most precious memories originated in B8, sharing in laughter, coming back in at Recess for birthday celebra ons, and of course the mad rush to finish off any last minute homework. On behalf of the year 12’s I would also like to say a well-deserved thank you to Mrs Balding. You are truly an amazing woman and no words can express how thankful we are for everything you have done for us. Also, thank you to all our lovely Year 12 teachers, your guidance and advice is greatly appreciated and cherished! We would not have survived without you all! Emma Robinson. Prefect Page 82
Art Exhibition
Page 83
SUBJECT REPORTS Art 2008 HAS BEEN A BIG YEAR FOR THE ART DEPARTMENT... SO WHAT HAVE WE BEEN UP TO? The Middle School classes were introduced to our new Art teacher, Mr. Roy Kie . Mr. Kie has had many years of teaching experience and has joined us in 2008 teaching Biblical Studies and Art to our Middle School. Students learnt various drawing and watercolour techniques, created board games, masks and calendars, and looked to Pirates of the Caribbean and 19th century French pain ng for inspira on. The Year 10’s began the year with an ambi ous drawing project based on Futurism. Students created a series of drawings with the aim of capturing and crea ng the illusion of movement. We then moved on to pain ng “Skins & Scales”, and completed a series of human figure sculptures made of matchs cks, wire, and eventually packing tape; some of which found a home around the school… We then finished the year screen prin ng tee-shirts with designs based on monograms. Our Art & Design students worked on a number of different projects, a er a ending the 2008 Sculpture by the Sea exhibi on at Co esloe Beach. The Year 11’s created ceramic “Twisted Teapots”, re-vamped new versions of childrens’ storybooks, designed op ons for this Yearbook cover, and created oriental-inspired Kimonos and sculptures. The Year 12’s worked on Mambo-inspired tee-shirts, and painted flowers that were “Good Enough to Eat”. Our TEE classes—Years 11 & 12 have worked VERY hard this year on their visual art diaries and various studio pieces. A er a ending the Year 12 Perspec ves exhibi on at the Art Gallery earlier in the year, they returned inspired and ready to take on the year’s projects. The Year 11’s worked through a “Techno-Bones” drawing project, ceramics based on organic forms, selfportrait pain ngs, insect-inspired tex le pieces, and CD covers/posters in graphic design. This was all happening alongside their art history studies on Surrealism, Colonial Art, Post-Impressionism and WA Contemporary Ar sts. Finally, our big, colourful Year 12 group has made it through the trials of their final year! Every student has worked extremely hard this year, pushing through the tough mes and finishing with great results. A large number of our students entered works into the Armadale City Council’s “Outside the Frame” exhibi on and compe on in August. Congratula ons must go to all the entrants and par cularly to our winners: Rachelle Storer: 1st place in the Pain ng category (“A Day in the Life of a Year 12”) and 1st place in the Drawing category (“Therefore…”); Nancy Angkie: 2nd place in the Drawing category (“Self Portrait”); Michaela Yardley: 2nd place in the Sculpture category; Sarah Bahbah: 3rd place in the Drawing category (“Stress”) Another excellent achievement - Sarah Bahbah’s oil pain ng, en tled “Escape” was selected and purchased by the Thornlie Chris an College’s Board of Directors, and will be hung in the College for years to come!
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A highlight of the year for the Art Department was the Year Twelve Graduate Exhibi on in October. The opening night was a real success, with our Local Member for Southern River, Mr. Peter Abetz, officially opening the evening alongside our Deputy Principal, Mr. Mike Kingsford. Another special guest, Cr. Olwen Searle; the Mayor of Gosnells, gave a glowing response to our students’ work. Guests were treated to acous c music by “Stop and Play”, and delicious refreshments provided by Mr. Manfred Heske and his hospitality team. I want to extend a big thank-you to Mrs. Chris ne Fogarty, whose input and exper se throughout the year has made my job a whole lot easier! Mrs. Fogarty is also to be commended on her design and crea on of a whole new set of storage furniture for the Art Room! So, thank-you and goodbye to my 2008 Year 12 classes – you made this year very exci ng, and I have enjoyed watching your ar s c talents develop. To those students returning in 2009 – I look forward with an cipa on and enthusiasm to what we are going to create together next year! Mrs Sally Florreson Art Teacher
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Computing Thornlie Chris an College, in partnership with Swan TAFE, provides our students with the opportunity to study some VET courses while remaining in Secondary School.
Cer ficates oered in Informa on Technology are Na onally Accredited Qualifica ons 1. ICA10105 Cer ficate I in Informa on Technology. 2. ICA20105 Cer ficate II in Informa on Technology. 3. ICA30105 Cer ficate III in Informa on Technology.
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...some Camoes from the 2008 Drama team...
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Design and Technology
This year the senior General Workshop students have provided the College with soccer goal posts located on the big oval. They have also contributed to the construc on of the Technology Room within the Design & Technology Department by construc ng computer benches and installing a window and air condi oning unit. All the students now have an understanding of how an engine works and have enjoyed the challenges of learning to weld.
Grade 10 students have enjoyed the use of power tools this year and designed and constructed a range of items from DVD racks to Catapults. They all enjoyed the opportunity to implement their own design ideas in the construc on of each task set for them.
Grade 9 students have used their skills to construct a folding Beach Chair and then put their minds to great eect designing and building a catapult that could fire a tennis ball 15 metres.
Grade 8 students have had the opportunity to work with both so and hard woods. They have begun to appreciate the ease of sanding so woods and the need for accuracy when working with hard woods.
Grade 7 students were introduced to the Design & Technology classroom for the first me. The excitement was infec ous and the opportunity to create something on their own was relished by each student. Projects were completed in both mber and aluminium giving students a good introduc on to a variety of hand tools.
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English - Year 8 Mrs Stryder 2008 Highlights Year 8 Students having fun with story cubes As part of our Term One course we learned how to write short stories. An important skill in wri ng stories involves being good at DESCRIBING. This makes the story so much more interes ng for the reader and provides lots of detail so the reader doesn’t have to overuse their imagina on. Below are some pictures of students playing with STORY CUBES. This ac vity involves students rolling each die and wri ng ONE sentence stories based on the picture on the die. Each die answers the ques on of who, what, where, when and how. A er they have wri en this down they go back and ADD DESCRIBING words. It’s a FUN way to get be er at story wri ng.
Year 10 Moral Dilemma group work Students were to discuss in groups the moral dilemma SCENARIO concerning the CHARACTERS of the novel studied, A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove by James Moloney. Students were to EXAMINE the dilemma from DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS using Edward De Bono’s six hats. This allowed for reasoned decision making and agreement and for students to examine some of the complex issues that crop up in life from me to me. The Moral Dilemma Scenario You are a neighbour who likes to be a good ci zen. You have just discovered that Beryl has been falsely claiming child support for her nephews, Carl and Harley, under their mother’s name. You know this is against the law but also know that if you tell on her, the boys will be split up and sent into foster care or le to live on the street. You know that the most important thing for Carl and Harley is to be together, considering they are the only family they have le . What do you do? Page 89
English - Year 10
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Home Economics
MIDDLE SCHOOL HOME ECONOMICS Middle School students have had the opportunity to enjoy a variety of ac vi es in Home Economics this year. First and Fourth terms saw them sewing. The Year 7’s have made so toys while the Year 8’s have been working towards their Sewing License and the Year 9’s have been making pencil cases and items of their own choice. Terms two and three saw the students enjoying the prepara on of a variety of recipes, from biscuits and muffins to fried rice, pasta and riso o. Both staff and students enjoyed the finished products! Thanks to the students for an awesome year. Nanne e Green Middle School Home Economics Teacher
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Senior School - Home Economic Hospitality S Senior School students study towards a na onally accredited vvoca onal qualifica on. Year 10 Hospitality Students will complete tthe Cer ficate I in Hospitality - “Kitchen Opera on”, as well as ccomple ng the Curriculum Council’s requirements. The students obtain very good knife and cooking skills over the four terms and are o hos ng func ons for up to 20 persons in term 4. h TThe Year 11 and 12 Food Produc on students are studying towards tthe Cer ficate II in Hospitality - “Kitchen Opera on” which will be completed by the end of the year enabling them to enter into b a cooking appren ce-or traineeship. They can also directly enter a TAFE College to study towards the Cer ficate IV in Hospitality Supervision and beyond.
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Indonesian Language at TCC The Year 8 and Year 9 students visited an Indonesian Restaurant as part of their language learning experience this semester. Not only did they have a sumptuous Indonesian Buffet Lunch consis ng of familiar dishes such as Nasi goreng, Mee goreng, Sate Ayam, Gado-gado, Lumpia and Krupuk but they were also able to taste a few unfamiliar desserts that they had to prepare first. According to Jake Lemmer a Year 8 student: “The Indonesian Restaurant excursion was a really great way to start Term 3. We, (Year 8 boys) all really enjoyed it and had lots of fun making and then ea ng tradi onal Indonesian foods such as Pangsit and Chicken Satay. We also had a nice dessert called Es Campur that included things like coconut, condensed milk, ice and my personal favourite, small jelly cubes. It was a wonderful occasion where we learnt more about the Indonesian culture, especially the food side of it.” As part of their topic on the environment and conserva on in Term 3, the Year 10 students organised a fund-raising project to raise money for the upkeep of the Orangutans at the Perth Zoo. They raised close to three hundred dollars, a substan al amount, considering that there were only six of them in the class. They are Lexus Lian, Sophie Robinson, Natasha Lee Keep, Fiona Lovin, Gareth Goh and Cur s McKinley. The Zoo presented them with a Cer ficate of Apprecia on for their par cipa on in animal conserva on and rehabilita on, and said the funds would go towards the care and protec on of the Orangutans, an ongoing project run by the Perth Zoo at a conserva on area in Sumatra. The students also had the opportunity in Term 3 to watch an Indonesian mask dance performed by members from Cultural Infusion, a professional touring group from Melbourne, on their annual Australian schools tour. Ibu E Ghani Indonesian teacher, Middle/Senior school
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Maths Department Calculus 2008 – by Benjung Pitavanik Our Calculus class was my ‘model’ class with only 2 students. We could be differen ated from the rest. I’m sure that is why they ‘purposely’ put us in the old Home Economics room or the Science Prepara on room when our room was being used for another event. We didn’t mind the coffee, though. In fact, we enjoyed the most func ons in the College! - Polynomial, Ra onal, etc. As the numbers got more and more complex, especially when we had to “imagine” them, so too did our hand wri ng! Alan came up with his nano-texts and me with my secret codes. Mrs. Jacobsz is the best code-breaker ever!
Applicable Mathema cs – by Benjung Pitavanik Applicable Mathemics, my second biggest class with 5 students! It was rather systema c - Room E2, nearly every day, first thing in the morning. We were a really close-knit group – we were the first people to know about “John’s marriages” and where Alan (who to the best of our knowledge is NOT a terrorist) would propose his plans. It was where Nancy (our famous guitarist and singer) got the most honest feedback on her morning singing voice, and it was also where Joyce’s precious words could be found. Although I wonder if people knew I was sleeping in class … well, only a few mes! I was just le ng my subconscious solve the problems, you know... Mrs. Jacobsz taught us some serious “applicable life skills” like different techniques of coun ng and “combining movies” - Transforma on Matrix. You don’t get to learn those sort of things in any other subject! The small classes really allowed us to get maximum a en on and help from our teacher and each other. No one was really behind because at least 20% of the class was busy with the same work... ha...ha! We are forever grateful for Mrs. Jacobsz who is so pa ent and even gave up her lunch mes for us. I love you all and will never forget you, though I might forget the Maths. Benjung Pitavanik Year 12
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Senior School Music The Year 11 and 12 music students were given an opportunity to record their own composi on and musical arrangement. The Year 12 team of Lindon Mellor, Jed Laloh, Jacob Street, and Patrina Miduku performed two of Lindon’s composi ons, Inspire Me and Time Bomb. While the Year 11’s got together to record their arrangement of Healer, performed by May Yen Leong, Melissa Santoso, Melinda Younger and friends. We wish the Year 12 students every success in their musical goals. The College will certainly miss their musical presence! Mrs Grace Iburg
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Instrumental Program Piano Lessons Flute lessons
Drum lessons
Violin Lessons
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Sports Inter-house Swimming Results AGE GROUP 12 Years Boys 12 Years Girls 13 Years Boys 13 Years Girls 14 Years Boys 14 Years Girls 15 Years Boys 15 Years Girls 16 Years Boys 16 Years Girls 17 Years Boys 17 Years Girls
CHAMPION Nico Kelder Brigi e Alberts Stephen Sco Tori Pickens Luke Younger Pheobe Chase James Wa s Miranda Kelder Francois Alberts Bronwyn Clark Mitchell Hamilton Amy van Niekerk Larissa Tucker
RUNNER-UP Iain MacLennan Molly Angwin Joel Smith Amberlie Evans Mitchell Higgins Kiara Allen Jordan Strahan Chloe MacKenzie John Plowman Vicki Dilley/Kristen Swarts Jesse Smith Rachael Andrews
Interhouse Athletics Results AGE GROUP 12 Years Boys 12 Years Girls 13 Years Boys 13 Years Girls 14 Years Boys 14 Years Girls 15 Years Boys 15 Years Girls 16 Years Boys 16 Years Girls 17 Years Boys 17 Years Girls
CHAMPION Iain MacLennan Rachel Murphy Joel Smith Stephanie Broedelet Cameron Lampard Pheobe Chase Charlie Winslade Zali Smith-Colombini Dylan Boyd Bronwyn Clark Lennon Smar Stephanie Cronin
RUNNER-UP Brady Pearce Melissa Broughton Jake Lemmer Felicity Smith Mitchell Higgins Patricia Anderson Joel Stephens Tarsha Long Daniel Hart Rechelle Harden Jesse Smith Karina Sweeney
Inter-house Overall Results Posi on 1 2 3 4
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Total Points 4719 4691 4369 3165
Athletics - House
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Senior School Sport Teams
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Cross Country
Inter-house Cross Country Results AGE GROUP 12 Years Boys 12 Years Girls 13 Years Boys 13 Years Girls 14 Years Boys 14 Years Girls 15 Years Boys 15 Years Girls 16 Years Boys 16 Years Girls 17 Years Boys 17 Years Girls
CHAMPION RUNNER-UP Iain MacLennan Hayden Clark Rachel Murphy Kylie Choong Joel Smith Jake Lemmer Tori Pickens Felicity Smith Mitchell Higgins Jarrod Street Pheobe Chase Patricia Anderson Charlie Winslade Joel Stephens Zali Smith-Colombini Tarsha Long Daniel Hart Dylan Boyd Rechelle Harden Vicki Dilley Gavin Larans Lennon Smar Emily Finlay Stephanie Cronin
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Swimming - Inter House
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Society & Environment 2008 was a year of great opportuni es and success for the students of Society and Environment at Thornlie Chris an College. We started the year with our Year 7 students undertaking a crash course in archaeology with the Shipwreck Detec ves at the Western Australian Mari me Museum. This was soon followed with our Year 9 students being inspired by a guest speaker from the Commonwealth Bank Founda on to take control of their finances. They were encouraged to create their own financial plans which would help them save and earn the money to buy a car or pay for university. At the same me our Year 10, 11 and 12 students took part in the Na onal Geographic Compe on and many credits and dis nc ons were achieved. In the second term, we encouraged the students to achieve to the best of their ability in na onal compe ons and so we entered the Year 9 and 10 students in the Na onal History Challenge and our Year 8 students in a Local Area History compe on. We were very proud of many of our students’ efforts with a honourable men on going to Bronte Saron and her Margaret Court mul media presenta on. We also commend our Year 8 students for their efforts, which led to the school being awarded $100 from the City of Gosnells. Terms 3 and 4 were by far our most successful terms. We entered our Year 8 and Year 11 Geography students into the Spa al Technology in Schools compe on and were delighted when it was announced that we had won both the State and Na onal Excellence Awards for the compe on which would give the College $3000 towards spa al technology. Shona Wharton and I were flown to Canberra to accept the Na onal Award and were overwhelmed when people from the industry were asking us for copies of our work. Not to be overlooked, our Year 9 students were challenged to uphold our Chris an values in the areas of Poli cs and Law with visits from the Cons tu on Centre and the chance to explore the Supreme Law Courts. It was an exci ng year, a busy year and we can only hope and pray that 2009 will be just as successful. Becky Stevens Learning Area Coordinator Society and Environment.
Year 11 Spatial Technology Award Winners
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Science Department
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Structured Workplace Learning
Once again the Structured Workplace Learning Program at Thornlie Chris an College has been a resounding success. The Structured Workplace Learning program provides students with high quality structured work placements in real work environments. By being involved in Structured Workplace Learning, young people gain a be er understanding of the world of work, and are given a chance to develop their technical and general employability skills. The program concludes with a skill assessment which gives students the chance to gain na onally recognised competencies. This year, eight Year 12 students and twenty six Year 11 students par cipated in the program. A decision was taken to experiment with the idea of running the program in two blocks of two week dura on each in Terms two and three. Although this method has had some advantages, from a management perspec ve it was far more administra vely demanding and probably will not be repeated in the future. Students received a taste of various industry types and many have thoroughly enjoyed it and have gained a clear idea of their prospec ve career paths. Besides gaining skills, many students have obtained part- me employment as well as appren ceships. It is pleasing ot note how many employers are very impressed with the calibre of our students in terms of their behaviour and work ethic! I wish to thank all of our parents for their support for the program. My sincere gra tude goes to the employers who have whole-heartedly par cipated and supported this rewarding ini a ve. I look forward to your con nued partnership in shaping the paths of our young people. Hilda David SWL Coordinator
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Class of ‘2008 John Abou Haidar Rachael Andrews Nancy Angkie Alan Badro Sarah Bahbah Samuel Baker Leah Burnett Tammara Carter Stephanie Cronin Rachelle Dusting Rejoice Irish Francisco Laura Gray Mitchell Hamilton Amy Irvine Jed Laloh Cinthya Lovin
Samantha Masarani Lindon Mellor Patrina Miduku Luke Monteiro Jessica Peek Benjung Pitavanik Rebecca Rebeiro Talitha Riley Emma Robinson Lennon Smartt Courtney Smith Rachelle Storer Jacob Street Larissa Tucker Jacob Wojcik Michaela Yardley
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Year 12’s Have Their Say NCAS Level 1 2012 London Olympics Even ng Team
John Abou Haidar Nic name: Johnoh Achievements Na onal Geography Award, top 25%. Learners Permit. Achieved the highest school exam mark in Geography and Applicable exams, showing that I was perhaps the smartest student. Apprecia on I’d like to thank my God, parents, teachers and students for helping me through year 12 and all my schooling Goals In ten years me I hope to be a successful and well known Lawyer. By around 40 I hope to study business and open my own business, and become a very rich person. My goal is to not get married, and to save all my money and die a very happy rich man.
Rachael Andrews. Nic name: Rachy Achievements: At TCC Inter-school swimming team yr 9-12 Runner Up Champion Girl 15 yrs 2005 Record Holder Backstroke 15yrs Girls 2005 Runner Up Champion Girl Open 2008 Design and Technology Highest Achiever 2006 Part of the Fundraising Commi ee High Schools One Day Event - Team 2nd 2007 (Equestrian) Apprecia on: Mrs Jacobz and Mrs David for being so inspiring and helping me through a stressful year. Parents for being so suppor ve. Friends for always being there and being able to work together. Goals: Muresk University Bachelor of Agribusiness (Equine Management)
Nancy Angkie Achievements Highest Achiever in Music (Year 10). Highest Achiever in Health Educa on (Year 10). Bronze Award. Silver Award. Principal’s Award. 2nd Prize Winner “Outside the Frame” Exhibi on in drawing category. Apprecia on My warmest apprecia on to Mrs. David and Mrs. Jacobs, for have always been there to encourage us, to mother us and to push us through. Mrs. Raynor, for your pa ence and tolerance in keeping up with my undiagnosed insomnia, and thank you so much for being there for me when I needed you the most. Mrs. Florison, for your crea ve inspira ons and your friendship which make me the ar st I become. Mr. Berkelaar for the pizzas, for the much enjoyable debates and for your most pleasant friendship. Mrs. Balding, for everything you’ve done. You are one of the most amazing women I’ve ever met. All the Year 12’s for your friendships making my years much enjoyable and unforge able. Goals To serve God with all I am and to share His love and salva on to others. To be a person of influence that makes a difference, especially in Timor. Would like to have a Bachelor in Urban and Regional Planning. My ul mate goal is definitely to spend eternity with my Father.
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Alan Badro Achievements I was Beau of the Ball, not Lennon. I played Tom in the ‘Away’ performance. Apprecia on Thanks to all the teachers for making me smart, especially Mrs Jacobsz and Mrs Raynor. I’d really to thanks Mr Steal for reminding to do this or else I wouldn’t be in the year book. Also thanks to Mrs Alberts and Mrs Hocking for serving me great tucker at the canteen. Thanks to all my mates for making this a bearable year and giving me a push when I needed it, especially Lennon Smar , Mitchell Hamilton, John Abou Haidar, and many others. Cheers. And most of all thanks Mum, I love you. Goals I’d like to be a pilot in the Air Force, so I can destroy the bad guys. I’ll be going for my advanced diploma in avia on so wish me luck boys (and girls).
Sarah Bahbah Nic name: RAHRAH Achievements Champion Girl Cross Country 2006. Vice Captain for Joseph 2007. Runner Up Girl Cross Country 2007. Champion Girl Athle cs 2007. Highest Girl Achiever Physical Educa on 2007. Bronze Cer ficate 2008. Thornlie Chris an College Sport Captain 2008. Thornlie Chris an College Prefect 2008. 3rd Prize Drawing- Outside the Frame Exhibi on 2008. Volunteer for the Red Cross 2008.
And many more Apprecia on I would just like to thank all the teachers that taught me. I have built a strong rela onship with many of my teachers and I can defiantly say they have mo vated, encouraged and helped me get through this year. A special thankyou to Mrs. Balding my mentor who always supported me and checked up on me even during her busiest mes, it has definitely helped rejuvenate me during dull moments of the year Goals I would love to study at University and do a double major in Public Rela ons and Marke ng. I also have a dream to travel to my hometown the Middle East, Jordan and all across Europe and Asia possibly during semester breaks and holidays. I dream to work for main stream businesses and be working in a 50 story building in an office.
2007 Inter-House Swimming Carnival 2007 Inter-School Swimming Carnival 2008 Inter-House Swimming Carnival 2008 Inter-School Swimming Carnival Apprecia on Family & Friends Goals To be successful in whatever I decide to do in my future.
Goals Simply, Rule the world. Read countless books. And own, brilliant library. Become an amazinggg P.E Educator. Or Science Extraordinaire. Travel ancient wonders. Find out once and for all, what sound giraffes make. Get my licence..eventually. Meet Einstein. Or Da Vinci, whichever comes
Tammara Carter. Nic names. : Tamsyla, Tam, Tamy Achievements Music Scholarship, Choir produc on, Contributed to the organising and running of the 2008 Senior Ball, Head Student councillor 2008. Apprecia on - I think it’s fair to say that I would not have made it through the year without my family; they did so much for me especially during exam mes, thanks for the prayers. And then there are my friends who were always their when I was cracking up. A special thanks to Bec for being an ever present support and Sarah for sharing her organising and stress relief tricks with me and to all my guy and girlfriends you made me laugh so much, thankyou for all the special memories. (Hey Bec, WORD!!) Goals - Well, I would love to study Graphic Design at TAFE, but before that I am going to explore the world a bit ( or as much as my finances will allow). I also want to be more ac vely involved in my church. So in five years me I want to have travelled Europe at least and have at least cert IV in graphic design. ( what can I’m a roman c!)
Samual Baker Nic name: The Baker Man Achievements No comment. Apprecia on No comment.
Goals No comment.
Stephanie Cronin Nic name: Steph, Aka Curls Leah Burne Achievements 2004 Highest Achiever in Economics 2005 Highest Achiever in Music
Apprecia on err. Jack Sparrow, my cat. and my father and my mother and my posse (Aka TaiLs, lightbulb and Wizofawam) The Big G.
Achievements Sport stuff Some academic stuff Chocolate! The most brilliant award of all! Page 109
Rachelle Dus ng Nic name: Chelle, Chelley, Diva. Achievements Head Prefect of Entertainment Commi ee 2008. 2007 Art Award. Athle cs, Swimming & Cross Country Events. 2005 Thailand Mission Trip Apprecia on The One who gives me the strength and grace to live out everyday- Jesus Christ! My family- and wonderful, inspira onal, encouraging, hardworking, and pa ent. Parents!! My awesome girlfriends- Bec Reberio, Shell Storer, Tam Carter, Laura Gray, Sarah Bahbah, Courtney Smith. The Teachers who gave up their me and gave me the support I needed to get where I am! My church youth leaders My Art Inspira ons- Mrs McCormick and Mrs Florrison. Goals Graduate, A end University, To walk on the path which God has planned for me, Travel Europe/Asia.
2007- Cross Country Open Girls Champion 2007- Runner-up Open Girls Sport Champion 2006- Captain of First Team So ball 2005- State Baseball (Western Province Baseball- South Africa) Being alive, coming from South Africa- living in Australia, becoming Head Girl a er 10 months of being in the school, Gradua ng from schoolfinishing Year12 and having a rela onship with Jesus Christ are all achievements in my life.
Daniel Ewen No Comment.
Rejoice Francisco Nic name: Joice Achievements Successfully comple ng year 12! Being part of HPCC Worship Team Apprecia on God for giving me the strenght to get through the year My family for all the support Mrs Jacobsz and Mrs David for the con nuous encouragement Awesome friends and life group TNG Goals Go to university and do a business or compu ng degree. Improve my music skills and use them for our Worship Team.
Laura Gray Nic name: Miss. Gray, Gray, Lolly, Lollipops, Law, Lau, Laura-pie, Laurakins, Shorty, Funsize Achievements 2008- Head Girl of Thornlie Chris an College 2008-Bell of the Ball 2007- Honour Award for Academics
Apprecia on Firstly I want to give thanks to my Creator, My Saviour- Jesus Christ, who I know if it was not for his grace upon my life, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Everything I have I owe to Him, and I will forever be grateful. I seriously can not express what Joy, Love and Strength I find in Jesus Christ. I am certain I would not have made it though Year 12, if I did not have him guiding, leading and direc ng my steps. It’s incredible. Absolutely amazing! Secondly, my Dad and Mom- Frank and Shelley Graywho are legends in my life. They’ve seen the good, beau ful bad and ugly and I’ve learnt insane things from who they are as people. My brother’s: Jonathan, Michael and Caleb. They rock my socks. Rachelle Storer, Lennon Smar , Rachelle Dus ng, Tammara Carter, Rebecca Rebeiro, Courtney Smith, Sarah Bahbah and Jessica Peek, Samantha Masarani, Stephanie Cronin, Patrina Miduku, Mitchell Hamilton, Nancy Angkie, Rejoice Fransisco, Emma Robinson and all my other Year 12 friends, who have made these last 2 years of my schooling career the most memorable years that I will treasure and remember for years to come. Lastly, my teachers at TCC, who from day one being at the school, have totally reflected God through their ac ons and their words. Mrs Jacobsz (my form teacher) – you are priceless. The most beau ful heart and smile ALL the me, everyday. Mrs. Davids (my form teacher)- your bluntness is sure to put anyone in place- I love how you are so real. Mrs. Florisson (my art teacher)- who has totally put up with me and all my crazy ways and who has been such an encourager. Mrs. Lee (my English teacher)- I love your open mindset and vast understanding of so many things- you are seriously a walking dic onary, thesaurus and encyclopaedia. And Mrs. Balding- you are incredible. You have been such an example to me of diligence and hardwork. You literally would do anything to help me and any other student to achieve the best they can and reach their full poten al. I value all your input into my life. Mr Innes for being an amazing pricipal. Okey Dokey Smokey, I think I pre y much covered the basics. I could go on and on and on….and on. HOING CHOING !!! Goals Get accepted to University and Study ART and Post-graduate in Educa on. I would love to be used by God with what he has gi ed me in. I love art, fashion, and dance. I would love to take that and use it to bless others and teach less fortunate kids who live in poverty in Page 110
Africa, Asia and South America. It is a dream of mine, to see schools set up where young girls, boys and children learn and are taught basic skills, so one day they can use it and have a future of their own. To see people walk in their purpose and des ny that God has for them. It would also be awesome to travel the world, experience culture and diversity, to buy a house and go Sky-diving, Bungee- Jumping and in Hot air-balloon. Yee how!
Mitchell Hamilton Nic name: Mitch, Fuzzy, Chad. Achievements Yr 11 voca onal DUX. 2008 Judah house captain. Open swimming champion. Apprecia on The boys and all my friends. Mum, Dad and the family. All my yr12 teachers. Goals Become an electrician. Become the worlds richest man. Have a pet monkey.
Amy Irvine Nic name: Lightbulb Achievements I toured the world in a Freak Circus act as the smart blonde, but they did not realise that a smart blonde is a myth. Apprecia on To someone special… you know who you are, don’t try to hide it. And also to Tilly, who is almost as dumb as me. Goals Unfortunately all my goals were wiped out in the Great Goal Fire of ’97, so I have no goals le , but one: to become Li le Miss America.
Jedidiah Laloh Nic name: Lola Achievements Making it to year 12, only making ‘prefect in training’ and no further, learning guitar and that’s all. Apprecia on I would like to thank. God, who is great. The Parents, who could never leave me. All the great friends I have made who have made these years at school bearable. All the year 12’s, Bryce Avary, Tim McTigue and Aaron Gillespie, Hayley Williams and Josh Farro, John Foreman, Melissa Cross. Underoath and Paramore for ge ng me through the studies. Mr K, Mrs Jacobsz and all my TEE subject teachers.
Samantha Masarani Nic name: Sambam, Wizofawam Achievements I’m no longer a li le wooden puppet, I’m a real boy! Apprecia on Lemon Meringue Pie Goals To become a crazy old cat lady before the age of 30, and also to rid the world of asparagus.
a smile on my face this past year. You guys have always been there for me when I need help, someone to talk to, or just to use as a personal punching bag. Your awsomeness is immeasurable. I would like to add a specific thanks to my mentor teacher Mr. Eikelboom, Mr Khaira, my form teachers Mrs David and Mrs Jacobs, Mr Chan and all my other teachers, for all the awesome chats we’ve had and just hanging out. The biggest of all thanks goes to my family and most of all God for always being there, showing me love, looking after me and getting through this year. Also a very last thanks to everyone I’ve forgotten, I forgot you most of all.
Goals I’ve got so many things I want to do in the future rangeing from travelling the world to becoming a rock star, but it’s en rely up to God where I go and what I do in this life and I’m trus ng in him for direc on. Hopefully when I’m old I can read this and say I’ve done something for this world, achieved something real and laugh at how bad my choice of hair style was.
Goals: Pass The TEE’s See Paramore Live Join a screamo band Drive Grow taller
Patrina Miduku Nic name: Pa e
Lindon Mellor Nic name: Lombard
Cinthya Lovin. Nic name: Cinnie Achievements: being the best ar st at school. Apprecia on: Family and friends. Goals: To be a successful commercial designer/ well known fashion designer next to Marc Jacobs.
Achievements Yodelling champion of the world 3 me runner up heavy weight champion in sumo wrestling A master in hula hoop exo c dance Bingo champion of Wille on old peoples home. Apprecia on I would like to thank, hug and high-five every student and teacher, come and gone, that have played a part in my life over the last 12 years; you guys have made a memory I will never forget. I would also like to thank everyone in year 12, my youth leaders, my buddies (in no par cular order.. unless you know the alphabet) Elliot, Johnno, Jeremy, Murray, Pancake, Sam, Zoe and the rest of the crew; for ge ng me through and keeping Page 111
Achievements Comple ng yr 12. Photography. Being able to standup and sing without freaking out too much!!! Making new friends. See you @ the pole. ExoDay. Apprecia on Parents - bugging me about school Mrs Davids & Mrs Jacobsz for pu ng with all of us this year =) Close friends =) Steph Jesus =) Goals TAFE - photo imaging BA in Art - photo journalism. Base jumping!!! Travel =) Finding sick spectacles frames!!
Psychology degree at Murdoch 2012 School (children’s) counsellor Mission work Establish training and development shelters for abused women and children around the world Travel the world
Mosh at Anberlin, Relient K and Switchfoot live shows!! Find a field of tall grass and watch the sun rise Have someone write me a song
Luke Monteiro Nic name: Lukey Achievements Year 11 drama performance; Pop. Obtained Interschool reserve award. Par cipated in house races; swimming and athle cs. Qualified for Prefect in training. Received awards for drama, science, maths and overall good performance. Apprecia on My closest friends and family, who have supported me. God who has given me this wonderful chance to express myself and to have this lifestyle. The various anime’s I have watched that have inspired me to achieve my dreams and become the best I can. The teachers at Thornlie Chris an College, which have put the efforts into teaching me things that will be useful for the future.
Benjung Pitavanik. Nic name: Langloi Achievements Yr 12 Worship Commi ee Member Bronze & Silver Commenda on Awards
Apprecia on Glory to JC! Thx Dad, Mum & Bro for da supports. Thx friends and my savior mentor (Ti en) for always being there! Thx MC2 and TNG =P. Thx all the teachers for your pa ent and encouragement. Thx TCC and HPCC for the financial support. Also thx Levi and Haggiazo =D
Goals A er comple ng Den stry, I’d like to do medical mission trips in different places. When I re re, apart from giving wise counsel to the younger genera on, I’ll take my orange Lamborghini for a spin every Friday night and play my electric guitar for the rest of the me =P.
Talitha Riley. Nicname: Tali, Riley, Ralitha Tiley, Tweebs, Talsy, Achievements - Social and Environmental concerns Commi e e member, helping the Fundraising Commi ee, Bronze and Silver Commenda on awards.
Apprecia on To Mrs Jacobz and Mrs David for form room devo ons and taking the me to check up on all of us in our personal lives. To my friends and family who have kept me rela vely sane throughout the years.
Goals To create something using visual arts, either by film or gaming produc on to change one’s mindset and beliefs to a wider perspec ve. To get a good career in the path God has chosen me to walk. To be known and to be a good role model.
Goals I’m hoping to work and save to travel (esp. Italy) and hopefully work overseas for a period of me. Interested in business and the ligh ng industry.
Rebecca Rebeiro. Nic namess : Bec, Becky-lah, Becka-Ash and the world famous ‘Buck Buck’ Achievements Co Worship Prefect 2008 Chris an Ci zenship 2005 Thailand Mission Trip. Soccer, track and cross country Academic Jessica Peek. Nicknames PEEKaboo, Pebbles, Jebbica, Peekles. Achievements:
Prefect – Chairperson Fundraising Commi ee ‘Away’ Produc on
Apprecia on: To all my friends who have been there for me, as well as all my teachers who have given me such great support. Goals: Travel overseas, Get into Uni and study Teaching, and learn to play a musical instrument.
Apprecia on My Awesome and Wonderful God My suppor ve family My Nan My amazing friends – the extended family Firebrand youth leaders and pastor My teachers and chappy Mr K Perth Chris an Life Centre Music, for always being there for me in the hard mes and for inspiring me Goals Cert IV in counselling at Tafe 2009
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Emma Robinson Nic names: Emsy or Mervin Achievements During the first half of year 12 I was Student Councillor, then half way through the year was elected prefect. Member of the fundraising commi ee for the first half of the year and then later became joint chairperson with Jessica Peek – through fundraising we witnessed the endless support and generosity of the students helping those in need.
Apprecia on - A huge thank you to Mrs Jacobz and
Mrs David for suppor ng us throughout the year! Your advice and encouragement every morning really helped us through!! Also a huge thank you to my friends and family for their endless support and all that they do for me!! I would not have been able to survive this year without you And last, but certainly not least, Mrs Balding for the amount of me and effort she puts into the college. We really appreciate all that you have done for us over the years!
Goals - I am hoping to get a part- me job when I leave year 12 and start studying primary teaching at university. I also dream to one day be able to travel around Europe.
Lennon Smar Achievements Represented Thornlie Chris an College at every spor ng event at an interschool level from 2004-2008. Received third place for X-country and runner up champion at interschool athle cs. Won gold, silver and bronze medals in the na onal shield bowling championships at Sydney, Canberra, and Brisbane from 20062007 and 2008 respec vely. Apprecia on I would like to thank my Parents, Friends and teachers for your support and encouragement this year to help me be the best I possibly can. I would like to thank Mrs. David and Mrs. Jacobsz for your support and guidance. A huge thankyou for Mrs. Balding for not only being a leader but a friend and an example, I couldn’t have done it without you. Lastly I would like to thank Megan Jenkins, Alan Badro, Mitch Hamilton, Lauren Hocking, Sarah Bahbah and Laura Gray for making this my best year at TCC. Goals To qualify for university at Cur n and study business. I want to complete a double major in Human Resource Management and Marke ng Management. I want to buy my own house before I’m 25 and travel to China which I’ve done (November 2008) and the UK 2010. I want to keep in contact with my close friends, and make many new ones at Uni but most of all grow closer to my loved ones and especially God.
Courtney Smith. Nic name : Court, Courts, or Courtnizzle Achievements - competed in every interschool carnival, swimming and athle cs since year 3. Competed in all interschool cross country events up un l year 8. Runner up Champion swimmer 2004 Class Prime Minister 2004 Community Service Award 2004 Bush Rangers, Courageous Friendship award 2004 Runner up Champion Swimmer 2005 Highest achiever in Photography 2005 Great effort and Confidence in Drama 2006 Enthusias c Par cipa on in Hospitality studies 2006 Diligent worker in Physical Educa on studies 2007 Outstanding achievements in Sport and Recrea on 2007 Great Hospitality and Costumer service skills 2007 Vice Sports Captain for Levi 2007 Sports First Aid and Medicine 2008 Sports house Captain for Levi 2008. Apprecia on: Throughout the ten years I have a ended Thornlie Chris an College I have had the opportunity to watch it grow into the successful school it is today. To have had the privilege of growing up in a Chris an environment and making friends of a life me is such a blessing. I would like to thank my wonderful family for their support and encouragement throughout my schooling years. My beau ful friends who have always been there for me, who make me smile and make every day worth it. I can’t forget the teachers - they’re pre y cool too and I’ll never forget them. Jesus - I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have Him in my life guiding and protec ng me every step I take. Goals: GRADUATE!! TRAVEL!! GET MARRIED =] – YEAH!!
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Rachelle Storer Nick names: Booge, bum, smelly, s nker, scrumbalsoe, smelly shelly, dumb donald duna girl, liefy diefy , beav and PINCHY… etc, etc Achievements 2008- Prefect (worship commi ee) ART Outside the Frame, 1st prize for pain ng, 1st prize for drawing. 2007 - DUX academic award 2006 - Australian leadership award 2005 - DUX academic award House captain: Judah Apprecia on My three sisters: Renae, Liz and Anna – for being my founda on of support this year, and the sole reason for a smile on my face through thick and thin and for providing me with ‘sustenence’ for each of my ‘all-nighters’ this year in an a empt to do some ‘hardcore study’ - fa ening me up for Scrumbalsoe - I love you all. Mum and Dad – for giving me half an hour of chores every single day, to ‘de-stress’ my body, and ‘clear my mind’ and for se ng an example for me in striving to achieve my personal best in everything, giving glory to God. Mr Innes and Mrs Balding – for being the two amazing leaders that have seen this school grow into the thriving success it is today, raising up a genera on of God-fearing students, ready to TAKE ON THE WORLD! I greatly value your personal dedica on to us as individuals, and I thank you. Mr Kingsford: for ini a ng some of those amazing disciplinary skills we all know he’s got up his sleeve – they work wonders I tell ya! I should know. Miss Laura Natalie Gray – for joining me in the ini a on of our campaign ’ procras na on’, ensuring I was never alone - Ek kan nie werk nie, oomdat dis so koud. Miss Rachelle Chris na Dus ng – for inspiring me with her SUPERB work ethic, and daily reminding me that ‘Yes, I am not the only ‘Rachelle’ in the world’ - “CHELL-AY!!” Miss Courtney Smith – for being my partner in crime this year, having conquered the death sentence together. My beau ful friends: Jessica Peek, Rebecca Rebeiro, Tammara Carter, Nancy Angkie, and Sarah Bahbah. Mr Lennon Smar – for being the best example of male leadership our class has ever seen, in and out of school – you’re a born leader, my friend! MR KHAIRA!! …. Enough said (I put your name
in caps WITH TWO exclama on marks, man, that should say enough already) no really, apart from calling me ‘pinchy’, I greatly appreciated and upheld your friendship throughout this year – in summary, YOU’RE A LIVING LEGEND Mrs Jacobz and Mrs Davids: the two most AAMMAAAZZZIINNNG form teachers in the whole wide world. I can’t recall anything be er than Mrs Jacobz’s sunny smile each morning and Mrs David’s ability to mo vate the class with her pep talks in a flash!! You were our class ‘mums’ all year through – thanks for pu ng up with us Mrs Florrisson – for being my school- installed mum. Mrs Lee – for never forge ng to give me my ‘Failure to Submit’ forms! Mrs Sullivan – for being the only teacher who appreciated the meaning of procras na on and slackness – I don’t know if I could have made the journey without your God-given compassion!! A rare quality in most teachers Mr Chan– for being just about the coolest teacher I’ve ever come across. Mr Sco Anderson – for having the heart to allow me to skip music prac ce frequently throughout this year for the sake of ‘studying’!! Elijah Kelly and Lesedi Williams – for being the two most GOOD-LOOKIN’ African men I have ever seen. Mr Steel – for publishing this. And last but not least, My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ: for being my comforter, my refuge and my best friend – the sole mo va on of everything I do. Without His love, favour and daily guidance in my life I know I wouldn’t be where I am today, let alone having go en through Year 12. It is His grace alone that has shaped me, and enabled me live in the freedom I know today, and everything I have achieved this year and those previous to it, is to the glory of His all-powerful name. Goals “gee, I’m only 17, but I think I’d like to play my guitar, be a star” ~ John Mayer I know exactly what I am to be – a living legend. Which is comprised of: Heading out in the big wide world with a sole purpose to spread the gospel. Interroga ng the selfish Canadian export system to allow for beavers to be imported to Australia. Ge ng married BEFORE Miss Laura Gray – because we all know Australian girls are far be er compe on than South Africans. Learning how to surf. Becoming a muscial guru like Herbie Hancock and Stevie Wonder, knowing how to play a thousand instruments at once! Ge ng married to an AMAZING, husband. Being the amazing songwriter I already know I am. And pursuing whatever it is that GOD has planned for my life and seeing it come to pass.
Jacob Street. (Nic names: Jake, Street. Achievements: (co) Publica ons commi ee Prefect - (co) Year book - Event Poster design - IT Highest Achiever Music - Awakening Band - School senior Band Sport - Soccer Apprecia on: God for helping me get through the year Friends for all the fun mes + deep talks. Jess + Bec who are the most amazing people! Firebrand Youth + Leaders. Mr K for not only being a chaplain but a great mate as well. Mr Fong Yr 11 music Mrs Brownhill and her relieving for music. My awesome Form Teachers Mrs Jacobs and Mrs David. All the students and Teachers that have influenced me and played a part in my journey through school. The Guys and their Music. Music!!! - Anberlin + Paramore + UnderOath for ge ng me through the study mes. My Bass for always being there =P. Goals: GRADUATE! Cer ficate 3+4 at TAFE in either IT or Music. University for IT or Music. Sound Engineering course. Get the Stop and Play EP done!!! Play Bass for Youth + Church. Get to as many Live Shows as humanly. POSSIBLE!!! Get a Car + my license + a new bass!
Larissa Tucker Nic name: Larry. Achievements 2005 - 14 year old champion swimmer 2006 - 15 year old champion swimmer 2006 - 15 year old runner up CCS swimmer 2007 - 16 year old champion swimmer 2007 - 16 year old runner up CCS swimmer 2008 - 17 year old runner up swimmer 2008 - 17 year old runner up CCS swimmer Apprecia on: My family for helping me through all my schooling and my friends for making my schooling experience fun and worthwhile. Goals: To try my best and be successful in whatever career I choose to pursue in the future.
Michaela Yardley Nic name : Mickey, Aka TaiLs Achievements The Rather Chipper Award Apprecia on My crew. Wendy and Amy. Mam and Paps. Mitch. Goals Rule the world. Become novelist extraordinaire. Discover Immortality
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Alandra Wilson Le before the end of the year.
Jacob Wojcik Achievements Champion boy in both swimming and athle cs carnivals. Apprecia on All the boys that make things happen. Goals When I die and go to soul society, I want to be a Shinigami
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Year 12 Ball
Thornlie Th li Ch Christian i i C College ll
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Presentation Night
ART Stream 2 Zali Smith-Colombini / Joel Stephens
BIBLICAL STUDIES Stream 1 Minal Palmer
BIBLICAL STUDIES Stream 2 Melissa Dusting
CAREER EDUCATION Stream 1 Sophie Robinson
CAREER EDUCATION Stream 2 Hannah Wallis
DIGITAL MEDIA Stream 1 Zali Smith-Colombini
DIGITAL MEDIA Stream 2 Sarah Murray
DRAMA Hannah Wallis
ENGLISH C.G.E.A. Ashley vanDongen
ENGLISH Stream 2 Lexus Lian HEALTH EDUCATION Stream 1 Cameron Beckley
HEALTH EDUCATION Stream 2 Sophie Robinson / Miranda Kelder
HOME ECONOMICS Stream 1 Sophie Robinson
HOME ECONOMICS Stream 2 Miranda Kelder
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Miranda Kelder Sophie Robinson Zali Smith-Colombini
LOTE Lexus Lian
MATHEMATICS C.G.E.A. Ryan Cammiade
MATHEMATICS Stream 1 Robin Lucio
MATHEMATICS Stream 2 Holly Triplett
SCIENCE Stream 1 Lexus Lian
ENGLISH Stream 1 Matthew Storer
SCIENCE Stream 2 Ian Tee / Ryan Cammiade
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SCIENCE Stream 3 Jarrod Buckley
SOSE Stream 1 Joel Stephens
SOSE Stream 2 Ian Tee
SPORT & RECREATION (Girl) Hannah Utley Zali Smith-Colombini
ART & DESIGN Shona Wharton GEOGRAPHY Shona Wharton BIBLICAL STUDIES Michael Byrne Jared Higgens
Rhys Goodridge HUMAN BIOLOGY Kimmy Choong
CHEMISTRY Dylan Broadbridge
ENGLISH C.G.E.A. Kristen Swarts
ENGLISH 1C/1D Karina Sweeney
ENGLISH 2A/2B Kimmy Choong
PHYSICS Shona Wharton
ENGLISH 1A/1B Michelle Lau
SPORT & RECREATION (Boy) Daniel Hart
YEAR 12 AWARDS APPLICABLE MATHEMATICS Highest Achiever Benjung Pitavanik Honor Certificate John Abou Hadair ART Highest Achiever Honor Certificate
Rachelle Dusting Sarah Bahbah
ART & DESIGN Highest Achiever Talitha Riley Honor Certificate Cinthya Lovin BIBLICAL STUDIES Highest Achiever John Abou Hadier Honor Certificate
Michaela Yardley Sarah Bahbah Talitha Riley
CALCULUS Highest Achiever Benjung Pitavanik Honor Certificate Alan Badro
GENERAL WORKSHOP 11/12 Highest Achiever Mitchell Hamilton Honor Certificate Samuel Baker GEOGRAPHY Highest Achiever Jessica Peek Honor Certificate John Abou Hadair
HISTORY Highest Achiever Honor Certificate
Laura Gray Rachelle Dusting
STRUCTURED WORKPLACE LEARNING Highest Achiever Mitchell Hamilton Honor Certificate Courtney Smith WORK STUDIES Highest Achiever Lennon Smartt Honor Certificate Mitchell Hamilton
HUMAN BIOLOGY Highest Achiever Stephanie Cronin Honor Certificate Samantha Masarani
Vocational Dux Mitchell Hamilton
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Highest Achiever Talitha Riley Honor Certificate Rejoice Francisco
Honour Certificate of Excellence Leah Burnett
INTERACTIVE MEDIA Highest Achiever Talitha Riley Honor Certificate Tammara Carter
CHEMISTRY MODELLING WITH MATHEMATICS Highest Achiever Leah Burnett Benjung Pitavanik Highest Achiever Honor Certificate Mitchell Hamilton Rejoice Francisco Honor Certificate DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Stephenie Cronin Highest Achiever Honor Certificate Michaela Yardley
MUSIC IN SOCIETY Highest Achiever Lindon Mellor Honor Certificate Jedidiah Laloh
DRAMA Highest Achiever Rachelle Storer Honor Certificate Jessica Peek
PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDIES Stephanie Cronin Highest Achiever Honor Certificate Jessica Peek
DRAMA STUDIES Honor Certificate Amy Irvine
Highest Achiever
ENGLISH 1C/1D Cinthya Lovin Highest Achiever Leah Burnett Honor Certificate
Highest Achiever Honor Certificate
ENGLISH 2A/2B Highest Achiever Nancy Angkie Honor Certificate Jed Lalor
SPORT & RECREATION (Boy) Highest Achiever Lennon Smartt Honor Certificate Mitchell Hamilton
ENGLISH 3A/3B Stephenie Cronin Highest Achiever Michaela Yardley Honor Certificate
SPORT & RECREATION (Girl) Highest Achiever Stephanie Cronin Honor Certificate Rachelle Dusting
PHYSICS Benjung Pitavanik
SENIOR SCIENCE Mitchell Hamilton Laura Gray
Sarah Bahbah
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TEE Dux Benjung Pitavanik Honour Certificate of Excellence Amy Irvine
Sarah Bahbah
Sarah Bahbah
Cameron Beckley Year 11
Emily Kuther Shona Wharton Year 12
Jessica Peek Rejoice Francisco
Melissa Dusting
JUDAH Year 11
Justin van der Westhuizen SPORTS AWARD
Sam Baker
Zali Smith-Colombini
Sophie Robinson Year 11
Rebekah Sheedy Year 12
Lennon Smartt
Rachelle Dusting
Emma Robinson
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