Thunder Roads Colorado July 2017

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Want to be a contributor or correspondent? We need contributors and correspondents for dirt bike offroad events, on-road cruiser, sport bike and adventure touring, rides, runs and rallies. Contact us today at contributors@ or 720-458-3134. THUNDER ROADS® Magazine COLORADO Published by Flying Hound Press, L.L.C. 7477 W. Layton Way Littleton, Colorado 80123 720-458-3134

David Campbell

ABATE.........................................................................6 Serving At Home..........................................................8 Scott O’Sullivan..........................................................11 Iron Butt Ride.............................................................12 Tasty Recipes.............................................................14 Dillon Reeder’s Sparta...............................................16 Calendar....................................................................18 Tech Tips...................................................................20 From Across the Pond................................................22 Group Riding Hand Signals.......................................24 Colorado Ink..............................................................25 Events.......................................................................26 News Bytes................................................................30 Biker Friendly Directory..............................................32 Joker’s Wild...............................................................33 Thunder Cam.............................................................34

contributors Adventure Hermit (Joe Trey)

On The Cover

EDITORS Patrick J. McCauley “5” President and Senior Editor Carrie McCauley Vice President and Editor PHOTOGRAPHERS Vickie Jo Mullin, Lead Photographer Wayne Madison

Peggy Bogaard-Lapp

Model: Katy Doyle Photographers: Vickie Jo Mullin, Aurelio Mireles Motorcycle Owner: Frank Coghlan Motorcycle: 1964 Triumph 650 Tiger

Scott O’Sullivan Stump - Abate


he summer seems to be speeding by so

quickly this year. Vacations, long weekends

We want your feedback

and lazy days listening to the motorcycles roar

Please email us and let us know what you think and what you want to see at or 720-458-3134.

by. There are so many rides and events it is

Add your ride, rally or run to our free events listing page

hard to choose which ones to participate in. As the summer marches forward and the days get

Send us your event information whether on-Road or off-road, rides, runs, rallies and events for all types of motorcycles and three wheelers. We will list it free in our events listing for that month! or 720-458-3134.

hotter, make sure you stay hydrated while you ride. Riding causes the sweat to evaporate much faster off of your body and subsequently you don’t appear to be sweating and losing water. Dehydration is a serious thing and one

don’t miss it!

that you do not want to experience. Keep a bottle of water on the bike, in fact, check out some of those new insulated bottles that stay


Make Check payable to: Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

cold for hours so your drink of water is cool and

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Northern Colorado Zak Clayton (970) 301-4674

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 7477 W. Layton Way Littleton, CO – 80123

Stay hydrated and stay cool! Patrick “5” McCauley & Carrie McCauley

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July 2017

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July 2017


The Transportation Legislative Review Committee

Hello Concerned Motorcyclists,

Sincerely, the Initiative #22 writing team:

The regular session of the Colorado General Assembly is over for 2017 but that does not mean we can be legislatively inactive. There are interim committees, year-round committees, and other special committees that meet between the regular sessions for updates from various agencies and gather background information for possible future legislation. One interim committee I continually monitor is the Transportation Legislative Review Committee (TLRC). It is comprised of the legislators from the Senate Transportation Committee and the House Transportation and Energy Committee. The committee reviews transportation, traffic, and motor vehicle legislation and may consult with experts in the fields of traffic regulation, the licensing of drivers, the registration and titling of motor vehicles, and highway construction and planning. One big issue brought forth during the 2017 regular session was funding for Colorado’s transportation infrastructure. Three House Bills: HB17-1171 Authorize New Transportation Revenue Anticipation Notes; HB17-1242 - New Transportation Infrastructure Funding Revenue; and HB17-1362 - Plan For Addressing Statewide Infrastructure Needs; along with two Senate Bills: SB17-205 - Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Funding; and SB17-303 - State Highway System Funding And Financing; were introduced to address this important issue. For various reasons, all were Postponed Indefinitely (PI’d = killed). The issue of funding was then to be turned over to the TLRC. I hadn’t seen it scheduled on any TLRC agenda but I received the following from the Legislative Council, a year-round committee.

Greg Sobetski 303-866-4105 Erin Reynolds 303-866-4146

Caitlin Del Collo 303-866-3687 Ryan Long 303-866-2066

At this time, ABATE has not made any official comments about Initiative #22, but I will be doing more research and let you know what I find. Currently, the TLRC only has two meetings scheduled, Wednesday, Sept. 20th and Thursday, Nov. 2nd. As you might know I also stay involved with motorcycle issues on the National level. Three fellow ABATE members and I attended the National Motorcycle Lobby Day in Washington DC, sponsored by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), called Bikers Inside the Beltway. This was the 9th Annual and was attended by numerous members of various State Motorcycle Rights Organizations throughout the country (even had a member come from ABATE of Alaska). We had a prep session on Monday, May 22nd, at the MRF Office, followed by a full day of lobbying on Tuesday, May 23rd. I had scheduled meetings with our Colorado Legislators prior to the event, so we were able to meet with all nine of them to discuss issues of concern to motorcyclists. We received six one-page summations during our prep session to use as informational handouts during our meetings. Due to the legislators’ busy schedules, we mostly met with congressional aides. But since they Greetings: Colorado Legislative Council Staff, the nonpartisan research staff of the state research the bills and present the information to the legislators, meeting with them is a good thing. We presented our concerns on the following topics: 1) legislature, is responsible for publishing the annual state ballot information booklet, or “Blue Book.” We are beginning work on this year’s Blue Book and The Motorcycle Advisory Council – only one seat, out of 10, is dedicated to assembling a list of interested persons for a measure that may appear on the a motorcycle representative and we advocated to have more; 2) RPM Act (Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports) – asked for legislators to sign 2017 ballot. on and pass S.203 & H.R.350 to ensure that converting any motor vehicle You are receiving this email because we think you may be interested in into a competition-only vehicle remains legal; 3) Profiling of Motorcyclists – Initiative #22. If approved, this initiative would require the state to issue S.Res.154 & H.Res.318 address concerns about profiling of motorcyclists; transportation revenue anticipation notes (TRANs) up to $3.5 billion in FY 4) Definitions of Motorcycle and Autocycle – need updated definitions to 2017-18. The initiative specifies 65 transportation projects that may receive funding from the borrowed money and directs the state legislature to identify a separate motorcycles from autocycles to ensure that crash and fatality source of repayment money during the 2018 legislative session. Initiative #22 statistics are being kept accurately; 5) Autonomous Vehicles – ensure the safety of motorcyclists is a concern in regulating this new technology; 6) E-15 may or may not appear on the November ballot in 2017. Any person may file written comments for Legislative Council Staff to consider Fuel – a very controversial issue with a few bills pertaining to it. We advocated for ensuring that E-10 (and pure-gas an added bonus) remains available and during the preparation of our analysis. We consider all comments and/or E-15 not dispensed through blender pumps. Our meetings lasted only 15 proposed changes to our analysis submitted on or before the established deadlines. Recommendations may be incorporated into the Blue Book at our minutes, but the issues were genuinely accepted by the aides who agreed to pass on the info to their legislators. We actually did meet with Congressmen discretion. Polis and Tipton though. All-in-all it was a successful day for Bikers Inside the The attached memorandum contains instructions for participating in this Beltway. year’s process. Please read the memo carefully and forward it to other More information on the topics and bills presented above can be found at individuals and organizations that may wish to participate. or Those of you who are really “concerned Individuals and organizations must request to be included on the interested motorcyclists” can find membership applications on the MRF website and person’s mailing list. To be included, please either: respond to this email in the affirmative at; call the Legislative ABATE of Colorado (the only Colorado Motorcycle Rights Organization) Council Staff main office at 303-866-3521; or contact a member of the writing applications at Even if you don’t want to become legislatively active, membership supports those who advocate on your behalf. team directly. Try it; you just might have some fun! Legislative Council Staff is also available to meet with you or your organization to discuss our analysis. Please contact a member of the writing Stump ABATE of Colorado – Legislative Affairs Officer team if you would like to arrange an interview with our staff. Thunder Roads Colorado – Legislative Columnist Please direct all other inquiries related to Initiative #22 to: 6 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

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Serving AT HOME

An Interview with Darrell Braiser Vietnam Army Veteran

risking their lives and they were spit at, called names, things were thrown at them and even their lives were threatened. The Vietnam Conflict was not popular.

By Vicki

Darrell Braiser’s story is a bit different than the stories of returning vets from Vietnam. He was in a situation I had never considered before. He was serving in the US Army right here at home during Vietnam. Darrell and the other military personnel working and living on American Military bases within the USA were hidden in plain sight, here on American soil during the Vietnam “Conflict”. I am going to abandon being politically correct here and will call it what it really was— a war. Using “conflict” seems to whitewash what it was and the resulting tens of thousands of POWs, MIA and KIA soldiers resulting from that war. It was beyond a conflict and a politically correct and whitewashed name—you cannot really dress it up.

Recently, I interviewed Darrell Braiser, a veteran of the US Army who served during Vietnam. Darrell was one of the veterans that recently took the Honor Flight to our nation’s capitol to see the Vietnam memorial. Now depending upon your age, you might remember Vietnam and that era well or probably learned about it from veterans you met or in school. Either way, most of us know about how soldiers returning from service in Vietnam were treated when they returned home. It was not pretty. These are men who had fought for our nation

While Darrell and I talked about the Honor Flight he shared a few other things that in just a few sentences, echoed through my skin and straight into my heart. I decided to bring some of that to our readers since his experience was a bit different than most of the stories we had heard before. Darrell served by occupying one of the many bases here in America while others were deployed overseas in Vietnam. Being on guard duty most of the time while assigned to an artillery unit he, like so many others, did not even want to go off the base when he had leave and going off base in uniform was not even permitted. I thought about that for a second. The uniform not permitted in public? I had to sit back and shake my head in disbelief, you could not wear your uniform off base? It was for our safety he replied. “Even without our uniforms, we stuck out like sore thumbs, so we stayed on base.” This whole concept broke my heart, I was born in 1964 myself and raised here in Colorado, I was not exposed to the way of the times, parents back then did not let their young children watch the news, it was too graphic and the war was 8 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

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brought into our living rooms. Regardless, I was a bit too young. I have only leftovers of memories from the music and what was playing on the very cool color television at the neighbor’s house. I can tell you it was The Partridge Family, The Brady Bunch, I Dream of Jeanie and Gilligan’s Island and these programs made no mention of the fear, torment, and division of American soldiers versus the hippie culture versus WWII Veterans. So when Darrell was telling me about his trip with the Honor Flight the first thing he told me over the phone after he got back was “it was a kick in the pants!” I knew I liked this guy and he would tell me a great story! It was a good time! Mind blowing!! I loved the motorcycle people they were really cool. I wanted to take my wife with me but Honor Flight is currently only for war time vets and Carolyn served between Korea and Vietnam. After I was on the bus to go to DIA, when Carolyn was outside she saw the leader for the bikers put his hand up and when he dropped it, the bikes started up and it was like thunder …it brought tears to her eyes. On the trip I did not really know what to expect, it is weird, because during the Vietnam War people would spit at you and call you baby killer and throw things at you to where you could not show anything military in public you had to hide it for your own safety. On this trip it was the total opposite and it did not feel right at first and then you start to think hey, this is kind of cool. People were lining the sidewalks and congratulating us and thanking us and shaking our hands. All I could think was, “ Wow!, This is so mind blowing”. Having the hat on and the coat and t-shirt - was like wearing a class A military uniform, telling everyone this is what you were a part of and the people are not mad at you anymore. They are actually very happy to see you.

July 2017

I had been in DC in 1963. Back then the Washington Mall was not there, the memorials were not there. Second time I was there I worked for Coors and they had sent me to a school in New Jersey. I would go and go see stuff and I went down and saw the memorials for the first time 30 years ago. This time some things looked familiar and a lot of it did not. Now the memorials are more tourists orientated. When we were all on the plane coming back, they started calling out people names and giving them bundles of cards. Just like mail call in the service. Many cards from all over, Georgia, Arizona, Texas, North Carolina, Ft Collins, Evans by kids. My wife and I wrote thank you notes to all those kids. If they asked questions, I tried to answer their questions. There were several references in the cards to “Soldiers Angels”, and yes they certainly are. I want say thank you to all the Guardians who are the best tour guides and helpers for everyone, especially those in wheel chairs. If you want to donate to somethingdonate to Honor Flight so we can get more people out there, it costs $1,000 per veteran to go. Go if you can, get in there and go after it, as a Veteran or a Guardian. It will change you. Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 9

Tempted To Use Social Media After A Motorcycle Accident?


and enjoy time on her feet with her friends. But the damage was done. She did not get everything she requested and deserved and if my guess proves correct, her medical bills will be higher than her settlement.

By Scott O’Sullivan, O’Sullivan Law Firm Did you know that it is a bad idea to use social media after your accident? It is a bad idea, as a matter of fact, it can cost you thousands of dollars in compensation that you could have used for medical treatment. How can it cost you? Imagine this: You are the victim of an awful motorcycle accident. The other driver is clearly at fault and, depending on your injuries and medical needs, you may be owed hundreds of thousands of dollars. But one day, you’re finally having a good day after the accident, and you take a picture of yourself hiking Longs Peak and you post it on Facebook. You were in tremendous back pain the entire hike but felt so proud of yourself that you just had to share the image with your friends because they have all been rooting for you and supporting you since the accident. You want them to know you are a fighter! But that single image could mean that you say “bye-bye” to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The insurance company of the other driver in your accident will use that post to prove that your injuries are not very bad and that they do not owe you as much as you originally stated. I’m not in any way suggesting that people are lying about their injuries. I don’t promote or tolerate false reporting of injuries. Unfortunately, I have seen people with traumatic injuries enjoy one good day and get excited because they feel like they are getting their lives back together, and they mistakenly tell insurance companies, “I feel like I am getting better,” only to be in bad shape the next day. Healing is messy like that, you can feel better one day and worse for the next two weeks, or vice versa.

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July 2017

Do not post anything about your accident on Social Media We live in a sharing culture. A baby gets her first tooth (something babies have been doing since, like, forever) and it goes viral to millions of people all over the world. It can be especially fun to share your life with family and friends whom you do not get to see often. After an accident, you need to be very careful about how you use social media.

We tell kids all the time to be careful what they post online because colleges and future employers now include social media in their selection processes. Do you really think an insurance company with thousands of dollars on the line will avoid trolling your social media use for items they can use against you? Of course they will troll you, they want to avoid and minimize any payment they can. Please, if you are in a motorcycle accident, call an attorney and avoid that post on Social Media. Shut Down Your Social Media After an Accident I recommend that you take the “nuclear option” after an accident and shut down your social media entirely. Here is why I suggest it. Often, I have clients balk at such a drastic measure. They promise, “I promise not to post anything about my accident!” But I don’t want them to post ANYTHING! And secondly, I don’t want their friends to tag them in their images or posts either. Your social media content can be subpoenaed in a court case. You could be forced to turn it all over. So, if you are curious about what to say on social media after a crash, the answer is NADA! Say nothing. Also shut it all down so your friends can’t post anything. Go dark until your case is over. Otherwise, your social media will be used against you. The lesson here: social media can be fraught with peril. No driving and using social media. No using social media after a car accident. However, I would love to see your baby’s first tooth once your case is over! Questions? Call or email me! 303-388-5304,

I saw a recent case in which a woman was terribly injured in a DUI accident. Her case seemed straight out of a text book; I bet the other driver’s insurance company was getting ready to cut her a huge check just to be done with the case. But then she went and posted a picture of herself on Facebook… at a squaredancing event! I kid you not. The picture did not capture the wheelchair she had just abandoned to try to – finally – stand up

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Seven Weird Things I Learned On An

By Dallas Hageman


This past month I have had the opportunity to learn some surprising things not known to me before now. One would think that these pearls of wisdom I garnished from my most recent coast to coast trip would be common sense. These days however, it seems as though sense is far from common and unfortunately I found myself erring on the side of stupidity, or at the very least, naivety. Recently I had the opportunity to ride an Iron Butt and rack up some serious miles on the ol’ scoot. If you don’t know what an Iron Butt ride is then I would suggest starting at to read up on the association as a whole. In short, it is an organization made up of intense (and possibly crazy) Riders who like nothing better than putting miles on their odometers. The Iron Butt Association or, IBA, constructs and verifies certain endurance rides for anyone wishing to participate. If a Rider wants to complete one of the numerous endurance rides commissioned by the IBA they need only to read the guidelines, keep receipts and gather signatures of witnesses to prove they rode a certain amount of miles… and I mean MILES! For instance, the IBA’s “easiest” ride is 1,000 miles in 24 hours on a motorcycle (the one I completed and am writing about now) from there the rides go anywhere from 1,500 miles in 24 hours to 100 CC Insanity (coast to coast to coast in 100 hours or less). Essentially, Riders like to push themselves, their bikes and the limits and all for bragging rights and a coveted spot on the IBA list of victors of the road. During my recent endeavor to ride and complete the IBA Saddle Sore (1,000 miles in 24 hours) I learned a couple of things that may be obvious to you, but were not as clear to me… until I started eating up miles. Below I have listed seven things learned from time spent on the road in the name of earning a spot in the Iron Butt Association. My hope is that these will help you and give you a heads up if you decide to take to the streets and shred some rubber this season. If you pack, you are wasting your time Sounds weird right? I thought so too! I mean, if you go 1,000 miles or 1,500 miles or whatever amount of crazy distance to get and IBA award

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you should pack something right? Wrong. When you do these kinds of miles in a short amount of time you will have little time to do anything but sit on your bike and maybe take a nap every now and then. Snacks are good to pack as well as hydration, a map and a cell phone. Other than that very short list, you really do not need anything else to complete a shorter Iron Butt ride. Rain gear is for wimps These rides do not allow for weather stopping you, so ride through those storms that come up. Now I know that last sentence may have sent some Riders into spasms since, in my experience, at least 75% of motorcycle owners these days do not even back their sleds out of the garage unless it is projected to by sunny and 75 for the next 500 days, but nonetheless, if you plan on getting an IBA certificate and become more of an actual RIDER than someone who just owns a bike, you better plan on riding through some rough weather… do not worry--you WILL dry out. Pack what your bike needs, not you I did say that you should not really pack anything for a shorter Iron Butt, and I meant it. However, your bike is a different story. Motorcycles are like helicopters, they need fine-tuned and a lot of upkeep but they are worth everything you can invest in them. Remember too, your iron horse is the only thing getting you back home if you decide to take off on this nutty adventure, so sooth your steed with some necessary essentials. Bring an air pressure gauge, at least one extra quart of oil (especially if it is a Harley…) a battery backup to charge a cell phone that may be dead, some duct tape and a couple of zip ties. In fact I think Confucius said that “anything can be fixed with either flowers or Duct tape”, so remember that ancient wisdom for your next ride and pack what you need to get out of a tight situation.

luke-warm hot dogs that have been sitting on those heater spinner thingies for about 18 hours(or days?) at a gas station. That my friends, is about as gourmet as one gets when doing an Iron Butt. So, if you or your riding partner are high maintenance queens (or kings) you might want to sit this one out and go to a local rally where most Riders only act tough but are scared to death to get on their bike and actually ride it.

and drive). Remember this, do not let anyone steal your thunder. Keep going. You are doing this for YOU, and that should be your drive.

Speed will only make you tired This may sound a little off to you, if you have never competed or completed an Iron Butt ride, but there is literally no need to speed on any sanctioned ride the Iron Butt Association verifies. Each ride allows for an Where am I? average speed of around 43 miles per hour (stops included) to complete When going this far in a short amount of time on two wheels you may find the ride so the necessity of riding ridiculously fast is taken out of the yourself asking “Where in the hell am I?” Just remember, it doesn’t matter. equation. The IBA stresses the importance of safety and would not put any Rider or participant in intentional danger. If you think you need to ride Seriously, it is about the only time it does not matter, but nonetheless, it does not matter. Completing any IBA ride requires pre mapping of a route like a bat out of hell to finish on time, you might want to reevaluate what is and a determination to get to your objective within the time specified, so actually needed to complete a ride. You may be wondering why someone would want to go through the sightseeing and the like are thrown out. Does it sound a little grueling? Good. Not many Riders have ever done this and there is a reason for it. If trouble of planning a route, gearing up the bike, gutting through the grueling miles and submitting all the proper paperwork just for a patch you want to be counted in the few, you have to do what it takes. and a spot within the Iron Butt community… and to you I would say Nobody cares about you that the IBA is probably not the right fit. The Riders within the IBA like a So, you have had the trip planned for months, got the bike all ready to go challenge. They like the feeling of conquering the odds and being counted and have started out on your first Iron Butt ride, all to clench the coveted among the few to actually ride their motorcycles. I can personally tell you that the feeling of riding the amount of miles that some people take on an IBA certification and be welcomed into the Association... No one cares. airplane within the same day, is downright exhilarating. Yes, some of the At least nobody else on the road and this realization hit me hard when I started out on my Iron Butt. I had everybody in my life ready, all social enjoyment from an IBA is the bragging rights of not just telling people you did a ride of such magnitude, but also possessing the ability to prove it. media pages prepped and updated with many friends and followers It was a challenge for me that I thought would be a “one and done” type cheering me on. The road however, was a different story. You have to remember that to everyone else on the road, you are an obstacle to their deal. The night I got off my Harley in the driveway when I completed my first Iron Butt ride, was the same night I decided to keep pushing myself destination and in my experience, most drivers do not give two monkey poops what you are trying to do, they would rather you be dead and out and my bike to keep completing them far into the future. If you want a of the way than in front of them ( all while they talk on the phones and text challenge, try an Iron Butt ride.

Gourmet Food Going from gas station to gas station there is little to no time for leisurely stops, and searching for that great “hole in the wall” diner to get your grub on is out the window. Your time is limited. If you look hard enough you can find gourmet food though… and by gourmet food I mean relatively

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Tasty Recipes All of these recipes have been kitchen tested and biker approved.

Artichoke-Bacon Chicken Salad

grilling the shrimp, but you can also cook them in boiling water or broil them in the oven.

This chicken salad recipe makes an awesome sandwich on a croissant, sourdough roll or a hoagie. Fix the salad up to a day ahead, and assemble the sandwiches shortly before a picnic or pot-luck. 1/3 cup plain low-fat yogurt 1/4 cup light mayonnaise 3/4 tsp chopped fresh rosemary 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper 1 garlic clove, minced 2 cups shredded skinless, boneless rotisserie chicken breast 1 cup drained canned artichoke hearts, chopped 4 bacon slices, cooked and crumbled 2 cups trimmed arugula 8 (1 1/2-ounce) slices bread, (4) hoagie rolls or (4) sliced croissants, lightly toasted 1. Add all ingredients but the arugula to a bowl and mix well. 2. Allow to sit for at least two hours or overnight. 3. Put chicken salad on the toasted bread and finish with a bit of the arugula on top. Servings: 4

Shrimp Rolls I know of people that scoff at frozen shrimp. Yes, I agree, it isn’t anything like fresh out of the ocean, but when you live in a land locked state without an ocean for many miles, frozen is a great alternative. Most commercial shrimp are caught and individually frozen right on the boat. That is as close as most of us will come to fresh out of the ocean. This recipe calls for 14 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

Marinade 1 cup white wine 1 Tbs lemon juice, freshly squeezed 1 tsp Dill seed 1/2 tsp dill weed 1 ¼ lb medium shrimp, peeled, deveined, tails removed Salad Ingredients Kosher salt 1 large celery stalk, peeled, finely chopped 3 scallions, thinly sliced ¼ cup mayonnaise 1 Tbs chopped fresh dill 1 Tbs fresh lemon juice 1 ½ tsp prepared horseradish 1 tsp red wine vinegar ¼ tsp paprika Freshly ground black pepper 4 hot dog or hoagie buns, split (buy the fresh baked ones from the bakery) 2 Tbs unsalted butter, room temperature 4 large bibb, or green leaf lettuce leaves. 1. Marinade shrimp for 20 minutes in the marinade. Cook shrimp in a grilling vegetable cooker or thread onto skewers. .Let cool and chop into bite sized pieces. 2. Whisk together celery, scallions, mayonnaise, dill, lemon juice, horseradish, vinegar, and paprika; season with salt and pepper. Add shrimp and mix to coat. 3. Toast buns on the grill until golden brown, about 2 minutes. Spread butter on each toasted bun line with lettuce and fill with shrimp salad. Servings: 4 Would you like to see your recipes in the magazine? Just email us at and we will try them out and might print them here! Make sure you include a little history of the recipe and where you got it from.

July 2017

BRITISH MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO Meets 1 st Saturday of every month, 10 am South Side Johnny’s 528 S. Tejon Colorado Springs, CO All makes and models of bikes welcome! Contact John @719-213-3239 or

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a t r spa Dillon Reeder

Coming out of high school I owned a 2006 Buell Thunderbolt. I then sold that to purchase my 2007 Spencer Bowman Custom. After seeing the bike, I knew just the theme I wanted to do, I wanted to turn my favorite movie into real life. Growing up I had a mini chopper I would ride around our neighborhood and knew one day I would have one of my own. When I purchased my chopper, it needed some TLC and had a faded black paint job. My father and I decided to turn the chopper into a project that him and I could slowly work on together. When I purchased it, it needed a starter, air breather, new tires, rewired, new battery, painted, oil tank, and a shifter. Being the wheeler and dealer that I am, my father and I were slowly able to turn this project bike into everything I had ever dreamed of. “300” the movie to me stands for a lot, a man that stood to defend his family and kingdom and he would do so no matter what it took. So, he took 300 of his bravest men to fight alongside him to do so. He gave everything he had to defend the people he loved. This was the man that reminded me of my father a strong and courageous man, and a man one day I hoped I would grow up to be. This bike has so much meaning to me and under the gas tank I have painted “Dad and I”. This bike brought a lot of joy to me and my father working on it together. I hate to let the bike go but my father and I are looking for another project bike to work on together. Hopefully whoever buys this bike can enjoy it as much as I have. If interested in the bike, you can contact me at 765-346-8605.

reprinted courtesy of Thunder Roads Indiana

Model: Mariah Reeder Bike Owner: Dillon Reeder Clothing: Buckle Photographer: David L. Lawrence, D. L. Lawrence Photography, 317-501-6308

16 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

July 2017

Year/Make/Model- 2007 Spencer Bowman Custom “Rock Bottom” Engine- 124” S&S Year/Size/Type- 2007 Spencer Bowman Custom “Rock Bottom” Builder-Spencer Bowman Custom Cases- S&S Pistons-S&S Cylinders-S&S Heads -S&S Valves -S&S Rockers- S&S Rocker Boxes-S&S Pushrods- S&S Cams-S&S Lifters-S&S Throttle Body- S&S Carb-S&S Air Cleaner- D&M Spike Air Breather Exhaust-Vance Hines Transmission Year/Type- 2007 Baker 6 Speed Suicide Shift Frame Type/Year- Spencer Bowman 2007 Wheels/Tires/Brakes Front- 21” Blade Rim Tire- 21” Avon Cobra Rear- 18” Blade Rim Tire- 250 Avon Cobra Finish/Paint Manufactured- Gearhead Color Scheme- base black with candy apple red movie “300” theme Painter- Jimmy Farmer Graphics- front fender- immortal monster, Queen Gorgo Tank- King Leonidas “Prepare for Glory” Rear fender- wolf with snow scene Drive belt- “Tonight We Dine In Hell”

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Choosing Ignition

that. (These Dual points systems were the predecessor of today’s Single fire system). The Dual points single fire system was installed in the early sixties by the Harley® dealer Mother Harley® has used a variety of ignitions over the network. The factory developed the parts, but would not years. In the early days (prior to 1979) a Points & Coninstall them, the dealer had to. The later developed Single denser system with some type of advance was used. Prior to 1965, advancing and retarding the ignition was a manual fire is where each cylinder fires independently of the other. The street name for this type ignition is single fire. thing controlled by the left handgrip. Many unsuspecting Crane, Dyna, & Spyke are companies that offer both souls where pitched over their handlebars attempting to kick single fire and dual fire ignitions. H-D® itself has gone to over a bike that had not had the ignition retarded. the single fire type ignition on today’s TC88. Each brand of In 1965 with the advent of electric start, automatic adignition has its advantages and disadvantages. A Duel fire vance was developed. While the auto advance is very system is the same type that has been around forever and dependable, but is also high maintenance. With the points if you select one of this type, the coil that your bike currently the rubbing block can wear away, material can transfer from one contact to the other, and the advance mechanism has will usually do the job. But a single fire ignition has the advantage of better starting and reduced low speed vibracan wear out. These things will all hurt performance if not tion. These advantages are distinct and very noticeable. Its attended to. drawbacks are the increased initial cost and the requireIn late 1979 Harley® stepped into the electronic age with ment that a different type coil be purchased. an ignition from Magnavox that eliminated the points and Crane, Spyke and the Dyna 2000 are true electronic ignicondenser, but retained the mechanical advance. This was tions that are a distinct improvement over the stock H-D® a step in the right direction, but there were still some relimodule. The Dyna-S is very reliable and an improvement ability issues with this system. It was not unusual for riders over stock but requires an advance weight set-up. Mainteto have this system removed and the earlier points ignition system installed. The problems encountered here gave Har- nance of the advance then rears its ugly head. Crane and leys® electronic ignition a bad name. It would take years for Spyke do not require an advance weight set up. Once they are set-up and timed correctly they are truly set and forget them to overcome this. In 1982 The V-fire III ignition made its debut. This system type systems. For those of you with a generator bottom end that desire is completely contained in a black box more commonly known as a module. We actually get rid of the advance unit the improvement given by lighting the fire more efficiently, J&P® offers replacements for your points circuit breaker because the module has a couple of advance curves built in. Triggered by a rotor cup and a hall effect transducer this from Mallory and Spyke to take advantage of modern day technology. system requires no maintenance. Due to the different igniRemember that to make power there are specific things tion requirements presented by a light (Sporty) or a heavy we must do. (Dresser) motorcycle a Vacuum Operated Electric Switch 1. We can get more air (thus more fuel) in and out increas(VOES) that can be set at different vacuum level handles ing volumetric efficiency. This is accomplished with carb changing the advance curves. Under heavy load conditions and pipe changes. the ignition is retarded. This ignition soon proved to be very 2. We can increase the quality of our ignition. This inreliable but not the absolute best for performance. creases combustion efficiency. Note: Remember that by All Harley® ignitions that came direct from the factory getting a more thorough burn, it’s not unusual to have to prior to 1999 fire both spark plugs at the same time. One increase jet size (more fuel, more power) to take advantwin tower coil is triggered. One plug fires producing power, tage of the improvement. and the other plug fires during valve overlap. The “street” Generally the other 2 ways to make power (Mechanical and name for this type system is dual fire. Thermal efficiency) are not practical for the street. Finally some enterprising folks said, “let’s get rid of that wasted spark” and products were developed to do just

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1959 A10 Rocket 650 twin. This was BSA in her prime.


axle. In 1885, Starleyʼs nephew John Kemp Starley invented the first ʻmodernʼ bicycle with two similar-sized wheels and a chain driving the rear wheel, essentially what we use today. Ariel was the first! By 1898, they were shoe-horning engines into things, their first attempt being a tricycle with a 2-1/4 horsepower di Dion engine. It took until 1902 for Ariel to build its first true motorcycle, using an engine purchased from an engine manufacturer, a very common practice among early motorcycle builders. In this case, the Kerry engine was very innovative for the era, with a new-for-thetimes magneto and a carburetor with a float.


Sangster Takes over Ariel

The quintessential Ariel: The Square Four

Who was Jack Sangster? The Ariel Motorcycle Company, while never a stunning success itself, built a few memorable bikes, including the legendary Ariel Square Four, albeit it fairly low numbers. Theirs was a story like so many other classic British motorcycle makers, with one enormous difference: Jack Sangster. Sangster gained entry into the motorcycle industry through his father’s purchase of the ailing Ariel Cycle Co., climbed to the absolute peak of that industry, then ended up, perhaps more than any other single person, gutting it and setting it on the path to its ultimate failure. Hence, the following is as much a study of Ariel Motorcycles as it is an inditement of Sanger’s role in the demise of not just Ariel, but BSA, Triumph, and whatever was left standing of the British motorcycle industry by 1970. Jack Sangster

That same year, Ariel still a very small company, was taken over by Components Ltd., which was owned by Charles Sangster. He immediately set to building a 2-stroke motorcycle with a 3-speed gearbox which he named the ʻArieletteʼ. Production ceased with the outbreak of World War I, while Ariel produced munitions for His Majestyʼs Army. In 1918, Sangsterʼs son Jack took over management of the Ariel division of Components Ltd. and oversaw the introduction of a new bike using a White & Poppe 4-stroke engine that proved successful. He quickly expanded Arielʼs model lineup with bikes ranging in size from 586cc to 992cc, using outsourced engines. Starting in 1926, Ariel began designing and building its own engines. The younger Sangster had lured legendary engine designer Val Page away from JAP and the results were immediate. Page created two new engines, and one entire motorcycle by 1927. This basic engine design, introduced in the 1926-1930 Black Ariel was the basis for nearly every Ariel 4-stroke single-cylinder engine from then on. Their slogan around this time was ‘The Modern Motor Cycleʼ.

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Sangster buys Triumph for a Song In 1936, Triumph Motorcycles, also on hard times financially, in the midst of the Great Depression, went into receivership and Jack Sangster bought this legendary brand for a mere 50,000 pounds. Now he owned two motorcycle companies. He brought young Turner over from Ariel to help juice up Triumphʼs weak motorcycle lineup. Turner wasted no time, completely designing, producing and introducing the revolutionary 500 Speed Twin by 1937, as a 1938 model. It was a game-changer, the worldʼs first vertical twin of its type, and it set the pattern for nearly every British twin for the next 40 years.

Sangster sells Ariel & Triumph to BSA In 1944, Sangster sold Ariel to BSA (Birmingham Small Arms). After the War, Triumph was doing so well in the growing motorcycle market, and the new all-important US export market, that Sangster was able to sell Triumph to BSA for 2.5 million pounds, a tidy return on his 50,000-pound investment. BSA was not only the worldʼs largest and richest motorcycle company at the time, it was one of the largest companies of any kind. BSA was a true multinational corporate giant. They built not only motorcycles, but cars, buses, trucks, military vehicles, industrial, construction, agricultural and mining equipment, armaments, munitions, steel and more. Their steel-making was considered state-of-the-art at the time, and their metallurgists were among the worldʼs best. It seemed they could do or accomplish anything. BSA was flush with cash, credit, resources, manpower, brainpower, and vast market reach. So, Sangster smartly made his installation onto BSAʼs board of directors part of the Triumph deal. If BSA wanted Triumph, Jack Sangster had to come along with the deal.

Ariel Product Development Under BSAʼs tutelage, Ariel continued along, producing low numbers of the Square Four and high volumes of Red Hunter singles. The Square Four was never a great performing bike. It was heavy, the rear cylinders still tended to run hot, even after several design continued...

ʼ47 Red Hunter still had a rigid frame.

The Ariel Red Hunter is Born

The Early Days at Ariel Like so many other classic British motorcycle companies of the era, Ariel started out as a bicycle manufacturer, or more precisely they built the wire-spoked wheels for bicycles under the first such patent issue in England, under the name Ariel Cycle Co. Established in England in 1870 by James Starley and William Hillman, they were soon building entire bicycles and sewing machines. But the bicycles of the era were the type with the huge front wheel and tiny back wheel, with the pedals on the front

father’s receivers, renamed it Ariel Motors, built a new factory in Birmingham, and resumed production. By this time, he’d taken on another promising designer, Edward Turner, who had just come up with a radical new design for an OHC 4-cylinder bike that placed the four vertical cylinders in a square pattern, running on two parallel counter-rotating crankshafts, one in front of the other, that were geared together. The 500cc Ariel Square Four was introduced in 1931. The company went broke again, and wheeler-dealer Sangster reopened again under yet another name. Production resumed on the now-600cc Square Four. Constant overheating problems with the rear cylinders led to a complete redesign in 1937 into the OHV 995cc Model 4G Square Four.

Later MkII Square Four engines were gorgeous!

In and Out of Trouble All during this time, parent-company Components Ltd was having financing troubles, including numerous spells of receivership from 1911 until 1932 when they finally went bankrupt and closed their doors. Jack Sangster seized upon the opportunity to buy Ariel Motorcycles at a bargain price from his

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Val Page had designed a new single-cylinder engine which was introduced in 1932 as the Ariel Red Hunter, a name and a bike that would stay in production until 1959. During this time, it was available as a 250, 350 and 500. They performed brilliantly and sold very well, becoming Arielʼs strongest product. The income derived from Red Hunter sales allowed Sangster to buy Triumph. Like everyone else, Ariel ceased civilian production with the outbreak of World War II, while building boatloads of W/NG 350 military bikes, which featured added ground clearance, among other upgrades. After the war, Ariel went back to making Square Fours and Red Hunters.

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MSF’s Guide to Group Riding: Hand Signals

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Colorado Ink

JULY 2017 Women on Wheels International Ride-In 7/4/2017 – 7/6/2017 2886 S Circle Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80906 The 2017 W.O.W. (Women On Wheels) will be having the International Ride-In There will be guided and unguided scenic rides, speakers, seminars, and the Banquet and Awards Ceremony. The annual Women On Wheels® International Ride-In™ is the very best place to enjoy the camaraderie of riding with other ladies that enjoy motorcycles and motorcycling. Each July, with the assistance of different Chapters, WOW invites members to the 3 day event, which is held in the assisting Chapters’ general location. This allows the local Chapters to highlight and share the very best of the scenery, roads and most interesting sites in that area. Women On Wheels (402) 477-1280

223 W Main Street Florence, CO and 4111 Club Manor Drive Pueblo, CO You may start at either of the start locations. All riders are welcome. In Pueblo the ride starts at Side Pocket, 4111 Club Manor Drive. Registration begins at 9:00 am and motorcycles go out at 10:00 am. In Florence the ride starts at Green Parrot Lounge, 223 W Main Street. Registration starts at 9:30 am and the motorcycles go out at 10:30 am. The ride fee is $15.00 for the rider and $5.00 for a passenger. Extra hands are $10.00 and extra hands are $5.00. The ride will include stops in Canon City, and Pueblo. The ride ends in Pueblo with food, door prizes, silent auctions, 50/50 drawing, and more. Prizes will be awarded for the top 3 hands.

Annual 5 in 1 High Altitude Run 7/15/2017 5:00 AM 5867 North Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80918 It’s just before daybreak, your Harley’s headlights are illuminating the empty interstate and city’s lights twinkle in the valley. The craggy outlines of Colorado’s Front Range cut like a jigsaw puzzle through the night sky. Sunrise is a little more than an hour away, but the parking lot of Pikes Peak Harley-Davidson is already 1st Ever Run with the Deere bustling with activity. You will be taking off on a ride 7/8/2017 that will be forever in your memory - feast your senses 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM on waterfalls, switchbacks with sheer drops, and Poker run benefiting (BACA) Bikers against Child Abuse. Registration starts at 9:00 a.m. with free coffee. frontier towns in no hurry to leave the 19th century. As you ride through the Rockies, you will find some First bikes out at 10:00 a.m. Ride will start in Parker and end at Boodads in Colorado Springs. Route goes of the most challenging and rewarding terrains for motorcycles with the goal of riding over FIVE 10,000 thru Elizabeth, Elbert, Peyton and Ellicott. $20.00 per foot mountain passes in one day. rider and $5.00 per passenger. All bikes welcome. There will be a $10.00 voucher given out for Boodads Phone: (719) 314-5074 Email: food or drink. Prizes for Best and Worst poker hand. Web Site: 19020 Longs Way Parker, CO 80134 Phone (303) 841-2299 - Kevin White Ride for Hope Email 7/15/2017 7:30 AM Bikers Against Child Abuse, 211 S 3rd St. Canon City, CO 81212 Fremont County Chapter Anniversary Run Kick Stands up at 8:30 7/8/2017 $20 for Riders 9:00 AM $10 for Passengers 26 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

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All Donations go to support the Orchard of Hope Help us ease the financial burden of those fighting cancer. Email: 3 B’s Annual Bikes, Babes and Beers Poker Run 7/15/2017 10:00 AM 1601 W Evans Avenue Denver, CO Click here to view or print this flyer. The ride starts at PT’s Showclub, 1601 W Evans Avenue in Denver. Registration is from 10:00 am until 11:00 am. The ride fee is $20.00 for the rider and $10.00 for a passenger. The fee includes a t-shirt. The ride includes contests at each stop and ends with prizes, a buffet and more. All the proceeds will benefit the Lowrie Family Foundation, which donates to charities such as The Race for the Cure and Wounded Warriors. Phone: (303) 520-8750 38 Special Poker Run 7/15/2017 8:30 AM For the Veterans of El Paso County 6685 Southmoor Dr Fountain, CO Phone: (719) 246-0152 Website: Sweet D Poker Run 7/15/2017 9:00 AM 604 8th St. Dacono, CO 80514 The Sweet Destinee Foundation provides programs and opportunities to chronically and terminally ill youth, young adults, and their families that foster personal growth and self-expression through self-advocacy while renewing strength, hope and joy. Prizes and good times to be had by all!! 100% of proceeds go to Charity! Breakfast service starts at 9 am Route details will be given at registration. First bike leaves at 10:30. Unique locations, not standard stops on most bike runs. Phone: (970) 227-0788 Web Site: American Heroes in Action Cruise & Ride 7/15/2017 9:00 AM 13012 Bass Pro Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Join the American Heroes in Action Cruise and Ride on Saturday, July 15th. Start at the Bass Pro Shop

in Denver at 9 AM with a pancake breakfast. Make 3 more stops along Colorado’s beautiful Front Range and finish at the Bass Pro Shop in Colorado Springs. Enjoy a Bar B Q lunch and win great prizes in the drawings. Registration is just $20 for the first cruiser/ rider and $10 each additional rider. Registration includes the pancake breakfast. Web Site: cruise-ride-registration Red, White and Blue Run 7/15/2017 9:00AM The ride starts at Chick-fil-A, 14730 W. Colfax Avenue in Lakewood. Registration begins at 9:00 am and the first motorcycle goes out at 10:00 am. The ride fee is $20.00 for the rider and $10.00 for a passenger. The ride will go 130 miles through the beautiful Colorado Mountains and end in Aurora with a silent auction, raffle, door prizes, bands, games and more. The ride will benefit Homes for our Troops to build custom homes for severely injured veterans at no cost to them. Phone (720) 207-7113 4th Annual Ride4time Poker Run with Friends of Mine 7/15/2017 9:00 AM 1107 W Main St, Sterling, CO 80751 Starts at Grease Monkey in Sterling CO. Poker Run $20 Per hand/$15 for Passenger Meal served and last hand in by 5:00 PM Last hand in at 5 PM at Hootenannies in Sterling CO 2nd Annual Christmas in July Toy and Poker Run 7/16/2017 8:00 AM 603 Lesser Drive Fort Collins, CO The ride will start at VFW Rocky Mtn. Post 1781, 603 Lesser Drive in Fort Collins. Registration is from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. The ride fee is $20.00 for the rider and $5.00 for a passenger, plus one toy per person. Additional poker hands are $5.00 each. The first 20 to register will receive an event t-shirt. The ride ends with a barbeque, silent auction, raffles, music and more. Cash prizes will be awarded for the best and worst hands. All proceeds will benefit Veterans in need during the Holidays. Phone: (970) 493-9909

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Top O’ The Rockies Rally 7/20/2017 – 7/23/2017 The Top O’ The Rockies Rally is our Club’s annual rally located on the grounds of the City Park in historic Paonia on the Western Slope of the Rockies. The Top O’ The Rockies Rally is in its 45th year of providing riders and their guests with the best riding and scenery Colorado has to offer! Within walking distance of the Rally site is the quaint little town of Paonia where you will meet wonderful people, enjoy some great restaurants, get to do a little shopping, and more! City Park Paonia, CO 81428 Phone; (720) 560-3784 Email: Web Site: United States Veterans Riding Club 10th Annual Poker Run 7/22/2017 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM $20 Donation for riders/ $10 donation for Passengers *Meal included or $10 for Meal only Stops Include Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson, Buckskin’s Saloon, O’Malleys, The Chicken Coop, Stage Coach. Meal served at 3:30 with a Raffle at 4:30 Proceeds benefit: The Fisher House, Rocky Mountain Dawg Project, Puppis for Vets Donations can be made at Dan Peak Foundation 2nd Annual Poker Run 7/22/2017 9:00 AM L8425 W Colfax Avenue Lakewood, CO Registration begins at 9:00 am and the motorcycles go out at 10:00 am. The ride fee will include a t-shirt or tank top, and dinner at the end of the ride. The ride will include a stop near Idaho Springs, and other stops before ending in Denver. The ride ends with prizes, food, and more. Proceeds will provide education and resources to help every adult get a high school education or GED. For more information Phone: (303) 551-4572 Web site: 28 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

2017 Auto Show to take Care of Northern Colorado Veteran’s Families in Need 7/22/2017, 11:00 610 9th Ave, Greeley, CO Organized by : CCEP We are built on helping people in a time of need. We will be rolling out a program in early 2016 that will help piece the community, someone in need, and local business partners in order to help families through difficult times and times of emergency. We will raise money to help veterans and families pay critical overdue bills with a variety of fundraising events including a silent auction, auto show, and auto wash. Prizes for best Bike, Truck, Car and Best of Show. Riverdale Road Run 7/22/2017 10:00 AM 1800 Longspeak St. Brighton, CO 80601 Shopneck Boys & Girls Club The Shopneck Boys & Girls Club Keystone Teen Leadership Program are raising funds to help Club Senior’s with college expenses such as housing and books. Registration starts at 10am and kick stands up at 11am at the Shopneck Boys & Girls Club 1800 Longspeak St., Brighton, CO 80601. The run will start and end at the Boys & Girls Club. We will ride through Riverdale Road to Community Park on 92nd and York. Ride cost is $15.00 Phone: (720) 334-1113 - Yvette Olivas Email: 2017 Benefit Ride for Hospice 7/29/2017 8:00 AM 900 W. Orman Ave Pueblo, CO Calling all riders!!! Ride for a Donation Rain or Shine Registration Begins: 8:00 a.m. at Pueblo Community College, 900 W. Orman Ave., back parking lot (corner of Harrison & Orman). Ride Begins: 10:00 a.m. along HWY 96 to Bishop’s Castle and returns on I-25 North to Obie’s Fillin’ Station, Exit 74. All proceeds go to Sangre de Cristo Hospice patient care! - Live Music - 50/50 Raffle

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3rd Annual Recognition Ride 8/12/2017 9:30 AM - 3:00 AM 2077 N. Hwy 83, Franktown, CO 80116 Wings-And-Warriors 3rd Annual Recognition Ride 5 Card Fun Run Annual St Jude 100 Mile Ride Remembering Our Veterans of Past and Present to 7/29/2017 Support Those with Hidden Injuries if PTSD and TBI. 9:00 AM All Proceeds will go to help veterans receive service 600 E. Main Street Florence, CO 81226 dogs through Wings-And-Warriors Breakfast and check in at 900am - Kickstands up at Registration 9:30 am 1000am - 100 miles -then back for lunch, refreshments Kickstands up 10:30 am and live music. The ride fee is $20.00 per person, Ride will start at Stagecoach Saloon which includes breakfast and lunch. The ride will 2077 N. Hwy 83, Franktown, CO 80116 go about 100 miles before ending with music. The Starting in Franktown, up through Sedaila, Down to proceeds will benefit the Saint Jude Children’s Palmer Lake, then over to Descars in Black Forest Hospital. and back to Franktown, 50/50 Drawing, Music, Food Phone (719) 784-9631 and Refreshments, Plenty of FREE Parking. Last Web Site: Bike in @ 2:30pm Come on out and meet some of the Events Veterans and their Wingmen! Mission Statement Gold Star Parents Weekend 7/30/2017 “Wings and Warriors mission is to provide highly 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM trained service dogs to assist and enhance the quality Help us raise money for the Colorado Gold Star Parent of life for those afflicted with PTSD (post traumatic Weekend stress disorder) and TBI (traumatic brain injury)”. • When: Sunday July 30, 2017 from 8:30am to 5:00pm • Registration starts at 8:30am • Cost: $20 per rider, $10 per passenger, or $20 for a caged vehicle • Last Rider out at 11:00am • Breakfast from 8:30am to 11:00am, cost is $8 per Need Your Oil Changed? person Add your ride, rally • Lunch and Entertainment will start at 2:00pm at final or run to our stop at Pioneer VFW Post free events 2121 2514 7th Ave. Greeley, CO listing page We will have drawings, 50/50, and mulligans! FAQ: WE’LL TEACH YOU HOW Send us your event What is a Gold Star Parent or Family? information whether AT OUR “HARLEY Gold Star families are those to have paid the ultimate on-Road or off-road, price and lost a loved one serving in the military. MECHANICS 101” CLASS. rides, runs, rallies Colorado has over 200 Gold Star families. In 1 Day you will learn how to What is Gold Star Parent Weekend? and events for all The Blue Star Moms of America Colorado Chapter 3 change your Harley’s fluids, types of motorcycles hosts a weekend in September for any Colorado Gold adjust cables, and more. and three wheelers. Star Parents who wish to attend. This weekend gives We will list it free in them a special time to be with other Gold Star families, CALL US FOR MORE INFO our events listing for to share stories of their children, their grief and their hopes, as well as to laugh, cry, and heal. Included in that month! events@ Thunder & Lightning Cycles LLC the weekend are many workshops, counseling, and thunderroadscolorado. 3986 S. Broadway seminars. The Gold Star Family weekend costs around com or 720-458-3134. Englewood, CO 80113 $65,000. 720.287.1670 Website: http://www.coloradogoldstarparentsweekend. com/ - Auction Items - BBQ & Fun All vehicles welcome! Phone: (719)542-0032 Website:


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News Bytes BIKER ANTI-PROFILING MEASURES UNDER CONSIDERATION IN CONGRESS H.Res.318/S. Res.154: “Promoting awareness of motorcycle profiling and encouraging collaboration and communication with the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling,” was referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations on June 2, 2017. Concerned motorcyclists are encouraged to contact their federal lawmakers in the U.S. Senate & House of Representatives to co-sponsor and support these bills.Under the companion measures in the Senate and House, “motorcycle profiling” means “the illegal use of the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle related apparel as a factor in deciding to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest, or search a person or vehicle with or without legal basis under the Constitution of the United States. FEDERAL LEGISLATION COULD PROLIFERATE E15 GAS Despite objections that the proliferation of E15 gasoline into the U.S. marketplace will negatively impact every American who owns a car, lawnmower or boat, two new federal bills have been introduced to expand availability of the higher concentrate ethanol fuel. Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) and U.S. Representative Adrian Smith (R-NE) introduced the “Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act” (S.517 & H.R.1311) amending the Clean Air Act to allow the sale of E15 (15% blend ethanol gas) during summer months (June 1 - September 15). Motorcycle and ATV owners risk damaging their machines by even inadvertently putting E15 in their tanks, as the higher blends of ethanol can cause engine and fuel system damage, void manufacturers’ warranties and violate federal law.Motorcyclists should also be concerned about the availability of compatible fuel supplies if gas stations primarily provide E15 gasoline that’s EPA-approved for the majority of their driving customers -- but no on- or off-road motorcycles or ATVs appear on the EPA’s list of vehicles approved to use E15. ZERO MOTORCYCLES NEW “DON’T WAIT FOR WASHINGTON” E-BIKE PROGRAM The recently launched program was created to advocate for electric motorcycles and assure buyers they will get the Electric Motorcycle Federal Tax Credit. “Don’t Wait For Washington” assures “up to $1,869 on a Zero motorcycle if the government fails to reinstate the Electric Motorcycle Tax Credit.”The initiative serves the dual purposes of driving the conversation on electric motorcycles forward while legislation languishes in Washington, and of motivating would-be electric motorcycle riders to join the e-movement.Should the federal government fail to reinstate the tax credit by the end of the year, then Zero will step up and send 10% cash back to buyers, matching the expired tax credit for new, eligible 2017 Zero motorcycles. 30 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

MAINSTREAM MEDIA PROMOTES RIDERSHIP According to the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC), a not-for-profit national trade association, their 2014 rider survey reports that “56% of Generation Y riders use their motorcycles as a primary means of transportation,” and that factoid recently appeared in a Ride To Work Day graphic on the front page of the June 19 edition of USA Today’s Life section.“This major mainstream media placement is especially significant to the MIC as the industry association is actively promoting motorcycles as transportation and seeking new generations of riders,” says the MIC communications department, which has previously worked on Ride to Work Day segments with “Good Morning America,” ABC’s national morning news show, and with “The KTLA Morning News,” the biggest morning news program in Southern California.The MIC exists to “preserve, protect and promote motorcycling through government relations, communications and media relations, statistics and research, aftermarket programs, AIMExpo, development of data communications standards, and activities surrounding technical and regulatory issues.” LOUISIANA TO TEACH NEW LICENSEES HOW TO INTERACT WITH POLICE Louisiana Governor Bel Edwards has signed into law a requirement that driver education classes must include a segment on interacting with police in their course curriculum.Introduced by Senators Ryan Gatti (R-Bossier), Wesley Bishop (D-New Orleans) and Gary Smith Jr. (D-Norco) on March 20, 2017, SB17 “Provides for driver education to include instruction on appropriate driver conduct when stopped by a law enforcement officer.”The bipartisan measure was signed by the governor on June 16 as Act No. 286 with an effective date of January 1, 2018. HANDLEBAR HEIGHT LAW MODIFIED IN MARYLAND Maryland has become the most recent state to modify or repeal their antiquated and discriminatory handlebar height law, which many states enacted in the sixties to provide a law enforcement tool for pulling over bikers on their choppers.Governor Larry Hogan approved Senate Bill 668 on May 25, 2017; “Increasing, from 15 inches to 20 inches, the maximum height that the handlebars of a motorcycle may be above a specified part of the motorcycle seat in order for a person to lawfully operate the motorcycle.”SB668 was introduced February 3, 2017 by lead sponsor Senator H. Wayne Norman, Jr. (R-D35) and becomes effective October 1, 2017, and ABATE of Maryland advises to “Remember that the height is measured from the seat to the highest point on the handlebars, not from the bottom of the handlebar to the grips or highest point.”

July 2017

News Bytes

NEW HAMPSHIRE OKAYS COLORED HEADLAMPS FOR MOTORCYCLES, SAME AS CARS New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu signed HB458 into law on June 8, 2017, an Act relative to motorcycle headlamps. Sponsored by Rep. James Spillane (R-Deerfield), “This bill allows headlamp colors approved by the director of the division of motor vehicles for automobiles to be considered approved for motorcycle headlamps,” with an effective date 60 days after its passage (August 7, 2017). OREGON ENACTS LAWS EFFECTING TRIKES & AUTOCYCLES In dealing with the increased popularity of three-wheeled vehicles, Oregon lawmakers have passed two new laws to make it easier for riders to get in the saddle. House Bill 3125 was signed into law by Governor Kate Brown on June 14, 2017 to define an “autocycle” and provides that a person may operate one without a motorcycle endorsement. The Act takes effect immediately under the Emergency clause.Sponsored by the Committee on Transportation Policy, under HB3125 “autocycle” means a motorcycle that: (1) Is manufactured to travel on three wheels; (2) Has a steering wheel for steering control; and (3) Has nonstraddle seating, and (4) is equipped with a manufacturer-installed three-point safety belt or safety harness.Senate Bill 36 “Provides that Department of Transportation may waive skills test for person seeking motorcycle endorsement to operate three-wheeled motorcycle [trike],” and was also signed by the governor on June 14. LICENSE PLATE MOUNTING OPTIONS FOR SOUTH DAKOTA RIDERS Effective July 1, 2017, motorcycle owners in South Dakota will be allowed to mount license plates to their motorcycle “in any visible manner other than upside down.”Governor Dennis Daugaard signed Senate Bill 79 into law on March 9, after overwhelmingly passing through both chambers of the state legislature.

FAIR WARNING: MOST DRIVERS KNOW THEY’RE BAD DRIVERS Millions of drivers admit that they don’t always make thorough mirrors checks when pulling away, according a driver survey, with 25% admitting they don’t look in their mirrors when pulling out into traffic.Of 2,025 drivers polled, 15% admitted not always looking at road signs, 68% admit rarely driving with both hands on the wheel, and over half (52%) believed bad habits such as these would ensure they failed the driving test if they had to do it again.Too many people are injured on the roads due to poor judgment and a lack of road skills says David Carter, spokesman for Accident Advice Helpline in the U.K., which conducted the research, adding: “It is worrying that more people don’t feel confident in their own skills on the road and feel that they’ve developed bad habits which would cause them to not pass their driving test.” GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN This year has been tragic for our bikers rights family, suffering the loss of two past NCOM Board of Directors; Butch Harbaugh (NCOM Legislative Task Force) and Dennis “Big D” Watson (NCOM Region IX), both recipients of the Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award (2003 & 2006) in whose memory the recent National Coalition of Motorcyclists’ NCOM Convention in Reno was dedicated, and now we regretfully report the passing of longtime biker advocate and Easyriders magazine writer “Twiggy” Blakeboro (73, of Lompoc, CA) who died June 11, 2017. Twiggy was much beloved by his peers and was a past recipient of the NCOM Silver Spoke Award - Media (1997). “Nuff said.” R.I.P. Brothers, Ride In Peace. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “If not me, then who?” ~ USMC 1st Lt Travis Manion (Nov 19, 1980 - April 29, 2007), upon his second Iraq tour; KIA saving his men from ambush (

July 2017

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 31



PDA Roadgear 1600 W. Mineral Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 (303)761-6022 (800) 766-3955

Curtis Walton Law Firm 13984 West Bowles Avenue Littleton, CO 80128 (720) 323-9729

UniqCycle Sounds PO Box 271093 Ft. Collins CO 80527 (888) 864-7721

Law Tigers 4828 South College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80525 (800)529-8443


Biker Inner Circle (888) 498-2123

O’Sullivan Law Firm 600 Ogden Street Denver, CO 80218 (303) 388-5304


EM Leather 13980 East Mississippi Aurora, CO 80012 (303) 337-6690 Moses Leather Company 759 Horizon Drive Grand Junction CO 81506 (970)433-7319 Twin Peaks Leather 5655 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada CO 80002 (303) 432-1047

Roy Hansen Motorcycle Testing 1800 Airway Avenue Ft. Collins CO 80524 (970) 690-8847 MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/SERVICE/PARTS

G.R.U.M.P.S 115 N 8th Ave Greeley CO 80631 (970) 353-1166 Thunder and Lightning Cycles 3986 S Broadway Englewood CO 80113 (720) 287-1670

we are looking for: veteran’s column contributor


Motorcycle Transport Specialists https://www.facebook. com/motorcycle.transport. specialist/?fref=ts CO (720) 329-4514 places of worship

Church in the Wind 2411 Alcott Street Denver CO 80211 (720) 635-2897 RESTAURANTS AND BARS

Sunshine Café 1856 Colorado Blvd Idaho Springs CO 80452 (720) 203-4878 Wild Bill’s Saloon 6762 Lowell Blvd Denver CO 80221 (303) 428-7843 WOMEN’S APPAREL

One Bad Bitch Denver CO 80129 (888)244-9299 HAN Motogear 9349 Black Mountain Dr, Conifer CO 80433 (303) 356-8691

List your business here for as little as $30 a month! CONTACT US AT or (720) 458-3134

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for more details.

or E-mail us at: 32 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

July 2017

A man goes into a restaurant where all the waitresses are gorgeous. A particularly voluptuous waitress wearing a very short skirt comes to his table and asks, “What would you like, sir?” He looks at the menu, scans her beautiful frame top to bottom, and then answers, “A quickie.” The waitress turns and walks away in disgust. After she regains her composure she returns and asks again, “What would you like, sir?” Again the man thoroughly checks her out and again answers, “A quickie, please.” This time her anger takes over, she reaches over and slaps him across the face with a resounding SMACK! and storms away. A man sitting at the next table then leans over and whispers, “Um, I think it’s pronounced ‘quiche.’” As a new, young MD doing his residency in OBGYN I was quite embarrassed when performing female pelvic exams. To cover my embarrassment I had unconsciously formed a habit of whistling softly. A very attractive young lady in her early 30’s whom I was performing this exam on suddenly burst out laughing and further embarrassing me. I looked up from my work and sheepishly said...’I’m sorry. Was I tickling you?’ She replied with tears running down her cheeks from laughing so hard ... ‘No doctor but the song you were whistling was... I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener.’ Grandpa and Little Johnny are sitting on a bench in the park. Johnny asked, “Grandpa are you going to take that new Vǐagra?” Grandpa looks at him and says, “No Johnny, I will not.” “But Grandpa, why?” asks little Johnny. Grandpa replies, “Because there is no sense in putting lead in your pencil if you have no one to write to.”

I was telling a woman in the Club about my ability to guess what day a woman was born just by feeling her breasts. “Really” she said, “Go on then... try.” After about thirty seconds of fondling she began to lose patience and said, “Come on, what day was I born?” I said, “Yesterday.” Cost me a kick in the groin, but... When you’re seventy-five ......who cares? I went to my VFW again last night and saw a BIG woman dancing on a table. I said, “Good legs.” The girl giggled and said, “Do you really think so?” I said, “Definitely! Most tables would have collapsed by now.” Cost me 6 more stitches, But, when you’re seventy-five .....who cares? A guy is walking down the street and sees Little Johnny smoking a cigarette. He says, “Kid, you’re too young to smoke.” Johnny looks up but doesn’t say anything. The man asks, “Son, how old are you?” Little Johnny says, “Eleven.” Stunned, the man says, “Seven!? When did you start smoking?” Johnny replies, “Right after the first time I had sex.” “Right after the first time you had sex!? the man exclaims. When was that?” Little Johnny ponders, “Gotta’ say I honestly don’t remember….I was majorly drunk”.

A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called and spoke to his client, “Saul, I have some good news and some bad news.” I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she invested $5,000 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15-20 million and I think she could be right.” Saul replied enthusiastically, “Well done! My wife is a brilliant businesswoman! You’ve just made my day. Now I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?” The lawyer replied, “The pictures are of you with your Personal Assistant. I was standing at the bar at the VFW one night minding my own business. This very large, totally sloppy drunk with smeared lipstick and mascara running down her face chick came up behind me, grabbed my butt and said, “You’re kinda cute. You got a phone number?” I said, “Yeah, you got a pen?” She said, “Yeah, I got a pen”. I said, “You better get back in it before the farmer misses you.” Cost me 6 stitches..but, When you’re seventy- five....who cares? I went to the drug store and told the clerk “Give me 3 packets of condoms, please.” Lady Clerk: “Do you need a paper bag with that, sir?” I said “Nah... She’s rough but I can actually look at her.” She smacked me right in the face, but... When you’re seventy- five....who cares?

July 2017

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 33


Photographer: Vickie Jo Mullin 34 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

July 2017

July 2017

Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado 35












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