10 February ~ 23rd February 2011 The Principal’s Desk
them regularly.
Dear Parents Welcome back! At the time of writing this, our first newsletter of 2011, I am happy to report that the academic year has begun extremely well at TCC. We have welcomed a number of new staff, students and families into our community and we trust that their time with us will be as beneficial to us as it will be to them.
The first weeks of a new year can be a time of uncertainty and anxiety for some students. Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns in this regard – the sooner we can resolve any issues, the sooner we can set your children on track for a year of Excellence in all spheres of College life. Bill Innes
New staff for 2011 are:
Mrs Michelle Underwood Secondary Mr Mark McGough Secondary
Biblical Studies IT
Mrs Nyree Summerfield Year 1 teacher (replacing Mrs Jessica Plenty who is on maternity leave having given birth to Matilda Joy in mid-January) Mrs Erica Shanhun Primary Support Mrs Roxanne van Leen Primary Support & Year 7 Art KEY FOCUSES FOR 2011
We begin 2011 with a total enrolment of 743 students from Kindergarten to Year 12 and we have two major focuses for the year. Our first point of focus is our newly created CORE VALUES and our second focus is our Theme for 2011 – EXCELLENCE. The staff of TCC is firmly committed to making 2011 our best year ever! A lot of pre-term planning and organisation has gone into preparing for this. STUDENT INDUCTION
As part of a new initiative at TCC, all students from Year 1 to Year 12 were involved in an extensive Induction Programme on Day 1 and 2 of the term. During this time they were given information on all aspects of life at TCC and, in particular, with regard to our expectations for them this year. I have included my pre-term letter to all families (sent out in January) as an addendum to this newsletter. In this letter I clearly outline some of our goals and expectations for 2011. You will also receive a fridge magnet with our Core Values. I would appreciate it if you would display the Core Values prominently in your home and refer to
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Student Induction
Welcome back to another eventful year at Thornlie Christian College. We pray you have all feel well rested and enthusiastic about 2011, the staff are excited and eager to get into the year and we hope to enjoy a positive and successful partnership with each family as we seek to build His Kingdom here at TCC. The primary school has kicked off the year with student induction to unpack our theme of “excellence”. We were entertained at the assembly with Nancy (Miss van Duren), Clancy (Mrs Coetzer) and Mr Kennedy unpacking the theme of the correct uniform in a very colourful skit. For those parents still a little unsure of the school policy. The uniform policy is available in the front of the school diary. Mr Wise discussed school rules and expectations. The next day we had a day of team building exercises run by Adventure Team Builders. The day was designed to help students familiarise themselves with new staff and fellow students and to create a sense of family within each class and year group. Thankyou for all parents who volunteered on the day at very short notice, your support was greatly appreciated. The years 1 -4 did round robin activities whilst the year5-6 completed team building and co-operation activities. Although the day was very hot, children and staff enjoyed the day and its challenges. It culminated in a fantastic four way tug of war with staff and students. House Captains
The first primary school assembly was an excellent opportunity to introduce our 2011 House Captains. We are looking forward to a great year of student leadership
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from the following house representatives. Levi- Danielle Gleeson and Joshua Smith. Reubin- Harrison Cambourakis and Cherralee Clark. Joseph-Jordan Luckin and Abigail Wong. Judah - Isobel Baverstock and Divan Hill.
Parent Evening
Thank you to all parents who came to the school information night. If you missed the opportunity appointments can be made with Parent Services to see class teachers. Mrs Sue Yardley Curricullum Coordinator Primary & Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
2011 Secondary Assistance Scheme Available to students in years 8-12 whose parent is on a Healthcare/Pension Card in 2011. Forms can be collected from Parent Services. Assistance is for up to $115 towards uniforms and or up to $235 towards school fees. Don’t delay applications close Tuesday 19th April Maurice Jacobs
Many of you will remember Maurice Jacobs, the artist that the Primary School worked in collaboration with to complete the class murals that are on display outside classes. Maurice has kindly made himself available to run Art classes in the primary school on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Classes start at 3.30 and will finish at 4.30pm. We ask that parents are prompt to pick up children so as not to inconvenience Maurice. Classes are full at this time but if your child would like join Maurice’s art classes would you please place your name on the waiting list in Parent Services. When a place is available, the school will contact you. Clinton Heal WA Young Australian of the Year
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding We have seen a smooth start to the term and students appear to have settled back into the school routine very quickly which is testimony to the preparation and time both parents and staff have put in to making sure everything was just right prior to the term commencing. We commence the year with 326 students in the Secondary School and more to be interviewed within the week. We welcome the many new students and their families and pray that their time at the College will be one of enrichment and fulfillment.
The primary school was fortunate to have Clinton Heal, WA Young Australian of the Year, address the school assembly. Clinton stared Melanoma WA as a response to having suffered a number of melanoma at a young age. He talked to students on sun care and protection and how Melanoma can affect young Australians. His message was timely for the students at the start of the year. It was a great reinforcement to the schools NO HAT- NO PLAY policy. A gentle reminder that caps are not acceptable, your child needs a school hat to be in uniform.
We also welcome two new staff, Mrs Michelle Underwood who has taken over the teaching of Biblical Studies in the Middle School and also Biblical Studies classes in Year 10 and 11.
The Fires
Many thanks to the parents of our Middle School students who were able to attend the meeting this week and a reminder to parents of the Senior School that their information evening will be held next Tuesday February 15. The Year 10 meeting will be held at 6.00 pm and the Year 11 &12 at 7.15 pm followed by an informal time when you can “meet the teacher”. Both will be held in the E2 room.
Thank you to all the parents that expressed concern for Mr Wise and Mrs Flipse during the bushfires in Roleystone and Kelmscott. Mr Wise has been busy fighting the fires around his neighbour’s properties and Mrs Flipse was evacuated but chose to come to school. Both staff members homes are still standing though many around them have been damaged. The staff led a whole primary school devotion and prayer time, the children heartfelt prayers and encouragement was very reassuring.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Mr Mark McGough has also joined the teaching team to teach Information Technology to the Middle School Students and Digital Media to Year 10. We look forward to sharing their stories in subsequent newsletters. Parent Information and Meet The Teacher Evenings
There have been many changes in the curriculum requirements and some changes in the way we do things here at the College that we need to make you aware of so we would like the
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
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meetings to take a high priority on your calendar. We look forward to sharing this time with you. Student Leadership Team for 2011
It is always exciting to see a new group of students excited about taking on their new roles in Leadership. The following students are to be congratulated on their election to their position on the Student Leadership Team for 2011. We wish them every success for the coming year. A Prefect Retreat is to be held this Saturday where the prefects will be allocated their Chairperson Roles and have an opportunity to listen to some guest speakers speaking to them on what is required of a leader, how to lead from a biblical perspective and how to use the gifts and talents that God has given and how best to develop these skills to be a dynamic leader. We look forward to seeing all of the knowledge attained put into practice. Over the next fortnight our Student Councillors and the House and Vice House Captains will be elected by the students and staff. Prefects 2011 Nathania Widjanarko Head Girl Joshua Klenner Head Boy Michelle Riley Edwina Leung Ariana Yardley Kezia Wojcik Joshua Tucker Aaron Rebeiro Jonothan Narayanan Luke Frank Martin Jacobsz Rhiannon Ford (who has now withdrawn to attend University) Extra and Co-curricular news
As mentioned at the Parent meetings, this year we are introducing some new initiatives to assist the students to strive for Excellence, our theme for this year. The Assignment Fasttrack Programme providing students a time (lunch-time) to complete what is required of them to finish their assignments on time and a Study Lab, where students may go on Monday and Fridays during lunch and on a Wednesday after school to do their homework, study, or obtain some extra help and guidance from staff. Students will be informed at to the start of these programmes. Reflections 2010 Year Twelve Students
2010 saw our next group of Year 12’s, 48 in all, exit the College and it is important that at the beginning of each year we inform the College community of their overall performance. Forty Seven students were eligible for the Western Australian Certificate of Education and forty six of them (97.83%) were successful. 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
As many of you are aware our newspapers are very keen to report and present statistics and rankings comparing smaller schools like ourselves with the larger more expensive schools and in many cases this does not allow, because of the criteria used, to present a true and accurate picture of how our student really performed. The following may assist you to see for yourselves why we are proud of our last year graduate results. • 47 of our students (97.83%) graduated with a WACE and a College Graduation Certificate. • Six of our students received scholarships to attend a university. • Exhibitions and Award winners: Schools with the highest performing students in a WACE Course (%of students with 75% or more in a Stage 2 or 3 course. This is the top 15 schools in each Course (ie Eng Stage 2&3) and must have more than 10 students in the course. TCC was only eligible in four of our courses because of the number of students enrolled in the subject. TCC rated in the top 15 schools in English and Physical Education • Certificates of Excellence 18+ “A” grades over Yr 11 & 12 Course Units Miranda Kelder • Westscheme Award for Excellence in Vocational and Education and Training: Miranda Kelder How your School Rates: Students with a WACE Stage 3 result greater than 65% 42.62% - top 27% of schools Students with a WACE Stage 2 result greater than 65% 39.39% - top 32% of schools • Top ATAR scores for the College (90+) Lexus Lian, Xavier Hardy, Matthew Storer, Hannah Wallis • Median ATAR for Students in Schools (combination of the results of all Courses Stage 2&3) 66.10% • Of the 48 students in Year 12, 25 had an ATAR score (studied 4 or more courses) and applied to go to University, 22 were offered a University placement. • 23 have applied to go to TAFE, Bible College, Apprenticeships or join the workforce. Last week we invited Mr Mark Newhouse, the Manager of Curriculum from AISWA to come and speak to our Senior staff on our 2010 results. It was very encouraging to hear from him that overall our results when compared to the State Mean were very good and has to be looked at in the light that we are a small school and moderate with many other schools which in some cases can be detrimental in the final results. He also commented on the unfairness of the statistical reporting of newspapers were they do not report on schools with a course with less than 10 students nor take into consideration the many other programmes that support the academic curriculum offered in a school such as ourselves which assist in preparing young people for life, giving them
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
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ABN 42 983 626 009
a good rounded education, building up their confidence and self esteem and providing each with a sense of purpose and a solid set of values. It is therefore important as a College community to bear in mind that success is not only measured in terms of course grades, rankings and subsequent offers for students to pursue further study or begin a career, it is the students’ success in broader terms as well, in their development as a responsible individual with an intellect and a moral sense which will engage with our complicated world and seek to contribute to its improvement. It is also important that they reflect what our College stands for, for Godly character and principles, values of compassion, respects, quality, courtesy and honesty. Students are also involved in Service and Leadership programmes both within the College and in the community, establishing the development of skills in leadership and the satisfaction of being of service within and outside the College. It is our prayer that all leave the College having come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and will be an influence to all those that come in contact with them in the community.
Every student is the bearer of great fortune and it is our responsibility as a College to foster a lifestyle which recognizes and acts upon the values of Christian service so that when their time comes to leave they will be ready to be a “person of influence� In subsequent issues of the College Newsletter, I will be informing you of new initiatives that are being implemented and how we as staff are assisting your child in their strive for excellence. I will also be addressing areas where we feel you as parents have a part to play in assisting us as staff to reach our strive for excellence. We look forward to another year where we can continue working in partnership with you and your child to ensure that we honour God in all that we do. Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
We congratulate all of the 2010 students on their achievements and thank them for the contribution each has made in so many facets of College life. We wish them well as they prepare and plan for the next important chapter in their lives. A special thank you to the very supportive parents who have worked together with us to ensure their goals were achieved and to our very dedicated and competent staff who were there to listen, advise and inspire and whose prayers, care and expertise certainly helped to well prepare each of them for the rigors of further study or entry into the workplace.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
24th February ~ 9th March 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents As I write to you today, it appears that our College has finally settled into the routine of the new year. There has been a flurry of start-of-the-year activity in recent weeks - all aimed at keeping us busy and connected. Included are our various parent information evenings, our school assemblies, our new parents’ tea, tour meetings for our mission trip to Zimbabwe in 2012 and our academic tour to Indonesia later this year and most recently our College Commencement Service. All of these events have certainly added plenty of spice to life at TCC!
I want to thank all of you who have given of your time to attend these functions – I trust that they have served their purpose of building a sense of community and providing you with sufficient, valuable information to ensure a year of excellence for your children. COMMENCEMENT SERVICE
I want to focus for a moment on this most recent of our events, in part, because it is such an important event in the College calendar, and in part to share with those of you who were unable to attend, some of the blessings of the evening. In line with our commitment to Excellence this year, I am sure that all who attended would agree that it was truly Excellent! The Service was characterised by a very real sense of God’s presence and this in turn lent an air of intimacy and togetherness that is so much a part of God’s presence and also so important in building trust and relationship within our community. Amit Khaira, our Chaplain gave a message that spoke of how Jesus, in building His team of disciples, gathered together an eclectic bunch of men, many of whom, at face value, had little to recommend them for the task that lay ahead. However, in Christ, all things are possible and together they proclaimed a message that is still as clear today as it was two thousand years ago! God has plans for our lives and when we are weak He is strong – when we allow Him to work in our lives, awesome things result.
As a staff, we are striving to help your children to prepare to fulfil their God-given roles in life. What a privilege! (For those of you who attended the service, we have a brief survey form attached to this newsletter that we would appreciate you taking the time to complete. We will use your feedback when planning for our next Commencement Service which may well be held in our new multi-purpose hall. See page 2) CORE VALUES – Lesson 1
In my last newsletter I said that this year I would be `unpacking’ our Core Values for you. Every word in the Core values has been carefully weighed, considered and chosen in order to best represent exactly what we want to say about our College – what we want people who visit our College to know about us. Today I want to begin by unpacking the introductory words of the Core Values: At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... These introductory words are incredibly important in, and of, themselves because they fulfil the purpose of being `identifiers’ – they remind us – and inform others - of who we are and what motivates us: At Thornlie Christian College this is a blanket statement. It is all-encompassing – it speaks of a corporate commitment. It includes every staff member, every student and every family who has decided to be a part of the Thornlie Christian College community. by the Grace of God - this is an incredibly powerful statement. In days gone by, armies would march to war and at their forefront would be a flag-bearer. The flag he carried identified the army. Anyone seeing the flag would know who the army was and what they stood for. When we claim that, Thornlie Christian College, “by the Grace of God” does certain things, we are hoisting our flag, we are stating our credentials, but most importantly, we are acknowledging the omnipotence of God and our commitment to marching behind His flag! we... - isn’t it amazing what power one small, two-letter word can have – this word unites us in a commitment to all
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information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
of the statements that follow. This small word is a declaration of commitment, it is an imperative – we will... Our Core Values
At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service In closing, it is good to remember that our Core Values are not so much a new innovation but rather a synthesis of the collective wisdom of twenty seven years of existence. In committing to our Core Values we are committing to the very ideals that have been embedded in the culture of our College over the years.
complained or gave up, they simply got on with it. I would like to add that although we were adjacent to the start of the fire it was certainly worse in other areas. Fire, it seems is indiscriminate and unpredictable ravaging at whim and a twist or turn of the wind can mean the difference between having a home to return to or not. Spare a thought for those who have lost so much. Assemblies
Mrs. Coetzer’s class 6C took our assembly this fortnight with the theme of “Rules, rules, rules”. We enjoyed their song which had amazing actions. Mr. Khaira shared a message about what rules meant to him and the way in which his view of them has changed since becoming a parent.
The value of the Core Values is to be found in their simplicity and the power of their concise statements to influence our thinking, our decisions and our actions. Bill Innes
Commencement Service Feedback Please take some time to complete our on-line survey regarding the Commencement Service held on Sunday 20th February. The survey can be completed at the following address: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KMJLZ5C
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise I would like to thank you for your thoughts and prayers during the recent fires in the Roleystone/Kelmscott area. I am amazed at how quickly fire can spread in the ‘right’ conditions and the extent of the damage it can cause. Having gone through evacuation and power losses - my wife and kids were evacuated for three days - and the decisions regarding what to take and what to leave, experiences like this leave you with a much clearer sense of priorities. As I daily drive to school with my four children and pass the burned out remains of many homes and reflect on the closeness of the blaze to my own home, this is reinforced. We tend to gather lots of ‘things’ and strive to gather more; however, it is the people around us that truly contain value and worth. I am also heartened by the fact that so many people got involved and helped out. As we stomped across gardens and verandas dragging hoses behind us and trying not to get in the way of choppers as they dumped water and fire-fighters – both volunteer and regular – as they fought the blaze from the ground, it was heart warming to realise that no-one 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Congratulations to the following students who received a merit certificate at the assembly. PPAV - Amie Hugo, Declan Shaw PPOH - Whole of PPOH 1S - Zander Greyling, Kierenson Daniel Doss 1C - Domenic Rossi 2F - Rebekah Tolossa, Celeston Fuller 2V - Bennett Eliviae, Shrestha Maya 3H - Liam Barr, Amy Warren 3K - Iyanu Abedayo, Faith Kee 4H - Emily Fisher, Tegan Glover, Rosa Tavao 4F - Abraham Doss, Laura Delalande 5H - Shalom Kee, Maxwell Jones 5W - Ben Jones, Jayda Dewee 6C - Blake Joyce-Lewis, Lachlan Connan 6K - Nadia Atieh, Liam Leslie Our next assembly will take place on Tuesday 8th March and will be hosted by Mr. Kennedy’s class 6K. New Students
We have many new students on campus this year. We would like to welcome all students and their families into the T.C.C. community. Our hope is that you are able to quickly call T.C.C. ‘home’ and make lasting friendships and contacts. May I encourage all of our existing families to make these new members feel as welcome as possible. Congratulations!
Mr. and Mrs. Plenty rejoice at the birth of their beautiful
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
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ABN 42 983 626 009
daughter Matilda Joy on 13th January and weighing in at 9lbs. Mother and daughter are doing very well – apparently Matilda Joy looks like her Mum! Morning Teas
We would like to thank Pastor David van Leen and his team of volunteers from Thornlie Church of Christ for hosting morning teas for new parents specifically in Kindergarten and following our assemblies. This has provided a wonderful opportunity for parents to join together and build friendships right at the start of their time here at TCC.
We would like to ask for parents who are willing to commit to hearing children read sometime on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon until the end of the day. Volunteers would be guided in what was required. Volunteers are asked to consider committing to this programme for a term or longer to ensure continuity for the students involved. Parents do not need a “Working with Children” card. If you are able to help please leave your details with Sindy Coules at Parent Services. Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Parents In Action I just want to say thanks for all your help and support last year. We had a fantastic year working to support the College and look forward to another successful year in 2011. The PIA wants to keep you up to date with all that is happening and with this in mind we will be communicating to you via the College newsletter each term. Not only do we have our usual fundraisers but there will be a few new things happening this year as well, so watch this space!! Already we have participated with the College in a couple of enjoyable morning teas to welcome all the old and new families for 2011. As well as our continued support for the various College events our aim this year is to raise funds to help with the fit out of the new Multi Purpose Hall. We will begin with the Garden Bulb orders, to coincide with Mothers Day, that was so successful last year. The College keeps 50% of all the proceeds. More info about this coming soon. We value your support. If you’re interested in finding out how you can assist with this exciting work please call me.
Natalie Trapski PIA Chairperson 0419 049 359
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Available to students in years 8-12 whose parent is on a Healthcare/Pension Card in 2011. Forms can be collected from Parent Services. Assistance is for up to $115 towards uniforms and or up to $235 towards school fees. Don’t delay applications close Tuesday 19th April
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Parent Information & Meet the Teacher
Help Needed
Kind Thoughts
2011 Secondary Assistance Scheme
Many thanks to the parents of our Year 10,11 and 12 students who attended our Parent Information & Meet the Teacher evening held last week. We hope the information given has assisted you in understanding the procedures and expectations that are required in the Senior School. Changing Courses
Year 11 and 12 students are advised that the last day for changing subjects is Friday March 4 (Week Five). Students who are still thinking they may like to change a Course must first discuss this with the teacher concerned and Mrs Balding. A Subject Change form must also be completed and signed by the parent authorizing the change. In some cases, staff, after assessing the students over the past few weeks may be recommending that your child may not cope with continuing in a particular Course and it may be wise to choose an alternative Course. In this situation we will be contacting you to discuss the matter. Student Leadership Team
The Prefects are raring to go and to put into practice all they have learned from the Prefect Retreat they completed last Saturday. This was a one-day event preparing them for their year ahead as leaders of the College. The day included guest speakers, Mr Innes speaking on their roles as leaders of the College and Matthew Lance from Youth For Christ conducting a workshop in a very practical way on Leadership from a Christian perspective and the importance of working as a team. Prefects were then given their Chairperson roles and met with their Staff Liaisons to plan for 2011. The day concluded with some fun and fellowship at the beach and over tea. House and Vice House Captains
A fortnight ago, all Secondary students and staff met in their House groups to elect their House and Vice House Captains for 2011. The elected students were announced at a combined secondary assembly last week and present with their badges. The following are to be congratulated on their election to the College Student Leadership Team for 2011.
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
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ABN 42 983 626 009
Vice Captain
Levi Mitchell Higgens Judah Patricia Anderson Reuben Lindsay Carter Joseph Ben Gray
Lisa Hill Jeffrey Bandi Megan Johnson Jake Lemmer Stephanie Broedelet
Student Council
Last week students were elected as Student Council representatives for their particular Forms. Each will be presented with their badge of office at an assembly this week. The following are to be congratulated on their appointments. 7E 7F 8G 8F 9MA 9M 10S 10SO 11B 11P 12J 12C
Thomas Delande and Clarissa Widjanarko Jordi Britton and Jessie Dodd Stephen Matthews and Chelsea Bradford Liam Kennington and Chelsea Francis Daniel Lubbe and Anandi Labuschagne Jaycob Moylan and Mei Ling Lim Dharshini Sugamaran and Talhia Pinci Bailey Kirkby and Kirsty Isaacs Andrea Harper and Jason Earle Matthew Halliday and Siobhan Hair Breanne Carter and Jarrod Street Levin Lian and Aimee Simpson
Bushfire Fundraising Event
On Friday the whole College community will join together to raise money to assist all of those affected by the recent bushfires. This will take the form of a Sausage Sizzle and prepaid orders are necessary if students are intending to purchase their lunch on the day. The Fundraising Committee, Prefects and the Primary School House Captains are to be thanked for the planning of this event. Important Dates For Your Diary
March 4 Last day for Yr 11&12 for Course changes March 16 Secondary School Inter-house Swimming Carnival March 23&24 Year 9 Team Building days March 30 Secondary Interschool Swimming Carnival – only competitors to attend April 9&10 Music Camp April 7 College Easter Service 9 am April 13 Year 7 Vaccinations April 14 Term One ends Interim Reports posted to parents April 29 College Senior Ball May 2 Term Two begins May 5 College ANZAC service May 10,11,12,13 NAPLAN testing May 12&13 Drama Production
This planner has been designed to enhance the development of students academically, socially, culturally, and personally. The purpose in creating the planners was to • To drip feed into students’ learning and personal cultures, skills, abilities and values that enable: -the striving for personal best standards of achievement by linking thinking and learning -the acquiring of personal attributes for them to become contributing citizens with spirit and confidence -the developing of qualities and values for independent lifelong leaning, thus enabling them to be resilient and adaptable. • Build sustainable and transparent learning partnerships within our College community by connecting students, parents and teachers through the planners and website www. learningcurveplanner.com.au • The skills, strategies and features built into the series are sequentially introduced and developed as students progress through their stages of education. • The key to maximizing the development of your child’s qualities as learners, learning outcomes and study cultures, is for students, parents and teachers to clearly understand how to use the various techniques and strategies contained in the planners and their purpose; a necessary starting point is to thoroughly read the focus:
How to Best Use the Learning Curve – page 3 • The aim is to develop as a habit in students, an awareness of their own progress and how they are able to influence it in partnership with their parents and teachers; to be self managing. •Over the coming weeks I will be fully explaining via this newsletter each technique and strategy. • Until the next newsletter, may I encourage you to have a look at your child’s planner, visit the website and together read and discuss the numerous pieces of helpful information which, if put into practice will no doubt assist each them in their strive for excellence. “It’s funny how planning and success go together” Anon. Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Information to Parents in the Senior School
All Year 11 & 12 students have been given a supplementary diary/planner to use, called The Learning Curve.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
10th ~23rd March 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents As I write this message I am sitting in a hotel in the Northern Beaches area of Sydney where I am spending some time visiting some schools before attending a conference on Friday. Today (Tuesday) I visited Charlton Christian College, a lovely school in Fassifern that has developed an exciting Middle School programme.
Tomorrow I will be visiting the Ku-Ring-Gai School, that boasts an outstanding Arts programme and on Thursday I will be visiting Northern Beaches Christian College that is a leader in the effective use of cutting-edge IT practises in the learning process. Solomon reminds us in the Word that there is nothing new under the sun and this is equally true in the sphere of education. As with most things in life, there are cycles that see certain approaches and styles come into favour which are then replaced by a new system, only to resurface some time later in a slightly different form. One possible exception to Solomon’s words may possibly be found in the impact of the internet on learning. Information which can be accessed from around the globe in milliseconds, at the push of a button, is changing the manner in which we teach, and the way our children learn. Teachers are re-thinking their strategies and coming up with new, exciting and effective methods of learning that meet our new generation of students at their respective points of need. It is a wonderful privilege to be able to visit other schools, both Christian and secular, and to witness the efforts and outcomes of passionate teachers who help to keep our profession at the cutting edge of the learning process, and then to share some of the distinctive aspects of our own teaching and learning at TCC with them. On Friday I will be attending the Future Forum, a conference that will look at global trends following the Global Financial Crisis. These trends will impact on life in Australia in the decade to come. Social, technological, environmental and economic trends will come under the spotlight at the conference. I would value your prayers as I visit the schools mentioned above and attend the Future
Forum. I hope to come away with valuable insights and perspectives that will enable us to plan both effectively and strategically for the next decade in the life of our College. In the meantime life continues as usual at College. Our Excellence theme is gaining traction and it is particularly exciting to note how few students are failing to keep up with deadlines for homework and assignments so far this year. Thank you for the part that you are playing at home in supporting your children in this regard. It is also very pleasing to note how many of our secondary students are taking advantage of the opportunity to join the Study Café and I have noted during my visits to classrooms, a general improvement in the care and neatness that students are applying in their workbooks. As we focus on each of these lesser, individual aspects of learning we are collectively building the bigger picture of excellence at TCC. What a blessing! I am sure that, by now, many of you will have visited the much-publicised My School website. I was pleasantly surprised to note the clear evidence of improvement in many areas of our NAPLAN results in recent years. These results indicate our commitment to continuous improvement in all aspects of life at TCC. Having said that, may I remind you that, when viewing the My School information for any school, you are, in effect, seeing a one-dimensional snapshot of a small fraction of what is actually happening in the given school. While the promise of “the provision of rich information” has been given, the reality is that the information provided is limited and can lead to serious misinterpretations being made. Before making a judgement on any school, take the time to visit the school and observe for yourself what `makes the school tick.’ I would be failing in my duty if I didn’t make a last observation regarding the My School website and this is in connection with the much-publicised over-spending by government on independent schools. You will notice that the cost to educate a child at TCC is significantly below the state school average. This is true for a large number of independent schools but certain sections of the media
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information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
and politics insist on misrepresenting the facts. In closing, may I remind you to keep our building programme in your prayers. We look forward to the completion of the Library and Multi-purpose Hall projects, on time, in early May.
presented either a puppet show or a play to our PP – Year 6 students. Many thanks Constable Care!
Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Assemblies
Congratulations to Mr. Kennedy’s 6K class for their assembly on Tuesday. The theme was “Big Zac” based on the encounter that Jesus had with the tax collector Zaccheus.
New Students
We have many new students on campus this year. We would like to welcome all students and their families into the T.C.C. community. Our hope is that you are able to quickly call T.C.C. ‘home’ and make lasting friendships and contacts. May I encourage all of our existing families to make these new members feel as welcome as possible. Help Needed Congratulations
The following students received certificates: PPAV PPYO 1C 1S 2F 2V 3H 3K 4F 4H 5H 5W 6C 6K
Scarlett Summerfield, Rhys smoker Hayden Ferguson, Samantha Austen Joshua Meyer, Kaylee Arnold Marley Green, Jorja Pullen Emily Jovel, Keeleigh Theunissen Jazariah Tavao, Kaliyah Storey Yasha Dicey, Lynelle Taylor Monique Henriques, Johann Nel Ifeoluwa Mejiuni, Hayley Bowling Hans Jose, Kezia McKeown Jourdyn Long, Sarah Christopher Zachary Halse, Michelle Ivantry Cherralee Clark, Nathan Nee Harrison Precha, Brendan Kwan
Important Dates
Thursday 17th Primary Swimming Carnival Armadale Aquatic Centre If you are able to help at this event please let Mr Splatt know – all help is greatly appreciated. Constable Care Incursion
On Tuesday 1st March we were treated to an incursion by ‘Constable Care’. The theme was bullying and the team 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
We would like to ask for parents who are willing to commit to hearing children read sometime on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon until the end of the day. Volunteers would be guided in what was required. Volunteers are asked to consider committing to this programme for a term or longer to ensure continuity for the students involved. Parents do not need a “Working with Children” certificate. If you are able to help please leave your details with Sindy Coules at Parent Services. Morning Tea
Following each assembly Thornlie Church of Christ will be providing morning tea in the Undercover Area for those of you with a little time to spare. Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding It is hard to believe that we are now in week six, over the half way mark of term one. Term one is a very busy time with all the happenings of the new school year, Parent evenings, College Commencement service, Swimming carnivals, and other College events involving staff, parents and students. Student Achievements
Once again this year students are working towards receiving Merits and Commendations. These may be given for achieving an excellent result, working hard in class, always
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
having the right attitude, showing initiative, being courteous or going the extra mile to assist at a College event. Merits and Commendations are recorded in the back of the Student Diaries, so I encourage parents to look and see if their child has received any Merits or Commendations to date. We congratulate the following students in the Middle School who received certificates at Thursday’s assembly. Yr 7 Brendan McCamley Yr 8 Elisa Lian Yr 9 Jasmine Bradshaw Caitlyn Smith Kirah Jones Bushfire Fundraising Event
The Fundraising Committee along with the House Captains from the Primary School would like to thank all of the students and staff who so generously supported the Perth Lord Mayor’s Bush Fire Appeal by purchasing a sausage sizzle lunch last Friday. It was a huge success and raised over $500 to help those who lost their homes in the recent Roleystone/Kelmscott area. It was great to see well over half the College population supporting this event. Inter-house Swimming Carnival
The Inter-house Swimming Carnival is to be held next Wednesday March 16 at the Armadale Aquatic Centre in Champion Way. I would like to encourage all students to support their House, firstly by attending the carnival, it is a compulsory College event, secondly, to participate to the best of their ability, striving for an excellent performance and thirdly, to wear the correct College bather and sports uniform. Parents are very welcome to support this event by coming along and cheering for their children and their House. College Senior Ball
All of the Year 11 & 12 students and parents of the Year 12s have received an invitation to the Senior College Ball for 2011. Invited partners must be of at least Year 11 age and if not a student at the College, must complete the Partner Application Form obtainable from Student Services. The Partner Application Forms are due on or before March 18. The Ball Committee are very busy making sure the Ball this year is one to remember so Year 11 &12s, make sure you make ‘being there’ a priority. Information to Parents in Year 11 and 12
As mentioned in the previous Newsletter, I shall be providing to parents via the newsletter information to assist in their child’s learning, enabling parents to be positively and actively involved in their child’s education. Over this past fortnight, students have been looking at “Goal Setting” . In Year 11 and 12 the Learning Curve Planner has under this topic an emphasis on encouraging the students to: • Understand themselves, their strengths, weaknesses and
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
learning styles • Set a purpose to achieve – “Why am I as school?” • Reflect on their efforts with a view to improve – “Is what I’m doing going to get me what I want?” To quote Walt Disney, “If you can dream it you can do it”, so with this in mind, we must first reach them before we can teach them. Goal Setting is often viewed by students as an unnecessary activity because they believe they are in control and it is too formal a process. The reality is that it is a proven, dependable and tried way to cope with the challenge of getting the things done that have to be done. To assist students to set leaning goals and starting targets to measure their progress, included in the Learning Curve Planner is a section, “Goals for Personal Learning” . Most students find this task quite difficult. As Parents we would like you to become involved in your child’s education. Perhaps you can help them here by reading the following: • Pages 156, 157, 158, 159, 160 • Assessment of My Performance Last Term/Year - Page 6 • Motivation: My Guidelines - Page 7 • Goal Setting: Preparing for Senior Years - Page 8 • Goal Action Plan - Page 9 • What are May Goals, Terms 1,2,3,4 - Page 10, 11 Should you have any queries or concerns regarding your son/ daughter’s progress please do not hesitate to contact his/her Subject Teacher, Form Teacher or myself. “You can’t kick goals if you can’t see the posts.” Graeme Alford. Information from “The Learning Curve” Author Mike Walsh Important Dates for your Diary
March 16 Secondary School Inter-house Swimming Carnival March 23 Year 9 Team Building day Woodman Point March 30 Secondary Interschool Swimming Carnival – competitors only attend March 31 Year 7 Vaccinations 10.30 am April 9&10 Music Camp April 7 College Easter Service 9 am April 13 Year 7 Vaccinations April 14 Term one ends April 15 Pupil Free Day Interim Reports posted to parents April 29 College Senior Ball May 2 Term Two begins May 5 College ANZAC service May 10,11,12,13 NAPLAN testing May 12&13 Drama Production Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Politics & Law Canberra Education Trip 2011 Fundraiser
TCC Netball Club We are in need of netball coaches for the winter season. If you are able to help please contact Adrienne Steven on 9490 2885 Also, a reminder for players that registration ends on March 18th.
2011 Secondary Assistance Scheme Available to students in years 8-12 whose parent is on a Healthcare/Pension Card in 2011. Forms can be collected from Parent Services. Assistance is for up to $115 towards uniforms and or up to $235 towards school fees.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
24th March ~ 6th April 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents With another frenetic fortnight past, we find ourselves in Week 8 of the term already – a sobering thought, particularly for our Year 12s for whom the final year is a relatively short, high intensity finale to all of their years at school.
Last week our students in both the Primary and Secondary Schools participated in our annual Inter-house Swimming Carnivals. It was a pleasure to see so many parents able to attend the event and support their children. Congratulations must go to all who participated in these competitive yet fun events – it was great to see the commitment and sportsmanship on display. A small caveat to this needs to be added, and it refers to the ever-dwindling, yet still-present group of students who see fit to either take the day off (which implies parental approval...) or choose to withdraw from participation at the last moment, citing some... interesting excuses. Participation is foundational to the success of these events and is at the core of much that we stand for at TCC. Heartfelt thanks and congratulations must also go to all the staff and parents who contributed to and thus ensured the success of the day. To Chisanga Katwishi and Chris Eikelboom in the Secondary School and Matt Splatt in the Primary School, congratulations on the successful planning, organisation and execution of these two wonderful days! CORE VALUES – lesson 2
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
You may remember that in our last newsletter I began to unpack our Core Values by explaining the importance of the introductory words, “At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we...”
These words are `identifiers’ and speak of unity, community, a common bond in God; they focus our attention and endeavours on the six powerful statements that follow. This week I want to begin unpacking the six ‘drivers’ in our Core Values but I want to focus on the fifth statement first: ‘Strive for Excellence’ My reason for choosing this statement first is that it underpins our theme of Excellence this year and, while I have been impressed and excited with the great start to our year of Excellence, I am aware that in past years some of our themes have begun to lose a little of their ‘sparkle’ around this time of the year. The reason for this, I believe, is that the busy-ness of the year begins to tighten its grip on our lives and we all, staff and students, tend to move into survival-mode, for want of a better word. In this mode we revert to our old, comfortable habits – and these may not always be in sync with our expectations of Excellence. So, hopefully this newsletter will serve to raise the profile of our theme for those who need some encouragement and reinforce it for those who are still in ‘Excellence-mode.’ ‘Strive for Excellence’ There are two powerful words in this short statement – Strive and Excellence. You may remember that, in my last article, I said that every single word in our Core Values had been carefully weighed, considered and chosen in order to best represent what we want to say about our College – what we want people who visit our College, either in person, or via our website or even via the random conversations that take place ‘out there’, to know about us. So what do these two words tell the world? Well, firstly they tell us that at Thornlie Christian College, we aspire to Excellence. To fully understand what this means we need to understand that from our Christian perspective, Excellence is not only about perfect scores or full marks - even though these are highly desirable. Excellence is also, and perhaps more importantly, about each of us using our God-given talents to the best of our ability, about trying our best even when we aren’t the best. Excellence is about growing the resilience that energises us to carry on when all we really want to do is stop or give up. The Bible verse that underpins our theme of Excellence, 1
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information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
Cor. 10:31: “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.” directs us very clearly and unequivocally – whatever we do, from the most mundane of tasks to the most important – we are called to do it as though we are doing it for God Himself! The motto underpinning our theme of Excellence is: “Excellence is love in action.” Love, the love that Jesus showed us and taught us in the Bible, the love of God that underpins all that we do, is the motivating force behind our striving for Excellence. And this brings me to the other word in our fifth statement: “Strive.” This is the ‘action word’ in the statement – what we call the ‘driver.’ The dictionary gives this definition of the word: “Strive - to compete resolutely to achieve or gain something.” We, as teachers, want to model this to our students and we want our students to live it out in all aspects of their lives – to drive hard to gain something of value in every situation in life – and we do this, first and foremost, because it is the God-honouring thing to do. Bearing in mind that much of what we teach at College is aimed at supporting and reinforcing what is already being taught in the home, you may wish to take a moment to reflect on how you encourage excellence in the lives of your children – in their family lives, their social lives, their spiritual lives, their academic lives and their physical lives.
our universe really is and how much bigger our God must be. Our College Chaplain, Mr Khaira. spoke to the assembly on how unique and wonderfully made we are. Both Miss Williams’ 5W class and Mr K. used Psalm 139 for their messages. Congratulations to These Certificate Recipients 1C 2F 2V 3H 3K 4F 4H 5H 5W 6C 6K
Sierra-Fritchley Hall, Madelyne Allen-Favazzo Alex Fowler, Hunter Theunissen Alana Stryder, Joshua Crowder Cobain Wuest-Lawrence, Ben Seow Caleb Dean, Michael Glisenti Ellis Palmer, Shin Siau (Joel) Kayde Smith, Tegan Glover Ciara Kinsella, Paige Golding Travis Garret, Shannon Smith Beane’ De Wet Jamie Sutton, Zoe Wilson, Juanique van den Berg
Harmony Day We celebrated Harmony Day with many of our students wearing their national dress for the day on Tuesday 22nd March and parading at the 5W assembly.
In closing, I want to thank you for all that you, as a parent, are doing to reinforce the quest for excellence in your child’s life – it is a great and honourable quest! Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the Fortnight Have you ever played the party game where you whisper a given message into a person’s ear and then they pass it to the next person and they pass it on? Finally you read out the original message and realise how distorted things can become in a very short amount of time! Our relationship with God can become a little like this as we allow ourselves to become ‘distanced’ from the source of truth - His Word - and instead only read and rely on the words of others ‘about’ His Word. Can I encourage you to go to the source and get your ‘daily bread’ from Him.
Oceans Alive Incursion On Friday 18th March we were privileged to have “Oceans Alive” present a programme of talks, videos and interactive exhibits to our students in K – Year 6. We learned some amazing facts about our planet and the rich diversity of marine life.
Help Needed We have enjoyed Miss Williams’ 5W assembly this week on the theme “How Big is God?”. We were amazed by just how huge 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
We would like to ask for parents who are willing to commit to hearing children read sometime on a Wednesday and Thursday
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
afternoon until the end of the day. Volunteers would be guided in what was required. Volunteers are asked to consider committing to this programme for a term or longer to ensure continuity for the students involved. Parents do not need a “Working with Children” card. If you are able to help please leave your details with Sindy Coules at Parent Services. Important Dates
Friday 1st April Incursion by Water Education for Year 4.
Saturday 2nd April Sydney/Canberra fundraiser carwash at TCC car park From 8:00am – 12:00 midday. Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Information for Parents 2011 National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) This information has been sent in a College Envelope with this Newsletter to parents of all students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Week eight of the first term is behind us and hopefully all students of the Secondary School are now utilizing their study and homework timetables and putting in the hours necessary to achieve at a level commensurate with their ability. Thank you to the parents who have endeavoured to assist their children in putting the timetable together and are taking the time to check homework and diaries and of course the signing of them once a week. It is pleasing to see that many students have an excellent attitude towards their work and are performing very well. But, it is important that all parents work together on this project so that we will see an improvement, not only in their work ethic, but in their performance and results. If at this stage in the term you haven’t seen or had input into their timetable, homework or study plan, you may wish to discuss the matter with them as it is imperative that each is working from a workable and productive study plan. “Home Learning Study Session, Study Timetable” Home Learning is a key element in the establishment of an efficient study programme and effective time management schedule. Because children are learning from their vast variety of experiences, a preferable term for the word Homework, is Home Learning.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
It has four major roles to play, they are: • Complete unfinished leaning from the school day. • Doing further Course/Subject material to reinforce and consolidate the concepts in the students’ minds. If they can do it at home on their own, then they know it. • Connecting and applying new knowledge learned to new situations, mentally storing information and revising for exam/ tests. • Summarising and completing notes from class. These must be a continual increase in the number of Home Learning sessions that students complete as they progress through the year levels, to cope confidently with the workloads in Years 11 and 12 and beyond. These sessions vary in time and intensity according to the year level and are very much dependent on the students’ concentration spans. The suggested weekly time allocation and duration of Study Sessions for each year level is as follows: (and is in their Student Diary) Year No Hours/Day 7 1 8 1½ 9 1½ 10 2 11 2-3 12 2 ½ -3 ½ All students must by now be completing the above hours of work each night of five days. As parents you must be involved in this area of their learning and it is the parent responsibility to make sure this is happening. By signing the diary each week you are indicating that you have witnessed and been a part of their Home Learning. There should not be any blank lines in the diary except perhaps the Sport and Physical Recreation subjects but if they have been involved in the Swimming programme there should be something diarised as well. Please do not sign a blank page. For the Years 11 &12 parents, may I encourage you to also read pages 33-34 of their Learning Curve Planner to see how your child compares with the suggestions given. Should you have any queries or concerns regarding your son/ daughter’s progress please do not hesitate to contact his/her teacher or myself. (information from “the Learning Curve” author Mike Walsh) Student Achievements Congratulations to the following Secondary School students who have earned themselves 10 merits or commendations and received a Certificate at recent assemblies.
Year 7 10 Merits: Bailey Barnes, Braydon Davis, Chloe Murray Thomas Delalande, Celeste DeBruin, Joshua Sutton, Marsha Indrawan,, Neol Siau. 20 merits: Janine Jacobsz Year 8 10 merits: Ella Strong, Kylie Ling, Elkanah Masih, Brooke van der Westhuizen, Julian Harmawan. 20 merits: Kirah Jones, Elisa Lian Year 11 Talitha Stephens: Bronze
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Sound Team Twenty One students have volunteered to be a part of the College Sound and Technical Team. Their role is to set up the sound, video/power point equipment and lighting for College events and assemblies. Each member is required to complete six weeks of training before becoming a member of the team and presentation of a badge. This year we have a Year 12 student who has been selected to be Head of the Sound Team and will be involved in training the team and overseeing all goes well in the setting up for assemblies and events. Congratulations are in order for Karl Halliday. Taekwando Champion in our College Congratulations to Kaitlan Barnes in Year Nine, who received a Silver Medal for Poomsae at a recent Taekwondo Perth Open Championships. We are very proud of you Kaitlan. Inter-house Swimming Carnival Congratulations to all of the Secondary School Swimming Champions in their respective age groups and to every student who competed for their House. The spirit of the carnival was wonderful. A special thank you to all of the parents who attended and added another dimension to the atmosphere in cheering on their children. Combined Christian Schools Inter-school Swimming Carnival March 30 Seventy students from the Secondary School were congratulated at assembly last week for being selected to represent the College at the Inter-school Carnival. This year only the competitors will be going to the carnival as it is being held in the outside pool at Challenge Stadium and seating is not provided for spectators. Competitors are required to wear the College bathers with the College tracksuit worn over the sports top. We congratulate all of the students on their selection in the College Swim Team for 2011 and wish them all the best for next Wednesday. Parents are most welcome to attend. Co-Curricular help As mentioned at our Parent Information evenings held at the beginning of the year, all staff offer extra help in their Course/ Subject area and all students are invited to take advantage of this offer. I encourage all students to avail themselves of this very generous offer from their teachers, especially those whose recent tests results are not reflecting their strive for excellence. The following is what is being offered in Term One. If you would like further information please speak to the Course/Subject teacher. English Mrs Lee Stage 3 Wednesday 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm Mrs Stryder Stage 2 Wednesday 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm Other – Thursday 3.40 pm – 4.30 pm S&E All S&E staff Monday during lunch time Maths Mrs Jacobsz Yr 12 Math Monday 3.30 pm – 4.15 pm Year 11 by appointment Mrs Marlow Year 7&8 Monday aft. 3.40-4.30 pm Year 9&10 Wednesday afternoon 3.40-4.30 pm Science Mrs Raynor Physics, Chemistry after school Thursday Mr Chan Yr 12 Human Biology Thurs aft. 3.30-4.30 Mr Dutt Middle School - Math or Science Wed. Lunchtime
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Year Nine Personal Development. Teambuilding and Co-operation Day The day at Woodman Point was great and full of activities specifically designed to show the students how important it is to participate, cooperate and work together to achieve a common goal. All students contributed to the ideas as to the best way to tackle each task using their practical skills and how to co-operate as they performed the tasks enabling the goal to be achieved. Another day will be held on June 21 and again in Term Three, where the theme will be continued and expanded, focusing on why it is so important to have a good set of Christian values and why it is important to reflect these and our beliefs in the way we behave each day. University Scholarship to another TCC student Congratulations to Lexus Lian (2010 student) on receiving a UWA Excellence Award Scholarship to study a Bachelor of Commence at the University of Western Australia. I had the pleasure along with his parents to witness this prestigious presentation. We wish Lexus all the very best as he commences his tertiary studies and we look forward to following Lexus’s University journey over the next few years. School Vaccination Programme
(Department of Health) The first round of vaccinations for all Year seven boys and girls will take place on March 31 at 10.30 am. College Senior Ball All preparations are well under way for the Ball and a reminder to all Year 11 and 12 students that the final payment for the Ball is now over due and their Partner Application Forms if their guest is not a student at the College. We also look forward to, as many as possible, Year 12 parents accepting our invitation to join the students and staff on this special evening. Dancing lessons have commenced as part of the Sports programme and will continue until the end of term. Next week an additional lesson will be held after school on a Thursday under the supervision of Mrs Balding. These will finish at 5.00 pm and transport home will be the responsibility of the parents. A permission form will need to be completed by the parent and returned for the afternoon sessions. Important Dates for your Diary
April 9&10 April 14
Music Camp College Easter Service 9 am
Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Southern Force Football Club Training will resume soon. In the next couple of weeks we will notify everybody as we are currently finalising all registrations.
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
7th April ~11th May 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents REFLECTIONS IN A STUDY MODULE
As I was sitting in a Study Module supervising a lovely group of Year 12 students earlier this week I reflected for a moment on what I was seeing. First of all let me say that the class I was supervising is representative of all of our Year Twelve students. They are in their final year of schooling. They are experiencing the pressures of an over-full curriculum, of a culture of high expectation and of the struggle to balance their academic programmes with the social, family, sporting, leadership and spiritual dimensions of their lives. This particular Study Module was in fact two consecutive modules – ninety long minutes – just one of the opportunities that we provide for our senior students to work independently on their studies. With heads down, pens scratching, calculators… calculating, and laptop keyboards clicking busily away, I had to admit to feeling a great sense of admiration for these, our senior students. One of the great blessings of being in the teaching profession, particularly at TCC, is the privilege of seeing little children grow up to be big children and then embark on the often-traumatic teen years before entering into young adulthood. These young people sitting before me, conformed in their smart school uniforms today would find themselves in very different circumstances by this time next year – some will be experiencing the heady freedom of a university-style education, some will be travelling the world, some will be manning the offices and shop counters that keep our affluent society fed and dressed and secure – and all will be face-to-face with the realities of the ‘real world.’ Each of these young people has their dreams and aspirations, they aspire to great things in their futures, most of them are prepared to put in the hard yards this year in order to build for themselves a firm foundation for the years ahead. With a sense of sympathy for their plight, I offer them a brief respite from the focussed silence of the Study Module, a moment to de-focus, chat and stretch and
refresh and I am instantly rewarded with huge smiles, chatty comments and a brief glimpse of the personalities behind the books. And then we are back into the silent realm of the Study Module. I reflect once again that I am immensely proud of these fine, young people and blessed to have the opportunity to share in this phase of their respective journeys. IN CLOSING
With Term One almost at an end, just a reminder that we will be celebrating Easter at a very special service on the last day of term, Thursday, 14 April at 9:00 am. Our Drama Department and Primary School Choir will be joining with our College Chaplain to make the Easter story a very memorable one this year. Please join us if you are able. If you have visited the College in recent weeks, you will have seen how far our Library and General Purpose Hall have progressed. With completion expected at the end of May, next term promises to be a really exciting chapter in the life of the College. Keep watching those spaces! Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Assemblies
On Tuesday Mr Holloway’s 5H class presented their assembly on the theme of time and the Solar System. Assemblies start at 9:00am and finish around 9:40am. They take place in the Undercover Area and all are warmly invited to attend. Those parents and guests that would like to stay after the assembly are invited to join us for a hot drink and something to eat courtesy of Thornlie Church of Christ. After assembly refreshments also takes place in the Undercover Area. Congratulations Certificate Recipients
PPAV Justin Liem PPOH Riley Weir 1C Excursion 1S Excursion
Hunter Florisson Caleb York
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information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
2F Charlotte Smoker 2V Nathaniel Norman 3H Kaytlin Charushenko 3K Luke Forrester 4F Elise Ansell 4H Emily Fisher 5H Nikita Bradford 5W Hannah Baverstock 6C Danielle Gleeson 6K Sariana Hoskyns Indonesian Winning class
Isabel Yap Flynn Madsen Jaylyn McCaffrey Matthew Connan Donovan Heath Tiger Ross Mathew Pipes Sophie Wilson Adalia Kwan Abigail Wong James Summerton 6C 4F
Swimming News Inter-house - The 2011 inter-house swimming carnival was a great day for all those involved. The students were well behaved and gave their all for their house. The teachers were amazing in keeping the children enthusiastic and organised. Our house captains worked tirelessly making sure everyone made it to their race and our parent volunteers did a wonderful job making sure all the places were correctly allocated. A special thanks to Mrs Kim Scadden for her role as starter and to Mr Frigredo who generously supplied the parent volunteers and teachers with lunch; it certainly allowed us to make it through the day. The day started with the Years Three’s swimming the freestyle and we saw some excellent swimming and this promises us so much for future inter-school events. Judah quickly moved into first and then stayed there for the rest of the day. With three of the four Year Five champions coming from Judah they were always going to be hard to beat. Levi finished second, Reuben third and Joseph fourth, with only 44 points separating second to fourth. Again we sincerely thank all parents for their support of the Primary Physical Education program, and to the students, you truly displayed excellence across the entire event in many different ways.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Inter-school This year was one of the strongest inter-school swimming meets we have seen with many of the schools represented by state swimmers. Despite the tough opposition we still managed to win three individual medals with Paige Bradley and Hannah Baverstock taking bronze for their respective age groups and Haritha Runaweera taking silver. We were very competitive all day and the students gave their best and displayed excellence in both sportsmanship and behaviour. We would like to thank Mr Wise and Mrs Scadden for volunteering to help and cover our schools duties for the day. Like last year we seemed to hit our straps during the Breastroke events and went into lunch in fourth position. We finished the day in sixth, just one point behind fifth and eleven points behind fourth. We would like to thank all the students, parents and Mr Wise who made the early trek to Armadale pool for the before school training leading up to the carnival. It made a tremendous difference in our preparation for the carnival and we look forward to getting even better results next year. Matt Splatt Help Needed
On behalf of TCC Primary and Mrs Thompson, we would like to thank all of those that have volunteered to help support our Educational Support Programme by volunteering their time to listen to students read. We now have a sufficient number of volunteers to run this programme. Important Dates
Tuesday 12th April Thursday14th April Friday 15th April
Learning Journey Easter Service and last day of school for Term One No school for students
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
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ABN 42 983 626 009
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Over the past week, I have had several discussions with parents about shared concerns with their children’s behaviour. These concerns have ranged from, the number of blue slips being received, behavioural problems in the playground, to late to school and to class, unacceptable behaviour in the classroom, homework problems and being disrespectful. Often the parents are clearly at a loss about how to deal with the issue and where to go for support and advice. Parents sometimes fear that by deeming some of these behaviours inappropriate, they may become unpopular with their children and somehow drive them away. They also worry that their children may become outcasts in their peer group, the only ones with such strict and forbidding parents and that the parents themselves will become excluded for “differing” in their values from other parents. We must always remember that parents are meant to be parents. One of the roles of a parent is to provide children with a safe, caring and loving environment, a sound value system and to guide them by setting firm boundaries for acceptable behaviour. Unfortunately parents receive little training or preparation for the role beyond the muscular and breathing exercises at antenatal classes! As our children grow, we are constantly faced with new parenting challenges, many of which we are unprepared for and for which we have no specific training. What we do have, however, is a sense of right and wrong, and a set of values and beliefs. I think that as parents we all know what is important, what behaviours we think are appropriate, and what we think is the right thing to do. It is not surprising that sometimes our value systems appear to differ from our children’s and their desires will from time to time clash with ours, but parents can be assured that such clashes have always occurred. Throughout the different stages of their life they test the boundaries and values seeking to determine their identity as individuals against their parents. It come about as much from a sense of defining an “otherness” as it does from a sense of burgeoning independence. This does not mean, however we should simply always go along with the demands and desires of our children, especially if these directly confront and challenge our values or our sense of what is appropriate. It is alright, indeed sometimes necessary, to say “no” and to correct or punish. We as parents must therefore use our knowledge and wisdom to provide appropriate examples to our children. Our children observe us at our best and worse times. In many respects they model their behaviour and attitudes based upon what they see in us. It can often shock parents to see some of their bad habits reflected in their children. Conversely, it can be a great joy when some of our best qualities are modelled before us. Either way, we are on display. We need to be careful that what we say is supported by what we do. If we want our children to display Godly characteristics, then it is our responsibility to try and model these in our lives. Part of our role as parents involves providing clear structures for our children with boundaries that define the acceptable, and not sanctioning behaviours we consider inappropriate.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Parents frequently feel isolated and alone when making these judgements. I am sure many have heard the statement, “You’re the only parent who’d do this. Everyone else’s parents ….” Yet the reality is that most parents come from the same moral position, with similar fears and values. May I encourage you to ring and chat to the parents of the friend whose house your child may be visiting. Be assured of your child’s security and well being. If all parents did this on a regular basis, then it would be seen by their children as normal, rather than an embarrassing aberration. By being parents and being strong in your beliefs, as well as open and confident in your communication with other parents, supportive of the discipline given by College staff, maybe together we can provide boundaries and structure within which young people may thrive. Most importantly, however, we must also learn the value of saying “no” – it is sometimes the right and appropriate response. “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Student Achievements
The following students are to be congratulated for achieving Merit Certificates at a recent assembly:
Year 7 Jared Foster
Sarah Smith
Brennan Steven
Toshan Mohabeer
Benjamin Dale
Bailey Barnes
Year 8 Jai McCamley Kylie Ling Adam Hahn
Kieren Littlefair Elisa Lian
Year 10 Katrina-Jayne Culling is to be congratulated on receiving a Bronze certificate for commendations earned in the Senior School Student of the Month went to Year 7 Janine Jacobsz, Year 8 Elisa Lian, Yr 9 Jasmine Bradshaw. Combined Schools Inter-school Swimming Carnival Congratulations once again to those Secondary School students who were chosen to represent the College at the carnival last Wednesday and for the fantastic job they did in competing for their College and attributing to the position of third place overall. Free Dress Day and Fried Rice Day Next Wednesday has been set aside for an end of term Free Dress Day to raise funds for our sister Christian school in Dala, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma). The school caters for 4-6 year olds. Myanmar is staunchly Buddhist and Dala is the poorest area of the nations capital (average earning for this area is around $20
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
a month) Parents can’t afford to send their children to school and they are happy for the Bible to be taught as part of the education at the school. Students are asked to pay a gold coin for the opportunity of wearing free dress. In allowing the free dress students are reminded of the dress code and if a student has Design Technology or Home Economics they must wear appropriate footwear and for Physical Education they must change into their sports uniform for the lesson. In addition to the free dress students have been invited to participate in purchasing their “Fried Rice” lunch. Monies raised will this term be supporting the students participating in the LOTE Malaysian Tour to Singapore in July. This tour will be the first Curriculum based tour that the College has offered. Interim Reports An Interim report for each student will be posted home next Friday. This will provide a good indication to both parents and student as to how they have performed over the term in the areas of selfmanagement skills, general standards of work, cooperativeness, effort and work/tasks completed. Parent Interview evenings have been arranged for the Middle School on May 10 and 11 and for Year 10 and 11 on May 16 and 17. Interviews will be held in E2 commencing at 3.30 pm. Parents are asked to phone the College in the first week back to make an appointment time through Mrs Bonnington. Requested interview are indicated on the reports. College Senior Ball The Ball is only a few weeks away and students in Year 11 & 12 are reminded that the final balance of payment is due on Friday. Winter Uniform Term two heralds the commencement of the Winter season (believe it or not after all this hot weather) and students are asked to wear their winter uniform. This consists of the blazer and tie for the Senior School students and trousers for the boys and stockings for the girls for all students of the Secondary School. If parents are not sure of the correct uniform, please consult the College Uniform Policy. NAPLAN Testing By now parents of children in Year Seven and Nine will have received a brochure informing them of the up and coming NAPLAN testing. The students will sit the assessments as part of the National Assessment Programme Literacy and Numeracy. The testing is to take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 10,11,&12. These are very important assessments and provide useful benchmarks and comparisons of individual students’ ability. It is therefore very important that children are at school for the whole week.
Easter Service and Anzac Service The College will once again be celebrating both Easter and Anzac with two special services. The Easter Service will be held next Thursday at 9.00 am in the Primary undercover area. Several students from both Primary and Secondary will be taking part in the service. The Anzac Service will be held in week one of Term Two on the Thursday at 9.00 am in the same area. Students are invited to wear other clubs or organization uniforms ie Bush Rangers, Boys and Girls Brigade, Scouts, Guides/Brownies, cadets. A special invitation is extended to the parents to attend both of these special College events. Important Dates for your Diary April 7 Middle School Assembly April 9&10 Music Camp – Woodman Point April 12 Year 6 Parent Information Evening April 13 Free Dress Day and fundraising lunch April 14 College Easter Service 9 am April 15 Pupil Free Day Term one ends Interim Reports posted to parents April 29 College Senior Ball May 2 Term Two begins May 5 College ANZAC service 9 am May 10,11,12,13 NAPLAN testing May 10 & 11 Parent Interviews Yr 7-9 May 12&13 Drama Production May 16 & 17 Parent Interviews Yr 10 & 11 May 19 & 20 College Photographs May 24-27 English Week May 30 Commencement of Yr 11 & 12 Examinations
Is there a Doctor in the House?
As I reflect over the term it is exciting to see that the majority of students have given it their best shot this term. I am sure that they have begun to realize the importance of the many new structures that we have put in place this year and to avail themselves of the support and extra tutoring given by our caring staff which has certainly assisted many of them to achieve to the best of their ability. May they continue in term two to seek to gain the advantages of further developing their creativity and knowledge. I wish them all an enjoyable and restful break and may they come back into term two with an even bigger thirst for learning.
Once again the Drama students are very busy rehearsing for the annual College Drama Production. This will be held at the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre in Thornlie on Thursday and Friday, May 12 & 13. Tickets are now available from Parent Services.
Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
College Drama Production
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
12th ~ 25th May 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents Welcome back to Term 2. I trust that you have had an opportunity to spend some quality time with your children and that they have had the opportunity to relax and renew for the busy term that lies ahead. Please take some time to consult the College calendar and update your own calendar with our forthcoming events – Term 2 promises to be a busy time with parent interviews, parent information evenings, a drama production and a number of sporting commitments in the pipeline.
In fact, for our Senior students, the term began on the last Friday of the holidays with their annual Senior Ball held at the Fremantle Sailing Club. This was a spectacular evening, planned and prepared by the Prefects’ Entertainment Committee under the watchful supervision of Mrs Balding. The evening is a high point in the lives of every senior student at TCC. Unique to TCC is an opportunity for parents to share in the enjoyment by attending the Ball themselves – something which I highly recommend. Congratulations to all involved on a splendid evening! CORE VALUES – Lesson 3: Our Core Values
In this newsletter I want to look at our first Core Value: Learn for Eternity. This Core Value is particularly relevant at this time of the Christian calendar. We have just celebrated Easter. In looking back we are reminded of God’s covenant plan to allow His Son to atone for our sins. Jesus came and dwelt on earth and died on earth, was entombed, arose and was resurrected to be with His Father in heaven again. In doing so He gifted us with eternal life. John 17:3 tells us, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” (NIV) At Thornlie Christian College, we teach our children to know God. The word “know” isn’t about a casual, superficial knowledge and acknowledgment of God. It is about developing a deep, life-enhancing appreciation of all that God is and all that He intends for our lives. It includes aspects such as, love, reverence, obedience, honour and gratitude. It requires us to yield our lives to Him and strive to live our lives according to His Word. We place this Core Value first, before all of the others, because it is the foundation upon which all of the other Core Values rest. Every blessing for the term that lies ahead. Bill Innes
At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
You will remember that I have been using alternate newsletters to unpack and discuss our Core Values which we introduced at the beginning of the year. Last time we looked at the fifth Core Value: Strive for Excellence as it relates directly to our Theme for 2011 –Excellence – Love in Action.
Thursday 26th May 2011 commencing at 6.45pm. Thornlie Christian College Staffroom 19 Furley Road, Southern River WA ORDER OF BUSINESS I. Establishment of Quorum Proxies notified II. Opening Prayer III. Confirmation of minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 29TH April 2010 ...CONTD
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IV. i) ii) iii) iv) V. VI. VII.
Presentation of Reports: Chairman Senior Pastor Principal Business Manager Introduction of Elders’ appointees General Business Closure
If you are a Member of the Association, and have any items you wish to raise as General Business please forward to the Business Manager at gedwards@tcc.wa.edu.au by 4.00pm Monday 23rd May 2011 Reports will be available from the College Reception from Thursday 19th May 2011
Deputy Principal: Mr Mike Kingsford The Gosnells Christian Ministers Network hosted a Bible Reading Event on Easter Saturday 23rd of April. This was conducted outside in the Agonis Centre Court Yard, Gosnells. The idea behind this project was to read through the four Gospels beginning at 8am and concluding around 3:30pm. A number of churches supplied readers who read three or four chapters each. People came and went throughout the day with an opportunity to hear the Gospels.
make a statement that the CHURCH is alive and well in the City of Gosnells. Many Churches also came together for a combined Good Friday service. Exciting times! Martin Jacobsz (Year 12 Prefect) and I went along on the day and read from the Gospel’s of Mark and Luke. Martin did a great job and as a community Thornlie Christian College can be proud of him and his contribution. Well done, Martin. Mike Kingsford
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight
Have you ever seen a sign ‘WET PAINT’ and not had a quick touch – surely it’s dry anyway! Or perhaps you have had to check that the heater really is hot even though you were just told that it was – I still have a scar to prove this one! An interesting part of our humanity is our inability to accept the word of another – we have to see it for ourselves. This can be hard when we approach God and begin to build a trust relationship with Him. I am so glad that God is gracious enough to ‘prove’ Himself all over again just for us. May I encourage you to take Him at His word at least on the following (to start with anyway)?
•Yes He does love you exactly as you are. •Yes He does want to spend time with you – just pick the time, place and activity! •Yes He does have a purpose for your life. •Yes He can give you back everything that this life may have stolen away from you… •Did I mention that He loves you exactly as you are…?
Important Dates
The reason for this event was to promote the role of the Bible in our community and to demonstrate Christian unity. Thornlie Christian College was invited to participate in this Bible Reading project by supplying student or staff readers.
1. Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) will be on Friday 20th May. The objectives of WSTSD are: •To encourage parents and carers to walk to school with primary school age children and reinforce safe pedestrian behaviour. •To promote the health benefits of walking and help create regular walking habits at an early age. •To ensure that children up to 10 years old hold an adult’s hand when crossing the road. •To help children develop the vital road-crossing skills they will need as they become mature pedestrians. •To reduce the car dependency habits that are being created at an early age and which will be difficult to change as children become adults. •To promote the use of Public Transport. •To reduce the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles. •To reduce the level of traffic congestion, especially around schools. We suggest that you may like to consider parking in the vicinity and walking the rest of the way. 2. Tuesday 17th May – Mrs Harrex 4H assembly (postponed from 10th May due to NAPLAN testing). 3. Tuesday 24th May - presenting Sean W. Smith live in concert in the Undercover Area – this will replace our usual assembly. 4. Year Five camp to Point Peron – Wednesday 25th May to Friday 27th May.
We were privileged to come alongside the churches of Gosnells to help
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
‘Learning Journey – Oceans Alive’
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Welcome to the start of a new term. In particular, I would like to welcome two new students into the Secondary School. Jolene Kruger, Year Ten and Andrea Kruger, Year Eight. May they and their families be blessed throughout their time here at the College.
Student Achievements
Merits and Commendations We would like to recognise the following students who have earned Merits Certificates in the Middle School and a Bronze Certificate in the Senior School. Katrina-Jane Culling (Year 10) - Bronze Certificate Jessie Dodd (Year 7) - Merit Certificate Clarissa Widjanarko - Merit Certificate
Christian School National Swimming Competition Four of our students were invited to represent WA in the Christian Schools National Swimming Competition to be held in Sydney next week. We congratulate Sierra Scadden, (Year 8), Nico Kelder (Year 10) Daniel Fleay (Year 11) Lindsay Carter (Year 12) Sierra and Nico have decided to take up the offer and swim so we offer our best wishes as they swim not only for their State but also represent the College as well.
Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to take part in the Mathematical Olympiad as part of the College Mathematics Enrichment programme.
Year 6 C Lachlan Connan, Eli Gunn, Adalia Kwan Year 6 K Harrison Cambourakis, Natalie Grasso, Sariana Hoskyns, Brendan Kwan, Liam Leslie, Jordan Luckin, Joshua Smith, Abigail Wong Year 7 Bailey Barnes, Celeste DeBruin, Samadhi Fernando, Janine Jacobsz, James Olsen Alyssa Seow, Sarah Smith, Brennan Steven, Clarissa Widjanarko, Chloe Cunningham,
Assemblies There was no assembly this fortnight due to the NAPLAN Testing.
Staff Professional Learning Early Years Learning Framework - AISWA ‘Count Me In’ - “Disability Service Commission” Learning Essentials - AISWA Increasing Literacy Outcomes, Promoting Literacy Development, Early Numeracy - AISWA
Year 8 Aiden Kwan, Julian Harmawan, Elisa Lian, Kirah Jones, Samuel Halse, Chelsea Francis, Abigail Kee, Kylie Ling, Joshua Bandi, Ben Nestor, Trindale Fuller Year 9 Adela Widjanarko, Erana Steven, Alex Fritzch, Sheryl Pang, John Weckman Parent and Teacher Interviews May I thank all of the parents who responded to our request for a Parent and Teacher interview and were able to chat to staff about the progress of their child and discuss some strategies to assist them to achieve to the best of their ability. Support such as this is always encouraging to staff and reinforces the importance of linking together as we continue to make valuable and eternal investments into the lives of the children in our care.
NAPLAN Testing Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Students are this week sitting assessments as part of the National Assessment Programme Literacy and Numeracy. The testing will continue through until Friday. These are important assessments and will provide individual student ability compared to children of the same Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
age across the State and Nationally. We are confident that the data we receive from these assessments will assist us to plan for the children’s learning strengths and needs in the classroom. Thank you for your support in having your child present and prepared for the testing.
Year 6 Parent Information Evening Thank you to the parents who were able to attend the Year 6 Parent Information Evening in the last week of last term. This was a new initiative planned at informing parents early in the year rather than in the later part of the year as to what is offered in the Secondary School by way of core subjects, Interest subject, resources, and where this leads to in their final years in Year 11 and 12 so that the transition in 2012 from Primary to Secondary goes as smoothly as possible. It has been pleasing to hear that the information given by staff and ex students was very beneficial and the tour of the College was quite enlightening to many. On a night such as this it is very difficult to discuss all aspects of the School so I invite any parent who would like further clarification of what was said on the evening, or who was not able to attend and may have questions they would like answered, to please phone the College and make an appointment to see me.
College Senior Ball On the last Friday of the holidays, saw our Senior students turning out in their splendid finery for our annual College Senior Ball. What a magnificent sight! What an enjoyable evening! Even the many staff looked like a million dollars. It is always a pleasure and certainly very heartening to hear praise given about our students when out at a function in a public place. The Manager and staff of the Fremantle Sailing Club, the DJ and the Security were amazed at the students’ courtesy, respect and the way they behaved and presented themselves throughout the whole evening. Their behaviour was apparently very different to many other groups of young people that have held similar functions at that venue. This year we had a record number of invited guests and it was obvious that they too were young people of the same repute. The students have already been congratulated for doing both you and the College proud. Of course the night would not have been the success it was without the hours of planning and preparation put in by the energetic Ball Committee of Ariana Yardley, Michele Riley, Chairpersons, and Breanne Carter and Megan Johnson, committee members. The theme for the evening was Nautical, with the venue beautifully decorated depicting the era of Sailing Ships of Yester Year and ocean memorabilia. A special thank you to Mr and Mrs Yardley for providing many of the decorations to create the atmosphere. One of the highlights of the evening was the announcement of Belle and Beau of the Ball which for 2011 was awarded to Breanna Carter and Benjamin Gray.
ANZAC Service What a great way to commence the term. – a service where members of the whole College community gathered together to remember the servicemen and women who gave their lives or were handicapped during the war so that we could live peacefully in the great Country of ours. The service was lead by our Head Boy and Head Girl, Joshua Klenner and Nathania Widjinarko, staff and other representatives from the different schools of the College taking part in the service, students, Trindale Fuller, Erana Steven, Danielle Gleeson, Ben Wallis, Blake Weckman, and Emily Olsen. The Year 6 Choir and representatives from the Secondary Choir sang beautifully “We Are The World” with Levin Lian accompanying them on the piano. We were also privileged to have two guest speakers bring to us the ANZAC message, Mr Harry Rosielle,retired Air-force Warrant Officer and Mr Stuart Holmes, a retired Reservist. A special touch to the service was Mr Peter Hoare from the Gosnells Salvation Army who played the Last Post and Rouse on the trumpet. Thank you to the many parents who also came along and shared in this special service. 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
College Production “Is There A Doctor In The House” The performance is of course to take place this week on Thursday and Friday evening. Many hours of practice has gone into the rehearsals and it is amazing to see how the Drama students have developed into confident performers and how they are developing and using their giftings. The College Performing Arts Department has certainly come a long way over the past couple of years in producing some excellent performances and of course a lot of this is due to the hard work of Mr Willisee and many other staff assisting with making props, making costumes, make-up and the publicity. Make sure you come along and enjoy this years College performance. Tickets are available at Parent Services. Work Experience - Year Ten - Term August 15-19 A reminder to all Year Ten parents that information regarding their child’s placements must be returned to the College by June 1. If your child has not yet shown you the letter, (they were given out in the middle of last term) please ask to see it so that arrangements for their placement can be made as soon as possible.
Study Café The Study Café has now been running for a term and is proving to be a very popular avenue for the students to do their homework and receive extra tuition from staff and Year 12 students that are supervising. May I encourage parents to speak to their child about attending as it is certainly beneficial. Staff are recommending students to attend but it would be helpful for parents to also encourage their child to attend. The Café is run on Monday and Friday lunch-times and Wednesday afterschool.
News in Views The Publicity Chairpersons, Nathania Widjanarko and Joshua Klenner along with the Staff Liaison, Miss Fensom, produce each term a pictorial of what has happened at the College over the term. They have done a wonderful job of capturing the important “moments” of all of the College events. Copies are available from Parent Services. The final touches are also being put together for this to be on line for you to view as a movie. We will let you know when this has been completed.
Busy Term This term is another very busy one so please take note of the following important dates.
Important Dates for your Diary May 12&13 May 19 & 20 May 19 May 20 May 26 May 26 May 30-June 3 May 30-June 10 May 30 June 20 June 21 June 27
Drama Production College Photos Middle School Assembly Choir – Eisteddfod at Fremantle SYATP See You At The Pole service 7.30 am Senior School Assembly Year 11&12 Examinations Work Place Learning English Week – Spelling Competition finals Thurs June 2 Year 10 Examination week Day Two Year Nine Personal Development Middle School Examination week
Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
26th May ~ 8th June 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents
This week Mike Kingsford and I attended the Christian Schools Australia (CSA) Policy Forum in Canberra. This was an opportunity for us to get the latest information on a number of national issues facing Christian education. With the Greens party openly opposing the funding of independent education into the future, the recent legal challenge in Victoria to faith-based schools being able to appoint staff based on faith, the federal governmentfunded Gonski review into education funding and the welcome move among a number of Christian Education peak bodies towards closer relationships and unity, there was much to learn. We were privileged to attend a dinner in the Great Hall at Parliament House where Christopher Pine, Shadow Minister for Education, addressed us on the Liberal Party’s commitments to education should they resume power at the next election. We were also addressed by Minister for Education, Peter Garrett, on the Gillard government’s vision and commitment to education into the future. I think that we were all impressed by Minister Garrett’s sincerity and commitment to the education process but this was contrasted by the words he chose to use as he assured those present that , “…no independent school will be worse off in a future funding dispensation…” - the implication of his wording being that at the time of transition to the new funding model all schools will receive the same funding that they are receiving at present – but that there were no guarantees for indexed funding increase thereafter. This approach would place an immense financial burden on independent schools that ultimately would impact on parents’ back pockets. While we have much to be grateful for as independent educators in Australia we also have much to keep in prayer as we entrust our College, CSA and all independent schools to the loving care of our Heavenly Father. BUILDING UPDATE
By now I’m sure you will have heard from your children that we used the new Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) for the College photographs last week. We took ownership of the building last week and had hoped to hold an ‘Official
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
Opening’ assembly with the students before beginning to use it but the stormy weather last Friday, left us with no choice but to begin using it immediately – what a blessing to have had this option! For twenty seven years Thornlie Christian College has operated, winter and summer, heat and rain without a hall – and now we have one! A huge one! Life will never be the same again for our children at TCC! Our new Library is almost complete now and we should receive the keys in the next week or two. We are waiting on furnishings for the library and so we will only be able to transfer all the books and media across to the new building in the last week of this term. This means that we will begin operating out of it at the beginning of next term. Again, we will hold a special dedication assembly with our students prior to officially taking up ‘occupancy.’ Parents are welcome to attend both of our dedication assemblies and we will keep you informed of dates and times as they are decided. In addition to these assemblies we will be holding official opening ceremonies for both buildings at our Open Day in Term 3. (as we did last year for our Administration Block) You will remember that in allocating the Building
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
Education Revolution (BER) funding, we decided to tackle not one but two urgent projects for our College – a MultiPurpose Hall and a purpose-built Library. Given the size of the College and the growth we have been experiencing in recent years, we decided to opt for buildings with the greatest ‘footprints’ possible – buildings that we can grow into in coming years. We could have allocated all of the funding to either one or the other of these two projects, using the funds to fit the selected building out to a high standard but the thought of doing without either a Library or a Hall for the next ten years did not make sense to us. So now we have our two magnificent new buildings! However here is still much to be accomplished in fitting out and furnishing the facilities. As a community, it is my hope and prayer that we will come together to furnish, decorate and equip these buildings in the coming years. Our PIA (Parents in Action) committee has already begun a number of initiatives to assist in this.
to find her path and share her message of complete trust in her God, reaching out to others at their point of need – she visited Thailand immediately after the tsunami and helped distribute food, clothes and other essential items, all with one arm. Throughout the entire film we are left in no doubt as to her passion for surfing and the ocean and the way in which it drew her to her God. If you get the chance to see this film with your kids I thoroughly recommend it. Assemblies
On Tuesday 17th May we enjoyed the assembly run by Mrs Harrex’s 4H class. The theme was water and the assembly had a New Zealand flavour – courtesy of Mrs Harrex’s Kiwi roots. On Tuesday 24th May we enjoyed Sean W. Smith live in concert. Sean certainly got us a lot warmer on a cold cloudy day as he led the singing, clapping and even a little dancing.
First priorities are for a portable stage, seating and a sound system for the Hall. We would welcome any ideas, support or assistance that you can offer as we tackle these projects. By involving yourself in these initiatives you will be building into the future of our College and the lives of your children. Bill Innes
Thursday 26th May 2011 commencing at 6.45pm. Thornlie Christian College Staffroom 19 Furley Road, Southern River WA
The amazing ‘Spineless Wonders’ exhibit visited Pre-Primary this week and the students and staff were treated to stick insects and the largest species of cockroaches in the world!
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight
I recently had the privilege of going to the premier of the new movie “Soul Surfer” courtesy of tickets won from Sonshine FM. This film is based on the true story of Bethany Hamilton and follows her passion for surfing before and after the loss of her left arm at the shoulder due to a shark attack. The message in the film is that despite the tragic loss of her limb Bethany is able to find and follow the path that God has laid before her. Her amazing faith and determination to rise above the challenges of life is inspiring. She is able
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Help Needed
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding
As a staff we have recently discussed the need to have a supply of games available for our students at various times – wet weather being a good example. If you have any unused games at home that you would be willing to donate to the School please send them in to your child/s class teacher. Please don’t include games that use batteries and please make sure that the games are complete. Thank you in advance for considering this request.
Term Two is already proving to be a very busy one with its own mix of challenges and events. I feel sure that all of our students will meet such challenges with optimism, preparing them thoroughly for whatever it is that requires their attention. I would like to remind parents not to hesitate in taking advantage of the lunch time and after hours tutoring being given to students in their subject areas. Staff are very willing to give of their time and it is a shame that many students that would benefit from this are not taking advantage of the opportunity, especially the Year 12s. If you would like further information please speak with your child’s teacher.
Hair styles
Girls - Please make sure that your child has a supply of the appropriate hair ties (only royal or navy blue scrunchies). Boys – Please don’t allow your child to have lines shaved into their hair during term time. Hair styling gel is not permitted at school. We greatly appreciate your support in these matters. Congratulations
Well done to the following students that received merit certificates for this period. PPH Mathew Bradley, Song Lee PPA James Prosser, Natalia Fisher 1C Christo Swart, Ben Murgatroyd 1S Jorja Pullen, Taytum Barnes 2F Charlotte Smoker, Isabel Yap 2B Levi Chelliah, Tamia Halstead-Crucitti 3H Caelan Cockin, Mya Green 3K Conor Prout, Shelby Wensley 4F Kay- lee Jansen Van Rensburg, Jordan-Ashleigh Prosser 4H David Ling, Carmen Coules 5H Owen Palmer, Justina Crowder 5W Joshua Stevenson, Shemariah Kwan 6C James Summerton, Terence Kwidzai 6K Elijah Crowe, Natalie Grasso LOTE Joseph Floysand Staff Professional Learning
Essential Elements of Early Numeracy – AISWA National Partnerships Consultant Update - AISWA Important Dates Auction for Open Day (September 17th) A gentle reminder that our auction is our annual fundraiser for additional resources in the Primary School. Tuesday 7th June - 4F assembly in the Undercover Area Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Student Achievements
The following Middle School students are to be congratulated on receiving a Merit Certificate for achieving ten or more merits.
Year 7 Michael Baker Bailey Barnes Celeste De Bruin Jessie Dodd Janine Jacobsz Nyssa McCarrol Demi Mills Brittany Prosser Noel Siau Clarissa Widjanarko
10 merits 30 merits 30 merits 20 merits 30 merits 10 merits 10 merits 10 merits 20 merits 20 merits
Year 8 Courtney Foster Krizzia Francisco Abigail Kee Elisa Lian Kylie Ling Meighan Matras Heloise Williams
10 merits 10 merits 10 merits 50 merits 30 merits 10 merits 10 merits
Year 9 Teira Hine Anadi Labuschagne Mei Ling Lim
10 merits 10 merits 10 merits
Extra special congratulations to our Students of the Month for May Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Bailey Barnes Elisa Lian Mei Ling Lim
Term Two Examinations
This week will see the beginning of the examinations for students in Year 11 & 12 and these will continue in Week Five and Six where all of these students will only attend school in Week Five on the nominated days for examinations. 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Students and parents have been issued with an examination timetable and information applicable to examinations and it is important that students read this carefully so as to attend the right exam on the right day and at the right time. Students in both years who study Workplace Learning have been preparing for a fortnight in the workplace. This will take place during the examination weeks. The Year ten examinations will commence in Week Eight and the Middle School examinations in Week Nine. All examinations are important so we urge students unless they are very ill to be at school. English Week
The English Department is holding its annual English Week this week where students will be involved in a Spell-a-thon, Silly Speeches, Grammar Bingo, and Creative Writing competitions. All parents are invited to the “Showcase” of the finals for the Spell-a-thon which is to be held at the Middle School Assembly on Thursday June 2 at 9.00 am. SYATP (See You At The Pole)
See You At The Pole is a student initiated, student organized and student led meeting at the flagpole to pray for their College leaders, school, friends, teachers, State and Federal governments, their representatives and churches. It is a specific day designated when all schools through their student body are asked, throughout the Nation to pray. Although this is a student led and organized event all staff, parents, and College community are invited to join them at the flag pole to pray. TCC held this event at lunch-time on Thursday 26th May. The College Choir
Second Place at the Fremantle Eisteddfod All members of the College Choir are to be congratulated on their successful 2nd place at the Eisteddfod last week. After many days and hours of practice, they performed the very difficult pieces “Yole Canto” and “Keep Holding On”, brilliantly. The choirs they were performing against were double the size in numbers but that did not seem to make a difference as their trained voices sang from the heart and certainly displayed their joy for singing. There were some very favourable comments from the Judges.
The Music Department are now commencing to prepare, audition and rehearse for the Musical Evening in September. This year they will be presenting a musical, entitled “Rock” written and directed by Miss Stevens. Request: for any parent with sewing expertise to assist with making the costumes for the musical. If this is you, and your gifting, please contact Mrs Iburg or Mrs Guthrie as soon as possible for more details of how you can assist. Great excitement in the College!
Last week the students saw for the first time inside the new hall/gymnasium. The College photos were taken inside the building. Wow! was the chorus that could be heard ringing around the huge hall. The first to use the hall in a programmed educational capacity will be the Physical Education Department next week. Work Experience – Year 10 - Third Term August 15-19
A reminder to parents and students that the information regarding the placements must be returned by June 10 so that the relevant paperwork to the employers can take place. If you are having problems with finding a placement for your child please contact either myself or Mrs Bonnington to provide you with some assistance. Important Dates for your Diary
May 30-June 7 May 30-June 10 May 30 June 16 June 20 June 21 June 23 June 27
Year 11&12 Examinations Work Place Learning English Week – Spelling Competition finals Thurs June 2 Middle School Assembly – presentation of prizes for English Week Year 10 Examination week Day Two Year Nine Personal Development Year 7 vaccinations 10.30 am Middle School Examination week
Mrs Helen balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Special congratulations must be given to our Music Teacher and conductor Mrs Iburg and her assistants, Miss Stevens and Mrs Guthrie. A special thank you to Stephanie Sin, the pianist who accompanied the choir. The following are the members of the Choir who performed: Kylie Choong, Rebekah O’Hearn, Tiffany Tilaka, Courtney Foster, Chelsea Bradford, Annabelle Harwood, Abigail Kee, Meighan Matrass, Heloise Williams, Jonathan Luckin, Nyssa McCarrol, Sarah Smith, Marsha Indrawan, Shaylen MacKay, Brittany Prosser, Abby Shenton, Giodie Palmer, Caitlyn Johnson, Samadhi Fernando, Erana Steven. 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
9th ~ 22nd June 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents This week I want to spend some time unpacking the second of our Core Values: Grow in Christ
Life is a journey. Like any journey it has a beginning and an end. Like any journey it will expose us to spectacular heights and it will take us into deep valleys. At the end of our earthly journey, we have the promise of eternal life. “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” (John 17:3) Journeying with a companion requires trust. We need someone who will protect us and look out for our best interests. God is omnipotent, omniscient and He loves us. As we grow to know Him, we grow in faith. When we commit our lives to Christ, we invite Him into our lives - to journey with us. We enter into a relationship more intimate than any worldly relationship, because God knows us intimately – He knows our aspirations our fears and our inmost thoughts - we are His creation. Jesus said, “Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him” (John 14:21). Thornlie Christian College is dedicated to giving young people an education of excellence founded upon a relationship in Christ. Everything we learn from Science to Maths and all the subjects in between refers to God’s creation. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth… (Genesis 1:1) (take some time to read this first chapter of Genesis again and rekindle in your heart the awesomeness of His Creation). So, from a TCC perspective what do we mean by “Grow in Christ?” Well, firstly, as mentioned above, it means committing to knowing Him. God has a plan for our lives and that plan
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service can only reach fruition if we are walking closely with Him. So, at TCC we expose our students to a rich variety of opportunities to learn about Him and we trust that, in His good time there will be a personal meeting between each of our students and Him. This meeting may occur during the student’s time at TCC - it may be in years to come - whenever it occurs, it will be according to His perfect timing. Secondly, at TCC we believe that it is important to increase in our knowledge of God. As our knowledge of God increases, so does our love for Him, our obedience to Him and our faith in Him. We stand in awe of Him. We become reliant on Him. Thirdly, we offer opportunities for our students to communicate with Him: God speaks to us through His Word – the Bible. In this way He reveals his character and His will to us. “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16,17). We speak to God through our prayers – we glorify Him in prayer, we give thanks to Him in prayer, we bring our requests to Him in prayer, we share our thoughts with
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
Him in prayer and we seek His will through prayer. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6,7)
the MPH. We would like to express our appreciation to Thornlie Church of Christ for continuing to host our excellent parent morning teas following each assembly.
Finally, at TCC we are blessed to be able to spend time with other like-minded Christians. We understand how important it is to be surrounded by people who share our love for Christ. Together we build one another up, support one another, correct one another, learn from one another. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -- and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10: 24,25). So, in closing, let me reiterate: at TCC we recognise the importance of Growing in Christ and we try to provide every opportunity for this to take place, be it in the classroom, on the sports fields or in our personal interactions with one another. Growing in Christ underpins and enhances all other learning.
Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the Fortnight I was interested to find out some years ago that those working in the Police Fraud Department, specifically those dealing with money fraud and counterfeiting, spend a measure of their time studying the genuine notes rather than the counterfeit. This makes perfect sense when you consider the ingenuity of those counterfeiting money – the film Catch Me if You Can springs to mind! Having a really good understanding of the real thing; its weight, texture, size and distinguishing water marks and ‘foils’ is apparently paramount when identifying those really good counterfeits. In a similar way I believe that the more time we spend ‘with’ God the more tuned we are to His voice and His ways so that we can stream out the cacophony of other noises around us. Distinguishing God’s voice, particularly at difficult or ‘decision’ times in our lives, is so important and protects us from many things that may cause us harm. Help Needed As a staff we have recently discussed the need to have a supply of games available for our students at various times – wet weather being a good example. If you have any unused games at home that you would be willing to donate to the School please send them in to your child/s class teacher. Please don’t include games that use batteries and please make sure that the games are complete. Thank you in advance for considering this request. Assemblies This fortnight we enjoyed Miss Fuller’s 4F assembly presentation in our new Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH). The theme was the ‘Children of God’. Our assemblies in future will take place in 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Congratulations! The following students received merit certificates at our fortnightly assembly: PPV Jesse Roper Jonah Sopi PPH Wenzel Charis Michael Chigumbu 1C Serena Clarke 1S Chanelle Piipponen Isaac Rossi 2B Paige Withnell Joshua Meyer 2F Sophia Matassa Zander Mostert 3H Christoff De Wet Temi Obadua 3K Amber-Rose Baker Alex Solomon 4F Kaelan Oxby Apoorwa Fernando 4H Michael Tilaka Lachlan Wallis Abbey Waddy 5H Ellen Murphy Rhys Prince 5W Femi Oyeniyi Caleb Crowe 6C Isobel Baverstock Jessikah Moffat 6K Harrison Cambourakis Elizabeth Pipes Staff Professional Learning Principals as Literacy Leaders Module Three - AISWA Great Outdoor Project (Kindergarten to Year One) We have recently formed a Committee to address The Early Years Learning Framework requirements for schools for 2013. This is a gentle reminder for parents in K-1 to return their forms to their respective classroom teacher as soon as possible. Important Events Monday 27th & Tuesday 28th June Learning Journey Professor Maths: More details to follow, but keep these dates clear in your diaries for an amazing mathematical extravaganza!
Friday 10th June Year 4 excursion to the Naturaliste Marine Discovery Centre Wednesday 15th June Year 6 excursion to the Kalamunda History Village Thursday 16th June Year 1 excursion to Perth Hills Centre, Kalamunda (re-scheduled from 17th June)
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Friday 17th June Inter-House Cross Country
Christian Schools National Swimming Competition
Change to Late Policy for Students Please be informed that Primary Students are now required to collect a late note from Student Services if they arrive after 8:50am and not at 9:00am as has previously been the procedure. Policy documents will be updated to reflect this change.
From the reports filtering back from the carnival, our two students, Siera Scadden and Nico Kelder have done themselves proud with some fine results. Although they have not come home with the major prizes they both achieved personal best times. Well done to both of you.
Merit and Commendation Award recipients. The following students are to be congratulated on receiving Merit and Commendation Certificates at recent assemblies.
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Merit Awards Year 7
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding As our Year 11 &12 Workplace Learning Students head off to work for another week and our Year 10’s in their Career Education classes prepare for their Work Experience in third term, we have been reminded of our motto ”Learning For Life” and how it is important to absorb as much learning as you can in readiness for employability. Equally as important is to continuously broaden and deepen self understanding, skills and spiritual growth and continually explore different learning and life style opportunities. May our students be encouraged to learn how to learn. May this learning be directed towards developing those skills and competencies which equip them to successfully manage personal, community and work opportunities. Student Achievements
Members of the Choir recognized as Leaders Part of the leadership programme of the College is to offer Leadership opportunities to students who have displayed a desire to lead in an area of College Life. This week three of the our Year 10 students who are members of the Choir were recognized and presented with leadership badges for their contribution to the Choir. They were considered having met all of the criteria, including attendance at Choir practices, attending and leading groups at the Music camps over the past couple of years, have been involved and participated in College events and performances, been a member of the Choir for at least two years and have an aspiration to help, assist and lead in the area of Music and more importantly the Choir. Congratulations to Kylie Choong, Rebekah O’Hearn and Tiffany Tilaka.
10 merits Michael Baker, Jonathan Luckin, Nyssa McCarrol, Demi Mills, Samuel Nee, Giordie Palmer 20 merits Thomas Delalande, Brittany Prosser, Noel Siau, 30 merits Bailey Barnes, Celeste DeBruin, Jessie Dodd, Janine Jacobsz Year 8 10 merits Courtney Foster, Krizzia Paula Francisco, Abigail Kee, Meighan Matras, Heloise Williams 30 merits Kylie Ling 50 merits Elisa Lian Year 9 10 merits Teira Hine, Anandi Labuschagne, Mei Ling Lim
Commendation Certificates Rebecca O’Hearn and Kylie Choong , Year 10, a Bronze Certificate English Week What an exciting final! So much so that after fifteen rounds of words to spell, a winner could not be announced. Another final will be held at the next Middle School assembly on June 16 where James Olsen and Elisa Lian will once again battle it out to receive the title of Spelling Champion for 2011. Congratulations to all of the other finalists, Shin Yee Siau, Kieran Littlefair, Emily Crawford, Katie Bilich.
AFL Combined Christian Schools Football Competitions TCC once again entered a team from the Middle School into the competition. Unfortunately, they were narrowly beaten in the
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Final by a much stronger team from Swan Christian College. Congratulations to the following who were chosen to represent the College:
June 20 June 21 June 23 June 27 July 8 July 9 July 11
Term Two Examinations
Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Connor Marshall (Umpire), Josiah Laloh (Umpire) Harry Byrne, Kiante Felix, Aaron Figredo, Brendan Higgins, Chris Jordaan, Jaycob Moylan, Jarred Shipton, John Weckman, Jordan Anderson, Joshua Bandi, Brayden Beckley, Zachary Caspersz, Cameron Flood, Stephen Lemmer, Stephen Matthews, Calvin Moss, Jai McCamley, Bailey Barnes, Samuel Byrne, Brendan McCamley, Thomas Delalande.
For the Year 11 & 12 students the examinations are now over. The Year 10’s will commence their exams in Week 8, June 20 followed by the Middle School Exams in Week 9, June 27. We urge all students to prepare thoroughly for the exams as their results contribute to their overall grade for the Semester. Every student must by now have a study timetable so that each night the content covered over the semester is being revised so that cramming of information the night before is not necessary. See You At The Pole Last Thursday a group of students and staff met around the Flag Pole at lunchtime to pray spontaneously for their College, friends, teachers, Community, Government and the Nation. This is a time throughout the Nation where students are invited to come together and pray.
Work Experience – Year 10 - Third Term August 15-19 A reminder to parents and students that the information regarding the placements must be returned by June 10 so that the relevant paperwork to the employers can take place. If you are having problems with finding a placement for your child please contact either myself or Mrs Bonnington to provide you with some assistance. The Defence Force speaks to our
Year 10 Examination week Day Two Year Nine Personal Development Year 7 vaccinations 10.30 am Middle School Examination week Last Day of Term Two Malaysian Tour commences for LOTE students Politics and Law Tour to Canberra commences for Year 11&12 students
Parents In Action (Term 2) Hi again! Hope this finds you all well. We’re half way through term two already so I thought another PIA update would be good. Once again the bulbs were a huge success. Thanks to all that ordered and we hope they are growing nicely! The movie tickets did really well too and we have had nothing but positive feed back from parents who look forward to purchasing tickets each term. The next big event for the PIA is our annual dance night. Although very full on, we are really excited to be doing it again and hope it will be just as successful as the last two years. Don’t delay in getting your tickets as we have a cut off this year so it is a case of first in best dressed. It is going to be a sausage sizzle this year as we thought the kids will really enjoy this. You will also be able to buy drinks, snacks and extra sausage sizzles on the night. (See Inserted Flyer) One last thing before I sign off, if any one here at the school works for a company or owns a company that is willing to help with any sort of donation could they please get in touch with me ASAP. We then make your companies name known on the night and in return the families at TCC can then support you guys and hopefully it is a win win all-round. As always your support is valued and we look forward to seeing you all at the dance. Kind Thoughts Natalie Trapski PIA Chairperson 0419 049 359
Senior School Students Two members, one from the Airforce and the other representing the Army presented a very enlightening account at the Senior School Assembly of what it is like to be a member of the Forces and what an exciting career this can be for young people who want to serve their country as a member of the Defense Force and be paid while completing their studies in an area of interest. Important Dates for your Diary June 16 June 17
Middle School Assembly – presentation of prizes for English Week and Spelling Final No 2 Inter-house Cross Country 11.00 am-2.30 pm
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
News from the Canteen Please take note that the McCain Pizza Pockets (100 grams) we have on the menu is a deleted item from our supplier and is not available anymore. We now have a replacement of the Pizza Roundas (130 grams) and only in one flavour available (pizza filling). The price will remain $1-80 for this term, but will be adjusted to $2 from the third term. Blessings Elizabeth Nel Canteen Manager
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
23rd June ~ 7th July 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents Earlier this week our Senior Secondary Staff met with some of our senior students and their parents to discuss some of the issues they are facing as they approach their final examinations. Some of the issues discussed had to do with the amount of work required to be successful in their courses, their study habits and some of the distractors to effective learning that they face.
It was a meeting that would have been appropriate for many of our children (and their parents) in many of our classes at TCC and so I thought I would devote this newsletter to sharing some thoughts on the issue of learning in this day and age because, while Solomon tells us that,” there is nothing new under the sun…” I do believe that our children today do face some choices that weren’t around in Solomon’s time and weren’t even around when we adults were at school! But first let me remind you of the parameters of expectation at TCC. We believe that every child is a unique creation of God, uniquely blessed with a set of talents and abilities. It is our goal and desire to support every child in using their God-given talents to achieve to the best of their ability. Every new child and family hears this at their initial interview with me. They also hear me setting an expectation of 8/10 for the Effort that they are expected to put into all aspects of their school lives – academic, spiritual, social, sporting, service etc. Some wonderful commitments are made by prospective students in this regard! Why then do we see so many of our students under-achieving in our classes? TCC has good teachers, we have wellequipped classes, we have good resources and infrastructure. We set and expect high expectations, both of ourselves and of our students. We have a great learning environment… but despite all of this, often it doesn’t translate into great outcomes for every student. As I reflect on this and observe the daily comings and goings of many of our students, I see a pattern emerging: • For many of our students, learning is not a priority. Coming to school appears to be more for entertainment value than for learning and preparing for the future. • For many of our students homework and study is not a priority. Late assignments, incomplete homework and a ‘less-than-best effort’ attitude, characterises much of the output of these students.
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service • For many of our students (and our parents, dare I say it…) punctuality is an issue. College begins at 8:40am, not 8:45am or 9:00am and yet we see more and more students being dropped off late in the mornings. Lessons begin punctually after the bell in every module. Students coming in late disrupt the class and also miss out on a valuable part of the lesson. From an early age we teach our classes effective work habits, the value of giving of one’s best and the importance of developing a reputation for reliability and responsibility. However, we do not have control over what happens when the child leaves in the afternoon: • If the child does not have a set routine for completing homework, the chances are it may not be done. • If the child does not expect his or her parents to check the homework diary every day to see what has to be done, the chances are it may not be done. • If the child does not expect his or her parents to set a standard of expectation for work done at home, the chances are that the standard will be less than satisfactory. • If the child does not have a specific place that is free of distractions designated for homework, the chances are that the child will be distracted and won’t be doing justice to the tasks set. In the Secondary School every subject can be viewed online by parents on the College’s website. Information about the courses, the assignments, due dates and assessments is available. We rely on parents to be accessing this information and ensuring that their child is keeping up to date with course requirements – even in the Senior Secondary years
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
when students may feel that they no longer need supervision from their parents. In fact, I would go so far as to say that, if parents are not actively overseeing their children’s work at home, even when they are in Years 10, 11 and 12, they are likely to be devaluing the efforts of the College to ensure that their children are successful in achieving their goals and, put in economic terms, they are not getting full value for the money they spend on their children’s education. As a College we need every parent’s active support at home. Please reflect on this and if necessary, put in place the structures and expectations at home that will ensure that your child is keeping up with course expectations at all times and using their God-given talents to the best of their ability. In appreciation Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight
I am always amazed at how well musicians can play together in an orchestra. It is one thing to play an instrument in a solo situation but I am intrigued by orchestras. The ability to synthesise an instrument with other like instruments and then to synthesise this group with many very different groups is truly impressive. The resulting synthesis, whereby every individual can be heard under the direction of a conductor is an inspiring skill. Recently I had the opportunity to listen to a group of musicians and noticed once again how well tuned they were to one another. It was possible to sense the way each person measured the volume and pace of their particular instrument according to those around them. This is a great picture of how we as a school community should function where we look out for those around us and function together. When we are ‘other-focussed’ we are more likely to make a ‘beautiful sound’ rather than a ‘loud solo’. Assemblies This past month we have enjoyed some wonderful assembly presentations. Included is a photograph of Mrs Harrex’s 4H assembly which was not included in a previous newsletter due to space constraints.
PPV - Natalia Fisher, Marine’ Terblanche PPOH - Dominic Claridge, Noa Chelliah 1C - Kiki Graham, Mathew Freeman, Allysia Waddy, Lauryn Heath 1S - Jerichio Lucio, Marley Green 2B - Caylam Lovercio, Lianda Du Toit 2F - Anu Adebayo, Zoe Trapski 3H - Ebony Stephens, Jordon Winchester 3K - Llain McNamara, Cheryse Palmer 4F - Josiah Wong, Juline Terblanché 4H – Lily Smith, Blake Weckman, Talishya Lovercio 5H - Hayley Newman, Haritha Ranaweera 5W - Timothy Higgins, Ellesha Thrift 6C - Courtney Littlefair, Eli Gunn 6K – Kayla Glover, Jessica Meyer
Aussie of the Month Juanique vanden Berg: For always considering others before herself and for continually showing respect and using manners in all situations. Lianda Du Toit: For taking such a keen interest in learning about “Australia” in the olden days (history of Australia). Congratulations too to Kavya Ranaweera (1C) for winning two gold medals at the finals of the 2010/11 Dive & Try swimming meet. Kavya competed in 15 qualifying swimming meets and was able to swim in all three finals where she won gold medals in the six year old girls category of 25m backstroke and breast stroke. Help Needed As a staff we have recently discussed the need to have a supply of games available for our students at various times – wet weather being a good example. If you have any unused games at home that you would be willing to donate to the School please send them in to your child/s class teacher. Please don’t include games that use batteries and please make sure that the games are complete. Thank you in advance for considering this request. Staff Professional Learning Early Numeracy, Art in Action/Literacy through Art, MAZE Database
Thank you for your patience 4H! Miss Harris’ 3H assembly this week featured their amazing knowledge regarding Africa and their theme was Why worry? Congratulations on a great assembly 3H!
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Important Dates 23rd June 27th June 28th June 28th June 28th June
Excursion for PPAV to Armadale Reptile Centre Professor Math Incursion – students only Professor Math Incursion – students only Pancake breakfast in the Undercover Area – all welcome Excursion for 2B to Western Australia Museum
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
30th June Singfest, Octagon Theatre, UWA 6th July Learning Journey – scheduled visits 7th July Learning Journey – scheduled visits
opportunity for TCC students to involve themselves in real scientific field work that has broad benefits for their society.
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Mr Berkelaar and the Year nine students: James Bradford, Claude Bratschi, Kiate’ Felix, Daniel Lubbe, Jarred Shipton and John Weckman.
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding The past fortnight has been another very busy one with things happening across all areas of the campus. Examinations, excursions and incursions, Cross Country Inter-house carnival, Parent meetings, Student Meetings, Special assemblies, to name a few. Please read on and see in a little more detail what has been happening in some of our Learning Areas over the term. Drama Excursion: The Enchanters
On the 1st of June, 41 Year 10 Drama and English students went on an exciting excursion to the State Theatre Centre of Western Australia (The Heath Ledger Theatre), to see ‘The Enchanters’ by John Aitkin (who came to the College for a series of workshops in March this year). The play was about how actor/manager Richard Burbage and playwright William Shakespeare - along with the Chamberlain’s Men - managed to rebuild the famous Globe Theatre in London in the year of 1599. It was great to see such a quality performance in Western Australia’s newest theatre venue – I certainly felt that we were a part of history in the making. Mr Chris Willessee Teacher In Charge of Drama Science Year Nine Mildew Mania: Six year nine students have volunteered their time to participate in a state-wide scientific experiment, the first of its kind in Western Australia, called Mildew Mania. We will be doing scientific field work on behalf of Madeline Tucker who is currently undertaking a PhD at Curtin University with the Australian Centre for Necrotrophic Fungal Pathogens. The purpose of the experiment is to grow a small number of Baudin plants (Barley) at school with the aim to try and bait any mildew which may be present. Powdery mildew is caused by a fungus called Blumeria graminis f. sp. Hordei (Bgh) and is the major disease of barley in WA. The students have already planted 30 seeds (of which 27 have germinated) and they will monitor the plants for any signs of mildew over the coming months. Any mildew found will be photographed and will be sent, with the collected sample, to the University for analysis of its DNA sequence. This is a fantastic
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Mathematics Department Australasian Problem
Solving Mathematical Olympiads:
On Wednesday, May 18, 33 of our students competed in the first of five Math Olympiads for 2011. For some students it was the first time ever that they participated in a competition of this kind, but others are doing it for their third year. Ten year 6 students and another ten from year 7 took part in the Junior Olympiad. Natalie Grasso in year 6 and Chloe Murray in year 7 were the top achievers. In the Senior Olympiad nine year 8 students and four year 9 students participated and the top achievers were Elisa Lian and Aiden Kwan, both from year 8. Congratulations to all of you for doing your best and especially to the 4 top achievers. I am looking forward to seeing the results for the second Olympiad, which is on June 22. The third Olympiad date had to be changed from July 27 to Friday, July 29, since our students only return from Holidays on July 28. The Olympiad will still be in modules 1 and 2, but just not on the Wednesday as always. Remember to keep practising, because “Practice makes perfect”. Mrs Petra Jacobsz Learning Area Co-ordinator Mathematics Music Department BBDO 15 Girls and Boys from the College Choir attended the Barbershop Day Out or BBDO as it is known. This annual event is sponsored by Youth In Barbershop Development, and provided workshops ranging from vocal craft to characterisation with experts and talented music educators in this field like Carole Macintyre, Alex Morris who are from Men In Harmony and Perth Harmony Singers. The students found it fun singing along with 20 other schools, ranging from Scotch College to Corpus Christi who participated in this Day Out. Grace Iburg Teacher In Charge Music Physical Education Department AFL Girls Combined
Christian Schools Football Competitions, a first!
Tuesday the June 21 saw 17 girls from Year 12, 11 and 8 represent the College in the WACSSA Girls AFL Lightning Carnival. The girls travelled to the venue in excitement, keen for the challenge of doing something different. When they arrived, they soon saw that AFL was a lot tougher than they realized, especially the physical component. But after taking a while to adjust, the girls got into the game and battled valiantly. After 2 very close losses to Mundaring and Ellenbrook and a bigger lose to Swan, the girls played off in a final for 3rd place. And what a game it was! After Mundaring kicked the first goal, we then kicked the next 3 to win the game by 11 points. Best players for the day were Patricia Anderson and Courtney Wallis, who were tackled and hammered all day but played brilliantly, Stephanie Broedelet in the backline, Amberlie Evans dominated in the ruck all day, and Denika Marciano, who tackled like someone twice her size through the midfield. Strong performances by Latisha Drummer, Brooke O’Hearn and Mary
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Atieh in Year 8 showed that there is huge potential in the future years for these girls. Many thanks to the parents who came along for the day, to Jake Lemmer for helping assist the coach and with umpiring, and to all of the girls for their efforts on the day. Congratulations to the following on being selected into the team: Patricia Anderson, Leona Leslie, Megan Johnson, Claire Lange, Aimee Simpson, Kezia Wojcik, Steph Broedelet, Amberlie Evans, Morgan Bennett, Denika Marciano, Courtney Wallis, Mary Atieh, Tegan Barnes, Latisha Drummer, Anabelle Harwood, Meaghan Matras, Gabriella Trout.
Mr Eikelboom PE teacher The Inter-house Cross Country Carnival Well, another successful day in our College sporting world. The weather was very kind to us and provided a beautiful fine day for the Cross Country event. It was great to see the whole College community come together, and compete for their House and to see the older students cheering on the very young years in the Primary School is always a delight to see. The level of competition amongst our students was high. Well done to every student that turned up at school and participated even if long distance running was not their gifting. In the end, Judah reigned supreme and the following students triumphed through being the champions of their age group.
Janine Jacobsz Brenden McCamley Chante Van Den Berg Jai McCamley Nicole Utley Jaycob Moylan Kirsty Isaacs Connor Marshall Stephanie Broedelet Joel Smith Kezia Wojcik Josh Tucker
Skye Watson Thomas Delalande Amelia Stephens Stephen Lemmer Anandi Labuchagne Harry Byrne Rachael Murphy Crailin McLaren Amberlie Evans Jake Lemmer Catherine Dewar Kevin Sam
Mrs Katwishi Teacher in Charge Physical Education English Department
English Week Once again, English Week 2011 has come and gone. Since it first began in 2009, it has gained much popularity with Middle School students. The enthusiasm and participation in the various activities over the last few years have firmly established this event as an annual celebration of the English language at Thornlie Christian College. During Week Four of this term, Middle School students participated in Silly Speeches Competition, Grammar Bingo and Spell-a-thon during their normal English lessons. The Spell-a-thon culminated in not only one but two grand finals held during the Middle School assembly – this is due to the calibre of the finalists we had in the competition. Congratulations must go to Elisa Lian, the Winner and to James Olsen, the Runnerup of the competition. We also held a Creative Writing competition and the judges were impressed by the varied talents of the entrants expressed in their poems and short stories. Winners and runners-up were presented with certificates and gift vouchers. It is the hope of the English Learning Area that students will continue to explore the many wonderful things they can do with the English language and discover the many serendipitous surprises the English language can provide about the world around them.
Mrs Joan Lee Learning Area Coordinator- English Workplace Learning Year 11 & 12 As part of the Workplace Learning Course of Study, 18 year 11 &12 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
students spent 9 days on work experience. Students were placed in various industry sectors in order to gain insights into the industry and the workplace of their choice. The main sectors explored were: Community Services, Information Technology, Business and Clerical, Sport and Recreation and Trades. The majority of the students found this experience extremely enjoyable and rewarding. Besides gaining competency in the employability skills, students benefitted from networking. Four students were offered part- time jobs and 1 year 12 student was offered a business traineeship for next year. Employers were generally pleased with the calibre of students from Thornlie Christian College and were impressed by their mannerism and work ethics. Students are currently preparing for the second block of Work Experience which occurs: Year 12: 19 /9/11 – 30/9/11
Year 11: 14/11/11 – 25/11/11.
The College seeks to build networks with the business community and if there are any parents or friends of the College who own businesses and would like to support the Workplace Learning Programme, please contact me at the College.
Hilda David Workplace Learning Coordinator Merit and Commendation Award recipients.
The following students are to be congratulated on receiving Merit and Commendation Certificates at recent assemblies.
Merit Awards Year 7 10 merits Damon Allender, Brandon Lear 20 merits Georgia Franco, Leandro Labuschagne, Chloe Murray, Nyssa McCarrol, Samuel Nee 30 merits Thomas Delalande, James Olsen 40 merits Bailey Barnes, Celeste DeBruin Year 8 20 merits Elkanah Masih, Julian Harmawan Year10 Bronze Certificate Jaimee Hoskins, Kylie Choong Term Two Examinations The Year 10’s are in the middle of their exams, and next week the Middle School students will sit their exams in Mathematics, English, Science and Society and Environment on Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We urge all students to prepare thoroughly for the exams as their results contribute to their overall grade for the Semester. Every student must by now have a study timetable so that each night the content covered over the semester is being revised so that cramming of information the night before is not necessary.
Work Experience – Year 10 - Third Term August 15-19 A reminder to parents and students that the information regarding the placements is now overdue. If you are having problems with finding a placement for your child please contact either myself or Mrs Bonnington to provide you with some assistance.
Important Dates for your Diary June 20 June 23 June 27 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 11 July 28
Year 10 Examination week Year 7 vaccinations 10.30 am Middle School Examination week Free Dress Day and Nachos Lunch fundraiser Last Day of Term Two Semester Reports posted to parents Malaysian Tour commences for LOTE students Politics and Law Tour to Canberra commences for Year 11&12 students Term Three commences for students.
Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
7thJuly ~ 3rd Aug 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents
Our Core Values
As Term Two draws to a close, I think that we are all, collectively, breathing a deep sigh of relief. The end of the second term also means the end of examinations for our Secondary School students and assessments for our Primary School students. I trust that your children have enjoyed their learning and achieved to the best of their ability this semester.
At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
You will be receiving your children’s reports in the mail very soon. I know that you receive this message every year at this time but at the risk of being boring, I’m going to repeat it anyway: Please dedicate some quality time to reviewing your children’s reports with them. We are half way through the year – in fact, our Year Twelves have a little over one term of school life left at TCC. Irrespective of what Year your child is in, their report will provide clear indicators of their academic achievement to date – and it will also provide clear indicators of what may lie ahead. I am sure that you will all find reason to celebrate in your children’s reports. You have an opportunity to review the past and assist your child to set goals for the second semester. Goal-setting (and sticking to them…) is an incredibly valuable life-skill which will stand your children in good stead for the future. TCC Tours: This holiday two groups of Secondary students are heading off on very different adventures. We have one group of students who have an interest in politics and law who are heading over to Canberra to explore the political power-house of our country. This trip has been organised by Miss Becky Stevens, supported by Mr Mike Kingsford. There will also be an opportunity for the group to try their hand at snow-skiing! At the same time we have another tour – an academic/ cultural tour, heading off to Malaysia. This tour is special in that it is the first-ever overseas academic tour organised at TCC. This tour has been organised by Mrs Eliza Ghani and Mrs Balding with substantial support from one of our parents, Mr Kenny Seouw.
Trips such as these don’t just happen, they take months, sometimes years of thorough planning, preparation and fundraising. The families of the touring students become involved in the process and merge into close-knit communities held together by a common purpose. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge our teachers for the many, many hours of planning and preparation that they have devoted to these tours and I also want to acknowledge our families for the time and effort they have devoted to fund-raising and supporting these ventures. We place high expectations on our touring students to represent themselves, their families, their College and their Heavenly Father well as they travel abroad as ambassadors for all of the above but most importantly, for Christ. These tours will provide them with rich, lifelong memories and the opportunity to build great relationships. They will expand their horizons and take the learning process outside the confines of the classroom. Please join me in praying for our tour participants during their time away. And now it only remains for me to wish you all a fantastic, safe holiday-time with your children. We look forward to welcoming you back to the second semester on Thursday, 28 July. Bill Innes
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37 :5
“We get ourselves into circumstances that were not chosen by God, and suddenly we realise that we have been making our plans without Him – that we have not even considered Him to be a vital, living factor in the planning of our lives. Yet the only thing that will keep us from even the possibility of worrying is to bring God in as the greatest factor in all of our planning.”
Peter Shanhun and Cecil Andrews Instrumental Music School Group
On Wednesday 22nd June we were privileged to host Peter Shanhun and a group of Secondary students from the Cecil Andrews Instrumental Music School. Peter led his very talented group of teenagers as they performed to our PrePrimary to Year 4 students. Peter was a former staff member at TCC and it was great to have him back on site.
“My Utmost For His Highest”; Oswald Chambers; 2005
Our next assembly will be hosted by Miss Kwang’s 3K class on Tuesday 2nd August and held in the Multi-Purpose Hall. All are warmly welcome! Help Needed
Important Dates
As a staff we have recently discussed the need to have a supply of games available for our students at various times – wet weather being a good example. If you have any unused games at home that you would be willing to donate to the School please send them in to your child/s class teacher. Please don’t include games that use batteries and please make sure that the games are complete. Thank you in advance for considering this request.
Wednesday 6th July Thursday 7th July Friday 8th July Monday 25th July Tuesday 26th July Wednesday 27th July Thursday 28th July Thursday 28th July Tuesday 2nd August Tuesday 2nd August
Staff Professional Learning
Australian Literacy Educators Association Conference, Melbourne AISWA grant Principals as Literacy Leaders AISWA Hints on supporting students learning Indonesian What you can do to help your child learn Indonesian: • Talk about the benefits of learning another language with your children. • It is not necessary to be a fluent speaker to enjoy the benefits. • Avoid “I don’t know Indonesian. I can’t help you”. • Ask them about what they have learned in Indonesian. • Let them “teach” you what they have learned. • Listen to them sing a song, recite new words (they usually have new list words every fortnight). • Do some of the activities on the Indonesian webpage with them (www.education.vic.gov.au/ languagesonline).
Learning a language is not easy but there is a lot to be gained. Showing an interest in what your child is learning is one of the best things you can do. Ibu Pitts
Learning Journey in the MPH (Multi-Purpose Hall) Learning Journey in the MPH Last day of Term Two Christian Schools Australia Conference – staff only Christian Schools Australia Conference – staff only Mathematics Australian Curriculum – staff only Term Three commences Swimming programme commences at Riverton Leisure Complex Miss Kwang’s 3K assembly (MPH) Workshop 1 English Australian Curriculum – after school and staff only
Professor Maths
On Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th June we enjoyed the wonderful interactive presentation from Professor Maths. He delighted and intrigued our staff and students with his array of Mathematical gizmos and his amazing balancing talents (in his ‘spare time’ he is a professional clown). Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Another ten weeks have slipped by and at the end of a term it is always a good time to reflect and appreciate the many achievements and the great work that God is doing amongst the staff, the College community and the students. Sometimes we tend to dwell on the negatives rather than giving thanks for the success stories. The term has been both busy and challenging and once again it’s conclusion this week is surrounded by a flurry of activity. So often in the Winter term it is difficult to maintain enthusiasm and motivation because of the wet weather and the constant coughs and colds. However students and staff have worked keenly throughout and are now looking forward to a well earned break. All of the students in the Secondary School have completed their exams and have received their results. They can all now look forward to the holidays for a well earned break.
I would like to like to advise parents to read the explanatory notes which will accompany the reports. The explanatory notes will be your guide as to how to read the report. There is also a box on the report which will be ticked if an interview is required. If this is the case on the report that your receive, we ask you to ring the College in week one of Term Three and make an appointment or see the teacher. Alternatively, if an interview has not been indicated and you would like to discuss a result or comment with the subject teacher, you are also invited to phone and make an appointment. The Interviews will be held in Week 3 on Monday August 8 for Years 7-10. Assembly
As part of the Leadership programme within the College, the Student Councillors in the Middle School are given the opportunity of leading the Assemblies. Last week the Year Sevens, Thomas Delalande, Clarissa Widjanarko and Jessie Dodd were given this opportunity to display their leadership skills and that they did very well.
Student Achievements
The following Middle School students are to be congratulated on receiving a Merit Certificate at assembly last week. Year 7 Samuel Broughton, Anthony Chin Hannah Pillinger, Benjamin Dale, Brayden Davis, Jared Foster, Marsha Indrawan, Caitlyn Johnson, Brendan McCamley, Toshan Mohabeer, Brennan Steven, Joshua Sutton, Alyssa Seow, Noel Siau Year 9 Emily Crawford, Mei Ling Lim Special congratulations to the following students who were awarded Student of Month for June Y7 Bailey Barnes Y8 Elisa Lian Y9 Mei Ling Lim PHOTO
Also at the assembly, we were privileged to have a special guest, Mr Raymonds representing Gideons International who presented all of the Year 8’s with a New Testament.
The following Senior School students have been working hard and have received commendations towards a Bronze Certificate. Commendations Bailey Kirkby Y10 Alfred Kabaya Y11 Courtney Wallis Y11 Reports
All of the students in the Secondary School have completed their exams and have received their results. Every student in the Secondary School will receive a Semester One Academic report early next week. The report is an indication of how your child has performed over Term One and Two and is a combined result of assignments, tasks and examination results. We ask parents to discuss their report with their child and together set some new goals to achieve for Term Three. 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
This was followed by our “Showcase” for the Month, a beautiful guitar rendition of “ Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton. It was a beautiful rendition and thank you to Liam Kennington and Samuel Halse, both from Year 8 for sharing their gifts with the rest of the students. The Year
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
12 Creative Industries Media students also presented their monthly presentation of “Switch” a round-up of what has been happening around the College of the past few weeks. This is one of the tasks for the Course.
Another first for the College
The Year 12s hosted a Multi-Cultural Dinner for their parents and staff. Their three course meal was equal to any that you would experience at a five star restaurant. It was beautifully prepared, the table settings exquisite, and the waitressing top class. Even the music was especially chosen for the occasion. All of them are to be congratulated on the professional way they went about completing the task. Special thanks to Mr Heske whose guidance and training was very much evident.
Within the next few days we will see two groups from the Senior School head of in different directions on the first College Curriculum Tours. One group consisting of ten Year 11 & 12 students, Miss Stevens and Mr Kingsford, will head off to Canberra and surrounds on a Politics and Law tour while the other a Language Tour who will visit Malaysia, visiting Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Malacca. These will be nine students from Year 10 and 11, Mrs Ghani and Mrs Balding. Both groups have been working hard raising money, organizing and preparing for these tours. Please keep these groups from the College in your prayers as they journey to other parts of Australia and Overseas. I am sure there will be lots of adventure stories to tell on their return.
Hospitality Multi-cultural Dinner
This week we farewell Mr Mark McGough and wish him all the best as he takes up a position at Murdoch College. We have been blessed to have him on the staff teaching Information Technology and Health and both staff and students of the Secondary School have appreciated his friendship, his dedication to his work and his always clam and pleasant nature. We also wish him well for the rest of the Football season as he continues to Captain the East Fremantle League Team. We therefore welcome to the College Ms Melissa Coleman who will join us in taking over the areas of teaching from Mr McGough. Ms Coleman comes to us with a wealth of experience in Information Technology and Multi Media. Congratulations to the Middle School Interschool Team that represented the College last week at the Combined Christian Schools Football Carnival Free Dress Day
To mark the end of term, the Fundraising Committee under the guidance of Martin Jacobsz and Aaron Rebeiro will once again be holding a Free Dress Day with monies going to support one of our missions in Dala. The theme for this day will be for students to dress up as “Nerds”. To have this privilege the students are asked for a gold coin donation. There is also the opportunity for students to order their lunch and this term the menu will consist of Taco’s for which orders have already been taken. This money raised here will go towards the P&L Tour to Canberra. Middle School Movie Night
The Entertainment and Functions committee headed by Ariana Yardley and Michele Yardley with the help of the Prefect team, have organized a Movie Night for all of the Middle School students this week on Thursday July 7. This will be held in the E2 room and will commence at 5.30 pm and conclude at 9.30 pm. The cost of the evening is $5 which will go towards a Hot-Dog supper, a lollie bag and drink. By popular demand the two movies that will be shown are Tangled and Despicable Me. A formal note giving full details and a permission slip went home with the students a week ago.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Important Dates for your Diary
July 7 Free Dress Day and Nachos Lunch fundraiser July 8 Last Day of Term Two Semester Reports posted to parents July 9 Malaysian Tour commences for LOTE students July 11 Politics and Law Tour to Canberra commences for Year 11&12 students July 25-27 July 28 August 4 August 8 August 12 August 15-19 August 16-19 August 24 August 29 August 31
CSA Conference for Staff Term Three commences for students. (Thursday) Westpac Mathematics Competition Parent Teacher Interviews for Yr 7-10 Athletic House Carnival - Secondary School at Coker Park Work Experience week for Year 10. Outside The Frame competition for ART TCC’s Got Talent competition Middle School Interschool Athletic Carnival Senior School Interschool Athletic Carnival
Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
4th ~ 17th Aug 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents Welcome back to Semester Two and Term Three of 2011. This term promises to be yet another busy, productive period in the life of the College. Before we look to the future perhaps we should spend a few moments reflecting on the recent past. In the last newsletter of Term Two I wrote the following: “I am sure that you will all find reason to celebrate in your children’s reports. You have an opportunity to review the past and assist your child to set goals for the second semester. Goal-setting (and sticking to them…) is an incredibly valuable life-skill which will stand your children in good stead for the future.”
As we begin the second semester I want to encourage you, if you haven’t already done so, to take some quality time with your children to follow through on the strategy mentioned above. You will find many reasons to celebrate with your children and you will also find opportunities to guide and mentor them to use their God-given talents to the best of their ability. Many young people in our modern ‘hyper-society’ fail to grasp the reason and importance of education. They find it difficult to see past the daily routine of attendance, modules and lessons to the core educational issues of developing effective life-habits such as self-discipline, commitment, responsibility and the gaining of wisdom, all of which will literally set them up for a worthy life. The new term is an opportunity to set goals for the future based on performance in the past. If, for your child, the new term is merely a continuation of past behaviours, the opportunity is lost. As Orison Marsden once said, “Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.” Every blessing with this aspect of the parenting process – I trust that it serves as an opportunity to build and strengthen your relationships with your children! PIA Personalised Name Paver Fundraiser I want to publicly acknowledge and congratulate our hardworking, dedicated team of Parents-In-Action who initiated the Personalised Name-Paver fundraiser last term. With a last-minute rush on the last day of term, over 240 pavers were sold! Thank you to all of you who supported this worthwhile cause! The name-pavers of many of our current families and friends of the College will be laid in the new quadrangle being created in front of our new Library.
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service A number of families who missed the deadline have made enquiries about a second round of the project and PIA will be considering this later in the year, so watch this space… A Dirty Situation… I want to ask for your support in dealing with an increasingly concerning problem at TCC this year. We have been experiencing an alarming increase in litter and, coincidentally, a drop in the levels of care and respect for both personal and College property. First of all, the litter problem – this may seem pretty mundane and you might be thinking, “Why would I bother to read any further …” but I encourage you stay with me because I am really concerned about this and want to share my observations and thoughts with you. In a sense I see this as more than simply dirt around the College. It appears to me to be a symptom of a greater, more insidious societal attitude that says, “It’s not my problem” and “I don’t care.” I have a sense that a dirty school yard may unfortunately reflect something of a prevailing mindset among some in our student body. As a staff we are frustrated when, despite our best efforts, encouragement and carefully crafted projects to address the issue, we see little improvement in the situation. In fact, it appears that in some of our Middle School classes it has almost become an unpleasant competition to see how quickly the flowerbeds near their classrooms can be filled with lunch wrappers, class notes, cool drink containers, discarded pens and books etc. Another issue relating to the pulse of the ‘heart attitude’ in the College is the level of care and respect shown for personal
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
and College property. Many will remember that a number of years ago the College changed its policy from providing free text books to students in the secondary school to providing Booklists that have to be purchased at great added cost to parents. That decision was taken because the College could no longer afford to buy replacement textbooks every year to replace the vandalised books that we had provided for free. Unfortunately, for a number of our students, this extra financial burden doesn’t appear to have registered with them. If you get the chance, come and take a walk around the College after hours one day and see how many books, folders, jumpers, school bags etc. are left lying around overnight and even over the holiday period. Recently the College has begun providing laptops to students during lessons– a costly but very worthwhile programme. I was shocked at the end of last term to note the general condition of a number of these almost brand new laptops: dirty, scratched and some already broken! I want to appeal to you to speak with your children about the importance of everyone’s individual and community responsibility to preserve our environment and our resources perhaps together we can make a difference in our community.
Thought for the fortnight
How good is it when our children approach us and take the time to watch us completing a task or activity that may not hold any interest for them at all – they simply want to be involved in what we are involved in. When they choose to spend time with us because it is important to us it is an amazing measure of their maturity. I am sure that God also longs for us to choose to involve ourselves in His work rather than be busy in our version of His work. Perhaps our prayer should be: “Lord what are You doing today and how can I be of service?” Rather than: “Lord, here is my list of what I am doing today please bless all of it.” Assemblies
This fortnight we enjoyed Miss Kwang’s 3K assembly. The theme was forgiveness and featured the amazing account of Joseph and his brothers found in Genesis chapter 37-45.
Yearbook 2010 Shortly, families who had children enrolled at TCC in 2010 will be receiving a copy of the TCC 2010 Yearbook in the mail. I trust that you will enjoy the rich tapestry of pictures, stories, reports and anecdotes that combine to reflect the year 2010 at Thornlie Christian College. My sincere appreciation goes to Ms Zoe Fensom who took on this project and managed it to such a successful conclusion. Every blessing for the term that lies ahead. Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Positive feedback from a member of the public:
Congratulations PPAV Kristian Williams, Kevin Bainbridge 3H Odaro Osaghae, Misty Ross 3K Izabella Bilich, Caitlyn O’Neill 4F Kriya Velayutham, Olaoluwa Blessed Adesanya 5W Aimee Littlefair, Dylan Scaddan 6C Lauren Kennington, Julian Paine 6K Joshua Smith, Brianna Lampard (Please note that some classes did not include merit certificates due to the swimming programme).
Good morning I was at Riverton Leisureplex yesterday (Mon 1Aug). I was in the male changerooms at approx 1.00 p.m and there were a lot of young boys which I believe might have been from your school. Normally when there are a lot of young boys in the changerooms the noise level is almost unbearable. The boys from your school were extremely well behaved whilst interacting with each other normally. They were responsive to their teacher. It probably helped that he was present but nevertheless the boys excellent behaviour is probably a reflection of the ethos of your school and you are to be congratulated as are the boys in the way they represented the school.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Staff Professional Learning
• Australian Curriculum – Mathematics AISWA • Australian Curriculum – English AISWA • Early Childhood Leadership Project AISWA • “Igniting a Passion for Reading” AISWA • Portable Learning Devices Catholic Education • The Early Years Framework and Australian AISWA • Curriculum for Early Childhood Education • Health and Safety Practices in an Early Childhood Setting AISWA The Great Outdoors Project
A committee has been formed to transform the Early Learning Area outside the Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year One classrooms in response to the Early Years Learning Framework. A summary of the progress so far will be on display on Open Day (September 17th). Important Dates and News
Dental Therapy Centre The Centre offers enrolment to all school children from PrePrimary to Year 11. Enrolment forms are available from the Centre. Canning Vale Junior Cricket Club – registration
Sunday 7th & 14th August 10am – 12pm Venue: IGA Canning Vale, CNR Ranford & Campbell Rd Contact: Di Williams 0423 437 493, or via email at: fordesp@bibpond.net.au Website: www.cvjcc.wa.cricket.com.au
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Welcome to Term Three
From the outset it is set to be another very busy term with many important events on the College Calendar. It is also an important term for the whole of the Secondary School with the Year 12’s contemplating “where to next” with their tertiary studies for next year and enrolling into the various courses at TAFE and University. It is important that they be well versed with the entry requirements and the alternative pathway of entry for 2012. Many of the 11’s will also have the opportunity to consider being part of the College Student Leadership Team for 2012 and make application for Prefect positions. Others are in serious training for the Inter-House and Interschool Athletics carnivals. Subject and Course selections are just around the corner with meetings for Parents and Students. On the social scene we have TCC’s Got Talent, A musical “Rock” and performances from students of the College who are tutored in an instrument and at the end of the term, we have the Annual Senior School River Cruise and we must also mention the College Open Day on Saturday September 17th. We welcome to the College six new students and their families, Rachel and Brayden Spencer, Taylah and Edyn Schiavone, Andrew Bagayana, and Suzannah Grover. We pray that your time at the College will be a very happy one. We also welcome as staff Ms Melissa Coleman who will be teaching Information Technology and Health in year groups throughout the Secondary School. Student Achievements
Congratulations to all of the students in the Secondary School who have received Certificates for Achievement in their subject areas and for their contributions in other areas of College life. Special congratulations for those who received a certificate for 100% attendance in Term Two.
Coles Sports for Schools is back!
Our students from K-12 are currently enjoying the sports equipment that you enabled us to receive free from Coles earlier in the year and we now have another opportunity to receive even more! Please place your vouchers in the box in Parent Services. Your support is greatly appreciated. Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
We also recognize and congratulate the following who have earned Merit certificates in the MiddleSchool. These were presented at an assembly this week along with certificates for recognition of achievement in any area of College life. Sara Smith Year 7 and Elisa Lian Year 8 Kaitlan Barnes has been selected as a finalist in the 2011 Girlfriend Model Search. Congratulations to Kaitlan who has been chosen as one of seven finalists across WA. If successful Kaitlan will have the opportunity to go to Sydney for the Australian finals and if successful there, a trip to New York is in store for her with further opportunities in Modelling. We wish her all the best. Soccer talent has once again been identified amongst some of our keen soccer players. Congratulations to Trindale Fuller, Calvin Moss and Harry Byrne who have been chosen in the State Soccer Squad from which the State team will be chosen within the next couple of weeks. We look forward to hearing that you are off to represent the state.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Parent and Teacher Interviews
Our “Tour” students return safely
Next Monday, August 8 the parent interviews will be held and these will be for the Years 7-10 parents whose child’s report indicated that an interview had been requested. These will be held in the Hall commencing at 3.50 pm. Parents have been asked to phone the College and make an appointment through Mrs Bonnington. If the report did not indicate an interview was required but you would like to speak to staff, please feel welcome to phone and make a time for this to happen.
It has been great to hear the many stories of the happenings while on tour from the Indonesian students who toured Singapore and Malaysia with Mrs Ghani, Mrs Balding and Mr Seow and the Politics and Law students who went to Canberra with Miss Stevens and Mr Kingsford. This was another first for the College having two curriculum based tours happening. We look forward to giving you a more detailed account of the experiences gained in the next newsletter.
Inter-House Athletics Carnival
Creative Craft Club
Once again, students have been in full swing practicing for the Athletic Carnival. This will be held at Coker Park in Cannington on Friday August 12. This is a compulsory school day where all students are encouraged to either participate in the events or to cheer on their representatives competing for their House. Every student must come to school, attend Form and then be transported to the carnival by bus and at the conclusion of the carnival, students will return to the College by the arranged buses. As part of our duty of care students will not be allowed to be transported home by parents after the carnival. Students are to wear the correct Sports uniform of Sports Top, shorts, socks, joggers and their full tracksuit. Parents are very welcome to come and support their child at the carnival. The carnival commences at 9.30 am through to 2.30 pm. Skills West Expo
Students in Year 11 & 12 will have the opportunity to attend the Skills West Expo on August 19 at the Perth Convention Centre. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to visit representatives from Universities, TAFE Colleges, the Defense Forces, watch demonstrations and investigate a wide range of occupations and ascertain information relative to either subject/course for next year and the best way to enter their chosen courses when they leave school. A letter with all of the details will be coming home shortly with your child. Work Experience
The Year 10 students are in the final stages with their preparation before heading off to work on August 15. Essentially it involves them observing the various tasks performed by their employers and trying to put themselves in their shoes. It will be interesting to see and hear of their experiences when they return and whether or not they want to pursue that pathway or, never again. I would like to thank those parents who were able to assist in finding a placement for their child. It has certainly been appreciated.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
The Creative Craft Club which has been running over the past term will not run this term due to the dwindling of numbers. Mrs Stryder would like to thank those students who supported the club with their attendance and hope that the things that they learnt will benefit them in the future. Reminders
Study Café is held three times a week on Monday and Friday lunchtimes and on Wednesday after school from 3.40 – 5.00 pm. We would love to see more students take advantage of this opportunity to complete work, study and have some assistance from our competent staff. The Café is now held in the Lecture room in the new Library. Tutoring is offered by all staff so every student is encouraged to take advantage of this generous offer. If you would like your child to have tutoring write a note in their diary to the teacher concerned or give the teacher a call to make arrangements. Course Outlines are on line to assist parents to follow what is happening in the different subject areas and to know when assignments and check points for work are due. Go to the College website and select /intranet/student links/course oulines/subject. I pray that as we continue to work collaboratively, the term will prove to be successful and enjoyable and that the new term goals we set ourselves will come to fruition. Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
18th ~ 31st Aug 2011 The Principal’s Desk
Paul told the Church in his letter to the Romans in Chapter 8:38 – 39: And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we...
Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
This awesome truth has the potential to shape our lives and provide us with our raison d’etre. (ultimate reason for being)
Dear Parents It has been a while since I last used the Newsletter to unpack one of our Core Values. In this Newsletter I want to unpack Core Value Number 3: Love Unconditionally
All of the Core Values are validated by the opening words, “ At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we:” which directs us to embrace a wholeof-community attitude and commitment to the Core Values because we acknowledge God as our Lord and Saviour and understand that it is only by His Grace that we live. We have already discussed Core Values 1, 2 and 5 - Learn for Eternity, Grow in Christ and Strive for Excellence. So, let us now look at Loving unconditionally. God loves us unconditionally. He doesn’t say, If you worship Me, I’ll love you.” Or, “If you go to church I’ll love you.” He loves everyone equally and impartially. God’s love for us is beyond our ability to fully understand, but not beyond our ability to realize, accept and enjoy.
So, if God loves us unconditionally, what implications does this have for us and the way in which we do life? God’s call to us is to follow His example and love one another as He loves us – unconditionally… and this isn’t always as simple as it sounds… To fully understand the concept of unconditional love we need to differentiate between a Godly sense of love and the natural course of justice on earth. For example, when a child whom we love dearly does something wrong, we are called to respond appropriately as parents and teachers. However, even as we apply appropriate consequences, we continue to love the child as much as ever. Their acts may anger us, frustrate us, disappoint us, cause us deep hurt… but none of this diminishes the fundamental love we have for our child – our love is unconditional. And so it should be in all of our relationships: child to child, student to teacher, parent to teacher, me to you, stranger to stranger, rich to poor, privileged to underprivileged. As followers of Christ we are called to look beyond the physical presence and behaviours of those with whom we come in contact to see the Godly flame of life that burns within them. As I reflect on life within our College I never cease to be amazed at the complexity of the relationships that exist within our community. Whenever we have
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
to deal with an incident, be it bullying, cyber-bullying, disrespect or some such, we are essentially dealing with a situation where one or both participants have shifted their focus away from unconditional love to conditional love (or lack of love altogether…) At Thornlie Christian College, it is our aim to model and teach unconditional love to all in our community. We are human and we fall short of our goal more often than we would like to remember - but we persist in our spiritual growth every day. God loves us despite the fact that we get it wrong from time to time. Therefore we love every student and member of our community - in all circumstances. In dedicating our lives to modelling God’s unconditional love to all, we in turn reap a harvest of rich relationships and a teaching and learning environment that is tangibly different.
15. Collaborate and not compete. 16. Trust people; concentrate on the big picture and not on yourself. 17. Treat somebody as they potentially can be then you help them to be that person. 18. Influence others. 19. Maintaining integrity commits itself to character over personal gain, to people over themes, to service over power, to principles over themes. 20. Good leaders finish the job and are trustworthy and commendable. 21. Be patient with one another in the good times and the bad. Be patient also with yourself. 22. The discipline that you establish today will serve you tomorrow. 23. Give without expecting anything in return. 24. Receive and always give back. 25. “God did not give us a spirit of fear...” Assemblies
Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise
We enjoyed the wonderful assembly from Mrs Burton’s 2B class. The theme for the assembly was faith in action – doers and not just hearers.
Thought for the fortnight
I had the pleasure of attending the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast last week and particularly enjoyed the guest speaker’s address – James Aiona. James was the Lieutenant Governor of the state of Hawaii. I have included some of his key points below: 1. Parable - The construction worker who goes to work every day with his peanut butter and jelly sandwich - he complains about the sandwich he takes to work every day. He makes his own sandwich and we make our own ‘sandwich of life’. 2. Families are the most binding factor in the world community. 3. Tried and convicted a young man (he was the High Court judge in the family law court at the time) for murder and gave him a verse from the Bible on a card. Four years later that man sent a letter saying that he had become a Christian in prison – we can make a difference. 4. Asked to join the Republican Party and then asked to become Lieutenant Governor. 5. “A politician looks forward to the next election. A statesman looks forward to the next generation.” Abraham Lincoln. 6. Strong believer in the power of prayer and organised a group to pray for his state calling it a “Canopy of prayer”. 7. Lost the campaign to stand as Governor. 8. Scripture “Delight in the Lord” – even when we don’t understand things. 9. We are all part of the solution. 10. Leadership is about our disposition in our circle of influence - family, friends, school, and work. 11. It is easier to build strong children than it is to fix broken adults. 12. Master communication and you manage conflict. 13. Exemplify humility which must be maintained in the face of conflict. 14. Demonstrate your support for others.
PPV - Samuel Dean, Brodie Pearce PPL - Daniel Adesina, Dara Obadua, Lara Fowler, Elizabeth Lockwood 1C - Toni Peace, Jade Peters, Matthew Ross 1S - Sarah Warren, Jin Lee 2B - Holly-Paris Beard, Jude Williams, Tamara Flood, Amelia D’Arrigo 2F - Charlie Cox, Rhiannon Heath, Nicole Kwidzai, Samara McKeown 3H - Ella Ruri, Jasmine Gleeson 3K - Aneth Bagayana, Emily Street 4F - Kriya Velayutha, Olaoluwa Blessed Adesanya, Jacob Freeman, Christopher King 4H - Frances-Maria Stuart, Thomas Wojcik, Kaylan Govender 5H - Grace Caspersz, Megan Morrell, Sarah Pillinger, Caleb Spencer 5W – Ellesha Thrift, Denver LaBrooy, Xanthia Lee 6C – Callum Barr, Mikayla D’Arrigo 6K - Ashleigh Littlefair, Jordan Luckin LOTE - Juline Terblanche, Ibu Harrex
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Help Needed
Please contact your child’s class teacher to offer any time that you might be able to spare to support us with the education of your child. One of our greatest strengths is when we work together as a community. We are currently developing a programme to support parents as they support their children – to be launched next year. This will include classes on earlyintervention; what to look for developmentally with insights from working professionals in areas such as speech pathology and occupational therapy. Watch this space!
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Staff Professional Learning
Numeracy Specialist - AISWA Australian Curriculum (Literacy) - AISWA The West Australian Association of Teacher Assistants Conference Early Numeracy - AISWA Principals As Literacy Leaders - AISWA Important Dates and News
August 18th August 30th September 17 September 19
Australian Youth Choir Year 2F Assembly Open Day Student Free Day
Merit Certificates Year 8 Kirah Jones
40 merits
In the Senior School we congratulate Jaimee Hoskins, Tahlia Pinci and Lauren Quinn for receiving their Bronze Commendations. I would also like to congratulate the following students who had 100% attendance in Semester One: Year 12 Marcus Altmann, Martin Jacobsz, Paul Soo,
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Parent Subject Information Evening
It is important that all parents attend these meetings. The curriculum has had quite a few changes in content and direction and the purpose of the meetings is to bring you up to-date with the latest information so that you can assist your child to make the right subject and course choices for 2012. Although you have probably already diarized these dates from previous newsletters please note the dates and times below. Parents of the current Year 10’s: (Year 11 2012) Monday August 29 at 5.45 pm in the Multi Purpose Hall Parents of the current Year 11’s: (Year 12 2012) Monday August 29 at 7.15 pm in the Multi Purpose Hall Parents of the current Year 9’s: (Year 10 2012) Monday September 5 at 5.45 pm in the Multi Purpose Hall In preparation for the evening the Curriculum Council has a presentation which provides an overview of the requirements of the WACE certificate for 2012 and 2013. This may be of interest and help you in understanding the changes for parents and students in the current Year 10 and Year 11 as you commence the process of subject and course selection for 2012. It will also help you with understanding information that will be given at the Information Evenings. The information can be found on the Curriculum Council Website. http://www.curriculum.wa.edu.au/internet/ I urge all parents to make these meetings a priority. A letter with further information will be posted to all parents this week. Student Achievements
It is very heartening to see so many students are receiving merits and commendations for achievement and positive
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
contributions to the many areas of College life. The following are to be congratulated on their achievements.
Year 10 Joshua Bracegirdle, Joshua Nestor, Dharshini Sugumaran, Luke van Rooyen Year 9 Kiante Felix, Anandi Labuschagne, Beth McKinley, David McLeod, Georgia Wallis Year 8 Joshua Bandi, Kirah Jones, Elisa Lian, Kylie Ling, Kieren Littlefair, Jai McCamley, Zachary Moffat Year 7 Samuel Broughton, Shanaye Curtis, Celeste De Bruin, Taranjitt Gill, Janine Jacobsz, Leandro Labuschagne, Toshan Mohabeer, Noel Siau May I also congratulate the many students who received certificates of achievement at recent assemblies recognizing their efforts of achievement in some area of College life. Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to the parents who attended the parent/teacher interviews last week. We hope that the discussions and the information given has been valuable so that together we can continue to support your child to achieve to the best of their ability. Canberra Tour 2011.
They say time flies when you’re having fun and according to Edwina Leung that was definitely true of the 2011 Senior School Canberra Tour. Whilst waiting for our flight back to Perth the students were talking about their many adventures in Canberra and Edwina commented it doesn’t feel like it’s been seven days - it’s like we just got here. The tour was a great success with the Year 11 and 12 Politics and Law students visiting Parliament House, Old Parliament House, the Electoral Centre and the Australia War Memorial to enhance their understanding of History and Australia’s government. The students also got a chance to visit venues associated with their other subjects including the CSIRO discovery centre, Questacon and the Australian Institute of Sport. But it wasn’t
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
all work and education for our students they got to have fun with a day on the ski fields, a night of ten pin bowling and a night of laser tag at Zone 3. Surprisingly when asked what their favourite part of the Canberra tour was; most students replied the tour of the Governor General’s House.
The cast is drawn from the secondary school who will sing, dance and act featuring songs from Bon Jovi, U2, and Glee –Halo/Sunshine to name a few.
If you are eager to find out more about the students learning experiences in Canberra or would like to see photos of their adventures, we encourage you to come and see our Canberra Tour display at Open Day on the 17th September.
Grace Iburg Teacher in Charge of Music Music Department
Tickets are @ $10/ available from the front office. The proceeds of this concert will go to the College Music fund.
Becky Stevens Learning Area Coordinator SOSE Drama Evening
On the August 11, 2011 the Year 10 Drama Classes put on an evening of plays for parents and staff of the College. The evening was a huge success with both the audience and performers enjoying the experience.
Important Dates for your Diary
Performing in front of a ‘live’ audience is, perhaps, the most important learning tool of any young actor or actress, and, if Thursday night is any indication, the future of Drama at Thornlie Christian College is in very safe hands. A wide range of theatre styles were on display including farce, tragedy, comedy and Shakespearian. Thank you to all of the parents who attended (and the coffee van), for without your support we would not have had such a wonderful evening. Mr Willesee An Evening of Music Sept 8 and 9; 7pm @ White House Community Church The Music Department will once again present An Evening of Music featuring talents of students taking Instrumental lessons from the school including the Choir, the Rock and Jazz band. The highlight of the concert will be the musical production, Rock. Rock is about the life of teenagers and realising their dreams. What do you do when all you want to do is rock? “Matt” is ready to throw his dream away until he meets “Louise”, while “Liz” comes to terms with her dreams in a special way. Can they share the rock-like strength and find their voice?
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
August 15-19 Year 10 Work Experience August 19 Year 11 & 12’s Skills West Expo excursion August 23 Chapel Service Secondary School in MPH 8.50 am August 29 Parent Subject Information Evenings (Current Year 10 & 11’s) August 29 Middle School Combined Christian Schools Interschool Carnival August 31 Senior School Combined Christian Schools Interschool Carnival August 31 TCC’s Got Talent - Thornlie Church of Christ September 1 “Outside The Frame” Art competition/exhibition September 5 Parent Subject Information Evening current Year 9’s September 5 Year 7 Biblical Studies excursion to Thornlie Church of Christ September 6 Chapel Service Secondary School in MPH 8.50 am September 8 Year 7 Vaccinations 10.30 am September 12 Prefect Nominations open September 15 Interschool Cross Country September 15 Year 12 and Secondary School Art Exhibition in MPH September 17 Open Day September 19 Student Free Day Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
1st ~ 14th Sept. 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents
Our Core Values
Many of you will be aware that we are holding our annual Open Day on Saturday, 17 September 2011 - just over a fortnight away! Our Open Day is an opportunity for us to showcase our College both to you, our parent community, as well as to the broader community - particularly those families who are looking for a distinctively Christian, rich, relationshipdriven education experience for their children.
At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we...
Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
May I take this opportunity to formally extend to you a very hearty invitation to join us on this special day of celebration! The day commences at 11:00am and will close at 3:00pm. This means that there will be plenty of activity, particularly during lunch time and so, to ensure that you do not go hungry or thirsty, we have arranged for a wide variety of food and beverage stalls to satisfy your every need. Of course this year we will be celebrating the Official Openings of our two new facilities; the Library and the Multi-Purpose Hall. These two buildings are already proving to be an immense blessing to us as they are fundamentally changing the way we ‘do life’ at the College. Everything from assemblies to sports classes and parent information evenings have taken on a new vitality as they are conducted in our Hall and the fresh, innovative use of space in our Library is providing our students with a space that encourages them to think outside the box and to take ownership of their personal learning journeys. Our classes and teachers have been spending much time this term preparing exhibits, activities and presentations that will enable visitors to really ‘Discover TCC’ and all that happens here to make it such a special learning environment. Everything from the core academic subjects to drama, music, art and
hospitality will be profiled on the day. I am aware that for most of us Saturdays are often very busy, taken up with sporting commitments, shopping and housework. Also, it is that time of the year when various sporting codes are involved in finals and grand finals. In fact our own Southern Force Football Club will have a number of teams participating in grand finals in various age-groups on the day and our congratulations go out to all of the teams and their coaches for an outstanding season! I would encourage you to come and spend a little time either before or after the game with us at the College –we would love to share in your victories on the day and broadcast the outcomes to all in attendance! So, we look forward to seeing you all on the big day. Please consider inviting your friends and neighbours if you think that they may be interested. Every year we aim to have the ’Best-Open-Day-Ever’ – and every year so far our efforts have been blessed with success. I am certain that 2011 will be no different! Bill Innes
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight
Are you one of those people that always win? First place on sports day; winner of all awards and certificates; best at whatever you do? If you are then you are amongst a very small minority. What should you do? I would suggest that you should enjoy the feeling of victory and achievement. You should also learn to win graciously and recognise those around you and their achievements. What about the rest of us? Should we just say - it was good to take part? What does the world say about winners? What does the Bible say? The world recognises success in ways that often equals monetary gain and influence or power. Successful people are thought to be those that have reached the top of their particular field or vocation. Of course this is one measure that we can use. The Bible seems to recognise success rather differently. Success in God’s eyes is more to do with obedience and service. We are successful if we become fully the person He intended us to be using the talents and gifts and opportunities that He has given us. In this way success is being the best parent, the best son or daughter or sibling, the best colleague or friend. If we follow the example of Jesus and if we value success in God’s eyes we would do well. “He humbled Himself and became obedient”. Philippians 2 v 8a Obedience and humility may not count for much in a fast paced world but they count for everything in God’s eyes and are His measure of a successful life. Assemblies
We were treated to the Year 2F Mrs Flipse’s class assembly on Tuesday 30th August. The theme was “Do to others what you would have them do to you” and “Encourage one another and build each other up”. Special Event
Governor’s Prayer Breakfast 2011 “On Friday 12th August three primary school house captains, the head boy and head girl along with Mr Kingsford, Mrs Balding, Mr Khaira, Mr Splatt and Mr Wise attended the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast representing Thornlie Christian College. I was one of the three primary house captains chosen to attend. While receiving a delicious breakfast a guest speaker spoke about his life with God. This taught me whatever you dream of can come true with the help of God and everything happens for a reason. Malcolm McCusker the Governor attended along with Peter Abetz, our local member and many more special guests. I really enjoyed this experience.” Danielle Gleeson 6C
Our next assembly will be Mr Caporn’s 1C class on 13th September.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Student Achievements
Merit Certificate recipients PPV - Ezra Jones, Ben Trapski PPL - Caelan Sargon, Efe Osaghae 1C - Christo Swart, Kavya Ranaweera 1S - Hannah Kingsford, Declan Graham, Ethan Hart, Issac Rossi 2B - Declan Cawthorn, Chanelle Watson 2F - Taj Jones, Lee Bien 3H - Liam Palmer, Johann De Wet 3K - Georgina Swaby, Unnati Chugh 4F - Jannett Roy, Audrey Chigumbu 4H - Danielle Holloway, Rosa Tavao, Benjamin Letzia 5H - Cameron Bailey, Breeanna Bilich 5W - Keely McCarrol, Pieter Jacobsz 6C - Nicholas Altmann, Georgia Flood 6K - Sophie Swarbrick, Caleb Watson LOTE - Paige Whitnell
We congratulate the following students on receiving Merit Awards in the Middle School and in the Senior School Bronze and Silver Certificates.
Staff Professional Learning
Origo Publishing presentation Curriculum Organiser presentation Early Years Learning Framework National Partnerships Early Childhood Leadership Project
Origo Robin Clarke AISWA AISWA AISWA
Important Dates and News
September Open Day Saturday 17th Student Free Day Monday 19th Even Years NAPLAN testing (Year Six) Week 8 Sydney/Canberra Week 9 Even Years NAPLAN testing (Year 2 & 4) Week 9 Primary inter-house jumps and throws Wednesday 28th Primary athletics carnival Friday 30th Last day of term three Friday 30th
Year 7 Bailey Barnes/Celeste DeBruin/Noel Siau Year 8 Elisa Lian Year 9 Mei Ling Lim Year 7 Sarah Smith
30 merits
Year 8 Elisa Lian Julian Harmawan Andre Kruger
60 merits 30 merits 20 merits
Year 10 Jaimee Hoskins
Silver Certificate
Open Day
There appears to be lots of activity going on in preparation for the Open Day on Saturday September 17. There will be a display of work in many of the Subject and Course areas and many of the students will also be performing in Musical items and Drama performances. The Multi Purpose Hall will also be another area where work will be exhibited from our Art students, Career Education, Work Place Learning, Creative Industries Media, Information Technology, Materials and Design – Textiles and Wood, and power point presentations of our recent Politics and Law and Malaysian Tours. The Hospitality students will once again tempt you to visit their restaurant “Chez Nous” for a delicious meal or a place to have a break and chat with friends over a cuppa tea. The Secondary School will provide lots of exciting things to do on the Discovery Trail, so make sure you follow the directions of the trail and fill your day with lots of exciting things to do - and there are prizes too. We look forward to “showing off” the happenings in the Secondary School.
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Parent Subject Information Evenings
Yes, it is that time of the year again where we open up a new world of possibilities for our students from Year 9 through to Year 11 as they begin to choose their subjects/courses for 2012 and create a programme to suit their individual needs. Many parents in our current Year 10’s and 11’ accepted the our invitation to attend this week, the Parent Course Information evenings keeping them up to date with the requirements necessary fir those important final years of schooling. The current Year 9’s Parent Subject Information evening will be held at 5.45 pm on this coming Monday evening, September 5 in the Multi Purpose Hall.
Governors Prayer Breakfast On the August 12, we went to the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast along with Mrs Balding, Mr Kingsford, Mr Wise, Mr Khaira and three Primary School House Captains. The Governor’s Prayer Breakfast is an annual occasion where Western Australia’s leaders meet to pray and fellowship with other Christian leaders in the community. Guest Speaker, Mr Aiona, the ex-governor of Hawaii, talked about prayer and his testimony of what God had done in his life. He shared with us the Hawaiian “Aloha Spirit”. The “Aloha Spirit” was basically a guide for us to live our lives in a way that shows kindness, unity, agreement, humility and patience. As leaders, we should work together to impact one another positively. We were all so interested to hear how Mr Aiona overcame troubles in his life and how his passion for God pulled him through and enabled him to be where he is today. Mr. Aiona’s message was both entertaining and provided some great
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
food for thought. At the end of his message all of the School Captains and Prefects and representatives received a business-card size card titled ‘The Aloha Spirit at Work’. This card contained a list of ‘good’ qualities and ‘bad’ qualities, and then the result of practicing these qualities. An example was Forgiveness, where if you ‘plant’ Forgiveness, the ‘fruit of the seed’ was Unity, and the ‘harvest’ was joy. This card is a great reminder of how your actions really affect the people around you.
All in all, the whole morning was an exceptional experience, with remarkable service and top of the line food, but best of all, we all learnt something that we could apply to our own experience and lifestyle to be stronger in Christ.
Important Dates for your Diary
September 1 September 5 September 5 September 6 September 8 September 9 September 12 September 15 September 15 September 17 September 19 September 19
“Outside The Frame” Art competition/exhibition Parent Subject Information Evening Current Year 9’s Year 7 Biblical Studies Excursion to Thornlie Church of Christ Chapel Service Secondary School in MPH 8.50 am Year 7 Vaccinations 10.30 am An Evening of Music and the Rock Musical – White House Church An Evening of Music and the Rock Musical – White House Church Prefect Nominations open Interschool Cross Country Year 12 and Secondary School Art Exhibition in MPH Open Day Student Free Day WPL commences for Year 12’s
Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
Joshua Klenner & Nathania Widjanarko (Head Boy and Head Girl)
Combined Christian Schools Inter-school Athletics Carnival
This week has been a week of Athletics with many students representing the College at Inter-school level. This year the carnivals were run slightly differently because of the inclusion of the Year 7’s in the Middle School. The Middle School carnival was held on Monday and the Senior School on Wednesday. To date the final results have not been announced but I can report that our students have performed extremely well and we are waiting excitedly to hear the final results. Once again TCC has been in charge of organizing and running the carnivals and although this is a huge task, Mrs Katwishi and Mr Eikelboom have once again excelled in running a very smooth and successful carnival at inter-school level. Congratulations to all of the competitors for the way in which they have performed at their best and to those who attended at spectators and cheered on their peers, well done. Last year we were the overall winners so we are hoping to hold on to the title again this year. There will be a full report in the next newsletter, so stay tuned.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
HELP WANTED As our BER projects have now been completed, and we have put all of our funding into getting the largest floor area possible for our two buildings, we do not have the funds to complete a “roll out” of lawn around the buildings, particularly the library. We seek help from anyone who can assist us with ideas, contacts, donations of roll out lawn, or in any other way you may think of to reduce the areas of sand we have around the Library prior to open day. Please contact me, or speak to Bill Innes with any ideas you may have. Many thanks. Geoff Edwards Business Manager 0402 902 739
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
15th ~ 28th September 2011 Student Free Day Sept. 19
The Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents Well, our Open Day is almost upon us. Staff and students are busy with final arrangements and the College is gearing up for yet another ‘best ever’ Open Day – every year seems to improve on the previous one and there is no reason why this year should be any different!
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
Our Open Day is a key opportunity for our community to Discover TCC. Thornlie Christian College today has an enviable reputation as a quality school offering a quality, distinctively Christian education to families in our rapidly expanding community. As a result we are blessed that the College is approaching capacity with less than a hundred vacancies available across the entire school! The old perceptions of TCC as a school with good intentions but inadequate facilities and questionable educational outcomes are simply no longer relevant. We are extremely proud of the growth that has occurred in every sphere of life at TCC in recent years and, in particular, our academic achievements. We are blessed with a staff who support a culture of continuous improvement in the College and therefore we are always looking for ways to do what we do, better. So, with this as a backdrop to our forthcoming Open Day, we are really excited to be able to open our doors to our broader community. Please make a point of joining us on Saturday and bring your friends and neighbours along – there will be something for everyone! If you know of families who would benefit from being a part of the TCC community and whose children would benefit from a TCC education, please encourage them to come and Discover just what exactly makes Thornlie Christian College tick!
Our Open Day will begin at 11:00 am with the Official Opening of our new Multi-Purpose Hall and Library. We would love you to share in this exciting occasion. Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight
When was the last time that you stopped and smelled the roses? For the past week and a half our family has ‘enjoyed’ the communal duty of washing and drying up after each meal rather than stacking the dishwasher as our trusted dishwasher has finally ceased working. It was a good opportunity to continue discussions started at the meal table and provided us with more time to connect. Our world is full of wonderful labour/time saving devices yet our lives seem busier than ever. Making time to connect with the people that are most important to us is often very difficult. May I encourage you to make dates and go out with a loved one even if it is a coffee at McDonald’s. Smell the roses together and make all the other ‘things’ wait.
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
This week we enjoyed an assembly by Mr Caporn’s 1C class. The theme was How great is our God’s creation and focussed on dinosaurs. We also heard about Mr Khaira’s amazing dog Arrow.
19th Year Six 2011 Sydney/Canberra leave 20th – 22nd Even Year Testing NAPLAN Yr 2 & 4Four 27th Mrs Summerfield’s 1S assembly 28th Inter-house jumps and throws 30th Athletics Carnival 30th Last day of Term Three Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Open Day and the Student Leadership Team
PPV - Chelsea Winchester, Shaun Cilliers PPL - Sarah Ng, Jedazion Fuller 1C – Kaylee Arnold 1S - Jodi McNamara, Jericho Lucio 2B - Doglio Isabella, Fisher Alexander 2F - Hannah Joy Jayawardene, Esther Marlow 3H - Jaylyn McCaffery, Ineke Greyling 3K - Edward Dale, Joseph Floysand 4F - Stephen Adesina, Caleb Ross 4H - Hope Waters, Oluyemi Oyeniyi, Courtney Mews 5H - Gabrielle Jones, Samuel Waters 5W - Dani John Cherian, Agatha Mutemachani 6C - Ian Bagayana, Devante Taituave-Tavao 6K - Akash Parattuparambil, Ezekiel Masih LOTE - Flynn Madsen ( 2V), Joel Baverstock ( 2F), Isabel Yap ( 2F)
Staff Professional Learning
Making the most of picture story books Presenter Andrea Hilbrick Ten Minute Tops Presenter Andrea Hilbrick Early Numeracy Important Dates and News
September 14th & 15th 17th 19th
Even Year Testing NAPLAN Yr 6 Open Day 11:00am – 3:00pm Student Free Day
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
All students on the Student Leadership Team, Prefects, Student Councillors and House Captains, have been asked to volunteer a couple of hours of assistance at the Open Day on Saturday. Students were given a letter explaining what they may be required to do and for parents to give permission for them to be here in a leadership capacity. Students for the time they are “on duty” are required to wear their complete College Winter uniform and their badges. Student Achievements
The following students are to be congratulated on receiving commendations in the Senior School and Merit Certificates in the Middle School. Special congratulations to our Students of the Month, Student of the Month for August Bailey Barnes Year 7 Elisa Lain Year 8 Mei Ling Lim Year 9 Year 7 Merits Celeste DeBruin 50 merits Bailey Barnes 50 merits Noel Siau 50 merits Jessie Dodd 40 merits Year 8 Merits Kylie Ling 40 merits Elisa Lian 70 merits Year 9 Merits Jasmine Bradshaw 30 merits Year 10 Commendation Jolene Kruger Bronze Year 11 Commendation Tracey Derman Bronze Middle School Assembly
“Dare To Be Extraordinary” was the topic presented by guest speaker Alicia Curtis at the assembly last week, challenging students to move out of their comfort zone and explore and use their giftings and talents and to choose to do new things and accept to try new opportunities. In doing this it may lead to them to doing things that they may never have dreamt of doing. Hopefully every student has been challenged in some way to reconsider what they are doing and strive to not just be “ordinary” but to explore the many opportunities that available to them at the College and out there in the Community.
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Selection of Prefects for 2010
There has been a keen interest in students from Year 11 contemplating the responsibilities of leadership on the College Student Leadership Team for 2012. This is encouraging. Nomination Forms are now being called for and those standing will present an election speech on Thursday September 22 at a joint Middle School and Senior School Assembly. Following the assembly the students and staff will cast a vote by secret ballot. Parents are very welcome to join us at the assembly to support their child. Year 12 Mock Stage 2 & 3 Examinations
The Year 12 students are now to meet another challenge with the Mock preparation and final WACE practical exams commencing in the holidays. The practical Drama and Physical Education Studies WACE exams will be in the first week and in the second week the rest of the College mock exams are scheduled. An Exam Timetable and a letter explaining in detail the requirements for the exams has been given to each of the Year 12 students who will be sitting the exams. The final year is a rigorous rite of passage, particularly for those who give their all. We certainly wish them well and ask that you continue to uphold them in your prayers. Year 12 Leavers Tops
Breanne Carter: highly commended for her piece ‘Injustice’ in the Drawing category Samuel Leong: 3rd place for his piece ‘Injustice League’ in the Digital Media category Nathania Widjanarko: 2nd place for her lino block prints ‘My Place’ in the Print category Special mention must also be made of Lisa Hill, Year 12, and Talitha Stephens, Year 11, who also had their work selected for exhibition. The work was on display at the Armadale Central Shopping Centre last week. Make sure you come along to our own Art exhibition this Thursday night at 6:30pm, or have a look on Open Day at some more of the fabulous work our students have been producing this year. Mrs Sally Florisson (Teacher-In-Charge Art)
Design & Technology Textiles Year 11 APEX Entries Sunday September 4 saw two of the Year 11 Textiles students enter their garments into The APEX Fashion A wards. Joanna-Lee Ladyman & Lauren Quinn sewed their fingers to the bone in order to have their creations ready for the day. The competition encourages students from schools all around the state to compete for a place in the finals to represent WA in Sydney at the end of the year.
You may have seen flashes of red and white moving around the College. The Year 12’s are now wearing their distinctive red and white specially designed jackets depicting that their final days at the College are drawing closer. The committee of Patricia Anderson, Clare Lange and Samuel Leong spent many hours guiding the 12’s as they chose the style, colour and logo. The artwork for the jacket was designed by Samuel Leong. Senior School River Cruise
The annual Senior School River Cruise for years 10,11,&12 has once again been organized by the Entertainment and Functions committee OF Ariana Yardley, Michele Riley and Breanne Carter. This is to be held on Saturday October 22 and it is an event that all students look forward to. Parent permission to attend is required and a letter has been forwarded to all students in the Senior School giving all of the necessary information. Permission to attend along with the $30 is due on the last day of the term. The theme for the evening will be the “Roaring 20s”. What’s Been Happening in the Secondary School?
Art Department Outside the Frame This year some of our Year 11s and 12s were selected to be a part of the City of Armadale’s annual Outside the Frame Art Exhibition. The opening and awards night was held last Tuesday, with three of our Year 12s receiving prizes for their work, which is fantastic! Congratulations to:
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
For girls who had very little sewing skills at the beginning of the year to create the garments they did was an outstanding achievement. These types of competitions encourages students to work hard and to be totally committed to the project. Well done to both girls, who have the right attitude and are certainly developing some amazing talents. The College is very proud of you for your great work ethic and for being the first from the College to enter a competition such as this. Mrs Del Shannon (Textiles Teacher) Mrs Helen Balding
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Assistant Principal Secondary
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
29th Sept ~ 19th Oct 2011 The Principal’s Desk
1st Day Term 4 Monday 17th October
Dear Parents With this newsletter we see the end of the third term upon us. It has been an incredibly productive term with much accomplished both in the classroom and elsewhere. Excursions, tours and camps have come and gone, concerts and art exhibitions have reflected our students’ creative talents and sporting events have highlighted their sporting prowess.
TCC has lived up to the expectation of providing a well-balanced, high quality education, underpinned by a strong Christ-centred ethic. My congratulations and best wishes go to each teacher and student who has contributed to the successes of the term. I know that the forthcoming holiday is going to be welcomed by all as an opportunity to rest and recalibrate before the short, event-filled final term is upon us.
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
Of course this does not apply to our Year 12 students who will spend the first week of the holidays studying and the second week writing their preliminary examinations. Please keep our Year 12’s in your prayers as they prepare for both the preliminaries and the final examinations that follow very shortly thereafter and then for their final departure from College life at TCC.
can so easily create when all of the facts are not accurately presented.
With the recent furore in the media regarding TCC’s use of the ‘Christian verse’ when singing the National Anthem still very fresh in our minds, I have taken the opportunity of including a response that I wrote to one of the many critics who took the time to communicate their concerns to the College. In his email, the writer voices his disgust at our ‘changing’ the National Anthem. He suggests that we have shown disrespect for past diggers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and their families. He goes on to say that what we have (supposedly) done is ‘cheeky’ and typical of a business, because that’s all religion is - a business. He signs himself off as a ‘Concerned Tax-payer.’
In a nutshell, TCC will: Firstly, continue to sing the first verse of the National Anthem at assemblies and official occasions. Secondly, I believe that we should teach our students the often neglected, official, second verse of the National anthem as this appears to be regularly omitted on many official occasions.Thirdly, we will continue to sing the Christian verse but, in order to distinguish it from the National Anthem, we have named this, and in future will refer to it as, “Our Christian Response to the National Anthem.”
His response reflects so clearly the lack of understanding and resulting anger and frustration that media reports
Taking the time to pen a response (see page 2) has been a great opportunity for me to crystalise my own thoughts on this issue because, prior to it becoming an issue last week, I had not spent much time thinking about it at all.
The above set of responses will tick the boxes of: • not being perceived to have ‘changed’ the National Anthem • and not misleading our students into believing
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://moodle.tcc.wa.edu.au:8081/
that the verse is a part of the official National Anthem. This morning I had the opportunity to explain the situation to our Primary children who may have been confused by recent events and I plan to do the same in the Secondary School, preferably before the end of the term, while the conversation is still relevant. I trust that you will all enjoy some good, quality time with your children during the forthcoming holidays. Bill Innes PRINCIPAL
the education we provide, underpinned by Christian principles, is worthwhile. Feedback that I have received from them indicates their understanding and acceptance of the second verse that we sing as a genuine reflection of our Christian desire to serve and honour our country and all who live in it. XXXXXXX, it is great to hear that you are moving back to Perth. When you get here, I would like to invite you to come and have a totally obligation-free cup of coffee and a chat. I have no agenda in this other than to allow you an opportunity to see us as we are which will allow you to make a judgment-call based on real facts and not those filtered and presented by a media who is looking to create newsworthy (?) stories. Have a great day!
Below is my letter of response. Good day, XXXXXXX
Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise A few important points
Thank you for taking the time to put your thoughts down for me. It is great to know that in our communities we have people like yourself who are passionate about what they believe in. XXXXXXX, it is unfortunate that the facts presented in the media last week are only a small part of the information provided to them. At TCC we sing the first verse of the National Anthem because we believe passionately in our Nation and what it stands for as a multi-cultural, non-discriminatory, incredibly privileged society. We are proud of our country and believe ourselves blessed to live here. We include the second verse because it reflects our desire to build our nation and to serve our nation, and we do this in the context of our Christian faith. Our Christian faith teaches love for one another, particularly for those less fortunate than ourselves. It teaches us to live our lives in service to others - in other words we see that we are not here simply to fulfil our selfish desires but rather to live our lives as a means to be of service to others. We truly respect our Diggers and the sacrifices that they have made to ensure the wonderful quality of life that we enjoy today. We would not deliberately do anything to offend their families or their memories, in fact we observe both ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day annually in our College.
This is to all canine lovers – my-self being the proud owner of a Golden Retriever and a British Cocker Spaniel – please do not bring your dogs to school. We do have students that react to animals such as dogs both in an allergic and emotional way (based on negative contact in the past). Most schools have this as a policy for the same reasons. Teachers will contact you if they have a pet day or a news day where you may bring a dog to school. They will also pass on the guidelines for these events. Please be aware that the fenced enclosure that surrounds our Early Childhood (Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year One) is out of bounds for all students from Year Two and above. Older siblings are not permitted to collect or drop off younger siblings in this area. Parents and adults that are dropping off or collecting students from K-Year 1 are permitted in the enclosure. Please do not take other students into this area – drop off older siblings first or collect older siblings last. To fully meet our duty of care in this area we must ensure that the gates remain closed at all times and only K-1 students enter. Assemblies
The additional verse that we sing has been sung, and continues to be sung by thousands of Christians in schools, churches and Christian organisations across our country. According to my research it has been used since 1930 - that’s over eighty years of use. We are definitely not the first, nor the only ones, to use it. If you take the time to read the words, I’m sure that you can see that they hold no disrespect for our nation or any of its people. Yes, I would agree with you, TCC is a business. As an independent school we have to ensure that we operate efficiently and this requires strong business principles. At the same time we are, like the majority of Christian schools in Australia, a registered Not-For-Profit Incorporated Association under the Incorporations Associations Act. Therefore we do not have a profit motive. The money we receive from government and our parents is used to educate our students. We are what is termed a ‘low-fee income’ school. We run a very tight budget and do our best to provide our students with the best educational outcomes possible within these limitations. Parents send their children to our school because they believe that
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
This fortnight we enjoyed Mrs Summerfield’s 1S class presenting on the theme of Being a Friend. We also enjoyed their wonderful singing. Our next assembly will take place in week two of term four. Congratulations Summer Lee Steere PPV Dylan McGillivray PPV Amelia Cox PPL Michael Ling PPL Jennifer Howe 1C Nikiel Govender 1S Breanna Greenway 1S Josephine Taylor 1S
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Anna Peace 1S Solomon Andrew 2B Moody Marcus 2B Bello Busola 2B Joel Baverstock 2F Hannah Kornhonen 2F Sidney Tantiprasut 3K Trent Steven 3K Brenelle Figredo 3H Deacon Greenaway 3H Jonathon Lucio 4F Carissa Antonello 4F Matthew Gleeson 4H Tyler Marlow 4H Enrique Moseti 4H Yogananda Velayutham 5H Liam Moffat 5H Montanna Melville 5W Elliott Theunissen 5W LOTE Brianna Lampard 6K Terence Kwidzai 6C
Brittany Prosser Noel Siau
40 merits 60 merits
Year 10 Dharshini Sugumaran
Year 11 Tracy Derman
We also like to recognize students who play and are part of different sporting clubs in the wider community, especially those who have just competed in Finals in their particular sport. Congratulations to those who have competed in “finals” in Soccer, Football and Netball. It is always wonderful to hear and be able to acknowledge members of our student body who have been recognized for their giftings in another area and are representing the State in National competitions. Western Australian Christian Football (Soccer) competition - We congratulate Under 14 Boys - Calvin Moss and Harry Byrne, Under 16 Girls - Rachel Spencer and in the Under 16 Boys – William Jacobsz, Josiah Laloh, Joel Smith who are at present competing in the National titles in Newcastle.
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding A Well Earned Break The term has been both busy and challenging and once again its conclusion has been surrounded by a flurry of activities. So often in the Winter term it is difficult to maintain enthusiasm and motivation because of the wet weather and constant illness that seems to strike amongst our students and staff. However students and staff have worked keenly throughout and are looking forward to a well earned break.
In Cricket, we congratulate Jai McCamley on being selected in the U14 Rockingham/Mandurah District Cricket Team to compete in an Interdistrict competition commencing next term. Nicole Utley (Year 9) represented W.A. at the Australian Figure Skating Championships in 2010, Melbourne, in the Synchronized Events and also will be representing W.A. again this year in Brisbane. Also she has had the honour of being named Captain for the W.A. Novice Synchronised Ice Skating Team for 2
Subject Choices
Interschool Cross-Country
The Year 12’s have been planning what to do next year and enrolling for University and TAFE and the rest of the Senior School students have been busy choosing their subjects and courses for 2012. The range of subjects and courses offered to the students is beyond many other schools of the same size and as we continue to grow, so will the number of choices.
Another first for TCC. Competitors representing TCC in the Interschool Cross Country last week are to be congratulated for bringing home the trophy for Champion Secondary School. Our competitors did very well right across the age groups with many coming in the major places, Kezia Wojcik, Jeffrey Bandi, Jake Lemmer, Kirsty Isaac, Nicole Utley, and Jacob Moylan
Next year we have once again offered the Tertiary, Vocational and Ministry Pathway in Year 11 & 12. We place great significance on building a culture of ongoing improvement in the teaching of the curriculum, new initiatives and cultivating learning growth. It is important that every family here at the College fully understands the uniqueness of what we have to offer and the services we provide so that you can be a true ambassador for the College and encourage others to come and share this exciting journey with us.
Prefects in Training
Student Achievements Congratulations to the following students in the Middle School and Senior for receiving Merit Certificates and a Bronze and Silver Certificate at recent assemblies. Year 7 Nyssa McCarrol Demi Mills
30 merits 20 merits
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Fifteen courageous Year 11 students are to be congratulated on the speeches they presented to students at the combined Middle and Senior School assembly last week. The high standard and presentation of the speeches certainly made it hard for students and staff who following the assembly had the task of voting for their choice leader. Prefects in Training will be announced at the assembly in week one of Term Four. These students will be given the responsibility of working closely with the current Prefects learning the ropes in preparation to take over their duties on October 26, the last day for the Year 12s. From these group of students the Prefects for 2012 will be chosen and announced at the Senior School Awards night. The following are the nominations. Siobhan Hair, Lauren Quinn, Stephanie Broedelet, Stephanie Strong, Parvan Gill, Chontelle Wharton, Rebecca Moore, Tracy Derman, Zachary Seow, Matthew Halliday, Jake Lemmer, Michael Long, Jason Earle, Joel Smith and Bradley Dusting.
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Year 12 Mock Examinations The Year 12s will commence their College Mock Examinations at the College during the second week of the holidays, commencing October 10. The Drama, Physical Education and Indonesian students will have their final WACE Practical Examinations in the first week of the holidays. We wish every student our best wishes as this is quite a stressful time and the College community is asked to keep not only these sitting exams but all of the Year 12 students in prayer as they prepare for examinations and complete assessable work over the next few weeks. Year 12 Final Assembly The whole College will join together to farewell the 2011 Year 12s at their final assembly on Wednesday October 26 at 11.00 am in the Multi Purpose Hall. There will be items from the different schools and the 12s will have the opportunity of saying farewell. An invitation is extended to all of the College community to join with them at this important assembly and to share in tea and coffee after the assembly.
What’s been happening in the Secondary School Here are some snippets ... more to come next term.
CHOGAM To coincide with CHOGM which will be held in Perth next Month, the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia organised a schools CHOGM held on the 26 and 27th of September. Opened only to Year 10 students of schools in WA, Thornlie Christian College was represented by Kylie Choong and Matthew Wilson who attended this conference as delegates from Brunei Darussalam. Discussions were varied which ranged from compulsory Primary Education, communicable and noncommunicable diseases to challenges facing the Commonwealth in the 21st Century. The conference opened with a traditional Noongar welcome followed by an opening address by Dr Lis Constable and concluded with delegates presenting the recommendations deliberated upon to our Governor Malcolm McCusker in the form of a communique.
Senior School River Cruise The annual Senior School River Cruise has once again been organized by the Entertainment and Functions committee. This is to be held on Saturday October 22. Payment and parent permission is now due which promises to once again be a fantastic evening with all the discussion at the moment centered around what to wear to be in tune with the theme “The Roaring 20s”. Year 12 Valedictory Dinner and Service This is to be held on Wednesday evening November 23 at the White House Community Church in Thornlie. An invitation is extended to all Year 12s and their parents, College staff and Board members. Uniform for Term Four Thank you to all students who have made a concerted effort over the term to wear the correct College uniform. A reminder that the Summer uniform is to be worn next term and part of the uniform is the hat. We look forward to your continued support of the wearing of the correct uniform. Please refer to the College Uniform Policy if you are unsure of the complete or correct uniform. Time for a break Mrs Chisanga Katwishi is, after a very hectic but very rewarding term for TCC in the sporting arena, will be taking a term off to have her baby. We certainly wish her and her husband our very best wishes and look forward to hearing the news “pink or blue” very shortly. Ms Mary Glennon will be replacing her and Mary is at present relieving Mr Eikelboom while he is away having his injured knee repaired. Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal Secondary
TCC’S GOT TALENT TCC’s Got Talent was held at Thornlie Church of Christ on Wednesday of September 18. There were 18 Acts or performances from Grade One all the way through to Year 12, plus our end of night teacher performance from the ‘Guns’n’Bruises’; showing teachers can have as much talent as the students. It was well attended and raised funds for the Arts Department. The highlights for me were Tahlia Pinci’s solo piano and vocal performance where she bought a tingle down my spine due to the depth of her song titled ‘Stand up’. Also, it was inspiring and encouraging to see five of our performances refer to their love of God. The winners for Primary School were 3rd place Carmen Coules with her dance to ‘True Colours’, 2nd place to Ciara Kinsella for her acrobatic and dance routine to ‘From New York to L.A.’ and 1st place to Laura Delalande for her poem ‘A Child of God’. The Secondary School winners were, 3rd place Emily Olsen with her monologue titled ‘Monologue’, 2nd place was Tahlia Pinci with her song titled ‘Stand Up’ and 1st place was Scarlet Thread, consisting of Jeffrey Bandi, Kezia Wojcik and Samuel Leong, with their song titled ‘In the Mourning’. Congratulations go to all of the contestants and a big thank you to all who attended and helped out on the night, particularly the Judges, the Sound Technician and the Prefects. Once again students at TCC are honouring God with their talents. Mrs Kylie Stryder Fundraising Staff Liaison
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
27th Oct ~ 9th Nov 2011 The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents As we begin Term 4, the excitement and busy-ness of life at TCC continues unabated. I have a number of exciting developments to tell you about but before I do that I want to fill you in on the provisional outcome of our Re-registration process that concluded on the Thursday before we closed for the holidays – yes, busy right up until the very end! RE-REGISTRATION
Let me begin by explaining, for those of you who are uncertain, what the re-registration process is: All independent schools receive funding from both the State and Federal Governments. These funds along with the tuition fees that we receive from you as parents, allow us to operate. In return for the funding we receive from government, they, understandably, want to know that we are doing what we are expected to do – i.e. educate your children effectively! In order to assess this, the Department of Education Services (DES) is required to conduct a regular audit of every independent school in the State. This report is forwarded to the Minister of Education who in turn, awards a ‘term of re-registration’ - usually between one and five years. During the audit process the College is required to compile documentary evidence that reflects what is being done in twelve main areas: Governance, Financial Viability, Enrolment and Attendance, Number of Students, Time Available for Instruction, Staffing, College Infrastructure, Curriculum, Student Learning Outcomes, Levels of Care for Students, Disputes and Complaints and Compliance with Legislation. Compilation of this evidence is a long and time-consuming exercise – usually two to three months at least! Once the evidence has been submitted to DES for a desktop audit, they arrange to visit the College for a day to seek confirmation that what has been reported is accurate. Our Re-Registration visit concluded on a very satisfactory note. The Committee was very pleased with all aspects of TCC. I want to share with you two comments made by the Head of the Re-registration Committee:
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
• His first comment was made while discussing Student Learning Outcomes and he said that, having studied our Curriculum, Assessment and all the extra services that the College offers (e.g. Individual Learning Plans (IEP’s) for students who are experiencing delays or are academically advanced, the Study Café that offers students the opportunity to complete homework under supervision, the Fast Track Programme for students who need to catch up on, or complete assignments, the Year 12 Mentorship programme and the Individual Tutoring offered to all students on a voluntary basis) he could see absolutely no reason (other than an individual student’s poor work habits) why any student at TCC could not achieve their highest academic goals. Given the enormous effort that our teachers put into these additional co-curricular programmes, I was extremely pleased to be able to pass this comment onto our teachers! • The second comment was made after the formalities of the day were over. As he was leaving, the Head of the ReRegistration Committee, drew me aside and said that he had conducted thousands of school audits for DES and he wanted me to know that Thornlie Christian College ranked up with the best of the best schools that he had ever visited! Praise God! My purpose in sharing these comments with you is not to boast. (Although I am very proud of these achievements!) My purpose in sharing these comments is to counter the perceptions that still circulate within the broader public community that TCC: a) focuses on preparing students primarily for Vocational Training. (We do do an excellent job in this regard!) b) does not offer subjects that will enable a student to enter University. (Last year we gained university acceptance for every student at TCC who wished to attend university.)
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://www.tcc.wa.edu.au/news
c) does not adequately prepare students for further learning. (Our Academic Programme and extra Service Provision go above and beyond expectation - as stated by the Re-Registration Committee.) I would greatly appreciate it if you would use this information to help counter, once and for all, any lingering mis-perceptions that you may encounter in our broader community. This is God’s College, our God is a God of Excellence and while we acknowledge that we are far from perfect, we are committed as a staff to offering our students an education of excellence in a distinctively Christian environment. NEW COLLEGE WEBSITE & SCHOOL COMMUNICATOR On Monday 31st October the College is launching two new initiatives that we believe will add great value to our College. The first is a new College website. Until now our website has been externally maintained with all the frustration that this entails. Updates have been slow and difficult to effect. Our new website is fully maintained by the College and allows us to respond immediately to any circumstance. Please visit us soon to see for yourself the new, improved ‘e-face’ of TCC. The second initiative is called the School Communicator. The School Communicator is an easy-to-use tool that ‘pushes’ information directly to parents. It is simple, immediate and costeffective and it requires almost no effort on the part of parents. We believe that the more we keep you as parents in the loop, the more supportive you will be of our College community. The School Communicator is a lightweight application that runs on every parent’s computer. Information is automatically updated every time the College adds new content, even when the Communicator is not currently running. The Communicator launches every morning, so you will see College news at least once a day. The Communicator can also be launched at any time by clicking on the desktop shortcut or via the Start menu. You will receive installation instructions which you can use to install the Communicator onto your computer. Once installed, information is automatically sent directly to your computer. All you need to do is select which information you would like to receive by selecting the grade(s) and activities in which your children are involved. (You can change these settings at any time.) News that is relevant to all parents will be sent to all grades.
Parents In Action Hi every one, WOW can you believe it is term 4 already. Honestly where has the year gone? Sorry for not updating you last term. It was the PIA’s toughest term with all the sports carnivals and Open day. I have been meaning to get this note out to you all as I would love to share with you the PIA’s latest purchase. Funds raised by the PIA have been used to purchase the staging for the M.P.H as well as all the seating. At a cost of $12000 we could never have done it without all your support so well done to all our families who have supported our fundraising efforts. We have been truly blessed. We also have a few things in the pipeline too so we will let you know early next year when they have been finalised. To finish this year out we are once again going to be selling the small entertainment books and movie tickets. This year is going to be different in that the entertainment books will not be sent home with the kids, it will be run like the movie tickets. So look out for the flyers and order forms coming out soon and remember to get them in before the cut-off date so that we can get them out to you asap. With Christmas just around the corner these make great gifts. It is the gift that gives all year!! Well thanks again all so much and look forward to a successful 2012. Kind thoughts Natalie Trapski PIA
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight
Rubbish free lunches – ‘take your litter home’. This is a new initiative to teach our students the importance of cutting down on packaging and litter. We will be encouraging students to put their rubbish back into their lunch box and take it home. One advantage would be that you will be able to see more accurately what they have eaten. Another advantage would be a huge reduction in the amount of litter at school. We will be discussing with the students the importance of reducing the amount of unnecessary packaging as part of our sustainability focus. Assemblies This week we were treated to Miss Van Duren’s Pre-Primary class assembly with Creation as their theme.
The School Communicator can provide all the information you need to know and can be easily used for critical alerts and news that just can’t wait. We are really hoping that this tool will finally resolve the communication dilemma that exists between the College and its community. Make sure that you install School Communicator onto your machine as soon as possible so that you can be sure of reaping the benefits of being up to date on College news at all times. Bill Innes
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Congratulations PPA - Benelisa Collura-Grunwald, Amie Hugo PPW - Erica Francis, Nenyasha Manzvera 1C - Sarah thrift, Kiki Graham, Callum Bankier 1S - Declan Kinsella, Breanna Ladhams, Jaykan Stephens 2B - Jodie Hoskins, Michael Bowling 2F - Isaac Ruri, Jarred Allender 3H - Benjamin Freeman, Tawa Manzvera 3K - Faith Kee, Micheal Glisenti 4F - Nathan Hart, Mikaela Lee 4H - Ebanie Ladhams, Talishya Lovercio 5H - Sophie Filgate, Ethan Tyrer 5W - Cyrus Wuest-Lawrance, Dani John Cherian, Lleyton Edwards 6C - Saul Doglio, Keira Oxby 6K - Cody Peters, Emillio Masarani, Rebecca Matassa
of educational programmes focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit their National Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist parents in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) programme toward the travel expenses incurred. This contribution will be paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion. We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this programme. Activities undertaken as part of the educational tour are outlined in brief in the newsletter and in full in the online version found at www. tcc.wa.edu.au under News; Assistant Principal Primary’s Desk; 2011 Sydney/Canberra Itinerary. The excursion was a truly rewarding experience for all of our students. Yours sincerely, Nigel Wise
Activities in brief Parliament House Old Parliament House Australian War Memorial National Electoral Education Centre Programme National Science and Technology Centre High Court of Australia National Capital Exhibition National Gallery of Australia Australian Institute of Sport National Museum of Australia Royal Australian Mint Note: See next newsletter for sample of students’ feedback and thoughts of the trip. Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary Staff Professional Learning When English Meets History Counting Development in the Early Years Workshop 4 Australian Curriculum
Important Dates and News
October Kindy-Year Two Round Robin
Thursday 27th
November Year 3-6 Interschool Athletics (track) Friday 4th Assembly
Tuesday 8th
December Yr 6 excursion to Adventure World Primary Christmas Concert Year 6 Graduation assembly Awards assembly Last day of school
Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th
Sydney/Canberra itinerary and letter from Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) Dear Parents, Australian Government assistance for National Capital excursion Year Six students from our school recently undertook an educational tour of the national capital. While on this tour they participated in a variety
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding Farewell Year 12’s Wednesday witnessed the end of formal schooling for our Year 12 students and for some the beginning of their final revision programme for the forthcoming WACE examinations. As in previous years it has been a week of farewell activities and the winding down of the normal classes including the Prefect and Student Council lunch, the final College Assembly and the Senior School River Cruise. The traditional Valedictory Service and Dinner is yet to come and is the Senior School Awards and Year 12 Graduation evening. On behalf of the staff, I wish all of our Year 12’s every success, happiness and fulfillment in the future. Our thoughts and prayers go with them as they begin a very exiting phase in their lives. Their future is filled with optimism, hope and adventure. Thank you to each one of them for the contribution they have made in so many facets of College life. At the whole College assembly to commence the term, the Prefects in Training were announced and take on their leadership role in a training capacity demonstrating their desire to be chosen as a Prefect in 2012. It is appropriate that we acknowledge the wonderful contribution of the departing Prefects, Edwina Leung, Jonothan Narayaran, Martin Jacobsz, Aaron Rebeiro, Michele Riley, Ariana Yardley, Kezia Wojcik, Luke Frank, Josh Tucker under the dedicated leadership of Nathania Widjanarko
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
and Joshua Klenner and thank them for their commitment, efficiency, initiatives, and approachability. A strong foundation has been established for our new Prefects to make a positive and significant impact on the culture of the College.
to November 22. A few students are also sitting exams at Canning College and John Wollaston. We ask the College community to remember our students in prayer as they prepare and sit for these next week.
Congratulations to the following who have been selected as Prefects in Training. Siobhan Hair, Tracy Derman, Parvan Gill, Matthew Halliday, Zachary Seow, Jake Lemmer, Stephanie Strong, Stephanie Broedelet, Lauren Quinn, Rebecca Moore, Chontelle Wharton, Bradley Dusting, Michael Long, Joel Stephens and Jason Earle.
Valedictory Dinner
Year 12 Final Assembly
Senior School Awards and Year 12 Graduation
The traditional Year 12 Final Assembly as always was a very special event especially the very touching finale where the whole College formed a semi-circle on the oval around the 12’s as each released a butterfly, as a symbol that they are now moving out of this family cocoon and spreading their wings and flying into the unknown to leave a mark somewhere else. As the final blessing was said, all watched as these beautifully created creatures of God spread their wings and flew out of the boundaries of the College. I would like to thank every one who had a part to play at the assembly, the Year Four H class sang the National Anthem and a beautiful rendition of “Come To The River”, the Yr 12’s and their very entertaining item, the parents and friends for once again showing their support in attending and to all the other students who added a special touch to the mornings programme.
All parents of the Year 12 students will have received an invitation to attend the Service and Dinner on November 23 at the Whitehouse Community Church in Thornlie. An invitation has been extended to all Year 12 students, their parents, College staff and the College Board. RSVP are due on November 7.
Evening - Wednesday November 30 This signature event of the College will be held at the College in the Multi Purpose Hall for all Year 10,11,and 12 students. The night is a celebration of excellence and achievement for all of our students, not just for those fortunate enough to receive awards. It is also a very important evening for the Year 12’s as they graduate from the College. All students are required to attend and it is hoped that parents will also consider this important ever as a priority. The evening will commence at 7.00 pm. All students are to wear the full College Winter Uniform. New student commences in the College We welcome Ralfey Fenton and his familiy to the College community and pray that they will enjoy their time here with us. Ralfey is in year 10.
River Cruise
Second-hand Book Sale
The Roaring 20’s was the theme for this years river cruise and it was great to see that all of the students and the staff go to the trouble of dressing up. The rain held back while we cruised the river and the students danced the night away. Once again we received huge compliments from the Manager of the boat for their behavior and courtesy. He said we must be proud to teach such beautifully behaved and well mannered young people and indeed we are. So a huge thank you to the students. A thank you must also go to the Entertainment and Functions committee, Ariana, Michele, Megan and Breanne for all of their organization which contributed to a very successful evening.
The College is providing Senior and Middle School students and their parents with an opportunity to sell and buy second hand textbooks from each other in preparation for next year. This will take place on December 8, 9:30am-11am. Please Note: While the College provides a venue for these sales to take place, all transactions are at the discretion of the buyers and sellers concerned and the College cannot be held responsible for any issues arising from the sale. Each seller is responsible for having an adequate cash ”float” to cover their transactions.
Student Achievements
Politics and Law Students visit Canberra
Congratulations to the following students who have received Merit and Commendation awards at recent assemblies. Year 7 Harrison Swaby 10 Merits Bailey Barnes 60 merits Nyssa McCarrol 30 merits Demi Mills 20 merits Brittany Prosser 40 merits Noel Siau 60 merits Year 8 Adam Hahn 20 merits Year 9 Beth McKinley 10 merits Year 10 Dharshini Menon Bronze Certificate Year 11 Tracy Derman Bronze Certificate WACE Examinations Year 12 students sitting the WACE examinations will sit the majority of them at Carey Baptist College. The first exam commences on October 31 and the following exams go through 19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Mrs Helen Balding
The year 11 and 12 Politics and Law students were able to travel to Canberra in July this year to visit Governor’s House, the Federal parliament and the Australian War Memorial. This has been very beneficial to the students who travelled across to Canberra during their holidays. As such we would like to acknowledge a few people and groups who made this trip possible. Firstly, we would like to acknowledge the Federal Government’s contribution to the cost of the trip through the Parliamentary and Civics Education Rebate; without which many of our students would not have been able to afford to travel. Secondly, I would like to thank all of the Parents and School Community that supported our fundraising efforts and kept us in their prayers whilst we were away. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Mrs Michelle Gray who organised most of the fundraising events and Mr and Mrs. O’Dea who helped at the fundraising events even though they did not use any of the fundraising money to pay for their daughters trip. We look forward to the possibility of another trip in 2013. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit their National Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist the parents in meeting the cost of the Canberra Trip the Australian Government contributes funding of $ 200- per eligible student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) programme toward the travel expenses incurred. This contribution is paid directly to the school upon completion of the tour.
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
10th ~ 23rd Nov 2011 “Have you visited our New Website @ www.tcc.wa.edu.au and signed up for the School Communicator @ www.school-communicator.com/downloads? The easiest way to stay up to date with everything that is happening at TCC” The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents
This week sees the majority of our Year 12 students completing their examinations, thus effectively bringing to a close their school careers. We wish them every blessing as they begin to embrace life outside of Thornlie Christian College. Graffiti Incident
Two weeks ago I received a disturbing telephone call from the developers of the Harrisdale Green housing development situated just behind the new Bunnings on Ranford Road. A number of homes in varying stages of completion had been graffittied using a silver spray can. Our College’s name featured in the graffiti. While I was visiting the site to assess the extent of the damage, a young couple arrived to what should have been an exciting ‘life-moment’ for them – the hand-over of the keys to their new home. Unfortunately their home had been vandalised by the above-mentioned graffiti vandals and my heart went out to them as I was witness to their shock and disappointment.
I would greatly appreciate any information that may assist the developers in their investigations. TCC launches Australian Curriculum
No doubt you will all be aware by now that a national curriculum is in the process of being developed in Australia. It has been officially named “The Australian Curriculum” and it sets out the core knowledge, understanding, skills and general capabilities important for all Australian students. It makes clear what all young Australians should learn as they progress through schooling. It is the foundation for high quality teaching to meet the needs of all Australian students and will see a reduction in the complications that students who move interstate often encounter when trying to match up subjects and placements. Initial implementation of the Australian Curriculum covers the four core subjects: Mathematics, Science, English and Society & Environment. It is being implemented from Foundation (Pre-Primary) to Year 10 initially and courses for Year 11 and 12 will follow.
Our Core Values
I am seeking our community’s assistance in providing any information that will assist in identifying the perpetrators of this crime. I have informed the police and been in contact with the developers as well as their investigation agents. I find it totally unacceptable that one or two individuals are able to significantly impact the lives of unknown people and families in this way. Additionally, I find it abhorrent that they have brought into disrepute the name of our College and, in so doing, have brought into question our Christian standing in the community.
At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://www.tcc.wa.edu.au/news
TCC’s teachers have been engaged in a process of coming to grips with the Australian Curriculum this year, gaining a deeper understanding of its requirements and adapting their current programmes of teaching and learning to accommodate the new curriculum. Because these changes are significant and impact directly on your children’s learning, all parents of children from Kindy to Year 10 received an invitation to attend an Information Evening on the Australian Curriculum this past Monday evening. Unfortunately attendance at this meeting was low with fewer than thirty parents attending. Because we believe that an understanding of the new curriculum is important to all parents who wish to support their children through the transition from the WA curriculum to the Australian curriculum, we will be putting the Powerpoint presentation from Monday evening’s meeting on our website and I would encourage you to take some time to view it before the 2012 school year begins. It will be available from early next week. In closing
For those of you who have children preparing for examinations, we wish you well in your endeavours to support them in their study programmes. I trust that their efforts will be reflected in their results. With fewer than 5 weeks remaining in the 2011 academic calendar I would encourage you to check our website for a calendar of forthcoming events. We look forward to sharing with you the celebrations that accompany the end of your children’s academic year. Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight As we lead up to Remembrance Day on Friday – which marks the anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War (1914-1918) it is a sobering thought to consider the loss of life through war and conflict. A conservative estimate states that 186,000,000 people (Bond, Michael Harris, 2004, in Drozdek and Wilson) have lost their lives either through war or ‘political conflict’ in the last century alone. This tragic loss of life is staggering and ongoing when we consider those currently deployed in fronts mainly in the Middle East today (for Australians). As we approach Christmas it is good to be reminded that the number one reason for the birth of Jesus Christ was to bring peace between God and people. Peace may be a rare commodity in the world around us but peace is offered freely by God for all those who want to accept it. Assemblies This week we were treated to Miss Lim’s Pre-Primary class assembly with the theme of Superheroes. We learnt all about different superheroes and the fact that Jesus is our ultimate
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
‘hero’. We will not be having an assembly in week six and our next assembly will be our awards assembly on Tuesday 6th December.
Congratulations PPV - Joshua Marlow, Justin Lim PPW - Asher Kwan, Finlay Kinsella, Zachary Ross 1C - Nathan Shenton, Baltazer Griesel, Ijerioluwa Mejiuni, Joshua Johnson, Samuel Meyer, Lauren Vardy, Ariel Tandiono, Sierra Fritchley-Hall, 1S - Luke Mol Roberts, Victoria O’Connor 2B - Munashe Dafa, Ariel Wuest-Lawrance, Nathaniel Norman 2F - Dorne Hills, Alexis Korhonen, Tofe Malomo, Micaela Ryce, Isaiha van der Merwe, Blake Hitchcock 3C - Johann Nel, Llain McNamara 3H - Sanjana Marri, Avnish Mohabeer, Kezia Floysand, Baylie Schiavone 4F - Paige Bradley, Tori Jones, Tejinder Mohar, Chelsea Ivantry 4H - Talia Atieh, Beth Culling, Rebekah Storer, Frances-Maria Fontana 5H - Maurice Synman, Kaleb Ruri 5W - Megan Vardy 6C - Liam Commons, Giana D’Arrigo, Divan Hills 6K - Dean Griesel, Marina Salem, Dylan Tucker LOTE - Cherralee Clark, Callum Barr, Nadia Athieh, Liam Leslie Important News
Sydney/Canberra – reflections from students Courtney Littlefair
The thing I enjoyed the most was Questacon. It was cool because of the free-fall I went on. The thing that challenged me was flying on a plane without my mum and dad and I learned how to fly on planes without my parents. I’ll always remember the jumping pillow, how Georgia and I kept on pushing each other.
Liam Leslie
Akash and I agree the most fun part in Sydney was the cruise. It was awesome just being on a cruise with our friends and seeing the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. We also found going to the front of the boat really cool because of the wind blowing in our face. Some people, like Jamie, looked like Superman with their hair getting pushed back by the wind. It was probably the highlight for us. I think that Akash and I will
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
always remember that. In Canberra the highlight was definitely the National Museum of Art. They had the best gift shop, the best exhibits and this really awesome theatre. The theatre had a turntable with chairs that spun around showing different screens, it was super fun. There was also a cool exhibit called K-space. K-space was all about what housing and transport might look like in the future. So we got to design a futuristic house or vehicle using a computer. Then we watched a 3-D show that displayed all our designs. We also found driving past the different embassies and going to the Indonesian embassy really interesting. At the Indonesian embassy we found out that we were no longer on Australian soil but now on Indonesian soil. The highlights of the Indonesian embassy were the shadow puppet show and learning about their musical instruments. Overall the trip was really fun and everyone had a really good time.
Interschool Athletics
Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th
start on the main oval and then 7:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) Year Six Graduation Assembly, 9:00am start in the MPH Awards Assembly, 9:00am start in the MPH Last day of school for students 12:30pm finish
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding
Believe it or not, we are now mid way through the final term for 2011 and as always a term of preparation for examinations, and end of year events. May I encourage all students to now be working hard studying for these exams so as to achieve to the best of their ability. As well, staff under the direction of the Learning Area Coordinators in the core areas of study are busy preparing for a smooth transition for years P-8 and the introduction of the Australian Curriculum. We thank the parents who made the effort to attend the meeting related to this last Monday evening. We hope that you are now a little more informed about the curriculum and how we as a College is progressively going to implement it. Student Achievements
We were extremely proud to be represented by a very talented and enthusiastic group of athletes on Friday 4th November at the A.K. Stadium in Floreat. The competition was intense and our students held their own in a very competitive field. Congratulations to all those that took part and to the following three students that achieved a medal placing:
Congratulations to the following students who have received Merit and Commendation awards at recent assemblies. Special congratulations to our Student for the Month of October.
Students of the Month for October Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Noel Siau Elisa Lian Jasmine Bradshaw
Year 7 Celeste De Bruin 60 merits Janine Jacobsz 60 merits Caitlyn Smith 50 merits Sarah Smith 40 merits Year 9 Jasmine Bradshaw 40 merits Taylah Schiavone 10 merits
Hannah Baverstock 5W Runner up Year 5 girl Pieter Jacobsz 5W Runner up Year 5 boy Joshua Smith 6K Runner up Year 5 boy Staff Professional Learning Principals as Literacy Leaders Grammar Games
Assemblies as usual are an important part of life at the College for the whole of the Secondary School. Each has their own flavor with presentations and activities and is a training ground where our Prefects and Student Councilors have the opportunity to lead the assemblies and convey to the rest of the student body the happenings of the College life. At each of the last Middle and Senior School assemblies our Malaysian Tour students have had the opportunity of presenting a brief overview of their recent educational cultural tour to Malaysia. All parents are very welcome to join us on Thursdays for assembly.
Important Dates
Chapel Services
A new initiative this year under the direction of the College Chaplain has been the introduction of a Chapel Service every second Tuesday where the whole of the Secondary School has
Thursday 1st Friday 2nd
Adventure World excursion for Year Six Primary Concert, 5:30pm
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
come together to specifically receive a message about God and in many cases have been challenged by the words spoken. This has been in the form of guest speakers, testimonies by students and staff and music. We pray that particularly in this setting of worship that God is speaking and working in the lives of all of our students. Once again parents and friends are very welcome to join us. WACE Examinations
At the moment of writing most of the Year 12 students are mid way through their WACE examinations although some are celebrating that they are now all over. We ask the College community to continue to remember our students in prayer as they prepare and sit for the remaining examinations over the next week. Year 12 Leavers Retreat
November 18-20 at Camp Grace in Busselton. This is always a great time of fellowship, fun and relaxation and it is great to see so many coming along. Completed applications and final payments are now over due so please make sure you attend to the final arrangements. Valedictory Dinner
All parents of the Year 12 students will have received an invitation to attend the Valedictory Service and Dinner on November 23 at the Whitehouse Community Church in Thornlie. An invitation has been extended to all Year 12 students, their parents, College staff and the College Board. RSVP were due on November 7. End of Year Examinations
Another important event on the College calendar is the final examinations for all years 7-11. The Year 11’s will be writing their exams next week, week five, the Year 10’s, week six and the Middle School on December 2 & 5. These are important examinations as in many cases they will determine in the Senior School what Course and levels a student can study and in the Middle School what stream they will be placed in for their subjects in 2012. May I encourage every student to take these examinations seriously and plan a very comprehensive study timetable so as to reward themselves with great results. Year 10 Community Service
The Year 10’s will once again be involved in two days of Community Service. Every student will be allocated to two community service projects on November 28 and 29. Although this is a requirement for College graduation it is also the opportunity for each to be of service to the community in some way. The programme has now been running for the past four years and is one that has been very successful from both a student perspective and from the companies that we have been involved and working with. This year the students will be involved in working on Penguin Island, Kent Street Weir and Kanyana Wildlife Santuary.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Year Nine Completion of Year Nine Luncheon
The Year Nines will once again celebrate the end of Middle Schooling with a luncheon at Sizzlers on December 6. Both Form classes will join together with staff to share this special time together. Parents will received further information shortly. Senior School Awards and Year 12 Graduation Evening and Middle School Awards Evenings
The final events on the College calendar will be held for the Senior School on Wednesday November 30 for all students in Year 10,11,and 12 and for the Middle School students in Year 7-9 on Wednesday December 7. They are nights where we celebrate excellence and achievement for all of our students, not just for those fortunate enough to receive awards. The Middle School students as is now the tradition, will as a whole school perform a special musical item under the direction of Mrs Iburg. It is also a very important evening for the Year 12’s as they graduate from the College and for the Yeaqr 9’s as they move from the Middle School into the next phase of their educational journey within the College. All students are required to attend and it is hoped that parents will also consider these important events to support their children and the College. The evening will commence at 7.00 pm and will be held in the College Multi Purpose Building. Students in the Senior School are to wear the full College Winter Uniform and the Middle School their full College summer Uniform. Final Days for the Secondary School
Year 10 and 11 The final day for the Year 11’s will be Friday November 25 at 1.00 pm. All students are required to be at the College. For the Year 10’s their final day will be Wednesday November 29 at 3.30 pm. For both year groups their will be an assembly and following this students will be required to finalise the completion of the release form prior to leaving. Reports
Every child will receive a report at the end of the School Year. These will be posted out to parents and students by December 14. To ensure that you receive them, if you have changed your address and not informed the College, could I ask that you phone the Registrar as soon as possible so that this important report is not returned to the College as address unknown. Second-hand Book Sale The College is providing Senior and Middle School students and their parents with an opportunity to sell and buy second hand textbooks from each other in preparation for next year. This will take place on December 8. Please Note: While the College provides a venue for these sales to take place, all transactions are at the discretion of the buyers and sellers concerned and the College cannot be held responsible for any issues arising from the sale. Each seller is responsible for having an adequate cash ”float” to cover their transactions.
Mrs Helen Balding
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
10th ~ 23rd Nov 2011 Over 75 families have now signed up for the School Communicator www.school-communicator.com/downloads The easiest way to stay up to date with everything that is happening at TCC The Principal’s Desk In this penultimate newsletter of the year, I want to devote some time to refocussing our attention on our Vision Statement and what it means to us as we do life at TCC.
Our Vision Statement directs us to, “…develop people of influence who engage life from a Christian worldview…” Many of you who have attended enrolment interviews over the years may remember that I qualify this statement by clarifying that being a person of influence doesn’t imply that the person is better than anyone else, it merely implies that the manner in which they conduct themselves serves as an influence on those around them. (…and this can work both ways – the person of influence can influence those around them to do the wrong thing too…) However, our statement goes on to qualify that our ‘people of influence’ engage life from a Christian worldview. In other words, it is our vision and goal to send young people out into the world to be influencers because they live life based upon a Christian world-view and this is reflected in the choices they make in life on a daily basis. In Psalm 37 David reminds us to… 5 Commit your life to the Lord. Here is what He will do if you trust in Him. 6 He will make your godly ways shine like the dawn. He will make your honest life shine like the sun at noon. What a beautiful analogy! So what does this look like in real life, you may well ask? Well, let me tell you about this past weekend when I spent a couple of days with our Year 12’s at their annual retreat down in Dunsborough.
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
Admittedly the weather was perfect, the campsite was great and the food was plentiful – all ingredients for a great stay! Helen Balding began the tradition of the Leavers Retreat for the Year 12’s many years ago as an alternative to Schoolies Week. The students are overseen by the Form 12 teachers, Helen and me. To all intents and purposes the Year 12s have finished their College days and yet the majority choose to attend this camp that is characterised by swimming, boating, sand surfing, food, fellowship, enjoyment and lots of laughter. The students are freed from the normal schooltype discipline and restraints – they are treated like the young adults that they are. This outing is one of the most enjoyable events on my annual calendar. I love mingling with our Leavers and hearing of their plans and dreams for the future, their opinions on current affairs and experiencing their passionate thirst for life. We share a campsite with other visitors, usually of
For details of the latest up to date
information visit:
at http://www.tcc.wa.edu.au/news
the grey-nomad variety. Potentially this could be a fairly explosive situation – for example the nomads are normally ‘early to bed and early to rise’ types while our leavers are exactly the opposite and quite happy to sit around laughing and chatting until dawn…
children with a wonderful insight as to how to care for sea creatures as well as some interesting knowledge about them. They were able to handle creatures such as starfish, lobsters and more and participated in beach combing. Children also enjoyed a fish and chips lunch and a play on the playground.
As usual our leavers spread their influence about – the nomads were heard to comment on their good manners, their lack of coarse language, their friendly demeanour and the good spirit in which they participated in games and activities. Even visitors from the campsite next door (who were separated from us by a fence) came to lean across the fence to comment on our young peoples’ conduct. On our shopping excursions to Busselton and Dunsborough, the locals appeared to go into a defensive laager formation at the sight of our busload of ‘schoolies’ disembarking in the main street - but soon relaxed when they realised that this particular busload held no threat for their town or their personal well-being. It dawned on me that our students were happily and busily living out the essence of our Vision Statement and their influence was being felt all around. It was a wonderful moment!
Help Needed
Please join me in praying for each of these young people as they transition out of College and into the life-journeys that God has planned for them – pray that they will stay close to Him through all the experiences that life will inevitably place before them.
Our Year Sixes are planning to go to Adventure World on Thursday 1st December. Due to the Education Departments guidelines we need to take with us two adults that have a current Swimming Bronze Medallion. If you have a current bronze medallion and would be willing to accompany the group on this trip please contact Parent Services. We will of course pay for all the costs involved.
Bill Innes
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise Thought for the fortnight
“Nearly home” I was inspired to recently read an article by Billy Graham where he spoke about his life and work. I was a little surprised to hear him say that his biggest regret was that he had not spent enough time talking to God and studying the Bible. Surely if anyone had spent enough time with his Maker it would have been him. He went on to say that he regretted spending so much time travelling and attending meetings but that he was glad that he had been part of the many crusades and rallies. I was impressed that here was a man in his 90s with a life full of huge events and excitement and here he was calmly anticipating his biggest adventure of all – meeting his Lord face to face. When so many today either desperately cling to life or charge through life at a dizzying speed, here is a man taking time to calmly reflect and anticipate eternity beyond. Kindergarten excursion
On Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd November the Kindy kids went to Cicerellos in Fremantle. This excursion provided the
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Take a look at what Hunter Florisson put together to take part in the Canning Show – no doubt a future Master Chef in the making. He came first in the Cupcake section, first in the Decorated Cake section and first in the Chocolate Crackle section.
He also won the Champion award in the Home Cooking section - under 12 year olds. He also got awarded the Rising Star award in the Home Cooking section at the Champion dinner last Saturday too! Hunter also came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd in his photography and 3rd in his Lego building (all in the under 12 year old section).
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Staff Professional Learning
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding
NAPLAN Appraise AISWA Workshop Five Australian Curriculum, English AISWA iPad in Special Education Spectronics Jolly Phonics Educational Centre for Excellence Exploring the Australian History Curriculum King’s Park Education Centre When History Meets English AISWA Origo Math Origo Curriculum Organiser Robin Clarke History AISWA
Year 10 Community Service
Important Dates and News
Last year the Primary School outdid themselves in collecting food for the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal. We will again be partnering with the Salvo’s in this meritorious campaign. Please send with your child to school non-perishable items: tinned foods (fruit, vegies, soups, spaghetti, tuna); cereals and carbohydrates (breakfast cereals and muesli , instant noodles, rice, pasta/rice sauces); treats (chocolate, bags of lollies, potato chips, popcorn); beverages (UHT milk, tea, coffee, sugar, milo, soft drinks, cordial) and extras for Christmas (Christmas puddings, boxed/long-life custard). There is a list in your child’s classroom that outlines the different examples of what to bring. A few shopping tips and helpful hints: ring pull tins are preferred (as not everybody will have access to a can opener); long expiry dates pleaseplease ensure the expiry dates are well into next year; and please avoid “no name” brands wherever possible, as people will be receiving these goods as gifts. The collection box will be in the Primary Undercover Area, plus extra containers outside A18, Miss Williams’ classroom.
November 28th
House Captains wrap up excursion and handing over to incoming 2012 captains.
December 1st 2nd 5th 6th 7th
Year Six excursion to Adventure World Primary Concert 5:30pm – Picnic on the oval including sausage sizzle,bouncy castle, fairy floss, coffee van, drinks and snacks. 7:00pm – Concert presentation in the Multi-Purpose Hall Each year level will present an item with Christmas carols being led by a band made up of staff and students. Year Six Graduation held in the Multi-Purpose Hall and commencing at 9:00am. Awards Assembly held in the Multi-Purpose Hall and commencing at 9:00am. Last day of school for students – early close at 12:30pm.
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
The Year 10’s will once again be involved in two days of Community Service. Every student will be allocated to two community service projects on November 28 and 29. Although this is a requirement for College graduation it is also the opportunity for each to be of service to the community in some way. The programme has now been running for the past four years and is one that has been very successful from both a student perspective and from the companies that we have been involved and working with. This year the students will be involved in working on Penguin Island, Kent Street Weir and Kanyana Wildlife Santuary. Year Nine Completion of Year Nine Luncheon The Year Nines will once again celebrate the end of Middle Schooling with a luncheon at Sizzlers on December 6. Both Form classes will join together with staff to share this special time together. Parents will received further information shortly. Senior School Awards and Year 12 Graduation Evening and Middle School Awards Evenings The final events on the College calendar will be held for the Senior School on Wednesday November 30 for all students in Year 10,11,and 12 and for the Middle School students in Year 7-9 on Wednesday December 7. They are nights where we celebrate excellence and achievement for all of our students, not just for those fortunate enough to receive awards. The Middle School students as is now the tradition, will as a whole school perform a special musical item under the direction of Mrs Iburg. It is also a very important evening for the Year 12’s as they graduate from the College and for the Yeaqr 9’s as they move from the Middle School into the next phase of their educational journey within the College. All students are required to attend and it is hoped that parents will also consider these important events to support their children and the College. The evening will commence at 7.00 pm and will be held in the College Multi Purpose Building. Students in the Senior School are to wear the full College Winter Uniform and the Middle School their full College summer Uniform. Final Days for the Secondary School
Year 10 and 11 The final day for the Year 11’s will be Friday November 25 at 1.00 pm. All students are required to be at the College. For the Year 10’s their final day will be Wednesday November 29 at 3.30 pm. For both year groups their will be an assembly and following this students will be required to finalise the completion of the release form prior to leaving. Reports Every child will receive a report at the end of the School Year. These will be posted out to parents and students by December 14. To ensure that you receive them, if you have changed your address and not informed the College, could I ask that you phone the Registrar as soon as possible so that this important report is not returned to the College as address unknown.
Mrs Helen Balding Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
TCC Annual Second-hand Book Sale The College is providing Senior and Middle School students and their parents with an opportunity to sell and buy second hand textbooks from each other in preparation for next year. This will take place on Thursday December 8 in the ‘B’ Block Quadrangle. 9:30 am - 11:00 am Sellers are required to provide their own float.
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
December 2011
Over 100 families have now signed up for the School Communicator www.school-communicator.com/downloads The easiest way to stay up to date with everything that is happening at TCC The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents
By the time you read this newsletter you will have your children at home with you for the December break and the College will be a place of echoing corridors and classrooms cloaked in a blanket of peace and quiet. Even after thirty years in teaching this transition from the vitality and life of term-time to the quiet that follows, never ceases to surprise me. The end of the year brings with it a sense of closure, of accomplishment, of finality – but this is tempered by the knowledge that it will all soon begin again in a buzz of energy and new beginnings in the new year. 2011 has been a memorable year – perhaps even a historical year in the life of Thornlie Christian College. This year has seen the College reach a number of significant milestones in its development. For the first time in its twenty seven years of existence it finally has a place where the whole College community can meet under one roof; a place where winter sports activities can continue irrespective of the weather; a place where performances can be hosted – a place of our own. In addition the College now has, for the first time in its history, a purpose-built library suitable to meet the needs of all of its students, irrespective of year or age-group and designed to grow as a technology-rich resource for learning in the twenty first century. The College has, for the first time in its history embraced the philosophy of learning through technology through the purchase and utilisation of over one hundred and twenty student laptops that have been deployed throughout the College via mobile laptop trolleys. (These laptops are in addition to the over 150 desktop machines spread throughout the campus.)
Our Core Values At Thornlie Christian College, by the Grace of God, we... Learn for Eternity Grow in Christ Love unconditionally Live in Relationship Strive for Excellence Equip for Service
The College has embraced the philosophy of teaching through technology by providing all of its teachers with a personal laptop that will enable them to prepare and present technology-rich lessons as required within the parameters of the new Australian Curriculum. The College has reached a milestone in student numbers with a campus of over seven hundred and fifty students from Kindergarten to Year Twelve. As we approach full capacity within our current infrastructure (we have just a little over one hundred places yet to fill) we are very happy with the size of our campus – a campus that allows us to teach within a strong framework of relationships that are nurtured between our teachers and their students. Academically our constant drive to provide better learning outcomes for our students is manifested in our improved NAPLAN scores. Our teachers have been engaging in extensive Professional Development this year, particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Their efforts reflect TCC’s commitment to continuous improvement in all areas of College life and also mesh tightly with our theme this year of ‘Excellence.’
Term 1 2012 Commences Wednesday 1st February
I want to acknowledge and thank every member of our community - staff, students, parents and friends who have contributed in any way during the course of this year to making Thornlie Christian College the wonderful place that it is. By God’s grace we have continued to make a difference in the lives of those with whom we come in contact.
Congratulations again to the recipients of these awards.
PPAV Christian Character: Outstanding Effort: Most Improved:
Samuel Dean Viktoria Vranyak Natalia Fisher
To those students and families who are leaving us at the end of this year, we wish you every blessing for the next stage of your journey. We pray that you will take away with you fond memories and important lessons for life. Be blessed!
PPL Christian Character: Outstanding Effort: Most Improved:
Noa Chelliah Efe Osaghae Nenyasha Manzvera
And speaking of blessings, may this festive season be a time of blessing for you and yours. In amongst all the festivities, may I encourage you to take time to reflect with your children on the true ‘reason for the season.’ Happy Christmas!
Y1C Christian Character: Lauryn Heath Academic Excellence: Ijerioluwa Mejiuni Most Improved: Kiki Graham Outstanding Effort: Kavya Ranaweera
Bill Innes
Y1S Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Sarah Warren Nikiel Govender Chanelle Piipponnen Kierenson Doss
Y2F Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Celeston Fuller Joel Baverstock Anuoluwa Adebayo Charlie Cox
Y2B Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Declan Cawthorn Kaliyah Storey Lianda Du Toit Paige Withnell
Y3C Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Shelby Wensley Matthew Connan Amber-Rose Baker Faith Kee
Y3H Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Ineke Greyling Ben Seow Mya Green Kaytlin Charushenko
Y4H Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Blake Weckman Kayde Smith Lily Smith Carmen Coules
Primary School: Mr Nigel Wise An interesting guest appeared as our students prepared for their End of Year Concert ... Could it have been John the Baptist?
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Y4F Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Ifeoluwa Mejiuni Olaoluwa Adesanya Laura Delalande Jordan-Ashleigh Prosser
Y5W Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
ShemariahKwan Sophie Wilson Jayda Dewee Benjamin Jones
23RD 24TH 27TH 30TH & 31ST
Y5H Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Paige Golding Shalom Kee Ellen Murphy Owen Palmer
Y6C Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Keira Oxby Beane’ De’Wet Blake Joyce-Lewis Isobel Baverstock
Mrs. Robbie Wojcik, Uniform Shop Manager
Y6K Christian Character: Academic Excellence: Most Improved: Outstanding Effort:
Harrison Cambourakis Abigail Wong Akash Parattuparambil Natalie Grasso
PE Outstanding Effort: Outstanding Effort: IT Academic Excellence: Academic Excellence:
9AM - 2PM 9AM - 2PM 9AM - 2PM 8:30 - 11AM 1PM - 4PM 8:30 - 12PM
8:30 -10:30AM
On behalf of the Uniform Shop Staff and Volunteers, we wish you a very blessed and merry Christmas and have a safe and happy New Year!
Our Year 6 Graduation Classes of 2011
Joshua Smith Pieter Jacobsz Natalie Grasso Nathan Née
Learning Support (Literacy) Encouragement: ElijahCrowe6K Christian Character: Owen Palmer 5H Learning Support (Numeracy) Encouragement: Emily Jovel 2F Most Improved: Micheal Glisenti 3C LOTE Most Improved: Most Improved:
Brianna Lampard 6K Cody Peters 6K
Mr Nigel Wise Assistant Principal Primary
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009
Secondary School: Mrs Helen Balding
Confirmation of Subjects in the Senior School
The final bell has sounded for this year. It has been a very busy but productive year. May I congratulate all students who have achieved the goals that they had set themselves for the year and realized the grades comparable to their ability and are now ready for a new year in 2012
By now you will have received a letter confirming the subjects your child has chosen for next year in either Year 10,11,or 12 and in some cases recommendations if your child has not attained the grade required to do a particular subject. However please note that students in Year 10 at the time of posting had not been allocated a stream in English, Math, Science and S&E. On the letter you received, a stream would have been indicated but this unfortunately was a glitch in the system. An SMS was sent to advise you of this. As soon at the streaming has been completed you will be notified what stream your child will be in. We apologies for any inconvenience that this may have caused. If you would like to further discuss these choices, then please don’t hesitate to give me a call at the College.
Thank you to our parents who have supported their child and all of the happenings that have taken place over the year. We appreciate your input and look forward to working with you again in 2012 so that every child has a desire to be at school, to have a thirst for learning, and achieve to the best of their ability in all of their subjects. Our College is fortunate to have teachers who give of themselves way beyond the call of duty – they give of their personal time and energy to ensure that they are making a difference and that their students are achieving their personal best. I thank them for their dedication and commitment and in so doing make our College the special place that it is. Presentation, Awards, Graduation and Completing of Middle School Evenings
It was so encouraging to see the “packed” houses at both of these evenings, especially in our new multi-purpose hall. Thank you for your support, attendance and having your child in the correct uniform for the evening. It certainly assisted us to make sure we uphold the professional standard set for all of our students. May I once again congratulate all of the students who received Highest Achiever, Commendation and the other major awards on the evenings. I would like to say thank you and congratulations to all those who were involved in items on the evenings and to the Middle School students for the way they performed their “finale” It was something that they can all be proud of. Prefects for 2012
At both of the Awards evenings the 2012 Prefects were announced. Congratulations to the following students who have been selected: Siobhan Hair Jake Lemmer Stephanie Broedelet Tracy Derman Bradley Dusting Jason Earle Parvan Gill Rebecca Moore Lauren Quinn Zachary Seow Joel Stephens Chontelle Wharton
Reports are in the process of being completed and will be mailed by to you by Wednesday of next week. Farewell to staff
Unfortunately it is always sad to farewell staff who have made a significant contribution to TCC. This year we farewell Mr Manfred Heske (Hospitality), Mrs Shannon (Home Economics, Community, Family and Children, Textiles), Mrs van Leen, (Art Year 7) and Miss Glennon (Physical Education, relief for Mrs Katwishi). Although the formal farewells were given at the awards nights, I would once again like to thank them sincerely for the professional way they have gone about their teaching and for their love and care of all those who have been in their classes throughout their time at the College. We wish them well as they leave and every blessing for their future. May I take this opportunity of wishing every member of the College family a blessed holy season and holiday as we celebrate the great Christian festival of Christmas and may the message of Christmas be evident in our lives and in the College community in 2012. Mrs Helen Balding Assistant Principal
Head Girl Head Boy
19 Furley Road, Southern River, WA, 6110
Thornlie Christian College, a Ministry of Thornlie Church of Christ Phone (08) 9455-1607 Fax (08) 9455-1062 Email admin@tcc.wa.edu.au
Web www.tcc.wa.edu.au
ABN 42 983 626 009