YLP 2015 Booklet

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Young Leaders Programme



Š 2015 Transparency International Cambodia. All rights reserved.

CONTENT Foreword


Transparency International Cambodia


Young Leaders Programme






Training Method


Course Syllabus


Class time


How to enrol


Guest Speakers


YLP Alumni


FOREWORD Dear Young Leaders, I am very pleased to welcome you to our Young Leadership Programme which we have specifically designed to help youth gain the knowledge and skills that are not only crucial to become leaders but also most relevant and necessary to address the key issues facing Cambodian society nowadays. During this five-week program, you will have the opportunity to interact with and learn from prominent individuals, most of whom are practitioners from different fields including civil society organisations, businesses and the media. We believe this will come as a useful complement to the academic knowledge you have accumulated at school and university. This project is part of our broader citizen and youth empowerment programme, which seeks to engage citizens, especially the youth, to play a more active role in promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in Cambodia and ultimately contribute to on-going reform efforts undertaken by the Royal Government of Cambodia. Everyone will agree with me that, with the current dynamics and percentage of young people in Cambodia, you are tomorrow’s change makers. Therefore we have high hopes of you creating a better Cambodian society. The future of our country will be shaped and led by you all, future leaders. I wish you all the best with this young leadership programme and all the success you deserve in your future endeavours.

Sincerely yours,

Preap Kol Executive Director Transparency International Cambodia


TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL CAMBODIA Transparency International (TI) is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption. It brings people together in a powerful worldwide coalition to end the devastating impact of corruption on men, women, and children around the world. TI’s mission is to create change towards a world free of corruption. Transparency International Cambodia (TI Cambodia) is the National Chapter of Transparency International. The mission of TI Cambodia is to work together with individuals and institutions at all levels to promote integrity and reduce corruption in Cambodia.

While people from the older generation tend to see corruption as an inevitable and acceptable fact of life, young people are more open to wide-scale sociopolitical transformation and can help change attitudes and build zero-tolerance for graft and bribery. With this in mind, TI Cambodia has launched an Anti-Corruption Young Leadership Programme (YLP), a five-week intensive training seeking to inspire and empower youth to take the lead in the fight against corruption in their communities.

To achieve its mission, TI Cambodia seeks to engage and empower citizens in the fight against corruption. In a country where 65 per cent of the population is under the age of 30, engaging youth is particularly After one year of implementation (2012-2013), the “Citizen and Youth Engagement Programme” had benefitted 5,330 youths from 20 provinces and municipalities in Cambodia.


“Founding and leading the very 1st generation of TI Cambodia’s Young Leaders Programme (YLP) was one of the most remarkable experiences of my life. The project’s vision is to build the leadership skills of young people for them to become outstanding ethical leaders who have the whole package of what it takes (critical thinking, positive attitude, understanding of the governance system, leadership skills and ability to lead projects) and are actively and genuinely committed to make a positive change in Cambodia. Most importantly, YLP provides opportunities and support for young leaders to translate the lessons learnt and inspiration received into concrete action by helping them to lead community projects and initiatives against corruption. The talented YLP graduates and reputable guest speakers of the first batch of this programme have been truly amazing and inspiring. I am hopeful that the principles of ethical leadership and integrity, and the desire to serve humanity and make a difference and improve people’s lives will be embedded deep inside the hearts and minds of the YLPers. Let’s keep on making positive contributions at an even larger scale as we move forward with our journey to build a better Cambodia. “ Nara Sokhema (Former) Project Officer, TI Cambodia

YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAMME Background The Young Leaders Programme (YLP) is a five-week intensive training course aiming to enhance youths’ leadership skills and help them lead the fight against against corruption in their communities. Specific attention is given to: • Positive Attitude & Integrity: Youths are inspired to live a life of integrity, set themselves clear life goals and become good citizens actively contributing to the social development of their country. • Good Governance & Anti-Corruption: Youths are taught about Cambodia‘s political and governance system, the principles of transparency, anti-corruption and good governance, as well as the role they can play at the community and country level. • Leadership & Inspiration: Youths’ leadership skills are enhanced so that they can start making positive change and inspire others to do the same. • Capacity & Technical skills to lead projects: Once inspired to make a change, youths are equipped with the technical knowledge and tools to take concrete action and lead impactful projects to fight corruption and promote integrity in their communities.

Trainers Trainers of this programme have wide-ranging experience in the fields of development, project management and anti-corruption. They are keen to transmit their principles of integrity and ethics to the particpants and help them create a better society.

Training Method The training method is flexible and fosters creative and innovative approaches. The course includes presentations and workshops, experience-sharing by experts, film screenings, as well as hands-on exercises and team activities.


Area of focus



Course Syllabus

Personal Attitude

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Leadership and Inspiration

Role M peopl lives



Class time



Monday - Thursday: 17:45 - 20:00 Saturday & Sunday (half-day or full-day)

How to enrol Around 30 candidates will be selected to join the programme for each batch. Candidates shall send their application form to TI Cambodia and shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. For more information about the process and to download the application form, please visit www.ticambodia.org.

Commitment to Good Governance and Anti-Corruption


Anti-C Good


Online and D

Technology for Change




Video Fund


Project Leadership




Project Pitching






Method Team Building Games

onal Development – Positive thinking

Workshop & reflection exercise

bits to highly effective youth

Presentation and exercise

discovery and future goal

Workshop & reflection exercise

tivity and “Out of comfort zone”

Movie (the Croods)


Presentation and exercise

o is your role Model?”

Presentation and Reflection

Model’s Life journey sharing (Inspiring le who change the world at work and

Video and Reflection


Workshop and discussion

tive Communication

Presentation and exercise

c Speaking

Presentation and exercise

ern Learning

Presentation and exercise

bodia Political System


Corruption Law




parency & Integrity

Workshop and experience sharing

e collaboration through Google drive Dropbox


e Survey and registration form for events


nological tools for advocacy and outreach



o Clip Production Raising

Training Training Training



h-let initiatives around the world

Sharing Session

osal writing


ect Management


cation for Project pitching

h Project Pitching



Mr. Preap Kol is a founder and the current Executive Director of TI Cambodia. He is also the United Nations Convention against Corruption Coalition's regional coordinator for Asia-Pacific. He has over 15 years of experience working with several international organisations and development agencies and possesses extensive knowledge of governance, social accountability and anti-corruption issues. Kol holds a Master's degree in Political Science from a cambodian University and has attended many professional development training courses around the globe. He was appointed as Ambassador for Peace of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), in June 2010 for his remarkable contribution to promoting ethical values, morals and peace.

Mr. Pech Pisey is Transparency International Cambodia’s Director of Programmes. He has more than ten years of experience in the field of development and has worked for several notable non-governmental organisations and UN agencies. He holds a Master’s degree in Globalisation Development and Transition from the University of Westminster in London.

Mr. Pen Raksa is the Partnership & Coalition Building Manager of Transparency International Cambodia. He has more than 17 years of experience in the private and public sector including the Mekong River Commission (MRC), the Council for Development of Cambodia-CDC and the UNDP. He has extensive exeprience in administration, finance and project management and solid knowledge of policy analysis. Mr. Raksa holds a Master’s degree in Public Management from the National School of Administration of France (ENA) & the Royal University of Law and Economics.

Ms. Virak Bonnarath is Fundraising Officer at the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) and a chairperson of Lady Saving Group (LSG). She is a Fullbright alumni and a member of the Undergraduate State Alumni Association of Cambodia (FUSSAC). She used to work for the Youth Resource Development Programme (YRDP), where she was responsible for coordinating youth grants for community projects. She has experience in building the capacity of youth on proposal writing, project management, and resource mobilisation.

Mr. Bou Sarouen is Communications Officer at the World Bank’s Cambodia Office. He is responsible for developing and implementing the World Bank’s country communications strategy and contributing to the its East Asia regional communications strategy. Mr. Bou also provides Cambodia-related political and economic updates and economic counsel to the Bank management and provides communications support for World Bank supported projects.



1st Batch YLP Chan Peter is a 20-year old student at the Institute of Foreign Languages, majoring in international studies. While volunteering, he learnt how to work in a team and lead a project. He joined the Young Leaders Programme because he was eager to fight corruption in Cambodia. He now shares the knowledge he gained from the programme with others. The programme has helped him figure out what he can do for his country. “I will contribute to Cambodia’s development by fighting corruption,” he said.

Chhay Tola is a junior management student at the Cambodian Mekong University. He has been part of many charities and volunteered as a fundraiser and a teacher in an orphanage. He is a member of the Cambodian Mekong University‘s Student Volunteer for Community (CSVC). During the Young Leaders Programme, he learnt about the importance of integrity and the impact of corruption. The course also helped him identify his weaknesses and talents. He says that he benefited from the experience and wise words shared by the various guest speakers, and that the training inspired him to raise other young Cambodians’ awareness and encourage them to actively engage in the fight against corruption.

Chhim Lymeng is a Junior at Zaman University. He joined the Young Leaders Programme to learn new skills in project design and management. He used to find it hard to speak in public but the course helped him improve his public speaking skills. He appreciated that all participants were very knowledgeable and pro-active. What he took home from the course is the emphasis on a positive attitude and the inspirational sessions. “I have absorbed much from this programme. It is much more resourceful than studying at school”, he said.

Kheng Ratha is a 20-year old junior psychology student at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. What he took home from the Young Leaders Programme training is a better understanding of Cambodia’s governance system and the Anti- Corruption Law as well as means to report corruption. He said he was impressed by the fact that Mr. Preap Kol, executive director of TI Cambodia, was born in a poor family and yet has become a successful person working to improve other people’s lives. He understood that it is all about setting oneslef clear goals. Ratha is now well-committed to fighting corruption and promoting integrity in his community.

Khon Sonita is a 19-year old sophomore at the University of Cambodia majoring in International Relations. She loves volunteeringing, reading, networking with likeminded people and exploring news things. Through the programme she learnt about personal development and improved her understanding of the Anti-Corruption Law and corruption-reporting mechanisms.

Kosoma Kim is a s sophomore student at the National University of Management, majoring in Business English. She has been volunteering for various organisations since highschool. Bolstered by the practical knowledge she gained at the training, she is currently leading two anti-corruption projects with Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative and TI Cambodia.


Mean Vanbunly is a 22-year old senior at the Royal University of Fine Arts majoring in Graphic Design/ Visual Communications. He is working at Raijing Media .Inc as a Graphic & Web Designer. He is interested in photography, video editing, water color painting, and is Internet-savvy. He joined the Young Leaders Programme to try and become a good leader in the future. He learned about corruption and the governance context and says he was happy to interact with speakers from such various backgrounds. ‘Many things have changed for me. I want to help and develop my society for the benefit of future generations,’ he said.

NUON Sochenda is a 19-year old freshman with a major in Engineering at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC). He likes drawing cartoons and has designed flyers, posters for youth-related projects. He was naturally drawn to the Young Leaders Programme, where he improved his knowledge on corruption issues and was inspired to be a responsible young leader promoting integrity and transparency. among his peers.

Ouk Bunheang is 21-year old International Relations student at the Cambodia Mekong University (CMU) and a training volunteer at CamASEAN. He likes to read books related to psychology, business and politics in his spare time. He joined the Young Leaders Program because he wanted to know more about the responsibilities of the youth in the fight against corruption. He will keep all the lessons learnt in mind and share them with his friends.

Phan Sok Phuong is 21-year old senior at the Institute of Foreign Languages, Department of English. He is interested in political, social and environmental issues. He is conducting internship programs at AmCham Cambodia and AII, and also a team member of Politikoffee (Youth Voice Forum). He wishes to pursue a career in teaching and social services in order to inspire other young Cambodian to advocate for peaceful democratic reform, and promote Cambodian youth’s participation in national and international politics and governance reform agenda.

Phon Sarakphun, a 18 year-old student at Royal University of Law and Economics and IFL with a major in International Studies. He loves connecting and working with people and helping friends solving their problems. He was selected to be part of Young Leaders Programme with the aim to strengthen youth capacity to be a real young leader and make Cambodia free from corruption. Throughout this five weeks training, he has learned many things, especially about how to live with integrity. The program inspired him to run a project called “Anti-Corruption Fan” with the purpose of promoting corruption reporting mechanisms to citizens.


Poeung Sreypich is a youngest participant of the first generation of Young Leaders Programme. It has giving her a special opportunity to participate in this programme as she has improved her thinking skill and have learned to be a young leader to develop Cambodia and fight against corruption.

Proumchin Vicheth is a 19-year old architect student at Royal University of Fine Arts. He has volunteered for World Heritage Committee, UYFC, IDP, SpringBoard, Human Habitat, TI Cambodia and Idealink. He expected to learn about Leadership, personal improvement, technology and good governance during Young Leaders Programme. He hopes this programme would inspired him to be a good leader.

Sim Lida, a 22-year old studying at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) of Philosophy. She is very interested in volunteer work and love to attend training, workshop or seminar related to leadership, communication and education. The most interesting parts of this programme are opportunity to learn leadership skills and the AntiCorruption Law. She will share what she has learnt to other young people.

Suos Sovanna is a sophomore at Zaman University, majoring in Business Administration. She has volunteered in diverse areas with several organizations, and companies like, AIESEC Cambodia, Cambodian Japanese Corporation Centre, IDP Cambodia, RMA Group and Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia. Having completed the Young Leader Program, she has been transformed. Better. Stronger. Humbler. She make better time management. She realised that integrity is the real asset of one’s life.

Vong Oudom is holding a Bachelor of Law from Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE). He used to work as a Legal Intern for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). He joined Young Leader Programme (YLP) to meet and discuss core corruption issues in Cambodia because he is a lawyer assistant and he wants to hear solutions from Transparency International Cambodia about corruption in the judicial system. He also expected to discuss with Mr. Preap Kol about the weaknesses of the political system in Cambodia, and to perhaps discover some solutions. He hopes to see more Cambodians joining YLP offered by TI Cambodia.


FURTHER INFORMATION (855) 23 214 430 / 214 211 (855) 69 328 190 innovativeproject@ticambodia.org www.ticambodia.org

The information contained in this booklet was correct at the time of publication, February 2015. Transparency International Cambodia reserves the right to alter or amend the material contained in this booklet.

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