February 23, 2017
Volume 13 Issue 08
SaleS • Service • inStallation • refrigeration TABLE OF CONTENTS ISSUE 2017.08 SMITHS
“Cooling Your Family & Warming Your Hearts.” pages 1-4
-------------------------We repair all brands TUMBLEWEED of Heating, Cooling pages 5-6 WORLD’S LARGEST & refrigeration MUSEUM equipment! pages 7-8
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1st Quarter 2017 Bill: “I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith.” Jill: “What is the name of his other leg?”
Week 08 Feb 19- Feb 25 Page 1
by Janet Spencer The word “smith” comes from the Saxon word which means “to smite.” A smith was anyone who worked with a hammer, whether he was hammering wood, metal, or stone. Thus there were blacksmiths, clocksmiths, coppersmiths, goldsmiths, gunsmiths, locksmiths, silversmiths, arrowsmiths, and so on. And since all these smiths needed a hammer, there were also hammersmiths. Come along with Tidbits as we admire people named Smith! SMITH FACTS • The most common surnames in America are (in order) Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Miller, Davis, Garcia, Rodriguez, Wilson, Martinez, Anderson, Taylor, Thomas, Hernandez, Moore, Martin, Jackson, Thompson, Lopez, Lee, Gonzalez. • There are about 2.5 million Smiths in the U.S. • It’s been estimated that half of the Smiths in the U.S. trace their ancestry to England. There are also many Smiths who originated in Germany, including Schmidts, Schmids, Schmitts, Smitts, and Smits. • Smith County, Kansas is the geographic center of the U.S., and the town of Smith Center is the county seat. They were both named for Major James Smith who was killed in a Civil War battle near Kansas City in 1864. (continued next page)
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