Thunder Roads Colorado December 2017

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December 2017 | Volume 13 | Issue 1

THUNDER ROADS® Magazine COLORADO Published by Flying Hound Press, L.L.C. 7477 W. Layton Way Littleton, Colorado 80123 720-458-3134

ABATE.........................................................................6 Duane Durkos’s Stratoliner............................................8 Scott O’Sullivan..........................................................11 (Knee) Jerks and Helmet Use.....................................12 Tasty Recipes.............................................................14 Group Riding Hand Signals.......................................16 Calendar....................................................................18 Tech Tips....................................................................20 The Last Brass Monkey Run.......................................22 Skin Art......................................................................25 Events.......................................................................26 The Good Crash.........................................................28 News Bytes................................................................30 Biker Friendly Directory..............................................32 Joker’s Wild...............................................................33 Thunder Cam.............................................................34 TNT............................................................................36

EDITORS Patrick J. McCauley “5” President and Senior Editor Carrie McCauley Vice President and Editor PHOTOGRAPHERS Vickie Jo Mullin, Lead Photographer Wayne Madison David Campbell contributors Adventure Hermit (Joe Trey)

On The Cover

Peggy Bogaard-Lapp

Motorcycle: Wicked Photographer: Vickie Jo Mullin Model: Wendy Lou

Scott O’Sullivan Stump - Abate Whiskyman

December 2017 | Volume 13 | Issue


Advertising and Distribution Representatives Greater Metro Denver Area Toby Schmidt (720)829-7954 Northern Colorado Zak Clayton (970) 301-4674 LAYOUT & DESIGN Warren Ells, Art Director Thunder Publishing LLC National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Thunder Publishing LLC, Offices 615-792-0040 ©2016 Flying Hound Press, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of the content may be reproduced without written permission. Publisher assumes no responsibility and is not liable for errors beyond the cost of space occupied by the error, slander by any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled, any and all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors/contributors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of Thunder Road Magazine® Colorado, Thunder Publishing.

Publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

2 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

December 2017

Want to be a contributor or correspondent? We need contributors and correspondents for dirt bike offroad events, on-road cruiser, sport bike and adventure touring, rides, runs and rallies. Contact us today at contributors@ or 720-458-3134.

We are pleased to announce that Thunder Roads Colorado will once again be the magazine sponsor for the Colorado Motorcycle Expo. We partnered with Jeff in 2016 and we are thrilled to be a part of the 40th annual Motorcycle Expo (January 28th and 29th 2018). Make sure you get your tickets early! You can stay up to date on the schedule and the events on their website Make sure you pick up a copy of the January magazine. We will have a look at the schedule, some of the events and a preliminary map for the show. Thunder Roads Colorado will also be printing the Colorado Motorcycle Expo program. Please contact us for advertising opportunities. Patrick (5) and Carrie McCauley

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Full-time and part-time advertising representative wanted. No experience required. Contact us at or 720-458-3134.

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Please email us and let us know what you think and what you want to see at or 720-458-3134.

Add your ride, rally or run to our free events listing page Send us your event information whether on-Road or off-road, rides, runs, rallies and events for all types of motorcycles and three wheelers. We will list it free in our events listing for that month! or 720-458-3134.

don’t miss it!

December 2017 | Volume 13 | Issue 1

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Legislative Update & Getting Ready for 2018

Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. Profiling violates the Fourth Amendment. When the duration of the stop extends beyond the reasonable amount of time to adjudicate the traffic hile researching motorcycle profiling for possible legislation in infraction then the stop may be found unreasonable under the Fourth next year’s Colorado General Assembly, I came across the following Amendment. There is no set time for a reasonable stop because the information distributed by Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys written by circumstances of each stop are unique. David “Double D” Devereaux. Options to Combat Profiling at the State Level: Motorcycle Profiling Defined In Washington, state law prohibits even pretext-based stops not There are an estimated 10 million registered motorcyclists in America currently prohibited by federal law. But if you live elsewhere there is still representing all walks of life. They include doctors, lawyers, business owners, military veterans, blue collar workers, and even state legislators. much you can do. Many times there are state options available. And every profiling stop provides the opportunity to add tangibly to the pattern Unfortunately, the overly-broad outlaw biker stereotype embraced of evidence that can ultimately be used to justify a law in your state. by many in law enforcement results in selective enforcement and Document the stop. This sounds obvious but is extremely important. discriminatory traffic stops targeting a sizeable portion of the motorcycling community. It is important to understand the legal definition of “motorcycle Time, place, agency, duration of stop and any other details. These basic details are the foundation that everything going forward relies upon. profiling” and what your options are as a victim of profiling. Contact the Motorcycle Profiling Project. Email details of your profiling The legal definition of motorcycle profiling is different from the federal stop to The MPP can assist you level to the state level. in submitting public information requests, media responses, and the Federal Law: There is no federal law specifically prohibiting preparation of legislative proposals. The MPP is also well networked and motorcycle profiling. However, a traffic stop is prohibited where the ‘sole may be able to connect you to others working on profiling issues in your factor’ in the stop is membership (or expression of membership) in a motorcycle club. But as long as there is reasonable suspicion or probable state or region. Legislative Solutions: cause for a traffic infraction then other motives become immaterial to a Ultimately, legislative solutions provide the most comprehensive 4th Amendment analysis. Because most profiling stops are accompanied potential protection for motorcyclists at the state and federal level. by a traffic pretext, federal lawsuits become difficult and problematic Legislative solutions reduce the incidents of profiling and provide a unless there are other circumstances such as unreasonable stop mechanism of relief for incidents that do still occur. This policy reinforces duration. Constitutional policing, responsible management of resources, focus State Law: In Washington state, the only state with a law addressing on conduct as opposed to appearance and helps repair the relationship the issue, the definition of motorcycle profiling provides more protection between law enforcement and the community. than federal law because it prohibits pretext-based traffic stops. If The MPP proposes legislation that would require federal, state and discrimination is even ‘a factor’ in the stop, not the ‘sole factor’, the local law enforcement to adopt a written policy to condemn and prevent stop is illegal. Washington Revised Code 43.101.419 says, “Motorcycle Profiling means the illegal use of the fact that a person rides a motorcycle motorcycle profiling, coupled with the integration of basic training. This policy is empirically a highly effective solution, with no fiscal impact, and or wears motorcycle-related paraphernalia as a factor in deciding does not prevent law enforcement from doing their job. Washington to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest, or search a State’s positive experience is indisputable and has remained consistent person or vehicle, with or without a legal basis under the State or US Constitution.” Motorcycle profiling amounts to a publicly funded campaign since adoption in 2011. Profiling legislation eliminates gross resource mismanagement and of discrimination. reduces the state’s exposure to civil liability. More economic efficiency Options to Combat Profiling at the Federal Level: and resource allocation results in positive economic advantages dwarfing Profiling violates the First Amendment. Being in a motorcycle club or any potential costs of implementation. organization, and displaying symbols of association, are both irrefutably Legislative action closes loopholes that allow profiling to continue. protected by the First Amendment. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971) that individuals have the Many times following profiling stops motorcyclists are not arrested or given a ticket. This makes it difficult to establish damages. Requiring all constitutional right under the First Amendment to wear clothing which law enforcement agencies to change their policy towards motorcyclists displays writing or designs and has long recognized and protected would close this loophole preventing less quantifiable (but no less the right of an individual to freedom of association. More recent cases confirm that First Amendment protection specifically applies to motorcycle important) damages to expression and equal protection. Stump club and organization colors and clothing. Legislative Affairs Office - ABATE of Colorado Profiling violates the Forteenth Amendment. In Whren v. US (Supreme Court, # 95-5841, 1996) the court made a clear distinction between Reprinted by permission of Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys discriminatory stops and mere investigatory stops. The court said, “The Note: Maryland has become the second state to enact motorcycle constitution prohibits selective enforcement of the law.” Although the Fourth Amendment is not the proper basis for a complaint, discriminatory profiling legislation. or selective enforcement stops are a violation of the Due Process and

Hello Concerned Motorcyclists


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DUANE DURKOS 2009 Yamaha Stratoliner

Model: Katherine Kirk 8 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

December 2017

Owner / Builder: Duane Durkos

took over the project after starting it with an incompetent Builder from the Chicago area. Bike started off as a 2009 Yamaha Stratoliner. Front End provided by Hawg Halters. Both Hand Controls provided by Hawg Halters. 26” Front and 17” Rear Wheels with matching Rotors and Pulleys provided by SMT Machining. Hand Control Switches provided by Grip Ace. Fairing- Custom Jensen Audio System Instant up Front and Rear Air Ride provide by AirFX. Extended Bags- Started off as Corbin Bags before extended. Extensive motor work has been done. ...and many more small details to make it a one-of-a-kind bike.

Photos by: Mark Freeland, Mark Freeland Imaging, 317-507-0193,

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LIVE 24/7 Biker Radio

Rally Coverage Biker Music | BIker bands

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December 2017

FAQs About Colorado Motorcycle Endorsements and Other Colorado Motorcycle Laws motorcycle-endorsed driver’s license—and that adult has to have permission from the minor’s parent or guardian.

By Scott O’Sullivan, The O’Sullivan Law Firm Being a longtime supporter and board member of, I am fortunate enough to meet many serious Colorado motorcyclists. I attend Look Twice rides, biker rallies and I even sponsor events like the Pikes Peak Bike Week. At nearly every gathering, I’m asked questions about Colorado’s motorcycle laws. So, I thought I would do a roundup of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that Colorado bikers ask me. FAQ 1. What is the Difference Between a Motorcycle Endorsement and a Motorcycle License? In a nutshell: nothing. It just depends on the state where you are riding. In Colorado, the Division of Motor Vehicles issues endorsements to your driving license rather than separate motorcycle licenses. (Therefore, you need a Colorado driver’s license to ride a motorcycle in this state.)

FAQ 6. What Happens if I Get Pulled Over and I Don’t Have Insurance for My Motorcycle? In Colorado, you must have both an endorsement and insurance before riding your motorcycle. If you are caught riding without insurance, you could face the following penalties: First Offense $500 fine (minimum) Four points on your driving record Possible suspension of your license Second Offense $1,000 fine (minimum) Four-month suspension of your license

FAQ 2. How Can I Get a Colorado Motorcycle Endorsement? According to the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles, you may add a motorcycle endorsement to your license in one of two ways:

Third Offense $1,000 fine (minimum) Community service Eight-month suspension of your license

• • • • •

I also want to note, as a personal injury attorney who has seen a lot of motorcycle accident injuries, you should simply never ride without insurance. It is too risky. I have written extensively about this topic at At a minimum, you should have $250,000 of Underinsured Motorist Coverage because you cannot depend on the driver who hits you to have enough insurance to cover your injuries and losses.

Pass the motorcycle written exam Purchase a motorcycle instruction permit Schedule and pass a motorcycle drive skills test Purchase a new driver’s license to add the motorcycle endorsement

Complete a Motorcycle Operator Safety Training (MOST) course (See below for more on how and where to do this) • Present your original MOST license waiver card in a driver’s license office and purchase a new driver’s license to add the motorcycle endorsement Note: You cannot add a motorcycle endorsement by mail, online or over the phone.

FAQ 3. What is the Penalty for Riding Without a Colorado Motorcycle Endorsement? It is illegal to operate a motorcycle in the state of Colorado without an endorsement. If you are caught, you will get a ticket. The charge may include four points on your license, 40 hours of public service, a mandatory fine, court costs and often significant increases in insurance rates both for motorcycles and cars. Do not risk it! FAQ 4. What Are the Age Requirements for Riding a Motorcycle in Colorado? If you are under the age of 18 and you want to ride a motorcycle, you need to accomplish the following tasks: • Submit an “Affidavit of Liability and Guardianship” signed by a parent or legal guardian • Possess a motorcycle riding permit for an entire year before becoming eligible for a motorcycle endorsement (the “M” on your driver’s license) • If you are between 15 and 16 years old, you must complete a “Motorcycle Operator Skills Training” (MOST) program (See information about motorcycle classes below.) • Must be at least 16 years old in order to receive the official “M” endorsement for your license. In addition to those requirements, motorcycle riders under age 18 can only ride under the supervision of an adult who is at least 21 years old and has a

FAQ 5. Where Can I Take Motorcycle Riding Classes? As you read above, in order to receive a motorcycle endorsement on your Colorado driver’s license, you will most likely have to take a “Motorcycle Operator Skills Training” class. The state of Colorado provides a handy list of MOST-certified instructors, organized by geographic region. You can find that list here: https://www. Clearly, you have a lot of motorcycle riding schools to choose from. So, how do you choose? A few years ago, I met the owner of the Motorcycle Training Academy and the Driver Training Academy, Dave Tolbert. What impressed me the most about Dave was that he got into the business of training riders and drivers because he cares very deeply about keeping people safe. He says that his business is a vocation for him, a calling. A driving instructor on his team expressed the same passion. Chuck Shaw, a senior coach with the Academy, told me, “Most of us who work at the Academy also have full-time positions elsewhere involving safety for our community. Many of us are active duty or retired military. Working at the Academy is a vocation for us. We want to keep the community safe.” If you are going to put your future safety (or your child’s future safety) into the hands of a driving or motorcycle riding school, make sure that their interests are in the right place. They need to care as much as Dave and his team do about keeping people safe. OK! Those are all of the Frequently Asked Questions that I can remember hearing from motorcycle riders recently. If you have another one, call me at 303-388-5304.

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Wild Ride

(Knee) Jerks and Helmet Use Because freedom sometimes hurts

This commentary was not what I originally intended to write this month but it has been nagging at the back of my mind for quite some time. Born from a recent article I read, the necessity to pen this post has grown so large in my mind that I fear if not written now, it will have to be published in book form by the end of the year, if given the opportunity to stew on it for greater lengths of time. So in the name of avoiding writing a novel rivaling the length of War and Peace, I would like to address the knee jerk reactions that seem to be invading society. Reactions on everything from running a damn zoo to helmet use. I am sure no doubt you have noticed- in this day and age of social media- everyone is given a voice. Even if that voice is pure unadulterated stupidity screaming at you and everyone else… and for the most part, it is. Anymore, one does not need to be an expert, or really know any part of what they are talking about, to lend their two cents on any issue... and I mean ANY issue. Coming to mind as I furiously type this on my computer is the recent debacle of the zoo keeper shooting a gorilla which was threating the life of a child. Instead of any “normal thinking” society where people who know little to nothing of how to properly run a zoo would take it upon themselves to shutter their misinformed opinions on the matter and a step back, everyone and their mother’s cousin sister jumped in on the action. For a few weeks it seemed as though most people living within the confines of planet earth knew how to run a zoo, given the feedback and comments on social media. Echoing in my mind is yet another piece of drivel which I had recently had the misfortune of reading; an article about a grieving family who had lost their father due to a motorcycle accident (You can view said article, originally written for by Tony Rhodin on October 25, 2017). Now, before you send me hate filled emails and threaten to blow up my cats please know that I am not attacking this family. It sincerely sucks what happened to them and I would not wish it on my nastiest enemy. I personally have had friends and loved ones perish in crashes, some were wearing helmets and others 12 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

not- both were terrible times and it is the worst type of grief to go through. Where I take issue is how this family is now handling their sorrow, and seem to be- intentionally or not- using a pulpit of grief to cultivate some meaning from a tragedy. This reaction to a catastrophe plays out not only in this instance but around the United States- a knee jerk reaction to an unavoidable problem. The reason this particular story caught my eye was that the family mentioned seemed to not merely deal with their grief internally and move on, they are now attempting to impose their values and beliefs on the general public. See, here is what is happening: 1. Family loses their dad in a motorcycle accident 2. Family blames death of dad on the lack of helmet 3. Media picks up story and blames lack of helmets on death 4. Social media and other media fake outrages over lack of helmet laws 5. Family leads charge to mandate helmet laws in entire State. 6. Personal freedoms and State’s rights get overlooked in the name of “safety”. This family, at least from what I could garner from

December 2017

the article, blames lack of helmet laws on their father’s death, or bemoans the fact that there were no helmet laws in place before the tragic accident suffered by their father. Reading through, I wondered during the entirety of the piece if any blame would be placed on the driver, their father, the road conditions, etc. etc. but alas nothing of the sort was found, only the lack of helmet laws. I would hope that explaining the absurdity of this article would need no clarification but when an entire country can become divided on what color a black and blue or white and gold dress is (black and blue by the way) I feel it necessary to expand on just why this particular family may want to think twice about their new found crusade and put the kibosh on imposing their belief of mandatory helmet laws on the general public. Here’s the problem, it seems as though any time there is a tragedy instead of people coping with it in a healthy and sometimes internal way, they seek to remedy the situation abroad. Take gun control for instance (*gasp*… are you really surprised I brought this up?). Every time we get some lunatic with an AK-47 who is pissed life has not gone their way and decides to shoot up a building and those in it, the gun grabbers emerge from their dark holes and feed off of people’s tears. Now, is it a really sad and awful thing every time a shooting happens? YES! Is it necessary to revoke the rights of every freaking citizen in the United States because of it? NO! That is absurd. It is like banning bleach for an entire population because one idiot decided to use it as mouthwash, swallowed it and died. Reading on, what I found even more absurd in this article is that the family’s dad exercised his CHOICE to not wear a helmet, and this point for the most part in the article, is not even addressed. CHOICE… the very thing this family wants to take away from others. The dad seemed, for all intents and purposes, like a grown and well educated man. He made a CHOICE, even though exercising that choice meant consequences, he still had the opportunity to make it. A CHOICE millions of riders make on a daily basis. Now, the state where this all happened was Pennsylvania and in that state, their father was not required to wear a helmet. Forgive me if this appears a little sharp but it seems as though their dad understood more about personal freedoms than the rest of the family does. Again, does it suck what happened… yes, but that does not negate the fact that freedom still exists. Freedom sometimes comes at a cost and in life things happen that may or may not be pleasant. This might not be the socially acceptable or agreeable stance to take and I know I will never be hired for a P.R. firm, but sometimes what is right and what is agreeable are two very, very different things. Life is dangerous and life is

sometimes unkind. May I remind you that no one gets out alive (not even Mick Jagger 100 years from now). But that does not negate the fact that people, at least in this country for a while longer, have freedoms. Just because something bad happens to a segment of the population does not mean that it is wrong, it just means life sucks at times. I understand the need to make a tragedy mean something and to not want your loved one’s memory fade to black, but when a crusade takes shape and begins attacking other’s freedoms, you lose your “social safety buffer” and enter into the world of reality and debate. Now, for those of you currently screaming at the page asking me if I wear a helmet when riding, the answer is yes… but do you know why? Not because my state mandates it (they do not) and not because I like the feeling of a bowling ball around my noggin, or the way my hair is unmanageable for two days after a ride… but because I think helmets DO make riding safer. I also think that riders should wear them, but I also think that it should BE THE RIDER’S CHOICE AND THEIR CHOICE ALONE. Do you know why… because I believe in freedom and people’s right to choose what they want their path in life to be. Does this make me an uncaring monster? Nope, just a rational human being not wishing to impose my wants and ideals on others. Where I might differ a tad from some in the “no helmet crowd” is that I do realize freedom comes with personal responsibility. It should be your choice on whether or not to wear a helmet; however, if you chose not to wear a lid then it should be your responsibility to carry enough health insurance to cover you if you get smacked by a Mack truck and turn into a vegetable. Do not expect society to foot the bill for your unconscious butt. That is freedom, do your thing but do not expect others to cover for you either. The point is, you be you and let others be others. I am truly heartbroken for this family, but my sadness ended when they began attempting to impose their will culled from a tragedy onto the responsible masses. We as a society need to understand this fact and accept that freedom sometimes hurts, and even kills… but that doesn’t mean people do not deserve it; take it or leave it, you have to admit I gave you something to think about that’s WAY more entertaining than what is currently on Facebook. Referenced Article: bethlehem/index.ssf/2017/10/out_of_tragedy_a_teens_ drive_t.html By Dallas Hageman, Thunder Roads Colorado Columnist and host of Wild Ride Radio

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Tasty Recipes All of these recipes have been kitchen tested and biker approved.

Bittersweet Chocolate Snowballs

7. Remove portions of cookie dough from refrigerator one quarter at a time. Divide dough into 1-inch balls. Roll each ball in granulated sugar and then in confectioners’ sugar to coat completely. Place cookies 2 inches apart on prepared (cooled) baking sheets. 8. Bake, one cookie sheet at a time, until cookies flatten and What can I say about these cookies, except YUM! tops form cracks, about 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from oven Chocolatey and delicious! You can add a little bit of and place baking sheets on wire racks to cool. Store in an peppermint extract or some finely crushed peppermints airtight container, between layers of parchment or wax paper for a little twist. for up to 1 week. 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch process cocoa powder 2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature 1-1/3 cups light-brown sugar, firmly packed These are a favorite holiday cookie made by a dear friend 2 large eggs of the McCauley Family. I have since taken over the cookie 1 tsp hazelnut or vanilla extract baking for the holidays, and I have to make two batches, 1/3 cup milk one for my Father-in-law and one for Patrick. 1 cup granulated sugar (for rolling) 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1 cup confectioners’ sugar (for rolling) 1 tsp baking powder Makes about 4 dozen cookies 1. In a medium size bowl whisk together flour, cocoa, 1/2 tsp salt 1 lb pitted dates, cut in small pieces baking powder, and salt until well blended. 1 cup chopped nuts (I like to use walnuts) 2. In a large bowl, beat butter and brown sugar with an 3 eggs electric mixer on medium high speed until light and fluffy, 1 cup sugar 3 to 4 minutes. Powdered sugar. 3. Add eggs and hazelnut extract; beat until well combined. Add melted chocolate and beat until blended. 1. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. 4. With mixer on low speed, alternate adding flour 2. Mix in dates and nuts. 3. In separate bowl, beat eggs until blended. Add sugar mixture and milk until just combined. 5. Divide the dough into quarters, wrapping each with gradually mix well. plastic wrap, and chill in refrigerator until firm, about 2 4. Blend in four mixture. 5. Pour into greased 9X9X2 inch pan. hours. 6. Bake 350 degrees about 35 minutes. Cut into bars while 6. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets warm. Roll in powdered sugar if desired. with parchment paper or silicone liners. Place each Servings: 24 sugar in a separate shallow dish. Yield: 2 Dozen

Date Bars

Do you have some recipes that you love and would like to share with the readers of Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine? Submit them to We will try them out and maybe publish them in the magazine! 14 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

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MSF’s Guide to Group Riding: Hand Signals

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Motorcycle: Wicked

Photographer: Vickie Jo Mullin

Model: Wendy Lou

Last Brass Monkey Run




Buying a Harley – Will That Be Cash Or… Before answering that ad in the paper, “Harley For Sale”, there are things you may wish to consider. Putting down your hard earned money on that Harley (or any other motorcycle) is a big step. There is nothing better than the feeling of ownership, especially if it’s your first Harley-Davidson. Unlike a car, owning a motorcycle is more personal and how close a rider feels to his/her bike stems from the riding experience itself. Therefore before you buy, whether used or new, it’s good to think about what kind of Harley or other motorcycle you wish to own.If you have already determined the type and style of Harley you are looking for and have made up your mind to buy “used”, please check out the article on Title and VIN Numbers.Sometimes knowing what kind of Harley you want is easier than scraping together the money actually buy it. You’ve decided on what model Harley to buy, but there remains one major obstacle – how to pay for your dream bike. If you are still wavering on bike choices or whether to buy new or used be sure to check out ” Harley For Sale ” article. For those with cash-in-hand, recent lottery winners, or those that have been saving their nickels, what are you waiting for? Get out there, buy that new Harley, and enjoy the ride! For many however, buying a bike will require financing. Let’s face it, Harley’s aren’t cheap! But that doesn’t mean you have to wait a lifetime saving up for one. Interest rates are lower than they have been in years and finance companies are starting to approve motorcycle loans as easily as auto loans. Some banks still frown on motorcyclists or hike rates for them. Take your business elsewhere if that is the case. When I decided to buy my last Harley new, I went shopping around. Not for bikes or dealers, but shopping for the money. What I found when hunting for loans were a lot of fine print and hidden costs, aside from the occasional “NO”. Even the H-D motor company financing, while competitive had terms that could still be beat elsewhere. After seeking loans that

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met my approval and terms I could live with, I found that some of the best deals were online. Maybe it has to do with less overhead or automation, but I was able to find rates and terms through major finance companies that were better than what I would have received calling them on the phone. The best deals on motorcycle loans I found were online or with credit unions. Maybe it has to do with less overhead or automation, but I was able to find rates and terms through major finance companies that were better than what I would have received calling them on the phone. Whether online or at a bank, be sure to verify that they finance motorcycles before applying. What works out for you may vary, but for me personally these companies were a pleasure to deal with. I even found some that offered financing on used motorcycles, something many banks won’t do. For anyone saving to buy a Harley, the biggest suggestion I can make is don’t wait too long. Set goals for yourself and do whatever it takes (within reason) to get out there and ride. For some this may require paying down current debt, reducing a few unnecessary bills (do you really need 400 cable channels?), or even refinancing a current car loan to a lower interest rate. Every little bit helps. Don’t forget to check into insurance for your new or used scoot. This is often overlooked and could end up costing you more than you expected. This is also a good opportunity to save some cash to spend on your new ride or chrome goodies since you could save money on your current insurance (both car and bike). Rather than spending time on the phone with insurance agents trying to sell you their products, check out Geico and get a free online quote without getting hassled by some insurance salesman. I shopped several and saved a grip of cash compared to what I used to pay (gouged) for insurance. I also ended up with better coverage from a company that provides coverage specifically for motorcycles and not just modified auto coverage. In the end I recdeived a discount by insuring both my bike and truck with the same company.

December 2017

BRITISH MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO Meets 1 st Saturday of every month, 10 am South Side Johnny’s 528 S. Tejon Colorado Springs, CO All makes and models of bikes welcome! Contact John @719-213-3239 or

You say you didn’t see your event in our magazine? Let us know about your event by emailing us at

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The Last Brass Monkey Run Sunday, December 31, 2017 10:00 AM Wrigley’s Chicago Bar & Grill 18200 W Colfax Ave Golden, CO 80401 The Last Brass Monkey Run combines a bit of truth, a bit of legend, a bit of myth, a big challenge and a whole lot of fun-- all the makings of a great motorcycle run. It starts with a bit of myth… The motorcycle run has nothing to do with the cocktail of similar name just as that cocktail had nothing to do with defeating the Japanese Imperial Secret Service during World War II. It may just be a coincidence that the original Last Brass Monkey Run was held on December 31, 1987, which was also the year that The Beastie Boys released a popular song with the title “Brass Monkey” peaking at 48 on The Billboard Hot 100 list. It may also be a coincidence that the Beastie Boys named their song after that same cocktail. Or maybe it’s just… …A bit of legend. We have been unable to actually determine if any of the original participants who went on that first Last Brass Monkey Run had partaken of the cocktail of the same name on the day of that original run, either way they may have just been a bit bat guano crazy. A bit of truth…though confusing it may be, it is the Last Brass Monkey Run but it is not the last Last Brass Monkey Run. This is because it is traditionally held on the last day of the year and last refers to the last run of the year, not the demise of the yearly event. Therefore, it is the last chance of the year to ride your motorcycle when it is “cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey”. A whole lot of fun. If the term “cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” brings images of some chump… er.. I mean chimp, losing the family jewels (well I like the way you think), but I have to inform you that while that isn’t what a brass monkey actually is or does, you may also be just bat guano crazy enough to fully qualify to participate in this motorcycle run. A bit of myth The term “cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” probably first slipped out of the mouth of a sailor 22 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

several centuries ago. But what, exactly is a brass monkey and can you freeze the balls off of it? Well, back in the days of cannons mounted upon sailing ships the brass monkey was never far from the cannon. It held stacked iron cannonballs. Each “monkey” had sixteen dimples in it to hold the cannonballs in a row of four by four with each dimple holding a cannon ball. Those sixteen were topped by nine more cannon balls that were cradled on top of the sixteen in three by three rows. The next level allowed for an additional four cannon balls placed two by two and the crown of that four-sided pyramid allowed for one cannon ball on the top. The set-up allowed for the quick reloading and firing of the cannon by the cannon crew. Unless your balls froze off…

So the story is that those brass monkey balls would “freeze off” when it got cold enough. Here is how that (supposedly) happened: Cannon balls were made of cast iron and the monkey was made of brass. Brass and Iron are metals that expand and contract at different rates when temperatures increase and decrease. Supposedly when subjected to cold enough temperatures, the brass would contract enough that the bottom sixteen balls stacked on the monkey would no longer be secure in the dimples of the monkey and spill out the entire stack of cannon balls and those balls would be sent rolling all over the deck of the ship.

December 2017

A bit of truth. It is purely a coincidence that the above example of a brass monkey holds thirty (16+9+4+1=30) cannonballs and that the event to be held on December 31st of 2017 is advertised as the 30th Annual Last Brass Monkey Run. What? You think I make this stuff up? A bit of myth. The description of the brass monkey holding cannonballs is detailed enough for me to say this method of holding cannon balls was probably at least experimented with and maybe actually used (probably on land). I doubt it was ever used on a sailing ship and if it ever was, it was probably a short-lived experiment. No records have been found referring to the brass monkey being used on ships sailed by major sea fairing countries. The turbulence of high seas alone would put the danger of loose cannonballs on deck at high risk. Furthermore, Gunners would spend much of their time trying to remove the small imperfections from their cannonballs in an effort to get them to hit the target more accurately. Storing cannonballs on the deck of a ship exposed to salty seawater would cause the cannonballs to rust very quickly causing even more imperfections. A bit of truth. For you scientists out there, it would likely never get cold enough to actually “freeze the balls off a brass monkey”. The coefficient of expansion of brass is 0.000019 while for iron it is 0.000012. So, if the monkey was 1-meter square, the drop in temperature needed to make the monkey shrink relative to the balls by just one millimeter, would be around 100 degrees Celsius. Another coincidence? Remember the cocktail? And the Beastie Boys song? And the original Last Brass Monkey Run all happening in 1987? Maybe it is just the hundredth monkey syndrome. On January 6, 1987, The US Patent Office issued patent number US4634021 A to John W. Davis for a “Release Mechanism” to be used in a novelty “Brass Monkey” for the purpose of “emasculating” the monkey when the temperature decreases to a predetermined temperature at which the balls in the brass monkey are permitted to drop to a base which is designed to produce an audible sound when struck by the balls. Ain’t that a kick? (I wonder if that audible sound wasn’t a loud “OUCH!) This is no guano. I couldn’t make that up if I tried and it is too easy to verify. A big challenge. How and why in the world would a so-called sailors term end up being used to describe a motorcycle run held in a city that is a mile above sea level and 940 miles from the nearest ocean? A whole lot of fun. Well in the light of that last bit of myth, that last bit of truth, the coincidences so far, and that big

challenge, I would like to remind you that sailors aren’t especially known for their purity in thought and speech. I reckon bikers aren’t either. I’m not saying that the good folks at ABATE of Colorado who sponsor and put this event on every year are not trying to run a clean tight ship. What I am saying is that the history of this event may have been greased up over the years so much that avoiding the Freudian Slips is unlikely. …A bit of legend. Back on New Years Eve Day 1987, a dozen or so bikers from ABATE District 5, met at VFW Post 3971 on South Platte River Drive. Each biker thought themselves to be a year-round biker and thought it a good idea to promote year-round riding in the Denver area. They had containers of homemade Chili strapped to their motorcycles and rode up to a member’s house near 120th and Washington. A Whole lot of Fun. There they had some libations (Not necessarily the cocktail Brass Monkeys which are made from orange juice, vodka and dark rum) and a Chili tasting contest. It was a good ride, with good friends, followed by good food and a good time… and true to what must have been inevitable in 1987, “Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” whatever that meant. A bit of legend. When it was all said and done, they decided to reward themselves with a memento of the ride. Being a bunch of wrenchers and greasers I suppose it was easy to source brass nuts and mark them with the year of the ride, but what were they thinking? I guess it doesn’t matter because I have seen some people come to this event, collect their brass nut and begin the trip home again. Getting one more brass nut embellished with the year of the ride is a huge thing for some riders. Especially for many that go on this ride every year. Some riders come to show their nuts to everybody. Some riders will show them if you ask. Was it just another Freudian Slip that they chose brass nuts as the memento? Just like many other rides, you can purchase a t shirt. You even get your choice of short or long sleeve. But “The Nut” is the real prize of this ride and proof that you are part of the legend. Records indicate that some years have drawn 1200 to 1700 people. With December 31 falling on a Sunday this year, the crowd could be quite large again. Some of it is truth. Some of it is myth. If you are willing to accept this big challenge, you can have a whole lot of fun and become part of some of the legend. Toby Schmidt – Thunder Roads Colorado

December 2017

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December 2017

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December 2017 - January 2018 Santa Saturday 12/9/2017 16565 E. 33rd Dr. Aurora, CO 80011 Santa visits Mile High Harley-Davidson Bring the family for photos and fun Phone: (303) 653-9582

Harry’s Roamers MC Ice Races Registration Event 12/13/2018 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM 5110 Morrison Road, Denver, 80219 American legion in Denver. That address is 5110 Morrison rd. Denver 80219. We will be there from 630 to 9pm. All participants must register with us to be able to race!!! Early registration will be $10 for adults and $5 for mini racers! Those prices double on the day of the event! We really need your participation in these events to ease the load of data entry on the day of the first race. Please help us kick start the 2018 championship ice racing series! A great season awaits!!! Thanks to everyone!!!

THE RUN SO FEEL FREE TO DEORATE YOUR BIKE. (Decorating is NOT a requirement...but it is if you want to win this awesome “steam punk’ish” trophy created by Rebel J Tamlin) As always we have some great prizes to hand out including a weekend stay in the King Suite at Arrowhead Mountain Lodge, $150 gift certificates from Nostalgic West Leather, a year’s supply of household paper products from Sumables, an hour long body massage courtesy of Laura Syring at Charlie’s Massage, eye lash extensions courtesy of Sammy Huston from All A Glow Day Spa, an all-inclusive auto detailing from Garage Guys Detailing and of course of one-of-a-kind signed football from John Elway much more. Toy Drop Locations: Greeley Harley-Davidson:3010 W 20th St/Greeley All About You Hair and Nail Design: 2715 W 10th/Greeley Advantage Bank: 1801 59th Ave/Greeley Dicks Tavern: 123, US-85/Ault Team Tom: South side of the Greeley Mall Est, Inc: 1873 S. Bellaire St/Denver Alpine Veterinary Hospital Greeley Co: 131 N 35th Ave/Greeley All toys and donated proceeds benefit Santa Cops of Weld County. The Sleigh Riders Motorcycle Toy Run is a 501c3 charity and represented by the Suhre Law Firm, LLC.

Chance to Win Last Brass Monkey Run 12/16/2017 12/30/2017 11:00 – 3:00 PM 18881 E. Colfax Aurora, CO and 18200 W. Colfax Golden, CO 1435 N. Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214 Sponsored by ABATE of Colorado Enter for a Chance to Win a new BMW Motorcycle! Plus check out our The ride has two starting points. In Golden the ride will start at awesome vendors and win some cool prizes! Register here -> http://www. Wrigley’s,18200 W. Colfax. In Aurora you can start at the Pioneer Club, 18881 E. Colfax. The motorcycles go out from both locations at 10:00 am. The ride or at the Ticket URL in the event description. ends in Denver with food, games, a chili cook-off, door prizes, and live music. Join us on December 16th! 150 Randomly Chosen participants will be Phone: (303) 789-3264 invited to try their luck on December 16th and “Crack the Vault” for a Website: or Chance to Win a new 2017 BMW R1200GS! There will be doors prizes, event/30th-annual-last-brass-monkey-run/2017-12-31/ giveaways, food, beer, and music! Save the date and invite your friends and Harry’s Roamers Motorcycle Club 52nd Annual Ice Races family! Must be present on December 16th, 2017 for a 1/7/2018 Chance to Win a new BMW Motorcycle! See description for times Entries close December 9th so get yours in! Rainbow Falls Mountain Trout (Between Deckers and Woodland Park on Hwy 67) 2017 Sleigh Riders Motorcycle Toy Run Visit our facebook page for ice status and updates. Number plate 12/17/2017 reservations: email your requeted number and class to 10:00 – 4:00 PM Studded Tire Classes 2501 35th Ave. Greeley, CO 80634 Bike Classes Join us for the 12th Annual Sleigh Riders Motorcycle Toy Run on Sunday, Open Pro, 0-300, Open Bike A and B, Novice, Masters 40+, Vintage 1975 December 17. Staging begins at 10:00 AM at the John Elway dealership and older, Speedway, Sportsman (A and Pro only) in Greeley located at 2501 35th Ave. and the police escort parade ride Quad Classes leaves promptly at Noon. The ride is 8.5 miles this year, through controlled Pro Quad, Amateur Quad A, B, C, Powder Puff, Mini Quad (150cc max ages intersections, ending at the Tilted Kilt Pub and Eatery The Tilted Kilt is 10 – 15), Sportsman (A and Pro only) closing their doors to the public for us and this will be a “private party” of Bare Tire Classes sorts to ensure we have enough room for all the Sleigh Riders attending. 4 X 4 Sport, 4 X 4 Utility Out of respect to the riders, please let parade riders gain entry first, once Quad – 2 X 4 – Pro, A, B & C, 3 Wheel – ATC, Mini Quad A, B & C (90cc and under minimum age – 5 years) the doors open. The first 300 people on motorcycles will receive a FREE Bike Classes 2017 ride patch, shirt and prize ticket. ALL RIDERS MUST HAVE AT Bare Tire A, B, 3rd Wheel, Mini Bike A (150 cc or less 14 years max), Mini LEAST ONE TOY ON YOUR MOTORCYCLE. For each toy you bring, Bike B (50 – 80cc age 5 years, 10 years max) you will get a prize ticket that may win you a great prize at the after party. Sign up – 6:00 AM until 8:00 AM After party begins at 12:30 PM with live music from Psycho X, great food, Practice – 7:30 AM drinks and lots of fun. If you are not riding but would like to enjoy watching Races Start at 9:00 AM the bikes the parade route is posted on this event page as well as the Contact for registration fees Sleigh Riders Facebook page. NEW THIS YEAR: SOMEONE WILL WIN Website: A CUSTOM-MADE TROPHY FOR MOST “FESTIVE” MOTORCYCLE ON 26 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

December 2017

What to do at the Scene of a Motorcycle Crash 1/13/2018 9:00 – 4:00 PM 1338 Phay Ave Canon City, CO 81212 Learn what to do in the event of a crash: How to stop bleeding Manage wounds Maintain airway and breathing Safely remove helmets CPR Scene safety And more! Classroom and hands on learning. St. Thomas More Hospital - Community Room

ASMI’s Basic Bystander Assistance Training 1/27/2018 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM 1701 Chambers Rd, Unit K Aurora, CO 80011 A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist -- nationally recognized Accident Scene Management course. Don’t miss this opportunity to take a class that might save a life! Nationally recognized Accident Scene Management Inc. is a nonprofit organization that teaches motorcyclists what to do at the scene of an accident until help arrives. Basic class information is based on the D.O.T. First Responder Curriculum.

Harry’s Roamers Motorcycle Club 52nd Annual Ice Races 1/14/2018 1/21/2018 See description for times Rainbow Falls Mountain Trout (Between Deckers and Woodland Park on Hwy 67) Visit our facebook page for ice status and updates. Number plate reservations: email your requeted number and class to Studded Tire Classes Bike Classes Open Pro, 0-300, Open Bike A and B, Novice, Masters 40+, Vintage 1975 and older, Speedway, Sportsman (A and Pro only) Quad Classes Pro Quad, Amateur Quad A, B, C, Powder Puff, Mini Quad (150cc max ages 10 – 15), Sportsman (A and Pro only) Bare Tire Classes 4 X 4 Sport, 4 X 4 Utility Quad – 2 X 4 – Pro, A, B & C, 3 Wheel – ATC, Mini Quad A, B & C (90cc and under minimum age – 5 years) Bike Classes Bare Tire A, B, 3rd Wheel, Mini Bike A (150 cc or less 14 years max), Mini Bike B (50 – 80cc age 5 years, 10 years max) Sign up – 6:00 AM until 8:00 AM Practice – 7:30 AM Races Start at 9:00 AM Contact for registration fees Website:

Colorado Motorcycle Expo - 40th Anniversary Saturday 1/27/2018: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Sunday 1/28/2018: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm National Western Complex The Colorado Motorcycle Expo is one of the largest motorcycle events in the country. It’s also one of the few great authentic shows left for real bikers! General admission is $15.00 for one day or $20.00 for a weekend pass. The event includes a swap meet, motorcycle show, live music, contests, tattooing and more. Vendor fee is $135.00 for a 10’ x 10’ space. Vendors returning from the 2016 show will receive a discount. Space for over 800 vendors is available. The fee to enter the Custom and Antique motorcycle in the show is $40.00. The bikes will be judged in various categories and there is room for over 100 bikes. Cash and trophies will be awarded to winners. Features: (i) the country’s largest indoor Motorcycle Swap Meet with over 800 booths, (ii) a Custom & Antique Motorcycle Show with over 100 Bikes, (iii) the Miss CME Wet T Shirt Contest, (iv) Live Music (v) onsite tattooing, and This event occupies over 300,000 sq. ft. of indoor space. It’s THE motorcycle social event of the winter, so don’t miss it! Phone: (303) 835-6967 Email: Website: Onesie Bar Crawl – Denver

Need Your Oil Changed? Add your ride, rally or run to our free events listing page Send us your event information whether on-Road or off-road, rides, runs, rallies and events for all types of motorcycles and three wheelers. We will list it free in our events listing for that month! events@ thunderroadscolorado. com or 720-458-3134.

December 2017

DO IT YOURSELF! WE’LL TEACH YOU HOW AT OUR “HARLEY MECHANICS 101” CLASS. In 1 Day you will learn how to change your Harley’s fluids, adjust cables, and more. CALL US FOR MORE INFO

Thunder & Lightning Cycles LLC 3986 S. Broadway Englewood, CO 80113 720.287.1670

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 27

The Good Crash reprinted from Thunder Roads Missouri By Nick Ganim crashes – assuming they survive – they gain a whole different attitude, approach and skill to riding. They acquire a new understanding about biking and its risks. They gain a confidence that was unknowable prior to the fall. They appreciate the ride now with a renewed and heightened awareness and joy. They know how quickly a crash can occur, how easily it can happen and how damaging and life-threatening it can be. There is no longer any need for anyone to warn us to ride safe, no matter how genuine their intentions may be. This is only possible by becoming a crash-survivor. Not a crash-victim. Honestly, while we drive our cars every day for every purpose with the understanding that we could crash or even die in the vehicle how much do we really pay attention to that? How much do we really allow that to influence our thinking and our driving behaviors? How much does that impact our emotions when we get behind the wheel of a car? With a bike, the biker is ever conscious that he There is a saying that there are only two kinds could crash. That she could die that day. That they of bikers. Those that have crashed and those that could hurt themselves beyond repair. are going to crash. While it’s a rather pessimistic A bike offers no metal caging to protect us. No view, there is some truth to it. I am in the former inflatable air bags to cushion us. No safety belts to category, fortunately. Yes, I said FORTUNATELY! secure us. No bumpers to buffer us. No warning My crash was nearly three years ago. It was my lights to alert us to the danger that has yet to come. But then that is precisely why we ride! first and only crash. That’s what, in part, makes We desire to experience the elements firsthand. Even as we take the precautions of wearing a helmet, me so fortunate. But that’s not what makes it a protective clothing, steel-enhanced boots, firm-gripping gloves, visible stripes and bars and patches and Good Crash. Let me explain. more to ensure our ride is safe and without incident. If there are only two kinds of bikers, then the corSo we accept the trade-off of the increased risk for the enhanced exhilaration of riding a motorcycle. ollary to that saying is that there are only two kinds We accept the life-threatening danger for the life-giving exultation. of crash victims. Those that survived and those We allow the thrill-of-the-ride to overwhelm our fear-of-the-ride. that didn’t. Those that learned and those that To ride is to be fully aware. Fully involved. Completely alert. Completely focused. Wholly alive. wouldn’t. Fortunately, I’m in the former category in Immersed in joy. Beyond bliss. It’s worth the chance if one learns from the crash how to enjoy the ride this corollary. without ending the incarnation. My crash was self-inflicted. No other vehicles or drivers were involved. It was my fault, as well One can enjoy a Safe Ride even as they endure a Good Crash. I’m living proof. as my first and only crash in forty years of driving a car, as well as riding a motorcycle. Still I totaled my bike and totally depressed my spirits. Not to mention distressing my bones! A week in the hospital recovering and several months afterwards rehabbing reminded me of the awesome power of the machine. The wickedness of the road, the unforgiving consequences of a crash, the frailty of the human body and the lightning speed with which the Final Ride may come to an end. I didn’t buy the bike to wreck it and I don’t ride to die. I do listen to every exhortation by family and friends and even fellow bikers to “Ride Safe.” I ride to experience the thrill that only a twowheeled motor-machine can offer. I ride as safe as I can, as safe as the next guy. I ride to be able to ride again another day after this day’s ride. Still I crashed. What makes me so fortunate is that once a rider 28 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

December 2017


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News Bytes FIRST TWIN PEAKS CASE GOES TO TRIAL IN WACO Following more than two years of examining trials, hearings, motions to recuse judges and to disqualify prosecutors, appeals court rulings and a host of speedy trial demands, the first case in the Twin Peaks melee has finally gone to trial in Waco, Texas.Jacob Carrizal, President of the Dallas chapter of the Bandidos, appears before Judge Matt Johnson of Waco’s 54th State District Court on charges of directing the activities of a criminal street gang and two counts of engaging in organized criminal activity. Carrizal is the first to stand trial of the 154 bikers indicted in the Twin Peaks shootout that left nine bikers dead and dozens injured while attending a Saturday, May 17, 2015 meeting of the Coalition of Clubs and Independents, an affiliation of motorcycle groups.Many questions will hopefully be answered, at long last, including how much of the bloodshed was due to a biker turf war and how much resulted from law enforcement actions.Authorities tightened security measures around the McLennan County Courthouse, including a metal fence around the 115-year old building, and black curtains over the windows, while attorneys have whittled down a jury pool from nearly 150 prospective jurists to 11 men and three women, with two serving as alternates. “LOWEST FIGURES ON RECORD” FOR U.K. MOTORCYCLE FATALITIES In a promising message for motorcyclists, statistics recently released by England’s Department for Transport (DfT) show that U.K. motorcycle deaths are down by 13%, the lowest figure since records began in 2006, despite an overall increase in motorcycle traffic last year and amidst the highest total of overall road deaths since 2011.In fact, statistics from the DfT’s “Reported road casualties in Great Britain: 2016 annual report” reveal that motorcyclists were the only road user to see a decrease in fatalities from 2015-16, even though they rode 2% more to cover 2.8 billion miles.

of 14 years imprisonment, while the average sentence imposed is four years. The Government also proposes the creation of a new offense of causing serious injury by careless driving, with a prison sentence up to five years, a measure supported by 90% of those surveyed. The punishment for cases that involve mobile phones, street racing or speeding would carry a sentence equivalent to manslaughter. THE FUTURE OF THE ENGINE IN QUESTION Some world governments are already acting to curtail or eliminate gasoline-powered engines, and now the Governor of California, Jerry Brown, has announced that he is also considering ways to ban the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines. During a recent public meeting on U.S. Climate Alliance in New York, Brown stated; “We’re doing something in the face of inaction.” “Eventually, Washington will join with us, because you can’t deny science forever, you can’t deny reality. And the reality is climate change is occurring.” With a zero-emissions mandate currently in place, California is one of the U.S. states that is fully committed to carrying out the objectives of the Paris Agreement -- which is an ambitious project from the United Nations aiming to tackle the problems caused global climate change. Gov. Brown’s announcement follows a similar diktat from the British and French Governments, reflecting plans to move to electrically-powered vehicles within the next few decades.

SELF-DRIVING CARS CLOSER TO HOME The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously approved a bipartisan bill called the SELF-DRIVE act, the first of its kind to drive the unmanned market forward by putting federal regulators in charge and barring states from blocking autonomous vehicles or setting performance standards. This legislation would supersede state-by-state rules, making it possible for autonomous testing to proceed on a level playing field across the U.S. AAA CLAIMS BABY BOOMERS AT HIGHER RISK ON A BIKE If it becomes law (which still requires it to pass the Senate), then it would A new report from AAA claims that the baby boomer generation that make it possible for companies working on self-driving to field a lot more made motorcycles cool are now more likely to sustain life-threatening or vehicles per year – as many as 100,000 autonomous test cars annually, fatal injuries in a crash than younger riders. The organization, analyzing in fact. The proposal would make it possible for car companies such as federal crash data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Ford, GM and others to bypass certain safety standards that currently (NHTSA), says older riders make up a disproportionate number of apply to human piloted cars, including equipment and controls. The motorcycle fatalities. The mortality rate for riders who are 60 or older is Senate has also been working on its own self-driving bill, which may cover more than four times the overall increase in motorcycle deaths for 2015trucking as well. 16, says AAA, with motorcycle fatalities rising 5.1% while deaths among older baby boomers increased 22%. Important to note, the increase in CALIFORNIA MEASURE WILL ENSURE TRAFFIC LIGHTS DETECT overall motorcycle fatalities is partially the byproduct of a corresponding CYCLES Two-wheelers will be detected by all newly installed and rise in the number of motorcycles on the road, increasing to 8.6 million replacement traffic signals throughout California, as recently passed motorcycles in 2015 compared with 8.4 million in 2014, according to Senate Bill 672 will “ensure that local transportation agencies will replace Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) data cited by the organization. current traffic-actuated signals during the course of regular maintenance and upgrade cycles to adopt motorcycle-and bicycle-sensitive signals.” LIFE SENTENCES PROPOSED FOR KILLER DRIVERS Existing law due to sunset provides that, in due course of maintaining U.K. drivers or riders convicted of causing death by dangerous driving or replacing traffic control devices, local governments ensure that the could face life imprisonment if new Government proposals are adopted to systems are set at a level to that can detect cyclists and motorcycles, thus increase maximum penalties. The move follows a public consultation in this bill indefinitely extends these provisions without a specific mandate which 70% of respondents believed that the maximum penalty for causing from Sacramento. “Since I authored the original law ten years ago, this death by dangerous driving should be increased to life -- the top penalty common sense measure has proven to be effective at making our roads that British law offers. Under the same proposal, the crime of causing safer,” said Senator Jean Fuller (R-Bakersfield). Signed by Governor death by careless driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs will Jerry Brown on October 3, 2017, SB 672 specifies that “Upon the first also be increased to life. Currently, both offenses carry a maximum term placement of a traffic-actuated signal or replacement of the loop detector of a traffic-actuated signal [responding to the presence of traffic detected 30 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

December 2017

News Bytes

by mechanical, visual, electrical, or other means], the traffic-actuated signal shall, to the extent feasible and in conformance with professional traffic engineering practice, be installed and maintained so as to detect lawful bicycle or motorcycle traffic on the roadway.” Advanced by ABATE of California, the motorcycle rights organization says of the legislation; “Thanks to Governor Brown for signing this permanent extension,” stated Chairman of the Board Glenn Phillips, adding that “With over a Million Motorcyclists in our state, this legislation is imperative to protect riders on California roads.” NEW YORK MEASURE WOULD BAN CHILDREN FROM RIDING Assembly Bill 8700 would prohibit children under the age of twelve from riding on a motorcycle. Introduced by Assemblymember Aileen M. Gunther (D-Dist.100), the bill states; “No person shall operate or ride a motorcycle on a public highway, road or street in this state with a child under the age of twelve on such motorcycle.” A8700 has been referred to the Assembly Transportation Committee. HELP “LEMON LAW” PASS FOR RIDERS IN PENNSYLVANIA ABATE of Pennsylvania has issued a Legislative Call To Action regarding House Bill 74, a bill introduced by Representative Pam Snyder that would include motorcycles in the current PA Automobile Lemon Law. HB 74 was introduced and referred to the House Consumer Affairs Committee. On June 12 the House Consumer Affairs Committee approved HB 74, and the measure is now facing consideration by the full House. “Contact House of Representative members and ask them to support HB 74 to include motorcycles in the state’s “Automobile Lemon Law,” urges the state office of ABATE of PA. “You can call them, email them or visit them. But you have to do something if we are to have success in having HB 74 pass the House and be sent to the Senate for their consideration.”

Vermont had only 24 motorcycle thefts in 2016, the least amount of all the states. New York was the most-plagued city, followed by San Diego, Las Vegas and Los Angeles, while Los Angeles County was the top county. The NICB study reveals that the bulk of motorcycle thefts predictably occur during the summer months, when more bikes are on the street. August was the top month, when almost twice as many motorcycles disappeared than in December or January. Some bikes are more popular targets than others or are simply easier to steal, and a disproportionate number are Japanese models top the theft list: Honda (9052 thefts), Yamaha (7,723), Suzuki (6,229), Kawasaki (5,221), Harley-Davidson (4,963). The recovery rate for stolen bikes isn’t encouraging, according to the NICB report, with only 17,463 of the 46,467 motorcycles reported stolen in 2016 being returned to their owners, about a 40% nationwide rate of recovery. The recovery rate in Hawaii was highest at 94%, while the New York rate, at 19%, was the lowest in the nation. By brand, Honda owners had about twice as good a chance of getting their bikes back than owners of Ducatis, which had only a 29% chance of coming home. On a more positive note, bike thievery is down considerably -- about 30% -from what it was a decade ago. PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT SEEKS STRICT HELMET LAW ENFORCEMENT The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in the Philippines is seeking to strengthen enforcement of the Mandatory Helmet Law (RA 10054) nationwide. In a Memorandum issued Sept 6 to all governors, mayors and others, the DILG directs local officials “to implement said (Helmet Law) Act, and ensure that the provisions are strictly complied with.” Congressman Cesar V. Sarmiento directly addressed DILG during the department’s budget hearing in Congress and said he observed that several motorbike riders and drivers forget to use their helmet resulting in road accidents and deaths. The Subject of the memo calls for the “Observance of the provisions of Republic Act No. 10054; an Act Mandating All Motorcycle Riders to Wear Standard Protective Motorcycle Helmets While Driving and Providing Penalties Therefor (sic).”

MOTORCYCLE THEFTS ARE ON THE RISE The annual theft report from the National Insurance Crime Bureau shows bike thefts rose 2% nationally across the U.S. in 2016, with a total of 46,467 motorcycles were reported stolen, up from 45,555 in 2015. For the second year in a row, California is the top state for stolen bikes, QUOTABLE QUOTE: “A man wearing a helmet defending our country is where 7,506 motorcycles were reported taken -- compared with 4,482 more valuable than a man in a helmet defending a football.” stolen in Florida and 3,692 in Texas, the next most troublesome territories. ~ Seen on a T-Shirt

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PDA Roadgear 1600 W. Mineral Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 (303)761-6022 (800) 766-3955

Curtis Walton Law Firm 13984 West Bowles Avenue Littleton, CO 80128 (720) 323-9729

UniqCycle Sounds PO Box 271093 Ft. Collins CO 80527 (888) 864-7721

Law Tigers 4828 South College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80525 (800)529-8443


Biker Inner Circle (888) 498-2123 LEATHER GOODS

EM Leather 13980 East Mississippi Aurora, CO 80012 (303) 337-6690

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Moses Leather Company 759 Horizon Drive Grand Junction CO 81506 (970)433-7319 Twin Peaks Leather 5655 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada CO 80002 (303) 432-1047

Roy Hansen Motorcycle Testing 1800 Airway Avenue Ft. Collins CO 80524 (970) 690-8847 MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/SERVICE/PARTS

G.R.U.M.P.S 115 N 8th Ave Greeley CO 80631 (970) 353-1166

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Church in the Wind 2411 Alcott Street Denver CO 80211 (720) 635-2897 RESTAURANTS AND BARS

Sunshine Café 1856 Colorado Blvd Idaho Springs CO 80452 (720) 203-4878 WOMEN’S APPAREL

One Bad Bitch Denver CO 80129 (888)244-9299 HAN Motogear 9349 Black Mountain Dr, Conifer CO 80433 (303) 356-8691

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Thunder and Lightning Cycles 3986 S Broadway Englewood CO 80113 (720) 287-1670

December 2017

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A 72 year old guy takes this beautiful 24 year old young woman out to Christmas Eve dinner. They had a great time at dinner and are walking through the mall and he spots a jewelry store and they walk inside. He tells the Rep working there that this is one very special lady and he would like to buy her a very special ring. So the Rep shows him a very nice ring that cost $5,000. The older guy said no she is very, very special and needs a very, very special ring. So the Rep goes to another case and he pulls out a ring and said “I have this ring but it cost $40,000”. The older guy says “let’s see it”. The young ladies eyes light up when she puts it on her hand and she is smiling ear to ear. The older guy says “that is perfect we’ll take it”. He explained he only had a check and that it was 8pm so Rep couldn’t call the bank to verify the funds. “Can you take my check and hold the ring until Monday? Once the bank opens you cash the check and then call us and we will come pick up the ring”. The Rep says “great I will hold it until Monday”. Well Monday morning the Rep calls the bank only to find out the old guy doesn’t have enough to cash a $400. check let alone a $40,000. one. So the jeweler calls the old guy yelling to him but about the check. The old guy just said, “hold on, let me tell you about my wet n’ wild weekend”!!!. -------------------------------------------------------------A Police Officer pulls over a speeding car on Christmas Eve. The officer says, “I clocked you at 80 miles per hour, sir.” The driver says, “Goodness, officer, I had it on cruise control at 60; perhaps your radar gun needs calibrating.” Not looking up from her knitting the wife says: ‘Now don’t be silly, dear, you know that this car doesn’t have cruise control”. As the officer writes out the ticket, the driver looks over at his wife and growls, “Can’t you please keep your mouth shut for once?” The wife smiles demurely and says, “Well dear you should be thankful your radar detector went off when it did or your speed would have been higher.” As the officer makes out the second ticket for the illegal radar detector unit, the man glowers at his wife and says through clenched teeth, “Woman, can’t you keep your mouth shut, ever”? The officer frowns and says, ‘And I notice that you’re not wearing your seat belt, sir. That’s an automatic $75 fine”. The driver says, ‘Yeah, well, you see, officer, I had it on, but I took it off when you pulled me over so that I could get my license out of my back pocket”. The wife says, “Now, dear, you know very well that you didn’t have your seat belt on. You never wear your seat belt when you’re driving.” And as the police officer is writing out the third ticket, the driver turns to his wife and barks, “Will you just shut the hell up?” The officer looks over at the woman and asks, “Does your husband always talk to you this way, Ma’am?” The wife looks at the officer with eyes round and innocent and replies; “Only when he’s been drinking way too much.” --------------------------------------------------------------On the farm lived a chicken and a horse, both of whom loved to play together. One day the two were playing when the horse fell into a bog and began to sink. Scared for his life, the horse whinnied for the chicken to go get the farmer for help! Off the chicken ran, back to the farm. Arriving at the farm, he searched and searched for the farmer, but to no avail, for the farmer had gone to town with the only tractor. Running

around, the chicken spied the farmer’s new Harley. Finding the keys in the ignition, the chicken sped off with a length of rope hoping he still had time to save his friend’s life. After tying the other end to the rear bumper of the farmer’s bike, the chicken then drove slowly forward and, with the aid of the powerful bike, rescued the horse! Happy and proud, the chicken rode the Harley back to the farmhouse, and the farmer was none the wiser when he returned. The friendship between the two animals was cemented: Best Buddies, Best Pals. A few weeks later, the chicken fell into a mud pit, and soon, he too, began to sink and cried out to the horse to save his life! The horse thought a moment, walked over, and straddled the large puddle. Looking underneath, he told the chicken to grab his hangy-down thingy and he would then lift him out of the pit. The chicken got a good grip, and the horse pulled him up and out, saving his life. The moral of the story? (yep, you betcha’, there is a moral!) “When You’re Hung Like A Horse, You Don’t Need A Harley To Pick Up Chicks”. --------------------------------------------------------------Lil’ Johnny was really antsy and wanting to leave for Christmas break. The Teacher was asking questions and all who answered correctly were allowed to leave early. The room was emptying quickly and Lil’ Johnny was getting really antsy and really mad. The teacher asked another question and little Amy, Marie and Sally all raised their hands and knew the answer. The Teacher let them all go early. Little Johnny was truly pissed off. He mumbled “damn, I wish these bitches would keep their mouths shut”. The teacher whirled around and said, “Who said that?” Lil’ Johnny yelled out “Harvey Weinstein”, and flew out the door.

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Photographer: Vickie Jo Mullin 34 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

December 2017

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Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado 35





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