NEWS ‘N’ VIEWS Term 3 July - September 2012
I thought Open Day went really well this year, with beau6ful sunny weather and lots of families having a look at all the displays. The Mul6-‐Purpose Hall was buzzing with musical performances and displays, and there seemed to be a lot of new people interested in learning about the school. Mrs Florisson Beau6ful weather, great turn-‐out, fantas6c presenta6on of our College in all spheres of ac6vity. Really proud of all who made the day such a resounding success! Mr Innes There was a great feel around the campus on Open Day. It was great to see the TCC Community come together and showcase the great work being done. Thanks to all the people involved on the day. Mr Gunn I thought Open Day was great – I had lots of good chats to people about what we do in Biblical Studies. When I asked my two kids what they thought was the best thing about Open day, they said in unison, ‘The Fairy Floss’. (and Damien’s exploding chocolate tart came a close 2nd). Mrs Underwood
OPEN DAY The Open Day was a fantastic day that reflected all the hard work the students had done this term! Miss Harris It appeared to be a very successful day with plenty to see, do and eat! Visitors seemed to be enjoying the relaxed atmosphere as they wandered around the campus. Mrs Munyard
INTERHOUSE ATHLETICS The Interhouse Carnival was really fun and exci6ng but incredibly 6ring. The atmosphere set by all the Houses were inspiringly mo6va6ng, especially during the big races. I was star6ng to believe that some of the races were won because of the support of the crowd. The spectators also added pressure to par6cular compe6tors because of expecta6on from previous carnivals. Joel Smith was expected to dominate the track but I think he fell under pressure and lost majority of his races to closest rival and head boy, Jake Lemmer. To top off the day, he crossed the finish line in 1st place and won the relay for Joseph, which was the icing on the cake for him. I was lucky enough to be part of that relay team. Cralin Mclaren, Year 11 Even though I wasn't in many races on the day I s6ll had heaps of fun, cheering, dancing and being a mascot and suppor6ng my house. Rachel Murphy Well the first reason it was good is because Joseph Won!!!!!! Secondly, I won the 100m but also got the record for that. Thirdly I won the 200m, Forthly we also won the relays and I think we broke that record as well and lastly that I got runner up and now get to see the Olympians and the day itself was great!! Josiah Laloh
A highlight for me each year, is our Principal’s Morning Tea, an opportunity to celebrate excellence in its various forms throughout the Secondary School. It is a privilege to acknowledge students who, through their diligence, self-discipline, commitment and enthusiasm are achieving at the highest levels. While many of these accolades go to students for their academic achievements, a number are also awarded to students who have served the College well in other areas. The Principal’s Tea is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge these students in a personal way. Mr Bill Innes Principal
Term 3 was another big one regarding our Chapel services! It started off with a touring group from NSW, Endless Praise, leading our secondary school in worship and then followed this up with a Primary School concert. They loved the school so much they stayed on to run some Drama workshops with our Year 6's and also some songwri6ng workshops with our Yr 11/12 music class. The guys from To Write Love on Her Arms stopped in as part of their Australian tour and we were fortunate enough to have an acous6c set from Callum Burne, lead singer of The Calling of Levi. He gave the students a sneak peek at one of their new singles through the acous6c set which was definitely a highlight! Addressing the issues involved with the teenage mental health profession was very thought provoking and powerful and many of the students beneficed from being a part of this session. Some tes6monies and a message from myself, the Chaplain, rounded out a very evendul term. Having a set 6me to gather together as a Secondary School and "prac6ce what we preach" is a privilege that we should never take for granted. Mr Khaira, College Chaplain
On Friday the 7th of September the Year 12 Crea6ve Industries Media students embarked on the very first Media camp at Club Capricorn in Yanchep. The students task over the weekend was to record their final SWITCH show of 2012. It is safe to say the students wanted their final show to be unique, different and definitely something to remember, especially as it was the final full term of their school life. Aier packing the mini-‐bus with all the camera equipment we finally lei at lunch6me aier Amberlie realised she would indeed need shoes for the camp and of course not forgejng “pengie”, the SWITCH mascot. Friday night was spent planning the show aier they familiarised themselves with the facili6es and loca6ons that were available. Throughout the night the students somehow managed to plan the en6re show in between ea6ng dinner, assigning a theme song for the camp, leap frogging, various dances, having m&m ea6ng compe66ons and thinking about how we missed the 5th member of the team, Chontelle Wharton. On Saturday we were truly blessed with great weather allowing the students to capture some really good footage throughout the day. Jason also learned how to cook sausages properly, Brad tripped over everything he could find, Jesse spent some 6me reflec6ng in a “she loves me, she loves me not” fashion and Amberlie became the resident photographer! However, throughout the busyness, craziness, fun and laughter of the days, we did not forget about Chontelle, capturing a photo to show how sad the team was without her. Overall the camp was a great success, heaps of fun was had and lots of memories were made. All that is lei to say is make sure you switch on to see the last SWITCH of 2012 from the Year 12‘s. You won’t want to miss it! Miss Fensom Teacher in Charge of ICT and Media
YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE For my Work Experience I went to a company called Veem. Veem is a manufacturer of boat propellers and has won the award of The Worlds Greatest Manufacturers of Propellers. Veem does not only manufacture propellers, but also repairs them, as well as fix crank shais for cars, manufactures parts for aircrais, boats, cars and other industrial machines, e.g. fans, rota6ng parts, cylinders etc. Some of the machines they use are very advanced in technology compared to other companies. Workers to use these machines have to have a degree or a cer6ficate to use them. My favourite part was working in the Fijng department. In the Fijng Department they repair broken parts, clean and some6mes weld new parts on the exis6ng part. At Veem they use large cranes to lii heavy equipment, due to safety. Kiante Felix, Year 10 Work Experience was actually so fun, I loved every minute of it, I got to work with Engineers and Appren6ces. The place I went to is in Jandakot and the business is China southern W.A Flying college and I worked in the Engineering Department and I never assisted where required I did most of the jobs because they tested my mechanical skills and I got to drive a aircrai Grobb G115c2 , only because I’ve done simula6ons before and so I was allowed to drive it, it was great. Aaron Figredo My Work Experience took place at Champion Lakes Vet Centre. I observed the surgeries and consulta6ons and talking to the clients about their animals. In one surgery I was the nurse, I was requested to write down the results; take the heart rate, temperature etc. My reason for not wan6ng to do this job was because I do not think I have it in me to put an animal down. Anandi Labuschagne For my Work Experience I worked at a Cats and Dogs boarding kennel. I fed the dogs, cats and cleaned their kennels, played with them and let the dogs out in the yard. I had a good 6me, I learnt a lot about animal care and what it’s like to care for animals. It was a great experience and I think what I want to do in the future may be something to do with animal care now. Nicole Utley
YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE My work experience was good, I enjoyed the variety that the company had and experiencing almost all of the departments. There was lots of debate as to whether a Mechatronics course is any good, but after talking to a mechatronics engineer, I discovered that the difference between a Mechatronics course and a mechanical and electrical course is 6 units which can be done in a bit over 6 months, I think I will still pursue the mechatronics career. John Weckman
I went to Brian Gardners for my work experience and it was great. The work was fun and the people were nice.
For work experience, I went to an electronics provider and I found it interesting in that I was able to learn many things about electronics in terms of both their manufacturing process and their many uses. Josh Nieves
David McLeod
My Work Experience was very enjoyable. I went to St. John Of God Murdoch Hospital and I got a real taste of
what nursing is really like. It isn't like the movies with pa6ents that are the sweetest of things and you hardly do's HARD work; showering people, giving their medica6ons, checking blood pressure and temperatures, having panadol spat at you, almost vomi6ng because there is tubes that must be pushed down people's noses, going to the x-‐ray rooms, and so forth. Overall, I really enjoyed Nursing, and I think I will con6nue to pursue this as my future career. Georgia Wallis
On Tuesday 7 August TCC was visited by a group of 26 Leaders of Chris6an Schools from around Australia. The last 6me such a visit occurred was in 2006 and those Leaders who had visited us previously were able to see the huge developmental blessings that have occurred in the interim. Our new Administra6on Block, Library, Hall, Primary School redevelopment and Early
Years Ac6vity Garden were all cause for posi6ve comment. I was extremely proud to be able to show case our College to our visitors, par6cularly as our new Grounds and Maintenance team consis6ng of Mrs Dagnall and Mr Oost had done such a fine job of preparing the campus for inspec6on. As I conducted a tour around the College I was reminded of how truly blessed we are at TCC! Bill Innes, Principal
“It was heaps exciting to be dancing! Especially to the king of pop! It was really fun!” Madonna Salem
The evening highlighted the development of the music industry over the past 100 years from 1912 through to 2012. Various media clips were shown throughout the night to show key events during that 6me period, e.g 1940's clips of World War 2 were shown,
such as the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Music genres were played according to the 6me period, e.g 1950s, the birth of rock, 'Rock around the clock' by Bill Haley and his comets was performed. I really enjoyed the night, both watching some performances and performing myself. The costumes were okay, I enjoyed the whole suit thing the rock band had going. The mul6 purpose hall was almost full of people, which was good. The item by the music teachers was a good idea. They did a very good job in preparing us for the night and suppor6ng us. Overall it was a good night; the best music night TCC have every thrown to this day. Joshua Pendred, Year 12 Well, the 100 years of song and dance was just that, 100 years of song and dance. The evening was about the songs and dances about that decade or that were created in that decade. The evening was great! We enjoyed watching the other people sing and dance. The costumes were also very nice, especially the Candy man costume although it was itchy (the girls said), and also the short clips were good. Anyway, I loved the experience, it was a fun and fantas6c night. Abigail Wong, Year 8 The concert was brilliant and was a blast! This was one of the 1st TCC concerts I have performed in, it was such a memorable 6me! Jazmine Young, Year 7
“It was really fun being able to experience it with my friends.” Abby Shenton
INTERSCHOOL NETBALL On Friday 10th August, two teams represented Thornlie Chris6an College in the WACCSA Interschool Netball Compe66on. A team of Year 7 & 8 girls joined a team of Year 9 & 10 girls to play a series of games all day against other Chris6an school teams at the Warwick Leisure Centre. Congratula6ons to all the girls who par6cipated and demonstrated good sportsmanship, and a special congratula6ons must go to the Year 9 & 10 team who came 3rd overall (second only to Swan CC!) Many thanks to Rachel Spencer, who volunteered her 6me to umpire all day, and did a brilliant job as well.
We would like to recognise the girls in each of the teams: Year 7 & 8 team: Isobel Baverstock, Ishaya Fernando, Danielle Gleeson, Natalie Grasso, Rebecca Matassa, Jessica Meyer, Skye Watson and Abigail Wong. Year 9 & 10 team: Ka6e Bilich, Tiffany Korhonen, Erana Steven, Georgia Wallis, Chante van den Berg, Annabelle Harwood and Nicole Utley. Mrs Balding, Mrs Katwishi & Mrs Florisson
CAREER EXPO Thank you Mrs David for organising this. It has been a most enjoyable and rewarding aiernoon as apart from the other informa6ve displays, I have found a Masters Course I am considering to take on next year. Mrs Ghani I loved it because I learnt so much and now I'm going to be so successful. Steph Strong, Year 12 I liked it because I actually found a career and a loca6on where I could study, there were many helpful staff, so I could understand their area of work :) Andrea Harper
On the 8th and 9th of August the Drama department presented “This Is So Unfair” wricen and directed by Mr Willesee along with Year 11 curtain-‐raiser “Wai6ng for Hope” at the Nexus Theatre, Murdoch University. Prepara6on had taken place for a few months prior and was obviously well-‐ worth it as everything ran extremely smoothly and both nights played to enthusias6c audiences. The produc6on was a huge success and all involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves. “Wai6ng for Hope” lei audiences stunned and made them ques6oning its existen6al themes. “This Is So Unfair” was a light-‐hearted, good-‐humored play featuring predominantly students in Year 10 Drama with suppor6ng cast from Year 9, Year 12 (Jake Lemmer, Amberlie Evans and Maddison Davidson), and a talented Year 7 (Kiera Oxby). The plays have been described as ‘stupendous’ and were a great triumph for both Mr Willesee and the Drama students involved. Congratula6ons must go to all cast and crew, especially Adrienne Steven for her help with the magnificent costumes and Emily Olsen as Stage Manager Mr Willesee, Teacher in Charge of Drama
INTERHOUSE CROSS COUNTRY On the 11th of September, the school once again changed pace to compete in a sports carnival, this 6me the much feared Cross-‐Country Carnival. For the first 6me in recorded TCC history (may be an exaggera6on), the carnival was held on a fine day, with not a cloud in the sky and no chance of rain. As Primary and Secondary students ran together in one of the few 6mes the whole school comes together, it was great to see the old cheering for the young and vice-‐versa. When everything was said and run, it was Joseph who came out the victors, triumphing over Judah, Levi and Reuben. Many thanks to Mrs Katwishi and Mr Splac for the way they ran the day. Mr Eikelboom, Teacher of Physical Educa6on
"Wai6ng For Hope" was an absurdist play that discussed the no6on of existen6alism. Throughout the play we were presented with five characters, Rose, Bruce, Teddy and Jeeves. These characters are lost and floa6ng in an incomprehensible universe and therefore their characteris6cs, demonstrated with the exchange of gender norms seen with characters Rose and Bruce, through the Canine aspects to Teddy and the lack of understanding of human emo6on from Jeeves. They have abandoned the ra6onal ways of which the normal world would behave and being placed in a placeless existence where they are forever doomed to repeat the same day adds to this. They have no recollec6on of how they got there nor do they have any knowledge of the outside world that is, of course, un6l hope comes back. Hope is introduced in scene one -‐ Casey (Police Officer/detec6ve) has begun her inves6ga6on into a break in next door to Bruce's house, there is a lingering air of romance as these two confide in each other, they then begin to discuss the disappearance of Casey's Partner, Hope. These Characters experience a life that is deeper and more profound then the audience is allowed to see in the first scene; unto the audience it would seem like a generic existence, un6l Hope returns and explains. Abbey Williams, Year 11 Student Wri6ng and performing “Wai6ng for Hope” was a fun and rewarding experience. We spent months in prepara6on rehearsing, wri6ng, re-‐wri6ng and becoming confused by our own play. I was extremely impressed at how well the play turned out; many people came to watch and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The existen6al and absurdist elements turned the play into a work of art that we were all very proud to be a part of and helped us to appreciate the art of playwri6ng, taking crea6ve direc6on, taking into considera6on the different elements of absurdist theatre. I hope to have the opportunity to do something like this some6me in the future. Emily Olsen, Year 11 Student
This year some of our Year 11s and 12s were selected to be a part of the City of Armadale's annual Outside the Frame Art Exhibi6on & Compe66on. Their work was on display for the community during the first week of September in the Armadale City Hall. Congratula6ons to the following students on having their work chosen for the exhibi6on: Morgan Bennec Talitha Stephens Andrea Harper Jennifer Waddell Denika Marciano Kirrilie Braun Joanna Delalande Abbey Williams Further congratula6ons to Talitha Stephens who won the 2012 People's Choice Award from our Art exhibi6on and Joanna Delalande was the first Year 11 to receive Runner Up. Mrs Florisson, Teacher in Charge of Art
. . . 4 M R UP IN TE
Valedictory Dinner Year 12 Final Assembly Ben Martin’s Fundraiser Awards & Year 12 Graduation Evening Middle School Orientation Day Year 12 Leavers Retreat
Produced by Jake Lemmer and Chontelle Wharton Miss Fensom, Staff Liason Media Department, Publica6ons Commicee © 2012 Thornlie Chris6an College