Tlzb leadership qualities

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Leadership Traits: Be a Lighthouse On the roof of our country house up here in Clermont, we’ve got a cupola with a big rooster weathervane jutting up on top. When the wind blows, that thing spins around like crazy. On the coast, not too far from where we live, there’s an old lighthouse. When the wind blows, that lighthouse doesn’t budge. It just sits there like the rock it’s built into. Weathervane. Lighthouse. I’ve made it my business to know which is which, and to never forget the difference, not even for a day. Most “leaders” are weathervanes. Whichever way the wind blows, that’s the way they turn. That just doesn’t work. If you want to accomplish something great, something real and effective, you’ve got to be that lighthouse. You’ve got to be embedded in the rock. When times are hard and things get ugly, you’ve got to be that person others look to and see only strength. The one people look to and know they don’t have to wonder where you stand. I believe one of our country’s deepest problems is that we have a lot of leaders who change their minds like they change their underwear. Change jobs, change marriages, change friends, change convictions. The problem with the “If it isn’t perfect today, I’m gone” attitude is that you never have the chance to apply your efforts and give them the time they need to compound. Greatness doesn’t happen in a day, or a week. It’s the result of growth and maturation, and that can only happen over the course of time and committed constancy. I’ve seen companies where the leadership qualities were so volatile, people would arrive to work in the morning and say, “What kind of mood is he in today?” That’s a company that has to fight just to stay standing, even when there aren’t big challenges coming from the outside. I’ve seen it happen, many times, and it’s incredibly destructive to the organization. If you’re a leader, you can’t afford the indulgence of having moods. You can see this sometimes just walking into a store or restaurant. The employees are edgy, irritable, sullen, or tentative. When you see that, I guarantee there’s a manager, owner, or someone else they’re all looking up to, who is throwing them all off kilter with his or her moods. We all have our good days and bad days. I understand that. It happens to me too. We may have challenges in our personal lives. Something’s happening at home, our child has a problem in school, something upsetting is happening in our neighborhood, we’ve got an especially troubling hangnail. Whatever. Let me tell you a hard truth. It doesn’t matter. If you’re a leader, you can’t afford the indulgence of having moods. You’ve got to be the one who, when people come to work in the morning, they already know exactly where you stand. You have to be the one they can count on. You have to be their rock. Sometimes It’s Brightest Before the Storm In August of 2007, we held our most amazing convention to date, packing the Georgia Dome to nearcapacity with some 35,000 people. It was an electric, magical moment, both for the company and for me. The company was turning 30 (“Year Thirty” was a big theme at that convention) and, as it happened, I had just turned 50. Great things were happening at Primerica. Rick and I had had a tremendous run for the past seven years. When we first took over in 2000, the company was paying

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