Best Resolution Run in the North
who was putting together the run
remarked in an email that she didn’t think that
was presented with a check for $1,000. Lee is
enough to form a pool at the construction site
attending college at SUNY Geneseo.
on upper Lake George Avenue. Curiously, a dust devil of leaves greeted them
many would attend the January 1st Resolution Run, since the temperature at race time may
Runners commented that they were fortunate
on the return. Amazingly, the group ran into Lee
only get to 15 degrees. The temperature didn’t
to have this event to initiate the 2009 running
Gabler at the same place as they encountered
get near that high but the runners came ready
him during last year’s run.
to run and to run fast!
CCC Christmas
“Retro, twenty years ago!” someone said about the $2.00 entry fee as he signed up. Runners were pleased with the snacks and hot chocolate
During the run the topics ranged from the concept of “paradoxical intention,” to GPS watches, to
Day brought out
at the end of the race, and with the speed at
Classic, a half-marathon event. Dave Burrows
which the results were tabulated on that chilly
needed more so he did a 15. This year’s route
went down and back on Baldwin, and down and back on Black Point.
After the awards ceremony, Lee Berube, the winner of this year’s Duane Crammond Scholarship,
running plans for the new year.
The temperature was fine for the event, warm
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Jamaica Half Marathon Kettlebells Pictures Link s Results
Reggae Half Marathon
run, standing in the dark on a December morning.
You need
A line of torchbearers lined the street on both
to be an early riser to
sides and the torches were raised as the gun
beat the heat, so it is
sounded and the runners took off.
training for and running the Hairy
common to see other
past the entrances of resort hotels, then smaller
Gorilla half in late October, Matt and I decided
runners on the beach
hotels, motels and restaurants, as we neared
that we should commit to the Reggae Half
at sunup. We stayed at
the center of the village.
Marathon on December 6, 2008.
We planned
Couples Negril which is
a vacation to Negril, Jamaica that happened
located on a sheltered
to coincide with the race.
bay on the western tip
By Heidi teRiele Karkoski
On our honeymoon
there in 2006; we were on a catamaran excursion
of Jamaica.
when Matt spotted a passenger’s ditty bag with the race name and date on it.
A couple
Except for the drive to and from the airport, the
on the boat had run the full marathon a few
race was the first time we had ventured off the
days earlier.
grounds of the resort.
We thought we should take the
A shuttle bus picked us
opportunity presented to us and run the race
up at 4:30 am in front of our resort. We drove
during our stay.
along the main highway in Negril, deserted except for race vehicles, to the start area at a beach-
Jamaica’s temperatures
park a few miles from our hotel.
are quite unchanging
out reggae tunes and pumped up the crowd as
we waited on the pavement.
A DJ cranked
An announcement
daytime highs in the
told us that runners had come from all over
low 80s and nighttime
the world to participate.
enthusiasm it seemed that the U.S., Canada, and
Our warm
Jamaica were best represented. There was a full
up was a run on the
marathon, half marathon, and 10K with a total of
beach for a few miles
about 650 runners; 362 finished the half.
low 70s.
Friday morning.
Based on noise and
of us are comfortable
It seemed odd to be dressed for a hot summer
We ran
The uniqueness of
running in the dark, save for streetlamps, made
people on, even early in
the miles go by quickly.
Music was placed
the race. The marathon
Matt was most impressed by the talent of the
sporadically around the course with either small
course went beyond the
young 10K runners there.
live bands with steel drums or tricked out little
resort section and into
and schools participated. The winning time was
cars with huge stereo speakers blaring reggae
30:30 by a 17-year old, with other young runners
the ocean.
Sometimes we were reminded we were
in a third-world country by the city smells that
wrinkled your nose.
(This is different from the
We learned
funny smoke we could smell at the starting line!
were mistreated by local
I hope it wasn’t the shuttle bus driver.)
bystanders. One woman even had to fight off a
Matt had a goal for the
would-be thief who tried to take her iPod. This
race; I’m there to beat it
is a reminder that our ultimate playground is
out and get the t-shirt.
home to people who are far less fortunate than
The course is a loop so
we are.
I saw him twice during the race.
They offered
The last mile is called “Bob’s Mile” after Bob
Marley, and there were signs with lyrics from his
songs and Bob trivia. I finished before the sun
in sealed pouches that
came above the mountains, so heat was never
you ripped open with
a factor. The finish area had cold sponges and
your teeth.
towels, a “misting” tent and Red Stripe beer.
We both
took fluids at every opportunity. The volunteers
Talented volunteers used huge machetes to cut
they had were plentiful and did an outstanding
open a fresh green coconut for each runner; the
job. The course was absolutely flat except for a
coconut water is drunk from a small hole in the
short rise that doesn’t really qualify as a hill in
top of the fruit.
Ticonderoga standards.
swim in the ocean.
We passed on the beer and a It was time for breakfast.
We had accomplished a lot before 7:15 in the Spectators came out of the hotels and cheered
close behind.
Local running clubs
I was impressed by the huge
number of volunteers that helped put the race on. turn.
They were cheerful and smiling at every Their motto is, No Problem, Mon.
Half Marathon Results December 6, 2008 - Jamaica Matthew Karkoski bib number: age: gender: location: overall place: division place: gender place: time: pace: 2.9mi: 5.8mi: 9.5mi: chip time:
462 46 M Ticonderoga, NY 17 out of 362 3 out of 47 16 out of 181 1:29:34 6:50 19:17 39:19 1:04:49 1:29:28
Heidi Karkoski bib number: age: gender: location: overall place: division place: gender place: time: pace: 2.9mi: 5.8mi: 9.5mi: chip time:
to those who renewed at
the Resolution Run. A renewal for can be found on the last page of the newsletter.
Cold Weather Running Tip
461 42 F Ticonderoga, NY 62 out of 362 4 out of 56 8 out of 180 1:53:31 8:39 25:00 50:10 1:22:05 1:53:19
Monthly Report Monthly Report identifies activity for
each month in the report time frame for the club site. Remember that each page hit can result in several server requests as the images for each page are loaded.
you are using a fuel belt on a long run do
Depending on the report time frame, the first
what Margie does; heat your bottles and keep 2
and last months may not represent a complete
in a cooler and pick them up on a return sweep.
month’s worth of data, resulting in lower hits.
It beats drinking slush!
Summary number of finishers: 362 number of females: 180 number of males: 181 average time: 2:26:00
calories more efficiently. weight
with kettlebells is to develop muscles and joints
environment where the body must work against
which can act in the real world through the
gravity , enable an highly efficient workout –
normal maximal range for the particular muscle/
much more can be achieved in a shorter time
frame as many muscles are activated.
Though “free weights” are acknowledged as
The handle and off-centered weight translate to
the most effective form of weight training, as
The basic swinging movement from which torso
increased leverage and tremendous development
a rule and as practiced with dumbbells and
(core) strength is developed and from which all
of grip strength and grip endurance – useful in
barbells, these are flexor/extensor movements.
other movements are based, requires the use of
everyday life (luggage, undoing lids, removing
All very 2-dimensional The spine and torso and
the physically large back and leg muscles. Each
limbs are however, designed to function in all
repetition requires activation of tonic (stabilizing)
carrying shopping, gardening and landscaping)
planes of movement, including rotation. It is this
muscles as well as phasic (moving) muscles. This
and in numerous sports e.g. racquet sports, ball
rotational element which kettlebells work Using
contrasts with the situation with weight machines
sports, rowing, martial arts. Swinging movements
kettlebells gives you the advantage of weight
& benches where part of the body is supported
develop great muscle control – the muscles
training (increased resilience through increased
assisting to negate the effects of gravity – fewer
are taught to contract/relax appropriately, with
strength of muscles, tendon , ligaments, cartilage
calories are burned, which is what your average
a functional pattern and full, useful range of
and bones) with the flexibility advantages of
gym owner maybe doesn’t want you to realize.
yoga (but without special emphasis on extreme
That’s why you have to stay there at least an
Clearly , swinging and pushing weights improves
flexibility, which can be detrimental to joints and
to athletic performance).
Put simply, with kettlebells you have to work
moving the joints in a natural & full range of
As with yoga , most people find initially they are
harder for each rep and indeed a kettlebell “rep”
motion , with equal emphasis of extensor &
significantly tested with respect to flexibility and in
cannot be completed by cheating; as each unit
flexor muscles. When practiced appropriately,
particular stability/control at the edges of range
of “work” requires a corresponding expenditure
muscle imbalances from side to side and from
of motion. Usually many joints are compromised
of “calories” you become leaner more quickly.
an extensor/flexor points of view are ironed out.
but with regular kettlebell practice over a period
As you replace excess fat with lean muscle your
Whilst using a weight machine however , the
of months to years, a full, normal, strong &
metabolic rate increases so that even though
muscle may well be “isolated” (and is this really
your weight may remain the same , you utilize
a good or beneficial thing?), but in general the
controlled pattern can be regained. http:// JLkoIR k htm l
don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that
range of motion is greatly diminished. The aim in
Three GPSs need to communicate with satellites. Three of them were in the snowbank in
front of Rut’s hut, doing just that! Nine runners congregated for the Freeze Your Gizzard Blizzard Run. And they were not disappointed! When the runners stepped outside on that morning, the temperature was -4 degrees. Two runners, plus a dog, did the 10.3 classic loop. Everyone else did the 6, but it did encompass the hill. Tim Malaney brought his dog, a retriever. Tim has run with 3 dogs, Correction! Tim says that the first one was a person. The second was a dog who thought he was a person, and Tim says that the third is a “dog.” The snow squeaked. There were few cars. Everyone commented that it is better to run on a zero-degreed, windless, blue-skied day, than on a 80 degree one. We’ll see! After the run,
the group gathered at
Membership Thanks to those who renewed early! Berube, Ellie Brown, Colleen Burrows, David Costello, Karen Cunningham, Jim P. Gabler, Jeanne Graney, Mike Greer, Jeff Hayes, Shawn Herbst, Fred Huseman, Marge Karkoski, Matt & Heidi Kiely, Brian Leavens, Jim Lonergan, Craig Natale, Dave Rutkowski, Dave Sherman, Linda Wells, Jay
pd pd pd
pd pd pd pd pd pd pd
Rut’s Hut for a post race brunch. That lasted longer than the run! Runners brought a dish, and there was quite a collection, fortunately, the dishes were filled. There are some pictures of the event in the newsletter and there are more on the
web site.
A reminder...Dues are due on Feb. 1st.
Fred LaPann Memorial Road Race S a t u r d a y, F e b . 1 4 , 2 0 0 9 Hague, NY
Yaktrax They
They are light, made of springs and rubber and
Saturday, a five-mile road race, the Fred LaPann Memorial Road Race, will be contested.
The race will start and finish at the firehouse which is located at the bottom of West Hague Road. The course will be an out-and-back race on West Hague Road. Race registration will start at 8:45 a.m. and the run begins at 9 a.m. Runners age 19 and younger can compete for free, while adult racers will pay a $7 registration fee.
grip on ice and packed snow. The early January weather brought plenty of snow, ice and sleet. Not fun to run! Yaktrax put the fun back. You may not even go any slower. The springs also feel good, giving you cushioning if you do hit
The Hague Fire Department breakfast will be held Saturday and Sunday mornings, 7-11, at the Hague fire house. Serving will be al a carte and prices vary depending on selections. Hague will host its Annual Scholarship Weekend. Formerly known as the winter carnival, this marks the 35th year of the event held the weekend prior to President’s Day in Hague. For further information:
fit on the bottom of running shoes, affording
the black top. Suppose that the roads are partially clear. No problem! Run in the slop on the shoulders, giving you the additional benefit of working your proprioceptive
The yak is not included!
C r o s s C o u n t r y Te a m N e w s
La Chute Road Runners gave the
Cross Country team $182 towards shirts. The Sentinels have commpeleted another successful cross country season!
Treasury Report the clubs regular account we have $893.85,
and in the scholarship fund we have $10,013.76 as of January 12th.
I don’t know if it is a good shoe, but it is the most expensive one we have!
L C RR C Running Clubs La Chute Road Runners Adirondack Runner s Albany Running Exchang e Hudson Mohawk Runner s Northern Lights Saratoga Stryders
Links Results ARE Cool Running M embership PD F
Resolution Run 1 2
FEMALES 20-29 Marge Huseman Emily Stahl
1 2
John Cook Joel Cook
1 2 3
Lee Berube Jay Berube Josh Cook
1 2 3
Lee Gabler Jesse Berube Jay Wells
Dave Natale
Dave Burrows
Tim Malaney
1 2 3 4
Frank Woodard Jim Cunningham Red McDonough Dave Rutkowski
1 2 3 4 5 6
WALKERS Peg Carroll Kevin Kuhl Michael Stahl Veronica Stahl Jane Kuhl Debbie Yaw
24:36 28:38
32:58 33:21
17:26 19:35 19:37
Jan. 1, 2009
17:26 17:26 17:26 24:53 19:50 23:49 24:11 24:51 25:13 28:52
34:21 35:33 35:59 35:59 36:57
Dartmouth Relays 37
Wells, Jay
3000 Meters Lachute RR
More Results 9:11.34
La Chute Road Runners
Goals Encourage the youth of the community to get involved in a beneficial activity. Provide competitive opportunities for its membership. Provide membership with educational and social opportunities.
Activities Sponsor the Montcalm Mile, Resolution Run, Heritage Day 10K, Footrace at Fort Ticonderoga Support a LCRRC Point Championship Series Hold an annual Awards Banquet Provide a newsletter Provide organized training opportunities Membership in Road Runner’s Club of America
Club Membership/Application Waiver I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in club activities unless am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decisions of a race official relative to my ability to sagely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and volunteering to work in club races including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing there facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the La Chute Membership type Road Runners, and all sponsors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my Family $10.00 ( ) participation in there club activities, even though that liability may arrive out of negligence Individual $5.00 ( ) or carelessness on the part of the person named in this waver. Student $2.00 ( ) Signature___________________________________________Date_____________________ First: ___________________ Mi: ____ Last: ______________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________________ Home Phone: __________________________Email: ________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________ Gender: M F
Email: ______________________________
Mail to: Dave Rutkowski 253 Corduroy Road Ticonderoga, NY 12883 Checks: La Chute Road Runners Newsletters will be emailed Family Members: