The Royal Tombs Of Ur (UNCOVERED) By:Mitchell Hark
Bobby, Danny, and, Joe were so relieved when they saw the first glances of Iraq. The three of them were all great friends, going on their winter break vacation from Philadelphia. They were going to visit Bobby’s grandfather in northern Iraq.This city was called Ur. It was all their first time in Iraq and they didn’t know what to expect.
They landed in the airport to see Bobby’s granddad waiting to say hello. They then all hopped in a taxi and headed to his house. As soon as they got to the house, they unpacked their belongings. Once they were finished unpacking, Bobby’s mom (who had come along with them from Philly) decided the three boys should go walk around and get to know the setting of Ur. The three boys then walked outside looking for an adventure.
They decided to go and wander around the Ziggurat of Ur. As they’re walking they all started to get very hot and thirsty, when they pulled out their water that they had brought along with them, it seemed to have been gone in a second. “I’m thirsty.” Danny exclaimed. “Can we turn around.” Joe would ask every three minutes.
“We can’t just turn our backs on the Ziggurat of Ur.” Bobby protested. “Did you know that each ziggurat was made for a god.”Bobby said proudly. “Yes,”The two other boys said dehydrated “Fine,” Bobby said, “We can turn around.”
The three boys turned around and went to change their clothes where Bobby’s mom and grandfather were talking.They went and got a lighter pair of clothing and more water. Then they were back out again. As they were walking around the ziggurat the three of them started to realize they were walking on some sort of platform. Bobby then stopped and started to dig.
“What are you doing?” Danny asked. “I feel like there’s something underneath me so I want to find out what it is.” Bobby replied.
After a while of Joe and Danny just watching, Bobby finally found something. There right where Bobby had been digging was a latched door. All together, They unlatched the door and crawled down the dark hole looking for an adventure.
As they were crawling down the whole the three of them started to realize that it was getting darker and darker. “I don’t think we should keep going down. It’s getting kind of dark” Joe exclaimed. “Don’t worry.”Bobby said pulling out a flashlight from his backpack. The three of them kept going until they finally hit the bottom. Bobby shone his flashlight in front of all three of them and there it was. A whole underground tomb filled with sarcophaguses and tombs.
“Look at all these.” Bobby exclaimed “This must be the Tomb of Ur.”Danny added on. “That means there are 1800 of them and only 16 have some thing worth a lot of money in them.” Joe said stepping forward. As joe said that, they all looked at eachother, then all three of them ran to go and open 1800 tombs.
Tomb after tomb was opened still almost nothing found. After about 20 tombs were opened they’d found 2 mummified court women, a really big spider, and a scorpion. “Let’s open that one.” Bobby suggested.
He pointed to a small, dusty, and scratched up tomb.They all walked over and pulled up. The top was very light and didn’t have anything holding it down. In the tomb was a wrapped up object. Bobby unwrapped it very slowly. Then the shaking started.
The object was was the golden false beard of Sagon. Bobby quickly wrapped the beard and shut the tomb. The shaking stopped and the three of them stood there paralyzed. “Let’s open a different tomb.” Joe said standing straight up and down. They all agreed and moved on.
After they had been in Tombs of Ur for about 8 HOURS, they had opened all of them. They found 68 court women that had been mummified, some jewelry they wouldn’t be able to sell, and bricks that old Sumerians would use to make walls. “I think we should get going.” Bobby said a bit worried.
“Me too,” Joe said.The three boys climbed up the hole to find themselves surrounded by a bunch of police. “You’re under arrest.” Then Bobby woke up. Sitting in history class Bobby was learning about the Tombs of Ur.
When Bobby got home he told his mom all about the dream he had in history class, and how it had been with his two best friends. she didn’t seem to be too thrilled about Bobby’s nap. After all he couldn’t have learned anything from it.
Bonus Fact The Tombs of Ur were actually found in 1922 by Leonard Woolley.
Bibliography Google images Helpful links on Mr. Almans that involved the Royal Tombs of Ur Wikipedia