of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #46 Nov. 13th 2017 #33 August 12th 2019 of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue
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by Janet Spencer Come along with Tidbits as we learn obscure random facts! TOTALLY TRIVIAL • About 25% of the world’s supply of hazel nuts is used by the Nutella company. Each jar of Nutella contains about 50 hazel nuts. • In the 1700s, pineapples were so rare and precious in England that they cost the equivalent of $8,000 in today’s money. They could be rented for an evening, put on display as the centerpiece. They were not actually eaten until they started to go soft. • Yoda from Star Wars and Miss Piggy from Sesame Street were both voiced by the same person: Frank Oz, whose real name is Frank Oznowicz. Oz has voiced many Sesame Street characters, including Fozzie Bear, Animal, Grover, Cookie Monster, and Bert. • Fanta is a soft drink that was invented in Germany in 1940 when World War II interrupted supply chains. The owner of a soft drink bottling plant invented the new flavor, originally made from apple peelings secured from a local cider mill, because he could no longer receive Coca Cola syrup from the U.S. and needed to keep the factory running. • An acre of hemp will yield the same amount of paper as three acres of trees. (cont)
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #33 August 12th TOTALLY TRIVIAL (cont) • Researchers at Georgia Tech studied the urination habits of animals at the local zoo, as well as a variety of domestic animals, including dogs, goats, cows, gorillas, and elephants. What they discovered is that most mammals weighing over 6.6 lbs (3 kg) take about 21 seconds to urinate from start to finish, whether it’s an elephant emptying its 5-gallon (19 L.) bladder or a cat relieving its teaspoon-size bladder. They called this “the universal law of urination” and the research won them an Ig Nobel award in 2015. • Most trees have leaves that can photosynthesize using just one side of the leaf, but the quaking aspen can photosynthesize from both sides of the leaf. This means it can grow more quickly than other species. • The diameter of our Milky Way Galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years from side to side. If the Milky Way was reduced to the size of the continental U.S., our solar system would be about the size of a quarter, and Earth would be the size of a grain of sand in the middle of the quarter. • The Voyager space probe was launched in 1977 and is travelling at about 38,000 mph (61,000 km/h). It reached the edge of our solar system 35 years after being launched. Information sent from the probe, travelling at the speed of light, takes over 16 hours to reach Earth. • Under their stripes, zebras have black skin. Polar bears also have black skin, and their fur is not white, but is actually colorless, but it reflects white light. Big cats such as leopards and cheetahs have skin colors that match their stripes and spots. • The AR in “AR-15” rifle does not stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle” but stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. (cont)
Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook tidbitscda
* Struggling with your shower cleanliness? Keep a bottle of shower sanitizer and a grout brush in the shower at all times. Use the grout brush if something pops up, and spray shower daily. This should greatly extend the time between deep cleanings. * “I bought a television recently and didn’t realize until I got it home that there are NO buttons on the unit itself. It operates only through the remote control. So, I put some hook and loop tape on the remote, and also on the TV and the side table. That remote stays put, and I can always find it when I want to turn the TV off!” -- I.J.M. in New York * Hotel rooms can be germ paradises. Try sticking your TV remote inside of a plastic bag (you can use the one that comes with the ice bucket). Touch all you want; germs are trapped inside. * Brooms get worn down with use. Be sure to remove clumps of hair and dust bunnies after use, and give it a dip in soapy water or a spray with the hose weekly (not straw brooms, though). Hanging a broom will give it a longer life. * “After we replaced our kitchen knives with a nice block, we repurposed the magnetic strip to the garage, where it can hold a variety of tools and hardware.” -- E.P. in North Carolina * If you want to keep a few bottles of beverage cold in your hotel room, use one of the trash bins lined with a bag that’s filled with ice. The actual ice bucket is typically too small to use as a cooler, and if you use the bathroom sink, where will you wash your hands? Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #33 August 12th 2019 TOTALLY TRIVIAL (cont) • Babies that are exposed to sign language will often “babble” with their hands the same way babies that are exposed to speech will babble. • Most of the bananas for sale in grocery stores these days are a variety called Cavendish. However, the most popular banana used to be the type that was called Gros Michel, meaning “Big Mike.” The Big Mike fell victim to the banana plague in the 1950s, leading to the Cavendish taking its place. The interesting thing is that the Big Mike variety had a banana peel that was far more slippery than the Cavendish, leading to the old-time joke of slipping on a banana peel. • The boarding house where John Wilkes Booth and his accomplices plotted the assassination of Abe Lincoln is now a Chinese restaurant called the Wok N Roll. • Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1921, just 39 days before Marilyn Monroe was born. At the age of 93, Queen Elizabeth is the longest-reigning British monarch, and the longest-serving current head of state. She became queen in 1952. Marilyn Monroe died in 1962 at the age of 36. • Australia has so many beaches that if you were to visit one every day it would take almost 30 years to visit all of them. About 80% of the animal species that live in Australia are unique to Australia. There are over 60 species of kangaroo. Australia is the only continent without an active volcano. • The venom of a male platypus is strong enough to kill a small dog. Only the males have venom. The female platypus sweats milk, as it lacks nipples. The milk collects in an abdominal pouch where the young can lap it up. • Jacksonville, Florida, is located on the Atlantic shore in northern Florida near the Georgia border. It is farther west than the entire continent of South America. (cont)
Wednesday Farmer’s Market Every Wed @ 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm Downtown Coeur d’Alene ArtWalk Every second Friday of the month @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Downtown Coeur d’Alene
Questions regarding the events call Evelyn at 208.755.9120 or email evelyn2318@gmail.com
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai Issue #33 August 12th 2019 TidbitsCounty, Dallas County TOTALLY TRIVIAL (cont) • McDonalds is the largest toy distributor in the world. Lego is the world’s largest producer of tires. IKEA’s catalog is the world’s most widely distributed book, surpassing even the Bible as the world’s most popular book. • You’ve no doubt heard that a flock of crows is called a murder, just as a flock of geese is called a gaggle. Many of these collective names were invented in the year 1486 with the publication of a book called “The Book of St. Albans.” This book was a treatise about hunting, written by a nun named Juliana Barnes who lived in a nunnery near the town of St. Albans, England. The book contained such suggested names as a leap of leopards, a yoke of oxen, a burden of mules, a kindle of kittens, a rout of wolves, and even a blast of hunters and a melody of harpers. Of the 162 group names listed in the book, many of them stuck. • Dogs will eat up to 86% more food if they are in a setting where they can see other dogs eating, as opposed to eating alone. • Hardwood is not necessarily harder or denser than softwood. Softwood and hardwood are distinguished botanically in terms of their method of reproduction. Most hardwoods come from deciduous trees, which lose their leaves in the winter, while softwoods come from coniferous trees, which remain green year-round. Softwoods reproduce through pollination that causes cones to form. Hardwoods reproduce with pollination through flowers, which results in fruits, nuts, and seeds. • 70% of dog bites happen to a child under the age of ten. 60% of those children are boys. Most of the bites happen when the child comes into contact with the dog’s food or possessions. Male dogs are more likely to bite than female dogs. Only 1 out of every 3.9 million dogs ever kills a human.
* It was Nobel Prize-winning 20th-century American author John Steinbeck -- considered by many to be “a giant of American letters” -who made the following sage observation: “We spend our time searching for security and hate it when we get it.” * It seems no one can adequately explain why women tend to strike matches away from themselves while men tend to strike them toward themselves. * It may be hard to believe, but there is an official competition to see who can sit in a sauna the longest. The World Sauna Championships have taken place in Heinola, Finland, annually since 1999. The starting temperature is 110 F, and a liter of water is poured on the stove every 30 seconds. The winner is the last person who is able to leave the sauna without assistance. Competitors participate at their own risk, and they are required to sign a waiver agreeing not to take legal action against the event organizers. * Other than being celebrities, what do Woody Allen, Farrah Fawcett, Stanley Tucci, Glenn Close, Richard Attenborough and Kevin Spacey have in common? They’re all pigs. In the Chinese zodiac, that is -- they were born in the year of the pig. * The small Central American country of Costa Rica has more species of mammals and birds than are found in all of the contiguous United States and Canada combined. * The ubiquitous summertime flip-flop sandals are known in Australia as pluggers, are called slops in South Africa and slippers in Hawaii, and New Zealanders call them jandals. * You might be surprised to learn that Jane Austen’s novel “Pride and Prejudice” was originally titled “First Impressions.”
Thought for the Day: “Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle.” -- Ken Hakuta
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #33 August 12th 2019 For Advertising Call (334)
PHOTO: Scene from “UglyDolls” Photo Credit: STX Entertainment
“UglyDolls” (PG) -- In Uglyville, all the dolls are decidedly different. In fact, they celebrate their brightly colored weirdness and lack of homogeneity in full-throated song bursts -- especially the pugnaciously positive Moxy (voiced by Kelly Clarkson), whose life can be enhanced only by a child to love her. In search of such a child, she adventures up a pipe with her friends -- Ugly Dog (Pitbull), Wage (Wanda Sykes) and Babo (Gabriel Iglesias) -- and lands in a coldhearted Institute of Perfection, the antithesis of Uglyville. Here dolls with symmetrical good looks are trained before they can be released to children, led by smooth villain Lou (Joe Jonas). This is a formulaic kids’ movie, with songs aplenty, some with lyrics so literal it’ll make you cringe. Save it for the 7 and under set. “Long Shot” (R) -- Love can be found in the strangest combinations and in the strangest of places: for example, a perfectly polished and effortlessly successful secretary of state turned potential presidential candidate, and an overly principled frumpish journalist hired to be said candidates’ speechwriter. They reconnect after
realizing that the candidate babysat the journal ist in his early teens. Yes, his, because in this gender bender, writer Fred Flarsky is played by Seth Rogan, and the coolest of cool chicks, Charlize Theron, dons the power suits of politician Charlotte Field. Although the pair couldn’t be more different, the chemistry is quite charming and warm. It’s a great little date-night romcom with a bit of political/societal oomph. “The Intruder” (PG-13) -- When a gorgeous house in Napa goes on the market, Scott and Annie Russell (Michael Ealy and Meagan Good) snap it up -- a dream home for a dreamy new family life. But seller Charlie Peck (Dennis Quaid) is having separation anxiety. What follows is a good old-fashioned psychological thriller. The story is overly ripe, low-hanging fruit, but Quaid manages to breathe some terrifying new life into it. He’s both an off-his-rocker but sympathetic soft case and a knife- and bowtoting deadpan maniac. I really liked him in this. “El Chicano” (R) -- El Chicano is an inner city fairy tale, but for LA detective Diego Hernandez (Raul Castillo), the vigilante nightmare becomes the only solution to a cartel incursion that has taken the life of both his brother and his partner. A local drug lord named Shotgun (David Castaneda, lately of Netflix’s “The Umbrella Academy”) fiercely claims the street, going so far as to gun down police. Hernandez takes a hit himself, and as he recovers, vows to clean things up by taking on the persona of El Chicano, the “ghetto grim reaper” that every crook’s kid is warned about. What you think you get, you get. Bad guys wear black hats, the good guy gets a face mask, and there’s a whole lot of blood and guts.
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TIDBITS ofTidbits Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #33 August 12th 2019 of Dallas County
By Dr. Holly Carling
OUR TWO BRAINS Did you know that you have two brains? We know about the brain in our head, but did you know you also have a brain in your stomach? Well, not just your stomach, but your whole gut – esophagus, stomach, and large and small intestines. Both brains started in the fetal stage of development from the same mass of tissue, the neural crest. It divided into the nervous system as we commonly understand it, then also into the “enteric nervous system”, the gut. Most of the same cells and same hormones are found in both brains. The head brain controls some gut functions, and the gut sends feedback to the head brain. Most of the gut can function without the head brain. This is seen when there is brain damage from stroke or injury where the person cannot swallow, but food injected into a tube in their gut digests just fine. Hormones that control emotions are controlled by both the head and gut brains. Especially the emotions of anxiety, and depression, but also stress. A potent neurotransmitter called serotonin, is found in small amounts in the brain and large amounts in the gut. Serotonin calms the digestive tract, sends messages from the gut to the brain and initiates both peristaltic and secretory reflexes. Taking drugs to calm anxiety, depression and to help sleep, also affect the gut, and may have digestive system side effects. Drugs that are intended to alter gut function, can affect brain function too.
The gut and head brains also affect sleep. Both brains have natural 90-minute sleep cycles. The head brain has slow-wave periods interrupted by periods of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (dream cycle), while the gut has 90- minute cycles of slow-wave muscle contractions, interrupted by short bursts of rapid muscle movement. What affects one, affects the other. The gut brain also has an involvement in pain modulation. It produces chemicals (benzodiazepine), naturally, that are commonly found in many pain relievers and anti-anxiety drugs. Like your head brain, your gut brain also has opiate receptors. Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine and other chemicals are delicately balanced in the head and gut, and they continually strive for equilibrium. Your immune system is also controlled by both gut and head brains. It is said that at least 70% of our immune system lies in the gut. It is geared to kill and expel foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, mold and yeast. It is the neurons in the gut that sense everything from protein (invaders are typically protein in nature), sugar, and acidity, that enters the gut either by food, microbe or stress. They are involved in immune responses and a “blood-brain barrier” similar to the brain. So why is it important to know about these two brains? Because the health of one is intimately related to the health of the other. If one is sick, the other will be detrimentally affected as well. As we improve the health of one, we will improve the health of the other.
Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www. vitalhealthcda.com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue505-0674 #33 August 12th 2019 For Advertising CallIdaho (334)
When a Veteran Dies Without Family
When a veteran dies and there is no family to tend to the details, the cremated remains will sometimes stay in storage for years. They’re called Unclaimed Veterans. If the eventual burial takes place in a Department of Veterans Affairs cemetery, it’s called an Unattended Interment. Sometimes these veterans are homeless; sometimes they’re in a care facility. Sometimes no one knows the whole truth unless VA paperwork is found in the veteran’s belongings. I know of three situations in the past six months where veterans with no relatives were buried -- yet hundreds and thousands showed up at their funerals. In those instances, word went out via a social media blog requesting that people come to pay their respects. Some traveled many miles to be able to attend and notified others in the area. Now and then a local funeral home will put out word for nearby residents to attend the funeral of a veteran without family. Use it as the clearing house for any plans you might make, such as for “Taps” or notifying veteran motorcycle groups. That way you won’t be duplicating efforts. Ask specifically what they need. It might be they only require your attendance and anyone else you can bring with you. Either way, the veteran can receive military honors, including “Taps” and a gun salute, often performed by the American Legion if the burial takes place in a civilian cemetery. If asked to attend the funeral of a veteran without family, please try to go. While they don’t have a biological family, these veterans do have a military family -- us. To learn more, there are Unclaimed Remains Burial Resources and Unclaimed Veteran Remains fact sheets available on the VA’s cemetery website (www.cem.va.gov). Also look online for the Dignity Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program (www.dignitymemorial.com).
Road Trip!
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I’m taking my cat “Frederica” on her first long road trip, across three states to my parents’ house. Do you have any tips for keeping cats calm and safe in the car? -- Anne in Buffalo, New York DEAR ANNE: I sure do! Traveling with pets can be much easier with some planning and forethought. A pet restraint or carrier is essential to keep them safe inside the car, but that’s just one of the things to consider. Check these off your to-do list: * Make sure Frederica’s vaccinations and license are up to date, and that the tags are on her travel collar. * Put an LED pendant on her collar in case you need to take her out at night. * Include a sturdy leash, and always put Frederica on the leash when she’s not in her carrier. * Make copies of her vaccination record and a list of medications. * Prepare her carrier ahead of time: Make sure it has a comfy cushion in the base (one that doesn’t slide around), a favorite toy and a no-spill water dispenser. * If your cat gets super-anxious during car trips, talk to the veterinarian about giving her medication. * Staying overnight in a hotel? Search for petfriendly hotels online. * Never leave Frederica alone in the car -- take her with you during stops and breaks. * Call your parents and ask them to prepare a space for Frederica’s bed and a spot for her litter box. She’ll settle in much faster when you put those two items in place as soon as you get there. Send your comments, questions or tips to ask@ pawscorner.com. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #33 August 12th 2019 Tidbits Dallas
Q&A with Susan Ashley, MD Pillars of Anti-Aging, Part 1 There’s a lot of press about anti-aging medicine nowadays, but what exactly does that mean? Being board-certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, I can tell you that it is the most exciting field of medicine, and the only specialty that helps you achieve optimal health. Anti-Aging means trying to slow the aging process so that we maintain good health as we grow older. We want to retain more youthful energy and cognitive abilities, while preventing age-related disease. But how do we do this? There are 5 pillars of Anti-Aging which are essential: Pillar 1: Diet and nutrition - what we eat directly influences longevity. A healthy diet is essential, and without this nothing else will have much impact. This includes eating whole foods that are high in fiber, including a minimum of 2 cups of fresh vegetables and fruits; healthy fats such as avocado and olive oil, and butter; and minimizing grains and carbs, including sugar. Eating smaller portions as we age is important, and incorporating intermittent fasting - not eating
for 12-16 hours a day to reduce insulin and blood sugar levels. An unhealthy diet leads to inflammation, which leads to heart disease, strokes, cancer, dementia, and accelerates the aging process of the body as a whole. Pillar 2: Keep stress in check, as chronic stress has a negative impact on health and can affect how quickly aging results in disease. Stress chemistry increases inflammation, coritsol (the stress hormone), and reduces anabolic hormone levels. Find ways to reduce the stress in your life - listening to music, meditation, walking, yoga, and maintaining spirituality can be very effective - whatever works for you. I take boxing lessons, a great stress reliever! Pillar 3: Physical activity and avoiding being sedentary is critical, as inactivity causes many forms of diseases that are associated with inflammation and aging. There are a multitude of studies showing that regular physical activity helps prevent numerous diseases, and allows muscle strength, endurance, balance and bone density to endure late in life. Exercise also helps to keep the brain sharp in later years, which helps to support an active lifestyle. Go on a brisk walk, ride your bike, take dance lessons - make sure it’s something you enjoy so you will be more motivated to continue. It’s easy to slow down as we age, but don’t let this happen - fight against the tide! Next week I’ll talk about the last 2 very important pillars of anti-aging.
Dr Ashley is board certified in Family Medicine and in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She provides a mix of traditional with alternative medicine and specializes in bio-identical hormones for both men and women.
ForofAdvertising 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #33 August 12th 2019
1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which city will host the 2022 Winter Olympics? 2. ANATOMY: What is a human’s body temperature in Celsius? 3. PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is represented in the condition called spectrophobia? 4. GEOGRAPHY: Which is the only large major city built on two continents? 5. MATH: The Roman numbers MMXIX translate to what in Arabic numbers? 6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of lemurs called? 7. LITERATURE: The character of Miss Moneypenny appears in which novels? 8. TELEVISION: Which animated series features the character Stewie Griffin? 9. MEASUREMENTS: How many yards are in a mile? 10. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase “ars gratia artis” mean? Answers 1. Beijing 2. About 37 C 3. A fear of mirrors 4. Istanbul -- Europe and Asia 5. 2019 6. A conspiracy of lemurs 7. James Bond novels 8. “Family Guy” 9. 1,760 10. Art for art’s sake
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai IssueCounty #33 August 12th 2019 TidbitsCounty, Dallas
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A chaotic atmosphere taxes the patience of the Aries Lamb, who prefers to deal with a more orderly environment. Best advice: Stay out of the situation until things settle. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Tension runs high in both personal and workplace relationships. This can make it difficult to get your message across. Best to wait until you have a more receptive audience. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) This is a good time to take a break from your busy schedule to plan for some well-deserved socializing. You could get news about an important personal matter by the week’s end. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) An offer of help could come just when you seem to need it. But be careful about saying yes to anything that might have conditions attached that could cause problems down the line. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Sometimes a workplace colleague can’t be charmed into supporting the Lion’s position. That’s when it’s time to shift tactics and overwhelm the doubter with the facts. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) You continue to earn respect for your efforts to help someone close to you stand up to a bully. But be careful that in pushing this matter you don’t start to do some bullying yourself. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Don’t ask others if they think you’re up to a new responsibility. Having faith in your own abilities is the key to dealing with a challenge. P.S.: That “private” matter needs your attention. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) This is a good time to use that Scorpian creativity to come up with something special that will help get your derailed career plans back on track and headed in the right direction. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) While change is favored, it could be a good idea to carefully weigh the possible fallout as well as the benefits of any moves before you make them. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The Goat continues to create a stir by following his or her own path. Just be sure you keep your focus straight and avoid any distractions that could cause you to make a misstep. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A colleague’s demands seem out of line. But before reacting one way or another, talk things out and see how you might resolve the problem and avoid future misunderstandings. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A personal matter appears to be making more demands on your time than you feel you’re ready to give. See if some compromise can be reached before things get too dicey.
You’re able to communicate feelings better than most people. Have you considered a career in the pulpit or in politics? (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
For ofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #33 August 12th 2019 What is PEMF Therapy?
PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. These magnetic fields alleviate pain, inflammation, promote circulation, increase energy and a sense of well-being. We have the HU=GO™ High Intensity PEMF is the device. This is a professional device used by elite athletes as well as celebrities. www.hugopemf.com provides more information. At CDA Health Center, we have seen relief of chronic shoulder pain experienced by golfers and hairdressers, back pain experienced by retired police officers and relief after surgery helping improve range of motion and relieve scar tissue pain. HOW DOES HIGH-INTENSITY PEMF HELP? High intensity PEMFs induce a flood of electrons inside the body. Free electrons serve as natural antioxidants. These are negatively charged electrons stop free radical formation. Free radicals are known to cause inflammation and accelerate the aging process. This makes High-Intensity PEMF Therapy inherently anti-aging, a nice side benefit beside promoting energy, healing and pain relief. PEMF’s boosts the immune system, decreases inflammation, improves circulation and provides immediate pain relief that lasts for up to 72 hours, sometimes longer, even after 1 session. A series of 3 or 6 sessions is recommended and can be done further apart as the beneficial healing effects are cumulative. Dr. Margo Parker, OMD, a licensed acupuncturist with over 30 years in practice and higher education. CDA Health Center located at 1044 Northwest Boulevard,, Suite A-205 CDA ID., In the Sky Professional Building, Phone/Text (208) 660-7363 to schedule High Intensity PEMF, Ozone Therapy, or other traditional therapies. We offer HU=GO™ HI-PEMF for mobility and pain relief and Ozone therapies for sinus issues, allergies, skin, scalp conditions and more. www.cdahealthcenter.com
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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue County #33 August 12th 2019 Tidbits Dallas
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TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #33 August 12th 2019 ForofAdvertising 505-0674
“12 Summer Safety Tips for Seniors” By Matilda Charles
When We Don’t Want to Cook
Now and then we just don’t want to cook as much as we normally do. Maybe it’s the heat of summer that keeps us from wanting to get in the kitchen or trek to the grocery store. If it’s winter, maybe there is a layer of snow on everything outside. If we don’t qualify for Meals on Wheels or any other food program, it’s up to us to figure out how to get good meals. Some of us turn to those meal delivery programs, such as Silver Cuisine by BistroMD (there are discounts for AARP members), Diet to Go (has a focus on weight loss), Top Chef Meals and Magic Kitchen. They can be handy if we need a lowsodium or low-calorie diet, or one that’s lactose or gluten-free. These pre-made meals can be expensive, but it’s worth it at least now and then to have a full frozen meal you only need to heat. If you search online for “meal delivery programs for seniors,” most of them have a full range of meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides and dessert. Many have a weekly special with big discounts. Compare a few different company websites. Some sites are better than others in categorizing the different foods and presenting the nutrition information. Certainly the prices vary from one to the other. Be sure to click on Senior to be sure you’ll get menus customized for us. If you order pre-made meals, it’s one more reason to sign up for the alerts put out by the Food and Drug Administration for foods that have been found to contain salmonella or Listeria. Better safe than sorry. Go online to www.usda. gov and put “alerts” in the search box. Look for Current Recalls and Alerts. If you sign up, you’ll receive email alerts. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
The summertime is a time of fun and relaxation for most people. But for seniors, the heat and sun can be dangerous if the proper precautions aren’t taken. Here are some great tips that aging adults, as well as their caregivers, can use to make sure they have a fun, safe summer. Stay Hydrated Seniors are more susceptible to dehydration than younger people because they lose their ability to conserve water as they age… Talk to Your Doctor Check with your medical team to make sure any medications you are on won’t be affected by higher temperatures — especially if you don’t have air conditioning in your home… Keep Your Cool Even small increases in temperature can shorten the life expectancy for seniors who are coping with chronic medical conditions… Stay in Touch High temperatures can be life-threatening, so communication plays an important role in ensuring the safety of aging adults… Meet Your Neighbors Get in touch with those who live in your neighborhood and learn a bit about them and their schedules… Know Who to Call Prepare a list of emergency phone numbers and place them in an easy-to-access area… Wear the Right Stuff Everyone, including seniors, should dress for the weather… Protect Your Eyes Vision loss can be common among seniors, and too much exposure to the sun can irritate eyes and cause further damage… Know the Risks of Hyperthermia During the summer, be particularly cautious about abnormally high body temperatures — a condition known as hyperthermia. Heat stroke is an advanced form of hyperthermia that can be lifethreatening. Make sure to know the warning signs and get medical attention immediately if you or anyone you know is experiencing these symptoms..: Body temperature greater than 104 degrees A change in behavior, such as acting confused, agitated or grouchy Dry, flushed skin Nausea and vomiting Headache Heavy breathing or a rapid pulse Not sweating, even if it’s hot out Fainting Put on Sunscreen and Wear Hats Everyone, young and old, should wear sunscreen when outdoors… Apply Bug Spray Seniors are particularly prone to West Nile Virus and encephalitis…Exercise Smart If you enjoy outdoor activities, such as walking or gardening, make sure to wear the proper clothing and protective gear… If you follow these tips, there’s no reason you can’t have an enjoyable and fun-filled summer — no matter how old you are. (www.care.com, Gillian Kruse, a freelance writer in Houston, June 13, 2018) For guidance, questions, and tours of The Lodge Assisted Living, call Linda Davis 208-755-3637.
Linda Davis Director of building relationships. 208.457.3403 www.LodgeLiving.net
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #33 August 12th 2019 Tidbits Dallas
HOUSES We are investors that buy houses in North Idaho and the Spokane area. Some people run into challenges when trying to sell a home and there may be a number of reasons why you require a fast house sale. Whatever your reason for seeking a quick property sale, We Buy Northwest Housesis here to pro vide assistance. We are an investment company that can buy your house in a timescale to suit you, regardless of condition or location, meaning you can spend your time on other things. Meanwhile, if you are facing financial difficulties, you may find it useful to know that during the sales process there are no fees or hidden charges for you to pay at any stage. Our team is flexible, very easy to work with, and has a proven track record of making win- win deals together.
How We Help You
We can buy your property or help you stop foreclosure FAST, with absolutely NO COST to you! Do you need to sell your property fast? We buy any type of property in any condition: • Houses, Condos, Townhomes • Ugly, beau ti ful, brand new, we buy it all!
We buy property in any situation:
• Agent unable to sell your property? • Need a short sale? • Purchased another property and still stuck with your old one? • Behind on payments (or about to be)? • Simply want out from underneath the payment? • Facing Foreclosure? • Divorce or separation? • Moving or relocating? • Bankruptcy? • Inherited a property and want to turn it into cash? • Too many landlord headaches? • No situation at all, just want to sell
I got a promotion at work which required a transfer to Montana. I had to sell my house fast, and didn’t know what to do. We Buy Northwest Houses worked with my timeline and gave me the price I needed. — Verna H.
(208) 758-8888
For your free, no cost, stop foreclo sure consultation, call or email us at HelpMeOut@WeBuyNorthwestHouses.com
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #33 August 12th 2019
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