Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee October 2020

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Motorcycle Accident?

Call 1-800-Law Tigers | Law Tigers is not a referral service, but a service mark used to identify a lawyer’s membership in the American Association of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers © 2020. 446 James Robertson, Nashville, TN

Thunder Roads® Tennessee P.O. Box 645, Greenbrier, TN 37073

2 Thunder Roads® Tennessee Staff 3 Index of Advertisers 3 From the Editors – By Denise High 6 Bike of the Month 7 America the Beautiful – By Cooper Chilton 8 Bullet Points – By Mike Noriot 11 Chaplain’s Corner – By Pastor Ron Baptiste 12 Dodging the Roadkill – By Hank Bonecutter

Scott High Denise High 615-389-1149 615-389-1016

15 Centerfold Calendar 2017 Recipient of the NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists)

Silver Spoke Award for Media

2016 Recipient of the Thunder Roads® National Network Publisher of the Year Award

17 From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way – By Bob “Bulldog” Ousley 18 NewsBytes – By Bill Bish 20 Sturgis 2020 – By Lulu 22 Jokers Wild 23 TRTN Word Search 24 Thunder Bar – By Denise High 25 Will Ride to Eat – By Ron Giddis

Cooper Chilton National Photojournalist “America the Beautiful”

Merry Hancock Hancock Media

26 Events 28 Biker Friendly Directory

BECOME A THUNDER ROADS® CONTRIBUTOR – Ron Baptiste aka “Pastor Ron” “Chaplain’s Corner”

Bill Hall

Call Us With A Solid Lead, We’ll Close It Out And You Get 10% Immediately Upon Customer Payment. No Fuss, No Upkeep, We Handle It All! You Close It Out And You Get 20%! Big Supplemental Revenue $$$$ Potential!

VISIT US ON THE WEB Bob “Bulldog” Ousley “From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way”


Mechele MacDaniel

NATIONAL FOUNDERS thunderroadsmagazinetn

To receive Thunder Roads® Tennessee’s 2020 Media Kit and Advertising Rates, please email Mike Noirot “Bullet Points”

Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Ron Giddis “Will Ride to Eat”

Founders Office: 615-792-0040 Fax: 615-792-7580 e-mail:

Hank Bonecutter "Dodging The Roadkill"



Photographer: Dusty Austin Bike: 2005 Circle City Chopper Bike Owner: Kenny Nicholson Model: Brittney Crowell


INDEX OF ADVERTISERS A & R Texas BBQ.................................6 Amsoil..................................................4 Apple Valley Mountain Village............9 Appleton Harley-Davidson...............IFC



Bettencourt Originals........................23 Birdsong Resort, Marina, & Campground....................................9 Brushy Mountain.................................5

The oldest and best known free biker magazine can be delivered right to your door every month for ONLY $36 a year NAME:_________________________________________________________

Buckle and Hide Leathers................23


Catalyst Cycles....................................6


Chilhowee Sportsman’s Club...........10

STATE:________________________________ ZIP:______________________

Chopper’s Bar & Grill..........................9 Full Throttle Bar and Grill..................10 Garza Law Firm..................................BC

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads® Tennessee P.O. Box 645 Greenbrier, TN 37073

Keri Gilles Realtor.............................23 Law Offices of Richard M. Lester......19 Law Tigers............................................1 Miss Kay’s Country Store & The Nutcracker Shed.....................10 Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort....IBC Shady Valley Country Store...............15 Tennessee Gun Country.....................8 The H.U.T...........................................23 Thunder Roads Magazine® Celebrating 21st Anniversary...........16 TRTN Hiring..........................................9 TRTN Subscription...............................3 TRTN Thunder Store............................3


he days of blistering heat are dwindling down. The sun is starting to set a tad earlier every day and the evening breeze is cooler by a few degrees. The first tinges of yellow are beginning to tint the leaves. It also means we’ll need to break out our flannel, neck gaiter and gauntlet gloves soon and head out on our favorite fall motorcycle ride. It won’t be long until the trees will signal the end of summer with burnt oranges, brilliant reds, majestic magentas and faded yellows. Temperatures will be almost ideal for riding and I love the earthy smell of the forest floor after the first fall rains. Between the milder weather and the bounty of beautiful colors, fall motorcycle rides are some of the best. What are some of your favorite scenic fall rides? We love riding in the mountains of East Tennessee in the fall. Some of our favorite rides in that area are, Newfound Gap US 441, The Tail of the Dragon, The Blue Ridge Parkway, Cherohala Skyway, Tennessee 32 from Cosby, and the Foothills Parkway. The Smokies are the perfect place to explore the beautiful mountain views, lush forests, and cascading rivers that surround Gatlinburg on your motorcycle. October 10th is National Motorcycle Ride Day! This day is designated to get all motorcyclists on their bikes for a united day of riding. Use the day to escape on your motorcycle. Have some fun, relieve some stress, and really enjoy the thrills. Freedom is what riding a motorcycle offers. Go for a ride with a friend, and enjoy the fall weather. This month is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I think we all know someone that has lost the battle, is fighting the battle, or won the battle. That’s why it’s so important that all you ladies get those yearly mammograms. It’s Fire Prevention Month too, so be sure and change the batteries in your smoke detectors when you change your clocks back an hour on Sunday, November 1st. Get out and enjoy this beautiful weather and put some miles on your bike before cold weather gets here! As always, please support to our amazing advertisers that support us by shopping at their businesses when you’re in need of a product or service they provide and let them know you saw their ad in Thunder Roads® Tennessee. And please like us on Facebook to keep up with our advertisers’ events and specials. Have a Safe and Spooktacular Halloween! Ride Hard Live Free, Denise & Scott



Prison Tours • MUSEUM • THEATER • restauranT • GIFT SHOP • EVENTS • distillery tours & tastings

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brushy mountain in The fall.

October 3rd: Jamey Johnson Live at Brushy Mountain


October 10th: 2nd Annual ‘Pistons at the Prison’ Vintage Car & Bike Show

OPEN THURS - SUN | 10:30AM - 7PM | 9182 HWY 116 | PETROS, TN Minutes from Frozen Head State Park. Visit our site for updates & event listings.


Congratulations! James Lymn Jr. Winchester, TN

The Bike Name of Bike: Phoenix Fabrication: Big Dog Year Built: 2007 Model: K9 Time Took to Build: 10 days Engine Year: 2007 Model: S&S Builder: S&S Displacement: 117 cubic inch Painter: Big Dog Primary Color: Big Dog “yella” Special Paint: Frame – Topaz (House of Kolor) Frame: Big Dog K9 Year: 2007 Builder: Big Dog Type: K9 Chopper Rake: 39° from 3° tree Stretch: 8” downtube / 4” backbone I bought the Big Dog K9 in 2017. I’ve always been a fan of BDM. I also own a H-D Streetglide and wanted another bike but I wanted something different. I came across this K9 and fell in love with it. It definitely is different riding because of the long rake and big 300 rear tire. She is an eye catcher for sure and I hope to own another BDM soon! If you have a cool custom bike you would like to have featured in our magazine, enter it in our monthly Facebook contest by submitting a pic of your bike to 6




ocated on US 10, west of Neillsville WI, The Highground is a 155 acre memorial to fallen military and an honor to surviving military personnel and veterans. It is not a memorial to war, but rather the participants. As Tom Miller held his dying friend in 1965 Vietnam, he vowed his friend’s death would not be forgotten. He kept that vow in 1984 when he and others with similar vows formed the Wisconsin Vietnam Veterans Memorial Project, which was later expanded to include all wars and all branches of service, including WASP’s, nurses and working dogs. There is also the National Native American Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The Highground is a nonprofit organization staffed by volunteers and it receives no ongoing federal or state funding. To visit the memorial with its sculptures and memorial gardens is a moving and spiritual experience. Visitors speak in hushed tones as they walk over the honor stones purchased by the families of veterans, remember their friends at the sculpture representing the relevant war, or ring the replica Liberty Bell to honor their hero. As you exit your vehicle, a volunteer will inquire about your veteran’s status and thank all veterans for their service, then point visitors to the Gift Shop where free audio tours are available. Probably the most moving sculpture is the Fountain of Tears where a GI holds the dog tags of his fallen comrade and his


tears flow down the fountain to where the man’s wife and child hold a folded flag. “Fragments”, the Vietnam tribute, includes four interlocking figures, including a woman and an inverted M16 (inserted in an orange piece of glass as a reminder of Agent Orange), bolt trigger missing, signifying medivac needed. The woman’s flowing rain poncho contains bundles of bamboo shaped rods, each inscribed with the name of a Wisconsin casualty. The Gold Star tribute honors all families that have lost a member during any US conflicts and those helping survivors who came home. The newest tribute represents all of the Persian Gulf conflicts. Korea and WWII also have tributes. Visit thehighground. us for more details as I could go on forever about this memorial. Be sure to visit the museum. This is a must visit for any veteran and their families – you are not forgotten. Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper




ood afternoon bikers! As I sit here in the middle of September, the weather promises to be very Fall-like this weekend. Cool enough to need a sweatshirt in the mornings. Hopefully you have had time to get in lots of riding since last month. Over the past several issues we have explored the principles of an effective selfdefense claim. Last month’s column was on Imminence. This month’s column deals with Proportionality – the third component of a successful defense of your use of deadly force. In review, here are the five components which must all be answered affirmatively for you to prove you acted in self-defense: 1. Innocence 2. Imminence 3. Proportionality 4. Avoidance 5. Reasonableness From a law enforcement and legal perspective pulling a gun during a fist fight would be not be considered a proportional response. Doing so would fail the third component and would certainly put you at risk of being charged and spending time in prison. But before I get ahead of myself, let’s take a look at weapons that are always considered deadly: • Guns • Bows • Crossbows That is the entire list. So, would it be correct to assume only these projectile weapons are considered deadly? No. Common items can be used as a contact weapon and be deadly: baseball bats, hammers, clubs, walking canes, bowling balls, bricks, tire irons, etc. Even one’s fists can be used to deadly effect if the attacker is much larger, he’s choking you or you are no longer able to defend yourself. But the use of any of these other weapons would have to clear the AOJ Triad hurdle in order to be considered deadlyforce: 1. Ability – The attacker has the ability to cause death or grave bodily harm 2. Opportunity – The attacker can get to you with the force to cause death or grave bodily harm 3. Jeopardy – The attacker intends to do grave harm to you As an example, if you were having an argument at a softball game with the batter and he poked you in the chest with his bat, he would have ability and opportunity. But unless he intended to attack you violently with it (jeopardy), you could not immediately resort to using deadly force. Your self-defense claim would fail the third leg of the triad. Now, if you were approached in an alley by a thug carrying the same bat, and he gets in your face saying he’s going to kill you, the shit-bag has ability, opportunity and there is jeopardy. In this scenario, your use of deadly force would be considered justified. But only if you are innocent. You cannot be the person who started the altercation, you have to be a place you are legally allowed to be and the threat to your life has to be imminent.

The last thing which must be considered is escalation of force. If you are arguing with someone and they throw the first punch, you have the right to defend yourself with non-lethal force. Your fists would be the most logical response. But if you are overpowered and the attacker is on top of you, pounding you in the face, this would represent a deadly threat or an attack which could cause grave bodily harm – the amount of force has escalated and you have the right to protect yourself with escalated force. But again, you must be the innocent party. My son-in-law is a sheriff’s deputy in Florida. He carries roughly 25 pounds of gear on his belt when he is working. His defensive tools include pepper spray, a TASER and his service pistol. Law enforcement officers are trained to use what’s called the “continuum of force.” This would involve going up-and-down the ladder of lethality of their tools. Their first tool is their yelling, “Stop!” This is obviously everyone’s first tool. Next would be pepper spray, then their TASER and lastly their service pistol. Obviously, if they are experiencing an imminent threat from a gun wielding robber, they are not going to start by pulling out their pepper spray. But if during a routine traffic stop, the person becomes belligerent, they may well go to the pepper spray and escalate force only as necessary. This is a useful illustration because many civilians often carry only their fists and their firearm. And while some of you may carry a knife, as I do, don’t fall into the potential legal trap of thinking it is considered less lethal than your pistol. If you are in close combat with a thug, pulling your knife is the same a pulling a gun and can certainly be considered an escalation of force. Remember, from the law’s perspective, it is just a deadly as your gun. So, what other non-lethal weapons should you consider carrying? Pepper spray is the most obvious. It is quite effective and will give you time to separate yourself from the bad guy and call 911. But pulling pepper spray may also be considered escalation of force if the threat is not imminent. Case law in many states has shown that juries will convict a criminal of aggravated assault if they use pepper spray in the commission of a crime. So, remember, you must always be the innocent party before you do so. Another tool which you might consider is a key chain mounted kubotan. A kubotan is essentially a mini-club and is quite effective at taking the fight out of an attacker if used correctly. But training and speed are essential with such a tool. And again, you will still need to be the innocent party in order to justify your use of a kubotan. In summary, you cannot use force that is not proportional to the force an attacker is using against you. During a fight, your attacker may escalate their force against you, and you may escalate proportionally to their force. Until next month, ride often and be safe out there. Molon Labe, Mike Noirot Note: I am not a lawyer and nothing in this column represents legal advice. My article is based on common sense and many years of studying self-defense.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Thunder Roads® Magazine Owners/Publishers. Any content provided by our authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to malign any religion, ethic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.





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CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Covenant Confirmers Ministries; a “Certified Recovery Congregation” Founder of TN. Biker Medical Clinic Inc. Messages Available on Podbean Live You Tube covenantconfirmers1/live

“FAITH & FLESH” In these challenging times that we live in, we believers must be able to tell the difference between our “Faith and our Flesh.” Today’s believers are under such a vicious attack from the evil one, we are experiencing attack after attack, after attack. Satan wants to wear us down so we will just give up and blame God. Everything we have ever learned in Sunday School, Church, camp meetings, Christian TV, radio, CDs, DVDs, tapes, or testimonies, are on the line! Those that have been playing Church will fall by the wayside, only those that are rooted and grounded in God’s Word will be left standing. Matt. 13:4 & 8 “And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls came and devoured them up…But others fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit Eph. 6:13-14 “Take the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, having done all to stand. STAND THEREFORE…” This is not the time to run from God but to God. The devil wants to separate us. So many Christians have stopped coming to church and now watch church services on the internet, therefore they have stopped tithes and offerings, stopped fellowship with other believers. This is an attack from the devil to separate us, if he can divide us, he can overtake us. When we are under an attack, we are being squeezed by the world and our Faith in the Word of God will come out of us or our Flesh in the form of fear will come out. In these times of trials and tribulations, if we don’t know the Word of God, we will confuse our Flesh with our Faith. 2 Cor. 5:7 “We walk by faith and not by sight.” “Great Faith with poor Judgement will kill you.” Don’t let your emotions rule you. Matt.4:1-11 three times, Satan tries to bring doubt to Jesus by asking “If thou be the Son of God.” It’s the same trick today that Satan uses on us today, “If you are really a Christian.” But notice how the Lord responds to him three times; “It is written,” never respond to the devil from your Flesh, but only through OCTOBER 2020

the Word of God. The devil’s final attempt was in Vs. 8-9 “The devil…shows Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; And he said unto Jesus, all these things will I give thee if thou will fall down and worship me.” Satan appeals to the Flesh, he showed Jesus a short cut, an easier way to get what He came for. Vs.10 “Jesus said unto him; for it is written, thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shall thou serve.” The devil will always try and show our Flesh a short cut, but our Faith will show us; “It is written.” Gal.5:16 “Walk in the Spirit (Faith), and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the Flesh.” Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up. To be found faithful, Pastor Ron



Getting What You Deserve I

By Hank Bonecutter

just returned from a four day three night trip to the Great Smoky Mountains. It’s a trip I make at least a couple of times a year. The Smokies are just a couple of hours down I-40 so it’s an easy ride for me. What began as a three man trip turned into a group of seven brothers eager to take whatever the landscape could throw at us. Of course we did the Devil’s Triangle, Tail of the Dragon, Wayah Road, the Moonshiner and a day trip to Helen Georgia. We had hot and steamy weather, for the most part, although a portion of the group were drenched in a downpour on Friday afternoon. On that afternoon, me and another blogger, Memphis Mike, split from the group after riding through the Foothills Parkway. With our hotel in Robbinsville NC, we had to ride the Dragon. Once you arrive at Deals Gap, you can continue on Tapoco Road (129), or you can take the Moonshiner 28 to get to Robbinsville. I chose the Moonshiner, one of my favorites. If you’ve never been on the Moonshiner, it’s a combination of twisties, sweepers, hair pin corners and beautiful scenery. Running along the Little Tennessee River, it’s a breathtaking ride. Along the way, I managed to find myself behind a pickup truck. The driver and her passenger were engrossed in cell phones and conversation with each other, and didn’t pay me an attention. Normally, most vehicles will pull to the side and let bikers pass, but on this day, that wasn’t going to happen. In fact, we had found ourselves stuck behind MANY vehicles on this day, adding to the frustration of just “poking” along. I finally managed to pass them, but as I was enjoying the open road to myself, I missed my turn on NC143 that takes me into town. After I turned around and made it back to 143, lo and behold, I converged on the turn with, you guessed it, the pickup truck. Naturally, they wouldn’t yield to me and once again, I was stuck behind this pickup truck. As you start to roll up NC143, it’s an incline with double yellow lines. Once I got the “single” yellow line, I dropped a gear and blew by the truck, running through the gears like I had been shot out of a cannon. What happened next just blew my mind. As I slipped into sixth gear and was cruising along, I saw the blue lights in my rear view mirrors. “You are KIDDING me” I said out loud. “Where the HELL did he come from?” On the left side of the road there was a little white church building that had plenty of shade in the front and I motioned to the cop that I was going to turn in there to stop to get off of the main highway. Once I was parked, I turned the bike off and waited for instructions. 12 12

Lt. James Hyde of the Graham County Sheriff’s office came up to me and asked for my driver’s license. After informing him where my gun was, I asked to get off the bike to retrieve my license. He thanked me for telling him about my weapon, and said I could get off the bike, and that this wouldn’t “take that long.” I knew I was nailed. I had no excuse and I admitted as such. He looked at me and said, “listen, the nearest hospital is two counties from here, and the nearest Trauma Center was a helicopter ride, so I need you to slow down and be more careful.” Wait, what? We’re not doing any paperwork? Of course I was grateful and told him I would. Then I asked him, “where were you? I never saw you back there.” He said he had just turned onto 143 when I jumped out around the pickup, and when I took off, he took off after me. He was truly one of the most professional and courteous deputies I’ve ever met and since this was the first time I’ve ever been pulled over on the bike, I couldn’t have asked for a more nerve settling encounter. In light of the current state of affairs surrounding our law enforcement community I asked if I could pray with him and he agreed. As I placed my hand on his shoulder and his on mine, I was overwhelmed with the moment. I prayed for his protection and thanked God for his forgiving spirit. I asked for his continued safety and good judgement. It was just the perfect way to end a hot and frustrating day, standing in front of this little white church, in the hills of North Carolina. The lesson I learned? You don’t always get what you deserve. #ticket


by Bob “Bulldog” Ousley


kay America, it’s crunch time! In a couple of weeks early voting will begin. Are we going to overthrow our constitutional republic for Marxism or are we going to stop the bloody Marxist revolution and keep our God based society and capitalism? Make no mistake if Joe Biden is elected President of the United States it will be the final act that subverts our personal freedom-based constitution and does away with the sovereignty of the United States. The Marxists and new world order elite will call the shots. This overthrow was given a foundation when the income tax system was established in the early 1900’s and strengthened when social security was established. The combination of these two events gave sweeping powers to politicians and fueled the long-term subversion of our government. Prior to this, government was the servant of the people but now “We the People” have gradually been walked into a corner and are servants to government. We are now controlled by the Internal Revenue Service, Environmental Protection Agency, government required licenses, Social Security, healthcare, the public education system, Marxist based unions, Marxists in the judicial system, Marxists in our national intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians and just about all media activities. We are continually controlled by political correctness in direct conflict with our First Amendment to the Constitution. Our Second Amendment to the Constitution is continually infringed by a political class that needs to disarm us so we have no power to resist their movement to make us subject to them and enemies around the world. Biden and Harris have already let us know they intend to sign us up to an international small arms treaty that will give the U.N. the power to bring foreign military on our soil to physically take guns away from Americans. They use racism to mask their devious designs!! Nikita Khrushchev, the Premier of the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1964 made the following statement: “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.” If you do an in-depth


look at American social programs and the open communists in business and politics you can see he was right. Until the last couple of decades the politicians supporting Marxist subversion of our nation had to cover their actions or risk being thrown out of office. As they have manipulated schools and universities through the National Education Association and The American Federation of Teachers, we now have a couple of generations who are openly WOKE to Marxism and are willing to do battle in the streets to support it. These generations are working in every public and private endeavor in our society. Who do you think will take over law enforcement when older traditional American law enforcement officers retire or quit as Marxist politicians remove funding and step up harassment and kill legitimate police? Obama and Biden installed a thick layer of anti-American elites and zealots in all of our national agencies and departments. Before they were elected the Clinton’s and Bush’s drove manufacturing overseas and set it up so Obama and Biden could gut our economy and make it prime for Marxist domination. Hillary was supposed to take it to the next level but Donald Trump won the 2016 election and he is NOT a Marxist. We’ve seen Russiagate, Virusgate, and BlackLivesMattergate. All are the actions of Marxists working to remove the only obstacle to their complete domination, Donald Trump!! If you look at the support Marxist Black Lives Matter has received from the media, Hollywood, China, sports and corporate America you’ll see how close we are to handing over our personal freedom to powerful despots. Trump is our only hope to save the constitution and our American economy. If he loses, America will be lost!!! The Democrats will use mail-in-voting to steal the election. Vote for America, Vote for Trump and VOTE IN PERSON!!! Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those who can’t. You can comment at - Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.



NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

report that multiplies factual data by 1,000 is shameful.” The IZA paper "isn't science; it's fiction," Governor Kristi Noem (R) added. JUDGE RULES PENNSYLVANIA LOCKDOWN ORDERS UNCONSTITUTIONAL


Lockdowns and stay-at-home orders affect us all in many ways, but motorcycle riders in particular are impacted by problems such as traffic and transportation complications, event cancellations, as well as supply chain breakdowns that influence cost and availability of parts for maintenance and repairs. Therefore, it’s interesting to note that a federal district court in Western Pennsylvania has held that certain COVID-19 mitigation measures ordered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania were in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Conceding the efforts were a “well-intentioned effort to protect Pennsylvanians from the virus,” Judge William S. Stickman, IV nevertheless held that portions of the orders issued by Governor Tom Wolf (D) violated the First Amendment as well as the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. Issued Sept. 14 in Butler v. Wolf, the court found: - Limits on gatherings of certain sizes -- up to 25 people indoors and 250 outdoors -- violated the First Amendment right of assembly; - Orders closing “non-life-sustaining” businesses violated both the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment; and - A stay-at-home order as implemented violated the Due Process Clause. The Commonwealth has announced it will appeal the decision. Unlike the few earlier cases where judges limited gubernatorial power under state constitutions, Judge Stickman found that Pennsylvania’s virus mitigation efforts violated the U.S. Constitution; thus, according to the National Law Review, his opinion arguably raises issues that could impact COVID-19 mitigation orders nationwide.

“NO, THE STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY DIDN’T SPAWN 250,000 CORONAVIRUS CASES,” read the Reason magazine headline of Sept. 10, about a month after the rally that drew almost a half million bikers to South Dakota. “In plain reality, State Officials could only trace 260 cases to the biking event, an egregious and oft repeated lie goes unchecked,” challenged FOX-News TV host Laura Ingraham on Sept. 10. We were told by the mainstream press that the August gathering of bikers was a “super-spreader” that was responsible for dispersing COVID-19 to more than a quarter-million Americans (266,796), making it the root of about 20% of ALL new Coronavirus cases in the U.S., or so said researchers from the IZA Institute of Labor Economics, and national news outlets ran with it no questions asked. "The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally represents a situation where many of the 'worst-case scenarios' for superspreading occurred simultaneously," the researchers write in the new paper, titled "The Contagion Externality of a Superspreading Event: The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and COVID-19," which also reported that the rally cost public health $12.2 billion. Not so fast, replied the City of Sturgis in a prepared statement; “The San Diego State University IZA study regarding the COVID-19 cases resulting from the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is blatantly faulty,” countered city manager Daniel Ainslie. “Their outrageous conclusions are antithetical to actual case data as numerous State Officials across the United States have been actively seeking to tie any COVID-19 case to the event. The careless ease with which mainstream media outlets have published a

Through statewide lockdowns and pandemic precautions nationwide, and months into the Coronavirus crisis, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation reports seeing strong demand for rider education across the country, with many states and locales experiencing an increased training volume over last year’s numbers despite operating under reduced capacity due to local rules. "Last month, we beat our sales forecast for MSF curriculum materials, and that original prediction was made a year ago, before any of us had heard of COVID-19," said Robert Gladden, MSF vice president of training operations. "Also, we blew right through the forecast on log-ins, with many current and potential riders visiting us on the web and gaining some good motorcycle education through their computers and mobile devices." The MSF has conducted 26 vRETS webinars for thousands of RiderCoaches, has provided interim training guidelines on moving classroom activities to safer environments outside on training ranges, and implemented a COVID-19 waiver and release that enabled many course providers to resume training at public facilities. "The fact that training volume remains high, with classes scheduled well into autumn, is a testament not only to the hard work and dedication of the MSF training community, but also to the popularity of motorcycling as hundreds of thousands of students seek out MSF instruction,” said Gladden, adding “We're pleased and proud to help them become riders and remain lifelong learners."


It’s not too late to plan on attending the 35th Annual NCOM Convention in Indianapolis, so mark your calendar now for the weekend of October 16-18 at the Marriott Indianapolis East (7202 East 21st Street in Indianapolis) to join with hundreds of like-minded bikers rights activists from across the country in the fight for our rights! Lectures and roundtable discussions will feature legal and legislative issues such as anti-profiling and “Save the Patch” efforts; with “Protect Your Rights/ Probable Cause” and “Vulnerable Road Users Legislation To Protect Our Riders” seminars; attorney talks on “Freedom of the Road and the Use of the Courts” and “Five Things Every MC Organization or Club Should Know”; Special Meetings for Women in Motorcycling and Clean & Sober Roundtable; as well as the Christian Unity Conference and Confederation of Clubs Patch Holders Meeting. Renowned EMT Dick “Slider” Gilmore will present his “Save a Biker’s Life” seminar on The Golden Hour. A highlight of the NCOM Convention will be the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet, recognizing outstanding freedom fighters for their contributions to the cause, and featuring James “Hollywood” Mececari of Insane Throttle Motorcycle Magazine as dinner speaker. With the Indianapolis Convention heading into the home stretch, you should pre-register now by calling the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355 or visit For more info, click on

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Off-highway motorcycle sales rocketed 50.3% in the first half of the year compared with the same period last year, while dual-purpose motorcycle sales jumped 20.9%, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council Retail Sales Reporting System. “The pandemic has amplified what’s positive about getting out on motorcycles,” said Erik Pritchard, president and CEO of the Motorcycle Industry Council. “You can get out of the house, have fun with your loved ones, and still maintain social distancing.” Off-highway motorcycles include dirt bikes, trail bikes, competition motorcycles, and other motorized two-wheelers that cannot be used on public roads. Dual-purpose motorcycles are street legal and are also designed to be used on off-road trails. At the same time, on-highway motorcycles saw sales in the first six months up 6.4% from 2019. “There are many benefits to motorcycles and scooters,” according to Pritchard. “In normal times, studies have shown that they help alleviate congestion. During this pandemic, being on a motorcycle means being able to avoid crowds and lessening the chance of spreading and picking up germs. And many riders say it adds fun to a normally mundane commute.” MOTORCYCLE THEFTS DECLINE IN THE U.S.

Unlike cars, which have a plethora of anti-theft security features, motorcycles are pretty much left to the mercy of thieves, and it would appear that a lot of riders have become more vigilant in securing their beloved bikes in ways to prevent motorcycle theft. Motorcycle theft is at an all-time low over the past four years, according to a report by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) that states in 2019, pre-pandemic, a total of 40,380 motorcycles were stolen, compared to a rather alarming 46,467 bikes poached in 2016, down more than 13%. In addition, of all the bikes stolen in 2019, nearly half of them were recovered. It's interesting to note that the most popular make of motorcycle to fall victim to theft comes from Honda, with a total of 8,122 bikes stolen in 2019. Yamaha comes in second place with 6,495 bikes poached, while Harley-Davidson sits in third with 4,737 bikes lost to theft. Suzuki and Kawasaki follow shortly after. Interestingly, premium brands like Ducati, KTM, and BMW aren't as frequently stolen. OCTOBER 2020


Manufacturers have their view on the growing campaigns to limit the noise of motorcycles or ban them altogether from certain popular routes, and have intimated they will need to factor in new solutions for upcoming models amid a wave of bans, fines and restrictions being imposed on perceived noisy motorcycles around the globe. While the debate over the ‘nuisance’ caused by certain motorcyclists has raged for years, the argument is increasingly taking on a more volatile tone in Europe as councils wage war with legislation and bans being imposed on certain routes. With noise-measuring devices already being trialed in some countries, the German Federal Council launched the “Initiative Against Motorcycle Noise” in May calling for bans for those who flout the rules. Then in June, the Austrian state of Tyrol imposed bans on motorcycles emitting 95dB of stationary noise – encompassing a number of high-selling models. Moreover, there are increasing calls for action in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France too as a result of these precedents. According to, “The impact of such measures if they threaten to become the norm across Europe could have big ramifications for the motorcycle industry with manufacturers needing to factor in legislation when developing brand-new models, leading to toned down engine approaches.” Stefan Pierer, ACEM (Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles) President and Head of KTM and Husqvarna said: “As an association of the major global motorcycle manufacturers, ACEM has drawn up specific plans for sustainable and timely measures to combat the volume problem. The association and its members work closely with European legislators to solve the problems that can arise from exceeding the permitted noise limits.” QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or

who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.” ~ Buddha (5th century B.C. India), teacher, philosopher & spiritual leader


STURGIS 2020 By LuLu 020 has been one hell of a year! Coronavirus closed down the last 2 days of Bike Week in Daytona, hurting many of the bars and vendors as the last weekend is the “profit”. Many motorcycle events since March have been cancelled all over the country. So, when the beautiful governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, kept her state open for business we just had to go to the 80th. This was my third trip, but first on the back of someone’s bike. My first trip I had my own bike there. The second I worked for what is now the Iron Horse Saloon in Sturgis for 5 weeks. Most of the photos in this article were shot from the back of TJ’s bike some at 60 mph! If you haven’t made the trek to South Dakota, you MUST. Our first stop was my sister’s house in Louisville where we were fed like kings. Thanks Jen and Kerry!


We camped in a RV with Waylon and Tonya Long from Long’s Log Cabin in Welaka, Florida at Kristen’s Campground (her personal residence actually). Only spending 1 evening doing the party scene in Sturgis we bypassed the night parties at Buffalo Chip, Glencoe and Full Throttle Campgrounds and chose to make this year all about the riding. Each day we set out to explore new highways and make stops at the famous parks South Dakota is known for. We found many food vendors were unprepared for the crowds that dared to come amid covid worries and ran out of food early each day. Estimates have been as high as 400,000 in attendance, although both TJ and I think it was probably closer to 250,000. The vendors all claimed to have had a successful rally, but many vendors didn’t come so there was less competition. Most famous bands didn’t come either. In fact, I think Hairball was the most packed night of music at The Iron Horse. We only had 5 days to explore and you really need at least 7. Our first day of exploration was to Mount Rushmore and it really held a special feeling for me this year with all the destruction of our monuments in 2020 making the nightly news. Simply beautiful! Day 2 we did The Badlands with all its majestic views. Day 3 we made it to Custer State Park where the buffalo (bison) roam; but we missed the day the young lady approached the baby bison and the mother knocked her out of her pants and unconscious. The video of that is on our Facebook Page Thunder Roads Florida. The same day TJ took us to Needles Highway and Iron Mountain Road. We pulled over near the top at an overlook and was approached by a guy wanting to borrow a portable air compressor. We didn’t have one, but our friend Pete, who must have been an Eagle Scout growing up, not only had one but also had a patch kit. Pete saved that guys day as no one was willing to come up the mountain for him. TJ went right to Harbor Freight for one of those compressors when we got home. I hope we never need it, but it was a well spent $10 bucks. Day 4 one of my favorite rides which we did two times was

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Pete & Flat Tire Guy

Spearfish Canyon. Had to stop in Deadwood to visit Doug and Misty at Sick Boy Motorcycles store to purchase some of their new Tees. One of our final days was spent heading to Devil’s Tower which you can’t imagine what created that lone giant rock formation. Stonehouse Saloon was on that adventure and rode into Wyoming to visit Hulett. At some point I ate a buffalo burger for the first time. Most of the state parks are $20 per bike, well worth it. Mount Rushmore was only $5 per person. We ran out of time and didn’t make it to Crazy Horse, time passed altogether too quickly. Although Jack shared a picture he had for the article. Of course, the 3 days there and 3 days back hauling bikes behind the RV takes a toll on you. We also missed the one day of protest that happened in Sturgis which was small and uneventful until a moron kicked at a bike. Luckily, the bikers allowed the police to escort them to safety and no damage was done to anyone or anything. At the time of writing this, the Covid count is estimated at less than 300 from the huge rally with one known death, even though a fake news alert was running on Facebook and the news saying it was a super spreader causing 20% of all new cases. Governor Noem went on Fox and said the numbers I am posting are the real numbers and that it is clearly FAKE news. Any death or illness is tragic, but I could have stayed home and gotten it in line at Target, so I am happy I made the trip and didn’t catch a damn thing! A special thank you to our friends Waylon and Tonya for hauling us across the country. To Wade and Kristen for the use of a little slice of South Dakota. To Bill for his forever friendship. And to Pete, German Dave, Jack, and Shari for sharing their time with us on the highway. Next year we will be shooting to spend 7 days in the beauty of this part of America. Please promise yourself to make this journey in your lifetime.



Lil’ Joey was once again sitting outside the school Principal’s office when the Guidance Counselor walked by and asked “What’d you do this time?” Lil’ Joey politely replied “That pain in the neck Alek with a ‘k’ was dissin’ on the whole class’ Momma’s so I told him the truth and he threw his shoe at me and it hit the Teacher, Miss Larson. “And that truth was?” asked the Counselor. Lil Joey says, “That everyone knows that this whole world wide virus was faked just to make sure that his Momma wore a mask from here on out.” -------------------------------------------------------------Just so we’re clear.....It’s no longer 5 o’clock Somewhere. It’s 2020 Everywhere, so drink at will Whenever you want, Anytime you want! -------------------------------------------------------------If you get a high loan amount at a bank, you pay on it for 30 years. If you rob a bank and stash the money smartly, you’ll be out in 10 years. Things that make you go hmmm? -------------------------------------------------------------So apparently there’s a new term in the long list of relationship terms: “Hobosexual” A person who dates you with the sole interest of having a place to stay. -------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever wondered if the dollar bills in your purse or wallet were ever in a strippers butt crack? Things that make you go hmmm? -------------------------------------------------------------Lil’ Joey kills a butterfly; Dad says, “No butter for two weeks!” Lil’ Joey kills a honeybee. Dad says, “No honey for two weeks!” Mom kills a cockroach. Lil’ Joey turns to his Dad and says, “Are you gonna’ tell her or should I?” -------------------------------------------------------------Little Susie tells her Mom, “Grandma said, in her day, she did 3 times the work you do today.” Mom replies, “In Grandma’s day they used to put cocaine in the soda.” -------------------------------------------------------------Next time your wife gets really, really angry, drape a towel over her shoulders like a cape and say, “now you’re Super Angry!” Maybe she’ll laugh. Maybe she’ll kick you in the nads. It’s all a crap shoot.

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Hell hath no fury like a woman who just spilled her guts into an 8 paragraph text and your reply is, “ok”. --------------------------------------------------------------When you drive past a yard with a cool skeleton Halloween decoration, but then you realize that it’s actually a live crackhead. Things that make you go hmmm? --------------------------------------------------------------Guy: It’s not about how many times you fall, it’s all about how many times you get back up. Cop: No, that’s not how field sobriety tests work. --------------------------------------------------------------A Teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to gather the building materials for his home. She read: “And so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said, “Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?” The Teacher paused, then asked the class: “So what do you think the man said?” Lil’ Joey jumped up and yelled to the class, “I betcha’ he said, Well I’ll be a son of a bitch! A damn talking pig!” The Teacher had to leave the classroom because she was snickering. --------------------------------------------------------------Two stoners are sitting on a bench and one had just purchased a “zip” of some truly good weed from the other, when the one says, “I have so many of these laying around my crib, discovered yesterday by accident that they’re really good for putting leftovers and sandwiches in. Who knew?” --------------------------------------------------------------Two chicks and a biker dude named ‘Caveman’ were shootin’ the chit in the local bar and the one chick asks, “what’s a nice way to say fart?” The other chick says, “O.k., I’ll start. I always say far-tay cause it sounds kinda’ like a French word and classy. The one chick says “Well, you could say “Who let fluffy off the chain?, that’d be cute.” ‘Caveman’ looks at both of them and says, ‘Nah, can’t use that one. That’s what I ask my ole’ lady when she jumps on top of me naked and wantin’ to get kinky.” --------------------------------------------------------------Never, and I mean never, use peppermint body wash. Your butthole will feel like it smoked a Newport.







By Ron Giddis

he Fall riding season is closing in fast. If your plans take you anywhere near Cosby TN, you should check out Carver’s Applehouse Restaurant and Store. The restaurant is nestled in the country and surrounded by the orchards. A family owned farm orchard, the Carvers have been growing apples in the area since the 1940’s. Kyle Carver started his orchard in 1942, it now sits on 75 acres in Cosby and boasts over 40,000 trees and 126 varieties of apples. Once you are seated, to whet your appetite, you will be brought a basket of Apple Fritters served with Carver’s homemade Apple Butter and a juice glass of their homemade Apple Cider. I have eaten here myself many times and I can tell you those Apple Fritters are some of the best I’ve ever had. The breakfast special is served with all of the above, 2 eggs any style, grits or gravy, fried apples or oven browned potatoes and homemade buttermilk biscuits. If you get there for lunch or dinner, you might try the legendary catfish paired with pinto beans and fried apples or you might like the homemade chicken pot pie. After you have finished with your meal, you can check out the store right next door. It is packed with a huge variety of relishes and pickles. There is also a huge variety of jams and some of their great homemade apple butter to take home with you. I have some in my refrigerator right now! Carver’s also has some Appalachian specialty items that make perfect gifts to take with you such as Lye soap, candies and of course their homemade fried apple pies are available in the store. If you have never heard of fried apple pies, it is a southern delicacy, but I feel I should warn you, if you get one you are going to want more. Carver’s Orchard & Applehouse Restaurant is located at 3460 Cosby Hwy. Check them out on Facebook or call (423) 487-2710 if you have any questions or to place an order to go. If you are out riding to eat and see us, please come up and tell us your favorite places to go when you’re hungry and thirsty. “Will Ride to Eat” will be an ongoing article in Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee and we want to put the spotlight on the great history and variety of Tennessee’s biker friendly establishments. OCTOBER 2020



Birdsong Resort & Marina Tennessee River Fresh Water Pearl Farm Museum Tour & Jewelry Showroom Date: 06/01/2020 – 12/31/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Birdsong Resort Marina & Campground, 255 Marina Rd., Camden, TN 38320 Join us for a Free world-class tour of our pearl museum ~ uniquely its own. www. It is open 7 days/ week but please call ahead to schedule an appointment with our reservation hostess so she can book your tour guide! 731584-7880. We are proud to be the only fresh-water pearl cultivating farm left in North America. You don’t want to miss this opportunity! Smoky Mountain H-D Food Truck Thursday Date: 10/01/2020 Time: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Good Food, cold beer, great friends! This is a community event with everyone welcomed to join! Crazy Cubans, BurgerRitos, Sof-Tee Serve, Pizza & Amore, Genos Curbside Diner, and Lobster Dogs will be on site. The H.U.T Bike Night Date: 10/01/2020, 10/08/2020, 10/15/2020, 10/22/2020, 10/29/2020 Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: The H.U.T, 815 Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862 Join us at The H.U.T every Thursday for Bike Night! Free entry, free parking, live music, raffles, door prizes, $10 32oz beer with select shot and half price appetizers! Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort Bike Night Date: 10/02/2020, 10/09/2020, 10/16/2020, 10/23/2020, 10/30/2020 Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Location: Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort, 7304 Old Railroad Bed Rd., Maryville, TN 37801 Join us every Friday night 6-8pm. The only bike night on the famous Tail of The DragonTN 129! Come hangout with friends, throw back a cold one and enjoy live music, BBQ, happy hour prices, food specials, cornhole and more! Sit by our fire pit or hang out in the shade by our creek and be sure to try our famous smoked eggs! No cover charge, paved roads, free tent camping on bike nights. Hillbilly’s Wing Shack Karaoke Night Date: 10/02/2020, 10/09/2020, 10/16/2020, 10/23/2020, 10/30/2020 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Hillbilly’s Wing Shack, 26280 Hwy 69, Adamsville, TN 38310


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Friday night karaoke is a lot of fun. We start at 7pm so you can come in early and eat so you have plenty of energy to get up and sing, ha ha, or just come in and watch as you eat and have a good time with friends and family. Come see why we are the #1 karaoke place around. We love to get out and talk to the crowd. Large groups, please call ahead and we will have you a table ready! Chopper’s Grill Karaoke Night Date: 10/02/2020, 10/09/2020, 10/16/2020, 10/23/2020, 10/30/2020 Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Friday Nights are Rockin’ at The Lil Shack on the Corner! Come sing your favorite songs with us and enjoy our Famous Chopper Burgers and ShackWacker’s! Smoky Mountain H-D Cars, Coffee, and Cycles Date: 10/03/2020 Time: 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Car and Motorcycle Meet-up 1st Saturday every month March - October. Ralph Maddux Memorial Motorcycle Show Date: 10/03/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Granville Fall Celebration presents the 9th annual Ralph Maddux Memorial Motorcycle Show! Registration is from 10am - 12pm with an entry fee of $10. Shady Valley Country Store Biker Cookout Weekends Date: 10/03/2020, 10/04/2020, 10/10/2020, 10/11/2020, 10/17/2020, 10/18/2020, 10/24/2020, 10/25/2020, 10/31/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM Location: Shady Valley Country Store, 110 Highway 133, Shady Valley, TN 37688 Shady Valley Country Store & Grill, the Home of “The Snake”, invites all riders to our Biker Cookout Weekends! New owners Chris & Collin Mahala are serving up old fashion grilled burgers, hot dogs, Philly subs and more. Every Saturday & Sunday, 10am-9pm. Smoky Mountain H-D Demo Days Date: 10/03/2020 & 10/10/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Test one. Test them all. Stop in and ride today!

Chopper’s Grill Poker Run Date: 10/03/2020 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Benefit for Tom Hartigan who was involved in an auto accident on August 11th. He has a long road of recovery ahead of him and needs our support. $20 per rider/hand. Registration 9-10:30am. KSU 11am from Chopper’s. All vehicles welcome! BBQ plates will be for sale after the ride at Chopper’s. 100% proceeds going to Tom. BWC Oktober Fest Date: 10/03/2020 Time: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Downtown Commons, 215 Legion St. Clarksville, TN 37040 Tell A Buddy & Bring All Your Friends… Something for the whole family. $5 entry for everyone 10 and older. A traditional Bavarian Bier Garden with a variety of Fall & German Brews. German Foods & Other Food Vendors. Stein Hoist Competition, Brat Eating Contest, Wiener Dog Races, and Live Music. Everyone is encouraged to dress up in their Favorite German/Bavarian Costumes. There will be a Kids Zone with Pumpkin & Face Painting, Inflatables, & Much More! All Proceeds Benefit Special Needs Children Charities. FMI: Chopper’s Grill Karaoke Date: 10/03/2020, 10/10/2020, 10/17/2020, 10/24/2020, 10/31/2020 Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Saturday Night just got better in Old Hickory with Karaoke 8-12! Come sing your favorite songs and have some awesome drinks and food at The Lil Shack On The Corner! Always a great time with Karaoke! Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday Date: 10/04/2020, 10/11/2020, 10/18/2020, 10/25/2020 Time: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Funtastic Sunday’s at Chopper’s are awesome with Live Music and Free Cookout (until it’s gone), Drink and Shot Specials and $1 Jello Shots. This is the place for all your sports and drink specials and a great way to end your weekend! Chopper’s Grill Ladies Night Date: 10/06/2020, 10/13/2020, 10/20/2020, 10/27/2020 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Tuesday night is Ladies Night with Drink, Beer, Shot Specials, and Karaoke 7-11pm. Come on down Ladies, this night is just for you.



Hillbilly’s Wing Shack Free Bingo Date: 10/07/2020, 10/14/2020, 10/21/2020, 10/28/2020 Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Location: Hillbilly’s Wing Shack, 26280 Hwy 69, Adamsville, TN 38310 Every Wednesday from 5-7pm. Win drinks, appetizers, burgers...and Wings! Full Throttle Bar & Grill Bike Night Date: 10/07/2020, 10/14/2020, 10/21/2020, 10/28/2020 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Full Throttle Bar & Grill, 333 Swinging Bridge Road, Nashville, TN 37138 Join us every Wednesday for Bike Night and enjoy a cold one, good food, and some music! Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke Date: 10/07/2020, 10/14/2020, 10/21/2020, 10/28/2020 Time: 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Every Wednesday all year it’s Bike Night with Crystal Karaoke at Chopper’s Grill with Free Beer Dog’s and Fixin’s. Come on down and get a Shackwacker and Ice Cold Beer! Best and cheapest in town! The Lil Shack on the Corner… The Place to Be! V-Twin Visionary: Smoky Mountain Tour Date: 10/08/2020 – 10/11/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 There will be a VIP tour pass and a day pass. Tickets are on sale now! The V-Twin Tour is different from other rallies. This event is not about parking and posing, yet it is about getting out on the open road and riding that bike of yours with other like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts. Experience 4 days of the world’s best motorcycle riding. Ride the Dragon, Cherohala Skyway, Foothills Parkway, or any number of mountain highways and river gorges... sure to please your soul. Test ride the new 2020 H-D models. See and outfit you and your bike with the latest custom parts and riding gear from numerous vendors. Rock out to some of the best bands that southern rock has to offer and get your grub on with the real-deal Tennessee BBQ at The Shed Smokehouse. And you won’t want to miss out on our VTV Invitational Bike Show, featuring the country’s top builders and you the public get to be the judges. Join us for this action packed kick-ass weekend. Brushy Mtn. State Pen / 2nd Annual Pistons at The Prison Date: 10/10/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Location: Brushy Mtn. State Pen, 9182 Hwy 116, Petros, TN 37845



Ride your rat rod, custom rod, classic oldie, vintage or shiny new motorcycle to our Pistons show! See ad in this issue for details or visit Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort Swap Meet Date: 10/11/2020 & 10/25/2020 Time: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort, 7304 Old Railroad Bed Rd., Maryville, TN 37801 Join us every 2nd and 4th Sunday for a Swap Meet. Vendors wanted! Contact Punkin Center for details on set up at (865) 8565455 Outlaws 9th Annual Swap Meet Date: 10/17/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Outlaws Clubhouse, 1022 Free Silver Rd., Nashville TN, 37207 Old School Swap Meet, Outdoors, Rain or Shine. Free vendor spaces for parts. Vendor set up is Friday evening or Saturday 8-10am. Admission $5. For More Info call (615) 2269156 Irish Toys & Joys Annual Toy Run Date: 10/17/2020 Time: 12:00 PM Location Southernaire Restaurant & Motel, 50 Overlook Ln., Stewart, TN 37175 Meeting at Southernaire Restaurant in Stewart TN and will ride thru our scenic county and will end up at the Court Square in Erin TN. For more information or to volunteer please call Gina at (931) 289-9120 29th Annual East Tennessee Toy Run Date: 10/25/2020 Time: 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join us for the 29th Annual East Tennessee Toy Run presented by the Shiloh Riders Association, Inc. on Sunday, October 25th! Registration starts at 11am and KSU at 1:30pm. The ride will start and end here at Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson in Maryville, TN. This year is very different. Financial donations only. No toys can be accepted due to the current health crisis. $10 per person for registration. All riders and bikes are welcome to join! We will have a police escort for the ride. Chopper’s Grill Halloween Party & Costume Contest Date: 10/31/2020 Time: 8:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Join us for a spooktacular time! $$ Prizes for best and worst costume!


24th Highway 41 Toy Convoy & Show Date: 11/01/2020 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Raider Academy, 865 McMinnville Hwy, Manchester, TN 37355 The 24th Highway 41 Toy Convoy will roll Sunday, Nov 1st at noon. You are welcome to join the grandfather of Toy Convoys in TN and the only convoy that invites All Vehicles. This year we are saluting our men and women in blue and Cathy Hinners, highly decorated retired police officer will be our grand marshal. Only $10 per vehicle to ride or $20 per vehicle to show, plus a new unwrapped toy or two. Trophies will be given to the winners of the show. All decisions final. Door prizes given throughout the day. Route is police escorted from Raider Academy up to Hwy 41 north to Beech Grove and west to Wartrace square. All show entries must register and ride in the convoy. Motorcycles, jeeps, trucks, rat rods, hot rods and big rigs are expected. Please fly the American flag or the thin blue line flag. We roll at noon rain or shine. FMI: Katy 931.857.3643. Find us on FB Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort / Rumble On The Dragon Date: 11/05/2020 – 11/08/2020 Time: 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort, 7304 Old Railroad Bed Rd., Maryville, TN 37801 Let’s Get Ready To Rumble! Rumble on the Dragon Fall 2020 is going to be our biggest yet! 4 days of live music, vendors, raffles, poker run, bike games, and so much more! Band lineup and more details coming soon! Appleton H-D Eagle Toy Run Date: 11/07/2020 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Appleton Harley-Davidson, 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass, Clarksville, TN 37043 Join us for our 20th Annual Eagle Toy Run on November 7th benefiting the USO’s Holiday House at Ft. Campbell. Registration begins at 12pm at Old Glory Distillery in Clarksville, TN. Cost to register is $25 or bring a toy of $25 value to ride. Kickstands are up at 1pm and ride ends at Appleton Harley-Davidson. Win up to $1,000 in Giveaways! Live Music, Cold Brew, Silent Auction, and Vendors Onsite.

EVENT LISTINGS ARE FREE Increase your attendance by posting your event in Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee! All Advertised Events in our Magazine will have their event posted on the Centerfold Calendar (when admissible) and your Event will be Highlighted on the Thunder Roads® Events page of the Magazine. Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee, Your TN Biker Connection (Call about our Special Discounts for Charity Events). To get your event listed in Thunder Roads® Magazine and on our website, submit the information on the Event Form on our website. Event information must be submitted prior to the 10th of the month preceding the event month to be posted in the magazine. Remember to call ahead before planning to




If You Are A BIKER FRIENDLY BUSINESS And Would Like To See Your BUSINESS LISTED And Receive Thunder Roads® TN Magazines Each Month, Call (615) 389-1149 **(BFD LISTING ONLY $240 PER YEAR)** READERS Pick Up Your Copy Of Thunder Roads® Magazine of TN Each Month At Any Of These Fine Locations DEALERS & SHOPS Abernathy’s Harley-Davidson® 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 (866) 452-2775 Appleton Harley-Davidson® 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 (931) 648-1607 Bootlegger Harley-Davidson® 605 Lovell Rd. Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 671-2454 Boswell’s H-D Country Roads 1424 Interstate Dr. Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 526-3139 Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 242-6067 Boswell’s Ring of Fire H-D 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 (615) 855-1001 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® Of Collierville 325 S Byhalia Rd. Collierville, TN 38017 (901) 316-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr. Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 422-5508 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd. Memphis, TN 38133 (901) 372-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 849-8025 Colboch Harley-Davidson® 1830 N Davy Crockett Pkwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-5343 Crockett Powersports 4113 S Access Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37406 (423) 760-3670 Harley-Davidson® of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd. Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 540-0099

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Indian Triumph Of Knoxville 5820 Clinton Hwy Knoxville, TN 37912 (865) 689-4321 Knoxville Harley-Davidson® 5800 Clinton Highway Knoxville, TN 37912 (865) 689-2454 Moonshine Harley-Davidson® 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 (866) 667-8836 Music City Indian Motorcycle 1003 8th Ave S Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 401-9341 Rocky Top Harley-Davidson® 105 Waldens Main St. Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 (865) 774-3445 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 Northwest Broad Street Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 893-0150 Smith Brothers Harley-Davidson® 3518 Bristol Hwy Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 283-0422 Smoky Mountain Harley -Davidson® 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 977-1669 White Lightning Harley-Davidson® 7720 Lee Hwy Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 892-4888

Miss Kay’s Country Store & The Nutcracker Shed 960 Brownfield Rd. Dover, TN 37058 (931) 305-6064 The H.U.T 815 Parkway Sevierville, TN 37862 (865) 365-4979 The Warden's Table 9182 Hwy 116 Petros, TN 37845 (423) 324-8687

CAMPGROUNDS Birdsong Resort, Marina & Campground 255 Marina Rd. Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7880 Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort 7304 Old Railroad Bed Rd. Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 856-5455

GUN SHOPS/SHOOTING RANGE Chilhowee Sportsman's Club 7601 Old Railroad Bed Rd. Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 856-0565 Tennessee Gun Country 1435 Fort Campbell Blvd. Clarksville, TN 37042 (931) 552-2118



A & R Texas BBQ 4407 Calderwood Hwy Maryville, TN 37801 (903) 744-2613

AIM/NCOM Richard M. Lester 800-531-2424 1-800-on-a-bike

Birdsong Resort, Marina & Campground 255 Marina Rd. Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7880

Garza Law Firm PLLC 550 West Main Street #340 Knoxville, TN 37902 (865) 329-6982 Toll Free: (866) 893-8413

Chopper’s Grill & Bar 1200 Donelson Ave. Old Hickory, TN 37138 (615) 894-7020

Law Tigers Motorcycle Lawyers 1-844-533-2913 1-800-LawTigers

Full Throttle Bar & Grill 333 Swinging Bridge Rd. Old Hickory, TN 37138 (615) 300-0645 Hillbilly’s Wing Shack 26280 Hwy 69 Adamsville, TN 38310 (731) 632-2222

LEATHER & REPAIR Buckle and Hide Leather 197 Enon Spring Road West Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 768-5041

MINISTRIES Covenant Confirmers Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron Baptiste A “Biker Church” for All Bikers & Their Families (615) 384-9010

MUSEUMS Birdsong Resort, Marina & Campground 255 Marina Rd. Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7880 Brushy Mtn. State Pen 9182 Hwy 116 Petros, TN 37845 (423) 324-8687

PARTS & ACCESSORIES Amsoil (615) 389-1149 Reference #1569065 Catalyst Cycles 1074 Courier Place, Ste 402 Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 984-7969

SERVICES Bettencourt Originals Tracy Bettencourt Artist (931) 257-6938 Ventis Realty Keri Gilles Realtor 128 N. 2nd St., Suite 105 Clarksville, TN 37040 M: (931) 320-8028 O: (931) 444-5678 Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic 300 10th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172

TRAVEL/ACCOMMODATIONS Birdsong Resort, Marina & Campground 255 Marina Rd. Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7880 Mechele MacDaniel AAA Travel 1701 Mallory Ln., Ste 200 Brentwood TN 37027 (615) 376-1601 ext 265 Call for all your travel needs


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