NEWS ‘N’ VIEWS Term 2 April - July 2012
COLLEGE SENIOR BALL “The best part about the ball was the fact that everyone was able to have a good dance with friends, to good music.” Andrea Antonello, Y11
The Thornlie Chris,an College Senior Ball was held on the 25th of April 2012 for the Year 11’s and the Year 12’s. The commi@ee very much enjoyed organising and preparing for this important and special evening for the students and their partners along with staff and parents. The theme for the night was elegance and this was shown through the tasteful colours of red, black and white. All who a@ended had an amazing night where beau,ful pictures were taken, wonderful food was eaten, followed by dancing the night away and a chance to spend the evening together which was the best part. Belle of the Ball was presented to Jennifer Waddell who looked absolutely amazing and shone like a star; Beau of the Ball was given to Jesse Whitaker who looked very handsome and displayed himself as a real gentleman. This amazing night we will always reflect on and the memories we made will last forever. It would not have been possible without the help of Mrs Balding who guided, and helped The Entertainment and Func,ons commi@ee; Siobhan Hair, Lauren Quinn and Maddison Davidson, to make this evening a night to remember. Thank you to all Year 11 & 12 students that a@ended as well as Parents and Staff. Entertainment and Func,ons Commi@ee Siobhan Hair, Lauren Quinn & Maddison Davidson Staff Liaison Mrs Balding
“A beautiful and glamorous evening.” Stephanie Broedelet, Y12
The 20th of April was a terrific day and the perfect night for the annual Thornlie Chris,an College Senior Ball. Although the chilly weather and cloudy undertone carried premoni,ons, in contrary it highlighted the warmth and shine of each individual that a@ended this well organised event. As early as from the recep,on amongst my peers, I had already known that the night was going to be a good one, where everyone not only looked amazing, but genuinely felt special with a joy that was carried ,ll the end of the night and that I s,ll feel as I write this. The aesthe,cs of the venue and delicacy of the food, topped with a reputable message from Mrs Balding and a few of Mr Kingsford’s infamous jokes made for one of the most elegant nights of my life. I thank you all for the wonderful night and wish our Year 12’s, peers and beloved Staff their best year yet. Jesse Whi@aker, Beau of the Ball At the 2012 Senior Ball I received the pres,gious award of Belle of the Ball. I was so surprised and so grateful. The moment I stood in front of Mrs Jacobsz, receiving my sash, I was crying. I had not thought I would be chosen as Belle of the Ball because I didn't spend a lot of the ,me dancing. I also hadn't wished to win Belle of the Ball -‐ not because I didn't want to be considered the most beau,ful, or best-‐dressed or elegant or for my personality, but because I didn't want to dance the waltz in front of everyone. I admit to not paying much a@en,on in the dancing classes (sorry Mrs Balding) because I was having too much fun and that did have consequences. I stood on the Beau's feet every way we turned! Sorry Jesse! But, overall it was an amazing experience and one that i'll never forget. Thank you so much. Jennifer Waddell, Belle of the Ball
“Best night of my life!” Jason Earle, Y12
What a great way to commence the term -‐ a service where members of the whole College community gathered together in the Mul, Purpose Hall to remember the service men and women who gave their lives so that we could live peacefully in this great country of ours. The service was led by our Head Boy and Head Girl, Jake Lemmer and Siobhan Hair with staff and student representa,ves, Sophie Wilson, Bri@any Prosser and Ben Le,zia, Ka,e Bilich, Zachary Seow and Dharshini Sugamaron from the different schools within the College taking part in the service. We were very honoured to have present, Pe@y Officer Seyit Kaplan from the HMAS Sterling who having served in both the Turkish and Australian forces was able to present a very accurate account of his ,me serving both countries, Mr Peter Abetz MLA who laid a wreath on behalf of the wider community, Mr John Angus from the Bentley Salva,on Army playing the Last Post and Rouse and former student Aaron Moore, officia,ng with the formali,es of the flag. It was also great to see many students dressed and parading in their Scouts, Army Cadets, Brownie, Guides and other service organiza,on uniforms and parents of the College support this event. Mrs Balding Assistant Principal, Secondary
YEAR 9 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY On Wednesday 13th of June the Year 9's went to the Mul, Purpose Hall at school for the second Personal Development day. It was an interes,ng and fun day to be a part of as we played games, listened to Adam Przytula speak about: The wounded spirit, Self-‐esteem, Decision Making, Bullying and Resilience and to finish the day we had a hip hop crew named BAM come in and show/teach us some moves. During the day, we were given chocolates for asking good ques,ons and winning games and for lunch we had hotdogs and a can or juice box. Overall it was a great day and I personally can't wait for the next PD day later in the year. Joshua Bandi
The PD day on Wednesday was awesome and the workshops were very mo,va,onal. Adam, the quest speaker was very funny and everyone had a few laughs. I really liked it. The Hip hop crew was pre@y
“Adam was really good and his testimony was amazing!! B.A.M. were heaps awesome and really nice people :)” Madonna Salem, Y9
cool. I learned some new moves and the dance by BAM was cool. Canaan Thevarakam
MATH OLYMPIAD The first Olympiad for the year took place on May 23 and students in both the Junior and Senior divisions excelled. The top achievers for the Junior Olympiad was Haritha Ranaweera in Year 6 and Eli Gunn in Year 7. They both had a score of 100%. In the Senior Olympiad the top achievers where Samuel Wong in Year 8 and Elisa Lian in Year 9, both with a score of 80%. I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all 33 par,cipants for doing their best and I would also like to encourage them to keep prac,cing for the next Olympiad, which will be on the first day of Term 3, Thursday July 26. Mrs Jacobsz Learning Area Co-‐Ordinator, Maths
YEAR 9 EXCURSION TO PARLIAMENT HOUSE AND DISTRICT COURT On the 26th of April, the Year 9’s went on an S&E excursion to the Law courts and Parliament House. We were accompanied by Mrs Coelho, Mr Kingsford, Mr Majinda and Mr Soo. My group first visited the District Court where we learned about the different roles of the staff members. Anerwards we crossed the street to the Magistrates Court where we were able to watch some real sessions in progress. It was all very fascina,ng! We then proceeded to the Cons,tu,onal Centre of Western Australia, where we were shown a video on elec,on and vo,ng followed by the comple,on of worksheets to supplement our understanding on the vo,ng process. Moving on, we went to the Parliament House where we were shown around on a tour and brought to the Green Room where we re-‐enacted a debate over the hoon law. We got to meet Mr Abetz, who provided the plaporm for an interes,ng ques,on and answer session. In all, we had a great day and a fantas,c ,me! We learned many things and the excursion was interes,ng and informa,ve, peppered with lots of fun. Elisa Lian Year 9
ENGLISH WEEK Once again, English Week 2012 has come and gone. Once again, students in Middle School have par,cipated enthusias,cally in the various word-‐based ac,vi,es held over Week 5, Term 2. Winners of Boggles and Scrabble were awarded house points and this gave added incen,ve for the students to strive to do their best. The much an,cipated Spell-‐a-‐thon final was won by Caleb Watson, Year 7, aner facing off five other formidable Middle School opponents. A Crea,ve Wri,ng Compe,,on was also held and the judges were impressed by the varied talents of the entrants expressed in their poems and short stories. Winners and runners-‐up were presented with cer,ficates and gin vouchers. In Yr 7, the winner is Natalie Grasso and the runner up is Isobel Baverstock In Yr 8, the winner is Kate Crawford and the runner up is Jermy Koshy In Yr 9, the winner is Chelsea Francis and the runner up is Elisa Lian It is the hope of the English Learning Area that students will con,nue to explore the many wonderful things they can do with the English language and discover the power and potency of language in their lives. Mrs Joan Lee Learning Area Coordinator, English
INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE The Language Perfect global compe,,on would have ended last Thursday but our students are s,ll keen to con,nue chalking up their points so they could win some prizes leading up to the draw in October. It is not easy to get points in this challenging language game and here is the excitement. They are also aware that in order to win one point they need to answer each ques,on correctly three ,mes in a row. So it involves having excellent memory and keyboard skills as well as a good strategy in place so as to be able to answer as many ques,ons correctly in a given ,me for that par,cular exercise. This is certainly a good way to learn vocabulary. Next to each student’s name is the total points which is ranked with others in the class. Students can clearly see their points increase as they answer more ques,ons correctly. The sta,s,cs of Thornlie Chris,an College in this compe,,on are reflected below. Total Ques+ons Answered: 56,466 Compe+ng students: 87 Top student results: Joel Lee, Year 10 answered over 1000 ques,ons correctly Nicholas Altmann, Year 7 answered over 800 ques,ons correctly Mrs Ghani, Teacher in Charge of LOTE
CHAPEL SERVICES So this has been a cracker term for Chapel! The guests speakers and ar,sts have been great, but the message they have been sharing has been the most encouraging. So many like minded people walking in different areas of life, using the gins, talents and abili,es that God has given them to build into the larger Kingdom! Messages of hope in the midst of suffering, purpose in the midst confusion and peace in the midst of destruc,on. What do you get when you cross a V8 super-‐car driver, a former African terrorist and a world renowned hip hop crew with a bearded Chaplain and a Deputy Principal? That's Chapel @ TCC! Mr Khaira College Chaplain
From an Assistant Director’s point of view I feel that the produc,on ran very smoothly. I was very proud that every one remembered their lines, their cues and their posi,ons. I now feel that all of the aner school rehearsals and all the ,me and effort everyone and myself put into making the produc,on a success
“I really enjoyed these much more rewarding when it all came together at the end. I think experiences because I enjoy Drama and I everyone did a fantas,c job and should be very proud of themselves. It love being out there. seems that each year the College produc,on ends up being a great It was really fun as achievement. This year’s produc,on has really set a high standard for well” Latoya Japhta others to follow. Even though I will not be at the College next year aner really paid off. It wasn’t an easy produc,on to do, which made it so
gradua,ng at the end of this year, I am really looking forward to coming along and watching next years performance. Ques,on is… can this year’s, Year 11’s maintain the high standard for next year? A huge thanks to Mr Willesee, who put all his ,me and effort into three nights of Produc,on! Amberlie Evans, Assistant Director This was my last College Produc,on and it means a lot to me to be in it with all my close friends. Being involved with both on-‐stage and backstage aspects of the produc,on has been very beneficial and fun. I’m sure everyone enjoyed watching the performance as much as I enjoyed being part of it. Jason Earle, Year 12 I loved the energy on the stage. So much is going on all the ,me and I love how amazing all my fellow cast and crew was. Rachel Murphy, Year 11
The Music camp students of 2012 consisted of a group of energe,c and adventurous students from various year groups excited to experience their very first Music camp. Students were soon separated into groups lead by a Year 11 mentor. Throughout the journey to Fairbridge, I had the opportunity to enjoy an amazing ,me with various talented students. The Music camp held this year was not only for the Choir but it also included the Rock Band. This increased the number of students a@ending; to well over 20 students. Once we were se@led at Fairbridge we began to unpack and play a few icebreaker games, which helped students to create new friendships. Each group became more and more compe,,ve as the par,cipa,ng students were eager to win the ul,mate prize at the end of the camp. Rehearsals became intense, as we had to learn a variety of songs from different eras, however the highlight was the enthusiasm of each student as they created ac,ons and dance moves rela,ng to the song. Various games such as a treasure hunt took place organised by Mrs Balding. During the day we had lessons by Mrs Balding on how to do the jive and a demonstra,on by Mrs Balding and Mr Kingsford on how it is done. It was an unforge@able experience dancing with the Middle Schools students. As the day was coming to an end everyone was prac,sing their performances for the Talent Show that night. The amount of musical talent displayed was mind blowing as each of the students showed just how incredibly gined they really are. The advantage of staying at Fairbridge was gevng away from the distrac,on of City life; and we had the privilege to experience the sight of billions of stars shining brightly. Before ending the day we headed out for a night bush walk to experience our last night together as a music group. Music camp was a very enjoyable event as each of us has many memories to cherish and have new friendships. Dharshini Menon, Year 11 Music Camp Mentor
INTER-SCHOOL GIRLS FOOTY On Thursday, June 21, 18 Senior School girls journeyed up to the Swan Valley region to par,cipate in the WACCSA Interschool Girls AFL Carnival. Aner a couple of weeks of training, the girls were excited but a bit unsure of what to expect as some were playing the game for the first ,me. It showed a li@le in the first half as the girls were a li@le in,midated by the tall and powerful Swan team, and were down by 4 goals at half ,me. The second half proved to be a much more even affair as the girls realised they could match Swan. A brilliant diving tackle and kick for goal by Denika Marciano provided our girls with their first goal of the day, and it was quickly followed by a goal to Amberlie Evans from a strong mark in the goal square. The girls ended up losing by 4 goals, but managed to keep the second half level which was a great achievement and made the Coach very proud. The second game saw TCC go up against Ellenbrook. Having a lot more confidence, the girls started much stronger and kicked the first 4 goals of the game. A further 2 goals in the second half saw the girls finish winners by about 5 goals. The commitment from our team was clear to see, as two of our girls clashed heads figh,ng to lay a tackle on an Ellenbrook defender and Andrea Harper took a heavy blow but has now recovered well. The win meant that TCC finished second for the day, a great result! The team was well lead by Co-‐captains: Amberlie Evans -‐ who kicked three goals for the day, Courtney Wallis -‐ who rucked valiantly for most of the day, and Emere Gard -‐ who lay some crunching tackles in the backline. Donnah Holloway provided some great run from the backline, Rachel Murphy was a rock on the fullback line and Tahlia Pinci was running all day. Congratula,ons to other goal-‐kickers Sepro,na Peniata, Maddison Davison and Amy Grasso. Thank you also to Daniel Fleay and Michael Long for helping out with umpiring on the day. Mr Eikelboom Teacher of Physical Educa,on
AWAKENING Awakening this term has no doubt been a challenge, with an average a@endance of 10-‐15 people per Awakening. However fellow chairperson Rebecca Moore and commi@ee members Emily Olsen and Ma@hew Wilson have worked hard to give students an opportunity of genuine God ,me through the use of new ini,a,ves such as “Communion-‐styled” Awakenings and Awakening which were solely based on listening to Worship songs; as well as prayer mee,ngs. It’s been truly great to see regulars come to Awakening – which means that what the Worship commi@ee is doing is influen,al, and something which can grow and develop into a well-‐known lunch,me event in the very near future. We hope Term 3 will be a success as well as be a step further in being an outreach to the younger genera,on of students this year. Bradley Dus,ng Head Chairperson of Worship Commi@ee
MIDDLE SCHOOL WACSSA INTER-SCHOOL SOCCER CARNIVAL The WACSSA Inter-‐school Soccer Carnival took place at the Ashfield Reserve Sports Grounds in Ashfield. There were seventeen schools in total categorised into seven Secondary Schools, six large Primary Schools and four small Primary Schools. The Secondary School compe,,on in which Thornlie Chris,an College par,cipated in allowed each school to play six games and our results were as follows: Game 1: TCC vs. Swan (TCC won by 2 goals to 1). Our goal scorers were Samuel Wong and Lee Spence Game 2: TCC vs. Rehoboth (TCC lost by 1 goal to 2). Our goal scorer was Jai McCamley Game 3: TCC vs. Mundaring (TCC won by 5 goals to nil). The goal scorers were Braydon Beckley with 2 goals, Samuel Wong with 1 goal, Joshua Smith with 1 goal and Jai McCamley with 1 goal Game 4: TCC vs. Founda,on (TCC won by 1 goal to nil). The goal scorer was Brendan McCamley. This is the team that came second but with much less points than TCC – who eventually won the compe,,on. Game 5: TCC vs. Southern Hills (TCC won by 3 goals to nil). The goal scorers were Jai McCamley with 2 goals and Samuel Wong with one goal. Game 6: TCC vs. Emmanuel (TCC won by eight (8) goals to nil). The goal scorers were Jai McCamley with three(3),Brayden Beckley with two (2), Andrew Bagayana with one (1), Lee Spence with one (1) and Samuel Wong with another one (1). Overall, these were fantas,c and fulfilling performances brought about by the handwork and dedica,on the boys have shown throughout the training sessions we have had in the past weeks. It was the team effort coupled with the good behaviour that reflected the College ethos. My personal gra,tude goes to the College leadership, Staff, Parents, House Captain Jordan Spence and helper Connor Marshall who supported this endeavour from the beginning to the end. God richly bless you all and may He con,nue to be glorified even through these children’s gins and talents. Mr Majinda Teacher of Physical Educa,on
During Week 10 we joined with the Social Concerns Commi@ee, Jason Earle and Parvan Gill, to create Sports Week. The sports ran from Monday through to Friday and were held during lunch ,mes each day in the Mul, Purpose Hall. The Middle School took part in Indoor Soccer, while the Senior School took part in Netball. Each year group organised their teams, consis,ng of both girls and boys. They then had to come up with a team and a name in which they’d be known by. Different teams versed each other on different days and on the Thursday and the Friday were the Semi Finals and the Finals to crown the overall Netball and Soccer champions. The winners for the Middle School Soccer team was Alf’s Team -‐ Cameron Flood, Demi Jacob, Chante' van den Berg, Kieren Li@lefair, Steve Ma@hews and Mary A,eh. The winners for the High School Netball team was Da Cool Cats -‐ WIlliam Jacobsz, Connor Marshall, Kirsty Issacs, Rachel Murphy, Kirrilie Braun, Brandon Moss and Mitchell Crisp. Subs were Josh Moffat, Andrea Antonello, Jordan Spence and Ralfey Fenton. Overall the idea of a Sports Week was extremely successful as an idea to run during school hours and be able to get as many students involved as possible. We had great help from the Sports Captains and even some Year 12 students who helped and assisted in refereeing the games. Both Joel and I were grateful to be working alongside Jason and Parvan in this week and are happy with a posi,ve outcome. Joel Smith & Stephanie Broedelet Sports Captains
On the twen,eth of June, Year 11 Drama students went to the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts to view the play ENRON put on by second year WAAPA students. The play was about the rise and fall of Jeffrey Skilling (CEO of mul,-‐billion dollar company Enron from 1992 to 2001). The play was brilliantly wri@en, directed and performed and everyone involved in its produc,on should be immensely proud. All who a@ended thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We laughed, we cried and we learned. It was a wonderful night and we all thank Mr Willesee for taking us. Emily Olsen Year 11
3 M R E T IN P U G N I COM Inter-house & Inter-school Cross Country Governors Prayer Breakfast Inter-house & Inter-school Athletics Year 10 Work Experience Interschool Netball Prefect CSA Conference ...and much more!
Produced by Jake Lemmer and Chontelle Wharton Miss Fensom, Staff Liason Media Department, Publica,ons Commi@ee © 2012 Thornlie Chris,an College