& l i c n u o C Stu dent ittees Co m m encouraged to either cycle or walk to school. The event was highly successful as the local politician, Peter Abetz joined the campaign to highlight the need for more pedestrian crossings in the vicinity of the College. The event attracted media coverage and the issue was reported in the Local community paper.
SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS The committee for 2009 comprised of Rebekah Sheedy, Emily Kuther, Hannah Kentish, Charis Brinkman and Nikita Rajan. During the preliminary meeting, the committee decided on embarking on three major projects.
In Term Three, the Committee launched two projects: an Anti-Litter Campaign and Operation Christmas Child Appeal. The anti-litter campaign was planned to combat the litter problem at school. Posters creating awareness about the litter problem were displayed around the school. A poster competition and a colouring competition were also organised. The anti-litter campaign experienced greater success at the Primary School. Winners of the competition were presented with prizes at an assembly.
In Term One, students organised a Sausage Sizzle to raise funds for the Victorian Bush Fire Appeal. The Mobile Mission Ministries buildings were destroyed by the fire and funds were raised to assist with the rebuilding project. A significant amount was raised given the short notice and limited time that the committee had to organise this activity. The event served as an ideal platform to instil values of social and civic responsibility.
The members of the committee are to be commended on their efforts. Despite having a heavy study load, they endeavoured to meet their social responsibility by organising various events promoting awareness of social and environmental issues at Thornlie Christian College.
In Term Two, the Social Concerns Committee combined with the Fundraising Committee to raise funds for Radio Lollipop. Radio Lollipop is a charitable organisation for entertaining children in hospital. It organises volunteers to spend time with children on a one to one basis. A sum of $416 was raised by selling lollipops.
The fundraising committee had a busy year raising money for Dala, Radio Lollipop and the College itself. In the first term, Shona Wharton our hard working committee leader organised a free dress day for Dala and the sale of Lollipops for Radio Lollipop. In organising these events, she trained three new leaders to take on various aspects of the committee and we were extremely proud of the efforts provided by Joel Stephens, Rachel Phillips and Melissa Santosa during these events. On our first Free Dress Day students were asked to wear their most colourful clothes for the chance to win a Giant lollipop provided by the lollipop fundraising company. No one could beat Mitchell Weckman in his colourful
In support of the Road Safety, the Committee decided to coordinate the National Walk to School Day, an initiative of the Pedestrian Council of Australia. The objectives are: the continuing improvement of the safety, a m e n i t y, a c c e s s , h e a l t h a n d environment of all pedestrians throughout Australia. Students were
Mrs David & Mrs Jacobs.
clown suit and it was clear to all the judges of the fashion parade that there could only be one winner. In term two, we joined with the Social Concerns Committee to raise funds for the College through a Sausage sizzle and money for Dala through another Free Dress Day. This Free Dress Day was all about the rubric cube with students dressing in all the colours of the rubric cube. We had many prize bags but unfortunately the sausage sizzle prevented us from being able to judge the best dressed on this day.
Term 3, we did a double fundraiser for Dala selling Fairy Floss on Open Day and the Free Dress Day. This time we diverged from the colourful themes of past free dress day and decided to encourage students to wear their favourite denim clothing. In term 4, a new committee will organise a Free Dress Day and a sausage sizzle to raise funds for the College mission trip in 2010.
Readings. God was certainly present that morning.
As leader of the worship Committee, this year my main goals at the start of the year were straight forward and simple. This was to develop “praise” to God in the College through music, and secondly it was to keep the traditional concept of “Awakening”
My final official function was to lead the Year 12 Valedictory Service. All Year 12’s and their parents gathered together at the Gosnells Golf Club and worshiped for the last time together. At the end of the year, I can look back and can be proud that I have achieved my goal for the year to bring worship to the College community through Music. I thank the students that assisted me as part of my committee and I wish the incoming Chairperson of Worship all the very best in 2010. Francois Alberts
produce. So we breathed a sigh of relief. Although we did collect articles from the staff. We thank all those that assisted us in anyway throughout the year and we wish the incoming Chairperson of Publication all the best for 2009. Elliott Nieves and Tanita van den Bos
STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council Representatives are elected to their positions within the first month of the year. Students are nominated and elected by their Form class. Those nominated make a brief to their Form as to why they would like to stand for the position of Student
By the end of the first term a fully functional band was formed, practising every Tuesday, building a repertoire of worship songs, with the intension of being able to perform and deliver whenever needed. We have a large number of musicians and this allowed the band to be as large as possible and provided a variety of choices as to who played what instruments at the different events.
This year got off to a slow start, with very little happening in our committee during Term One. Elliott was involved in taking photographs at the Inter-house Swimming Carnival, and we both helped photographing other events that the Prefects were running – Mobile
Councillor. Two representatives are elected, a boy and a girl and they may hold their position for the whole year or the Form may decide to re-elect each Semester. To be chosen, the student must agree to the criteria for being a Student Councillor.
With the success of the band we were able to lead the teachers in their Wednesday Praise and Worship once a month and on one occasion we conducted a Praise and Worship for all students during their Form Class time. Awakening was the hardest task for the Worship Committee to try and make it a worthwhile meeting time. It started with a promising bang, yet we soon discovered that most of the people turning up were only interested when we were the givers of lollies and played games. Prayer meetings were still run regardless of how many people met and this was held during a lunchtime. We commenced this year a new venture Acts Of Random Kindness where we just moved around the College and did impromptu acts of kindness for someone. Once again with the assistance of Mr Khaira and Mrs Balding we organised the See You At The Pole meet. This was a wonderful event where over 80 students, parents and staff met together under the Australian Flag for prayer and praise. The Student Councillors all attended and many of them prayed and read the Bible
Missions Maintenance, Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser, Free Dress Days and the Earth Hour initiative. In Term Two we commenced writing a column for each College Newsletter on behalf of the Year 12’s “The Yr 12 Goss” In the column we wrote about the various events that had occurred within our year group, ranging from events, happenings in the Common Room, to our participating in the InterHouse and Inter-School carnivals, our Leaver’s Jackets and who was lucky enough to get their Licence.
Throughout this year the Student Council consisting of two representatives from each Form, Prefects, House Captains and Vice Captains, Heads of the Student Council and Mrs Balding, have met every month to bring to the Council issues raised within their Form to discuss and have these concerns either dealt with in the meeting or passed onto the respective people to have them dealt with. Other issues are also discussed relative to environmental situations, special events that were to take place that the Councillors were required to attend or to pass on information to their Form classes.
We were the official photographers at the Middle School and Senior School assemblies each Thursday as well as special events, Anzac Service, Easter Service, the College Night of Music and Drama.
It is a time in which much listening occurs hearing about things that are happening in the College and helping to improve our College environment and life within the College.
Originally, we had been told that we were required to produce the 2009 College Year Book but it has now been handed over for certain staff to
Much was achieved this year listening to the issues, concerns and ideas of our students. Problems or situations in our community have been brought to our attention allowing us to attend to
them and improve the situation within the College. Drainage issues, bathroom issues, play ground issues, equipment concerns, locker problems, canteen food, the College litter problem are some of the issues that were raised. Entertainment ideas were discussed and suggestions were made to cater for the likes and interests of all students.
believe in their abilities as they competed in Inter-School competitions. I believe that this was achieved as we never had an event where there was not a full quota of competitors and we produced many champions.
A big thank you to all of the Student Council representatives as they were the ones who brought forward the issues, concerns and ideas of our students. Thank you to all of the Prefects and House Captains and Vice Captains who also brought to the meeting valuable updated information from their committees related to other events and happenings around the College. Also a big thank you to Mrs Balding. This amazing woman is the one who kept us going and assisted in the meetings running smoothly so that they were productive and successful. We wish the incoming Heads of the Student Council our best wishes and know that they will experience the same opportunities of learning new leadership skills relative to these positions and leave as we have, with a huge sense of achievement. Emily Kuther and Clinton Le Chat
SPORTS CAPTAINS As Sports Captains our main focus was to look after and assist the eight House Captains and Vice Captains as they ran House meetings and encouraged students to participate in the InterHouse Swimming, Athletics and CrossCountry carnivals. Meetings were held monthly to prepare for these events. Another one of our responsibilities was to work along side Mrs Katwishi and Mr Eikelboom assisting with the selection of competitors for the events for all carnivals. We also had to assist with the preparation of equipment for the carnivals. One of the goals for the year was to encourage more students to compete in the Inter-House carnivals and to
We wish the 2010 Sports Captain/s all the best as they enjoy their time with this responsibility as much as we have. Victoria Dilley and John Plowman
Student Councillors were also involved in many of the special events that happened over the year. The See You At The Pole prayer time where many of the Councillors took part in the service, the Anzac and Easter services and the Open Day where all Councillors were rostered on to assist staff, to escort visitors to various activities and to also assist on the stalls. At the end of each Semester there was a special reward of a Pizza Lunch which was certainly a great reward.
their support and the students for always putting in their best effort no matter what the activity.
ENTERTAINMENT AND FUNCTIONS This year, we were given the great honor of being the Chairpersons of the Entertainment Committee. Together with our committee members, Joshua Irvine and Lauren Hocking, and our staff liaison, Mrs. Balding, we have organized the Senior School Ball, Middle School Movie Night and last but not least, the Senior School River In conjunction with the Head Boy and the Head Girl, the inaugural Battle of the Bands was held with four bands competing – one band from each House. This event was a closely contested competition with Joseph eventually taking off the title. This competition was our very first and we would like to see it continue each year with more musicians from the Houses competing. Table Tennis enthusiasts enjoyed a lunchtime of competition and this is an event that will continue to run next year as there is a keen interest to see this happen and to develop. We also assisted Mr E and Mrs K at the Open Day by holding an activity of sporting and fitness games. This drill consisted of sprinting and weaving in and out between markers. The person who attempted this activity was given a time and their rating amongst a broad range of people, determined by age and gender. We had young children, teenagers and adults all having a go.
cruise. Though stressful at times, this experience has been truly rewarding and as we look back at what we have achieved, we can see it was completely worth it.
Early morning Swimming training and after school Athletics training was held to encourage those students who were selected for the Inter-School Swim Squad or the Athletic Squad. We believe that this training certainly helped in consolidating many major placings at the carnivals and also a number of the students being recognized as Champions or Runnerup Champions. Over all our placing in both competitions was 4th.
The Senior School Ball was by far the most challenging and eventful function we had to organize. Being the first formal event we were in charge of organizing, it will definitely stick with us for a long time as a great achievement. After much consideration, the function was based around the 25th Anniversary of the College with a colour scheme of silver and black. From counting the money and phoning up our suppliers, to organizing gifts and setting up the venue it was quite a stressful period, especially in conjunction with our Year 12 studies. But with the assistance of everyone, we finally got there. Finally, the night of the Ball arrived and everyone was really excited. The most anticipated event of the night would have been the announcement of the Belle and Beau of the Ball. Karina Sweeney and Chanan Brinkman received the awards respectively and truly deserved it. Overall the night was a great success and we were delighted by the many compliments we received.
In conclusion, we have had a great year. We thank the House Captains for
In Term Three, we decided to organize a movie night for the Middle School.
We had planned an Inter-House lightning carnival for Term two but because of inclement weather this was postponed until Term Four and although we as Year 12’s were not able to be there to assist, from all reports it was a resounding success.
They had to vote for two of the three movies we selected and in the end Madagascar: Escape to Africa and Night at the Museum 2 was chosen. This event was much easier to organize in comparison to the Ball; however, it was quite an experience trying to prepare popcorn for over 80 people with a tiny popcorn machine. Yet once again it pulled together nicely and was an enjoyable night full of laughs and giggles from the Middle School group. Our last major function to organize was the most recent Senior School River cruise. After finally receiving everyone’s permission slips and money, we were able to relax and enjoy an evening on the river. The theme for the eveing was “A Night of the Stars” and a “Dress to Impress” and it was amazing the variety of outfits that were worn and it was certainly apprectiated that all got into the spirit of the evening and dressed to the theme. Aone Ntane paid a special tribute to the year 12's by singing "The Greatest Love of All" and we were all very proud of her performance and thankful for her appreciation and respect for our year group. As the evening carried on more girls started kicking off their heels and the dancing was endless. Even the staff took moments out of their supervising role to move and shake to the music. Overall this was a great event; ending in some tears for the year 12's and it was certainly one of our favorites to organize and run. Overall this year has been challenging, rewarding, stressful, exciting and enlightening. From being Prefects and Chairpersons of Entertainment and Functions we have both gained an enormous amount of skills in leadership, communication, organization and design that can be readily transferred to our everyday lives. We certainly believe that none of these skills would have been gained without the functions and events that we organized and these would not have been possible without the students and our peers input, so with that we would once again like to extend a big thanks to them and to all those who attended the events over the year and those who assisted us in the organisation of them, especially Mrs. Helen Balding with her training and guidance and our committee. To the Entertainment Committee of 2010, we wish you all the best and we hope that you enjoyed your year as much as we did. Megan Jenkins and Kimmy Choong