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The trip to Iraq was longer than Jaykwellin expected. They were going to Iraq for their dad’s business trip. The business trip could make the family millions. While the dad was at his meeting, the kids would be getting a private tour. The tour would be about a royal tomb of the ancient times.

“The big tomb is a big peice of junk.” Dan, Jaykwellin’s brother, said. Dan hated tours and stuff like that. In one second, Dan was off and running. Jaykwellin didn’t know where he was going but she ran after him. This would be one of the best decision’s of Jaykwellin’s life.

Jaykwellin was running for what seemed like hours, she could see Dan. Dan tripped over a tree stump. But there wasn't a tree in sight. “You okay?’ Jaykwellin asked Dan. Dan got up, brushed himself off, and said “Yea, but why would i trip when there is nothing to trip on?” He asked “I don’t know, but whatever it was, we should find out.” Jaykwellin said. And they started digging.

They were digging for a couple minutes until they found something solid. “Do you think this is what I tripped on” Dan asked Jaykwellin. “Maybe, but this could be anything, it could be a tree stump, a flower pot, a wall.” Jaykwellin said. “Maybe it’s an ancient artifact.” Dan said hoping for an answer. “Hopefully it is, let’s get it checked out by dads private professor.” Jaykwellin said. for a while they talked back and forth but then they agreed to get it checked out by Professor Schnitzel.

Professor Schnitzel said that the artifact was not just a plain old wall, it was a wall from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Dan and Jaykwellin didn’t know what the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were. So they Googled it. Looked it up in a book. They did anything they could to find out what the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were.

It took them a couple hours to find it. But they found the best information they could on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. First, they went to the encyclopedia and they found nothing. Than they went Google and they found everything. When it was built, who it was for, how awesome it was.They found out so much ,they might as well be experts on it.

“We found one of the 7 Wonders of the World.” Jaykwellin said with a shocked look on her face. “I know right. We should bring this into science or history when we get back.” Dan said. “I don’t think they will believe us.” Jaykwellin said. “You're right, but we should try..” Dan said. “Okay, but don’t drop it, okay.” Jaykwellin said. “Got it.” Dan said.

Dan and Jaykwellin eventually went on to be experts on the 7 Wonders of the World. They would bring the wall into school when they got back. The science teacher proved that the wall was real. All the kids praised and loved them. Dan loves all of the 7 wonders and Jaykwellin loves the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Colossus of Rhodes. So that is the story of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

List of Sources https://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=ii 3 images on this website http://search.creativecommons.org/ 3 images on this website http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page 3 images on this website

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