By:Jahmir Grose
Have you ever been a kid looking for adventure?Well this kid has just started and it all started in school one day. A kid named Jaylo was a boy looking for adventure.He was in school,and was learning about Mesopotamia and the Middle East and he heard his teacher start talking about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.She started talking about how no one has found it and things. He ask his teacher, “Where is the hanging gardens of babylon?”
The teacher said, “It is in Iraq and no one has found it yet.” He told his friends that he was going to find the Hanging Gardens of Babylon!!!But all of his friends laughed at him. He said, “I will show you when I get back that I have found it.” His best friend Willy believed him and thought that he would find it.When he got home that night he told his grandpa and asked if they could go on that amazing journey. His grandpa said, “Do you even know where to look for this Hanging Gardens of Babylon?” Jaylo said, “Yes in Babylon which is in Iraq.” His grandpa said, “Ok i guess we could go.”
Jaylo jumped up into the air and shouted, “Yes!!!” The next morning his grandpa went to the airport and bought their tickets.They were on their way to Iraq. They took the plane and sat next to this person that passed gas the whole way there.Jaylo felt like he had been hit with an atomic stink bomb.The only thing Jaylo could hear or smell was the stench coming from a mans butt.He was glad when they landed from the plane.Jaylo ran so fast he was a blur.They were finally in Iraq and could not wait to start looking for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.Well Jaylo could not wait,but guess who could.
Grandpa said,“hold your hoofs we will go out looking tomorrow .” Jaylo said,“Come on let's start now.” “Tomorrow”,Grandpa said. “Ok.”,said Jaylo They rented a hotel and stayed there for the night to get some rest.Grandpa woke up and Jaylo had already made breakfast. Grandpa said,“What you making over there?” Jaylo said,“Eggs,pancakes,and bacon.” Grandpa said, “That sounds good.” After they ate breakfast they went out to get a tour guide.
The tour guide’s name was Bennie.Bennie was going to show them the whole place. Jaylo said, “We can’t take him with us what if tells someone that we found it and they’ll take all the credit.” Grandpa said, “You walk ahead of us so when you see it I can tell him we do not need him anymore.” Jaylo said,“Then we will be rich,famous,and I will be popular at school.” Jaylo was walking ahead and thought that they were never going to find it,till he saw a huge bump in the sand.
He could tell that it was there.He rushed to grandpa and said, “Time to ditch this tour guide gramps.” Grandpa said, “ok,but never call me gramps again.” “Ok”, said Jaylo. Grandpa told the tour guide that we did not need him anymore.Then me and grandpa went to see if it was there.We both started digging like mad dogs.It almost took us an year,but we finally finished digging.
Grandpa said, “We found it we found it!!!” Jaylo said “Yes there it is!!!” “She looks just like a beauty doesn’t she?” Jaylo said .We told the museum that we had found it,and they said they were on there way.They were here they had cameras and everything.
Jaylo said, “I can’t believe that we are on tv.” “That will show all my friends that I found it.” They got back home and collected their reward and were very excited.Jaylo was now popular and the teacher in some ways he was the teacher,and he wrote his own story but that another stroy.
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