TourismTides Novenber 2013

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PUBLISHED BY TIAPEI 25 Queen Street, 3rd Floor P.O. Box 2050, Charlottetown, PE Canada C1A 7N7 Phone: (902) 566-5008 Toll-free: 1-866-566-5008 Fax: (902) 368-3605 Toll-free fax: 1-877-368-3605

POSTMASTER: Publication Mail Agreement No. 40024264 3431657 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: TIAPEI, Box 2050 Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N7

IN THIS ISSUE President's Message....................... 2 Seizing Our Potential/ Newly Certified ..................................3 Ask an HR Professional................... 4 Chez Yvonne Employee Celebrates 25 Years..........................5 PEI National Parks - New Program Success...............................6 New Members ...................................7

What's New at ACTP.........................8 Worldhost Workshop/ Scholarship Winners..........................9 TIAPEI AGM Information.............. 10 2013 Golf Extravaganza Results/ TIAPEI Staff/Member Benefits..... 11 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION: Imageworks Communication Group 118 Sydney Street, 2nd floor Charlottetown, PEI C1A 1G4 (902) 894.7071



DEAR MEMBERS OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY OF PEI Another fall season is upon us thus bringing our main summer tourism season on PEI to a close. I trust that you all experienced a busy and profitable season at your various tourism operations. My term as President of TIAPEI is also coming to a close and it is hard to believe that two years can go by so quickly. Change and forward thinking are imperative to stay competitive in the world market where there are

so many choices and options for travel. In order to grow our Tourism Industry on PEI, you have asked us to effect change, grow tourism investment and secure our future in tourism. We responded by forming the Strategic Engagement Task Force and examining what we have been doing well and what we need to change to in order to ensure our future success. The Task Force sub-committees have been working hard focusing on three main areas: • Building a strong economic impact business case for tourism on PEI • Finding the right model for industry led New Tourism Dollars. • Establish a new leadership and organizational structure for tourism with “One Industry Voice” The task force committees will be reporting their findings at the Annual Meeting on November

29th, 2013. Implementation of the plans from the various committees will take place over the coming year 2014. Your input and active engagement in this process continues to be welcome and will be crucial to the process. Prior to the AGM, we will be holding three “Roadshow and Forum “sessions in Montague (Cavendish Farms Wellness Center, Nov. 4th from 7 – 9pm), Charlottetown (Best Western Charlottetown, Nov. 6th from 7 – 9pm) and Summerside (Eastlink Arena, Nov. 12th, 7 – 9pm). This will be your opportunity to get a preview of some of the changes that are being looked at and voice your opinions so I hope you will attend the session in your area. In a couple of short months we will begin our year long Celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the famous meeting in Charlottetown of the Fathers of Confederation. The coming year 2014 is well on its way to being a banner year for Tourism with more than 165 events planned throughout the year. TIAPEI is very pleased to partner with the 2014 committee to offer WorldHost Training at a very reasonable reduced cost so that every front line employee in Tourism on Prince Edward Island can partake in this training. Be sure to contact Harris Ford at the TIAPEI office to schedule this training for your team. Please get involved and help us showcase PEI as not only a warm, welcome, and friendly place to visit but also professional on the world scale. Human resources must continue to be a major focus for us to overcome many labour market challenges such as recruitment, retention and professional development of our Tourism workforce. The Tourism Human Resource Sector Council is busy planning for the coming year using the strategies that have been identified in the HR Strategy report. The National Occupational Standards celebrates their 10th anniversary and continues to offer great opportunities to increase the level of professionalism of your employees


through their many certification programs. I am very pleased to make note of the newly formed Parks CanadaTIAPEI Advisory Group, composed of representatives from industry, TIAPEI and Parks Canada. The guiding principles of this group will include establishing an open forum for discussion and information sharing; representing the best interests of the tourism sector and of Parks Canada and exploration of partnership opportunities and innovative, mutually-beneficial solutions to increasing visitation and generating revenues. TIAPEI continues to be very busy with all programs including 2014, the Strategic Engagement task force, ACTP, and the Tourism Human Resource Sector Council. We are currently looking for your Nominations for the 2014 Board and Executive which will remain the same structure as current for a one year period as we evolve into the new organizational structure for the future of Tourism on PEI. Your commitment and engagement is required as there is much work to be done. Strong industry leadership will form the foundation for our future success in tourism on PEI. Please consider becoming actively involved and assisting to lead Tourism on PEI as we can accomplish much when we work together. It has been a pleasure to serve as President of TIAPEI for the past two years and I truly enjoyed the opportunity to give a voice to the many operators and owners who are the backbone of Tourism on PEI. Any successes we achieved were made possible through the support of the Executive and Board and I wish the incoming members all the best as they help guide this great industry forward. I look forward to staying actively involved with the Strategic Task Force as we take Tourism on PEI to the next level of success. Respectfully, Elaine Thomson TIAPEI President 2011 - 2013


CORE STAFF: Don Cudmore Executive Director Colleen Bowes Co-ordinator Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership Kelley Keefe Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership UK Program Manager Jamie Vander Kooi Technology Resource Coordinator Dianne Bishop Executive Assistant & Board Secretary Fernanda Fallesen Financial Administrator

TRAINING & EDUCATION: Kathy Livingstone Director of Training & Education Lori DesRoches Administrative Assistant Rod Clark Marketing Co-ordinator Andrea Boehner HR Advisor Debbie Mol Tourism Employment & Education Coordinator Harris Ford PEI 2014 Training Coordinator


Elaine Thomson

Vice President

Kevin Mouflier


Zubair Siddiqi


Tyson MacInnis


Thom MacMillan

Executive Director Don Cudmore Members at Large: David Anderson, Robert Jourdain

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charlene Belsher Alcide Bernard Darcy Butler George Campbell Doug Deacon Liam Dolan Jane Dunphy Patsy Gotell David Groom Craig Jones Kieran Keller Leslie Kwiatkowski Heath MacDonald Judy MacDonald

Christine Anderson Gallant Oralie MacKay Rhonda Maillet Michael Matthews Sheri Lee McKenna Mark McLane Peggy Miles


In the fall of 2012, the round-the–Island series of consultations on a proposed accommodations levy resulted in a great deal of feedback from over 300 tourism operators and stakeholders. Since that time a group of invested tourism operators have looked at past successes and failures, the current state of the industry and have developed strategic priorities which would see an industry led engagement “seize our potential” for the next 3 years. One result of this event was the development of a report – Tourism Forum Summary Report: Seizing Our Potential – Tourism in Prince Edward Island; Six Strategic Actions. A Strategic Engagement Task Force was formed to oversee a plan to put into action those strategies and it is now time to report back to industry. Four sub-committees were assigned the first four strategies. Since that time, two committees have merged. The committees are responsible for the following strategies:

To be able to discuss and debate the direction proposed by these committees, we invite you to attend one of these sessions: Monday, November 4th – 7 – 9 pm Location: Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre, 53 Wood Islands Road, Montague Wednesday, November 6th – 7 – 9 pm Location: Best Western Charlottetown, Cavendish & Brackley Room Tuesday, November 12th – 7 – 9 pm Location: Eastlink Arena (formerly Credit Union Place), Conference Room A The chairs of the committees will present their work thus far. Round tables will follow where you can provide your input. This is YOUR industry and YOUR future! Please attend to share your thoughts.

1. Developing a Plan for a new Industry-Led Tourism Dollars Model 2. Preparing an Economic Impact Business Case for Tourism in PEI 3. Establishing a Visionary and Accountable Leadership Structure and preparing a ThreeYear Strategy and Board Structure Review of TIAPEI The entire premise of this exercise is to strive for success as an industry with industry led priorities and initiatives. Before proceeding any further, the chairs of these sub-committees are seeking your input. Further Information and the mandate of the committees can be found at: http://strategy.


Tom Rath Mitchell Rennie Carolyn Thorne Barb Trainor Darrin White Heidi Zinn



ASK AN HR PROFESSIONAL! END OF SEASON INTERVIEWS It is that time of year when many tourism operations are winding down for another season. Employers are busy closing up their properties, ensuring everything is put away properly to avoid any surprises come spring. Are employers doing the same thing with their staff? An end of season interview is another tool that can save an employer unwanted surprises in the spring. We asked Mary Lou MacFarlane, Rodd Hotels and Resorts, the benefits of end of season interviews.

What are end of season interviews? End of season interviews are essentially a conversation between the employer and employee about how the season went from both perspectives, i.e. what went well, and what can we do better next year. They can be informal and more like a chat, or more formal with specific questions asked. In every case notes should be taken and placed in the employee file for review at the beginning of next season.

What questions would you ask?

pany as a good place to work for your friends and family?

Some of the questions I ask include:

Can end of season interviews reduce your turnover rate?

From your perspective how did the season go? What did you like most about your job? What did you dislike? Did you have clear goals and know what was expected of you in your job? Do you feel you had the resources and support necessary to accomplish your job? Did we give you enough feedback on your performance? Are you planning on returning next year? If you could change anything about your work environment for next year, what would that be? What are your career goals? What would you like to accomplish for next year? Would you recommend this com-


They definitely can reduce turnover rates. By having this conversation with your employee, you show you have an interest in them and that you respect their opinion. It has been well documented that one of the top reasons employees leave their place of employment is because they feel unappreciated. The Tourism season in PEI is short and busy, and sometimes we as operators don’t have time to stop and say Thank You to our employees. This can be that opportunity.

How can end of season interviews improve your business productivity? Our employees have great ideas, and they are doing the job day after day. If we take the time to ask them how we can improve, often they have great solutions and will offer more efficient ways to do their job. It could be as simple as

making sure there are enough linen and towels available when a Room Attendant is cleaning a room, so they don’t have to make repeat trips to the room. Less time wasted = more rooms cleaned in less hours = improved productivity. It’s also an opportunity to talk about any extra training an employee may need that will help them improve their own productivity i.e. could they participate in an emerit program over the winter?

Do end of season interviews boost staff morale and job satisfaction? Yes, taking the time to do end of season interviews with your employees shows that you value them and are interested in their opinions.

Who should conduct the season end interviews? End of season interviews should be conducted by the employee’s direct supervisor and/or the HR Manager. In the case of Supervisors, the General Manager should conduct the interview.


CHEZ YVONNE’S EMPLOYEE CELEBRATES 25 YEARS In June of 1989, school teacher Lorraine Mulligan accepted a summer job offer from Chez Yvonne’s Restaurant to be their hostess for the season. The thought of spending the summer enjoying the hustle and bustle that is Cavendish in the summer and earning a little extra money was appealing, and the Larkin family was well known and respected. With the support and encouragement of her husband, son and daughter, Lorraine began her first summer on the job. Twenty-five years later she is still at the restaurant and working for the Larkin family. Lorraine’s genuine affection for people and her fun-loving manner are tailor made for her position, and many customers have become longtime friends. Family vacations in Nova Scotia and Quebec have included chance encounters with former customers who recognize the “lady from Cavendish” and stop to reminisce about vacation memories. Lorraine prides herself on keeping up to date on things to see and do on PEI, which she shares with visitors to Chez Yvonne’s. She also regularly joins the TIAPEI familiarization tours to

Tent & Party

obtain first-hand knowledge of tourism operations across the Island. Paul and Linda Larkin bought the restaurant from his parents twenty-five years ago and are quick to praise Lorraine’s dependability, strong work ethic and great customer service as an important component in their success. Lorraine is just as quick to point to the teamwork and family atmosphere Paul and Linda foster within their staff as a major factor in her decision to return to work year after year. She points to the fact that the Larkins work each day side by side their staff, many of whom have been with the restaurant for several years. At the staff party held on the last day of the season, Lorraine Mulligan was recognized and honored for her twenty five years of service at Chez Yvonne’s with flowers and a commemorative plaque. The thought of retirement might come up from time to time. However, for now at least, Lorraine marvels at how fast the years have flown by. She continues to enjoy meeting new people every day and welcoming them to PEI and Chez Yvonne’s.


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LEARNING PROGRAM ATTENDANCE UP IN 2013! 2013 proved to be a banner year for Parks Canada in terms of visitor participation in learning activities within Prince Edward Island National Park. Based on previous social science and market research, Parks Canada staff decided to take a new approach to delivering learning opportunities that better suit the needs of visitors to PEI National Park. As a result, two new programs emerged for the 2013 season, and proved to be a great success.

Discovery Dome

Campground Cabaret

Over the years, Parks Canada staff have observed a decrease in attendance at traditional daytime learning programs and a shift in the needs of visitors within PEI National Park. While they still want to engage with Parks Canada staff, visitors today want to do so in short bursts and at their own leisure. These visitors are also beach-loving, and are not interested in giving up treasured beach-time in exchange for a structured guided activity. Rather than trying to bring the visitor to the program, Parks Canada opted to try a new approach by bringing the program to the visitor. Enter DISCOVERY DOME!

People who camp at National Park campgrounds across the country expect to find evening programs around a toasty campfire, complete with songs, stories and animation. It is a staple of the National Park camping experience. With numbers dwindling in recent years at evening programs at both Cavendish and Stanhope campgrounds, Parks Canada staff decided to up the ante and invite local, well-known artists to the party, giving campers at PEI National Park the best-of-the-best in Island music and entertainment. By inviting local entertainers, Islanders and summer residents also came out, which enhanced the authenticity of the performance and gave a real “Island” flavour to the program.

Discovery Dome is a new interpretation program offered twice a week throughout the 2013 season under an eye-grabbing tent which was put up by Parks Canada staff for three-hour intervals, alternating between Cavendish and Brackley Main Beach. Interactive programming varied, but often included a touch tank with live shellfish, a beach-finds activity, Piping Plover awareness programming and an opportunity to engage with Parks Canada interpreters on a variety of subjects. The drop-in nature of Discovery Dome appealed to visitors, though there were plenty that arrived when the dome went up and stayed until it came down at the end of the day! Discovery Dome responded to the needs of visitors to Prince Edward Island National Park by offering a flexible, short-term opportunity for beach-goers to discover and learn in an accessible environment. Thanks in part to the addition of Discovery Dome in 2013, attendance at learning programs in PEI National Park nearly doubled, with 38% of all participants taking part in activities under the Dome.


Campground Cabaret was a resounding success, with attendance reaching over 175 participants per program. Campground Cabaret was offered Friday and Saturday nights throughout the summer alternating between Cavendish and Stanhope campgrounds, and featured artists such as Megan Blanchard, Jon Connolly and the Mi’kmaq Legends theatre troop. Campground Cabaret contributed to the nearly doubling of attendance at learning programs in PEI National Park, where 26% of overall participants took in a live performance at one of the campgrounds through the summer. Parks Canada is pleased to offer opportunities for visitors to connect with the natural and cultural resources of our special places and to learn more about them by participating in engaging experiences.



Pottery by the Sea 7520 Cavendish Road, North Rustico, PEI. Owned and operated by Kerry Kingston.

Greenwich Moonlight Bay Cottage 961 Greenwich Rd, Rte 313 Jennifer & Tony Martin Telephone: 894-8491 Greenwich Moonlight Bay Cottage is a new property for 2014 located in Greenwich with stunning waterviews of St.Peter's Bay. It is a beautiful Four Star Canada Select, two bedroom 850 sq ft home which was completely renovated over the past year. It is delightfully decorated with a very warm and relaxing feel. Home has a full basement (with heat) and provides extra storage room for our guests. New washer and dryer located in basement. Home has many accessibility features: hand rails from porch to sunroom and by bathtub, high rise toilet, lever handles inside and out, minimal stairs for entry to main house, wide entry doors and roomy main rooms. Home has a heat pump providing year round comfort (heat, A/C, dehumidifier). Additional electric heat controls are also available in each room. Greenwich Moonlight Bay has many amenities to help you enjoy your vacation: satellite TV, 42”flat screen TV, handcrafted electric fireplace, large deck with patio set and many extra deck chairs, fully equipped kitchen, all new major appliances, small appliances and dishes, large propane BBQ, beach towels, games and activities for outside and X-Box, large portable DVD/radio, VCR and many boards games for inside activities. Cottage open May 1- Dec 31 and will consider rental in Jan-April. Rates: $900-1500/week. Will consider shorter rentals in low season.

We make all of our pottery here in our studio with a gallery of hand painted porcelain and red stoneware in bas relief. All of our pottery is dishwasher and microwave safe, and for everyday use. We also carry a very select line of jewellery, paintings, soap, sauces, teas, and many other items - all Island made. We are open 9:00am5:00pm daily, May 1st to October 30th.

2 Longworth Avenue, Charlottetown, PE C1A 5A2

Tel: 902-566-3131 Fax: 902-628-1982 Toll Free: 888-566-3131

A-1 Vacuum Carries the Largest Stock of Hotel/Motel Supplies on PEI • • • • • •


Why buy off Island? We are an Island company employing 10 Islanders year round.

Sales & Service 7



United Kingdom Marketing Program

Travel trade activities are a key component of the Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership’s (ACTP) overall marketing strategy in the U.S. Tour operator marketing partnership activities are paired with strategic training and educational programming and targeted promotional opportunities to round out a complete and integrated program. The goal of all activity is to raise awareness of Atlantic Canada’s tourism product and generate visitation and revenue for the region. An overall $10 return for every $1 invested is the target.

An integral part of ACTP’s U.K. strategy is its travel trade program, which strengthens relationships with key in-market tour operators. Training and networking events, coupled with support for operator marketing programs increase product knowledge and top-of-mind awareness of Atlantic Canada, ultimately boosting visitation to the region.

In 2013, ACTP developed strategic partnerships with five key tour operator partners. Results are currently being tracked and all indications suggest final results, submitted in November of this year, will be positive. Each partnership opportunity is different and unique to the tour operator. In 2013, ACTP promoted Atlantic Canada through the use of direct mail and email campaigns as well as social media, online advertising and training. Attendance at the New York Times Travel Show is also a key activity of the partnership. In 2013 a staggering 24,055 individuals attended the show including 5,748 industry professionals and 18,307 consumers. Approximately 300 exhibitors from almost every region of the world participated. While in New York attending the show, the team from Atlantic Canada also provided training for travel agents in New York City and Long Island, New York. As 2013 winds down ACTP’s planning for 2014 is gaining momentum. We are currently planning for a robust travel trade program in the U.S. which will continue to include tour operator partnerships, attendance at the 2014 New York Times Travel Show as well as training for travel agents and sales staff.


ACTP works closely with the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) in the U.K. to reach travel agents enrolled in the Canada Specialist Program. As part of the program, ACTP delivered two webinars to agents in 2013. The first was an introduction to Atlantic Canada and the second focused on scenic drives of the region. In total, fortythree agents participated and feedback was positive from both sessions. The activity has proven to be a cost-effective and impactful way to reach U.K. travel agents and promote Atlantic Canada. The CTC also hosts training/networking shows in the U.K. ACTP participated in the fourth and final show of 2013, which was a partnered event with British operator Cox & Kings. The event was held at Canada House in London on October 9, with fifty agents attending. The CTC Global Familiarization Tour took place in the region, September 12-17. Four groups of Canada Specialist Program agents travelled to Atlantic Canada and then convened as a larger group in Niagara Falls. Participants were from the U.K., Germany, China, Australia, France, and Brazil. A total of twenty-two U.K. agents received Atlantic Canada training as part of the fam tour. ACTP participates in the annual London trade show, World Travel Market. This year’s show will take place in London, November 4-7, 2013. Over 50,000 industry professionals will attend the show, and the Atlantic Canada team will meet with key

U.K. trade operators and media to discuss product offerings, upcoming marketing programs and potential partnerships.

U.K. Canada Specialist Program Agents Participate in Lobster Tales Cruise, Shediac Bay, New Brunswick

One of the most important travel trade activities is forming joint marketing partnerships with U.K. operators to increase awareness of and sales to the region. In 2013, ACTP formed eight marketing partnerships in the U.K. to support activities such as tradeshow representation, advertising in key trade and travel publications, direct marketing and more. 2013 results will be collected late in the year and included in ACTP’s annual evaluation report. In 2012, ACTP’s joint marketing contributions generated almost $2.3 million in sales to the region, with a return on investment of $28 for every dollar spent.

The Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership – Who We Are The Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership is a nine-member pan-Atlantic partnership consisting of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the four tourism industry associations in Atlantic Canada and the four provincial departments responsible for tourism in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. ACTP has been in place since 1991 and is dedicated to promoting Atlantic Canada as a tourism destination of choice in key American and international markets. For more information, visit


WORLDHOST WORKSHOP A one-day workshop that teaches front-line employees the skills and techniques required to provide exceptional customer service.

Participants will learn the five key commitments that help the Islandís tourism industry go that extra mile:

Give fully

Delivered by certified trainers, WorldHost® Workshop was developed for volunteers and staff in preparation of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. It builds on the Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward Island's successful SuperHost© Program, which since 1995 has seen more than 8,000 Islanders participate. The objectives of the WorldHost® Workshop are to: • Provide participants with an understanding of the importance of excellent customer service skills

Respect everyone

Empathize with others Excel at you job

Teamwork works In anticipation of the 150th Anniversary of the Fathers of Confederation meeting on Prince Edward Island, WorldHost® will feature a PEI 2014 component. It will also be offered until the end of 2014 at a reduced rate of $20 plus HST per participant.

• Help participants communicate with customers more effectively and efficiently • Help participants demonstrate their attentiveness to customer needs • Provide participants with an understanding of the value and knowledge of tourism to Prince Edward Island and your community

For More Information Please Contact: Tourism Industry Association of PEI Phone: (902) 566-5008 Email: Web:

SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS TIAPEI is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 Tourism/Hospitality Scholarships, Bailey MacArthur and Elizabeth Jorgensen. Bailey, last year’s recipient, is eligible for a second year of the scholarship. Bailey graduated from Holland College’s Travel and Tourism Management Program and is continuing her education at UPEI enrolled in Bachelor of Business in Hospitality and Tourism. Elizabeth is also a graduate of Holland College with a diploma in Travel and Tourism Management, and is in her last year of Bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality at UPEI. Each year TIAPEI awards two scholarships to Prince Edward Island residents who are enrolled in a recognized Tourism/Hospitality Program. These scholarships are financed by members of the Tourism Industry Association of PEI. The objective of the scholarship is to assist in developing professional workers in Prince Edward Island’s tourism industry. Congratulations to Bailey and Elizabeth. TIAPEI wishes you All the Best in your studies! 9



Pam is an Organizational Development Specialist with WestJet. A proud WestJet owner for 9 years, Pam works with WestJetters at all levels and in all departments to help connect WestJetters to each other and their purpose of ‘enriching the lives of everyone in WestJet’s world.’ She does this through facilitating organizational alignment activities, team development and leadership skill development. Pam has a strong Island connection. Pam’s grandfather is Island born (Vernon Beck) and she remembers as a child loving Anne of Green Gables (of course!) and spending many summers playing on North Shore beaches. Eight years ago, Pam brought her husband to the Island and he too fell in love. They built a cottage on Tracadie Bay where they relish their Island experience with their two boys every summer.

Keynote Speaker: Pam August, WestJet

Pam will bring both perspectives to her keynote presentation, “Creating Connection – How WestJet’s Culture of Care Results in Remarkable Experiences.” In this session, she will share key aspects of WestJet’s approach to building strong employee engagement, a great guest experience, and a successful airline. WestJet culture and Island culture have many connections as well, and you will come away with ideas and insights to support the environment you want to create for your people and the visitors who touch your part of the Island experience.

AGM AGENDA 8:00 – 8:30 Registration 8:30 – 9:30 9:30 – 10:15

AGM Business Meeting Tourism HR Strategy

10:15 – 10:45 Nutrition Break

10:45 – 12:00 Creating Connection How WestJet’s Culture of Care Results in Remarkable Experiences Keynote: Pam August Organizational Development Specialist, WestJet 12:00 – 1:15 1:15 – 2:15

TIAPEI Strategy Seizing Our Potential

2:15 – 2:45

2013 Tourism Numbers

2:45 – 3:30

Industry Consultation (TIAPEI Strategy)

3:30 – 4:00 4:00 – 5:30 5:30 – 8:00 10

Lunch – Hon. Robert Henderson Scholoarship Presentation

Nutrition Break

Tourism PEI and PEI 2014 Marketing Launch Christmas Reception

TOURISM INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND The 2013 TIAPEI Golf Extravaganza took place on Friday, October 4th at the Belvedere Golf Club. We had 21 teams participate on a sunny, but cool day. Congratulations to the Stanley Bridge Country Resort team - Bradley Gallant, Darius Martin, Laura Grinton and Blair Smith. This year’s champions had an impressive score of 11 under par.

A special thank you to all of our sponsors for making this year’s event a huge success: ACOA

Delta Prince Edward

Bell Aliant

Holland College

Lobster on the Wharf Belvedere Golf Club Maritime Coffee

Golf PEI

PEI 2014

Rodd Hotels & Resorts

Fox Meadow Golf & CC

Stanley Bridge Country Resort

Charlottetown Airport Authority

Molson Coors Slemon Park Hotel & Conference Centre


Spectra Media is offering a TIAPEI Member Website Package 50% Discount - A custom tailored website to meet your online needs, which will focus on your consumers, while projecting a professional image. A highly skilled team of developers led by a creative director creates all of our websites. You can rest assured that your website will stand out above the rest. Websites are created using WordPress® 3.6 & HTML5, they are also supported by all modern browser including IE 10, 9, & 8. For more information on this New Member Benefit, please visit the TIAPEI website:


Confederation Centre of the Arts

Tourism & Culture PEI

Culinary Institute of Canada

Grant Thornton

Murphy’s Pharmacies

Confederation Bridge NFL Ferries

Gemini Screen Print & Embroidery Vesey’s Seeds HRA

TIAPEI STAFF ANDREA BOEHNER My main role is to provide human resource planning and guidance to the Tourism Industry on Prince Edward Island. I have helped tourism employers with job descriptions, orientation programs, performance management, employee handbooks, compensation, and recruitment. I am constantly researching and identifying Human Resources Best Practices. Some of my other goals as HR advisor are to: maintain and promote the website, coordinate and promote workshops/seminars to meet the Human Resource needs of the industry, promote career opportunities in the tourism industry, and deliver career presentations to high schools and other community programs. If you are looking for some guidance in your management of employees or have an HR project that you just can’t seem to get started/ finished please do not hesitate to contact me @566-5008 or There is no cost to this great service! Please follow me on twitter @HR_Advisor. 11

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