Tidbits of Auburn & Opelika

Page 1

March 16, 2017

Volume 13 Issue 11

ClearanCe Sale TABLE, OF Guns, Tools MCONTENTS usical ISSUE 2017.11 insTruMenTs,I Told lapTops , You So Video GaMespages & 1-4 TV’s

Wide selection -------------------------to choose from


Jimmy’s ODD CarODDS Stereo

Next to pages 7-8 Behind Swanson’s Diamond Center


920 Opelika Road • Auburn, Alabama www.auburnpawngunandjewelry.com

• Complete frame and body repair • faCtory and Custom paint • all work guaranteed • insuranCe Claims


620 Columbus Pkwy. • Opelika, AL Behind Gynn-Smith Chevrolet

the car stereo shop

Huge SavingS

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Hours: Mon. - Fri. Saturday Sunday

Office: (334) 209-6090 Cell: (334) 319-3239 Fax: (334) 209-6095

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9AM to 7PM 10AM to 6PM By Appointment Only

Credit repair

l • Appointments oo h & Walk-ins Sc to o- up t Welcome! 0 d k ac $30 fun B e • Free Estimates / ay from r Pr d i o • Refer a friend & Hol ans 0 f oan get up to $50.00!! Lo $100 L

Jill: “What detergent do flood victims use to wash their clothes?” Bill: “Tide!”

1st Quarter 2017 Week 11 Mar 12- Mar 18 Page 1



by Janet Spencer Come along with Tidbits as we look at famous cases of people ahead of their time who were eventually entitled to say, “I told you so!” ULCERS • In the 1980s, Barry Marshall was a doctor in Australia who was concerned because about 10% of adults suffered from stomach ulcers. At the time, doctors thought ulcers were caused by stress, smoking, and poor eating habits. But Dr. Marshall suspected ulcers were caused by a bacteria called H. pylori. • The problem was that he couldn’t infect any lab animals with H. pylori, not knowing at the time that this strain of bacteria infects only primates. • Papers he wrote were roundly ridiculed by gastroenterologists. Unable to experiment on animals, and prohibited from experimenting on people, he did what he had to do: he isolated a culture of H. pylori from a patient who had an ulcer, mixed it with broth, and drank it. Within days he developed a stomach ulcer. When the ulcer was confirmed, he cured himself with antibiotics. • From there, he proved that every person who had a stomach ulcer also had H. pylori. He later developed a breath test that can tell if a person is suffering from an H. pylori infection. In 2005 he was awarded a Nobel Prize for his efforts.

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Land needed 15+ Acres or Larger in LEE or CHAMBERS Counties

Call: Jimmy Collins

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