Tiago Rosado CV 2017

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Curriculum vitae


Tiago Miguel Abreu Monteiro dos Santos Rosado Balistraat 22B, 1094JM Amsterdam (Netherlands) +31 6 53 71 99 46 tiago.m.rosado@gmail.com www.tiagorosado.com www.awaremedia.com www.linkedin.com/in/tirosado/ www.vimeo.com/tiagorosado Skype tiago.m.rosado Sex Male | Date of birth 7 Jul 1978 | Nationality Portuguese


Exhibition Design - Centre Charlemagne Exhibition Design produced with Frank Ortmanns.


Exhibition Design - Turtle1 building a car in Africa Paradox Five years after Smets and Van Onna set foot on Ghanaian soil, it is time to reflect on what has been achieved. The book Turtle 1 – building a car in Africa takes the reader on an fascinating journey through the authors' experiences as naïve outsiders – with no know- ledge of cars – who wanted to find out how an informal economy works. http://www.paradox.nl/project/turtle1/#book Design work was produced for an exhibition at Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain - Paris


AWAREmedia - video production company, co-founder http://www.aware.media We bring that motivation and passion to our clients and help them to communicate their message in a storytelling way.


Project manager & Exhibition designer Paradox, Amsterdam (Netherlands) http://www.paradox.nl/ Paradox develops projects around contemporary issues with documentary authors: photographers, filmmakers, visual artists, writers and researchers. Paradox does not programme its own exhibition space but collaborates with venues in the Netherlands and abroad. Business or sector Documentary production


Freelance photographer Events, documentary projects


Multimedia editing - Borders Kill / Beneficiary concert Paradox Borders Kill is about the masses of migrants and refugees risking their lives, desperately trying to get into Greece and out again, further into Europe. The footage is shot throughout the year, displaying the situation on the island of Kos and at the Idomeni border. Pilos jumps from capturing the masses of people to individual stories. At the concert, a projection tells the story of Ali Jeyedad, who undertook two journeys to seek refuge in Europe and bring his family to safety. You can find more info on Borders Kill here. The concert was realized with the support of the Goethe Institute, Athens.


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