TIDBITS Issue 30 CDA Idaho 2021

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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021


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TIDBITS® FIGURES OUT SOME ACRONYMS by Kathy Wolfe We use acronyms every day, many times without knowing what they mean. This week, Tidbits unravels the meanings of some common acronyms. •

An acronym is a word that’s formed from the first letter or letters of the parts of a compound term, and can be used to abbreviate a phrase.

Back in 1937, Hormel Foods introduced an inexpensive meat product and held a contest to name it. The winning entry was SPAM for this canned luncheon meat, believed to stand for “Shoulder of Pork And Ham.” Since then, more than 8 billion cans of SPAM have been sold, and today it’s available in 15 different varieties, including teriyaki, jalapeno, and Portuguese sausage. The word “spam” also refers to those annoying, unsolicited e-mails you receive. The New Oxford Dictionary of English already had the lunchmeat SPAM as an entry, but added an entry for those internet messages in 1998.

FIAT, Italy’s largest automobile manufacturer, opened its first factory in 1900, where 35 employees assembled 24 cars. By 1903, the company had generated a profit and had produced 135 cars. The car takes its name from “Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino,” which translates “Italian automobile factory of Turin.”


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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021


Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook/tidbitscda

ACRONYMS (continued): •

BMW takes its name from the German words “Bayerische Motoren Werke,” or “Bavarian Motor Works,” a company that initially manufactured aircraft engines beginning in 1913. BMW produced its first motorcycle in 1913, but didn’t become an automobile manufacturer until 1928.

“P.S., I love you,” “P.S., don’t forget your umbrella,” “P.S., say Hi to your mom.” All of these are phrases written at the end of a letter • or e-mail. What does P.S. stand for? It’s short for “postscript,” from the Latin word “postscriptum,” which translates “written • after.”

Also derived from the Latin are the common acronyms A.M. and P.M., referring to morning and afternoon. A.M. is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “ante meridiem,” meaning “before midday,” while • P.M. is short for “post meridiem,” translating “after midday.”

What about the request you receive to RSVP to an invitation? That phrase comes from the French language, and is short for “repondez s’il vous plait,” which translates “please • respond.”

In 1957, the first patent was issued for a nonstick cooking spray. In 1959, Arthur • Meyerhoff and Leon Rubin founded PAM products, giving the cooking spray the name PAM standing for Product of Arthur Meyerhoff. The spray’s main ingredient is canola oil. Did you know there is no such thing as a canola plant? Canola oil comes from rapeseed, a bright yellow flowering member of the mustard family. The word canola stands for Canada Oil Low Acid, since Canada is the world’s top producer of rapeseed. •

Dill planted near tomatoes will draw caterpillars away from the fruits. And it's delicious. Potato salad will have more flavor if you whisk together all the dressing ingredients and add it to the potatoes when they are warm. The potatoes will absorb the ingredientsbetter,andtheflavorwilldevelop even more during refrigeration. "I love to grill, and when it's nice out, we grill every weekend. I always put on extra and use the leftovers through the week. Chicken in salad, a nice flank steak for fajitas, etc. And it means less cooking for me!" -- Y.L. in Maryland Here's a great recipe for an icy treat: Freeze orange juice or apple juice in ice trays. Throw a handful in the blender for a fruit slush that can't be beat on a hot day. "A lot of smoke was coming off our grill, and our patio doors were wide open. Long story short: It swamped the living room with smoke. The smell was a little overwhelming. After we closed the door, my neighbor doused a kitchen towel with white vinegar, wrung it out and waved it around the room. It cleared out the smoke smell right away, and the vinegar smell went away just as quickly. What a miracle!" -F.F. in South Carolina Got poison ivy? The maddening itch might find relief from coffee grounds or a cooled cuppa. It contains anti-inflammatories.

Send your tips to Now Here's a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021 ACRONYMS (continued): •

There are more than 400 IKEA stores operating in upwards of 50 countries worldwide. The company was founded in 1943 by a 17-year-old Swedish boy named Ingvar Kamprad, with money received from his father as a reward for succeeding in his schoolwork. Kamprad started a mail-order business selling pens, wallets, picture frames, watches, and nylon stockings. He named his business based on his initials I.K., followed by the first letters of his family farm Elmtaryd and his hometown of Agunnaryd. Kamprad opened his first furniture store in Sweden in 1953, followed by the first IKEA store in 1958.

If you say you’re stopping by the ATM machine, you’re repeating yourself. Since ATM stands for “automated teller machine,” you’re saying “automated teller machine machine.”

Some people confuse the FAA with the FFA, but the two couldn’t be more different. The Federal Aviation Administration is a government agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation. It oversees all aspects of aviation, including operation of airports, management of air traffic, and certification of aircraft over the United States and its surrounding international waters. The agency was created in 1958, replacing the former Civil Aeronautics Administration. The FFA, or Future Farmers of America became a nationwide organization in 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri, as a resource for students interested in agriculture and leadership. The group has grown to more than 700,000 members in 8,612 chapters, covering all 50 states.

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TIDBITS Tidbits of Kootenai®County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021 of Dallas County


ACRONYMS (continued): • Do you know the meaning of all of your computer formats? JPEG, the method that compresses images, stands for “Joint Photographic Experts Group,” while the moving images known as GIFs are technically known as “Graphics Interchange Format.” The digital file format known as PDF, created By Lucie Winborne in the early 1990s by Adobe, stands for • The fuller your refrigerator, the more “Portable Document Format.” Sometimes a energy-efficient it is. website asks you to verify you aren’t a robot by sending you a CAPTCHA, a test that • In 2005, a Powerball drawing had a stunning 110 second-place winners, all of requires users to solve a simple puzzle of whom attributed their luck to ... a fortune letters and numbers in a distorted pattern in cookie. No foul play was involved, just a order to be allowed access to the site. Chinese fortune cookie distribution factory Computer techs from Carnegie Mellon and named Wonton Food, which happened to IBM coined the phrase in 2003, forming an correctly foretell five of the six winning acronym from “Completely Automated numbers. Each grateful recipient took home Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and between $100,000 and $500,000. Humans Apart.” • What about all of the acronyms that have been • Master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock was an ovophobe, or someone who is frightened created since the advent of the internet, chat of eggs. rooms, and texting? We now type BRB for “Be Right Back,” IMO for “In My Opinion,” • Children of identical twins are genetically and TTYL for “Talk to You Later.” AFK siblings, not cousins. symbolizes “Away From Keyboard,” while • Notwithstanding the fact it has no feathers, BTW means “By The Way.” In the world of beak or talons, the Goodyear Blimp is the computer dating, SWF is the acronym for official bird of Redondo Beach, California. “Single White Female,” SWM is its male counterpart, and SO means “Significant • James Cameron sold the film rights to "The Terminator" for $1. It went on to earn a Other.” If a user records VBD, it was a Very worldwide total of $78.3 million at the box Bad Date! office in 1984. • Although lots of folks think that “Arby’s” is an acronym for the roast beef sandwiches the • The comb jelly, aka the warty comb jelly, sea walnut or "Mnemiopsis leidyi," is the restaurant chain is famous for, the name is only known animal to have a transient anus actually an abbreviation for its founders, -- or, in more common parlance, a Leroy and Forrest Raffel, the Raffel Brothers. disappearing butt. The brothers, who were owners of a restaurant equipment business, founded the franchise in • The green code in "The Matrix" was actually created from symbols in the code 1964 in Boardman, Ohio. designer's wife's sushi cookbook. •

Comic Sans, designed by Vincent Connare in 1995, has been labeled the world's most hated font. Even its creator isn't much of a fan, admitting that he has only used it once, to write a complaint letter to his internet provider. At least he received a refund.

Australia's Lake Hillier and Hutt Lagoon are known for their vibrant pink and lilac hues,

Thought for the Day: "There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with." -- Harry Crews (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #30 July 19th 2021 For Advertising Call (334)

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TIDBITS of Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021 Tidbits of Dallas County


By Dr. Holly Carling


Many train themselves to go first thing in the morning. Ideally, we want to go 30 minutes after each meal. If this doesn’t work for your Digestive difficulties are one of the leading schedule, going in the morning is the next best complaints today, sending some 100 million option. Literally, potty train yourself again. Sit people per year to the emergency room. on the pot every morning upon arising without Constipation is one of them. Some people get fail. Sit for a few minutes, lightly bearing down. uncomfortable after 2 or 3 days of not having a Eventually the body gets the message and you bowel movement, while others can go a week or have now trained yourself for a once-daily longer. I had a patient that went once a month! movement. Once this is a good habit, start to The sad thing was that he only found it to be a potty train yourself to go just before bed. Try to nuisance, maybe a minor concern. He came to be consistent with the time if possible. While 3 see me after he went to a gastroenterologist and times/day is ideal, if you can train yourself to go asked the doctor “I’ve gone a month without a twice daily, your body would love you for it! bowel movement. At what point should I be Eating fresh fruits and veggies every day is a concerned?” The GI doc shrugged his shoulders must for regulating bowels. Too much raw, and said “Well, if it gets bad enough, we’ll just however, can make your stools too loose. A good remove your colon!” He decided he’d better seek 50/50 ratio of raw to lightly steamed is perfect. another opinion and another option. Hydration is essential as well. Make sure you are If you are struggling, there are things you can do drinking ½ your body weight in ounces of water to help. per day. First, we essentially train ourselves to be An often overlooked necessity is eating enough constipated. As children, we don’t want to stop good fats. Good fats stimulate the release of bile playing to go to the bathroom. Then we get into from the gallbladder. Bile is one of the best school and can’t just leave the classroom when regulators of stools. Avocados, olive oil, and a the urge hits – we learn to hold it. good juicy pasture-raised steak could be just the Then we get into the work force and the same ticket. applies. You can’t just tell a customer at the cash If your constipation is not responding, or if you register “Hey, can you wait a minute? I have to have other digestive issues that need to be run to the restroom!” We learn to ignore the addressed, try acupuncture. It has been used to urges and continue with work until a more effectively help digestive issues for thousands of opportune time. So we train ourselves to not go. years. No exaggeration! Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www.vitalhealthcda.com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-7651994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #30 July 19th 2021 For Advertising Call (334)

by Freddy Groves

Don't Mess With the VA This is a big no-no. An Ohio man threatened to kill a Department of Veterans Affairs social worker's daughters. You do not do that, no matter what your beef. You do not go after family. The Ohio idiot didn't even do it anonymously, sending a threatening text message, and it wasn't long before the VA Office of Inspector General was all over it. Turns out he was known to the social worker because he'd availed himself of homeless-veterans services and had been given permanent housing. Several years later, he was evicted due to multiple complaints of physical threats and public intoxication. Upset, he sent the threatening text message. At this point he's indicted. No established guilt. Court to be held later. At his arrest he was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and obstructing official business. I hope the federal charges are stronger than that. You do not threaten family. This next case I don't understand. Oh, I understand the theft and scamming part. What I don't understand is why it took so long. In 2017, a VA employee who worked in the IT department was nabbed and indicted for attempting to sell the personal info of veterans and employees he'd grabbed off the computers. He'd even narrowed down the victims to those making over $50,000 per year, saying that would be valuable to identity thieves. He selected veterans who'd received compensation or a pension, those who went to a VA medical center and those who'd had a VA financial assessment. He even made fake credit cards and had the equipment to do that. He was picked up in a bathroom when he went to the VA to steal a server. In 2019, he pleaded guilty to one charge in exchange for having the others dropped. Fastforward to now: He's just been sentenced to 46 months, plus two years of supervised release. What took so long? (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #30 July 19th 2021 For Advertising Call (334)


By Sam Mazzotta Photo Credit: Disney/Marvel Photo Caption: Scarlett Johansson in "Black Widow" "McCartney 3,2,1" -- Six decades' worth of footage of Paul McCartney singing is not enough. There will never be enough. But somehow producer Rick Rubin has managed to compile his life's work into a six-episode docuseries that begins Friday, July 16. Covering every chapter of Sir Paul's career, it includes casual conversations between McCartney and Rubin interspersed with media clips, family movies and concerts. Watching Paul listen to audio of Paul, we see the memories reappear on his face as he begins to tell a backstory about writing, playing or love. The striking black and white film heightens the clarity of the music. This is a truly momentous collection of storytelling about, and by, a cultural legend. (Hulu)

Cat Owner Defends FreeRange Felines

DEAR PAW'S CORNER: As an owner of six indoor cats, I would like to respond to your recent article ("Cats shouldn't get free pass to poop"). In the past two years we have had to pay over $300 for damage done by chipmunks to our car. We cannot have a raised garden here due to rabbits, groundhogs, deer and chipmunks. When my cats used to be outdoors, I saw very few birds killed by them. Generally, it was mice and moles. My cats would kill snakes and scare off the squirrels. I brought my cats indoors because of coyotes in the area. Also, one of my cats was attacked by a neighbor and had to be put to sleep. If there were no cats, you would be totally overrun by mice and rats. How would you like that? I suggest that you print this letter, that you do not shorten it, that you apologize for what "Making the Cut, Season 2" -- Tim Gunn and you said about cats and that you think twice Heidi Klum are together again, passing judgment before you put something like this in writing on 10 eager fashion designers in time-crunched again. Thank you. -- Debra in West Virginia creation challenges. Similar to their previous show, "Project Runway," this series features DEAR DEBRA: I will apologize ... for stressed-out, established clothing designers vying shortening your letter, as we have limited space. for a grand prize of $1 million. The added You raise many good points based on your incentive is seeing the ultimate winner's own personal experience. Cats do keep many rodents collection featured and immediately available for at bay, because they are incredibly good purchase on Amazon. As always, Gunn's dry one- hunters. But they are at grave risk being liners and Klum's vibrant energy provide levity outdoors, from coyotes, from feral cats carrying just as competitors reach their daily breaking diseases and from humans who do evil, foul things. points. (Prime Video) The article that offended you raised many good "Black Widow" (PG-13) -- A year past its original points about the damage that outdoor cats can planned release date, we finally have Marvel's do to neighbors' property, and the danger they action movie centered on the Natasha Romanoff pose to small creatures. I'm glad you're keeping character -- code name Black Widow -- played by your cats safe indoors. Doesn't your experience Scarlett Johansson. It tells the previously prove the point that cats are safer inside? unknown tales of Romanoff's early years before Send your comments, questions or tips to she was an Avenger. Trained killers always seem ask@pawscorner.com. to have unfinished business with their past, and (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. such is the plot here. The Black Widow says she's done running, but thankfully she's still up for lots of plane jumping, kick-fighting and motorcycle trick-racing. (Disney+, theaters) "Dirty John Season 2" -- The second installment in the series gives us Amanda Peet starring as privileged-wife-turned-husband-murderer Betty Broderick in a dramatization of actual events from 1989. In the role of John Broderick, Christian Slater is convincing as both the devoted young newlywed, and later as the conniving cheater. The eight-episodes wind through the Brodericks' 16 years of marriage and the slow unraveling of Betty's sanity as John's professional success leads him to stray and eventually file for divorce. Without John, Betty is a nobody, and that simply won't do for this San Diego trophy wife. As a bonus, the display of 1980s fashion and status symbols is an impeccably accurate guilty pleasure. (Netflix) (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tidbits® of Dallas County


TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #30 July 19th 2021 For Advertising Call (334)

Grilled Lobster Tails With Nectarine Sauce A simply prepared dish that's sure to impress, perfectly grilled lobster with a sweet, spicy, citrusy sauce makes a complexly flavored and delicious main dish. 2 nectarines 1 scallion Juice of 3 limes 1 lime 2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1 1/4 teaspoon finely minced seeded habanero pepper 4 lobster tails 1. In a food processor, puree nectarines, scallion, 2 tablespoons lime juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt and habanero pepper. Transfer to a medium bowl and set aside. 2. Heat grill to medium-high. In a small bowl, whisk together remaining lime juice, olive oil and salt. Split lobster tails lengthwise, remove embrane if desired and brush meat with the limeoil glaze. Place lobsters on grill, meat side down, and roast for 4 minutes; turn over to shell side and grill until meat is opaque and cooked through, 4 to 5 minutes more. 3. Transfer to a platter, garnish with lime wedges, and serve with reserved nectarine sauce. Serves 4. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/foodrecipes/. (c) 2021 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved

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TIDBITS Tidbits of Kootenai®County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021 of Dallas County


• On July 30, 1619, in Jamestown, Virginia, the first elected legislative assembly in the New World -- the House of Burgesses -- convenes in the choir of the town's church. Its first laws included prohibitions against gambling, drunkenness and idleness. Sabbath observance was made mandatory. • On July 31, 1937, Charles Martine, an Apache scout who played an important role in the surrender of Geronimo, dies on the Mescalero Reservation in New Mexico. • On July 26, 1948, President Harry Truman signs Executive Order 9981, banning discrimination in the military. It ended a longstanding practice of segregating Black soldiers and relegating them to more menial jobs. African Americans had been serving in the U.S. military since the Revolutionary War. • On July 29, 1967, a fire on the USS Forrestal stationed off the coast of Vietnam kills 134 service members. The deadly fire on the Navy carrier began with the accidental launch of an F-4 Phantom-jet rocket, which hit a parked A-4 Skyhawk jet. • On July 28, 1978, "National Lampoon's Animal House," a movie spoof about 1960s college fraternities, starring John Belushi, opens in U.S. theaters. "Animal House" became a huge box-office hit, spawned a slew of cinematic imitations and became part of pop-culture history. • On Aug. 1, 1981, "MTV: Music Television" goes on the air for the first time, with the words "Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll." The Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star" was the first music video on the new cable TV channel. • On July 27, 1996, in Atlanta, the XXVI Summer Olympiad is disrupted by the explosion of a nail-laden pipe bomb in Centennial Olympic Park. Police ere warned of the bombing in advance, it exploded before the anonymous caller said it would. Attention eventually turned to Eric Robert Rudolph, who was captured in 2003 after hiding in the mountains for five years.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #30 July 19th 2021 For Advertising Call (334)

Medication fog can mimic or worsen dementia in the elderly Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press, Posted Mar. 8, 2020 at 12:08 p.m.;









By Matilda Charles

Are You a Victim of Elder Abuse? Do you suspect, or know, that somebody has been stealing from you? Maybe it's items from your home? Or maybe it's your money? Or perhaps you're being pressured by someone to keep giving them cash. If so, you are not alone. It's called elder abuse. The biggest problem is that these thefts are often not reported, typically because the one doing the abusing is a family member. Or maybe it's after the fact, and we're not certain. Or maybe we don't know where we should report it. Finances and theft aren't the only forms of elder abuse. Others include emotional, sexual and physical abuse, neglect and exploitation. Emotional abuse, for example, can include threats, belittling and verbal attacks -- anything that causes mental distress and pain. Exploitation can be fraud, undue influence over your cash or property and being pressured to sign papers you don't understand. Do you see yourself in any of those categories? The National Center on Elder Abuse website (ncea.acl.gov) is a good place to start. Notice the red banner at the bottom of the page with "Safe Exit" in white letters. If you're looking at the site and fear that someone will come up behind you and read what you're looking at, quickly click that red banner and it will take you to an innocent-looking webpage. If you are being abused in some way, help is available. In all states, there are professionals who are required to report suspicions of maltreatment. It's called mandatory reporting, and in some states the list of professions is very long and varied: chiropractor, occupational therapist, member of the clergy, attorney, animal control officer, bank employee and many others. To get a referral for help, call the Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

NEW YORK — Claire Dinneen’s daughters thought that worsening dementia was causing her growing confusion, but her doctor suspected something else. Dr. Pei Chen asked them to round up medicines in the 89-year-old woman’s home and they returned with a huge haul. There were 28 drugs ordered by various doctors for various ailments, plus over-the-counter medicines. Chen spent a year sorting out which ones were truly needed and trimmed a dozen. To her daughters’ surprise, Dinneen got better, able to remember more things and to offer advice on what to wear and how to raise their kids. Her symptoms were from “medication fog,” not her dementia getting worse, Chen told one daughter. About 91% of people over 65 take at least one prescription medicine and 41% use five or more what doctors call polypharmacy. The risk of side effects or interactions rises with the number of pills, and one doctor often is unaware of what others have already prescribed for the same patient. Dinneen, for example, had two prescriptions for the same drug at different doses from different pharmacies. “It’s very easy to miss medication side effects because they masquerade as all these other symptoms,” said Dr. Michael Steinman, another UCSF geriatrician. He recently helped update an American Geriatrics Society list of potentially inappropriate medicines for older adults that can mimic dementia or make symptoms worse. “Potentially” is the key word -- the drugs on the list don’t always pose a problem, and no one should stop using any medicine without first checking with a doctor because that could do serious harm, Steinman stressed. But some medicines don’t have a strong reason to be used and their risks may outweigh their benefits for older people, he and other doctors say. They often “de-prescribe” medicines that may no longer be needed or that once may have been OK but now may be causing problems. The list includes certain types of muscle relaxants, antihistamines, allergy medicines, stomach acid remedies, antidepressants, antianxiety medicines, pain relievers, sleep aids and other common treatments. Many of these drugs have anticholinergic effects -- that is, they reduce or interfere with a chemical messenger that’s key to healthy nerve function. That can cause drowsiness, confusion, blurred vision, dizziness and other symptoms that impair thinking skills. These drugs might be fine for a younger person, but “once someone is having even the tiniest difficulty with thinking and memory, then the effects of these drugs are just huge,” said Dr. Andrew Budson of Boston University’s Alzheimer’s disease center. Sometimes side effects appear right away but in other cases they only develop or show up with longer use. Patients may not make the connection between a drug they’ve used for many months and new symptoms. Age itself can be a culprit and make a long-used drug suddenly intolerable. “The drug hasn’t changed, the person has,” said

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Dr. Greg Jicha, a dementia specialist at the University of Kentucky. Family members will say, ”‘well, she was on that for 20 years,’ but her brain, kidney, liver were younger too. She’s no longer going to be able to metabolize that drug” like she used to, he said. Jicha recalled a case last year when he was asked to give a second opinion on a woman recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. He reviewed her medicines and “six jumped right out – these are not good medications for someone over 65” let alone at the higher doses she was receiving, he said. Four turned out to be for problems she no longer had, and he was able to switch some others to safer alternatives. The woman’s score on a 38-point test of thinking skills rose from 18 before the medication changes to 33 after them, putting her at the low end of the normal range. Now she can drive, which was “an absolute no-no six months earlier,” Jicha said. “She clearly no longer meets criteria for dementia.” One of his colleagues, Dr. Daniela Moga, heads a study to see whether optimizing medicines can delay the start of dementia symptoms. At the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Los Angeles in July, she described the federally funded research, which involves people who are 65 or older and taking at least one medicine on the geriatrics society list. All have normal thinking skills although some showed signs on brain scans of possible dementia developing. Participants are given a sort of cognitive stress test -- they take exams for thinking skills while wearing a patch that oozes scopolamine, a motion sickness drug that has anticholinergic effects, and then four weeks later without the patch. If they do worse while on the patch, it means certain medicines might be harmful for them, Moga explained. “We want to see if we can identify a specific group that might benefit most” by carefully managing medication use and possibly delay the start of dementia symptoms, she said. To help avoid medication problems, doctors give these tips: Make sure you know all the medications someone is taking, including prescription, overthecounter and vitamins or dietary supplements. Don’t assume that some are safe just because they don’t require a prescription. Keep a running list with the date each medicine is started and stopped and note any symptoms. The National Institute on Aging offers a worksheet for this. Review the total medication list with a doctor, a geriatrics specialist or a pharmacist. If you suspect a problem, bring it up and don’t wait for your doctor to ask. The American Geriatric Society’s Health in Aging Foundation has these tools and tips for finding alternatives to any medicines causing trouble. (The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.) Please call for a tour of our “HOMES,” for truly they are… And, if you would like to join our circle of caregivers or volunteers in one of our homes, please contact Linda at 208-755-3637 or linda@lodgeliving.net. And, we are delighted to schedule around school commitments for our employees and volunteers who are reaching ever upward. Call us!!

Linda Davis Director of building relationships. 208.457.3403 www.LodgeLiving.net

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021


--ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You're not Sheepish when it comes to asserting your opinions on what you think is right or wrong. Be assured that you're being heard, and something positive will follow. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your sense of justice makes it difficult not to speak up about a recurring matter involving a co-worker. But, once again, you need facts to back you up before you can act. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Romance is still dominant, and if Cupid misfired before, don't worry. He'll take better aim at someone new this time around. Expect favorable news about a financial matter. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) The zodiac's Moon Children can expect things to work out pretty much as planned. One negative note involves a minor relationship problem that suddenly turns serious. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You're suddenly being asked to make choices between two practically equal offers. Which one to choose? Easy. The one most likely to gladden your Lion's heart. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Once again, you're confronted by a workplace problem you thought you'd already resolved. This time, you might need to go higher up to find a just resolution. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Good for you: You're determined to stick with your goals and ignore those naysayers who might try to discourage you. You're on the right track. The challenge now is to stay on it. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You'll soon get news that is supposed to help you with a troublesome situation. Use your sharp Scorpion instincts to determine if the information is reliable. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) If you learn someone has betrayed your trust, don't just accept it and walk away. You need to know why that person decided to do what he or she did. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A painful family relationship problem could finally begin to heal. Be prepared to show more flexibility than you might like. But it could be worth it. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) It's a good idea to enhance your career skills so you'll be prepared to accept a more responsible position when it's offered. A friend returns a favor just when you need it. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Show that strong, steely backbone that you usually hide, and demand to be included in any family decision-making that could affect the well-being of a loved one.

BORN THIS WEEK You can be happy being alone at home. But you also love exploring the world outside and meeting new people and sharing new ideas. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021

COMFORT FOODS MADE FAST AND HEALTHY! By Healthy Exchanges Heavenly Hash Cream Pie If you're like most folks, dessert is the exclamation point to the meal! Well, this delicious pie is quite a way to punctuate any menu. 2 (4-serving) packages sugar-free instant white chocolate pudding mix 1 1/3 cups nonfat dry milk powder 2 cups water 3/4 cup reduced-calorie whipped topping 1 1/2 teaspoons coconut extract 6 (2 1/2-inch) chocolate graham crackers 1 (6-ounce) purchased chocolate piecrust 2 tablespoons flaked coconut 1. In a large bowl, combine dry pudding mixes, dry milk powder and water. Mix well using a wire whisk. Blend in whipped topping and coconut extract. Coarsely crush 5 graham crackers. Fold in cracker crumbs. 2. Spread mixture evenly into piecrust. Crush remaining 2 graham crackers into fine crumbs. Evenly sprinkle coconut and fine cracker crumbs over top. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serves 8. * Each serving equals: 206 calories, 6g fat, 6g protein, 32g carb., 516mg sodium, 1g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Starch, 1/2 Fat-Free Milk. (c) 2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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By Keith Roach, M.D.

Chronic vs. Acute Pain

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021


Many people with chronic pain have almost WONDERFUL WORDS : given up communicating the scope of the MORE ACRONYMS problems they have, as they don't like • The young fictional character Tom Swift was "complaining" all the time, or they feel their created by Edward Stratemeyer in 1910, and loved ones are tired of hearing about it. However, evolved into a series of more than 100 books getting a thorough history of the effect of all these of science fiction, adventure, and technology. dimensions of pain is important for your doctor. Published under the pseudonym of Victor Questionnaires like the Brief Pain Inventory Appleton, the books were the story of the address more areas of function than a typical 1-10 teenage Tom who was an inventive genius. pain scale, and may be useful to monitor response So what does Tom Swift have to do with to treatment. Experts in pain management are acronyms? In 1911, “Tom Swift and His more likely to have the knowledge and Electric Rifle” was released, a book that experience to communicate about pain featured an electric gun that became the effectively, and truly effective treatment for inspiration for a 1969 invention. NASA chronic pain requires understanding it. researcher Jack Cover began developing an There can be pain without suffering. Suffering is electroshock weapon that fires two small the emotional component brought on by fear: barbed darts connected to thin insulated "How bad am I going to hurt today? Will I ever copper wire that delivers electric current that be able to work again? All of my relationships are causes the muscles to be incapacitated. He suffering." Learning to live a function-centered dubbed his invention TASER in honor of the life is key in the treatment of chronic pain. It isn't novel that provided the idea. Once released, easy and requires a multidisciplinary approach. the darts travel at a speed of 180 feet (55 The time of prescribing pain medications, meters) per second. especially opiates, without a comprehensive plan • Kids everywhere were no longer in trouble for long-term pain management, should be over. for throwing a ball in the house once NERF DEAR DR. ROACH: I'm a 79-year-young came along. In 1968, the inventor of the female and take one 200-mg tablet of magnesium “Twister” game, Reyn Guyer, came up with oxide before bedtime to keep leg cramps at bay. I idea of a ball game safe for indoor play. He sleep really deeply and wonder if it has side started with a 4-inch (100-mm) polyurethane effects or long-term consequences? I'm generally foam ball he called NERF, which stood for not a sound sleeper, so taking the MagOx daily Non-Expandable Recreational Foam.” He seems to help me get a good night's rest. -- J.L. took his idea to Milton Bradley, who had ANSWER: Magnesium oxide in the low dose of marketed his game of Twister, but they 200 mg is quite safe for most people. It is often turned it down. It was on to Parker brothers, used as an antacid at up to four times that dose. who took it on, and experienced sales of Diarrhea is the major side effect. In people with more than 4 million NERF balls the first year. kidney disease, magnesium should be used with • CVS is the nation’s largest pharmacy chain. caution, and only at the advice of a physician. It was founded in 1963 in Lowell, It doesn't help everyone with leg cramps, but it is Massachusetts, and by 1964, there were 17 effective for some people, anecdotally. I have not locations. heard of it making people sleep more deeply. • Although the acronym means Consumer Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual Value Store, a former CEO used the letters questions, but will incorporate them in the column to convey the principles on which he ran the company – Convenience, Value, and whenever possible. Readers may email questions to Service. ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. (c) 2021 North

DEAR DR. ROACH: What is the difference between chronic pain and acute pain? How can I best describe my chronic pain when it is variable in intensity but negatively impacts so much of my life and my activities? Are there things my doctor should consider or suggest in my treatment or in communicating with me? -P.P.C. ANSWER: Acute pain is usually due to an injury or infection, and we expect healing to occur relatively quickly. Chronic pain is expected to go on for at least six months. In some people, acute pain is not treated adequately at the time of injury, and the brain and body learn to be in pain chronically. The reason for pain is perfectly obvious in some cases, but in others, it is not possible to identify the exact cause of pain. Most times, pain is due to damaged nerves (neuropathic pain); injury or degeneration in the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis and many kinds of back pain); inflammatory pain (due to infection or inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis); and compressive pain (such as kidney stones or cancer). Chronic pain affects many parts of your life, as you correctly note, and an experienced doctor will ask about the effect of pain on your social life, mood (depression is very common), relationships, sleep, exercise and occupation. People with more severe problems will have America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved limitations in their activities of daily living.

Video on Demand 1. Nobody (R) Bob Odenkirk, Aleksey Serebryakov 2. The Unholy (PG-13) Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cricket Brown 3. Raya and the Last Dragon (PG) animated 4. The Misfits (R) Pierce Brosnan 5. Rogue Hostage (NR) Tyrese Gibson 6. The Dry (R) Eric Bana 7. The Marksman (PG-13) Katheryn Winnick 8. The Birthday Cake (R) Shiloh Fernandez, Val Kilmer 9. Tom & Jerry (PG) Chloe Grace Moretz 10. The Courier (PG-13) Benedict Cumberbatch DVD, Blu-ray Sales 1. Godzilla vs. Kong (PG-13) Warner Bros.2. Nobody 2. (R) Universal3. Harry Potter Complete 8-Film 3. Collection (PG/PG-13) Warner Bros. 4. Batman: The Long Halloween -- Part One (PG-13) Warner Bros 5. Fast & Furious 8-Movie Collection (PG-13) Universal 6. The Office: The Complete Series (TV-14) Universal 7. Raya and the Last Dragon (PG) Disney 8. The Unholy (PG-13) Sony Pictures 9. Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy (PG13) Warner Bros. 10. Space Jam (PG) Warner Bros.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021 MORE ACRONYMS (continued): • Although the GEICO insurance company uses a little green gecko in its advertising, that has nothing to do with the name. The auto insurance company was founded in 1936 by Leo and Lillian Goodwin to sell insurance directly to employees and families of the federal government and enlisted military officers. They called the company GEICO, short for Government Employees Insurance Company. Within their first year, they had sold 3,700 policies and had hired 12 employees. Today, GEICO is the second largest auto insurer in the U.S., and is owned by Berkshire Hathaway, providing insurance for upwards of 24 million vehicles. The gecko first appeared in the firm’s advertising in 1999, voiced by Kelsey Grammer during its early years. The current voice actor is English comedian Jake Wood. Although not widely publicized, the gecko actually has a name, Martin, named after the ad agency that created him. At one time, this gecko was considered America’s favorite advertising icon. • Another favorite company mascot is the AFLAC duck, an icon that made its debut in 2000. It was part of a marketing campaign for the American Family Life Assurance Company, founded in 1955 by the three Amos brothers, John, Paul, and Bill in Columbus, Georgia. In 2011, the duck appeared in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade for the first time. • When the SWAT team is called in, the Special Weapons And Tactics law enforcement unit shows up. They carry specialized firearms including assault rifles, sniper rifles, riot guns, tear gas, stun grenades and night vision devices. • The first SWAT team was established in 1964 by the Philadelphia Police Department to combat a disturbing increase in bank robberies. The idea was to be on the scene fast enough to catch the thieves while the robbery was in progress. During the 1960s, the teams’ use expanded to handle riots. It’s estimated that between 50,000 and 80,000 SWAT raids occur every year in the United States.

1. F9 (PG-13) Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez 2. Boss Baby: The Family Business (PG) animated 3. The Forever Purge (R) Ana de la Reguera, Josh Lucas 4. A Quiet Place Part II (PG-13) Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds 5. Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (R) Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson 6. Cruella (PG-13) Emma Stone, Emma Thompson 7. Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (PG) Domhnall Gleeson, Rose Byrne 8. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (R) Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga 9. Zola (R) Taylour Page, Riley Keough 10. In the Heights (PG-13) Anthony Ramos, Leslie Grace Source: Box Office Mojo (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021


CAVIAR July 18 is National Caviar Day, and Tidbits dives deep to dig up the facts on this fancy delicacy. • Most folks know that caviar is fish eggs, but that’s a rather general term for what caviar really is. Although caviar consists of the saltcured ripe internal eggs, there are many varieties and the taste and texture are far from the same. Traditionally, true caviar is limited to the roe from the wild sturgeon in the Caspian Sea, which is bordered by Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Iran, and produced from three varieties of sturgeons -- Beluga, Osetra, and Sevruga. • •A female sturgeon will be 20 years old before she begins producing roe. That might seem like a long wait, but consider the fact that her life expectancy can be 100! She can carry about 100 lbs. (45 kg) of eggs at one time. • The word “caviar” has its origins in the Persian word “khavyar,” which means “egg.” The ancient Persians believed that the eggs of the sturgeon could give them physical strength and endurance. • The best caviar is never mushy and shouldn’t have a fishy smell. Experts say it should taste sweet, buttery, and nutty, and should “melt in your mouth like butter,” with a “lingering flavor of ocean water.” Good quality ranges in color from golden yellow to dark gray, brown, or black. • The older the sturgeon, the higher the price, with caviar from a 60 to 100-year-old Iranian Beluga selling anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 per ounce (28 grams). • The highest quality of Beluga is the Almas variety, rare albino sturgeon caviar that is one of the world’s most expensive. If you purchase it at London’s Caviar House, this white roe that comes from animals over 60 years old will come packaged in a 24-carat gold box, and will set you back about $48,700 for 2.20 lb. (1 kg).

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021 CAVIAR (continued): • If the fish eggs aren’t sturgeon, they are referred to simply as roe, and might come from trout, lumpfish, whitefish, salmon, carp, or other fish. Red caviar is actually salmon roe and technically is a “substitute of caviar.” • Planning to serve caviar at your next gathering? The best way is from a glass bowl over ice. Additionally, never use silver serving utensils, as the metal will adversely affect the flavor. Spoons should be made of mother of pearl to properly serve it up. Caviar will keep about two weeks in the refrigerator, and should never be frozen, as it will turn to mush. • Caviar can be removed from the female by stunning the fish and extracting the ovaries. A better method is by performing a caesarean section, which allows the fish to continue producing eggs. The method which yields higher quality caviar is by massage rather than killing the fish. • There are strict restrictions on the harvesting of sturgeon eggs, particularly Beluga, and several countries, including Iran and Russia have quit taking wild sturgeon from the Caspian Sea. Most caviar is now produced at farms. Those who make caviar are called Ikrjanschik, people who must go through a 10to 15-year apprenticeship. A skilled caviar maker is able to judge quality by listening to the sound of the eggs rubbing against each other. • Nutritionally, caviar is high in sodium and very high in cholesterol. However, on the good side, it’s rich in calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, magnesium, Omega-3’s, and Vitamins B6 and B12. A one-ounce serving contains 75 calories.

By Ryan A. Berenz 1. Who was guest host of "Jeopardy!" when contestant Scott Shewfelt gave "Who wanted to kick that field goal?" as his Final Jeopardy answer? 2. Name the Texas Tech Red Raiders basketball player whose glass-shattering slam dunk in the NCAA Tournament appeared on the March 25, 1996, issue of Sports Illustrated. 3. What St. Louis Blues defenseman suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on the bench during a February 2020 game vs. the Anaheim Ducks? 4. What NASCAR driver finished sixth in the 2014 Indianapolis 500 and won Indy 500 Rookie of the Year honors? 5. What Oscar-winning film from 1981 depicted the true story of British sprinters Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams, who both won gold medals at the 1924 Paris Summer Olympics? 6. At what stadium did the New York Giants' Willie Mays make his famous over-the-shoulder catch of a fly ball hit by the Cleveland Indians' Vic Wertz in Game 1 of the 1954 World Series? 7. What two brothers combined for 93 goals during the 1999-2000 NHL regular season?

Answers 1. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers. 2. Darvin Ham. 3. Jay Bouwmeester. 4. Kurt Busch. 5. "Chariots of Fire." 6. The Polo Grounds. 7. Pavel (58) and Valeri (35) Bure.

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Tidbits of Dallas County TIDBITS of Kootenai®County, Idaho Issue #30 July 19th 2021



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By Healthy Exchanges

Heavenly Hash Cream Pie If you're like most folks, dessert is the exclamation point to the meal! Well, this delicious pie is quite a way to punctuate any menu. 2 (4-serving) packages sugar-free instant white chocolate pudding mix 1 1 1/3 cups nonfat dry milk powder 2 2 cups water 3 3/4 cup reduced-calorie whipped topping 4 1 1/2 teaspoons coconut extract 6 (2 1/2-inch) chocolate graham crackers 1 (6-ounce) purchased chocolate piecrust 2 tablespoons flaked coconut 1. In a large bowl, combine dry pudding mixes, dry milk powder and water. Mix well using a wire whisk. Blend in whipped topping and coconut extract. Coarsely crush 5 graham crackers. Fold in cracker crumbs. 2. Spread mixture evenly into piecrust. Crush remaining 2 graham crackers into fine crumbs. Evenly sprinkle coconut and fine cracker crumbs over top. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serves 8. * Each serving equals: 206 calories, 6g fat, 6g protein, 32g carb., 516mg sodium, 1g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Starch, 1/2 Fat-Free Milk. (c) 2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Photo Credit: Donna Erickson Photo Caption: Aubrie Odeyemi enjoys a day at the beach.

Water Play Summer Fun



Kids can splash it, squirt it, sprinkle it, stir it, pour it or spray it. In fact, practically the only thing kids can't do with water is break it! That's why playing with water is so much fun, especially when the temperatures soar and the whole family needs to cool down. You don't have to live near a lake, community pool or ocean to let your kids explore the wonders of the wet. Here are some ideas for both entertaining and educational water fun at home using a wading pool or sprinkler. 1. Wading pools are like outdoor tubs, so it's fine for kids to bring favorite bath toys into the pool. Don't miss out on sharing some great water experiments with your kids and their friends by taking along items found in the kitchen, too. Bring a clean sponge for dipping, squeezing and sprinkling water on arms and legs. Plastic containers or measuring cups are perfect to show kids the concepts of volume, quantity and measurement. Let them explore how water "changes shape" by pouring from one container into another. They can use a plastic funnel for

the filling and the spilling. Plastic squeegee or pump spray bottles from dish detergent or window cleaner -- emptied and cleaned, of course -- make great outdoor water squirters. For older kids, some landlubber games can become water games with the help of the sprinkler. Kids can play follow the leader by jumping through it. For extra fun, an adult can play music from a porch or deck for a variation on "musical chairs." When the music stops, whoever is under the sprinkler at the time is out. It's a water world. Letting kids make friends with water indoors and out gives them a chance to explore, learn and play. It also helps them gain a sense of control and confidence around water that will later prepare them for dips in big pools, lakes, rivers and oceans. NOTE: For safety's sake, adult supervision is the rule when kids play in and with water. Find more family fun at www.donnaerickson.com. Write to Donna at Info@donnaerickson.com (c) 2021 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Syndicate

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