FINDING NOAH”S ARK By: Davis Flannery
I will always remember the the day me and Wen found Noah's Ark. Ten years before, Pa and I were at the airport in the middle of little Alabama. Ever since Ma died we decided to move to the coast of Mt. Ararat,Turkey. I was pretty excited about going because my teacher Mrs. Grover told us that the great Noah’s Ark really was hidden somewhere in those mountains.
When we first got on the plane we were headed straight for Turkey, but it turns out we had to go to Iraq first. It was a long flight to Iraq, but we still had to fly the red eye to Turkey. “Look outside and you will see Mt. Ararat, one of the biggest mountains in the world,” Pa said. I watched through the window of our little carrier plane and waited for the flight to be over.
One week later, it was 9:00 in the morning in Turkey but I had jet lag, so I was still tired. Pa and I were off to school even though I was half asleep. In school I met a kid named Wen. We both clicked when we met each other. So I invited him over to my house after school.
Wen and I walked home together. When we got home I asked Pa if Wen and I could take a walk to the mountain. “Only if your back in one hour,” Pa said. “Race you to the mountain Roy,”said Wen. Wen sprinted ahead of me. I chased him. I was running so fast I ran straight into a piece of wood sticking up from the ground. Wen turned around and saw me laying in the sand and he came running to me. “It’s okay,”I said.We both looked at each other and started digging.
We dug hard until I found an opening in the sand! We both jumped in. I took a match that I had kept in my pocket and lit it. It was cold and dark in the cave and I could clearly tell that Wen did not want to be in there. “It’s getting late and I’m tired,’ Wen said. “Don’t be a sissy,”I said.
For a couple of minutes it was quiet. Then out of the middle of nowhere was that big chunk of wood that I had tripped on. We continued digging more. There was another hole but this time We fell on a big ship at least twenty feet down.Wen and I got off the ship as fast as we could to see what it was. When I stepped back I couldn't believe my eyes. It, it ,it’s Noah’s Ark! We looked at each other and ran. should we keep it a secret,” Wen said. No way,” I said. It really is getting late Roy. How about we stay here,”I say. Alright but as soon as the sun rises we have to go.
The next morning, As soon as we got out of that cave we were bolting home. When we got home we could barely breathe. “What’s all the racket and why were you gone over night you were supposed to be back in an hour,” Pa said. We told Pa that we had found Noah’s ark! He didn’t believe us until we brought him to the cave. By then almost everybody in The world knew once we got the word out. Everybody was gathering around to see it.
Thousands of men helped pull the ship out of the ground. They even found bones from the animals who once road Noah’s Ark. And they found artifacts like pots. When we went back to school the whole class learned about arabian culture and Noah’s Ark. We even had a guest speaker come in. Ever since that day Wen and I knew what we were going to be when we grew up, Archaeologists. And even though I was only eleven then,Noah’s Ark is one of the biggest artifact’s I have ever found.
The End
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