NEWS ‘N’ VIEWS Term 1 February - April 2011
CALLING OF LEVI STUDENTS HAVE THEIR SAY “They did well as a band” Josh Pendred, Year 11 “Megastars” Reece McLaren, Year 11 “Love their sick head banging” Felicity Smith, Year 11
"We were very fortunate to have The Calling of Levi, an up-‐and-‐coming local band, perform for us during recess >me. The purpose of their visit was mainly to promote one of the biggest drug and alcohol free youth events held south of the river, Slingshot. The Calling of Levi were one of the head-‐line acts at the event usually aAended by over 2000 local youths." Mr Khaira, Chaplain
COMMENCEMENT SERVICE "The College's annual Commencement Service was held on February 20 this year at Thornlie Church of Christ. It was a great evening which saw our College come together and commit the year ahead to God. Representa>ves from the Primary School right through to the College Board were there, dedica>ng their respec>ve areas of service and contribu>ng to the strong sense of community that was evident on the night. It was a great way to formally commence the year as a College Community and set the tone for an exci>ng year ahead." Mr Khaira, Chaplain
THE PREFECTS OF 2011 Introducing your Head Boy and Head Girl...
Joshua Klenner Publications Committee
Nathania Widjanarko Publications Committee
Publications Committee Staff Liason Miss Z Fensom
Mar>n Jacobsz
Aaron Rebeiro
Ariana Yardley
Michele Riley
Entertainment Josh Tucker
Fundraising CommiAee Staff Liasons
Entertainment CommiAee Staff Liason
Mr M Heske, Mrs K Stryder & Mrs A Ossevoort
Mrs H Balding
Sports Jonathan Narayanan
Edwina Leung
Lukas Frank
Kezia Wojcik
Sports CommiAee Staff Liason Mrs C Katwishi-‐Ng’andwe
Social Concerns
Social Concerns CommiAee Staff Liasons
Worship CommiAee Staff Liason
Mrs H David & Mr A Soo
Mrs M Underwood
“On the morning of the 16th of March 2011, the sun, burning brightly with her usual fiery
intensity heralding a great day ahead for team Judah. By the end of the day, Judah had been declared Champion house in the 2011 Swimming Carnival. We are very grateful for being bestowed this >tle. However, we must also make men>on of the other smaller victories that contributed to this
“I thought the day was awesome! It went really well and everyone was cheering on for their team.” Clarissa Widjanarko 7E “The carnival was awesome!!!” wooo hooo!! Caitlyn Smith 7E “The swimming carnival was great and Judah won again but that is not the point. The point is that we all had fun. I got a fourth ribbon in a team game relay but the whole day was great. We all had fun because we had all of our friends around us.” Nyssa McCarrol 7F
success. To the students who were not comfortable in the water but s>ll par>cipated in the water run,
we thank you. To the students who were told to wash off paints from their hair so that they can par>cipate, you made a difference. To those who were willing to make swops with peers and filled in for others at the last minute and for those who gave it their all and achieved their personal best, we thank you. As we prepare for the Track and Field and Cross-‐ Country, lets con>nue to strive towards our MoAo, ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL...” Mr Soo
T A E R T E R T C E F PRE “The prefect retreat was one of the most fun days I have ever had, it really gave us all >me to bond. The games we played were really helpful in the team building workshop and we also had a lot of fun. Mr Lance, the guest visitor, was really nice and easy to get along with. Some of the games we played also helped to build on our own personali>es. Going to the beach and out for dinner was a lot of fun and having the teachers, Mr Innes, Mrs Balding and Mrs Ghani there helped us relate and realise they are not just there to be our teachers but also our friends.” Kezia Wojcik
“It was great, just great! Without a doubt it was one of the greatest days of the year! Are YOU thinking about becoming a prefect in the near future but don’t know if it will be fun? Well stop thinking about and just do it cause this retreat was A-‐class AWESOME, filled with fun and happiness and even a few rainbows. A retreat NOT to be missed.......especially if you’re a prefect.” Lukas Frank “The prefect retreat was the best way to start off our year as leaders. We got to bond with everyone and it was so much fun. Although I take being a prefect seriously, it did break the ice as to how we would approach 2011 together as a team.” Edwina Leung “The prefect retreat went really well and everyone learnt so much as well as had lots of fun! We were able to work well as a team and it helped each one of us to set our goals for this year. I was glad that everyone got along and we led feeling more posi>ve and confident about our roles as prefects.” Nathania Widjanarko The day commenced with Breakfast at the Dome followed by a day of Leadership Training, planning for the coming year with the guidance of Staff Liasons, fun and fellowship at the beach and Kailis’s for tea. It’s always great to see the students and share >me with them in a social situa>on. With these fired-‐up leaders 2011 is going to be a great one. Mrs Balding
“The Leadership conference was a great success! All of the prefects just expected "another ye olde leadership conference". But when we got there that was not the case. We all learnt
“The advice the people gave on public
extremely useful leadership skills and
speaking and planning really helped me
we learnt it in an easy-‐to-‐understand
think about what I can do as a prefect for
and fun manner. There was not a point
the up coming year. Having the experience
in the day when we did not have a smile
of going out and mee>ng strangers was fun
on our face. Not only that, but we came away with the knowledge of how to be great leaders.” Josh Klenner
“The Leadership Conference this year was simply amazing! We were able to meet prefects from other schools and share our ideas and visions with them. The conference focused on our strengths and weaknesses and taught us many ways to become an effec>ve leadership team. By the end of the day, we were all mo>vated and eager to start planning this years events. The conference was a great
also because it would boost our confidence. All in all the day was great.” Kezia Wojcik “I think the leadership Conference presented us with a few new ideas on what we can do in the College and also showed that we are a great team who is already achieving quite well as leaders.” Aaron Rebeiro
experience for us as a prefect team as we l e a r n t w h a t w e needed to make this year count.” Michele Riley
The TCC Drama produc>on of 'Is There a Doctor in The House' is a modern adap>on of the comical 'doctor plays' of 17 century French playwright Moliere. Rehearsals have already begun with a huge bang with over 40 students involved in the produc>on. Everyone is showing so much enthusiasm and excitement, even at this early stage, we are all confident that the final result will be an entertaining show for all audiences and ages. The play will be performed at Don Russell Performing Arts Centre 12-‐13 May. Tickets on sale from Parent Services (Sindy Coules) 9455 1607 Mr Willesee
The Interschool Swimming Carnival was held this year in week 9 of Term 1 on the 30th of
March. About 70 TCC students headed off to Challenge Stadium to compete against 8 other Chris>an Schools in WA. As the sun grew higher, the arms started thrashing faster and legs started kicking harder as it became clear Swan were pulling a long way ahead. From there it became a race for second place amongst the rest of the schools, with Thornlie eventually finishing 3rd ader some great relay racing. Congratula>ons to all swimmers who represented the school with pride; especially Nico Kelder (Year 10) who was runner-‐up champion boy. Now that the swimming is done, we look forward to the cross country and athle>cs season star>ng term 2. Mr Eikelboom
“Interschool Swimming carnival was very good, I saw every one try their hardest, no one gave up in their events, and I think we did well in all the events.” Josh Tucker, Sports Captain
WHAT ELSE HAS BEEN HAPPENING? “The first awakening went beAer than I thought, I was really
nervous that it wouldn't work because no one would come but it was great to see so many people there, I think there was around 54 people in total. The music and lollies really got the kids excited and the games were a lot of fun, next >me if we are even more organized it would work even beAer but all in all the first one went off with a bang and was a lot of fun to run.” Kezia Wojcik, Chairperson of Worship “We did it! and it was brilliant! Many people said we could never revive awakening. Many said that we could never bring the school together united. Many said that we could never successfully run such a controversial event.... well I have three words for those people....NEVER SAY NEVER!” Lukas Frank, Chairperson of Worship
MUSIC CAMP “I really enjoyed being on camp. I got a chance to meet new people and work on singing, while having heaps of fun at the same time.” Rebekah O'Hearn Year 10 “The camp was really exciting. We had an easter egg hunt at night on the beach and I found about 40 eggs. Then we made a conga line and a few of us tripped and fell over and crushed my eggs and glasses. So i had to wear broken glasses at the talent show.” “The best part Heloise Williams
was the Talent Show and I won!” Sarah Smith Year 7
“We learnt a lot about music and about the song “Jo le Canto” and how to project our voices. We also played fun games and had competitions which were a real laugh. There was a lot of practice but because of it we are almost nailing it. We also got to do devotions on the beach which was fun. We sung camp songs on the beach and had a real blast” Brittany Prosser Year 7
“Last year's Clean Up involved more than 470,000 students across 2,100 schools Australia wide. Inspiring children to care for the environment is a vital part of Clean Up Australia. Since 1992 Schools Clean Up Day has allowed school students to par>cipate in Clean Up Australia as part of their school community. Last year, the Social Concerns CommiAee of TCC successfully launched the an>-‐liAer campaign where form classes, adopted an area to keep it free of liAer. This year, we made use of the 4th March Schools Clean Up day to con>nue with our an>-‐ liAer campaign with the emphasis now on ownership. In doing our part to keep our adopted areas clean, we are in fact, doing our bit to keep TCC/our community/Australia clean.” Mr Soo
MIDDLE SCHOOL PUPPET SHOW “The Middle school students have the opportunity to watch a performance by a master shadow puppeteer from Indonesia, Sumardi who was on a na>onal tour this year and performing in various schools in Western Australia. His performance was organised by Cultural Infusion an educa>onal organisa>on based in Melbourne and responsible for injec>ng cross curricular themes through mul>cultural performances. The students enjoyed the show asked ques>ons and were curious about Sumardi’s skill and the “dalang’s” costume, par>cularly the kris he was wearing on his back. Some lingered and asked ques>ons about the finely craded puppets made from buffalo skin and the skill he had shown in manipula>ng them and speaking in so many different voices.” Mrs Ghani
“The shadow puppet was awesome because Sumardi controlled a lot of characters. He also could perform for up to 8 hours! I really enjoyed it! It was really worth $5. WouldIi go again? Of course I would! Sumardi used awesome props and characters. The story line was really good.” Josh Bandi, Year 7 The shadow puppet was a very cool and different experience. The music was very tradi>onal and Sumardi was very talented in using the toe-‐ cymbals and using the puppets. We got to see the back of it and got to see how he used the puppets. It was really good and unique and I really liked it. I liked the different puppets and Sumardi was very talented in the use of puppets. It was funny and strange but I found it really interes>ng.” Elisa Lian,Year 7 “The shadow puppet show was cool. It was really funny and intriguing. I really enjoyed it. The puppeteer was amazing as well.” Kirah Jones
“Study Cafe is an ini>a>ve which strives to let students study in a controlled, quiet, and supervised environment. Study Cafe is op>onal and runs on Monday and Friday lunch>mes, and Wednesdays ader school. Students may find it difficult to study at home efficiently due to the mul>ple distrac>ons around them (T.V, Facebook). There are no T.Vs in Study Cafe nor would students dare go on Facebook because of the lurking teachers. These factors make Study Cafe an ideal place to catch up on study/homework as students have nothing to do BUT study.” Michele Riley
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH The student of the Month is chosen from the student in Year 7,8,9 with the most number of Merits for that month. Taken into considera>on is also the behaviour of the student, with the deduc>on of one merit for each Blue Slip incurred over the month. Students on a Step are automa>cally withdrawn from being eligible for the award. Mrs Balding
“TCC has a Study Cafe, Which means nearly everyday, We work, talk and learn, For good grades to earn. Once you try it, You’ll want to commit.” Michele Riley, Year 12
Elisa Lian
Janine Jacobsz
Jasmine Bradshaw
Year 8
Year 7
Year 9
“The PD day was a great idea because it gave us a rest from school and it allowed us to think about team-‐building and I think that we all learned something from it. One of the best ac>vi>es was the tug of war because it showed all the other houses that Reuben was the domina>ng team and even “It was good and I think everyone enjoyed it.” Claude Bratschi
when Mr Innes helped the other team, Reuben s>ll won. It was an awesome day and I hope we can all do it again.” Benjamin Wallis
“I thought that the PD day went very well. We did get to see a different side of our Principal Mr. Innes, Mrs Munyard, Mr Majinda, Mr Khaira and Mrs Balding. It was a wonderful day.” Erana Steven “I think it was great because of the free food and the athle>c ac>vi>es I did so I thought it was a nice day out.” Oliver Swarbrick “I thought PD day was great fun and certainly much beAer than being in a classroom and doing work all day. It was good as we got to know more about each other, especially those who we don't usually hang out with.” Adela Widjanarko “I enjoyed PD Day because it was a day that I got to work with people I don't normally work with. I had the experience of gesng soaking wet -‐ and yet not caring because we wanted to get the job done and win, and also going through digging a huge hole and peoples boAoms being in your face -‐ not a preAy sight! LOL. Throughout the day I learnt a lot and I am so glad that we were able to do that as a year group.” Emma Wallis “Year Nine PD Day, was a day to remember. I had so much fun! We had a variety of different ac>vi>es that were to help us with teamwork. These were all very effec>ve and allowed us to see a different side to everybody that we may have not seen before. My favorite ac>vity was building a bunker, what we had to do was dig a hole big enough for eleven people so that when the teachers looked at the hole at eye level they were not able to see our heads. This proved to be very difficult, but we eventually got it done and my team (Reuben) won. Overall it was a great day, it taught me a lot!” Ka>e Billich
“It was absolutely amazing...I loved the games at the beach especially.” April Stevens
The Easter Service this year was different to what we have done in the past. The inclusion of the Drama Department and performance of the Yr 5/6 Choir to close off the service was a real blessing to all who aAended. Our theme for this year was focusing on the fullness of the Easter story, looking at the significance of each of the three days. Knowing what it would have meant if the death of Christ was the end of the story was a >mely reminder of the amazing love and grace God showers upon us as His crea>on, that we can be restored in rela>onship with Him. The support from the Parent body was significant and it was great to see the College Community united in such an important >me of the year. Mr Khaira, College Chaplain
. . . E U S S I T X E N E H T N I P U G COMIN The College Senior Ball TCC’s Got Talent Drama Production Cross Country Carnival Anzac Service
Produced by Joshua Klenner, Head Boy & Nathania Widjanarko, Head Girl, Publica>ons CommiAee Miss Fensom, Staff Liason Publica>ons CommiAee © 2011 Thornlie Chris>an College