TIDBITS Issue 20 CDA idaho 2020

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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #46 Nov. 13th 2017Issue #20 May 11th 2020 of Kootenai County, Idaho


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by Kathy Wolfe • May is National Save Your Tooth Month, and May 11 is Root Canal Appreciation Day. Although Tidbits isn’t sure how many folks appreciate a root canal, this week we are offering up the following facts on your pearly whites! • Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. Four major tissues make up enamel – ectoderm (the original foundation of the tooth), the dentin (a connective tissue that supports the crown of the tooth), the cementum (a bone-like substance covering the root), and dental pulp (the central tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves). Two-thirds of the length of each tooth is visible above the gum line. • Teeth are already starting to form when a baby is in the womb, although they won’t begin to break through the gums until the infant is about six months old. The crowns and roots of a child’s adult teeth form under those baby teeth and as the child ages, those “permanent” teeth begin pushing the baby teeth out of the way. • A child has 20 baby teeth, but will have 32 permanent adult teeth. Adults have four different types of teeth – incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. We have eight incisors, which are our front teeth. Canine teeth have points used for tearing, while we use our molars for grinding our food.


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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020


Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook/tidbitscda

TEETH (continued): • Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth and unlike other teeth’s crowns and roots, wisdom teeth are not present in a fetus’ mouth in the womb. They get their nickname from the time of life they grow in. Ages 17 to 25 are the typical time they push up through the gums, a time of life referred to as the “age of wisdom.” They are the most frequently extracted teeth, with an estimated 85% of wisdom teeth eventually having to be removed, with the lower ones most commonly removed. Wisdom teeth usually decay more quickly than other teeth, because of the difficulty of cleaning them so far back in the mouth. • A wisdom tooth becomes impacted when there isn’t enough room for it to enter the mouth correctly. 90% of people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth. • There are normally four wisdom teeth, but 35% of the population have none, because they never developed. • Your teeth are like fingerprints – as individual as you are! No two teeth are exactly the same shape and size. • Even the ancient Egyptians recognized the importance of proper care of their teeth. Around 5,000 B.C., these folks used crushed burnt eggshells and ground animal hooves to clean and polish their teeth. The Greeks used pumice, talk, alabaster, coral powder, crushed oyster shells, or iron rust to clean their chompers. The Romans cleaned their teeth with powdered charcoal and bark, while the Chinese favored including some flavoring to combat bad breath, adding ginseng and herbal mints. • In 1873, Colgate began mass production of toothpaste in jars, switching to tubes in the 1890s. Fluoride toothpastes made their debut in 1914. Up until 1945, toothpastes contained soap!

• “If you seal your jelly jars with wax, here’s a good tip: Place a small piece of string into the wax before it hardens. Then, you’ll be able to pull on the string to remove the wax when you are ready to enjoy your homemade goodies!” -- U.L. in Maine • Get your charcoal grill to light quickly by sacrificing a handful of Doritos in a paper bag. Light the bag and get ready to BBQ! • “I had a pair of tights that had a run, so I was getting ready to toss them, but I cut off the leg and tied a travel size bar of soap in the middle, right about where the knee would be. I knotted it on either side so the soap would stay in place. I use it as a self-foaming back scrubber, and it really works well.” -- P.B. in North Dakota • “If you have an item that must be cooked in the oven, see if there’s any other foods you can prep cook with it. Better to have the oven on a couple days of the week instead of every day, and you can reheat a quick dinner another night.” -- B.J. in Pennsylvania • Use melted ice cream in place of cream in recipes for sweets. I use it as my own secret weapon when making frosting for cupcakes. • “My husband just loves homemade meatballs, because they are juicier than bagged and frozen ones, which can turn out very dry. To hold the moisture, I use lightly ground oatmeal in place of breadcrumbs. I just toss a cup of oatmeal in the blender and give it a whirl. It doesn’t need to be fine. The oatmeal really retains moisture and makes them so good!” -- J.J. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020 TEETH (continued): • The earliest toothbrushes were twigs that people chewed on, cleansing their teeth with the frayed ends. This advanced to bristles made from the hair of cows. In the 1700s, a British inventor devised a toothbrush with a bone handle fitted with boar bristles in small holes and secured with wire. The first threerow bristle brush originated in 1844. Nylon bristles were introduced in the late 1930s. • Dr. Philippe Woog devised an efficient electric toothbrush in 1954, which was manufactured in Switzerland. Named the Broxodent, it was launched in the U.S. in 1960. • Although your toothbrush and dental floss are essential for good oral care, your teeth’s first defense is none other than saliva! The average mouth produces upwards of 25,000 quarts (23,658 liters) of saliva over the course of a lifetime. How much is that? Enough to fill about two swimming pools! Saliva is a natural disinfectant that helps neutralize the acids produced by the more than 300 types of bacteria that make up dental plaque on tooth surfaces and eat through the enamel. Those folks with dry mouth are more susceptible to tooth decay, without saliva’s ability to counteract sugar’s effects. • The average person spends 45 to 70 seconds per day brushing his/her teeth. Did you know that the recommended amount of time is two to three minutes? If you’re that average person, you’ll spend close to 40 days of your life brushing your teeth. • You can greatly increase the health of your teeth by cutting back on drinking soda. Consider this – there are 10 to 12 teaspoons of sugar in a single can of soda! Those who drink three or more glasses every day have 62% more tooth decay, fillings, and tooth loss than those who drink just water.

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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai Issue #20 May 11th 2020 TidbitsCounty, Dallas County TEETH (continued): • If you’re not flossing, 40% of your tooth surfaces are not being cleaned. How did this idea come about? Back in 1815, a New Orleans dentist named Levi Parmly initiated the idea of using a thin silk thread to clean between teeth. It wasn’t until 1882 that silk floss was manufactured by the Codman and Churtleft Company of Massachusetts and marketed for consumers. No one patented floss until 1898, when Johnson & Johnson secured the first one. In the 1940s, floss material was changed from silk to nylon, an improvement that eliminated silk’s shredding. • When a tooth is badly decayed or infected, a root canal can save the tooth. Bacteria multiply in nerve tissue or pulp, creating an infection-filled pocket at the root’s ends. Blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue are located in the pump chamber located within a tooth’s crown. During a root canal, the nerve and pulp are removed, and the inside is disinfected and sealed. Because a tooth’s nerves provides sensations of hot and cold, a root canal removes that tooth’s ability to sense pain or temperature. • Good oral care isn’t just for your teeth! Tooth decay has been associated with other health problems, including heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Diabetics also have a higher level of gum disease. • How about showing off those pearly whites? The average woman smiles 62 times a day, compared to the average man who does so just 8 times a day. And cheer up! Kids laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh just 15 times a day.


By Lucie Winborne • Chickens can see and dream in full color. They also can taste saltiness, but not sweetness. • Albino lobsters are the only variety that doesn’t turn red when cooked. But don’t count on testing this anytime soon, as the odds of catching one in the wild are estimated at one in 100 million! • In 1834, American physician John Cooke Bennet added tomatoes to ketchup, which previously consisted of fish or mushrooms. As tomatoes contain a healthy dose of vitamins and antioxidants, Bennet then branded his sauce as a cure for diarrhea, indigestion, jaundice and rheumatism. • Japanese high schools often enforce strict conformance when it comes to hair. Half of Tokyo’s schools require students whose locks aren’t naturally black to prove it with baby pictures, while in 2017, a Japanese student sued her school after being forced to darken her hair with dye. • Contrary to what you’d likely expect, this juicy citrus fruit wasn’t named for its bright hue. Instead, the word “orange” came to us from a transliteration of the Sanskrit “naranga,” which was in turn derived from the Tamil “naru,” meaning “fragrant,” which describes its blossoms. • Singularity chess is played on a board that’s distorted in the center, allowing for some pieces to make U-turns and attack the same square in a variety of ways, while bishops can change square colors. • The first vending machine was invented by Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria and dispensed holy water after a coin was inserted. Hero also came up with the first steam engine and the first wind-powered machine -a whopping 2,000 years before the Industrial Revolution. • Thought for the Day: “The most wasted of days is one without laughter.” -- e.e. cummings (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #20 May 11th 2020 For Advertising Call (334)

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By Healthy Exchanges

Strawberry Lovers’ Pie

It’s May -- and that means strawberry pie time! We’ve waited nearly a year for the most magnificent fruit of all to be in season again. And what better way to celebrate than with this scrumptious pie! 4 cups sliced fresh strawberries 1 (6-ounce) graham cracker pie crust 1 (4-serving) package sugar-free vanilla cookand-serve pudding mix 1 (4-serving) package sugar-free strawberry gelatin 1 1/2 cups water 1 cup reduced-calorie whipped topping 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 to 4 drops red food coloring 1. Evenly arrange strawberries in pie crust. In a large saucepan, combine dry pudding mix, dry gelatin and water. Cook over medium heat until mixture thickens and starts to boil, stirring often. Spoon hot sauce evenly over strawberries. 2. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Cut into 8 servings. In a small bowl, combine whipped topping, vanilla extract and red food coloring. Top each piece with a full tablespoon of topping mixture. Serves 8. * Each serving equals: 157 calories, 5g fat, 2g protein, 26g carb., 225mg sodium, 2g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 Starch, 1 Fat, 1/2 Fruit. (c) 2020 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

10/10/19 5:25 PM

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TIDBITS ofTidbits Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020 of Dallas County


By Dr. Holly Carling


In most cultures in earlier centuries, there was a deliberate focus on the nutritional health of women in pre- conception and conception years. Though the term “nutrition” wasn’t applied until the last century for the most part, it was innately understood that a woman had to prepare to have a baby. It wasn’t a “Whoops! I’m pregnant! I’d better start being more conscious of what I put or don’t put into my mouth now!” It was more like “You are of child-bearing years, you need to prepare your body”. Many cultures had “sacred foods” – foods that were considered choice foods for a healthy baby. Foods that may disgust a lot of people today, like liver, heart, bone broth, fish head soup, miso, seaweeds, raw eggs, bone marrow, lots of green leafy veggies, etc. These are all nutrient dense foods that have been found today, to be nutritionally building. These foods were eaten in concentrated amounts about a year from planned marriage or conception, to prepare for birth. Then they were continually eaten during pregnancy and about a year after delivery to assist in recovery and good milk for the baby. In the news in the US and abroad in 2013 and 2014 topics about the longevity of parents vs. children born after the year 2000 were popular.

In general, they are saying they don’t expect today’s kids to live as long as today’s elderly do. This is due to health conditions such as obesity and diabetes that are affecting children at younger ages. Heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis, cancer and other diseases once associated with “just growing old”, are now afflicting the world’s population at younger and younger ages. How do we stop this craziness? We start with prenatal nutrition! We have to go back to the strong moms who ate well (didn’t eat processed foods), and knew innately how to prepare for pregnancy and delivery. But it isn’t that easy. The internet is replete with crazy ideas that influence women in such a way that they don’t know where to begin. Unfortunately, it isn’t just about pregnancy and delivery, but the ability to conceive in the first place. With radical drops in sperm counts, motility and morbidity and women with issues with ovaries, fallopian tubes and implantation, not to mention hormones, infertility is of major concern in the more developed countries. We have more control over conception, the health of our babies and of our genetic propensities than we have previously acknowledged. There is hope.

Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www.vitalhealthcda. com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue505-0674 #20 May 11th 2020 For Advertising CallIdaho (334)

by Freddy Groves

VA’s Emergency Preparedness

Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs has a disaster preparedness team? They do, and it’s called the Disaster Emergency Medical Personnel System (DEMPS). Part of DEMPS is the National Emergency Medical Response Teams: medical and nonmedical volunteers on call for two months at a time who are able to deploy within 48 hours after either the VA requests help or there is a Presidential Disaster Declaration. Whether it’s a flood, earthquake or other natural disaster, once a Presidential Declaration is issued the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) jump in. That’s when the VA’s DEMPS programs can be activated. The VA isn’t just helping veterans during this coronavirus crisis. Per its fourth mission (to support the country in emergencies), the VA started up its 3D printing network to test designs of medical equipment. Along with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it’s creating 3D prototypes of face shields, masks and ventilators. Additionally, at the request of FEMA, the VA has made 1,500 beds available across the country for nonveterans who need acute and intensive care. In some places it’s sent additional medical staff to state veterans homes, given clinical support to the homeless, loaned a pharmacy trailer to a medical center and built a hospital with 1,000 beds. As of this writing, DEMPS has moved into Louisiana to help with the explosion of coronavirus cases, and the VA is seeking medical professionals to help with intensive care units as well as biomedical technicians with ventilator experience. If you have a nonessential medical need, call your VA facility and talk to them. You might decide to postpone your visit for a little while. Or perhaps you can be seen via Telehealth, either on your tablet or computer. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

TRIVIA TEST By Fifi Rodriguez --1. GEOGRAPHY: Which is the only country to have three capital cities? 2. MOVIES: What year did the first Academy Awards ceremony take place? 3. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In police radio code, what does 10-31 mean? 4. U.S. STATES: What state would a Hoosier come from? 5. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase “carpe noctem” mean? 6. GAMES: What color property is Kentucky Avenue in the Monopoly board game? 7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What do you call an animal that eats plants and meat? 8. SCIENCE: What is the study of mycology? 9. MEDICAL: What is a more common name for varicella? 10. AWARDS: Which group has received the most Nobel Peace prizes? Answers 1. South Africa -- Capetown (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial) and Pretoria (administrative) 2. 1929 3. Crime in progress 4. Indiana 5. Seize the night 6. Red 7. An omnivore 8. The study of fungi 9. Chickenpox 10. The International Committee of the Red Cross, with three awards (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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ForofAdvertising 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #20 May 11th 2020 COUCH THEATER VIDEO/DVD PREVIEWS

PHOTO: Daniel Radcliffe in “Guns Akimbo” Photo Credit: Madman Films “Guns Akimbo” (R) -- Deep in an internet culture that’s devoid of humanity and compassion lie the fans of a live-streamed, real-life, tothe-death war game called Skizm. Maybe not so deep after all, since everyone is watching, including Miles (Daniel Radcliffe), a game developer with a Skizm-trolling pastime. But then Miles is drugged and dropped into the game, pitted against actual bad guys and girls. His hands have guns literally bolted to them and in order to right this mess he’ll have to battle to the bloody end against professional cold-blooded killers, chief among them an extraordinarily successful player named Nix (Samara Weaving). It’s a mix of hyper action and dark comedic moments that will appeal to those with short attention spans. It’s brash and rude, and I thought it was quite fun. “The Rhythm Section” (R) -- Stephanie (Blake Lively) lost her family in a plane crash. She’s not dealing with it well -- mired in a haze of drug abuse, prostitution and general self-destructive behavior -- when a journalist comes along to tell her that the plane crash was the work of terrorists. She cleans up, connects with ex-MI6 agent Boyd (Jude Law) and begins tracking down the terrorist organization responsible for her family’s deaths, along the way assuming the identity of a murdered spy. The deal is that this was supposed to be the start of a series, based on the Stephanie Patrick books by Mark Burrell. Unfortunately, it shows because I kept getting the feeling that it is a set up. Too bad, because I really like Blake Lively, especially in a role where she’s not just glamorously beautiful all the time. “The Assistant” (R) -- Junior assistant to a movie mogul, Jane (Julia Garner) is the invisible nonperson who does the jobs nobody wants to do: making coffee, scheduling flights, filing, cleaning stains on the casting couch in her predatory boss’s office. It’s a day in the life, if you can call it a life, and it’s a slow and tortuous recounting of the moments we look away in order to not rock the boat. The me-too message is obvious, as is the character reference to Harvey Weinstein in the boss we never see but who makes our skin crawl nonetheless. “Swift” (NR) -- An animated kids’ movie featuring an orphaned swift named Manou, who is raised by seagulls and must prove himself in time to travel south for the winter. He meets a handful of swifts who help him find his own unique strengths -- a bird in two worlds. The big-name voices are Kate Winslet and Willem Dafoe, who play Manou’s seagull parents. It’s full CGI and features swooping flight sequences, but it lacks laughs and, sadly, true heart. NEW TV RELEASES “Arrow” Final Season “WWE: Super Showdown 2020” “Touched by an Angel” The Complete First Season “Underdog: The Complete Series” (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• On May 20, 1506, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus dies in Spain. Columbus, and most others, underestimated the world’s size, calculating that East Asia must lie about where North America sits on the globe. • On May 23, 1701, at London’s Execution Dock, British privateer William Kidd, known as Captain Kidd, is hanged for piracy and murder. In 1695, Kidd was commissioned to defend English ships from pirates in the Red Sea. When arrested with a shipload of treasure, Kidd’s Whig sponsors failed to back his claims of legitimacy. • On May 19, 1715, the colony of New York passes a law making it illegal to “gather, rake, take up, or bring to the market, any oysters whatsoever” between the months of May and September. The regulation was intended to help preserve certain species. • On May 24, 1844, before members of Congress, American inventor Samuel F.B. Morse dispatches a telegraph message from the U.S. Capitol to a railroad station in Baltimore. The message -- “What Hath God Wrought?” -- was telegraphed back to the Capitol a moment later. • On May 18, 1917, six weeks after the United States formally entered World War I, Congress passes the Selective Service Act, giving the president the power to draft soldiers. Of the almost 4.8 million Americans who served in the war, some 2.8 million were drafted. • On May 21, 1901, Connecticut becomes the first state to limit the speed of motor vehicles to 12 mph in cities and 15 mph on country roads. As late as 1930, a dozen states had no speed limit, while 28 states did not even require a driver’s license. • On May 22, 1969, actor Paul Newman makes his onscreen racing debut in the film “Winning.” Newman played a struggling race car driver who must turn around his fortunes by winning the Indianapolis 500. (c) 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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Looking forward in life requires planning and insight.

One step in that planning is to examine financial preparedness for care requirements that might be forthcoming. Long-term Care Insurance just might be a remarkable tool to cover the costs of home care, assisted living, adult daycare, respite care, hospice care and more. “As we get older, we may need a little more help. Sometimes we reach the point when we’re unable to care for ourselves—because of an illness, injury, gradual frailty, or a sever cognitive impairment By Matilda Charles such as Alzheimer’s disease. We may need help with daily activities, or more specialized care. That’s where long-term care insurance comes in—you could receive thousands of dollars in benefits to help Are We Bored Yet? Being bored isn’t good, especially for pay for the care you may need in the future. Doesn’t that sound better than tapping into your retireseniors. We need to keep our brain cells active, ment savings to pay for your care?” (Long-term Care Insurance Policy Guide, State Farm Mutual even if we can’t get out of the house for any Automobile Insurance, 06-2016, p. 1) mental stimulation due to the coronavirus. And Here are some insights to encourage the reader to consider the possibilities of such coverage. “A we need to find ways to move each day, even complete retirement plan includes coverage for life’s unknowns, including the possibility of needing if it’s just for 10 minutes at a time, to keep our care for an extended amount of time. A key statistic that you may have already seen is that 7 out of 10 individuals age 65 or older will need some type of long-term care assistance in their lifetime. (U.S. muscles strong. Look at YouTube.com for mild in-place Department of Health and Human Services, National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Inforexercises for seniors. Go online to find a kids’ mation, www.longtermcare.gov/the-basics (accessed April 2015). Since estimated costs can exceed basketball hoop and soft ball you can hang over $90,000 annually (John Hancock 2016 Cost-of-Care Survey), the door. Look for a dartboard with magnetic choosing to retain the risk of an extended care event can have a devastating impact on your retiredarts. If you have an old Nintendo Wii console, ment goals. It is important to understand the differences in the options available to you. ” hook it up and get some exercise with the bowl- (Wells Fargo Advisors, 1016-04192, p. 1) At The Lodge Assisted Living Homes, we highly recommend that the reader seek professional guiding and tennis. If you have an indoor hobby, call your ance in taking steps to plan for the future. Also, we welcome Long-term Care Insurance coverage for closest store and ask if they have curbside pick- our residents and celebrate the relief that it provides. up or can mail supplies to you. Put “online craft (If you know someone who would like to join our circle of caregivers in one of our homes, please tutorials” in your internet browser for new ideas. contact Linda at 208-755-3637 or linda@lodgeliving.net. We even have gorgeous onsite studio apartTune up your guitar and order new strings. Find ments which include meals and all utilities as a part of our employment package. We are delighted to schedule around school commitments for our employees who are reaching ever upward. Call us!!) your old piano books if you have a piano. To keep your brain stretched, if you get a newspaper, do the puzzles, even the ones you Linda Davis normally don’t try. Go online for other puzzles Director of building relationships. you can print out or complete online. Go to puzzles.usatoday.com for a wide 208.457.3403 variety of online games. With the crossword puzzles you can choose your skill level (hints versus no hints). Use your keyboard to type in each letter. Try jigsaw puzzles, spelling games, backgammon (play against an opponent or the computer) or mahjong. Also look at Boatload Puzzles (www.boatloadpuzzles.com) for 40,000 crossword puzzles. For real brain stretchers look to Merriam-Webster (www.merriam-webster. com/word-games) or AARP (games.aarp.org). For short-term memory games, look at BrainCurls.com. Meanwhile, here’s a puzzle for you. What is the next letter in this sequence? O T T F F S S __The answer will be at the end of my next column. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020

1. Name the ‘50s rocker who married his first cousin. 2. What was the first band to be censored on “American Bandstand”? 3. Which singer wrote and released “Uptown Girl”? 4. Who wrote and released the trucker anthem “Willin’” and when? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “As pretty as you are, you know you could have been a flower, If good looks was a minute, you know that you could be an hour.” Answers 1. Jerry Lee Lewis, in 1958. Her name was Myra and she was only 13. Lewis married her before the divorce from his second wife was final. He’d also married his second wife before divorcing the first one. 2. The Beastie Boys, in 1989. Legend has it that they also got banned from a famous hotel chain for cutting a hole in the floor. 3. Billy Joel, in 1983. The music video featured supermodel Christie Brinkley as the title character. Joel married her two years later. 4. Lowell George, before he formed Little Feat. The song appeared on their first album in 1971. 5. “The Way You Do the Things You Do,” by the Temptations, in 1964. The song started as a way to pass time on a bus ride, stringing together pickup lines. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.


TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020



• It’s been over 50 years since this blockbuster was released, and it still remains on the list of the greatest movies of all time. Tidbits visits the Old West with the facts on “Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.” • American novelist, playwright, and screenwriter William Goldman did research for eight years before penning his first original screenplay for “Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.” Twentieth-Century Fox was authorized $200,000 for the screenplay, but ended up spending $400,000 (about $2.8 million in today’s dollars), the highest price ever paid at that time. The money was recouped many times over when “Butch Cassidy” was 1969’s top-grossing film. Goldman was awarded the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for his work. He went on to write the screenplay for “All the President’s Men,” “The Stepford Wives,” and “A Few Good Men,” along with many others. He adapted his 1973 novel “The Princess Bride” for the big screen as well. • The movie was inspired by outlaws Robert Leroy Parker, known as Butch Cassidy, and his partner Harry Longabaugh, the Sundance Kid, whose band of bandits were known as the Wild Bunch, but were referred to as the Hole-in-the-Wall Gang in the film. While working as a butcher in a Wyoming shop, Parker earned the nickname Butch, which stuck when he struck out to work on area ranches. One ranch owner, Mike Cassidy, was especially kind to Parker, and the future outlaw’s new name was born. Longabaugh had served 18 months in the Sundance, Wyoming jail for horse thievery, which contributed to his moniker.

CBD Treats for Pets

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Should I give my dog CBD-infused pet treats to calm his anxiety? What other methods are available for giving CBD to pets? -- Carlos in San Diego DEAR CARLOS: With an increasing number of products for pets containing cannabidiol (the non-psychoactive ingredient in marijuana), it can be hard for owners to figure out what is going to be safe and effective for their dog or cat. Many owners swear by CBD, noting that it has been effective in reducing their pets’ pain from arthritis or injuries, and in alleviating chronic anxiety that would otherwise have to be treated with medications that may have side effects over the long term. The smaller your dog, the lower the dose of CBD that’s recommended. Large dogs can usually take a larger dose. So check the treat’s package closely to find out how much CBD your dog will get with each treat. Many owners opt instead to purchase CBD oil or tincture so that they can control the exact dosage their pet gets. The liquid is added to a pet’s food using an eyedropper, which is usually included with the bottle. The American Kennel Club has even sounded off on CBD oil, and while they’re still unsure about its actual benefits to dogs, the AKC recommends that owners buy the highest quality CBD oil they can find, focusing on organic products as much as possible to ensure that no pesticides or fungicides find their way into the bottle. Always consider CBD treats as medicine, not food or a reward. Stay within the dose recommended for your pet. Send your comments, tips or questions to ask@ pawscorner.com. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020 BUTCH CASSIDY (continued): • The original title was “The Sundance Kid & Butch Cassidy.” William Goldman had Paul Newman in mind for Sundance and Jack Lemmon for Cassidy when he wrote the script. Lemmon wasn’t interested, and Steve McQueen, Warren Beatty, and Marlon Brando were approached. McQueen wanted to play Butch and asked for top billing, dropping out when the director wanted Newman. Newman’s wife, Joanne Woodward had seen the few films that Robert Redford had been in, and suggested him for the part of Sundance. • Redford was frequently tardy to the set, and was scolded by Newman for his rudeness. Newman joked that the movie should be renamed “Waiting for Lefty,” referring to Redford’s left-handedness. • Filming began in 1968 in Utah, Colorado, and Mexico. Lula Parker Betenson, the sister of the real Butch Cassidy, frequently visited the movie set, regaling the cast crew of her brother’s experiences. Cost of production was $6 million, with 1969 box office earnings of more than $102 million (about $725 million in today’s dollars), the top-earning movie of the year. • Singer B.J. Thomas recorded the film’s song “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head,” which shot to the top of the Billboard charts where it was No. 1 for four weeks. By March of 1970, the single had sold more than 2 million copies, and captured the Academy Award for Best Original Song. • Nominated for seven Oscars, “Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid” took home four. It lost Best Picture to “Midnight Cowboy.” • With the law on their tail, in 1901, Butch, Sundance, and Etta Place fled to South America. Their first stop was Argentina, then Chile, although the movie places them in Bolivia. All of the Bolivia scenes were filmed in Mexico. Although their final end remains a mystery, it’s believed they were killed in South America in 1908.

Top 10 Video On Demand 1. The Gentlemen (R) Matthew McConaughey 2. The Way Back (R) Ben Affleck 3. The Call of the Wild (PG) Harrison Ford 4. Underwater (PG-13) Kristen Stewart 5. Dolittle (PG) Robert Downey Jr. 6. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (R) Margot Robbie 7. Little Women (PG) Saoirse Ronan 8. 1917 (R) Dean-Charles Chapman 9. Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (PG-13) Carrie Fisher 10. Onward (PG) animated Top 10 DVD, Blu-ray Sales 1. Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywaker (PG-13) Disney/Lucasfilm 2. Dolittle (PG) Universal 3. Jumanji: The Next Level (PG-13) Sony Pictures 4. Little Women (PG) Sony Pictures 5. Just Mercy (PG-13) Warner Bros. 6. 1917 (R) Universal 7. Underwater (PG-13) FOX 8. Frozen 2 (PG) Disney 9. Midway (PG-13) Lionsgate 10. Joker (R) Warner Bros. Sources: comScore/Media Play News (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020

Q&A with Susan Ashley, MD

Vt C and COVID-19

A hospital in Shanghai has announced a recommendation to use high dose IV treatment of vitamin C to treat COVID-19. The dosage recommendation ranged anywhere from 10,000mg all the way up to 800,000mg IV per day. Most received up to 16,000mg. They noted that this specific method of administration is important because vitamin C’s effects are at least 10 times more powerful when taken by IV rather than orally. Also, oral doses past 5000 mg are often not tolerated as they cause diarrhea, whereas this GI side effect is not seen with the IV route. Dr Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, noted that “IV vitamin C is a safe, effective and broad-spectrum antiviral”. Dr Cheng, MD, PhD is the associate director for the clinical trials and has been working closely with the authorities in China to facilitate at least three of the IV vitamin C trials. Despite most of his work being censored and blocked by most media, Dr Cheng hs been trying to bring this information to the public and will continue his efforts to encourage more hospitals to implement IV vitamin C therapy.

Both Dr Cheng and Dr Yangisawa recommend oral vitamin C for prevention of COVID-19. They note that “the current sole focus on vaccine and specific antiviral drugs for epidemics is misplaced. Early and sufficiently large doses of IV vitamin C are critical. C is not only an antioxidant, but also involved in virus killing and prevention of viral replication. The significance of large dose IV C is not just at an antiviral level. It is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that kills most people from coronaviral pandemics, and IV vitamin C can help prevent the inflammatory pathways that lead to ARDS. IV vitamin C also improves endothelial function, treating acute lung injury and improving antiviral levels.” In the past, IV vitamin C has been used since the 1940’s to treat influenza, SARS and viral pneumonia. We use it frequently in our clinic to treat influenza and other viral illnesses. Dr Cheng also notes: “We need to broadcast a message worldwide very quickly: Vitamin C does not harm to people and is the one of the few, if not the only, agent that has a chance to prevent us from getting, and can treat, COVID-19 infection. When can we, medical doctors and scientists, put patients lives first?” When, indeed. I call on medical doctors and naturopaths thruout the US to learn how to deliver this very inexpensive treatment. We are selling IV Vitamin C as fast as we can get it in. If you have had COVID-19, get to a doctor that knows how to administer IV Vitamin C get a minimum of 10,000mg - we routinely give 50,000mg with no side effects. And if you have had this infection and have underlying heart or lung disease, follow the IV administration with IV stem cells - they have been shown to repair the damage from COVID-19.

Dr Ashley is board certified in Family Medicine and in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She provides a mix of traditional with alternative medicine and specializes in bio-identical hormones for both men and women.


STUTTERING • It’s National Stuttering Awareness Week and Tidbits is doing its part to expand knowledge about this condition. • Upwards of 70 million people across the globe are stutterers – about one in every 100, 1% of the world’s population. About 3 million Americans stutter, with males affected three times more than females. About 1 in 20 children aged 2 to 5 will have some type of stuttering during childhood. It might begin gradually or it may appear suddenly. • There are many myths surrounding stuttering. It’s not a psychological disorder, as some have claimed, but rather a biological and neurological condition. Genetics contribute greatly to stuttering and genes that cause it have been identified. Frequently there will be more than one member of the same family who stutters. It’s not a habit that can just be broken if a person really wants to. Some who work very hard at changing their speech are unable to do so. However, many have been able to overcome it through diligent effort, such as Sir Winston Churchill, who became an eloquent speaker despite his impediment. As a young newscaster, John Stossel was pulled off the air for stuttering. He spent years practicing different speech techniques – breathing in before talking, speaking softly and slowing – but still had it written into his contract for “20/20”, a program he co-hosted with Barbara Walters, that he would never have to do live reports, giving him a chance to re-tape stories. • Several actors have prevailed over the obstacle, including James Earl Jones, Jimmy Stewart, Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Bruce Willis, and Emily Blunt.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020 STUTTERING (continued): • The 2010 movie “The King’s Speech” chronicles the story of Britain’s King George VI’s courageous efforts toward coping with his stuttering. The monarch spent countless hours with an Australian speech therapist and victoriously addressed the country in his first wartime radio broadcast when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939. • Old wives’ tales maintained that a child stuttered because the mother saw a snake during pregnancy, or the child ate a grasshopper at a young age. As recently as 1940, it was believed that forcing a left-handed child to become right-handed contributed to the impediment. It was also thought that stutterers were less intelligent or capable, an obvious inaccuracy. Some claimed that it was a behavior that children could pick up from listening to others who stuttered. • Stuttering frequently mysteriously disappears. Up to 80% of young children who start stuttering will stop, although if it continues into their school-age years, it’s likely to continue in some form. About one out every 100 children will have long-term stuttering. Some people have periods when it just goes away, but suddenly reappears. Strokes and traumatic brain injuries can bring on an impediment that wasn’t there before. • What can you do to help? Make every effort not to finish a sentence or fill in words for those who stutter. Wait patiently and allow them to finish their thought. Don’t suggest that they slow down or “just relax.” You can be sure that’s been tried many times to no avail.

Nellie’s Custard Bread Pudding This recipe was a winner in our Mother’s Day Cooking contest. 6 cups whole or 1% milk 5 slices firm white bread 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 6 large eggs 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg, or to taste 1. Preheat oven to 325 F. Grease a 13-by-9-inch glass baking dish. 2. In a 2-quart saucepan, heat milk just to boiling over medium-high heat. 3. Meanwhile, toast bread. Spread butter on 1 side of slices; cut each diagonally into quarters. 4. In medium bowl, beat eggs, sugar, vanilla and salt until blended. Gradually whisk hot milk into egg mixture until well-combined. Pour custard into baking dish. Arrange bread, buttered side up, on top of custard; sprinkle with nutmeg. 5. Set baking dish in large (17-by-11 1/2-inch) roasting pan; place pan on oven rack. Pour enough boiling water into pan to come halfway up sides of baking dish. 6. Bake custard 50 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Transfer baking dish to wire rack; let stand 15 minutes to cool before serving. Or cover and refrigerate to serve cold later. Serves 12. * Each serving: About 225 calories, 9g total fat (5g saturated), 265mg sodium, 27g total carbohydrate, 0g dietary fiber. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/foodrecipes/. (c) 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020

RESTAURANTS Open for Takeout

315 Cuisine at the Greenbriar Inn 208-667-9660, 315Cuisine.com


Honey Eatery and Social Club

Roger’s Ice Cream & Burgers

Iron Horse Bar and Grill

Roger’s Ice Cream & Burgers

208-930-1514, HoneyEateryAndSocialClub. com

(CDA-downtown), 208-930-4900, rogersicecreamburgers.com (CDA-Neider Ave.) 208-664-0696

Angelo’s Ristorante

208-667-7314, facebook.com/pg/IronHorse. CdA.1972/menu


(208) 771-7020 musthavemenus.com

Roger’s Ice Cream & Burgers (PF)

208-765-3868, jimmysdownthestreet.com

Stacies Cakes


Roger’s Ice Cream & Burgers

208-765-2850, AngelosRistorante.net

Juniors Cocina Mexicana

208-664-4665, anthonys.com

Jimmy’s Down the Street

208-758-0600, bellesbrunch.com

La Cabana (PF)


La Cabana (Rathdrum)

Sweet Lou’s Restaurant and Tap House

Mackenzie River Pizza

Texas Roadhouse

Belle’s Brunch House CaddyShack

Candle In the Woods 208-664-0135

Cafe Carambola,

208-676-8784, cafecarambola.com

Capone’s (CDA)

208-687-4900, lacabanarathdrum.com

208-772-5111, mackenzieriverpizza.com


208-664-1717, meltzextreme.com

(Hayden), 208-772-6205 208-773-6532

staciescakes.com, 208.777-CAKE

208-667-1170, SweetLousIdaho.com 208-664-1903, texasroadhouse.com

Thai Bamboo

208-667-5300, thaibamboorestaurant.com

208-667-4843, caponespub.com; Capone’s (PF), 208-457-8020 ;

Mod Pizza

Tony’s on the Lake

208-762-5999 ;

Moon Time 208-667-2331

Toro Viejo (Hayden)

Capone’s (Hayden)

Capone’s at Ponderosa 208-664-1101


208-765-1001, carusosandco.com


208-214-7600, chilis.com

208-277-9500, www.modpizza.com

Vine & Olive Eatery and Wine Bar

Noodle Express

Westwood Brewing Co.

208-687-6441, nadinesmexicankitchen.com 208-762-8488, noodleexpress.net

Nosworthy’s 208-664-6161

Old European

Cosmic Cowboy


208-277-0000, cosmiccowboy.com

208-772-0291, toroviejo.com

Nadine’s Mexican Kitchen

Chomper Cafe

208-719-0441, chompercafe.com

208-667-9885, tonysonthelake.com

208-772-2017, oldeuropean-restaurant.com

208-758-7770, VineAndOliveCdA.com 208-712-3423, WestwoodBrewing.com

The White House Grill

208-777-9672, WhiteHouseGrill.com


Domino’s Pizza (CDA)

208-666-9495, facebook.com/Olympia-Restaurant-136891056331211/

Nutrishop Coeur d’Alene

Domino’s Pizza (Hayden)

208-689-9968, oneshotcharlies.net


208-765-1216, dominos.com

One Shot Charlie’s

(208) 292-4611


The Oval Office Bistro and Martini Bar

Call (208) 666-4005

Paragon Brewing

Delivery Service


Pepe Caldo Pizzeria

Badger Building Center Post Falls


Pita Pit (CDA)

MLS Reversed Mortgage


Pita Pit (Hayden)

Kangen Water Store

208-765-7827, firehousesubs.com

Pita Pit (PF)

NW Pet Resort

208-664-4800, FishermansMarketCdA.com

The Porch Public House

Peachy Kleen Housecleaning

208-635-5836, FlameAndCork.com

Post Falls Steakhouse

Don Taylor Tree Service,

208-777-7600, Fleur-de-sel.weebly.com


208-664-3998, franklinshoagies.com

Rancho Viejo (Hayden)

Clean Finish Construction & Real Estate Cleaning

208-719-0009, fukihaydenid.com

Rancho Viejo (CDA)

208-457-7077, fukisteakhouse.com

Republic Kitchen and Taphouse

Domino’s (PF-Mullan Ave.) 208-457-1216

Domino’s (PF- Spokane St.) Domino’s (Rathdrum)

Embers By the Lake Firehouse Subs,

Fisherman’s Market Grill & Sushi, Flame and Cork, Fleur de Sel,

Franklin’s Hoagies, Fu-ki Hayden

Fuki Japanese Steakhouse El Taco Loco,

208-719-0040, eltacolocoidaho.com

National Mattress and Furniture

208-777-2102, WhiteHouseGrill.com

Call 208-762-0800 cdamattress.com

208-772-9292, paragonbrewing.com

call Lisa Tussing (310)347-6475

208-765-6010, pepecaldopizza.com

(208) 773-1848

208-664-1738, pitapitusa.com

Call Debra Compton 208.699.0970






(509) 216-4533




208-762-3310, ranchoviejomexican.com 208-773-6600

208-457-3610, Repub.pub

(208) 964-2148

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 11th 2020


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