officers’ message by Robert
I’m Not Finished
n looking back over this last year since I took office as TIADA President, I’m thankful and grateful for the fact we’ve made it to the last lap or two of the year! Who would’ve imagined in July 2019, as we were wrapping up the TIADA Conference and Expo, what lay ahead in 2020? Many of us having been mandated by the government to close our doors for weeks. Or some of us becoming sickened by this wicked virus, or our employees or family members falling victim to the invisible enemy. As far as I’m aware, we made history in April when the TIADA Board of Directors meeting originated in each member’s home or office using technology via Zoom. Our TIADA staff has even worked remotely from home for months now. But here’s the good news — life and business have continued to go on! Perhaps not “as usual”, but we’re still moving forward. Just today in our dealership, we reached the same unit sales volume year to date in 2020 as we had this time last year. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for that news. For a while at the end of March, after the usual bustling tax season sales came to a screeching coronavirus halt, I was dreading the thought of maybe
Stop N’ Drive Motors (San Antonio) TIADA PRESIDENT
having to sell off investments to fund our ongoing operations later this year. But thanks to the stimulus funding, generous unemployment benefits for our customers, as well as other helpful government stimulus efforts to keep citizens employed and cash flowing, we’re not in too bad of shape! Especially considering how it could’ve been. Our collections, despite some bumpy days, are in surprisingly good shape. Our repos are down for the year compared to last year, and now our unit sales have finally matched last year’s. So, what am I looking forward to for the future? I believe good things are in store for us as used vehicle dealers. Sometime next year, we surely will have an effective vaccine for this virus. When that happens, normal business and our hopes for the future can return to a steady, hopefully “business as usual”. Our customers are ALWAYS going to need our assistance in obtaining good, reliable transportation. In the meantime, we cannot let our guard down on what has created success in this industry. I believe that is each one of us being willing and involved in improving our business and political environment through the
I believe [what has created success in this industry] is each one of us being willing and involved in improving our business and political environment through the activities of our association. (cont’d on pg. 8) 4
T e x a s
D e a l e r
July/Special 2020