Heart of Crosby
Prospectus 2017
Sacred Heart Catholic College, Crosby @SacredHrtCrosby
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Contents 4
A vibrant, caring school at the heart of Crosby and Waterloo
At Sacred Heart, we are proud of our efforts to combine all that is good from the traditional with all that is exciting from the new.
How we set high standards in all areas of school life
Strengthened by our belief in long-standing values such as the commitment to high achievement and to realising the potential of all, we are also a forward-thinking organisation focused on equipping our students to take their place in the world of tomorrow.
10 Springboard
In fact, as a Christian community we understand that the two aims are necessarily linked.
Aiming high
Success in all walks of life begins at Sacred Heart
Spiritual life
Catholic faith underpins life within and beyond the school gates
18 Creativity
How extra-curricular activities are enriching our pupils’ learning
24 Ambition
Our new Sixth Form Centre opened in the summer of 2016
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We see that a sense of identity and community, which can only come from pride in the daily life of the College, are the foundation stones for an ambitious and demanding experience aimed at forming empowered, moral and articulate citizens of the future. That is why you will find at the College an appreciation of the importance of teamwork, consideration towards others and respect for the combined efforts of all. This is our platform for the high quality experience of school life which has been the hallmark of Sacred Heart for many years. In the pages that follow, we highlight some of the many and varied dimensions of that experience. This brochure is your invitation to come and test out the reality for yourself. We look forward to meeting you.
Ian Walker Headteacher
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
Identity and community are the foundation stones for empowering moral and articulate citizens of the future
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Year 7 to 13 pupils at the iconic round radiator and red stairs at Upper Site main entrance
Heart of Crosby College is proud of its key role in our community Sacred Heart is a vibrant, caring school at the heart of our community. Our catchment area centres on our five local parishes in Crosby and Waterloo but the College also takes pupils from a wider area across north Merseyside. Our links with our partner schools are strong. In some cases many generations of the same family have followed the same route from primary school to the College.
The College is proud of its links with its three partner primary schools - Great Crosby, Ursuline and St Edmund’s and St Thomas’. Pupils and staff from these schools are regular visitors to Sacred Heart and vice versa.
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
We work closely with sta from our partner primary schools to ensure a smooth, happy transfer for pupils from Y6 to Y7, recognising that it is a major step in the lives of our young students.
Our Governing Body is proud to count members from our partner schools among its number, and this allows us to consider the needs and wishes of a wide range of local people.
Some are naturally equipped to cope with the transition better than others. The wellbeing of each student is our priority.
We enjoy close links in the same way with our local parishes and count local clergy among our governors, as well as inviting them in weekly to celebrate class and year group Masses.
It is always a proud day when everything comes to fruition at our Welcome Mass for Year 7 pupils and their parents each autumn. Our new students are by then safely settled in their new environment, facing exciting challenges.
All of this contributes to a picture in which Sacred Heart is at the heart of its community and open to those wishing to become part of it. This has been the hallmark of the College over its successful history.
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Our Heart of Crosby Festival in July was designed to give pupils from local primary schools the chance to explore and learn about our College.
heart outside our main entrance as a ďŹ nale. The pupils also performed in a musical show Singing Sherlock for their parents.
Boys and girls, who were welcomed at the school gates by stilt walkers and actors, enjoyed music, drama and arts before teaming up to form a giant
Public events included the annual art exhibition which showcased the wonderful creations of our GCSE and A level students.
Heart of glass Artist creates colourful symbols of unity The College commissioned glass artist Julie Langan to create the eyecatching Heart installation that adorns the entrance to our new Sixth Form Centre. Julie then re-created the piece in fragments, which were presented to Sacred Heart’s three partner schools and five associated parishes in Crosby and Waterloo.
We’re very honoured that the pieces which symbolise the fact that together we form the Heart of Crosby - now adorn our local schools and churches. The three Headteachers (pictured above) - Pat Speed (Great Crosby), Kieran Loftus (St Edmund’s and St Thomas’) and Mark McQueen (Ursuline) - received their fragment at our joint staff Mass in September 2016.
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Aiming high Raising standards and achieving success Our College is a friendly and engaging place - one that understands the importance of hard work and respect for high standards in everything we do. We ask a lot - we give a lot too. As well as academic success we also aim high in areas such as behaviour, attendance and uniform. The broad and challenging curriculum
is complemented by exciting opportunities outside of the classroom. Our 150-strong sta are experienced and highly-qualiďŹ ed, each committed to Sacred Heart and what it has represented over many years. This prospectus - Heart of Crosby - is designed to provide a snapshot of life at Sacred Heart.
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
Year 7 places at Sacred Heart are regularly oversubscribed, emphasising how attractive the College is within our local community
Parents and students have the chance to find out more about our College at our Open Evening (September 2016) and at a range of special events for Year 5 and Year 6 children. We know that the transition from primary to secondary can be a daunting step for any child. We work hard with families and feeder schools. We welcome enquiries about admissions, offering tours or answering queries. Families wanting to come and see the College are welcome to contact Peter Burke, Director of Lower School.
FAQs Q. What measures are there to help the transition of pupils to secondary school? A. Parents tell us they value the arrangements made to help their child as they join Sacred Heart. For instance, as they are used to their own space at primary school, we allocate one yard to Y7 pupils and another to Y8 pupils. Pupils at our Lower Site have access to laboratories, workshops, subject classrooms and a large sports hall. Q. What support is there for pupils with additional needs, such as Special Educational Needs (SEN)? A. We have a team led by our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) who works closely with a range of support staff to make sure that every pupil feels supported. Q. When does a typical school day start and finish? A. In line with most secondary schools pupils arrive by 08.40 to begin the day at 08.45 with Form Time. Lessons run until 3.10. Q. What are the lunch arrangements? A. There is a good range of food available at both sites. Pupils are increasingly opting for hot dinners but pupils may bring a packed lunch. Due to high pupil numbers we operate a split lunch time at Upper Site. The arrangements are explained to pupils at the end of Y8.
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Olympic gymnast Dan Purvis regularly returns to Sacred Heart
Springboard for success Distinguished careers begin at Sacred Heart Success stories from all walks of life begin at Sacred Heart. And, thankfully, our former pupils are happy to return to share their experiences with us. Such visits encourage and inspire new generations of young men and women as they set off on their professional journeys. Anthony Crean QC is among former pupils to return to the College. He spent time talking to students about ‘a life in law’ while also attending our Annual Sixth Form Prizegiving as guest of honour. Mr Crean has kindly initiated our Law Essay Prize, to be awarded annually.
In its first year two pupils - Adam Clarke and Rebecca Heath - each won £500 for their essays on law, plus the opportunity of work experience at Mr Crean’s prestigious law chambers in Birmingham. The 2016 winners will be announced this autumn.
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
Other past pupils to have visited the College include Emy Onuora, a former professional footballer now a writer and lecturer in ethnic studies and race relations. In 2015 he spoke to students about his book Pitch Black, which critically scrutinises the attitudes of FIFA, the FA and the media to racism in the sport. And, in September 2016 classical singer Danielle Thomas (pictured opposite) was guest at our Annual Sixth Form Prizegiving, performing and giving an inspiring speech. Danielle, 26, performs nationally and is well known locally as ‘Liverpool’s singer in residence’ and as the North West Cancer Research’s first ambassador. Olympic bronze medal winning gymnast Dan Purvis also maintains strong links with the College - another inspirational role model. Who knows what our current crop of Sacred Heart students will achieve over the coming years?
Dan Purvis (2002 - 2007) ‘Sacred Heart supported me as I pursued my schoolboy dream to become a gymnast. I feel honoured to have been invited back to the College, especially as guest of honour at the annual presentation night’ • Dan Purvis, 25, is one of the UK’s most successful gymnasts. Among his successes was winning a bronze medal at the 2012 London Olympics
Anthony Crean QC (1973 - 1978) ‘The school had a huge influence on my future and I have been delighted to return several times to hopefully inspire the next generation of students’ • Barrister Anthony Crean is one of the UK’s leading experts on planning law. He became a QC in 2006
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Spiritual journeys Caring for others is rooted in our ethos As a Catholic school, Sacred Heart understands the importance of faith in the life of the community within and beyond the school gates.
pensioners at Christmas, or promoting a children’s hospice pupils lend a hand to communities near and far.
Pupils have the opportunity to attend Mass celebrated by one of our local priests and they will usually take Religious Studies through to GCSE. They will also take part in and lead worship such as on Feast Days and Holy Days when the College will ask them to contribute to special services and Masses. Whether it is visiting elderly at nearby Nazareth House, playing music for
Former Sacred Heart pupil Rev Joe Kendall with former Archbishop of Liverpool, Patrick Kelly, at Joe’s childhood parish church St Edmund’s of Canterbury, Waterloo, in 2012
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
‘Pupils cite the school’s Catholic dimension as an overriding strength, and they respond well to opportunities for their own spiritual and moral development. The quality of collective worship is outstanding’ Archdiocese of Liverpool inspection
One World The College is proud of its Christian commitment to work for those who need our help. We encourage pupils to show their faith by helping those in need and distress. Charities and good causes supported include Cafod, Macmillan and Marie Curie. Pupils hold fundraising events, such as Jenny Woods (pictured above) who helped raise £1,000 for the Liverpool SVP, which organises holidays for children in need. Another example of the school’s caring role in the global community is our support for Waterloo Partnership. The charity was founded in 2005 to forge cultural and educational links
with Waterloo, Sierra Leone. in Africa. It supports health, education and community initiatives. Pupils responded to the 2015 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone by raising money for emergency healthcare. Teacher exchange trips have taken place, and pupils at Sacred Heart have benefited from learning about West African culture. Former Deputy-Head Girl Helena Mimnagh (pictured on p12) reflected on her work with the Waterloo Partnership: ‘We have so many luxuries that children in Sierra Leone don’t have - so for me it was time to give something back.’
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Pupils regularly meet with senior staff to discuss a range of school issues
What do our pupils say? Consultation on school matters is encouraged Listening is an important aspect of learning - and listening to the views of our students is something the College believes in strongly. Our College Council is one way pupils can share their ideas about making life at Sacred Heart even better. But we encourage all pupils to have their say.
School inspectors told us that ‘students are very proud of their College and its positive, friendly, supportive atmosphere... and parents and carers agree with this view.’ Feedback from students is so important. We value what students say and we learn from it.
Sacred Heart Catholic College
‘Students are very proud of their College and its positive, friendly, supportive atmosphere’ Ofsted
‘The trips to Paris and Barcelona were really amazing experiences – it was so thrilling to visit two fantastic cities and see everything they had to offer’ Phoebe Farrington, Year 11 ‘Taking history at GCSE has helped me to find out more, and it has inspired me to be proud of what Britain has achieved in the past’ Patrick Smith, Year 11 ‘I loved taking part in the European Union referendum debate. Being able to interact with the teachers in such a different way was a great experience which I won’t forget’ Campbell Wallace, Year 11 ‘Sacred Heart offers opportunities beyond my lessons, such as being involved in the Heart of Crosby festival, helping at open evenings - making me a more confident person’ Jack Browne, Year 10 ‘I’m part of the string quartet, and I’m able to perform at many different school events. Not only have I improved my own skills, but I’ve made friends with people from different year groups who share a similar interest’ Helen Fraser, Year 11
Did you know? Sacred Heart Catholic College has its roots in two successful Catholic schools - Seafield Convent and St Bede’s Secondary Modern. The red brick building in Liverpool Road opened its doors in 1908, providing a Catholic education for girls from the local parishes. Seafield Convent, as it was known, merged with St Bede’s in 1977 and Sacred Heart was formed. The St Bede’s site in Myers Road East is now Sacred Heart’s ‘lower school’ for Years 7 & 8, while Years 9 to 13 are based at the Liverpool Road site.
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Working in partnership Parents play a key role in College’s success We place a high premium on the involvement of parents in all aspects of College life.
weekly, providing the opportunity to comment on any issues to their child’s form tutor who will respond.
Our vibrant and ever-generous Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is one of the key groups of people supporting and adding greatly to the College.
We also offer parents the opportunity at every consultation evening to complete a survey giving us your views on wider issues of school life.
From fundraising evenings to sponsoring awards at our presentation evenings, the work of the PTA is evident throughout the College.
Good home-school communication is underpinned by reporting to you on your child’s progress every half-term.
Good communication with parents is important to us. Parents are asked to check and sign their child’s planner
The College Council meets regularly with pupils from different year groups sharing views on topical issues with the Headteacher.
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
We recently took this collaborative idea further by inviting parents of the College Council to devise a new policy for marking. We also set up a group to look at homework. Pupils taking up their place in September 2017 are invited to get involved in one of our working parties and help us shape the school for future generations at Sacred Heart. Beyond the academic, our weekly newsletter Heartbeat is produced by staff and pupils for parents and the whole school community to celebrate the diversity of College life. It is available via our website, Parentmail or in print from reception. Parents also play an active role in the work of the Governing Body. Elections for parent governors are held regularly.
‘I have many links with Sacred Heart - as a former pupil, as an active member of the school’s PTA and as a parent of two pupils - so I have seen first hand what a wonderful school it is. ‘I feel genuinely privileged to have been part of the school and I highly recommend it. Sacred Heart is a cherished part of Crosby life’
As part of our continuing aim to communicate effectively with our school community and, indeed, the wider communities across south Sefton, we run a Twitter account. It’s proving popular among parents and the wider community - our tweets were viewed no less than 119,000 times in just one month.
Carmel Brinkley Outgoing Chair of PTA
‘Sacred Heart is a wonderful, caring Christian society which has welcomed our family with warmth. Our children have settled into what they consider to be a positive learning community’
Jenny Antrobus Secretary, PTA
Sacred Heart Catholic College
‘Creativity is contagious’ A celebration of dance, drama, art and music It was Albert Einstein who said: ‘Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.’ Any edition of our weekly newsletter Heartbeat will tell you that the College is a hive of creativity outside the classroom as well as inside. Our extensive extra-curricular life includes possibilities for all tastes. The school choir and orchestra are flourishing at all levels and regularly tour and perform at prestigious venues here and abroad. Our drama department produces an annual play or musical (e.g. Bugsy Malone, Grease, The Sound of Music and The Wizard of Oz) as well as organising theatre trips, such as the production of Blood Brothers at the Empire Theatre, Liverpool in September 2016.
Dance and PE link up every year to produce our ever-popular Gym and Dance Display, often with help from our partner schools. Our art and technology teams produce a large-scale exhibition each summer which attracts visitors from far and wide and showcases the enormous creative talent of our pupils. Visitors are made to feel welcome at these public events and you can find details of them on the website or in Heartbeat. ‘The school provides ample opportunities for students to experience a broad and broadening education’ Ofsted
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
The College’s netball teams were multi-award winners in 2015/16
Sport for all College produces a ‘hall of fame’ of stars The sporting life of Sacred Heart is rich and varied with pupils being given the chance to participate in a wide range of physical activities. Emphasis is on participation and fun, whilst keeping our pupils active and healthy. Pupils not only take part and excel in sport - they study it too. In addition to their National Curriculum PE lessons, they can study GCSE PE at KS4 and AS/A-Level PE at KS5. The College is proud of its modern Sports Hall combining a dance studio, fitness suite and two gymnasiums. We also have large, open playing fields at both sites.
Sam Ramos Sam (Y9) won gold at the 2015 British Gymnastics Trampolining and Tumbling Championships at the ECHO Arena, Liverpool.
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
Extra-curricular PE and sporting opportunities are an outstanding feature of Sacred Heart. Every lunchtime, after school and weekend sees pupils making the most of sporting activities with a busy schedule of activities and fixtures throughout the year.
Best in Merseyside The College won the prestigious Merseyside Sports Partnership School of the Year Award. The annual awards are supported by the National Lottery and Sport England, and featured a ‘Sporting Champions’ dinner at Aintree Racecourse. Judges recognised the vast range of sports on offer at the College and the large numbers of pupils participating. Just as importantly, they also recognised the success of the College’s teams and individuals on a regional and national level. An important aspect of the College’s sporting life is organising competitions, forging links with partner schools, facilitating Junior Sports Leaders Qualifications, and supporting Y12 and Y13 students to help sports clubs across the College and beyond. Successes included: • Sefton Netball League for Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Sixth form • Sefton U15 Football Cup • Both Sefton and Merseyside U18 Football cup • Sefton Rounders competition for Years 7, 9 and 10 • Sefton Schools swimming galas for Years 7 and 8
We encourage competitiveness while also emphasising the health, wellbeing, team spirit and general fun offered by sport The College also reached the national finals of the cross country and trampoline championships. Individual successes included: • Rob Gilroy - English Catholic Schools football captain • Matthew Pomford, Gaby Benbow and Charlotte Rens – City of Liverpool and also North West region swimmers • Daniel Slater - national cross country champion • Megan Howard - Liverpool Ladies U16 football captain • Beth Cheminais - bronze medal at the British National Judo Championships and selected for the England training squad
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Learning skills for life Bringing out the best in every pupil At Sacred Heart we provide a broad and balanced curriculum ensuring that the academic journey through the Key Stages meets the needs of all pupils.
Our strong partnership with parents supports the importance we place on homework and independent study.
The curriculum is designed to challenge, stimulate and maximise pupils’ academic potential, as well as developing lifelong learners equipped for the modern world.
‘Students show a very positive attitude to their lessons... and they confidently share their aspirations’ Ofsted
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
Recent examination results make Sacred Heart one of the most successful schools locally. In 2016, more than 80% of Year 11 pupils passed English Language or Literature, and an even higher percentage passed Maths. Almost 80% of the pupils passed both subjects, making Sacred Heart a local leader in these core subjects which are so important for further education and employment. We help our students to excel academically while giving them support and encouragement to flourish as young people, preparing them for the next stage in life’s journey. Former pupil Rachel Holbrook (2005 2012) said: “My time at Sacred Heart equipped me with the skills to both undertake a degree in Veterinary Medicine, and tackle the wider world with all of its challenges. “The school helped me realise my childhood dream of studying to become a vet, supporting me through the application process, providing mock interviews and ensuring I achieved the necessary grades. “I look back on my Sacred Heart days with such fond memories.”
‘The college has robust systems in place to track and monitor the progress and achievement of pupils. The curriculum offers a good range of academic subjects to meet the needs of students’ Ofsted
Heather Yoxall (2000 - 2007) ‘Staff supported my ambition to become a doctor. I learned from extra-curricular activities too - I’d urge pupils to make the most of these’ • Heather qualified from the University of Leeds Medical School and is now working as a junior doctor in Scarborough Rebecca Withey (2008 - 2015) ‘The staff at Sacred Heart were really supportive, and through accompanying us to workshops and open days they helped make going to Oxford a realistic goal’ • Rebecca is in her second year studying Law at New College, Oxford
Jessica Morris (1998 - 2005) ‘My teachers at Sacred Heart encouraged, challenged and inspired me to want to provide children with the excellent teaching I received’ • Jessica qualified as a teacher from Liverpool John Moores University and is now working at Ursuline Primary School
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Building on our success New Sixth Form Centre opened in 2016 The College’s new Sixth Form Centre opened in the spring of 2016 - further boosting facilities for our Year 12 and 13 students. The block consists of new study areas, a café, a gym and a handy shop for school equipment. Strong A Level results have meant that our Sixth Form numbers have grown considerably in recent years and these are very exciting times for us at the College.
We worked closely with the Archdiocese of Liverpool in bring about this new development, which will become a real cutting-edge facility for future generations of Sacred Heart students. We are assembling a time capsule featuring mementoes donated by former pupils reflecting their time at the College.
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
France, 2016 Cumbria, 2016
Belgium, 2016
16 Coliseum, Rome, 20
Altenmarkt, Au stria, 2016
Educational trips Deepening understanding through travel Our overseas learning trips see Sacred Heart pupils travel across Europe and beyond - providing lifelong memories of their College days. The cultural, sporting, musical trips or simply trips to learn about new countries, are aimed at broadening horizons in a friendly, safe and supportive environment. Our aim is for each pupil to be involved in at least one trip every year.
Examples include Barcelona, Prague, New York, Paris, Rome and ski-ing in Austria. Visit our website for details of forthcoming trips and our photo blogs about recent trips. ‘Personal development of students is a strong feature of the College’ Ofsted
Caring and achieving excellence within a Christian community
Sacred Heart Catholic College Liverpool Road Crosby Liverpool L23 5TF email: oďŹƒce@sacredheart.sefton.sch.uk web: sacredheart.sefton.sch.uk tel: 0151 931 2971