The Adventure of Finding Noah's Ark
By: Vincent Scauzzo
After a long and exhausting flight from Chicago Steve and Johnny were finally about to land at Beirut Airport, Iraq. They were on a mission to locate and find Noah’s ark. After they landed they caught their bus to Mt. Ararat, Turkey. By the time they got there it was nearing dinner time.
“We’ll get dinner then head off” said Johnny. Johnny was 17 years old and his friend Steve was 18. Once they had finished their meal they set out on their journey to find Noah’s Ark. When they started their climb, they realized they would have to hike through the night if they wanted to reach the ark in time.
“We’ll... have... to set up... camp if we... want to... get some rest...” said Johnny out of breath. “No, we have to keep going. Right now we have nothing better to do. If we want to get into that college then we really have to get going.” said Steve taking the lead. The two friends also wanted to find the ark because if you do something like that you can get a scholarship.
They trudged on until they noticed some shattered wood on the ground. “What do think this stuff is?” asked Johnny, “It feels like balsa wood.” “Oh yeah,” said Steve, “people think the ark may have been made out of balsa wood but that is just a theory. It took 120 years to build the ark. “Come on,” said Steve “it looks like there’s a trail leading this way” He pointed to a valley just outside of the woods.
When they reached it they couldn't believe their eyes. They saw the remnants of a massive ship. It was made out of wood the kind Johnny found earlier. “Johnny,” said Steve, “lemme’ see that map.” According to the map, the ark was right where it should have been. “Come on!” said Johnny, “Let’s go check it out!”
They saw there was a little doorway and went inside to observe and collect artifacts. “According to bible tradition,” said Steve, “the ark landed right here after the Great Flood.” “Yeah, I heard every animal came in pairs.” said Johnny, “Ahh! Look over here!” They saw that there was a pile of bones just below the stern. “This must be where they put the dead animals.” said Steve.
They explored further into the vessel. They found what they thought was a cross. “Hey look,”said Steve, “a cross. We could take this home to the museum, but I wonder what a cross is doing here? I am pretty sure that the cross didn’t appear until 1,000 years after the ark.” “Yeah, I thought that too. You can take the cross back, but hurry, we have to be getting back before its gets too late,” said Johnny, for it 10:00pm. Steve grabbed a piece of the cross, put it in his backpack, and they started their long hike back.
This is your captain speaking. Our flight to O’hare Airport Chicago will take about 13 hours so sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Johnny was settling down in his seat getting comfortable for the long flight home when he remembered that he brought his journal along. “Hey Steve, I just realized I brought my journal with me. I am going to write about our whole adventure, you know, finding the ark and all.” “You do that, buddy, I’m gonna take a nap.” said Steve yawning.
Johnny opened up his journal and started writing.
Thank You wikipidea) creation wiki)'s+ark&hl=en&tbo=d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Ht_yUOraIse20QHt0YHgBg&sqi =2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAA&biw=1467&bih=764(from google search images) LaZKIj00gG41IGgCg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1&sig=108452760633058663928&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=215&start=0&ndsp=18&v ed=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:150&tx=175&ty=251(from mystagogy) ow.jpg&w=547&h=357&ei=Pxv0UPWqK4vU0gHLkoC4Ag&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=741&sig=108452760633058663928&page=1&tbn h=142&tbnw=220&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0,i:162&tx=103&ty=71(noah’s ark facepainting)’s ark wall mural)(cover page)’s photo) from Noah’s ark) Wyatt) pg&w=450&h=300&ei=tPf2UMzNHoWz0QHjmIDYBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=408&vpy=170&dur=883&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=1 12&ty=108&sig=117389297550824565238&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=199&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:169(airplane) grefurl= FS54M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=148&zoom=1&usg=__0913OrKBgjMASOUhQ8RKALTseOE=&docid=C7ZTmryEf42aJM&hl=en&sa=X&ei= C3f5UJSTJOfD0AHYpIGgCw&ved=0CDgQ9QEwAw&dur=234