TourismTides Newsletter - August 2013

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PUBLISHED BY TIAPEI 25 Queen Street, 3rd Floor P.O. Box 2050, Charlottetown, PE Canada C1A 7N7 Phone: (902) 566-5008 Toll-free: 1-866-566-5008 Fax: (902) 368-3605 Toll-free fax: 1-877-368-3605

POSTMASTER: Publication Mail Agreement No. 40024264 3431657 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: TIAPEI, Box 2050 Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N7

IN THIS ISSUE President's View / New Members................................. 2 Executive Director's Report / 2014 Publication Materials............... 3 HR Success - COWS......................... 4 TIAPEI Staff / Newly Certified..........5 PEI National Parks - Top 10...............6 TIAPEI Annual Golf Extravaganza....8

TIAPEI in the Community..................9 NCCD Exploration Tour / Great George Award Nomination............10 NFL 2013 Schedule....................... 11 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION: Imageworks Communication Group 118 Sydney Street, 2nd floor Charlottetown, PEI C1A 1G4 (902) 894.7071



DEAR TOURISM OPERATORS: It is August on PEI and tourism season is definitely in full swing. With the great weather we have been experiencing everyone is outside and enjoying themselves and it looks like it is shaping up to be a good season. I hope you are all experiencing a busy summer but don’t forget to take a little time to enjoy summer on PEI with your family. At TIAPEI we continue to work on your behalf on the issues you have

told us are the most important to you and your businesses. Following the Tourism Forum held in Summerside in March, the Strategic Engagement Task Force and its sub-committees drafted terms of reference for the work to be done and committee members are actively pursuing their target goals. Enthusiasm and determination to carry out the recommendations agreed upon at the Forum is evident among the members. This is a three year plan with the objective of significantly improving the tourism industry on PEI with a much stronger focus on industry involvement in decision making and initiatives. True change will take time, patience and careful attention to detail but, more importantly, it will require complete engagement from members of the tourism industry itself in order to succeed. Please keep informed on the work of the Task Force in the weeks and months ahead and lend your support to this important work.

Human resources issues have always been a subject of great importance to the tourism industry. Throughout my career in the hospitality industry I have witnessed the vital role that our employees play in the success of our businesses. Employee training, staffing levels and customer service can make or break a business and must consistently be in the forefront. I am pleased to tell you the Tourism HR Strategy is complete and will be presented to industry this fall. The strategy identified 5 goals along with strategies and action steps to strengthen the Human Resource Management in the industry. TIAPEI will be working closely with the Tourism Human Resource Sector Council to move forward with the implementation of the HR Strategy.

the Belvedere Golf Club on Friday, October 4th with a shotgun start at noon. Details and on-line registration are available on the TIAPEI website. This best ball tournament can accommodate approximately 25 teams so be sure to register early and enjoy this great day of fun and networking. Donations of team prizes would be much appreciated and you can contact the TIAPEI office at 566-5008 if you are able to help fill the prize table. I hope this finds all of you enjoying a successful season and, as always, I welcome your thoughts and comments as we work together to “Seize Our Potential.” Respectfully submitted by Elaine Thomson TIAPEI President

All work and no play can make even the best natured tourism operator a little grumpy and TIAPEI wants to do its part to add some fun to your day. We will be hosting 2013 Annual Golf Extravaganza at

NEW MEMBERS Welcome New TIAPEI Members Congratulations on Another Great Summer



s Minister of Tourism and Culture I want to congratulate all tourist operators in the province on what appears to be another successful summer season on Prince Edward Island. And as we move ever closer to the fall I want to encourage operators to take advantage of the opportunities the shoulder season provides. There are events like the PEI International Shellfish Festival and Fall Flavours which bring out the foodie in all of us. There will also be record cruise ship visitation which will bring thousands of visitors to our shores. I also encourage all tourist operators on Prince Edward Island to start talking about 2014 with their customers and their contacts. The more we work together to promote this once in a lifetime opportunity the better 2014 will be for all of us. Sincerely,

Robert Henderson

Minister of Tourism and Culture Province of Prince Edward Island


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CORE STAFF: Don Cudmore Executive Director Colleen Bowes Co-ordinator Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership


Kelley Keefe Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership UK Program Manager Jamie Vander Kooi Technology Resource Coordinator Dianne Bishop Executive Assistant & Board Secretary Fernanda Fallesen Financial Administrator

TRAINING & EDUCATION: Kathy Livingstone Director of Training & Education Lori DesRoches Administrative Assistant Rod Clark Marketing Co-ordinator Andrea Boehner HR Advisor Debbie Mol Tourism Employment & Education Coordinator Harris Ford PEI 2014 Training Coordinator


Elaine Thomson

Vice President

Kevin Mouflier


Zubair Siddiqi


Tyson MacInnis


Thom MacMillan

Executive Director Don Cudmore Members at Large: David Anderson, Robert Jourdain

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charlene Belsher Alcide Bernard Darcy Butler George Campbell Doug Deacon Liam Dolan Jane Dunphy Patsy Gotell David Groom Craig Jones Kieran Keller Leslie Kwiatkowski Heath MacDonald Judy MacDonald

Christine Anderson Gallant Oralie MacKay Rhonda Maillet Michael Matthews Sheri Lee McKenna Mark McLane

GREETINGS TIAPEI MEMBERS AND TOURISM OPERATORS: As I write this report, I am reminded that we are very lucky that PEI is the premier destination that we are. The great weather during the past few weeks, the bustle of visitors enjoying our beaches, festivals, theatre productions, shopping, dining and attractions and our hectic schedules serve as reminders of why we became tourism operators and the many benefits to being a part of this important industry. It is always gratifying to note some of the accomplishments and recognition of the efforts of the many people who form the backbone of one of PEI’s leading economic industries. To name a few mentioned in the media recently: The Great George was recently nominated for the 2013 World Luxury Hotel Awards, the only hotel in Atlantic Canada to be nominated for this award and one of six Canadian hotels to be nominated this year; the Cranford Inn was profiled in a feature news article, highlighting their dedication to customer service and creating long-lasting vacation memories for their guests; Leading travel website named Basin Head Provincial Park Beach as the #1 beach in Canada; and international travel magazine Travel

& Leisure’s World’s Best Awards for 2013 voted PEI the #1 island destination in continental USA and Canada and #5 in the world. PEI tourism operators and our partners have been working hard to make PEI a world class destination and it is gratifying to see signs of success such as these. All activities at TIAPEI are geared toward advancing and improving the tourism industry on PEI. Whether it is training and education for owners and staff, creation of partnerships or our involvement in highlighting key tourism objectives, the long-term goal is the growth and enhancement of the tourism industry. We are pleased to be involved with the growing success of initiatives such as Island Fusion, a province-wide cultural celebration held in mid-June, the Arts and Heritage Trail which focuses on distinctive Island cultural attractions, Fall Flavours as well as the Atlantic Canada Cruise Association and Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership (ACTP). TIAPEI has also been proud to offer technical expertise to our members and the industry through the Tourism Technology. com project, and we are currently working with our partners to roll out a new, exciting tourism technology initiative in the near future. Another activity that TIAPEI has been deeply committed to during the past several months with the assistance of many stakeholders in our industry is the Strategic Engagement Tourism Task Force. With the vision of “Seizing Our Potential”, this Task Force will oversee the activities of four Sub-Committees and will report to the TIAPEI Executive and, ultimately, to the industry as a whole. Four actions that have been initiated immediately, based on stakeholder feedback

and recommendations from participants of the Tourism Forum in March include: development of a plan for a new industry-led New Tourism Dollars Model, preparation of an Economic Impact Business Case for Tourism in PEI, establishing a Visionary and Accountable Leadership Structure and preparing a Three-Year Strategy and Board Structure Review of TIAPEI. The sub-committees are guided by a report – Tourism Forum Summary Report: Seizing Our Potential – Tourism in Prince Edward Island; Six Strategic Actions – which is available for your information on the TIAPEI website. Exciting times are coming and I urge you to stay abreast of the activities of this Task Force and its committees. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the volunteer members of organizations and community groups of the many festivals, ceilidhs and community events that play such a large part in the Island tourism offering. There are many of these great events scheduled in the weeks ahead and I hope you take the time to get out and enjoy a few of them. For those who have been members of TIAPEI for a while, thank you for your on-going support. To those of you who may not be members yet, you are missing the opportunity to be a fully involved partner in the development and on-going success of our great industry. To quote the late, great visionary, Walt Disney, “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” Keep smiling, welcome our visitors and be proud of our Island! Respectfully submitted by Don Cudmore Executive Director


Peggy Miles Tom Rath Mitchell Rennie Carolyn Thorne Barb Trainor Darrin White Heidi Zinn

In preparation for the 150th anniversary of the Charlottetown Conference, TIAPEI and PEI 2014 Inc. offer tourism operators promotional literature to promote the Sesquicentennial. These pamphlets, tent cards and posters will serve as a discussion piece to bring awareness to the year-long celebration in 2014. These materials will be distributed in the coming weeks and are available by contacting Harris Ford, PEI 2014 Training Coordinator at TIAPEI at, 566-5008 or 393-5464. 3



AN EXCITING, MOTIVATING AND CREATIVE ORIENTATION PROGRAM! Orientation is a crucial time in the hiring process, and can have long-term effects in terms of an employee’s success on the job. Failure to properly integrate an employee into a new environment can potentially create confusion and in the worst case scenario, can mean the employee may become so frustrated with the lack of support and knowledge, that he or she will seek employment elsewhere.

After the meetings, Store Groups travel through 8 different stations that are set up around the COWS CREAMERY. The stations are interactive, and introduce the staff to products and customer service standards. Everyone is given a nametag to ensure

COWS believes in quality made ice-cream and products, but they also believe in their employees. This was evident at their annual COW WOW Orientation evening. They have learned over the years that orienting and making new and returning employees feel welcome and knowledgeable about the product is as important as the product they are selling. COW WOW DAY! Employees arrive at the COWS creamery and receive orientation t-shirts and a ‘loot bag.’ Everyone then breaks into their store groups and has an hour long staff meeting. This is to ensure that all of the staff members get to meet their managers and fellow co-workers! They review the employee handbook and get some info on what to expect on their first day. This is the kickoff to the evening! 4

products each year. They make sure to change it up and we always have a lot of fun”. When talking to a brand new employee to the COWS organization, she said “I’m so pumped to get started! This day has made me more confident in my job and really excited. It allowed me to learn about all the products being offered and how they are made. It also introduced me to everyone in a fun filled, casual atmosphere!” Employees who are properly integrated and oriented into the workplace will be more productive, better at their job earlier on, and will feel a connection to the company, making them want to work there or continue to return to work if it’s a seasonal organization. What does your organization do to ensure new hires or seasonal workers are starting the season off right?

names are used and value is added. COWS was generous enough to allow me to tag along with the Cavendish team. When talking with employees at different stations, everyone was really positive and excited! One employee, who had been working for COWS for 9 years, when asked about the orientation day, said “I love orientation day. I’m still learning about new

Thanks COWS for letting me tag along – I had a great evening – and I wish all employees a fun filled summer season! For more information or to receive HR guidance, please contact Andrea Boehner, HR Advisor, @ 566-5008 or email




Harris joined TIAPEI as the PEI 2014 Training Coordinator in April. He works in close collaboration with PEI 2014 Inc. to promote awareness of the Sesquicentennial of the Charlottetown Conference to the Island's tourism industry. As a legacy of 2014, Harris will help launch the customer service program WorldHost, building upon the past success of the SuperHost program. He looks forward to meeting as many tourism operators as possible in the coming months.

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TOP 10 THINGS TO DO IN PARKS CANADA LOCATIONS IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND THIS SUMMER! Prince Edward Island has one national park – Prince Edward Island National Park-- and 5 national historic sites. From camping opportunities in beautiful areas or planning a day’s activities immersed in history, visitors can find what you’re looking for and more at all Parks Canada locations in Prince Edward Island! 1. PARKS CANADA TRAIL CHALLENGE How far can you go? Parks Canada, go!PEI and the Parks & People Association challenge you to hike, bike or rollerblade as far as you can this summer. This challenge goes until October 1st, 2013 on trails and beaches at Parks Canada sites in PEI. There are over 30 km of nature trails and 20 km of paved multi-use trail skirting to choose from all along the coast, providing options for competitors of all ages, abilities and interests! 2. PROVINCE HOUSE NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE



Camping in PEI National Park is just seconds away from world famous beaches, an abundance of trails and fabulous interpretation programs. When the sun goes down, sit around a campfire and roast marshmallows, then tuck into your sleeping bag and let the sound of the surf rock you to sleep.

Travel PEI National Park and its treasures the technological way! GPS adventures include Geocaching at Greenwich, Cyclocaching the North Shore, and the GPS Heritage Quest.


Take in the magnificence of fine Queen Anne Revival architecture. This site offers a glimpse of natural and culture heritage, nestled next to Dalvay Lake and only a short walk from beautiful Dalvay Beach. Come for lunch or afternoon tea, or rent a bike to explore the trails nearby.

The spectacular trails at Greenwich guide visitors through a landscape where sand dunes rise to fill the horizon and an ancient bay, long cut-off from the sea, teems with life. Recognized as a top Destination Trail in Atlantic Canada, the Greenwich Dunes Trail tells the story of how natural forces and ten thousand years of human history have made this corner of PEI truly unique. 6. PORT-LA-JOYE – FORT AMHERST NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE AND ACADIAN FEAST DAY

Hey history buffs, come explore the birthplace of the Confederation. Enjoy a guided tour, watch the introductory video “A Great Dream” that showcases events of the Charlottetown Conference, and experience a historical cameo with the Fathers and Ladies of Confederation!

Experience history at Port-la-Joye – Fort Amherst National Historic Site as you walk the Old Harbour Path to discover the history of settlement, conflict and change during the struggle for control of North America. On August 11 all are invited to attend Acadian Feast Day, a cultural celebration.



How well do you really know the natural world in PEI? What kinds of animals call the ponds, forests, and shores of Prince Edward Island National Park home? Parks Canada has planned an exciting quest to explore four ecosystems in PEI National Park through a variety of fun, family friendly activities.

Drop by the Discovery Dome, new in PEI National Park this summer, to explore hands on activities for the whole family to enjoy. Don’t miss the touch tank with lobsters, jellyfish, clams and other sea creatures! This special tent will be set up at either Brackley or Cavendish Beach at scheduled times.



10. CAMPGROUND CABARET Nestle in by the campfire and enjoy special performances by Island musicians and storytellers including Meaghan Blanchard, Anastasia Desroches, John Connolly, and Mi’kmaq Legends at this exciting new program in PEI National Park. It will be held from 8 to 9 pm every Friday night at Stanhope Campground and every Saturday night at Cavendish Campground. Admission is free and all are welcome. Check the website for the full schedule of great entertainers. Parks Canada invites Canadians and people around the world to engage in personal moments of inspiring discovery at our treasured natural places. For more information on what is happening at Parks Canada locations in PEI this summer, please contact us at (902) 672-6350, visit us online at or leave a message on our facebook page at


Canada Select - No surprise is the best surprise

Canada Select continually providing consistent, reliable travel accommodation ratings By Jared Hochman


ummer is upon us, and we all know what that means:

all industry-led, consumer-driven programs conducting

vacations, camping, and getting-the-heck-out-of-

unbiased, independent evaluations of participating

Dodge, if even for a week or two.

The one problem (albeit a good one) with vacationing in

properties, and participation is voluntary, “said van der

Weegen.” All three programs were developed in Atlantic Canada, and have been instrumental in increasing the quality

types of accommodations and places to visit. With so many

and standards for the traveling public .

options, however, it is critical that you choose the right place

Canada Select has been in operation for more than

to lodge – nothing can ruin a vacation easier than a less-than-

20 years, but like any organization, must evolve with our

accommodating accommodation.

changing business landscape. Canada Select has launched its

Thankfully for travellers, Canada Select exists to make your research and decision-making process exponentially easier. Working under three distinct umbrellas – (for campgrounds) and

new website,, and is soon unveiling its second site, Canada Select continues to evolve and will soon be releasing a “Quality Assurance” component. (recognizes any type of business for seniors

introduction of a guest service/

and persons with disabilities who require special needs for

experience component, working

accessibility). These programs aim to provide top-notched

hand-in-hand with our new

reviews and an unrivaled depth to their evaluations and

website, “Which allows for amenity


searches as well as the integration of

The Nationally-accepted quality standards programs, are there to assist the travelling and vacationing public. Canada Select provides operators in developing, maintaining and

social media, including Facebook and Twitter, as well as TripAdvisor.” “We aim to provide consumers with

improving their establishments while improving their

the most comprehensive search engine

competitive position within tourism globally.

while they search for accommodations and campgrounds across Atlantic

accommodations and campgrounds ensuring they not only meet, but exceed consumer expectations, “Criteria are based

Canada.” “Not only does it stimulate quality

on extensive consumer research, as well as industry input.

within our industry, “It gives the

Star ratings are awarded based on quality, criteria, cleanliness

consumer a trustworthy benchmark

and state of repair.”

while searching for accommodations or

Other review websites, are user-based, meaning there is no way to moderate the types of comparisons reviewers make, or what biases a guest may have had. While having online review sites provides volumes of feedback, having it entirely user-based means you have to take each review with a grain of salt. “Canada Select, Camping Select and Accessadvisor are

campgrounds in our region.”


TIAPEI ANNUAL GOLF EXTRAVAGANZA OCTOBER 4, 2013, BELVEDERE GOLF CLUB, CHARLOTTETOWN 12:00PM, SHOTGUN START! Friday, October 4th will be the date for the TIAPEI Annual Golf Extravaganza, so mark your calendars and book time off! Get practicing your golf swing! TIAPEI is getting in the swing of things and preparing for our Annual Golf Extravaganza! Like other years, the Golf Extravaganza will be a fun filled event, with great prizes, great food and great opportunities for networking! The cost will be $85.00 (HST included) for members and $95.00 (HST included) for non-members. This includes green fees, shared power cart and awards BBQ. (At least one player per team must be a TIAPEI Member.) Again this year, we are pleased to announce a $5.00 portion of your registration fee will go towards the TIAPEI Scholarship Fund. TIAPEI would appreciate your consideration of sponsoring a prize package for the TIAPEI Golf Tournament, which is always an excellent networking opportunity for the tourism industry of Prince Edward Island. All sponsors will be recognized with the opportunity to hang their corporate banner, present their prize at the reception and will be recognized on the TIAPEI web site. For prize table donations, please contact TIAPEI at 566-5008 or Online registration is open now! Please visit the TIAPEI website; for current information and for the form!

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TIAPEI Staff members and Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build Day volunteers gather for lunch on the construction site of the future home of the Htay & Paw family.

Kathy Livingstone, Director of HR Training & Education, TIAPEI



The staff of TIAPEI enjoys supporting community events and, on June 7th we were delighted and privileged to provide food sponsorship for the Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build Day. We provided midmorning snacks and a hearty lunch to the hardworking crew at the build in West Royalty. The home is being built for the Htay & Paw family of Myanmar (formerly Burma) and is scheduled to be completed in July. Our staff had a great time on-site, meeting the crew and some of the family members and hearing about their experiences as part of this worthwhile project. As an added bonus, we were treated to the sight of our co-worker Debbie Mol in her fashionable pink hard hat, tool belt and work boots as she took part in the construction!

Don Cudmore with Labour Minister Hon. Lisa Raitt and Minister of National Revenue and Minister of ACOA Hon. Gail Shea.

Every Friday is “Casual Day” at TIAPEI and funds collected from staff members is donated to both the IWK Children’s Hospital and the QEH Foundation. We are proud to announce that the Staff of TIAPEI was recently added to the QEH Donor Wall in the $5,000 - $9,999 category as a result of these donations. TIAPEI is pleased to be able to contribute to these outstanding fundraising efforts.

ROUNDTABLE ON WORKFORCE AND LABOUR ISSUES May 31, 2013, Don Cudmore, Executive Director of TIAPEI attended a Roundtable Discussion on Workforce and Labour issues affecting PEI and various sectors of the economy.

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MARK YOUR CALENDAR! TIAPEI’s Annual General Meeting will be held at the Rodd Charlottetown on November 29, 2013. 9


NCCD TOURISM OPERATORS LEARN ABOUT EACH OTHER DURING FIRST EXPLORATION TOUR Thirty-six representatives of 18 tourist attractions located along the North Cape Coastal Drive (NCCD) recently got a chance to interact, network and get to know their region better during a first-ever exploration tour extending from Summerside to North Cape on June 25th. "The idea was to give tourism operators and front-line staff an opportunity to see the various offerings in the NCCD region so that they would be better informed about what there is to do in the NCCD region. Overall, we were looking to make tourism workers more aware of their region so that they can answer visitors' inquiries about other attractions," explains Mitchell Rennie, tourism manager with the North Cape Coastal Tourism Area Partnership (NCCTAP).

Attractions wishing to have the group drop into their establishment had to have a representative on the bus for the entire tour. Five minutes prior to arrival at an attraction, the representative would come to the front of the bus to highlight their establishment's unique features and to provide an overview of what the participants were about to experience. The group would visit each participating attraction for eight to 10 minutes, then move on to the next one. While the participants were on the bus, they were provided with an incentive to engage with the NCCTAP's social media platforms. With each tweet or Facebook post they made, they received an entry into a draw for a chance to win a branded NCCD oyster-shucking board and knife.

“I am extremely pleased with the uptake and the feedback that we received from our first tour," said Rennie. "All-in-all, this was a great experience. We showcased some of the many things to see and do in our region, we gave operators a chance to highlight their offerings to key tourism influencers, we fostered an opportunity for networking and partnering and we were able to talk about the initiatives of the North Cape Coastal Tourism Area Partnership Inc." The partnership is already thinking about ways to grow the tour based on the first year’s success. For more information contact Mitchell Rennie, Tourism Manager North Cape Coastal Tourism Area Partnership at (902) 853-6557 or email

THE GREAT GEORGE HOTEL NOMINATED FOR WORLD LUXURY HOTEL AWARD The Great George Hotel is nominated for the 2013 World Luxury Hotel Awards, accepted as the pinnacle of achievement for luxury hotels and spa’s worldwide. These awards are established as a celebration of ultimate achievement in service excellence, rewarding and congratulating hotels and spas that have excelled beyond the normal call of duty. It is about recognizing hotels that have taken the extra step, and in doing so have differentiated themselves from "good hotels" to "exceptional hotels". 10

General Manager Rachel Vidito says “We are privileged to host Islanders and visitors from around the world and truly honoured by this nomination. We always strive to provide the highest level of guest service possible at The Great George and to be recognized by a nomination for this award is truly amazing.” The Great George is the only hotel in Atlantic Canada to be nominated for this award and one of six Canadian hotels to be nominated this year. The Great George is nominated in the following categories:

Luxury Boutique Hotel, Luxury Historical Hotel and Luxury Romantic Hotel. Kevin and Kathy Murphy, owners of The Great George add, “The Great George is a very unique hotel located in the heart of Charlottetown, the birthplace of Canada. We have taken part of our history, incorporated it into our hotel and combined that with genuine PEI hospitality to create that ‘one of a kind experience’. We’re honoured by this nomination.”

2013 sailing schedule departing wood islands, pei to caribou, ns 2013 dates

sailing tiMes9:00

May 1 - June 15

6:30, 9:30, 13:00, 16:30, 20:00

June 16 - June 27

6:30, 9:30, 11:15, 13:00, 14:45, 16:30, 20:00

June 28 - sept 2

6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 11:15, 13:00, 14:45, 16:30, 18:15, 20:00

sept 3 - oct 7

6:30, 9:30, 11:15, 13:00, 14:45, 16:30, 20:00

oct 8 - nov 9

6:30, 9:30, 13:00, 16:30, 20:00

nov 10 - nov 30

6:30, 11:15, 14:45, 18:15

dec 1 - dec 20

8:00, 11:15, 16:30

departing caribou, ns to wood islands, pei 2013 dates

sailing tiMes

May 1 - June 15

8:00, 11:15, 14:45, 18;15, 21:30

June 16 - June 27

8:00, 11:15, 13:00, 14:45, 16:30, 18:15, 21:30

June 28 - sept 2

8:00, 9:30, 11:15, 13:00, 14:45, 16:30, 18:15, 20:00, 21:30

sept 3 - oct 7

8:00, 11:15, 13:00, 14:45, 16:30, 18:15, 21:30

oct 8 - nov 9

8:00, 11:15, 14:45, 18:15, 21:30

nov 10 - nov 30

9:30, 13:00, 16:30, 20:00

dec 1 - dec 20

9:30, 13:00, 18:15*

*Please note: There will be no 18:15 departure from Caribou on December 20, 2013.


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