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THE NEW-AGE DUCT SYSTEMS helicaltubes.com

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This is a dummy text, it’s only for presentation purpose. You can change this text very easily by selecting your text tools. We have put this text in English so that you can understand the purpose of this design very clearly. You can prepare your own text and replace this section. This is a dummy text and it’s meant to be appear repeatedly. You can replace this text with your own text and it’s very easy. From the following paragraph it will be dummy text for presentation purpose only. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

ABOUT US Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only ďŹ ve centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

RESEARCH & INNOVATION IN ADVANCED DUCT SYSTEMS. Helical Tubes & Ducts Pvt. Ltd. was founded in year 1972 with the only vision to provide high quality and robust piping products across the globe, believing in the credo of making innovative ideas work. The commitment & passion has taken company to greater heights and has achieved a prominent place in the global market scenario. In order to assist the advance Mining Ventilation / Void Forming in civil construction through domestic manufacture of spiral tube, Helical Tubes & Ducts Pvt. Ltd. encompasses two major areas: Air Handling and Construction.



ROUND SPIRAL DUCT: Unique design, products performance, strength and ease of installation of the Helical Round Ducts brings in great demand from air handling industry leaving the rigid duct behind. The features make it tailor-made for HVAC supply and return air duct work for almost all conditions of pressure and velocity used in conformance with recognized good practice.

FLAT OVAL DUCT: Having all the features of the round spiral duct, Helical Flat Oval Duct is the favourite for automatic machines and has all the superior construction features. Its applications are all over the field: Provide an engineered duct for areas with low head room and restricted locations which will not accommodate a round duct. Provide a duct without sharp corners so that air turbulence is minimized. Suitable for low roof heights



Helical Duct is high quality light gauge lock seam duct made from the automated German machinery.


The usage of materials include: GI, MS, SS, Aluminium, PVC coated etc. Diameter range: 2� through 80� Thickness range: 30 through 13 gauge (0.4 mm to 2.25 mm)


Machine made up of CNV PLASMA Cutting Elbows joining by gore lockers.

ADVANTAGES Weighing so light and maintaining uniformity. Helical Ducts has greater tube strength through 4PLY reinforcing lock seam. Helical Ducts will save you half as much, with its material thickness over conventional fabrication methods. Corrugations increase the rigidity of the tubes by approximately 300%. Unlimited tube length and light weight construction permit fewer joints and support savings in site labour and material. Tubes equipped with smooth interiors for non turbulent flow. No welded, soldered or riveted seam to distort material or marcosted surface.

APPLICATIONS High & low velocity air conditioning

Down spouting

Mine Engineering

SWR Pipe

Marine & General Ventilation


Warm air heating

Well Casings

Forced draft chimneys

Protection for electric cables

Sound absorbers

Void in concrete

Perimeter heating system

Piling sheathes for concrete piles

Fume & dust removal

Drums & containers

Double skin vent pipe conveyor systems


VOID FORMER Void-forming tubes obtain very high radial rigidity by means of special corrugations and are thus highly suitable as void formers in concrete structures, but can also be used in culverts and casting forms for piles, plinths and columns. As void forming tubes are embedded, in order to reduce the concrete cross-sectional area and thus the dead weight of the structure. The reduction in weight is generally around 40% and this has a beneficial effect on foundations, frameworks and floor reinforcement. In the case of larger-diameter tubes the cost of the tube is covered by the saving in concrete.

Area of Use: In building projects such as bridges and quaysides, void tubes make possible large spans thanks to a reduction in dead weight and thus permit good technical, aesthetic and economic solutions.


Properties: Void-Forming tubes meet the requirements of concrete structures for a highly rigid but light sheet-metal tube that can withstand being embedded without deformation. The seam is entirely tight, thus preventing water from entering the tube. The low weight makes tube handling easy and their internal seams and corrugations ensure that the tubes do not catch on each other and facilitate the mounting of female ended cones or caps. Void-formers are sealed with end cones that are supplied fitted to the tubes. We have developed a patented anchorage system for void tubes based on the LP tie-down clip. The LP anchorage system fixes the tubes firmly in both vertical and transverse planes and the system brings many practical benefits. All the work can be done from the top of the forms and no post-treatment is required as the threads are of stainless steel. Void-formers withstand reinforcement loads and transportation as well as fast-tempo casting.







Head Office: Helical Tubes & Ducts Pvt. Ltd, 1-8-303/34, “Mayfair”, Saradar Patel Road, Secunderabad 500 003, A.P, India.

Administrative Office: Plot No. 108/A, NASR Apartments, Street No. 10-2-9 & 249, Near SBI, A.C. Guards, Hyderabad- 500 004, A.P, India Website: www.helicaltubes.com. Email: info@helicaltubes.com. Office Ph: 040-23304574, Mobile No: 9441435699, 9000850786

Registered Factory & Works: Plot No. 150/1, SVCIE, Bollaram, Medak - 500325, A.P, India Tel: +91 40 65692315, Fax: +91 8458 279487

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