Heat map analytics and its impact on Retail
The dictionary meaning of Heat Map is the graphical representation of any individual value. The matrix of this representation is represented by colors. The different colors that are seen in this graphical representation have different meaning or depict different values for different data. However, in Retail the heat map help the Retailers in many ways like;
It helps in knowing the hot spots, Dead areas Bottlenecks
How the Heat Map Works? The in-store heat map system takes the images being captured by the network cameras or the IP cameras which help the Retailers to have an idea about the customer’s traffic pattern in a particular time or during the real time. The information can be collected from anywhere in the network. Benefits of in Store Heat Map: The benefits of heat map system in Retailing are many folds. These are;
By having a clear view on the customer’s traffic pattern or by collecting information about this helps the retailers to improve the in store. Help or improve the customer service techniques being used by them to satisfy the customers. It also helps the retailers to improve or plan the promotional activities and the marketing techniques. This helps the retailers to meet the customer’s demand by using the customer’s traffic data containing customer’s buying habits, behavior.
By using the heat map system in the in-Store Retail Analytics process the Retailers can see positive changes in terms of the customer’s flow, items that are sold , average sale value and many more. Features of the cameras that make in store heat map a beneficial one; The network cameras that are used in the in store heat map are, 1. Scalable 2. Flexible 3. Cost Effective All these above three characteristics make heat map a powerful Retail Solution. The Various Heat Map Analytics Tool That Can Be Used by the Retailers to Get a Better Result in the Retail Store: o
Mouse flow: It is a live analytic tool. This helps to know the website visitors. This help the retailers to gather information about the customers by knowing where they click, where they browser or on which item they are giving extra attention. This system captures all
the mouse clicks, keystrokes etc. o
Lucky Orange: This is also a live analytics tool that helps the retailers by giving them information about how many customers are currently visiting their sites. This system compares the historical statistics to see what kind of customers are mainly visiting their sites, what keywords are being used more frequently and so on.
Crazy Eggs: It helps the retailers to analyze their customer’s engagement through heat maps. These give an information about which portion of their website attracts most of their customers. Click Tale: By aggregating the total number of mouse clicks of the customers the click tale tool creates a visual representation of where the customers are viewing more or focusing more on the website. The tool calculates by seeing the mouse move, click, attention of the customers, etc.
Conclusion: This shows that the heat map system makes the in Store Retail much more smooth and fast. It also helps in making the in store retailing fruitful.
Read more for Updated information on Retail Analytics, IoT, Big Data, Brand Management, Customer Analytics and Proximity Marketing Solutions, at Tickto Blogs – http://tickto.com/blogs/