Volume 17 Issue 2

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FA L L 2 0 0 8 - I S S U E 1 7 . 2 P R E S I D E N T ’ S L E T T E R , U P C O M I N G S P E C I A L E V E N T S , G A L L E RY E X H I B I T I O N S , M E N L A M O U N TA I N R E T R E AT, E D U C AT I O N A L P RO G R A M S , H . H . D A L A I L A M A T E A C H I N G S C H E D U L E







June 18, 2008 - Common Era Year, Tibetan Era Year 2135, Earth Mouse Year. DEAR THUS MEMBER,

Greetings! We begin a new twelve-year cycle with the Earth Mouse. It continues to be terribly hard on the Tibetan people in Tibet, so much so they felt compelled to stand up at risk of life and limb to show the world how unhappy they are about being colonized. Their colonizers are the equally unhappy Chinese who have been pushed up onto the nearly three mile high plateau as either soldiers or settlers, by an unrealistic government stuck on immoral, wasteful and destructive policies. They also feel like exiles far from home, forced to live on less than half the oxygen they need for their health, uneasily surrounded by the impoverished and oppressed Tibetans.

This tour is simultaneously an effort to expand Tibet House‘s membership and launch the campaign to seed and support moreTibet Houses around the world. The change I suggest and expect from China, whoever makes it happen, will ripple around the world, saving Tibet and its culture and then effecting positive change in Xinqiang (Uighuria), Inner Mongolia, North Korea, Burma, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Darfur,and other parts of Africa, and of course here in the USA; in short everywhere that China’s interests must interact with those of others.

At Tibet House we are more than ever inspired to respond to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s appeal for help to stop what he calls the ”cultural genocide” of the Tibetan people. After all, our mission is to preserve and promote Tibetan culture, so when it is so deeply threatened – by the Chinese colonization attempt in Tibet, their waging something almost like a second “cultural revolution” against the Tibetan identity, against the Tibetan Buddhist Dharma, against the Tibetan’s love of their lamas and their concern for their land – then we must expand and intensify our activity. We have done well to keep the reality and beauty of Tibet before the eyes of the world, but now we need to do more.

Meanwhile, by the generosity of our donors and under Nena Thurman’s management, we have begun building our Menla Healing Center, which facility will enable Menla to promote the spiritual and physical healing of suffering people within the matrix of the Medicine Buddha’s Tibetan Healing tradition.

I put aside study, publication, and exhibition work, to write the book, Why The Dalai Lama Matters, to elucidate His Holiness’ breathtaking vision of a solution to the terrible problem faced by the Tibetan people and the Chinese leadership. The hope his vision kindles empowers Tibet House’s nonviolent answer to the “cultural genocide” within Tibet and to see to it that there are more destinations in more cities around the world, more cultural embassies to represent the Tibetan national identity. We need your help, dear members, to keep this going. Now is the time of greatest pressure on Tibet – may it be the darkness before the dawn. In March, theTibetan people’s spontaneous demonstrations across all of the Tibetan areas of China filled me with awe and admiration. Everyone was totally taken by surprise when they stood up –just couldn’t take it any more – and vocally and visibly protested the Chinese occupation and oppression. In the face of Chinese deception and shrill propaganda, Tibetans showed the world the dismal failure of China’s sixty years of occupation of their homeland. They proved that what the Chinese propaganda machine calls “the Dalai clique” is none other than all six million Tibetan people! Of course, the brutal crackdown being enforced right now by the “Peoples’ Armed Police” is one more mass atrocity, beyond anything since the late 80’s. This is why no one outside Tibet ever encourages any Tibetans in Tibet to make any sort of protest – their lives and careers are ruined for even a single act of nonviolent protest.

We are publishing more books in our Tengyur Treasury Series in collaboration with the American Institute of Buddhist Studies and Columbia University Press; very soonVesnaWallace’s KalachakraTantra: The Performance Chapter with its Stainless Light Commentary, Saraha’s Songs of Enlightenment, Maitreyanatha’s Analysis of the Middle and the Extremes, three volumes of Tsong Khapa’s works on the Creation and Perfection Stages of Unexcelled Yoga Tantra, Dominique Townsend’s How to Be a Bodhisattva (Shantideva for Kids), A Shrine for Tibet: The Alice C. Kandell Collection, and our first novel, Snow Buddha: The Miraculous Life of Tsangyang Gyatso (the Sixth Dalai Lama). Our Repatriation collection keeps on growing, this cycle with especial thanks to Phillip Rudko, Michael McCormick, and John Rezk for their generous gifts. Finally, we are still planning for His Holiness’ next visit, May 4-6, 2009, when he will represent his chosen lineage of the “Seventeen Great Spiritual Teachers of Nalanda University,” by teaching Chandrakirti’s Introduction to the Middle Way, a wonderful teaching of the ten transcendent virtues; generosity, justice, tolerance, creativity, contemplation, wisdom, art, vows, good will, and transcendent intuition. This brilliant text is foundational to the advanced study and practice of all Tibetan Buddhist traditions. As usual and more than ever, I thank and celebrate our generous Board Members and all our staff at THUS Cultural Center and at Menla Mountain Retreat for doing their usual great job, and of course, I thank all of you, dear members – your support for the precious Tibetan culture is key. Please invite your friends to join to expand our community. With all good wishes and the blessings of buddhas, bodhisattvas, gods, and angels,

I appeal in my book to President Hu Jintao to seize this opportunity to make a historic turnaround and embrace the Dalai Lama as his friend and ally, and even benefactor, since only His Holiness has the power to solve this situation by satisfying both the Chinese and the Tibetans. But so far, tragically, Hu has not yet removed Zhang Qingli, the hardline cultural revolutionary party boss in Tibet who has caused all this recent turmoil by provocatively attacking everything the Tibetans hold most dear and sacred.

Sincerely yours,

So I have been traveling the country to spread the message that there is a Win-Win for Tibet and China, that China will gain from it, not lose. It is therefore realistic to expect Tibet to once again be free, while maintaining a positive federal relationship with China (see www.dalailamamatters.com).

Robert A. F. “Tenzin Chotrak”Thurman

With unswerving gratitude for all your support and creative efforts, we remain.

Cover images: left to right: Ghar Sita Mutu: Beverly Bronson and children; Tangka of Yellow Hat Lama, 15th century, Gift of John Rezk; Passion by Rabkar Wangchuk, acrylic on canvas, 2008; Hunter by Zorikto, oil on canvas, 2005.




patron H I S H O L I N E S S T H E X I V DA L A I L A M A executive officers TA S H I WA N G D I , h o n o r a r y c h a i r m a n , r e p . o f H . H . T H E DA L A I L A M A RO B E RT A . F. T H U R M A N , p r e s i d e n t PHILIP GLASS, vice president L U DW I G K U T T N E R , s e c r e t a r y B E ATA T I KO S , t r e a s u r e r board of trustees A L A N B . A B R A M S O N , K A Z U KO T. H I L LY E R , P E G G Y H I T C H C O C K , S U S A N K E S S L E R , N AV I N K U M A R , A DA M M . L I N D E M A N N , L E I L A H A D L E Y L U C E , M I C H A E L M C C O R M I C K , N ATA L I E M E RC H A N T, L AU R E N C E H . S I LV E R M A N , N E N A V. S . T H U R M A N , U M A K . T H U R M A N , F O RT U N A VA L E N T I N O, A L E X V O N B I D D E R tibetan cultural officials ex officio V E N. D O B O O M R I N P O C H E , t i b e t h o u s e n e w d e l h i , i n d i a L O D I G . G YA R I , s p e c i a l e n v o y t o H . H . T H E DA L A I L A M A TENZIN TETHONG , dalai lama foundation KELSANG & KIM YESHI, norbulingka institute, dharamsala, india tibet house staff G A N D E N T H U R M A N, exe c u t ive d i re c t o r KYRA BORRÉ, director of prog rams & special events A N G I E K WA K , d i r e c t o r o f a d m i n i s t r a t i o n SONAM CHOEZOM, membership JUSTIN STONE DIAZ, gift shop/website TA S H I T S E R I N G , p r o g r a m s / e v e n t s c o o r d i n a t i o n LY N N S C H AU W E C K E R , d e v e l o p m e n t / e v e n t s ANNETTE UHLFELDER, exhibitions menla mountain retreat & conference center staff N E NA T H U R M A N, m a n a g i n g d i re c t o r ANN EVERDS, administration & operations manager D O U G L A S B R AY M A N , f a c i l i t i e s m a n a g e r J A M E S WA H M A N N , c a r e t a k e r REBECCA SHIM, chef & operations tibet house drum RO B E RT A . F. T H U R M A N , e d i t o r - i n - c h i e f K Y R A B O R R É , A N G I E K WA K , G A N D E N T H U R M A N , N E N A V. S . T H U R M A N , ANNETTE UHLFELDER editors C O O L G R AY S E V E N , d e s i g n a n d a r t d i r e c t i o n M I LT O N G L A S E R , o r i g i n a l l o g o a r t


C A R N E G I E H A L L 2 0 0 8

All performers in finale. Photo by James Salzano.

D AV I E S , S U F J A N S T A R A T T I B E T H O U S E B E N E F I T By Jonathan Cohen From Billboard.com February 14, 2008

Ray Davies, Sufjan Stevens and Band of Horses stole the show at the 2008 Tibet House benefit concert, held last night (Feb. 13) at New York’s Carnegie Hall. Davies, showing no fatigue from having arrived in New York from London at 4:30 am that day, brought down the house with sing-along renditions of the Kinks’ “Lola” and “All Day and All of the Night.” The latter featured contributions from all of the evening’s performers.

greatest hits of the last 300 years,” he told the crowd. Band of Horses filled the hall with Ben Bridwell’s soaring vocals on “No One’ Gonna Love You” and “Lamb on the Lam (In the City).” The group, which plays Brooklyn’s Masonic Temple tonight, also covered Keith Richards solo track, “Act Together.”

The Tibet House bill was rounded out by a quick set from Tom Verlaine (backed by Patti Smith bassist Tony Shanahan and drummer Jay Dee Daugherty), Brazilian singer/songwriter Marisa Monte, Davies also played two newer songs from his solo catalog, “They Ain’t fiddler Ashley MacIsaac, harpist Phamie Gow and Tibetan composer Gonna Listen To Me” (about being shot in New Orleans) and “In a Nawang Khechog, who is now recovered from serious injuries suffered Moment,” and added a brief a cappella rendition of the Kinks’ in a car accident. “Days.” Philip Glass served as the artistic director for the event, which raises Flanked by a 5-piece horn section and a string quartet, Stevens played funds to preserve and restore Tibet’s unique cultural and spiritual a new, unreleased song, “Barn Owl, Night Killer,” as well as a radically heritage. rearranged version of the “Star Spangled Banner.” “It’s one of the

Tibet House XIX Annual Benefit Concert SAVE THE DATE!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


CHRISTIE’S NY Monday, December 1, 2008

Traditional dancers at Gangteng Gompa, Bhutan, courtesy of auction donor Geographic Expeditions. Photo by Brent Olson.

Auction fans, prepare yourselves as Tibet House is gearing up for another benefit auction at Christie’s, which will be held on Monday, December 1st. Last year was such a big success in raising much needed funds for our on-going projects, we have decided to hold another one this year! To date, our Honorary Chair Committee includes: Christy Turlington Burns & Ed Burns, Sharon Gannon & David Life, Donna Karan, Yoko Ono Lennon, Petra Nemcova, Martin Scorsese, Kiran Stordalen & Horst Rechelbacher, Trudie Styler & Sting, Uma Thurman, Fortuna Valentino, and Arden Wohl. We have acquired a number of exciting donations including: original art pieces from Donald Baechler and Pat Steir; an exotic Geographic Expeditions Asian adventure for two, lunch at a worldclass restaurant with Uma and Bob Thurman, a fashion shoot extravaganza with a top model and photographer, a fabulous vacation to India and Bhutan staying at the Taj Hotels, a $20K shopping spree at Donna Karan, and a walk-on-part on a major motion picture…..and this is only the beginning! There will be many more items to bid on in the areas of contemporary or Asian art, photography, antique furniture, fine jewelry and accessories, vacation trips, tickets or invitations to special events, and other rare gift items.

The proceeds from our past auctions were a major source of support for the many important projects and programs at Tibet House. In addition, we donate a percentage of the proceeds of the auction to other non-profit organizations.This year we have pledged a portion of the proceeds to the Tibetan Community of NY & NJ, Ghar Sita Mutu (see page 6) and to the Pema Ts'al schools in India and Nepal. The Pema Ts’al schools provide a place where Tibetan children can study the Buddhist teachings as well as a comprehensive Western curriculum. The schools also accept blind students who are educated using the recently invented system of Tibetan Braille. If you haven’t attended our auctions in the past, we hope you can join us this year as this event is fun and exciting, and you will be sure to find some unique, beautiful and interesting items (and many times at a great bargain!) to take home with you or to give as a holiday gift. For those of you have attended our auctions in the past, we are looking forward to another great year and as always you will be able to bid on those one-of-kind items! See you there! Tickets prices are: $225 per person; $500 VIP tickets (includes a preview and private reception); $175 for Junior tickets (under 35 yrs.). Tickets can be purchased by calling (212) 631-3531. For more information please contact Lynn Schauwecker at lynn@tibethouse.org or call (845) 688-6897 (ext. 7523).


His Holiness XVII Kar mapa Visits Tibet House On May 18th of this year, Tibet House was honored to receive His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa (Ogyen Trinley Dorje) of the Kagyu Order of Tibetan Buddhism. His Holiness was on an historic first tour (or second if you count his previous incarnation as Tibetans do) of the US from March 15th to June 2nd to visit Kagyu Dharma centers, tour Tibetan NGOs, and to visit the country, generally, giving teachings, bestowing blessings, and engaging in dialogues and public talks. Here at Tibet House he toured the center before a short discussion with President Robert Thurman on Tibetan Buddhism and cultural values, concluding with a question and answer session with the assembled crowd of Tibet House Board Members, longtime Patrons, Members, and Friends of the institution. In response to a question about His Holiness’ ideas for what the various Tibet Houses should be working on He replied that they should focus on presenting those aspects of Tibetan Buddhism and culture that would bring the maximum benefit to the people of that host country – an interesting point highlighting the subtle value and consequence of the individual in the larger context of so-called “world affairs...” The session was taped and will be available at www.kagyuoffice.org which contains a complete chronicle of the Karmapa incarnations and the Kagyu Order from its distant roots in the time of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni to the present. Briefly, this Karmapa has been residing in exile in Dharamsala, India since his widely reported escape from China in 2000. The exile is noteworthy, and emblematic of the Tibetan Diaspora and Issue, generally, not only because of His status as one of the 3 most important and revered Tibetan Buddhist reincarnated teacher’s lineages (H.H. the Dalai Lama and H.H. the Panchen Lama being

Robert Thurman and H.H. XVII Karmapa. Photo by Annette Uhlfelder.

the other two..), but mainly because the 16 previous incarnations of the Karmapa lived, studied, practiced, and taught Buddhism in Tibet since 1110… This Karmapa was the son of a nomad, born in the Lhathok region of Kham in 1985. He was discovered and then recognized, in 1992, as the reincarnation of the previous Karmapa. Before His escape from His Chinese minders, He received His education, religious and secular, in Tsurphu, Tibet. We thank His Holiness for His gracious attention and wish Him well in all His endeavors!

Special Message from the President of Tibet House His Holiness the Dalai Lama is deeply concerned with the ongoing “cultural genocide” in Tibet (his “Tibet” means “Tibet Autonomous Region and all 11 “Tibet Autonomous Prefectures,” which are home to two thirds of the Tibetans). The Chinese Communist Party’s Fourth Work Forum in 1993 proclaimed that Tibetan Buddhism, the matrix of the culture, was seditious (“splittist”), since it supports Tibetans’ allegiance to the Dalai Lama and other lamas, and causes Tibetans to identify themselves as Tibetans and not as Chinese. This rationale was used to justify the new wave of “cultural revolution,” anti-Dalai-Lama rhetoric, persecution of Buddhism, “patriotic re-education,” etc., that ultimately caused the uprising of March 2008.

environment, and economy, as well as sciences, philosophies, medicine traditions, and ethics, in addition to religious and secular arts. At present, well-established Tibet Houses (listed in order of founding) are thriving in New Delhi, New York, Mexico City, Barcelona, San Jose, Costa Rica, London, Tokyo, Canossa, and Frankfurt. There are organized Tibet House Foundations in Switzerland and Hungary, and serious movements in Moscow, Berlin, and Toronto. We list some of these in our directory below, and in future issues, we will offer a section for news from the network. We would like to see and stand ready to assist Tibet House movements in Paris, Amsterdam, Sao Paolo, Los Angeles, and Sydney.

Since the Tibet House mandate is to preserve, promote, and restore Tibetan culture, we must work harder to withstand this openly proclaimed cultural destruction program of the PRC government. And so...

2)We are working to expand our array of publications in all media and various languages, in-house and traveling exhibitions, and sponsorship of research into the benefits of Tibetan arts and sciences for all people, in cooperation with educational and cultural institutions in host countries.

1) We are working to expand the worldwide network of Tibet Houses, creating cultural embassy destinations in major cities where authentic presentations of Tibetan cultural manifestations can be presented to the general public. These cultural embassies are crucial in representing the Tibetan people as bearers of a unique culture, since they are not recognized politically as a distinct people. Their presentations inevitably include Tibetan history,

3) Although our mission is specifically non-political, we will continue to find ways to support the work of other Tibet Support Groups mainly concerned with political activism and economic support of refugees, since ALL the Tibetan issues are necessarily inter-related as are the solutions to those same issues.

Children with Beverly Bronson at Ghar Sita Mutu.

Ghar Sita Mutu - House with a Heart (2008 Tibet House Auction Co-Beneficiary) Nine years ago, after offering her NewYork apartment to a visiting Lama, Beverly Bronson’s life changed forever. The Lama, a friend of her teacher Gehlek Rimpoche, told her about the dire situation for children in Nepal and in 1999 she went to volunteer at his centre in Kathmandu. Today she is mother to 16 abandoned children and founder/director of Ghar Sita Mutu - House with a Heart.

After an initial fund raising party and a long-term commitment from two friends, Noel Faulkner and Dr. Mark Rogers, she returned to Nepal and rented a house. In 2001 she opened Ghar Sita Mutu - House with a Heart - a home for abandoned children, a training center for impoverished women, and an outreach program for needy families in Kathmandu, Nepal.

How did this happen? After five months working at the Himalayan Healing Centre she returned to New York and the following year made a second trip. This was when she found two brothers, Babu aged 2 and Krishna 5, huddling together outside their tin hut abandoned by their mother.

In 2004 a house and land were purchased with the help of generous friends to provide a permanent home for the organization. Major renovations were made to house up to 25 children and four staff members and provide space for an education center serving neighborhood women and children.

“I was shocked by the poverty and the plight of the women,” Beverly said. “How desperate must a mother be to abandon her children?”

Every year since its inception, Ghar Sita Mutu has expanded its reach into the community, serving more people than the previous year. Some of the programs offered include:

Unable to find anyone to care for the two boys, Beverly became their guardian and admitted them into a bleak, overcrowded hostel attached to a small school. The boys did not thrive and Beverly began to dream about providing a home for them and other abandoned children that would also support and train destitute women.

Women’s Training Program: Free sewing, felt making, candle making, and literacy are taught to local women, who in turn are making items to sell, including sari bags, felt puppets, purses and wall hangings. Several women have been given sewing machines to open their own small businesses, and some of them are now supporting their families by making and selling candles locally.

“A single mother myself, I knew how hard it was to cope raising a child alone, but I was educated and able to work, unlike the women in Nepal. I came up with a plan to care for orphaned and abandoned children and at the same time help train and educate needy women”.

Many women don’t have time to take the classes because of their need to work, so they are paid to take classes five days per week with the goal of making the women self-sufficient. The felt making classes were made possible last year by a grant from the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation. continued on page 14


Tibet House Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 12pm - 6pm or by appointment.


Lungta, acrylic on canvas, 2005.

Summer 2008 The Healing Art of Tibet Paintings by Rabkar Wangchuk Rabkar Wangchuk’s goal in his painting is to bestow happiness at first sight and to realize and awaken a positive mind. The paintings fuse modern art with traditional Tibetan art by evoking healing from within, shifting the viewer’s attention from worldly activity to reality, allowing the flow of nature’s intelligence throughout the body to receive peace, harmony and happiness. Rabkar Wangchuk, former monk and artist trained in tangka painting as well as other forms of traditional Tibetan Buddhist art, served as lead visual artist for nine years at the Tibetan Institute for Performing Arts (TIPA) in his birthplace of Dharamsala.

Tangka of Yellow Hat Lama, 15th century, Gift of John Rezk.

September 2008 The Repatriation Collection Selected works from the Collection An important part of the Tibet House mandate from His Holiness the Dalai Lama is to create a museum with diverse examples of Tibetan art. The Repatriation Collection was started in 1992 and now holds close to 1,000 works including paintings, sculpture and artifacts dating back to the 12th century.

2008 Art of Freedom Award presented to Muriel & Jack Zimmerman - March 13, 2008 Tibet House established the Art of Freedom Award in 1998 to recognize individuals for their outstanding contribution towards the Tibetan cause. The first three awards were presented in 1998 by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Melissa Mathison Ford, the late Roy Lichtenstein, and Jean-Jacques Annaud. In 1999 recipients were Patti Smith and Michael Stipe; in 2000 Philip Glass and Marylin Rhie, and in 2001 Natalie Merchant. Tibet House is honored to present the 2008 Art of Freedom Award to Muriel & Jack Zimmerman for their generous support of the organization and the Collection and to Lynne & Marc Benioff for their generous support and service over the years.

The Zimmerman family’s support of Tibet House dates back to the 1991 exhibition Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet, which debuted at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco and traveled to New York, London, Bonn, Barcelona and venues in Japan and Taiwan. They also were contributors to the exhibition Mandala: The Architecture of Enlightenment, organized by Tibet House and the Asia Society, as well as numerous exhibitions which have been on view at the Tibet House Gallery since its opening in 1998. See photo on opposite page.


Hunter, oil on canvas, 2005.

Detail of Blue Iris by Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche.

November 2008 Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche Tibet House presents the paintings of Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche. His remarkable work ranges both stylistically and thematically from traditional tangkas, visionary landscapes, reinterpretations of religious themes, large abstractions and historical and mystical themes. Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche comes from a long lineage of Tibetan yogi painters. He is one of the few Tibetan painters who works in both traditional and contemporary themes.

February 2009 Zorikto The work of Zorikto Dorzhiev, born in Ulan Ude, Siberia, has been shown in Taiwan, the U.S. and in numerous exhibitions in Russia. His work is in private collections in Russia, the U.S., Germany and Australia. Zorikto studied at the Buryat Republican College of Arts, Ulan-Ude, the Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts and the Russian Academy of Arts (the Urals, Siberia and the Far East ranch). Below is an excerpt from an interview with the artist: Where do ideas and images come from? They are in the air, floating as radio waves. You can catch them if you tune your receiver. Everybody has a wave, you only have to find it. Some people find a wrong one and feel the draught. It seems to me that subjects of artworks come to me from childhood. As a child, I spent lots of time in the village. Game fights, self-made bows and arrows‌ Why don’t you use bright colors? Bright color is very emotional. Light colors are too logical. I want to speak in a low voice if not a whisper. It is easier to listen to.

The Zimmerman family with Nena and Robert Thurman after receiving the Art of Freedom award. Photo by Annette Uhlfelder.

Why is the image of a nomad so attractive to you? For me a nomad is a contemplator. He is neither a tourist, looking for new impressions, nor an adventurer. He is an artist, a poet, a philosopher. He is probably a lonely person because it is easier to think in solitude.With whom to share his thoughts and revelations? Eventually traveling around the steppe he will come across other nomads.


P RO G R A M S W I T H T Location for all events

Tibet House U.S. 22 West 15th Street Please register through the New York Open Center (NYOC) via 212 219 2527 x200

Module I Essence of the Heart Sutra: Freedom, the Womb of Compassion Robert A.F. Thurman, PhD The Heart Sutra contains the most direct teachings about the true nature of our being that lie at the heart of all Buddhist wisdom. Robert Thurman will discuss the meaning of shunyata (voidness or freedom), dispel common misperceptions about it, and show how understanding it opens the heart of compassion in our daily lives. Recommended texts: Heart of Wisdom (H.H. the Dalai Lama); Essential Tibetan Buddhism (Robert Thurman); Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Lines (E. Conze) Full Module (2 sessions) Wednesdays, September 10 & 17, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB01T $45 (Members $40) Individual prices for evening talks at Tibet House: $25 (cash) at door only, as space permits.

Module II Kindness Sharon Salzberg Kindness can manifest as compassion, generosity, paying attention; it can be offered to ourselves, to friends, to strangers, to all of life. It can bring joy, and it can be exceptionally hard. Sharon Salzberg draws from her new book, The Kindness Handbook, to share stories, poems and teachings, and lead meditation exercises and discussions, all pointing to the power and grace of kindness. Note: Suitable for all levels from experienced to beginners. Full Module (3 sessions) Tuesday, October 7, Wednesday, October 8, & Thursday, October 9, 7–9pm Registration # 08FSB03S $70 (Members $60) Individual prices for evening talks at Tibet House: $25 (cash) at door only, as space permits.

Module III The Modern Science of Ancient Wisdom: Therapeutic Applications for Real Life Stress, from Daily Life to Disaster Nancy Black, MD, Deirdre Barrett, PhD, William Bushell, PhD, Ken Kamler, MD, Joseph Loizzo, MD, PhD, U Kyaw Myaing, Erin Olivo, PhD, MPH, Phagyab Rinpoche, Granis Stewart, RN Full Module (5 sessions) Thursdays, October 16, 23, 30, November 6, 20, 7–9pm Western medical science is beginning to understand the enormous potential of ancient mind-body practices such as meditation and yoga to reduce stress and enhance innate healing capacities. This program features teachers with deep experience in both modern medicine and ancient wisdom and will explore how to best use ancient practices to deal with the extraordinary stress resulting from crises and disasters.

Session I: Introduction and Overview William Bushell, PhD A broad and in-depth overview of the basic science and cross cultural data on the powerful anti-stress and anti-inflammatory properties, and the wide range of other health-enhancing effects of yogic and meditative practices will be offered by this highly experienced MIT and Tibet House-affiliated medical anthropologist. Thursday, October 16, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB07M Session II: Using Meditation, Yoga, Dream, and Trance Imagery in Stress-related Disorders Nancy Black, MD, and Deirdre Barrett, PhD Two therapists, an army psychiatrist and a Harvard psychologist, each with a great deal of experience helping a wide range of patients, including many directly affected by the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, as well as with more typical forms of daily stress, offer scientific and practical perspectives on the subject. Thursday, October 23, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB11M Session III: Using Meditation, Yoga, and Other Techniques to Assist the Healing of Physical Challenges Erin Olivo, PhD, MPH, Ken Kamler, MD, and Granis Stewart, RN Dr. Olivo has pioneered the use of meditative techniques to help cardiac patients and has worked with survivors of 9/11 and Katrina; Dr. Kamler is a leading surgeon with extensive experience practicing healing in extreme contexts, from Everest to the Amazon; and Granis Stewart, RN, with extensive experience in respiratory, emergency, and mental health medicine, is an expert in breath control practices and meditation. Thursday, October 30, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB13M Session IV: Using Meditative and Yogic Practices for Psychological and Physical Challenges Traditional Perspectives From Tibet and Burma Phagyab Rinpoche and U Kyaw Myaing In this special session, we have the great fortune to learn from highly advanced practitioners of traditional healing arts: Phagyab Rinpoche, who has employed traditional Tibetan meditative and yogic techniques to heal those injured during refugee flight and political persecution; and U Kyaw Myaing, an expert on Burmese meditative healing practices. Thursday, November 6, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB15M Session V: November 20 Review and Conclusions Joseph Loizzo, MD, PhD Dr. Loizzo, a pioneering integrative psychiatrist and advanced scholar in Tibetan Studies and Buddhism, will offer a summary and further analysis, and lead a discussion of points from the previous sessions. Thursday, November 20, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB17M Full Module (5 sessions) Thursdays, October 16, 23, 30, November 6, 20, 7–9pm Note: No class on November 13

HE NYOC $120 (Members $100) Individual prices for evening talks at Tibet House: $25 (cash) at door only, as space permits.

Module IV The “Tibetan Book of Natural Liberation Through Learning in the Between,” the so-called “Book of the Dead.’ Robert A.F. Thurman, PhD Professor Thurman explores teachings on the “between” (bardo) realms, as a way to gain an understanding of Tantra and to help us in the process of dealing with our own death and that of others. Recommended reading: Tibetan Book of the Dead (transl. Robert Thurman); Natural Liberation (Sounds True tape); The Book of Living and Dying (Sogyal Rinpoche); Mind Beyond Death (Ponlop Rinpoche) Full Module (4 sessions) Wednesdays, October 29, November 5, 12, 19, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB18T $90 (Members $80) Individual prices for evening talks at Tibet House: $25 (cash) at door only, as space permits.

Module V Healing Chöd Rigdzin Dorje Rinpoche Healing Chöd is a ritual derived from a thousand-year-old practice that the late, deeply revered Kunzang Dechen Lingpa Rinpoche revealed. As per his final wishes, Kunzang’s son and spiritual heir will lead monks and nuns of the Zangdokpalri community in this three-session healing in which participants lie down on the floor and absorb healing songs designed to pacify physical, emotional and spiritual discord. There is no text-study or talk, but an optional explanatory lecture will be offered. Note: Chöd must be taken as a whole; no individual evenings; preregistration encouraged. Chöd ends with a traditional tsok feast. A Three-Evening Ceremony Monday, November 10, Tuesday, November 11, Wednesday, November 13, 7–9:30pm Registration #08FSB89T $195 - No Member Discount

Other Events and Weekend Workshops: Stress Mark Epstein, MD, Sharon Salzberg & Robert A.F. Thurman, PhD Buddhist inner scientists have been discussing stress for 2500 years. This evening explores the Buddhist diagnosis and treatment of stress. Methods of relief will be taught, but we will focus on the deeper Buddhist view: that it is possible to adopt a completely different stance toward change, one in which we no longer set ourselves up in opposition to the rest of the universe. An Evening Lecture Friday, September 26, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB52M $35 (Members $30) Mindfulness Mark Epstein, MD, Sharon Salzberg & Robert A.F. Thurman, PhD Today we will focus on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, the root practices of Buddhist meditation. Mindfulness, moment-to-moment attention, is a capacity we all have but most of us rarely use. One of Buddha’s great contributions to the field of mental health was to assert that mindfulness could be harnessed to uncover the spiritual dimension of experience. Today will provide a rare opportunity for training in the

application of mindfulness with Bob, Sharon and Mark. One-Day Workshop Saturday, September 27, 10am–5pm Registration #08FSB53S $130 (Members $120) Contemporary Urban Householder Practice Edizen Archer Drawing from the 8th century classic, the Bhavanakrama, we will explore how meditation can be incorporated into our urban lifestyles to bring authentic presence and mindfulness to everyday life. We will receive meditation instruction and discuss the purpose of meditation in the context of current social realities, including such topics as shopping, nutrition, mass consumption, and the concept of 'green meditation.' An Evening Lecture Friday, October 3, 7–9pm Registration #08FSB64P Nonmembers: $20 / Members: $18 A One-Day Workshop Saturday, October 4, 10am–5pm Registration #08FSB19S $130 (Members $120) Mindfulness Meditation: Popular, Professional, and Practical Miles Neale, PsyD, Erin Olivo, PhD, and Ingrid Kemperman MD Mindfulness meditation has received enormous attention recently both in popular and professional circles. Today, a group of highly experienced mindfulness-oriented therapists discuss their clinical applications of mindfulness and examine current research findings. The workshop will include discussion and meditation practice. A One-Day Workshop Sunday, October 5th, 10am–5pm Registration # 08FSB04S $130 (Members $120) Why the Dalai Lama Matters Talk & Booksigning Robert A.F. Thurman, PhD In writing his latest book, Why the Dalai Lama Matters, Robert Thurman set out to present this beloved 'leader of world leaders' to the public by answering three important questions: Who is the Dalai Lama and why does everyone love him when they meet him, even those who think they won't? What would it take on China's part to bring about a peaceful resolution to the dire situation in Tibet? What could a free, restored Tibet—as an autonomous region within China—look like and what would it mean to Tibetans, to China and to the world? In this evening talk, Professor Thurman will discuss these questions and reflect on recent developments in Tibet. Book signing to follow Robert Thurman’s talk. Thursday, December 4, 7–9pm Registration # 08FSB64P $10 (Members $9) FACULTY BIOS ON PAGE


Please note NYOC policy: A $10 registration fee is charged to non-members once per catalog season (3 per year). It is nonrefundable and applies only to full day workshops and ongoing classes.


M E N L A P RO G R A M Embody The Spirit of Woman with Jill Pettijohn & Colleen Saidman Yee You are invited to join us in our second all women’s retreat, held in the beautiful Catskills at the Menla Mountain Retreat. Two amazing Women, Colleen Saidman Yee and Jill Pettijohn, will be combining their extraordinary skills to make this a truly transformative experience. A chance to cleanse, rejuvenate, and practice. Colleen Saidman, a remarkable woman and amazing yoga teacher from Yoga Shanti in Sag Harbor, NY will be teaching yoga (twice daily), meditation and pranayama. Jill Pettijohn will be complimenting this experience with her expert culinary skills by offering delicious and nutritious foods for the duration. Jill is the owner of Jill’s Vegan Café in Brooklyn, NY.

Colleen Saidman Yee

Together Colleen and Jill are bringing you a rare and unique opportunity for you to transform your life. To enhance this already potent combination there will be sweat lodge, body workers, astrologers, and more. Come and absorb the silence and enjoy the magic of this Buddhist sanctuary. Join hands, laugh, practice and indulge in great food in this feminine journey of transformation… go home clear, relaxed, rejuvenated, and alert. The quaint village of Woodstock is close by for a little retail therapy or entertainment if you are missing the urban lifestyle. Thursday, September 18 - Sunday, September 21 Tuition: $500 Please call (845) 688-6897 ext. 7513 for commuter and accommodation rates and to register.

Jill Pettijohn


(continued from page 6...)

Children’s Learning Center: A pilot program, started in 2007, provides daily classes to 26 children who are not able to afford school, with the goal of eventually providing scholarships for them to attend a formal school. Children’s Saturday Arts Program: Free dancing and drawing classes are provided on Saturdays for up to 100 local children, who also enjoy our lending library – the only one in the area. Most of these children do not own any books or toys. Family Outreach Program: Emergency help is provided to families in need, as well as more formal programs, including the Goat Project, which provides a goat to a family to raise and breed, helping them raise their standard of living. “The two hardest things are turning children away – and fund raising”, Beverly said recently. “We do have room to build another

house and take extra children but it is so difficult raising the money to support and educate them. We are hoping that the sale of the felt products will enable us to continue running the training programs, and hope that one day we will receive a grant to expand our programs and provide a home for more children. I am most grateful to all the people who have donated money in the past, and also to Philip Glass and the Candy Jernigan Foundation for the Arts for being our fiscal sponsor”. Born and raised in England, Beverly Bronson is a writer/set designer and owner of A Repeat Performance, a small, but well-known antique shop, in the East Village. Today she juggles two worlds spending half her time in Nepal and the other half in New York, raising money for orphaned children and destitute women. www.gharsitamutu.com

S PA AT M E N L A Tibet House is pleased to announce the construction of an elegant two-story 3,000 squarefoot spa facility at Menla Mountain. Expected to open in early 2009, the spa will overlook the swimming pool at the heart of the estate and will be powered by state-of-the-art solar and geothermal systems. This new construction marks a major turning point as Menla evolves into a full-fledged healing center and spa where Tibetan and Western doctors and practitioners of proven holistic healing modalities will come together to share knowledge and offer a variety of one to two-week detox and other healing treatment programs to the public.

Architectural rendering of new spa building.

Construction is underway of the new Menla spa building.

Guests will enter a spacious entrance hall where they can register for treatments at the reception desk, relax by fireside with a book or fresh juice from the full juice bar, purchase products in the health and wellness retail shop, or amble over to the pool for a swim. Inside, guests will find men’s and women’s spa rooms, replete with far-infrared saunas, steam rooms, Japanese O-furo soaking baths, and showers. After enjoying their hydrotherapy sessions, guests can recline in a beautiful cool-down room before going into one of our eight treatment rooms (including a couples’ room) for a variety of massage and bodywork treatments. Special colonics rooms will provide the focal point for deep detox treatments. Guests will also enjoy a central gallery with art related to Tibetan medicine and be able to sit peacefully in the large meditation hall upstairs. A 320-acre magical valley surrounded by spectacular mountainous state land, Menla will be a unique healing center and spa within the industry, both in terms of theTibetan elements and in terms of its very special natural environment. Menla is a recognized Audubon important bird area and has numerous hiking trails, streams, and wild animals. It also has a freshwater pond, a fitness center, and tennis courts. With the new spa building as the centerpoint of an already breathtaking and powerful natural setting, Menla will offer the perfect context for individual and collective healing of body, mind, and spirit. Visit www.menla.org for more information.

Menla Mountain Retreat facilities are available for meetings, retreats, trainings and workshops. If you are interested in renting Menla for your upcoming event or program, please contact Ann Everds at 845-688-6897 ext. 7519 or office@menla.org menla mountain retreat 375 pantherkill road, phoenicia, ny 12464 p 845 688 6897 f 845 688 6895 www.menla.org


T H U S P RO G R A M S Please register through Tibet House via 212.807.0563 or www.tibethouse.org

Tu e s d a y Evening Meditations from 7-9pm with Sharon Salzberg or Miles Neale as noted:on a donation (dana) basis: Sharon Salzberg Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23 Nov. 18, 25 Dec. 2,9,16 Miles Neale Sept. 30 Oct. 14, 21, 28 Nov. 4 Dec. 23, 30

Holding Fast: Evening Screening, Performance and Discussion with Creators Randall Woolf, Mary Harron, John C. Walsh Holding Fast, for violin and video, was created by filmmakers Mary Harron, John C. Walsh and composer Randall Woolf. The piece is both portrait of, and reflection on, the residents of the Tibetan Self-help Center in Darjeeling, India. Cast out of their homeland, living in a kind of limbo, the refugees are robbed of the normal patterns of life. As the elders hold steadfast to their traditions, television and the internet exert a pull on many younger Tibetans away from their roots. Violinist Jennifer Choi will perform the work, along with other music by Randall Woolf. The artists will discuss the making of the film, shot on location in the foothills of the Himalayas. Friday, September 12, 7-9pm $20 (Members $18) Adventures in Tibet: Surfing, Diving, and Sailing at 3.2 Miles High Benjamino “Gino Honolulu” d’Restredo This evening “Gino” will give a slide lecture on his adventures over and under the waters of the “completely unknown and unexplored great mega-giant ocean salt water lakes of Tibet” with special reference to his accidental discovery of, and subsequent search for, “huge pre-historic deep water fish.” “Gino” seeks to help preserve these lakes and their denizens. Mondays, September 15 and 22, 7-9pm Free: R.S.V.P. Ayurveda: An Ancient Prescription For Healthy Living Balancing Vata: Understanding Air Imbalance in the Body Scott Gerson, MD, PhD Two evenings with Ayurvedic physician and vaidya Scott Gerson. Emphasizing roga nidaan (signs and symptoms) of Vata vikriti (Vata imbalance), Dr. Gerson will engage participants as both the patient and the doctor to interactively understand the symptoms and conditions caused by imbalances of Vata, including various digestive problems, anxiety and mental states, nervous conditions, hormonal changes, skin conditions, auto-immune diseases and metabolic effects, and what we can do to rebalance our system as we enter Vata season (Fall and Winter). Books, Ayurvedic massage oils, aroma oils, Ayurvedic teas, and select herbs will be available. Thursdays, September 18 and 25, 7-9pm $50 (Members $45) / series $25 (Members $23) / class Darsan: a Channel to a Higher Awareness Sridhar Shanmugam The ancient Indian meditation technique of Darsan engages the power of vision as a channel to higher awareness. Vision can be experienced as the master sense; setting and regulating the entire mind/body connection; clarity of vision and mind, body posture, range of movement, stress, energy levels, and emotional well being are all harmonized and balanced by vision, which acts as a kind of control center. Through a series of eye movements and exercises that have come down through the Indian art of dance, the beauty and healing potential of vision will be introduced to the class. Monday, October 6, 7-9pm $20 (Members $18)

Vajra Yoga & Meditation in the Body; a Practical Focus on Pain and Discomfort Jill Satterfield It’s a strange thing to focus on pain but sometimes there is no other way to make peace with it. Physical pain is something everyone experiences and few embrace. Some experience chronic pain, chronic discomfort, which sometimes can’t be pushed away, and no matter what we call it, or how we feel about it, it’s with us like a barnacle. Fortunately, there are ways to work with pain in the body, traditional techniques practiced for centuries: meditation techniques, visualizations, and some physical practices that can help. These practices also help us to change our mind about pain and discomfort and be more at peace. This workshop will instruct you in ways to work with what is present in your own body. Saturday, October 11, 11am–4pm $100 (Members $90) Storms Can’t Hurt Talk & Booksigning Gabriel Cohen Until now, no one has offered Buddhist principles as a healing path through divorce. The author delves into his experience— along with insights from Buddhist masters, parables, humor, social science studies, and interviews with other divorcés—to provide a practical and helpful guide to surviving the pain of any romantic break-up. Focusing on the emotions most common in the dissolution of a relationship—anger, resentment, loss, and grief—Storms Can’t Hurt the Sky shows how thinking about these feelings in surprisingly different ways can lead to a radically better experience for anyone dealing with a break-up, or looking to improve a current relationship. Friday, November 7, 7–9pm Free: R.S.V.P. Modern Sounds in Traditional Sakha Music German and Klavdia Khatylaev The Khatylaevs’ spiritual folk music utilizes traditional techniques from the long neglected musical practices of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This music includes imitations of nature such as the songs and chirpings of birds, horses' hooves on frozen lands, as well as ecstatic nays and breath, all mimicking the overpowering sound of a natural world interwoven with the Sakha culture, which contains mysteries and untold legends of former nomads - www.khatylaev.sakhaopenworld.org. Friday, November 14 and Saturday, November 15, 7–9pm $20 (Members $18) Tibetan Buddhist Intensive: Theory and Practice Ven. Khenpo Karten Rinpoche In this six part series, Ven. Khenpo Karten Rinpoche will teach a practical and complete course in Tibetan Buddhism, presented traditionally in a modern setting and format: (I) Introduction and Overview of the Buddhist Path and Its Aims and Benefits, (II) Introduction to Buddhist Ethics (The Ten Virtuous and Non-virtuous Actions) and the Benefits of Its Practice; (III) Basic Meditation Techniques: Breathing and Calm-Abiding Meditation; (IV) Buddha’s First Teaching: The Four Noble Truths; (V) Tibetan Teaching on the Six Stages of the Bardo (Intermediate Existence Between Death and Rebirth); and, (VI) The Advanced Tibetan Buddhist Practice of Ch’od (Meditation Practice for Cutting Attachment). The classes will include time for discussion, questions, and guided meditation. Saturday & Sunday: December 6 , 7, 13, 14, 20, & 21, 10am–5pm $60/day (No Member discount)



Edizen Archer, a practitioner in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition since 1981, has received training and transmission from many respected teachers, including Lama Tharchin, Khenpo Karthar, H.E. Luding Khen, and others in all four sects. He is the cofounder of 'Lila Yoga, Dharma & Wellness' on NYC's Bowery.

U Kyaw Myaing, MA, a retired senior diplomat who worked for many years with the UN on humanitarian aid and other projects, is presently an advisor to NYC's Mogok Insight Meditation Center, and is a long-time student of "weizza" and other Burmese healing practices.

Deirdre Barrett, PhD, a psychologist teaching at Harvard Medical School’s Behavioral Medicine Program, is the author of several books, including Trauma and Dreams, and many articles and chapters on health, hypnosis, dreams, and stress, including PTSD. She treated Kuwaitis suffering from PTSD after the first Gulf War (described in her chapter in Psychological Effects of War on Civilian Populations).

Miles Neale, PsyD, LMHC, a clinical psychologist who studied Buddhism in monastic settings in Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal and has taught mind/body health programs in university hospitals at Harvard, Columbia, Cornell and in California, is currently a faculty member of the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science.

Lt. Colonel Nancy B. Black, MD, based at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, has worked with wounded and PTSD-affected veterans from the Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq wars and their families and children, and is co-chair of the Disaster and Trauma Committee for the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She is a long-time student of Tibetan Buddhism. William Bushell, PhD, has been researching the health-enhancing and anti-aging effects of meditation and yoga for over 25 years at Harvard, MIT and Columbia, as a Fulbright Scholar and at the Salk Institute. He has collaborated with Robert Thurman and His Holiness the Dalai Lama on conferences and research projects. Gabriel Cohen has written for the New York Times, Shambhala Sun, and many other publications, and has taught writing at NYU. The author of three novels, he lives in Brooklyn. Benjamino “Gino Honolulu” d’Restredo is an Italian/Hawaiian/Columbian bred explorer and activist, raised in Florida and the Hawaiian highlands and waters. Mark Epstein, MD, a NYC-based psychiatrist and the author of a number of books on the interface of Buddhism and psychotherapy, including Thoughts Without a Thinker, Open to Desire and his newest book, Psychotherapy Without the Self, is Clinical Assistant Professor in the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis at NYU. Scott Gerson is a MD, PhD (Ayu), a physician, meditation teacher, author, and research scientist. Dr. Gerson is an associate professor at Pune University, Dept. of Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine) and clinical assistant professor at New York Medical College, Dept. of Preventive Medicine. Mary Harron studied English literature at Oxford. During the1980's she worked in British television and directed many short films and documentaries for the BBC and Channel 4. Her most well-know work is American Psycho, starring Christian Bale, based on the novel by Bret Easton Ellis. Kenneth Kamler, MD, an NYC-based micro-surgeon who also practices extreme medicine in some of the most remote regions on Earth, is a Director of the Explorers Club, Explorer-in-Residence at the American Museum of Natural History, and a consultant for NASA and National Geographic Adventure. He is the author of Doctor on Everest and Surviving the Extremes. Venerable Khenpo Karten Rinpoche was recognized as an incarnate lama and educated in eastern Tibet under many high lamas before escaping into exile in Nepal in 1997. In Nepal he continued his studies and practice and became Abbot of Tsokyni Rinpoche’s Monastery. Presently, he has been teaching in Taiwan and also in the US. Ingrid Kemperman, MD is an NYC-based psychiatrist, long interested in Buddhist teachings and mindfulness practices and their applications in psychotherapeutic treatments. Known for her expertise in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), she developed the DBT program at Cornell Medical Center and has published widely on DBT. Joe Loizzo, MD, PhD, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and Columbia-trained Buddhist scholar with over thirty years' experience studying the effects of meditation on healing and learning, is Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry in Complementary and Integrative Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College and the founder of the Nalanda Institute.

Erin Olivo, PhD, MPH, a clinical psychologist specializing in the integration of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy, is Director of Columbia's Integrative Medicine Program and Assistant Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology in its Behavioral Medicine Program. She has extensive experience in disaster mental health, through her involvement in the counselling of individuals affected by 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and other disasters. Phagyab Rinpoche is a Tibetan Buddhist lama highly accomplished as a scholar, practitioner, and teacher. Receiving advanced degrees and honors in the traditionalTibetan monastic education system, he went on to focus on meditation and yoga practice and was able to heal himself of a range of injuries and illnesses resulting from persecution and refugee flight. Rigdzin Dorje Rinpoche is the son and spiritual heir of the late, deeply revered Kunzang Dechen Lingpa Rinpoche. His training included many years of solitary retreat, especially practicing Chöd, and his use of this healing practice is renowned as especially efficacious. Jill Satterfield, founder of Vajra Yoga & Meditation (www.vajrayoga.com), has been teaching yoga and meditation for 20 years. She lived with debilitating chronic pain and illness for over 15 years, after enduring multiple surgeries (13) and being informed that there was nothing more anyone could do for her body or the pain. Of necessity, she began to research healing and, in the process, to work with her mind. Healing beyond expectations, and completely dispelling the pain, Satterfield gained some understanding, and humor, about her own mind. Sharon Salzberg, co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society, The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies and The Forest Refuge, is one of the U.S.' leading meditation teachers and the author of several books, including Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience; Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness; and, most recently, The Kindness Handbook. Sridhar Shanmugam is Executive Director of The ARCH, Inc. (www.thearch.us), a nonprofit organization which support use of the medium of Indian classical dance and music as a means to strengthen the cultural and goodwill bridge between India and the United States. Granis Jane Stewart, RN, long affiliated with Harvard's Hospitals and specializing in respiratory, critical care, and mental health nursing, has pursued a lifelong study of meditation and advanced breath control practices. A member of the International Medical Surgical Response Team, she has been deployed to crises such as Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, typhoons in Guam, and earthquakes in Iran and has traveled to a variety of remote and extreme environments as a member of the Explorers Club. Robert A.F. Thurman, PhD, is professor of Indo-Tibetan Studies at Columbia University, President of Tibet House U.S., the translator of many philosophical treatises and sutras, and author of numerous books including Inner Revolution; The Jewel Tree of Tibet: the Enlightenment Engine of Tibetan Buddhism; and most recently, Why the Dalai Lama Matters. John C. Walsh is an award winning graduate of the NYU film school. His first film, Ed's Next Move, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 1996. The film was picked up and released that year by Orion Classics. Walsh's 2nd feature, Pipe Dream was released in 2002 and starred Mary-Louise Parker and Martin Donovan. Randall Woolf is composer-in-residence with the String Orchestra of New York City, and a composer mentor for the Brooklyn Philharmonic.




Tibet House- New Delhi Cultural Centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 1, Institutional Area, Lodhi Rd. New Delhi 110003 INDIA Phone: 91.11.4611515 Fax: 91.11.4625536 thouse@nde.vsnl.net.in www.tibet.net/tibethouse/eng/

Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture (CTAC) P.O. Box 6598 McLean, VA 22106 Phone: (703) 755-1533 Fax: (703) 847-8805 info@tibetanculture.org www.tibetanculture.org

Tibet House Barcelona Casa Del Tibet Barcelona Fundació Casa del Tíbet Passeig de Sant Joan 2º 2ª 08037 Barcelona 104 SPAIN Phone: (34) Fax: (34) 93.459.20.90 info@casadeltibetbcn.org www.casadeltibetbcn.org

Department of Education Central Tibetan Secretariat Distt. Kangra Dharamsala. HP 176215 INDIA Department of Information & International Relations Central Tibetan Secretariat Gangchen Kyishong Distt: Kangra Dharamsala HP 176215 INDIA

Tibet House Mexico/Casa Tíbet México Orizaba # 93 México, D.F. Colonia Roma C.P. 06700 MEXICO www.casatibet.org.mx

Department of Religion and Culture Central Tibetan Secretariat Dharamsala Distt: Kangra HP 176215 INDIA

Tibet House Foundation Varosmajor u. 23 Budapest XII 1122 HUNGARY Phone: (36-1) 355-1808 Fax: (36-1) 213-5001

Institute of Buddhist Dialectics P.O. McLeod Ganj Distt: Kangra Dharamsala HP 176 219 INDIA Phone: 00-91-1892-221215

Tibet House Germany Friesengasse 13 Frankfurt D-60487 GERMANY Phone: 49 - 69 - 7191 3595 Fax: 49 - 69 - 7191 3596 tibethaus@choedzong.de www.tibethaus.com

International Campaign for Tibet 1825 Jefferson Place,NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: (202) 785-1515 Fax: (202) 785-4343 info@savetibet.org www.savetibet.org

Tibet House Italy/ La Casa del Tibet Votigno di Canossa (Re) 42026 ITALY Phone: (0522) 877177 Fax: (0522) 877177 www.casadeltibet.it Tibet House Moscow Rozhdestvensky blvrd, 19 107045, Moscow RUSSIA Phone: 7-495-621-61-85 info@tibethouse.ru Tibet House Switzerland Foundation Via Maggio1 Lugano 6900 SWITZERLAND Phone: 076 - 571 72 73 Fax: 091 - 973 14 49 tibethouselugano@gmail.com www.tibethouseswitzerland.org

Liaison Office of H.H. The Dalai Lama for Japan & East-Asia 5-11-30 Shinjyuku Shinjyuku-ku Fifith Hayama Bilding 5F Tokyo 162-0022 JAPAN Phone: 03-3353-4094 Fax: 03-3225-8013 lohhdl@tibethouse.jp www.tibethouse.jp Library of Tibetan Works & Archives Central Tibetan Secretariat Distt: Kangra Dharamsala HP 176215 INDIA Neydo Foundation 608 Fifth Ave, Suite 201 New York, NY 10020 Phone: (212) 414.0080 Fax: (212) 262.9799 tonibet@aol.com www.neydo.com

Norbulingka Institute P.O. Sidpur Distt. Kangra Dharamsala. HP 176057 INDIA Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama Thekchen Choeling McLoed Ganj Dharamsala, Distt: Kangra HP 176 219 INDIA Office of Tibet 241 East 32nd St. New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 213-5010 Fax: (212) 779-9245 otny@igc.org www.dalailama.com The Office of Tibet Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 10 Ring Rd., Lajpat Nagar IV New Delhi 110024 INDIA The Office of Tibet-London 1 Culworth St. London NW8 7AF ENGLAND Phone: 0044-20-7722 5378 Fax: 0044-20-7722 0362 info@tibet.com www.tibet.com Reception Center Tibet House 1 Institutional House New Delhi, Delhi 11000 INDIA Students for a Free Tibet 602 East 14th St. 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10009 Phone: (212) 358-0071 Fax: (212) 358-1771 sft@igc.org ww.studentsforafreetibet.org The Tibet Fund 241 East 32nd St., New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 213-5011 Fax: (212) 213-1219 tibetfund@tibetfund.org www.tibetfund.org

Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) Upper Dharamsala Cantt Distt: Kangra HP 176 216 INDIA Tibetan Community of NY & NJ 241 East 32nd St. New York, NY 10016 www.tibetancommunity.org Tibetan Museum DIIR, Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala. Distt. Kangra Himachal Pradesh 176215 INDIA Contact: Demton Khang Tibetan Woman’s Association (TWA) P.O. Mcleod Ganj Dharamsala Distt: Kangra HP 176 219 INDIA Tibetan Youth Congress P.O. Mcleod Ganj Dharamsala Distt: Kangra HP 176 219 INDIA Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute Khara Danda Rd. Distt: Kangra Dharmsala HP 176 215 INDIA United States Tibet Committee (USTC) 241 East 32nd St. New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 481-3569 Fax: (212) 779-9245 www.ustibet.org

BOOKSTORES Bakor 309 East 9th St. New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 995-1060 andrugtsang@yahoo.com East West Books 78 5th Ave. New York, NY 10011

DAY CA RE Tibet Justice Center 2288 Fulton St., Suite 312 Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (510) 486-0588 Fax: (510) 548-3785 minnie@tibetjustice.org www.tibetjustice.org Tibetan Women’s Association c/o Office of Tibet Tenzin Bhuti 241 East 32nd St. New York, NY 10016 Phone: (718) 739-6021

Diki Daycare 31-24 38th St. Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1033 dikidaycare@yahoo.com

EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZAT IONS Gaden Relief Projects 637 Christie St. Toronto, Ontario M6G 3E6 CANADA www.gadenrelief.org Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 Voice: (303) 444-0202

Fax: (303) 444-0410 www.naropa.edu The Nyedo Foundation 589 Fifth Ave., Suite 909 New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 414-0080 Fax: (212) 262-9799 Tonibet@aol.com www.nyedo.com

FRIENDS OF TIBET ORGANIZAT IONS Alaska Tibet Committee 65330 Knob Hill Rd. Anchor Point, AK 99556 Phone: (907) 235-4277 dpaljor@homernet.net Arizona Friends of Tibet P.O. Box 31956 Tuscon, AZ 85751-1956 Phone: (520) 885-6527 aztibet@azstarnet.com www.arizona-friends-of-tibet.org Bay Area Friends of Tibet 2288 Fulton St. Suite 312 Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (510) 548-1271 Fax: (510) 548-3785 bafot@friends-of-tibet.org www.friends-of-tibet.org Chesapeake Bay Area Friends of Tibet 4 Robin Hood Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078-1918 Phone: (410) 273-7146 davida@vrgory.com Colorado Friends of Tibet 3095 Lafayette Dr. Boulder, CO 80303 Deerpark Buddhist Center 4548 Schneider Dr. Oregon, WI 53575 Phone: (608) 835-5572 www.deerparkcenter.org Georgia Tibet Committee 2182 Park Ave. Smyrna, GA 30080 Phone: (770) 938-9590 Contact: Diane Tsempel Indiana Cultural Center P.O. Box 2563 Bloomington, IN 47402 Phone: (812) 331-0014 Fax: (812) 334-7046 www.tibetancc.com Kansas City Friends of Tibet P.O. Box 32843 Kansas City, MI 64171 Kauai Friends of Tibet 6820 Kawaihau Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746

Los Angeles Friends of Tibet P.O. Box 641066 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Phone: (310) 289-4654 Fax: (310) 306-5037 friends@latibet.org www.latibet.org Maine Friends of Tibet Windham, ME 04062 Contact Person: Jacque Lane Maryland Friends of Tibet 101 South Washington St. Baltimore, MD 21231 New Jersey Friends of Tibet 1002 Washington Dr. Ramsey, NJ 07446 Contact Person: W Poole wpoole@njfot.com New York Tibetan Alliance 17 Battery Place, Suite #633 New York, NY 10004 Phone: (212) 898-4134 Fax: (212) 425-7240 Ottawa Friends of Tibet c/o The Bronson Center 211 Bronson Ave., Ste.240 Ottawa, Ontario, K1R6H5 CANADA Phone: (613) 738-9871 info@oft.ca www.oft.ca Pasadena Friends of Tibet 1949 Huntington Dr. Pasadena, CA 91030 Phone: (626) 799-7879 tarahc@earthlink.com Pittsburgh Friends of Tibet P.O. Box 8369 Pittsburgh, PA 15218 draperd+@pitt.edu Project Tibet 403 Canyon Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87501 Phone: (505) 982-3002 Fax: (505) 988-4142 Sangha Tibet Resource Center Somerville, MA Phone: (617) 629-4674 sangha-tibet@rcn.com San Diego Friends of Tibet 3551 Front St. San Diego, CA 92103 Phone: (619) 682-7188 Fax: (619) 282-8105 dberger558@aol.com Stanford Friends of Tibet C/o ASSU Tressider Union Stanford, CA 94305 anakin@leland.stanford.edu www.stanford.edu/group/tibet

Tibetan Alliance of Chicago Sherab Gyatso, President 4750 N. Sheridan Rd. Ste. #469 Chicago, IL 60640 Phone: (773) 275-7454 Fax: (773) 275-9171 tsering@mindspring.com www.tibetan-alliance.org Tibetan Association Of Washington P.O.Box # 77222 Seattle, WA 98177 Tenzin Laude Tibetan Bridge P.O. Box #1042 J.A.F. Station New York, NY 10116 Fax: (212) 290-0214 john@tibetanbridge.org samten@tibetanbridge.org www.tibetanbridge.org Tibetan Friendship Group Australia P.O.Box # 39 Gordon NSW 2072 AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 9953-9980 Fax: (02) 9953-9980 Tibetan Youth Congress Contact: Gyaltso La 221 East 32nd St., # 12A New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-213-5010

Shambhala Sun 1345 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302-4886 www.shambalasun.com

MUSEUMS The American Museum Of Natural History West 79th St. at Central Park West New York, NY 10024 Phone: (212) 769-5000 www.amnh.org

Techung Tibetan Folk & Freedom Singer 7 Paulson Ct. San Mateo, CA 94403 techung@techung.com www.techung.com

Brooklyn Museum 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 Phone: (718) 638-5000 www.brooklynmuseum.org

Yungchen Lhamo www.yungchenlhamo.com

Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art 338 Lighthouse Ave. Staten Island, NY 10306-0198 Phone: (718) 987-3500 Fax: (718) 351-0402 www.tibetanmuseum.org

U.S. Tibet Committee (Philadelphia Chapter) 3921 Patrician Dr. Philadelphia, PA 19154 Phone: (215) 321-7196 World Artist for Tibet 142-20 84th Dr. # 7H Briarwood, NY 11435 Phone: (718) 658-0906 art4tibet@aol.com

The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Ave. at 81st St. New York, NY 10028 Phone: (212) 879-5500 www.metmuseum.org


The Newark Museum 49 Washington St. Newark, NJ 07101 Phone: (973) 596-6550 Fax: (973) 642-0459 www.newarkmuseum.org

Latse Contemporary Tibetan Cultural Library 132 Perry St. Suite # 2B New York, NY 10014 Phone: (212) 367-8490 Fax: (212) 367-8479 info@latse.org www.latse.org New York Public Library 455 5th Ave. New York, NY 10018 www.nypl.org

Tenzin Norbu Classical & Spiritual Songs of Tibet Phone: (917) 374.9937 jeweltibet@yahoo.com

Asia Society 725 Park Ave. Between 70th-71st St. New York, NY 10021 Phone: (212) 327-9217 www.asiasociety.org

Mechak Center for Contemporary Tibetan Art 1028 Versa Dr. Boulder, CO 80305 Contact: Losang Gyatso Phone: (303) 570-2774 gyatso11@yahoo.com www.mechak.com

Circulation Desk Columbia University Libraries 535 West 114th St. New York, NY 10027 Phone: (212) 854-2235 www.columbia.edu

New Earth Records 7 Avenida Vista Grande B7-305 Santa Fe, NM 87508 Phone: (888) 245-4482 Fax: (505) 466-2477 andrea@newearthrecords.com www.newearthrecords.com

Rubin Museum of Art 150 West 17th St. New York, NY 10011 Phone: (212) 620-5000 www.rmanyc.org

MUSIC Dadon P.O. Box 1304 Middletown, CT 06457 Phone: (860) 344-9776 Nawang Khechog P.O. Box 1584 Boulder, CO 80306 www.nawangkhechog.com

PAINTING Samten Dakpa 307 East 44th St., Apt.B New York, NY 10017 Phone: (646) 469-4931 samdak12@yahoo.com www.samdak.com Phuntsok Dorje (Tangka Painting/Art Restoration) 1455 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10128 Phone: (212) 860-7303 Kelsang Lodoe Oshoe (Master Tangka Painter/Sculpture) 412 N. Aurora St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: (607) 273-0739 namgyalmonastery@namgyal.org Tsering Phuntsok 57 Clinton Place, 1st Floor East Rutherford, NJ 07073 Phone: (201) 935.6762 tphuntsoknj@yahoo.com Pema Rinzin 150 West 17th St. New York, NY 10011 Phone: (212) 620-5000 ext.379 Gendun Sakya 4444 Calle Durquesa Santa Fe, NM 87505 Phone: (505) 438-2402 Ven. Gyaltsen Chopel (Tangka/Decorative Painter) Nechung Foundation 110 First Ave. 5th Floor New York, NY 10009 Phone: (212) 388-9784 www.nechungnyc.org

Phone: (347) 721-1208 wangchkarts02@yahoo.com www.wangchukarts.com

PERFORMING ARTS Chaksam-Pa Tibetan Dance & Opera Co. P.O.Box # 581 Sonoma, CA 95476 Phone: (707) 935-8172 sapano@vom.com Cholsum c/o Tibetan Potala Tibetan Performing Arts 8 Melbourne St. W Lindsay, Ontario K9V2S6 CANADA Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts ( TIPA ) P.O. Mcleod Ganj, Dharamsala Dist; Kangra HP 176219 INDIA Phone: (91) 1892-221478 Fax: (91) 1892-221033 tipadhasa@hotmail.com

PHOTOGRAPHY Sonam Zoksang 167 Thompson St. New York, NY 10012 zoksang@hotmail.com www.visionoftibet.com

PUBLICAT IONS Chronogram Arts/Culture/Spirit In the Hudson Valley www.chronogram.com Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly 1660 Hollis St., Suite #701 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1V7 CANADA Phone: (902) 422-8404 Fax: (902) 423-2701 info@thebuddhadharma.com www.thebuddhadharma.com The Buddhist Network Padma Samye Ling 618 Buddha High Way Sydney Center, NY 13839 Ven. Khenpo Tashi Deleg Phone: (607) 865-8068 www.padmasambhava.org New York Spirit (Enlightened Urban Living) 107 Sterling Place Brooklyn, NY 11217 Phone: (800) 634-0989 (718) 638-3733 Fax: (718) 230-3459 office@nyspirit.com www.nyspirit.com

Rabkar Wangchuk 44 31st St. 3rd Ave. New York, NY 10016


Shambhala Sun Magazine 1660 Hollis St., Suite #701 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1V7 CANADA Phone: (902) 422-8404 Fax: (902) 423-2701 magazine@shambhalasun.com www.shambhalasun.com Snow Lion Publications 605 West State St. P.O.Box 6483 Ithaca, NY 41851 Phone: (607) 273-8519 Fax: (607) 273-8508 Hotline: Toll Free: (800) 950-0313 tibet@snowlionpub.com www.snowlionpub.com Tricycle: The Buddhist Review 92 Vandam St. New York, NY 10013 Phone: (212) 645-1143 Fax: (212) 645-1493 www.tricycle.com

RESTAURANTS Cherin Sushi 306 East 6th St. Btw 1st & 2nd Ave New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 388-1348 www.cherinsushiny.com Himalayan Yak Restaurant 72-20 Roosevelt Ave. Woodside, NY 11377 Phone: (718) 779-1119 Lhasa Fast Food 37-50 74th St. Jackson Heights NY 11372 Contact: Jorden or Sodon Phone: (718) 205-3188 Om Tibet Restaurant 40-05 73rd St. Woodside, NY 11377 Phone: (718) 672-3080 Shangrila Restaurant 129 2nd Ave. New York, NY 10003 Tibetan Kitchen 444 3rd Ave. New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 679-6286 tibki@aol.com * Tsampa * 212 East 9th St. New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 614-3226 (212) 460-5525

SAND MANDAL A Namgyal Monastery Institute Of Tibetan Buddhist Study and Practice 412 N. Aurora St. Ithaca, NY 14851 Phone: (607) 273-0739 Fax: (607) 256-5132 mail@namgyal.org Lama Lobsang Samden Tibetan Buddhist Center Of Philadelphia 3635 Lancaster Ave. Philadelphia PA 19104 Phone: (215) 222-1641

SCULPTURE Sculpture & Painting 410 Esty St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Kalsang L. Oshoe Phone: 607-272-5557 Tseten Lhagyal (Nyarong) 48-16 46th St. #C2 Woodside, NY 11377 Phone: (718) 316-5302

STONE MASON Sonam Lama MA Tibetan Association P.O. Box 822 Greenfield, MA 01302 Phone: (413) 773-5751

STORES * Bakor * 309-East 9th St. New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 995-1060 andrugtsang@yahoo.com Beautiful Tibet 322 Bleecker St, Between Christopher & Grove New York, NY 10014 Phone: (212) 414-2773 nchoden@yahoo.com Dharmaware Inc. 54E Tinker St. Woodstock, NY 12498 Phone: US: (888) 679 4900 Intl: (845) 679 4900 www.dharmaware.com Do Kham 51 Prince St. New York, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 966-2404 Fax: (212) 334-1245 Dolma Tibetan Carpets 417 Lafayette St., 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 460-5525 dolmarugs@aol.com www.dolmarugs.com dZi - Tibet Collection 150 Pleasant St. #320 Easthampton, MA 01027 Phone: 800-318-5857 info@tibetcollection.com www.tibetcollection.com Floracopeia 206 Sacramento St., Ste. 304 Nevada City, CA 95959 Phone: (530) 470-9269 www.floracopeia.com Gateway to Tibet –Zagyel Studio 60 Main St. Phoenicia, NY 12464 Phone: (845) 688-5602 gala@gatewaytotibet.com www.gatewaytotibet.com Himalayan Arts 10 Main St. Water St.Market #408 New Paltz, NY 12561 Phone: (845) 256-1940 himalayanarts@aol.com

Himalayan Crafts 2007 Brd.way New York, NY 10023 United States Phone: (212) 787-8500 Fax: (212) 787-8548 himacraft@aol.com www.himalayancraft.com Himalayan Vision 1584 First Ave. New York, NY 10028 Phone: (212) 988-6573 himvision@aol.com Himalayan Vision 2 127 Second Ave. New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 254-1952 Fax: (212) 473-8959 himvision@aol.com Land of Buddha 128 MacDougal St. New York NY 10012 Dawa T. Sherpa Phone: (646) 206-9466 Fax: (646) 602-6587 dawa35@yahoo.com www.landofbuddha.com * Lhasa Boutique * 46 Ave. B New York, NY 10009 Karma Gelek or Ugyen Phone: (347) 237-3086 lhasaboutique@hotmail.com Mandala 17 Saint Mark's Place New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 260-1550 Fax: (212) 260-1550 mandalatibet@aol.com * Modern Tibet * 103 Sullivan St. (btwn. Prince & Spring) New York, NY 10012 Tsering Gyaltsen, Karma Yangzom Phone: (646) 613-0600 www.tibetlooms.com Rory Rubino, Oriental Antiques 263 First Ave. New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 260-0602 Sega Carpet New York Inc 117 Greewich Ave. New York, NY 10014 Phone: (212) 727-8084 segacarpet@blackberry.net SEMBA 316 Bleeker St. New York, NY 10014 Phone: 212-680-1973 semba4u@aol.com Sera Dechen 63 East 7th St. New York, NY 10003 seradechen@verizon.net *Shangri-La Day Spa* 247 West 72nd St. New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 579-0615 www.shangri-ladayspa.com

Tibet Jewel 197 Bleecker St. New York, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 260-5880 vajrapema@yahoo.com www.vajrapema.com

Windhorse Trading Inc. 33-31 71st St. Jackson Heights, NY 11372 Phone: (718) 565-8804 windhorse555@aol.com www.shopwindhorse.com

Tibet Bazaar 473 Amsterdam Ave. New York, NY 10024 Phone/Fax: (212) 595-8487

Wisdom of Tibet 43 Carmine St. New York, NY 10014 Phone: (212) 255-2077 wisdomoftibet@yahoo.com

Tibet Carpet Inc. 29 Howard St. New York, NY 10013 Phone: (212) 966-7661 info@tibetcarpet.com www.tibetcarpet.com Tibet Emporium 156 Sullivan St. New York, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 228-8991 tibetemp@aol.com * Tibet Gallery * 1916 13th St. Boulder, CO 80302 Tenzin Pasang Phone: (303) 402-0140 info@tibetgallery.net www.tibetgallery.net Tibet Himalayan Gifts & Accessories 213 West 80th St. New York, NY 10024 Phone: (212) 873-9884 Fax: (212) 580-3712 tibet80st@aol.com www.tibet-80st.com Tibet Kailash 48 Greenwich Ave. New York, NY 10011 Phone: (212) 255-9572 Tibet Mobile 37-50 74th St. Jackson Heights, NY 11372 Mingmar / Phuntsok Phone: (718) 205-2339 (917) 657-8187 tibetmobile@gmail.com www.tibetmobile.com Vajra Collections 172 Prince St. New York, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 680-1973 Fax: (212) 5291945thinktibet@aol.com Vajra Pema 144 Sullivan St. New York, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 529-4344 Fax: (212) 529-1945 vajrapema@yahoo.com www.vajrapema.com * Vision of Tibet * 167 Thompson St. New York, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 995-9276 zoksang@hotmail.com www.visionoftibet.com

Yak Mountain Looms Berkeley Design Center 31-95 Adeline St. Berkeley, CA 94703 Phone: (510) 985-2880 ymlooms@pacbell.net

TANGKA RESTO RAT ION Susan St. C. Bennett Phone: (503) 679-0037 (503) 895-6459 suzette@stormingheaven.com Ann Shaftel MSc, MA Conservator of Thangkas Phone: (902) 222-1467 tsondru@ns.sympatico.ca www.tsondru.com

TIBETAN ART APPRAISALS Lobsang N. Aye 61 Grove St., #4A New York, NY 10014 Phone: (212) 989-1829 Werner-ayeaaa@verizon.com

TIBETAN HISTORIAN/SCHOLAR Lobsang Sherab 993 Amsterdam Ave., Apt. 5A New York, NY 10025 Phone: (646) 255-4434 lobsangct@yahoo.com

TIBETAN BUDDHIST STUDY CENTERS The Bodhi Line Buddhist Information Line info@bodhiline.org www.bodhiline.org Brooklyn Buddhist Associstion Sogen International Zen Dojo of Brooklyn Kai 211 Smith St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 Phone: (718) 488-9511 Fax: (718) 797-1073 aikido@mindspring.com www.directmind.com Center for Buddhist Studies Columbia University 623 Kent Hall New York, NY 10027 Phone: (212) 851-4149 (212) 851-4122 www.columbia.edu/cu/religion/cbs.html

Center for Dzogchen Studies 17 Tour Ave. New Haven, Connecticut 10512 Lama Tsondu Sangpo Lama Padma Karma Phone: (203) 387-9992 for.dzogchen@snet.net www.dzogchenatudies.com Chuang Yen Monastery 2020 Route 301 Carmel, NY 10512 Phone: (845) 225-1819 Fax: (845) 228-4283 info@baus.org www.baus.org Friends of Drepung Gomang Monastery 633 Fern Rd. Glenside, PA 19038 Phone: (215) 576-5697 Andrea Kurz kurzmail@aol.com www.gomang.org Gaden Chophel Ling 186 West 6th St. Howell, New Jersey 07731 Phone: (732) 367-3940 Ven. Yonten Gyatso Jewel Heart New York 260 West Brd.way, # 1G New York, NY 10013 Phone: (212) 966-2807 www.jewelheart.org Office of Jewel Heart New York 33 Katonah Ave. Katonah, NY 10536 Fax: (914) 232-1398 www.jewelheart.org Gehlek Rinpoche newyork@jewelheart.org www.jewelheart.org Kagyu Dsamling Kunchab 35 West19th St., Apt. # 5 New York, NY 10011 Phone: (212) 989-5989 Kagyu Thupten Choling 245 Sheafe Rd. Wappinger Falls, NY 12590 Lama Norlha Phone: (845) 297-2500 Fax: (845) 297-5761 office@kagyu.com www.kagyu.com Karma Thegsum Choling Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche Phone: (212) 580-9282 nyc@kagyu.org www.kjagyu.org/centerusa/usanyc.html Karma Triyana Dharmachakra Monastery 335 Meads Mountain Rd. Woodstock, New York 12498 Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche (845) 679-5906 www.kagyu.org

Labsum Shedrub Ling Buddhist Learning Center 93 Angen Rd. Washington, NJ 07882 Phone: (908) 689-6080 Diana & Joshua Cutler www.labsum.org Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies 412 N. Aurora St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: (607) 273-0739 Fax: (607) 256-5132 namgyal@lightlink.com www.namgyal.com Nechung Foundation 110 First Ave. # 5 New York, NY 10009 Lama Pema Dorjee www.nechungnyc.org New York Insight Meditation Center 28 West 27th St., 10th Fl. New York, NY 10001 Phone: (212) 213-4802 nyinsight@earthlink.net www.nyimc.org NY Shambhala Center & Dharmadhatu of NY 118 West 22nd St., 6th Fl. New York, NY 10011 Phone: (212) 675-6544 Fax: (212) 633-8486 nysc@compuserve.com www.shambhala.org Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Ave Boulder, CO 80302 Phone: (303) 444.0202 Fax: (303) 444.041 www.naropa.edu Orgyen Cho Dzong Nyingma Tersar Retreat Center 5345 Route 81 Greenville, NY 12083 Phone: (518) 966 4077 Fax: (518) 966 8971 OCDSangha@aol.com www.tersar.org Online Database of Buddhist Study Centers and Events 233 Old Halifax Rd. Glen Haven, Nova Scotia B3Z 2X3 CANADA Ken Wallace Phone: (902) 820-2233 design@sealevel.ns.ca www.buddhactivity.org Padmasambhava Buddhist Center 151 Lexington Ave. #8A New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 683-4958 Khenpo Palden Sherab Rinpoche KhenpoTsewang Dongyal Rinpoche Palden Sakya Center 4 West 101st St. #63 New York, NY 10025 Phone: (212) 866-4339 289 Brookside Ave. Cresskill, NJ 07626 Phone: (201) 541-0007 www.paldensakya.org

Palyul Retreat Center 359 German Hollow Rd McDonough, NY 13801 Phone: (607) 656-4645 www.retreat.payul.org Palyul Changchub Dargelying 101 W. 23rd St, Box 2336 New York, NY 10011 tsenor@palyul.org www.palyul.org Pema Tsal Meditation Center 541 Pacific St. Brooklyn, NY 11217-1902 Phone: (718) 797-9569 www.pematsal.com PSC of Woodstock 15 Meads Mountain Rd. Woodstock, NY 12498 Phone: (854) 679-4024 Fax: (854) 679-4093 Lama Pema Wangdak Rashi Gempil Ling First Kalmuk Buddhist Temple 47 East 5th St. Howell, NJ 07731 Phone: (732) 364-1824 Geshe Lobsang Tharchin Rigpa New York P.O.Box #513 New York, NY 10014 Phone: (212) 595-3573 Sogyal Rinpoche Sakya Phunstok Ling Center For Tibetan Buddhist Studies & Meditation 354 Prelude Dr. Silver Spring, MD 20901 Phone: (301) 589-3115 sakya@erols.com Siddhartha School Project 9 Frost Brook Lane P.O. Box 524 Freeport, ME 04032 Phone: (207) 865-0744 Fax: (212) 740-2505 Geshe Lobzang Tsetan tsetan@earthlink.net www.siddharthaschool.org Tashi Lhunpo Temple 12 Kalmuk Rd. Howell, NJ 07731 Phone: (732) 363-6012 Ven. Tenzin Dakpa tenzing@olnagazur.org www.olnagazur.org The Tibet Center 25 Washington St., Ste. 304 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Phone: (718) 222-0007 Fax: (718) 222-0087 Khyongla Rato Rinpoche info@thetibetcenter.org www.thetibetcenter.org Tibetan Monastery 711 Amsterdam Ave. #5B New York, NY 10025

Tsechen Kunchab Ling 341 Lafayette St. # 755 New York, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 717-0832 Ingodup@nyana.org Lama Lobsang Ngodup Tsechen Kunchab LingTemple of All-EncompassingGreat Compassion Seat of H.H. The Sakya Tenzin in U.S. 12 Edmunds Lane Walden, NY 12586 Phone: (301) 592-9286 info@sakyatemple.org www.sakyatemple.org Yeshe Nyingpo 19 West 16th St. New York, NY 10011 Phone: (212) 691-8523 (917) 407-8376 nyingpo@aol.com www.tersar.org Zangdokpalri Foundation 130 7th Ave. New York, NY 10011 Phone: (212) 615.6816 Kyapgon Kunzang/Dechen Lingpa info@totalgoodness.org www.zangdokpalri.org

EXPERT S IN TIBETAN MEDICINE Dr. Tenzin Dakpa khawarispa@yahoo.com Dr. Yeshi Dhonden C/o Dr. Marsha Woolf 416 West 23rd St., 1D New York, NY 1001 Phone: (212) 741-2727 amchila@aol.com Dr. Choeying Phuntsok Meridian Medical Group, PC 102 East 30th St. New York, NY 10016 www.meridianmedical.org Himalayan Health Care P.O. Box 737 Plantarium Station New York, NY 10024 Phone: (212) 829-869 info@himalayan-healthcare.org www.himalayanhealthcare.org

TRANSLATORS / INTERPRETERS English & Tibetan Interpreter 32-55 Steinway St. Apt. # 3B Astoria, NY 11103 Contact: Karma Namgyal Phone: (646) 673-3373 English & Tibetan Interpreter 410 Esty St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Contact: Palden Oshoe Phone: (607) 272-5557 paldenoshoe@yahoo.com Tibetan Translation & Interpretation 1669 Linden St. Ridgewood, NY 11385 Contact: Pasang Tsering Phone: (212) 851-6109 Fax: (718) 417-0314 him_goodhealth@yahoo.com

WOODCARV ING Dholak 26 Welson St. Apt.23 Jersey City, NJ 07306 Phone: (201) 933-8666 Pempa Tsering 729 Heinz Ave. #10 Berkeley, CA 94710 Phone: (510) 644-2735 Fax: (510) 644-0696 www.artworksfoundery.com

WEAVING Ancient Weave, Inc. 243 East 59th St. New York, NY 10022 Phone: (212) 486-4044 gyurme@ancientweave.com www.ancientweave.com Phurbu Kyipa 38 A Washington St. #2 NH Keene, NH 03431 * Highlighted * businesses honor THUS member discounts

Dr. Tashi Rabten Blue Rock Medical Center 117 Ridge Rd. Valley Cottage, NY 10989 Dr.Tenzin Thaye 42-34 77th St., 2nd Floor Jackson Heights, NY 11373 United States Phone: (917) 385-9055 drtenzinthaye@yahoo.co.uk Dr. Eliot Tokar Chapori Foundation 151-31 88th St. Howard Beach, NY 11414 Phone: 718-641-7323 etokar@aol.com





20 Rockefeller Plaza at 49th St. New York, NY 212.636.2000 www.christies.com

338 Lighthouse Ave. Staten Island, NY 718.987.3500 www.tibetanmuseum.org

SEPTEMBER 16Masterpieces of Himalayan Guilt Bronze

From Staten Island to Shangri-La: The Collecting Life of Jacques Marchais Through December 31

SEPTEMBER 16South Asian Modern & Contemporary Art SEPTEMBER 16Masterpieces from the Zimmerman Family Collection

SOTHEBY’S AUCTION HOUSE 1334 York Avenue at 72nd St. New York, NY 212.606.7000 www.sothebys.com SEPTEMBER 17Contemporary Art Asian SEPTEMBER 18Modern & Contemporary Indian Art SEPTEMBER 19Indian & Southeast Asians Works of Art

ASIA SOCIETY & MUSEUM 725 Park Avenue at 70th St. New York, NY 212.288.6400 www.asiasociety.org SEPTEMBER 5, 2008 JANUARY 11, 2009 Art and China's Revolution

THE NEWARK MUSEUM 49 Washington St. Newark, New Jersey 973.596.6550 www.newarkmuseum.org Ongoing Exhibitions: Southeast Asian Images in Stone and Terracotta The Ancient Buddhist Kingdoms of South Asia

RUBIN MUSEUM OF ART 150 West 17th St. New York, NY 212.620.5000 www.rmanyc.org MARCH 14 – OCTOBER 13 Nepal in Black and White: Photographs by Kevin Bubriski MARCH 14 – MARCH 16, 2009 From the Land of the Gods: Art of the Kathmandu Valley MAY 2 – OCTOBER 13 Red, Black, and Gold SEPTEMBER 19, 2008 – JANUARY 5, 2009 The Dragon’s Gift: The Sacred Arts of Bhutan






SEPTEMBER 25 - 27 Dharamsala, India Teachings on Je Tsongkhapa's The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lamrim chenmo) www.dalailama.com

MARCH 11 Dharamsala, India Annual teaching from the Jataka Tales. www.dalailama.com

SEPTEMBER 30 OCTOBER 4 Dharamsala, India Teachings on Arya Nagarjuna's Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel) and Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa). www.dalailama.com

Chandrakirti’s Introduction to the Middle Way. Hosted by Tibet House US

SWITZERLAND OCTOBER 10 - 12 Basel, Switzerland Teachings on Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa) and Ngulchu Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva (gyalsey laklen sodunma) www.dalailama2008.ch

MAY 4 - 6 New York, NY

www.tibethouse.org JULY 10 - 12 Kaza, H.P., India Topic yet to be decided. www.dalailama.com

GERMANY JULY 28 - 31 Frankfurt, Germany Teachings on Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa). www.dalailama-frankfurt.de AUGUST 1 - 2 Frankfurt, Germany Dialogue - One World, One Mind, One Heart - on the subject of global responsibilities followed by a interfaith event & public talk. www.dalailama-frankfurt.de These dates represent the schedule at the time of printing the newsletter. Please check www.dalailama.com for the latest additions or changes.





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$10 per month for 1 year (Supporting Member +)

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– Basic Membership benefits, plus: – A complimentary spa treatment at Shangrila Day Spa, NYC area residents only (a $150 value)

FRIEND OF TIBET HOUSE ($1,000 - $10,000) – Sponsor Membership benefits, plus: – Invitations to special events, private cocktail parties and dinners – Private docent tours of exhibitions – Invitations to lectures by distinguished speakers – Two Tibet House discount cards (see above)



Miranda Adams * Amerinda Alpern * Alto Cinco Inc.* Laura & Alvin Andersson-Potter * Christa Armstrong * Lily Bafandi * Carol Baldwin * Marielle Bancou-Segal * Robert Baylis * Susan Berenson * Lisa Levine & Ed Bernstein * Rachana Bhatia * Kathy Bierman * Sharon Binder * Nancy Black * Cynthia Black * Jean Blanchard * Sheldon Blitstein * Sara Blumenthal * David Boatwright * Sebastian & Lyda Brandimarte * Phillip & Judith A. Brenes * Marie Louise Broch * Josephine Brunoski * Thomas Brunoski * Robert T Burns * Renee Bussiere * Veronica Campanelli * Kathleen Cannon * Recine Carmela * Colleen Carolan * Sal Cataldo * Linda P. Chang * Denice Chenault * Elinor & Walter Christie * Reece Clark * Paul Daniels & Stephen Cole * Mary Jo Colli * Frederic Conte * French & Gabriele Conway * Katherine H. Cook * K. James Crandell * George M. Cuestav * Ann & Joseph Debaldo * Jacques & Petra Delli-Paoli * Leah DeSole * Matthew T. Doheny * Carole Donnelly * Melanie & Ted Drouet * Chad Elson * Martha Forelli * Raymond Foye * Barbara Fushille * Albert & Claudia Barry Garcia * Leigh Gardella * David Mark Gaston * Arlene Gellman * Marsha Glazebrook * Donald Glazer * Mary Goldberg * Ingrid Gordon * Nanette Greene * Chantal Grindon * Judy Grossman * Elizabeth R. Guyton * Christine Hammer * Tamson Hamrock * Janean Strong Harris * Carol Hassenberg * Marcia & Howard Herman * Margaret Hinshaw * Thomas Hitchcock * Peggy Hitchcock * Laura Hoffmann * Steven Holl * Monica & Eric Howden Sheffert * Don Hynes * Lee Irvine * Alexandra Moltke Isles * Thomas K. Jasper * David W. Johnson * Jane Kaczmarek * Carolyn Kane * Adriene Karecki * Mary Karlan * Tim Kashani * Mary & Tom Kearns * Barry Kerner * Susan Kessler * Brian Kistler * Sharon Kitzhaber * Frederick C. Kneip * Marija M. Knezevic * Andrew Kornstein * Jeffrey H. Kunken * Brenda Lamb * Judith Lambertson * Susan Lanker * Steven U. Leitner * Priscila Lewis * Patricia A. Linnemeyer * Erika Long * John N. Loomis * H. Christopher Luce * Loenie Luterman * Jo Marie * Shiela W. Mark * Donald & Maria Marks * David Marshall * David Marshall * Bonnie Marx * Peter Matthiessen * Stephen May * Brian McInerney * Sunish G. Mehta * Leslie Meredith * Sheila Metzner * John D. Miller * Gail Bliss Moore * Daniela Morera * Susan Morton * Jamie L. Moser * John M. Murphy * Angela Menyes & Tibor Nagy * Anil Nanda * Walter Nathan * Gaylord Neely * Margaret Neu * Noelle Newell * Stacey Clarfield Newman * Janice Nittoli * Thomas Nugent * Carole O'Blenes * Paul D. O'Brien * Wataru Ohashi * Danny O'Neill * Kacey O'Reilly * Harold Osborn * Deb Pacznski * Wendy E. Palmer * Jim & Mary Panttaja * Joseph E. Pattison * Andrew S. Paul * Bruce Payne * Lucia & James Perry * Esther Podemski * Helene Podziba * Josefina Polanco * Ross Ann Policano * Alice E. Price * Nathaniel Priest * Paresh Puhan * Anne Radcliffe * Nichole Raftis * Laura Raskin * Elizabeth Read * Robin Renzi * Mitchell Rigie * Leslyn Green Rigoni * Luis R. RiosGarcia * Daniel S. Rocker * Adelaide F. Rogula * Bal Roman * Laura Rosenthal * Kathryn Ross * Sandra Ross * Mary C. Rower * Shelley Rubin * Rachel Ryer * Marilyn M. Saltus * Eugene Schaffer * Mary Schaffer * Alice Schulman * Martin Scorsese * Sharon Selwyn * Mary Joe Sentner * Karen Shannon * Sue Shapiro * Susan Shepard * Meredith Davis & Stratford Sherman * Suman Shirodkar * Paul M. Simao * Wendy Sizer * Gregory K. Skraznas * Barbara Sloat * Barbara Sloat * Camilla Smith * Anha Girshick & Scott Snibbe * Geshe L. Sopa * Dawn Sparks * Jonathan D. Springer * Catherine Steinmann * Charlotte & Alfred Steinmetz * Cheryl Stockton * Carol Stone * Priti Suri * J. Gregory Swendsen * Beverlee Marks Taub * Angelica Thieriot * Kate Thomas * Michael Tims * Lorinda Toscas * Ricardo Tucci * Ann M. Tyson * Richard Unger * Ashish Vashisht * Kimberly Voigt * Anna Vranos * Roger A. Vrilakas * Barry Wagner * Lavita Wai * Mark T. Waller * Jessica Wang * Alan Wanzenberg * Laura Wasserman * Robert & Champa Weinreb * Karla Wenzel * Jean Whitten * Griff Willams * Susan Wilson * John S. Wolfson * Norman Wong * Anne Elizabeth Glasscock Wynn * Pegi & Neil Young * Candice Zarr * Mary Ann & Edward R. Zitka


Frances Allen * Carol P. Arnold * Judith Atkinson * Anna Avila * Daniel Baldini * Julia Balk * Barbara Bankson * Andrew Bartlett * Annie Bien * Ann Blanchard * Jonathan Boorstein * Nancy Braxton *Linda Briety * Daniel Browne * Michael Bruzik * Teresa F. Buchan * Ellen Cahn * Craig W. Carlson * Maura Carroll * Kathleen Cassels * Jack Cerveri * Trena Cerveri * Jeannine Chandler * Guomei Chen * Frank Cogan * Danny Conant * Ann Cunningham * Sheila Cunningham * Penelope Custer * Tenki Davis * Christina Dechen * Carole Deeb * Donald Delaney * Radu Diaconescu * Suzanne Dickerson * Alice Diennor * Arthur Dion * Anne B. Dorsey * Scott A. Drossemeier * Graceanne Druiett * Elizabeth Emens * Sigo Falk * Joan S. Faulkner * Andrea Fink * Daniel Forero * Linda Forrester * Marie L. Friquegnon * Noreen Gaffney * Kathleen Gaier * Jessica Galgano * Stephen Geldman * Michael George * Earl J. Glusac * Barbara A. Graham * David Granovetter * Belva Green * Patricia E. Guida * Michael Gunn * John Hanbury * Milt Harwick * Dorothy Hentschel * Tamara Hill * Juliet Holland * Joseph Hooper * Maria Jakosalem * David Jurman * Richard Justin * Nancy Kailes * Lisa Kaiser * Ingrid Kasper * Estelle Kerner Young Kim * Louis King * Tatsuaki Kobayashi * Elizabeth & Todd Koelmel * Alan Konefsky * Leslie R. Kriesel * Robert Langan * Michael Lemle * Jan Levi * John Lobell * Edward D, Lonchiek * James H. Lurie * Oren R Lyons * Kasia Walicka Maimone * Robin G. Males * Jo Marie * Sandra Markovich * Gillian Marshall * Dorothy Martin * Charlayne Mattingly * Pamela Maurice * John McClure * Megan McCormick * Cloudia P. McKeon * Kevin J. McLaughlin * Joan P. Mencher * Solomon Mendelson * Karen Miller * Hilda H. Minarik * Margaret Moran * Mareille Mosler * Carole Murowitz * Charlotte M. Ness * Mary Neumann * Christine Ann O’Donnell * Janet O'Hare * Bernard Onken * Chacko Pallathucheril * Joyce Pegg * Ann Sophie Persson * Richard Pfeffer * Laurin Ralken * Fred Randall * Jan Reynold * Hyacinth Richards * Ranold Ridolfo * Hannah G. Robinson * Jeanne Roper * Asaf Rosenheim * Dave Rudin * Dale Saltzman * Ernesto Sanchez * John Sanderson * Valorie Sands- Udelis * Christine M. Scarano * Joan Schaffer * Karen Schoolman * Suzanne A. Schwartz * Miranda Shaw * Jean Simard * John Simms * Michelle Slater * Nick Sprague * William H. & Sheila D. Stein * Ralph Stein * Richard Stewart * Kathleen Strickland * Angela Strynkowski * Evelyn Talbot * Jane Tamang * Lainey Tant * John Bigelow Taylor * Diane Terry * Renee Thiel * Mary Thompson * Drake Thomson * Roni Toporovsky * Margaret M. Townsend * Mark A. Tracy * Bart Truxillo * Sheryil Udolf * Nyvette Vicens * Stephen Westfall * Marvin Wexler * Edwina Williams * Sheila D. Williams * Debra Jean Williams * Williams Stefan Wolak * Cheng Zheng * Yonathan Zilber Tibet House has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of your name. If any errors or omissions have occurred please accept our apologies.


NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE AND IN THE GIFT SHOP VANISHING TIBET 80 Pages Hardcover The successful Tibet House exhibition "Vanishing Tibet" included 60 works of art by Catherine Steinmann and Danny Conant. The photographers make the transition from traditional darkroom photography to mixed media work (using materials such as metal, silk, satin, wood and Tibetan paper) resulting in visually stunning and thought provoking art. The publication "Vanishing Tibet", which includes over 60 images, is published by Tibet House U.S. in association with Overlook Duckworth.


ORDER YOUR COPY NOW FROM THE TIBET HOUSE ONLINE STORE. Visit WWW.TIBETHOUSE.ORG for a unique selection of books, cards, and gift items. Also available at the Gift Shop, 12-5pm M-F Tibet House members receive 10% off online and Gift Shop purchases.


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