KootenaiCounty, County,Idaho IdahoIssue Issue#37 #46September Nov. 13th 10th 20172018 ofofKootenai
For Ad Rates call: (208) 755-9120
by Janet Spencer People value products they assemble themselves nearly 63% higher than comparable pre-built furniture. This is known as the IKEA effect, and was discovered accidentally by a Swedish man named Ingvar Kamprad. OUR FOUNDER • Ingvar Kamprad was born in Sweden in 1926 and grew up on the family farm named Elmtaryd near the village Agunnaryd. He was an entrepreneur from the beginning. As a youth he bought matches in bulk and peddled them in smaller packages for a profit. He began a bicycle route selling matches, and then added pens and pencils, ornaments, seeds, and fish. • At 17, his father rewarded him for getting good grades with a gift of cash, and Ingvar used the money to open a mail-order business. He derived the name for the business from his initials, along with the initials for the family farm and the local town: IKEA. • He sold many items, such as wallets, watches, stockings, and jewelry, and later he added simple, functional furniture built by local craftsmen. Soon the furniture out-sold everything else. In the 1950s he dropped the entire product line except for stylish home furnishings. (continued)
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018 IKEA (cont’d) • The first piece of flat-pack IKEA furniture was sold in 1956. The idea was born when Kamprad and an employee were loading furniture into a car to take to a photo shoot. A table wouldn’t fit, so the employee unscrewed the legs, and an idea was born. As a result, the furniture was redesigned so that it could be disassembled and shipped flat. This made it cheaper to ship, increased store inventory capacity, minimized transport damage, and made it easier for customers to carry the furniture home. This became a trademark. • The very first item of IKEA furniture sold as a flat-pack was a leaf-shaped side table, which first appeared in the 1956 catalog. • Because Ingvar Kamprad is dyslexic, he found it easier to give products names rather than identify them through a set of numbers and letters. The names follow a system: living room furniture is named after towns in Sweden; bedroom furniture is named after cities in Norway; carpets are named after places in Denmark; and dining room items are named after places in Finland. Bookcases are named after occupations; bathroom items are named after lakes and rivers; chairs and desks are named after men; fabric items such as curtains are named after women; garden items are named after islands; and children’s items are named after animals. • The single most popular IKEA product is the Billy bookcase, named after IKEA advertising manager Billy Liljedahl. One sells every ten seconds. They’ve sold over 60 million in the world, which works out to nearly one for every 100 people on the planet. In fact, they are so universal that market analyst Bloomberg uses them to compare purchasing power across the world: In Egypt a Billy bookcase costs over $100 but in Slovakia they can be purchased for less than $40. (cont’d)
Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook tidbitscda
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
September 14 Art Walk Join in the fun every second Friday of each summer month for Art Walk on Sherman Avenue. Stroll through beautiful Downtown Coeur d’Alene and enjoy local and nationally acclaimed artists. Visit supporting galleries, shops, restaurants and businesses. A free family-friendly event! September 15th and 16th and September 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 2018 Parade of Homes Questions regarding the events call Evelyn at 208.755.9120 or email evelyn2318@gmail.com
IKEA (cont’d) • Many IKEA stores offer free daycare centers with playgrounds, giving parents beepers so they can be notified if their child requires attention while they are shopping. • In 1994 IKEA was the first company to ever feature a gay couple in a commercial. The ad was pulled when the company started receiving death threats. However, they later went on to become the first company to feature a transgender person in an ad. • Each year, there are more copies of the IKEA catalog printed than the Bible. Around 100 million copies of the Bible are sold or given away each year, but the IKEA catalog goes out to 180 million people in 27 different languages annually. About 70% of the company’s marketing budget goes into the catalog, and they produce over 50 different editions each year. • Kamprad first opened a restaurant in an IKEA shop in 1960, after he realized that shoppers would leave the store as soon as they got hungry. Today IKEA is famous for their Swedish meatballs. The restaurants collectively bring in about $1.8 billion in revenue each year. This subsequently led to an entirely new product line of Swedish foods. • If you live in Scandinavia, certain European countries, or the United Kingdom, you can buy an IKEA home. In 1996 they started selling flatpack homes called the BoKlok House (Swedish for “smart living”) for a fraction of the price of a regular home. • IKEA has also designed and marketed a $1000 flat-pack refugee shelter that is boxed and shipped with all tools needed for assembly. • The costume designer for “Game of Thrones” revealed that he bought faux fur rugs at IKEA and re-purposed them as fur capes worn by members of the Night’s Watch. (cont’d)
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai Issue #37 September 10rd 2018 TidbitsCounty, Dallas County IKEA (cont’d) • IKEA’s first shop was set up in Almhult, southern Sweden, and was 6,700 square meters. The average IKEA is now about 32,000 square meters. In 2014, IKEA opened a store in South Korea that’s nearly 60,000 square meters. For comparison, that’s nearly twelve times larger than the White House. •There’s a website called IkeaHackers.net where people submit ideas on how to modify and improve IKEA furniture, such as turning a bookshelf into a room divider, a wine rack, or a babychanging station. • On Valentine’s Day in 2013, an Australian couple got married at an IKEA in Sydney, Australia, after winning a contest to have their wedding there. • In 2010 the company released 100 privately owned cats into a store that was closed overnight, just to film their antics. A team of five cameramen followed the cats around, and the cats were tended by a bevy of wranglers. • Today there’s an IKEA museum located on the site in Almhult, Sweden, where the very first IKEA store once stood. On display are many of the company’s famous designs and products, from meatballs to bookshelves. The 100th employee joined Ikea in 1959 and visitors can see uniforms from that period. • In an interview on his 90th birthday, Ingvar Kamprad was wearing clothes he had purchased at a flea market and driving an old Volvo. Kamprad was once denied entry at a gala when he showed up to receive an award because he had arrived via bus. • Today IKEA is the world’s largest furniture store, operating around 389 outlets in 43 countries, employing about 183,000 people, selling some 9,500 products. By the time Ingvar Kamprad died at the age of 91 in 2018, he was one of the world’s richest men.
STRANGE BUT TRUE by Samantha Weaver * It was beloved American humorist Will Rogers who made the following sage observation: “Everything is funny as long as it’s happening to somebody else.” * If you have spent a great deal of time in the Scottish highlands, you might be familiar with the term “sgiomlaireachd.” Evidently, the habit of dropping in at mealtimes is common enough there to require a word to describe it. * The world’s most popular fruit is the banana. In the United States, people consume more bananas than apples and oranges put together. * How would you like to brush your teeth with salt, chalk or ground brick? The first tooth powders used with toothbrushes were made of just such materials. * Ever wonder why magazine publisher Hugh Hefner chose a rabbit as the symbol of his Playboy magazine? Evidently, when the mogul was a small boy, one of his treasured possessions was a blanket with bunnies all over it. * Those who study such things say that Italians drink, on average, 26 gallons of wine every year. * The English word “vegetable” comes from the Latin word “vegetare,” which means “to invigorate.” Thought for the Day: “I divide my officers into four groups. There are clever, diligent, stupid and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are clever and diligent -- their place is the General Staff. The next lot are stupid and lazy -- they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties.ÊAnyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the intellectual clarity and the composure necessary for difficult decisions.ÊOne must beware of anyone who is stupid and diligent -- he must not be entrusted with any responsibility because he will always cause only mischief.” -- Kurt Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho #37505-0674 September 10rd 2018 For Advertising Call Issue (334)
PHOTO: Fred Rogers in “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” Photo Credit: Focus Features
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor” (PG-13) -- As its subject is the revolutionary but soft-spoken icon of kindness Fred Rogers, it’s no surprise that director Morgan Neville’s “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” 1) is the highest-grossing biographical documentary of all time, and 2) left zero dry eyes in my viewing audience (the DVD really should come fitted with a travel pack of tissues). Through 31 seasons of “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” covering a gamut of difficult issues -- race, death, family structure, violence, disability and more -we came to know a man who modeled empathy, hope, acceptance and, without fail, love for all of us, big and small. This moving portrait is a deeper look into a life of a man whose values are worth emulating and who set an example worth striving for. “Adrift” (PG-13) -- Shailene Woodley and Sam Claflin star in a tale of disaster, resilience and romance set (literally) on the high seas. Tami Oldham (Woodley) and Richard Sharp (Claflin) meet and fall in love in Tahiti, then are booked to sail a yacht from Tahiti to San Diego. Into their path, a category 5 hurricane develops, which they miraculously survive. Since Sharp is physically incapacitated, against all odds and adrift in the middle of nowhere, Oldham must pull it together and save them both. It’s inspirational, yes, but also a horrible nightmare and one more reason that I do not like sailing -- especially considering this Dramamine drama is based on a true story! “Hereditary” (R) -- In his directorial debut, Ari Aster delivers a disconcerting and terrifying story of the burden of familial legacy. Annie (in a luminously deranged performance by Toni Collette) has just lost her distant, secretive mother. Her mental state already degrading, she joins an emotional support group where she meets a fellow mourner, Joan (Ann Dowd), who introduces her to the world of the occult. Annie and her family (Gabriel Byrne, Alex Wolff and a creepily disconnected daughter played by Milly Shapiro) experience a series of terrifying occurrences that unravel them -- immolation or decapitation, anyone? This film is genuinely unnerving and is built for serious deep-horror fans. “Ghost Stories” (NR) -- This lovely little British horror anthology stars Andy Nyman as Professor Goodman, host of a ghost-story-debunking television program. He receives a triptych of case files, meant to effectively scare him supernatural. The mysteries in question involve: a night watchman (Paul Whitehouse) at an abandoned women’s asylum; a young man (Alex Lawther) who possibly ran over the devil in the middle of the woods; and a city businessman (Martin Freeman) haunted by his late wife and their demon child. Scary, yes, and funny too. “The brain sees what it wants to see,” says the professor. I see deliciously dark, creepy fun.
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TIDBITS ofTidbits Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018 of Dallas County
By Dr. Holly Carling
The Gray Areas of Health In so many areas of life, things fall in the gray area, and health is no exception. The “gray area” is defined on Dictionary.com as “an undefined situation or subject that does not seem to conform to known categories or rules; an intermediate area or topic that is not clearly defined.” It is neither the extremes of black or white, but a melding of the two, creating many shades of gray. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the “Yin Yang” symbol illustrates this. White gradually mixes into black, black into white. It is an eternal round. The dot of black within the white, and the dot of white within the black symbolizes there is always one within the other. When it comes to medicine and health, we are more than not, in the gray. How often does one manifest all the symptoms of a particular disease or disorder, but their blood work, scans, x-rays, etc. says they are “fine. Nothing is wrong”. Yet they suffer. In medicine today, if a symptom cannot be clearly defined by modern tests, it doesn’t exist. In the area of adrenal and thyroid health, this is especially true. You may have many of the symptoms of a thyroid condition such as fatigue, weight gain, hair falling out, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, impaired memory, etc., and be told your thyroid is “normal”.
You don’t have to have all the symptoms to have impaired thyroid function. But in our world of medicine, if your blood work doesn’t support it, you don’t have it. It’s black and white: you could have a TSH, for instance, of 4.0 (normal is 0.44.0) and told your thyroid is within norms. But tomorrow, it could be 4.1 and “suddenly” you are hypothyroid! Do we jump from normal to abnormal within a day, a week, or a month? No! We slowly, insidiously, move that direction, ebbing and flowing according to stress, nutrition and other factors. Basically, if you are symptomatic, but the labs don’t support the diagnosis, you just have to get a little sicker before anything can be done! “Come back when you are sicker” is the message we get. Something is wrong with that. It makes more sense to work towards healing the thyroid while it is in the “gray area” where resolution is much easier. The adrenals are small glands that sit on top of the kidneys, and is the hormonal part of the renal system. While there are several diseases associated with the adrenals, the black and white is Cushing Syndrome (excess Cortisol) and Addison’s (too little). The adrenals control inflammation, keep the immune system in check, help with blood sugar metabolism, blood pressure control, convert fats, carbs and protein into energy and is responsible for the regulation of many hormones. Most notably, the adrenals are our stress-control mechanism. We use a term “adrenal fatigue” to refer to the condition that lies in the gray area. Because it is in the gray area, it is not a medically recognizable term. But here too, the “gray area” of adrenal health is the easiest to improve.
Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www. vitalhealthcda.com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018 For Advertising Call (334) 505-0674
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Tidbits® of Dallas County
TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #37 September 10rd 2018 ForofAdvertising 505-0674 DONNA’S DAY: CREATIVE FAMILY FUN By Donna Erickson
Keeping Fit With Grandchildren
Scoot and run. Scoot and run. The energetic 6-year-old balancing on her scooter set the pace for her grandmother running alongside -- or maybe it was the other way around. They passed me when I stopped to let our family dog, Cali, do some sniffing on the wild grassy shoreline of our city lake. Resuming my run, I caught up behind the duo and eavesdropped on their breathless chatter that sounded like a clever made-up game of “Scoot and Run ABC’s.” Airplanes and Anglers -- someone caught a fish! Bikers in bright colors. Coffee-sipping gossipers. Dawdlers and Dog walkers. “On your left!” Elms turning colors, but where is an F. (I restrained myself from shouting “Fountain” when I stopped for a water break as they carried on.) Scoot and run. A healthy grandparent-grandchild workout made memories and connections through movement, an alphabet game and conversation. Mary Clapp, fitness coach for 20 years and mom of two, says it’s important to set aside designated times to exercise with kids. But doing it takes discipline, so put the workout schedule on the calendar and stick to it. “As kids grow, you’ll find that if you make workout time together a priority (with a dose of fun), you’ll continue to share similar interests around physical activity that can last a lifetime,” she says. Like 75-year-old Paula Larsen, who attends Mary’s hydro-fit classes. When 12-year-old granddaughter Isabel, an active swimmer on a community team, visited the class, they enjoyed every splash. “Through the treading water, intervals and bright smiles, they were building a bond and respect for one another,” says Mary. “Wow!” exclaimed Isabel after a challenging core-strengthening routine, “that was a hard one -- you are really strong, Grandma!” “Exercising together, whether it’s dog walking, jumping on bikes or taking laps in a pool, it’s part education, part fun and part family-oriented -- how can you go wrong?” says Mary. If you’re a physically active grandparent, be a role model. Put on your sneakers, grab a grandkid, and get moving ... together. Note: Grandparents Day, Sept. 9, was created to appreciate the millions of much-loved grandparents. Give them a hug and an extra thank you to express what a difference they make in kids’ lives. *** Donna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.”
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai IssueCounty #37 September 10rd 2018 TidbitsCounty, Dallas
Q&A with Susan Ashley, MD
Curing Drug Addiction
Every once in a while I learn of a medical treatment so profound, with the potential to positively affect so many lives, that I know I must obtain the training needed to provide this to my patients. And I have done just that this week, with a treatment called IV NAD. NAD, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a molecule found in all living cells. It is essential for life and for energy production, DNA cellular repair, and regulation of circadian rhythm and gene expression. The levels of NAD decline as we age, which can lead to fatigue and cognitive impairment, among other things. But even more profoundly, it can completely eliminate the physical symptoms of drug withdrawal and drug cravings. IV NAD is used with a particular protocol for drug addictions, and eliminates the cravings of the drug, any drug, including: alcohol, opiates, cocaine, meth, heroin, methadone, valium, crack, marijuana, and suboxone. The IV is given for 10 days on average, and the patient leaves the clinic without the cravings they had before and the continual desire for their drug of choice. At the same time, it is brain restorative, removing brain fog and allowing for clearer thoughts, while allowing more normal sleep patterns. Testimonies from patients that have used NAD: “It was a miracle to me. I thought I would never be free of my addiction. I didn’t want to my family to know, especially
my little children, so I traveled to obtain the treatment on my own. It wasn’t easy for me, but I did it and now I’m free at last. It is hard to believe it has been six years ago”. “Before I took the treatment I would spend all my mental energy on one or two things. I would either think about how I was going to get what I wanted or how I was not going to give into my cravings. I was always fighting myself. Now I have all this mental energy to use on my business.” “I have been to 3 inpatient and 4 outpatient rehab facilities for heroin, and never stayed clean for more than one month after completing the programs. After the NAD treatment, I had no cravings whatsoever and was able to go back to school and get my education. I am now able to give back to others, and this treatment literally saved my life.” “I got addicted during college and became very depressed. I was so full of shame. I wanted to drop out of school, but I was fortunate enough to have the treatment and stopped the craziness in my life. I graduated and am now happily married with a beautiful child. I have been clean and sober since my treatment in 2002.” “It is my professional opinion that IV NAD is the missing link in the treatment of chemical dependency. I have witnessed the astonishing differences between clients who have had NAD and those who have not. Those fortunate to have had this treatment experience no reported cravings for their drug of choice. Because the craving phenomenon is the main cause for most chemical dependency relapses, eliminating the cravings will increase the recovery success rate tremendously”. This is by a substance abuse counselor. This can be life saving for many, and I will start using IV NAD to help those who are struggling to eliminate the hold that drugs and alcohol can have on their lives. If you want to learn more, call for a consultation and see how we can help. Healthy Living Liberty Lake 509-924-6199.
Dr Ashley is board certified in Family Medicine and in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She provides a mix of traditional with alternative medicine and specializes in bio-identical hormones for both men and women.
For ofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
TRIVIA TEST By Fifi Rodriguez 1. GEOGRAPHY: Which of the Great Lakes reaches the farthest north and west? 2. LITERATURE: Which English poet wrote and illustrated “Songs of Innocence and of Experience”? 3. MOVIES: Who played the female lead in the 1942 film “Casablanca”? 4. OLYMPICS: In which sport would you perform the “Fosbury Flop”? 5. BUSINESS: Where was entrepreneur/inventor Elon Musk born and raised? 6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does a phlebotomist do for a living? 7. SCIENCE: What law is represented by the equation F=ma? 8. TELEVISION: Who starred in the TV series “Quantum Leap”? 9. HISTORY: In which war did the Battle of Verdun take place? 10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the name of an otter’s home? Answers 1. Lake Superior 2. William Blake 3. Ingrid Bergman 4. The high jump 5. South Africa 6. Draws blood from the human body 7. Newton’s second law of motion 8. Scott Bakula 9. World War I 10. A holt or couch (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai IssueCounty #37 September 10rd 2018 TidbitsCounty, Dallas Fabulous Food FOOD FACTS • A century ago, Americans spent about 43% of each day working to earn enough money to buy food. Now, it’s just 7%. • The average American household spends about 10% of its total budget on food. • Although “as American as apple pie” is a common phrase, apple pie isn’t particularly American. Pie was invented in Medieval England, and the modern recipe for apple pie with a lattice crust was created by the Dutch. • Pound cake got its name from the original recipe which called for a pound of butter, a pound of eggs, a pound of sugar, and a pound of flour. • During the average meal, you eat over 90,000 miles of DNA. • Chimichanga, a deep-fried burrito, is a Mexican word meaning “whatchamacallit” or “thingamajig.” Chimichangas were reportedly invented at the El Charro Cafe in Tucson, Arizona in 1922 when the restaurant owner accidently flipped a burrito into a deep fryer. • There are approximately 350 different pasta shapes around the world. • Almost 70% of red meat eaten around the world is goat meat. • People in Bangladesh and India eat the least meat per capita, averaging around 9 pounds (4 kg) each year, while Americans eat the most at about 265 lbs. (120 kg) each year, followed by Kuwait, New Zealand, and Australia. • There is no fruit in Froot Loops cereal, and every color is the same flavor. • In 2002 Parkay released 15,000 Parkay tubs outfitted with motion-activated computer chips that automatically responded with “The label says Parkay, the flavor says butter” when anyone passed by.
SPORTS QUIZ Chris Richcreek
1. Entering 2018, name the last player to have at least 70 stolen bases in a season. 2. Who was the first National League pitcher to save 50 or more games in a season? 3. Which quarterback holds the NCAA record for most combined yards in a season? 4. Who was the last Milwaukee Bucks All-Star before Giannis Antetokounmpo in 2017? 5. Name the last team before Vegas in 2018 to sweep the Los Angeles Kings in the first round of the NHL playoffs. 6. Before Kyle Busch and Kevin Harvick in 2018, when was the last time that two NASCAR drivers won at least five races each during the first 17 races of the season? 7. In 2018, Roger Federer became the secondoldest male tennis player (36 years, 173 days) to win a Grand Slam when he captured the Australian Open. Who is the oldest to do it? Answers 1. Boston’s Jacoby Ellsbury, in 2009. 2. Randy Myers had 53 saves for the Chicago Cubs in 1993. 3. Texas Tech QB B.J. Symons, with 5,976 yards in 2003. 4. Michael Redd, in 2004. 5. Detroit did it in 2000. 6. Denny Hamlin and Jimmie Johnson, in 2010. 7. Ken Rosewall won the Australian Open in 1972 at the age of 37. (c) 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Call Idaho Issue #37505-0674 September 10rd 2018 For Advertising (334) FOOD FACTS (cont’d) • Kale is one of the most nutritious vegetables. A single cup has only 33 calories yet it has 684% of the daily requirement of vitamin K, 134% of vitamin C, 206% of Vitamin A, as well as iron, folate, omega-3s, magnesium, calcium, iron, fiber, and two grams of protein. A serving of kale has more calcium than a small glass of milk, more vitamin C than an orange, and more vitamin A than any other leafy green. Kale retains most of its nutritional value even when cooked. • The origin of the name “onion” comes from Latin “unio” which is also the origin of the words “union” and “unity” referring to the many layers of an onion forming a single unit. • Worldwide, there are over 7,500 varieties of apples. If you tried a new type per day, it would take you 20 years to taste them all. Apple seeds contain small traces of cyanide. • Almonds are a seed rather than a true nut. Almonds are a member of the peach family. • On August 10, 2015, NASA astronauts on the International Space Station ate food that had been grown in space for the first time: Romaine lettuce. • If your in-flight airline meal tastes bland, remember that being at high altitudes affects both the sense of smell and the sense of taste. • The flesh of wild salmon is pink due to the shrimp they eat, but farm-raised salmon which are fed differently tend to be naturally white. They are fed plant pigments called carotenoids which are responsible for making carrots orange and tomatoes red. These carotenoids, when eaten by farmed salmon, mimic the pink color of wild salmon.
Think You Own Your Pet? Think Again DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I recently saw a news report about something called a “pet lease.” You pay for a purebred dog or cat, only to find out later that you never really owned it. What fresh hell is this? -- Carlos T., Pasadena, California DEAR CARLOS: It’s true -- some stores that sell dogs, cats or other pets have been offering “pet loans” so that buyers can finance the several thousands of dollars that many of these pets cost. The catch: Some of these loans actually are leases, with much longer payment periods. According to the ASPCA, these “leases” can result in pet owners, who thought they were paying $1,500 to $3,000 for a purebred dog, shelling out more than $5,000 when all is said and done. And if the pet dies during the lease period, the buyers are expected to continue making payments! These leases are not illegal in most states, by the way. Only California and Nevada have banned this practice. However, more states are looking into pet leasing, and are taking a hard look at how sales pitches are made and whether the terms of the leases are made clear to buyers before they sign. Practices like this are just one more reason why I urge potential owners to adopt a pet from their local shelter, rather than shell out thousands of dollars to a pet shop. A fantastic family pet is waiting for you there. If you insist on owning a specific breed, educate yourself about the breed, its care and the purchasing process. Buy only from reputable breeders who are above-board with the transaction (no loans are offered) and who care deeply about the pet’s health and welfare even after the sale. Send your comments, questions or tips to ask@ pawscorner.com. (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #37 September 10rd 2018 Tidbits Dallas HUYGENS SPACE PROBE • Huygens was a probe that landed on Saturn’s moon Titan in 2005. Named after the Dutch 17th-century astronomer Christiaan Huygens who discovered Titan in 1655, the probe landed farther away from Earth than any previous spacecraft. It was the first landing on a moon other than our own. • The Huygens probe, which measured about 9 feet wide (2.7 meters) and weighed roughly 700 pounds (318 kg), was attached to the Cassini spacecraft. Cassini weighed in at 2,600 pounds (5,700 kg). The mission was a joint effort by the European Space Agency with NASA and the Italian Space Agency. • Cassini was named for Giovanni Cassini, a 17th-century astronomer who was the first to observe four of Saturn’s moons. The Cassini spacecraft was built to study Saturn and the surrounding system, while the Huygens probe was designed to detach and land on Titan. • The combined Cassini–Huygens spacecraft launched on October 15, 1997 and remained dormant for the 6.7-year interplanetary cruise, except for semi-annual check-ups. The craft flew by Venus and Jupiter on the way, settling into orbit around Saturn on July 1, 2004. It spent several months studying Jupiter, its rings, and its numerous moons. • Huygens separated from the Cassini orbiter on December 25, 2004, and landed on Titan on January 14, 2005, while Cassini continued to orbit. It took about 2.5 hours for Huygens to descend through the atmosphere of Titan.
The Long Reach of the VAOIG When thieves steal from the Department of Veterans Affairs, often it’s not just the VA Office of the Inspector General that goes after them. Depending on the crime, it can include the OIG for other government departments and law enforcement from one end of the country to the other. The VAOIG has friends. A thief in Florida was hauled back up the coast to New England to face charges that he collected over $2 million in bribes over the course of five years while working for an electrical company that contracted for government jobs. Not only did he alter and falsify the bid documents, the scammer also involved his children by having the bribery funds diverted through them. Projects included work for the Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Coast Guard, the General Services Administration (GSA) ... and the VA. A Tennessee scammer was convicted of theft of public money, making false statements, wire fraud, mail fraud and financial conflict of interest. His crime was particularly bad because while working as a VA field examiner, he schemed to steal over half a million dollars from a disabled vet by convincing the veteran to make out a will with the scammer as sole beneficiary. The thief was forced to resign from the position but went on to another examiner position where he conveniently forgot to reveal his previous resignation for misconduct. All the time he’d lied about his own disabilities and had collected for 100 percent total and permanent disability, supposedly unable to work for two years. Multiple law enforcement agencies were involved. A Boston woman collected the Social Security and VA benefits of her former father-in-law after he passed away. She had a joint account with him and had been his caregiver. She was indicted on only two counts of theft of public funds and pleaded guilty. Multiple law enforcement agencies were involved in this case as well. When thieves think the VA Office of Inspector General doesn’t have a very long reach, they’re wrong. (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
HUYGENS SPACE PROBE • Huygens landed at what counts as high noon on Titan, when the Sun is about 1/10th the size as seen from Earth, with light comparable to twilight as seen on Earth about ten minutes after sunset. The color of the sky on Titan is orange because of the thick haze. • Titan is the largest of Saturn’s 62 moons, and is half the size of Earth and nearly as large as Mars. It’s the second largest moon in the solar system, after Ganymede of Jupiter. It is the only moon in the solar system with clouds and a dense, planet-like atmosphere. • The atmosphere on Titan is composed of 95% nitrogen and 5% methane. Titan also has carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, as well as other elements essential for life. • Titan has liquid methane rivers, lakes, and seas, making it the only other world in the solar system that has stable liquids on its surface. Methane rain circulates in hydrological cycle similar to what happens on Earth with water. Scientists think that Titan’s weather probably features torrential downpours of liquid methane causing flash floods, interspersed by decades or even centuries of drought. • Titan has sand dunes made of hydrocarbons, mountains reaching 10,000 feet in height, and possible underground oceans of water and ammonia. • Huygens operated for about 90 minutes after touchdown, sending the information from its robotic laboratory to Cassini, which relayed the data to Earth.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #18 April 30th 2018
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #18 April 30th 2018
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #20 May 14th 2018
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
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“Wisdom, Culture, Love, and Story-telling”
By Matilda Charles
Do We Trust Our Doctors?
Sitting in a medical office last week, I overheard something that sent a chill up my spine. Another patient in the waiting room was whispering to her friend that she didn’t trust the doctor. I wondered why she might feel that way. Did the doctor not keep up with the literature on new treatments for diseases or on prescription medicine that has been found to cause problems? Is the doctor being wooed by drug company reps? (Is the waiting room full of sales people with briefcases?) A survey from a few years ago revealed that doctors themselves believe that patient trust is waning. Of more than 2,000 physicians surveyed, 87 percent said that patients trust doctors less than they did 10 years ago. Another survey, covering patients in 29 countries, showed the U.S. was at No. 24 when it comes to Americans trusting our doctors. Online physician reviews came under fire in another survey when approximately half of patients said they only somewhat trust the reviews. That’s something to consider when using those reviews to find a new doctor. What happens when we don’t entirely trust our doctor? We tend not to listen. Therefore we might not take it seriously when we’re told to cut back on sodium or get a flu shot, both of which (or anything else they tell us) can lead to health complications. What do we need for trust to either be present, or to rebuild after it’s faded? For some of us, it would be as simple as having a doctor who talks to us directly and doesn’t spend all their time inputting data into a laptop ... as though clicking boxes for our list of ailments. Hit the “Send” button and a prescription slip prints out at the other end, based on no medical intervention whatsoever. (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
A text from a resident’s family member received recently really struck my heart… “I’m so ashamed of our Youth Centric Society. There is so much wisdom, culture, love and story-telling that is being wasted and lost, simply disregarded…” Rory Steward in the November 9, 2013, “Guardian” reflects as follows. “…ours is the first generation to draw our deepest fulfilment from our own descendants. Some of my friends imply that all that matters is what happens to their families, in the lives behind their own front doors. We have become reluctant to make sacrifices, except on the altar of our children. And what is the purpose of our children's lives? Their own children. And so on, all the way down. But instead of focusing overwhelmingly on the interests of "the next generation", politicians should give more space to the previous generation. We should begin by allowing older people to take far more political responsibility in local communities…. Our older population is the most impressive, self-sacrificing and imaginative part of our entire community. They are almost the last people who belong to political parties, the last who maintain our churches, the most generous and dedicated supporters of all our charities. They are our last fragile link to deeper history. They are also people who can find themselves in extremes of poverty (fuel poverty, in particular), of isolation, of loneliness and of hopelessness in the wait for death, unimaginable to anyone younger. We are not respecting them and, as a society, we are not making use of their extraordinary talents… If we are looking for redemption for the young, and a mission for our society, it could be in our care for the older generation: finding fulfilment and delight in relationships with the elderly and in helping the elderly. We should admire and learn from them. This is possible. On every street corner in Kabul, you can see a teenager in stonewashed jeans raising his head from scowling at his phone and moving with genuine delight to talk to an older person. I would like to see us begin to do the same here. Instead of building a world that's only fit for our children, I would like to see us building a world fit for our parents…” Rory Stewart is Conservative MP for Penrith For guidance, questions, and tours of The Lodge Assisted Living, call Linda Davis 208-755-3637.
Linda Davis Director of building relationships. 208.457.3403 www.LodgeLiving.net
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018 Essential Oils and Emotions Hear the phrase, “I use Essential Oils”, and most people’s first thought is Aromatherapy. Merriam Webster defines it as: aromatherapy: inhalation or bodily application (as by massage) of fragrant essential oils (as from flowers and fruits) for therapeutic purposes; broadly: the use of aroma to enhance a feeling of well-being. We know that Aromatherapy was used in ancient Greece, Rome, China and India for rituals and religious practices. The term “aromatherapy” was officially coined in the 20th century as the scientific community began to recognize the emotional benefits. What are Emotions? Emotions, also known as feelings, are your state of mind in response to the environment around you. Your environment includes the people you’re with, the location you’re at, what you’re doing, and many other factors. Your mind processes these various factors and determines how to respond in terms of emotions that often lead to actions. This response is based on previous experiences and survival instincts. For instance, going to the park may trigger feelings of happiness and excitement because your mind recognizes the park as a place where you’ve previously had fun with friends and family. On the other hand, standing in line at the grocery store may trigger feelings of boredom as your mind recalls the many instances you’ve been stuck in a line waiting for long amounts of time. Emotions influence many aspects of your health, especially your mental health. Being aware of your emotions is an important step to a lifetime of healthy living. Essential Oils and Chemical Responses Because of the complexities of the human brain, certain aromas can elicit emotions by triggering memories and stimulating emotional responses. We all have different memories and experiences so everyone has the ability to experience a distinct response when inhaling aromas. This internal response acts as an “aromatic pathway” that connects the aroma to different areas of the brain, thus triggering an emotional response. When we inhale a distinct aroma, the scent is processed through the brain’s olfactory system, the sensory system responsible for controlling our sense of smell. The olfactory system is connected to the limbic system, an area of the brain where memories and emotions are stored. At this point, the limbic system produces a distinct
response to the aroma based on memories that are associated with the particular smell—creating a rush of feelings that follow. Essential oils can produce responses that can be used to enhance well-being and manage emotions. Why Use Essential Oils to Manage Moods? Because certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils are natural and safe and can generate a quick response, they are a natural solution! For example, any of the Essential oils in the floral category (Clary Sage, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Helichrysum, Lavender, Rose, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang,) are typically composed of monoterpene alcohols, which hold calming properties. Tree, herb, and grass (Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Melaleuca, Sandalwood, Douglas and Siberian Fir, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Arborvitae, Spruce,Patchouli, Basil, Melissa, Oregano, Marjoram,) oils are known to promote grounding, soothing emotions and feelings of renewal, as they primarily include sesquiterpenes, esters, and oxides. With a high concentration of ketones, mint essential oils (Peppermint, Spearmint, Wintergreen) are commonly known to be energizing and uplifting. Citrus oils (Lemon, Lime, Wild Orange, Tangerine, Grapefruit) typically possess significant uplifting characteristics, with chemical components like limonene, beta-pinene, and monoterpenes. Many spice essential oils (Clove, Cassia, Ginger, Coriander, Black Pepper) are known for their warming properties, which come from phenols. Ways to Address Emotions While emotions are a natural response to the world around us, they need to be handled and addressed appropriately in order to maintain good mental health. For instance, keeping anger bottled up inside of you can lead to increased frustration that may eventually explode out, leading to a fight or causing you to yell at a friend. Everyone has different ways of addressing emotions that works for them. Some examples include taking five deep breaths, going for a walk, or squeezing a stress ball. You can even talk to someone about the way you’re feeling or ask for someone’s help in solving a problem. Through a personal consultation we can help you select oils and oil blends to specifically address the emotions you’re currently experiencing. and find which oils work best for you in addressing your different emotions. Emotions are an important part of life. Understanding the science behind them and how to control them is an important step towards good mental health. Watch for our weekly articles to learn more about our essential oils. If you would like more information about the type of essential oils we use or for a free personalized wellness consultation, contact us at 208-777-5367. J and Pancho Edler are Wellness Educators for certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils. Together, they travel the world, sharing their knowledge and expertise of the use of these oils and how they can empower YOU to take control of your health and wellness.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #25 June 18th 2018
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
Ready-to-use ingredients, such as shredded cabbage mix and bottled salsa, help you get this heart-healthy, Mexican-style meal on the table in just 15 minutes. 2 limes 4 cups (half 16-ounce bag) shredded cabbage mix for coleslaw 1/2 cup reduced-fat sour cream 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 1/4 pounds tilapia fillets 1/4 teaspoon ground chipotle chili pepper 8 corn tortillas 1 cup salsa 1. From limes, grate 2 teaspoons peel and squeeze 1/4 cup juice. 2. In large bowl, combine coleslaw mix and lime juice; set aside. In small bowl, stir lime peel into sour cream; set aside. 3. In 12-inch skillet, heat oil on medium-high until hot. On sheet of waxed paper, sprinkle tilapia fillets with chipotle chili pepper and 1/4 teaspoon salt to season both sides. Add fish to skillet and cook 5 to 6 minutes or until it turns opaque throughout, turning over once. Meanwhile, warm tortillas. 4. To serve, cut fillets into 8 pieces. Place 2 pieces tilapia in each tortilla; top with slaw, lime sour cream and salsa. Serves 4. * Each serving: About 360 calories, 12g total fat (3g saturated), 28g protein, 37g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, 12mg cholesterol, 790mg sodium. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our Web site at www.goodhousekeeping.com/recipes/. (c) 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
PHOTO: Cher Photo credit: Depositphotos
HOLLYWOOD -- Cherilyn Sarkisian began her career in 1965 at the age of 19 with a No. 1 hit record, “I Got You Babe,” as part of the musical duo Sonny and Cher. Fast-forward 53 years, and a 72-year-old Cher is hotter than ever. She’s headlining Las Vegas, at The Park Theater in The MGM Hotel (Oct. 31 to Nov. 17). Cher has added ABBA songs, including “Dancing Queen,” “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!,” “Mamma Mia,” “Fernando,” “The Winner Takes It All,” “Chiquitita,” “Waterloo,” “S.O.S.” and “One of Us,” into her live shows, and has a new album dropping Sept. 28 with ABBA songs. Cher has been nominated for two Oscars -- for “Silkwood” (1984) and “Moonstruck” (1988), for which she won -- seven Emmys (one win), six Golden Globes (three wins), eight Grammys (one win), six People’s Choice Awards (one win) and now she’ll receive The Kennedy Center Honors on Dec. 2 (broadcast Dec. 26 on CBS). Since Cher has won an Emmy, an Oscar and a Grammy, she only needs a Tony Award to become a member of the elite EGOT club of entertainers who’ve won all four awards. She’ll get the chance to earn her Tony Award with the opening of “The Cher Show” Sept. 3 on Broadway. To recap, at 72, she’s got a hit movie, (“Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again”), a Vegas residency, a new album and a Broadway show! Get ready for two classic horror remakes. Sept. 14 will bring the remake of “Predator,” starring Boyd Holbrook (“Milk,” “Gone Girl,” “Logan” and the TV hit, “The Hatfields and the McCoys”), Keegan-Michael Key, Olivia Munn and Sterling K. Brown, followed Oct. 19 by the 11th installment of “Halloween,” with Jamie Lee Curtis, Will Patton, Judy Greer and Nick Castle. While still on remakes, action director Roland Emmerich, who helmed “Independence Day” (1996) and the sequel “ID: Resurgence” (2016), “Godzilla” (1998), “The Patriot” (2000), “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004) and “White House Down” (2013), among others, is remaking the 1976 epic war film “Midway,” which starred Henry Fonda, Charlton Heston, Glenn Ford, Robert Mitchum, Cliff Robertson, James Coburn, Robert Wagner and Tom Selleck. Emmerich has cast Aaron Eckhart, Dennis Quaid, Nick Jonas, Luke Evans, Woody Harrelson, Mandy Moore and Patrick Wilson. Despite its $100 million budget, this sounds more like the cast of a TV movie than an epic war film! Even though Nick Jonas was in the box-office hit “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” ($962 million gross) and the upcoming “Chaos Walking,” with “Spider-Man” Tom Holland and “Star Wars’” Daisy Ridley, it doesn’t give him enough screen cred to be the young star of an epic war movie. After all, he’s not even “Midway” in his career!
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
Top 10 Video On Demand 1. Avengers: Infinity War (PG-13) Robert Downey Jr. 2. Life of the Party (PG-13) Melissa McCarthy 3. Breaking In (PG-13) Gabrielle Union 4. Overboard (PG-13) Anna Faris 5. Rampage (PG-13) Dwayne Johnson 6. Ready Player One (PG-13) Tye Sheridan 7. I Feel Pretty (PG-13) Amy Schumer 8. A Quiet Place (PG-13) Emily Blunt 9. Blockers (R) Leslie Mann 10. Tully (R) Charlize Theron Top 10 DVD, Blu-ray Sales 1. Avengers: Infinity War (PG-13) Disney 2. Ready Player One (PG-13) Warner Bros. 3. Life of the Party (PG-13) Warner Bros. 4. The Death of Superman (PG-13) Warner Bros. 5. Black Panther (PG-13) Disney 6. Breaking In (PG-13) Universal 7. Rampage (PG-13) Warner Bros. 8. The Avengers (PG-13) Disney 9. Avengers: Age of Ultron (PG-13) Disney 10. The Greatest Showman (PG) FOX Source: comScore (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
* On Sept. 20, 1565, Spanish forces capture the French Huguenot settlement of Fort Caroline, near present-day Jacksonville, Florida. The French lost 135 men in the first instance of colonial warfare between European powers in America. * On Sept. 23, 1846, at the Berlin Observatory, German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle discovers the planet Neptune. The blue gas giant has eight known moons and a ring system containing three bright and two dim rings. * On Sept. 17, 1884, Judge Allen disposes of 13 criminal cases on his Oakland, California, docket in only six minutes. Defendants did not stand much of a chance of gaining an acquittal. In a 40-year period only 1 defendant in 100 was acquitted. * On Sept. 22, 1914, in the North Sea, the German U-9 submarine sinks three British cruisers in just over one hour. The one-sided battle, during which 1,400 British sailors lost their lives, alerted the British to the deadly effectiveness of the submarine. * On Sept. 21, 1938, without warning, a powerful Category 3 hurricane slams into Long Island and southern New England, causing 600 deaths. The storm had been forecast to make landfall in Florida. * On Sept. 18, 1981, the 20,000-car parking lot at Canada’s new West Edmonton Mall makes the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest parking lot in the world. The mall has more than 800 stores, 100 restaurants, three radio stations, two hotels, a full-size ice-skating rink, nightclubs and a chapel. * On Sept. 19, 1995, The Washington Post publishes a 35,000-word manifesto written by the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski. Since the late 1970s, Kaczynski had carried out bombings that killed three people and injured another 23. David Kaczynski realized the writing style was similar to that of his brother, Theodore, and notified the FBI. (c) 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Aspects favor new romances for unpaired Ewes and Rams. Already-paired Arian twosomes experience renewed harmony in their relationships. Money matters also take a bright turn. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Use that strong Bovine determination to help you keep the faith with your convictions while you move through a period of uncertainty. Things begin to ease by the week’s end. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Pay attention to your intuition. It could be alerting you to be more careful about accepting a “statement of fact” simply on trust. Don’t be shy about asking for more proof. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Concern for the well-being of someone in need is admirable. But don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. Ask a family member, close friend or colleague to help you. LEO (July 23 to August 22) It’s OK to focus on the demands of your career. But try to avoid misunderstandings by also reaching out to family and friends. Your sharp intuitive sense kicks in by midweek. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Keep a rein on that green-eyed monster. Jealousy is counterproductive. Instead of resenting a colleague’s good points, concentrate on developing your own abilities. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Spending time on a creative project during this high-energy week can pay off both in emotional satisfaction and in impressing someone who is glad to see this side of you. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Now is a good time to start planning that trip you’ve put off because of the demands on your time. Be sure to choose a destination that is new and exciting. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) That upbeat mood in the first part of the week makes you eager to take on new ventures. A more serious note sets in later to help you assess an upcoming decision. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A high energy level gives the Goat the get-up-andgo to finish outstanding tasks before deadline, leaving time for well-earned fun and games with friends and family. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Dealing with disappointment is never easy. But the wise Aquarian will use it as a vital lesson and be the better for it. A close friend has something important to say. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Best bet is not to get involved in an argument between colleagues until you know more about who started it and why. And even then, appearances could be deceiving. Be alert.
BORN THIS WEEK: You have creative gifts that inspire those who get to see this sometimeshidden side of you. (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson * “I like a dark wash on my jeans and have found the perfect pair fitwise, but after repeated washing they tend to lighten up. I use an in-washer dye to freshen up the color, and my jeans go back to dark blue in a snap. You can do the same with once-black pants or T-shirts that have turned faded by using black dye. Just make sure that it’s not embroidered, because it’ll dye that too.” -- R.H. in Arkansas * Heading into sniffles season, here’s a great tip from E.G.: “Get a roll of toilet paper that’s easy on the nose, then squeeze to loosen the center cardboard roll. Remove cardboard. Carefully open the bottom of an empty tissue box and insert the roll of toilet paper, threading the TP from the inside of the roll up through the center. Tape the bottom of the box closed, and then use at will. It lasts longer, it’s cheaper and you easily can replace it.” * Use this teachers’ hack to hang a poster in your rental: Apply a piece of low-tack painter’s tape to the wall. Run a line of hot glue along the tape and push the poster into place. The poster sticks to the glue, which sticks to the tape on the wall, which is not damaged in any way. * “Sunglass cases are excellent cord keepers. I went through so many pairs of earbuds just stuffing them in my backpack, but now the ones I like are safe and secure, along with my charging cord and a cube to plug into the wall outlet if I need it.” -- P.A. in Florida * Recipe substitution: For a cup of heavy cream in sauces (not whipping) try this vegan alternative: 2/3 cup plain unflavored soy milk and 1/3 cup olive oil. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
Fiesta Corn Salad The last of your garden is coming in, and, oh, what to do with all of those fresh veggies?! 1/2 cup fat-free Italian dressing 1 tablespoon Splenda Granular 2 cups frozen whole-kernel corn, thawed 1 cup chopped fresh tomato 1 cup chopped unpeeled cucumber 3/4 cup chopped celery 1/4 cup chopped green onion 1. In a medium bowl, combine Italian dressing and Splenda. Add corn, tomato, cucumber, celery and green onion. Mix well to combine. 2. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Gently stir again just before serving. Makes 6 (2/3 cup) servings. * Each serving equals: 72 calories, 0g fat, 2g protein, 16g carbs, 302mg sodium, 26mg calcium, 2g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Vegetable, 1 Starch; Carb Choices: 1. (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #37 September 10rd 2018
TOP TEN MOVIES 1. Crazy Rich Asians (PG-13) Constance Wu, Henry Golding 2. The Meg (PG-13) Jason Statham, Bingbing Li 3. The Happiness Murders (R) Melissa McCarthy, Elizabeth Banks 4. Mission: Impossible -- Fallout (PG13) Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill 5. Mile 22 (R) Mark Wahlberg, Lauren Cohan 6. Christopher Robin (PG) Ewan McGregor, Hayley Atwell 7. Alpha (PG-13) Kodi Smit-McPhee, Natassia Malthe 8. BlacKkKlansman (R) John David Washington, Adam Driver 9. Slender Man (PG-13) Joey King, Julia Goldani Telles 10. A-X-L (PG) Becky G, Thomas Jane (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #25 June 18th 2018