Noah’s Ark By: William Boyes
When we landed in the Baghdad international airport, I was so relieved that the 16hour flight from New York was over. My mom and I jumped on the bus headed for the foothills of the snowcapped Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey where my grandma lives. I braced myself for the bus ride for it is 12 hours long! After the long drive we arrived at my grandparent’s house, a small house almost a cottage. Just below a winding path leading up the mountain
“Abdi!” yelled my grandma MiMi as she hobbled towards me. “Hi MiMi,” I said beaming. “Sparkie,” I called as the little dog jumped into my arms. “Why don't you walk Sparkie up the mountain path,” my mother asked? “While your grandma and I talk and sit down for a spell”.
It wasn't very cold because it was summer time, but there was a slight breeze. Sparkie and I walked along the rugged path gazing at the large cedar trees that towered over us like giant skyscrapers. “Woof woof,” barked Sparkie. “What is it boy?” I asked suspiciously. Vroom, Sparkie ran into the forest.
“Sparkie, Sparkie. Come here boy,” I called repeatedly. “Hmm where could he be?” I thought to myself. After a couple of minutes weaving in and out of the cedar trees I found Sparkie. It seemed he was digging at what I thought was a ground squirrels burrow by a small and tranquil pond.
I pulled Sparkie away from the dark hole so I could see. Inside the hole I saw piece of wood. So I grabbed onto it and pulled. It didn't budge. After a few tedious minutes of digging ,I found that the piece of wood was much larger than just a wooden plank. I took a stick and stuck in the ground next to the hole so I could remember where I had been. I stood up and sprinted down the winding path towards the house, with Sparkie at my heels.
“Shovel, shovel where could I find a shovel,” I muttered to myself. “There!” I exclaimed pointing to a large shovel with a red handle stuck in the ground next to my grandma’s mums. Rushing up to the mountain I went. Back at the hole I began to dig furiously.
After a few minutes of tedious digging my mom started calling my name. So I yelled out to her that I was ok but needed her help. When my mom saw what I had found she gasped and realized what it was right away. “Abdi do you know what that is?” she asked. “Not a clue,” I replied. “Noah’s Ark,” she said with her mouth wide. " You mean the great balsa wood ship Noah sailed thousands of years ago?" I inquired. "That’s the one," she replied excitedly.
Inside the ark were different clay pots with intricate designs. There were also clay figurines depicting some of the animals that rode on Noah’s Ark. These ancient relics could be thousands of years old. My grandma came up to see the ark and was astonished that we had actually found Noah’s Ark.
When I was home in New York City I told all of my friends what I had found in Turkey. When my friends didn’t believe me, I showed the pictures of me next to the ark. Overall, finding Noah’s Ark was an amazing experience that any other eleven year old could only dream about!
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