Daiyaan Hawkins
My name is Toby. I am from Oklahoma. I am 11 years old and go to the Kender Mahal school. On the way home I met up with my friends to play a little game of soccer. After the game is over I have to go home and tell my mom I got an A+ on my test. When I arrived at home my mom was upset at me because I got in a fight. I was so angry because she kept yelling at me and grounded me for 2 whole months. I tried to tell her that I was defending myself because he was trying to take my money. She wouldn’t listen to me because she was too mad.
I got so furious that I had to get out of the country for a few week. I didn’t want to see her again forever. When I left from home I grabbed her wallet that was sitting on the table. It had my 200 dollars in there and our passport was in there too. I wanted to go to Iraq to go see my Uncle Jimmy. He lets me do anything unless starting trouble. I had some cool friends in Iraq when I went their for summer break.
On my the way there I had to go to a different countries.Finally when I arrived in Iraq, I had to call my Uncle Jimmy to ask him to pick me up from the airport. My uncle has no idea that I was coming to see him. He was surprised that I came here and winter break is in 6 months. Uncle Jimmy can you bring Spike so I could see
him when you pick me up. When Uncle Jimmy arrived I was drinking 2 cans of water because of how hot it was. I went straight to Uncle Jimmy's house. I dashed in there to get some ice cream. “I have to chill with the sweets I said whispery”. After I took a nap, I went to go hang out with Dan, Shaqqah, Jihad, and Jinder. While we were going to the soccer field, I saw a big yard full of grass and beautiful trees. I saw lots of big towers too.
I ask Jinder what was this place, he shouted “The Hanging Gardens of Babylon”! “I forgot my wallet” I screamed!
I ran home super fast and got my wallet. When I looked in my wallet I saw a poster that said “If found bring in to police station and tell your name for the reward of five million dollars. I went back to my friends. I wanted to tell them, but they might get the picture of it first. I had to keep it a secret.
I told them lets check out the gardens for a few minutes so I could know what it is. It had lots of towers and statues of animals and other things. After about 20 minutes I ask them can we go play soccer at my place. They said sure. They loved my Uncle’s house. It had to goal nets and a 50 yard soccer field. My Uncle played for Ahl Najaf the 1984 champs. I still remember because I was at that game. He gave me the soccer ball that he scored the last goal with to me. After a few hours playing soccer we all went home. When
I went into my uncle Jimmy’s house I told him he had to take me back to Oklahoma for a great reason. He said he could drive me with his own plane. As soon as now it we were on our way. Without any stops we were there in less than 2 days. I had arrived home in an open field in Oklahoma.
I had been thinking of how I will apologize to my mother. When I arrived at my house I told my uncle thanks for everything. As soon as I got in the house I should the picture to my angry sad mom. I apologized to her and forgave me. I told her to look in her wallet at the image and the on I have in my hand.
“It is impossible” she said surprisingly! We started jumping around. On the bottom it said it had to be turned in by 11:45 it was 11:30. We had 15 minutes to get to the police station. We arrived there at 11:41. “We made it” I exclaimed. They had scan my picture and the real picture, it was just right. We got our reward and me and mom would never forget the moment I found the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
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