of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #46 Nov. 13th 2017Issue #39 Sept. 23rd 2019 of Kootenai County, Idaho
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by Janet Spencer Come along with Tidbits as we learn about creatures that live in the ocean! TOTALLY TRIVIAL • The first organized exploration of the oceans occurred in 1872 when the British ship HMS Challenger spent three and a half years sailing the world dredging the ocean sediments, netting fish, and sampling sea water. The ship left with 240 scientists and crew members, yet 25% of them abandoned the project due to the mind-numbing drudgery of the task. Still, the ship traveled almost 70,000 miles (112,000 km), and managed to collect more than 7,400 new species. • A dredging device employed during explorations in 1960 captured over 25,000 creatures during a single hour-long trawl at a depth of one mile (1.6 km), representing 365 individual species of animals. The same expedition captured 3,700 individuals representing 200 species of animals when they trawled at three miles (4.8 km) deep. They found that a single dead whale on the ocean floor attracted 390 species of animal that fed off the carcass. • A TV crew once recorded a flying fish being airborne above the surface of the sea for a full 45 seconds, travelling at about 30 mph. (continued next page)
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019 SEA CREATURES (cont) • Pteropods are sea snails, and there are many varieties. One type feeds by trailing long filaments of sticky mucus, which traps floating debris, while also keeping the creature buoyant. The snail reels in the strands of mucus and has a meal. Another type floats at the surface, allowing a blob of mucus to bob around where it is exposed to the air. When a fly lands on the mucus expecting a meal, it gets stuck and is then eaten by the snail. • One type of pteropod exudes a chemical defense when threatened. This species is sometimes kidnapped by a type of crustacean that carries it around in its pincers, acting as a biological weapon against predation. • The cone snail is one of the ocean’s most deadly creatures, with venom that can paralyze and kill a human within minutes. Researchers studying the toxin found that it can relieve pain when delivered in greatly reduced doses. In 2004 the FDA approved the drug Ziconotide, a painkiller derived from cone snail toxin, with a potency 1,000 times that of morphine. • Coral exudes mucus for several reasons. First, it acts as protection from sediment falling from above that otherwise might suffocate the coral. The debris-laden mucus can be sloughed off at any time. Second, it traps zooplankton that the coral feeds upon. Third, it keeps the coral moist at low tides when the coral may be exposed. Fourth, it contains antimicrobial colonies that help prevent disease. • The barrel sponge filters water, consuming bits of organic matter. A single barrel sponge can filter enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool in one day. • The four-eyed butterfly fish has a fake eye on its tail to trick predators, because it’s easier to escape when someone attacks the tail rather than the head. (cont)
Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook tidbitscda
NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson * Turn off notifications during homework time. This means you, too, Mom and Dad. Whistles, buzzes and bells distract more than just the person whose phone is sounding the alert. * Did you know that when iron and copper in metal kitchen knives come in contact with certain fruits and vegetables, it causes them to brown more quickly? It’s better to use a glass, plastic or ceramic-coated knife to cut produce items, especially lettuce, apples and avocados, which are prone to browning. * To remove the scent of garlic from your hands, sprinkle salt on a cut lemon and rub it on your hands. Then, wash as normal with soap and water. * This tip comes to me from my grandmother. If you roll sausages in a very light coat of flour before you cook them, it will reduce the shrinkage. * Now, here’s a great solution, from G.H. in Florida: “After I pressure wash my patio and driveway, I mix up a gallon of vinegar with a cup of salt and a few drops of dish soap. I use this on cracks to deter weeds from growing in them. It’s safe and works quite well.” * “If you use a thimble when sewing, here’s a tip from my seamstress mom: Wet your thumb or finger before you pop the thimble on. It will stay put, as the moisture helps to create a little suction. It’s aggravating when a thimble falls off.” -- J.R. in Pennsylvania Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019 SEA CREATURES (cont) • There are over 100 species of lobsters, most of which are nocturnal. Lobsters can re-grow most of their appendages. They can aim a jet of urine at intruders, reaching up to 5 feet (1.5 m) away. The urine carries chemical messages that warn rivals away while attracting mates. Female lobsters must molt prior to mating; the male often then eats the discarded carapace. Females can store sperm up to three years and will carry thousands of fertilized eggs around glued to the abdomen for ten months until they hatch. When you eat lobster “tail” you’re actually eating its abdomen. • Some whales and seals can descend to depths of 6,560 feet (2,000 m) and stay submerged for two hours on a single lung full of air. • The Pacific grey whale holds the record for longest migration, hanging out in the Arctic and Bering Seas all summer, and swimming 12,000 miles (19,000 km) to the Pacific shores off the coast of Mexico and California, where they give birth to their young in the winter. They will not feed during the winter, surviving off their blubber. The newborn whales consume up to 50 gallons (189 l) of whale milk each day, which is about 40% fat. • One type of tubeworm lives at thermal vents in the ocean floor where it tolerates temperatures up to 176 degrees F (80 C) due to bacteria that cover its body and produce a protective heatresistant enzyme. • Sperm whales eat squid, and squids have sharp beaks which the whale is unable to digest. The beaks stay in the intestines of the whales where they eventually melt into a soft greasy substance, which is then pooped out by the whale. This ball of stinky grease floats until it lands on a shoreline, where it is collected and used in perfumes. It’s called ambergris which is French for “grey amber.” (cont)
. ok Join us as we host an epic weekend of everything whiskey - including the unveiling of a custom single barrel bourbon made exclusively for The Coeur d’Alene Resort in partnership with Maker’s Mark Distillery. Taste up to 100 varieties of whiskey, take a whiskey-themed lake cruise, play the world-famous Floating Green at The Resort Golf Course, attend educational whiskey seminars and plan for the Grand Bourbon Dinner at the lakefront Hagadone Event Center! Tickets & resort stay packages available soon
Questions regarding the events call Evelyn at 208.755.9120 or email evelyn2318@gmail.com
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Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
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Thursday, October 17th
Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
TIDBITS 12:00pm-3:00pm Lake City Center
1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene
Now accepting vendors.
Email april@northidahoevents.com
Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
Thursday, October 17th 12:00pm-3:00pm Lake City Center 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene
Now accepting vendors.
Email april@northidahoevents.com
Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
Thursday, October 17th 12:00pm-3:00pm Lake City Center 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene
Now accepting vendors.
Email april@northidahoevents.com
Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
Thursday, October 17th 12:00pm-3:00pm Lake City Center 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene
Now accepting vendors.
Email april@northidahoevents.com
Thursday, October 17th
® of Idaho of Kootenai Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019 TidbitsCounty, Dallas County 12:00pm-3:00pm
Lake City Center
SEA CREATURES (cont) 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene • Shells of crustaceans such as krill, and Now accepting shrimp, vendors. crabs are madeEmail fromapril@northidahoevents.com chitin. Chitin is valuable in many industries for use in cosmetics, shampoos, plant food, water filtration, and antifungal agents. It’s also used to promote speedy blood clotting. JOB FAIR • There is a small worm that lives in the ocean STRANGE BUT TRUE the holidays, made off the Hiring coast of for the Western U.S. Barely halfeasy! an by Samantha Weaver inch long, it is sometimes called by highly deThursday, October scriptive name of “the bone-eating zombie snot17th * It was Democratic governor and presidential 12:00pm-3:00pm worm.” This creature tunnels into the bones of hopeful Adlai Stevenson who made the followLake City Center dead whales where it sets down bacteria-laden ing sage observation: “A free society is a place 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene “roots.” The bacteria break down the fats and where it’s safe to be unpopular.” Nowwhale, accepting oils of the deceased makingvendors. the nutri* In proportion to its size, the strongest muscle in tion available Email for theapril@northidahoevents.com female worms to digest. the human body is the tongue. Meanwhile the miniscule males of the species * Beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss had a hoblive inside the female’s body, with perhaps sevby that few people were aware of: He collected eral hundred males living inside each one of the hats. JOB atFAIR females. Sperm is released regular intervals; * If you’re planning a trip to Kentucky anytime eggs are fertilized; eggs aremade released, Hiring for and thewhen holidays, easy!soon, you’d better keep a close rein on your inthe ones that land on whale bones grow into feteractions with strangers. It seems that flirting males, while those that land onThursday, other females October 17ththere is illegal and could get you 30 days in jail. turn into males, which then join the harem inside 12:00pm-3:00pm * It’s well-known that Albert Einstein won the that worm. When disturbed, the worm retreats Lake City Center Nobel Prize, but most people are misinformed inside its gelatinous tube, releasing1916gobs muN Lakewoodof Dr, Coeur D'Alene about what he won it for. He didn’t receive the cus as protection. Now accepting vendors. award for his theory of relativity, but for his ex• Parrotfish live in communities composed of Email april@northidahoevents.com planation of the photoelectric effect. a group of females and a single male. If the * The name of one of the most popular early vidgroup loses their male, one of the larger, older eo games, Pac-Man, comes from the Japanese females can turn into a male and will take over words for “to eat.” “Isuzu” means “50 bells” in the group, becoming more JOBaggressive FAIR and more Japanese, and “Atari” means “prepare to be atcolorful. Although females can turn into males, Hiringturn forinto thefemales. holidays, easy!tacked.” males cannot Oncemade a female * The lyrics to that favorite Irish ballad “O Danny becomes a male, the change is permanent. When Boy” were actually written by an Englishman. Thursday, October parrotfish sleep, they hide in a small crevice and17th * Hong Kong is not a city -- it’s an island. The 12:00pm-3:00pm cover themselves with mucus, which is thought name of the city commonly known as Hong to mask their scent from predators. Lake City Center Kong is actually Victoria. 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene • It’s estimated that about 43 million people * A study conducted by the Environmental Conmake their living Now fromaccepting commercialvendors. fishing or Email april@northidahoevents.comservancy shows that Viagra is having a beneficial from aquaculture worldwide. effect on the environment, especially in Asian countries. It seems that even though the drug costs $10 a pill, it’s still cheaper than bear’s gall bladder and other supposed remedies. * In ancient Rome, slaves with red hair commanded a higher price from buyers. * Actress Meg Ryan’s given name was Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #39 Sept 23rd 2019 For Advertising Call (334)
PHOTO: Naomi Scott, Mena Massoud in “Aladdin” Photo Credit: Disney Pictures
and with a $14 million bounty on his head -and a boatload of would-be collectors ready to take their shot (literally) -- as he pursues a path that would remove the bounty. All this while the High Table’s Adjudicator (Asia Kate Dillon) attempts to re-establish control over Wick allies. If it’s highly choreographed and creative violence you’re looking for, you came to the right spot. You don’t even need to know Wick’s backstory to enjoy this ride, just a taste for stylized assassins armed with whatever weapon is available, be it blades or library books. “The Dead Don’t Die” (R) -- Director Jim Jarmusch’s strangely violent, oddly comic zombie adventure pits a trio of small-town cops (Bill Murray, Adam Driver and Chloe Sevigny) against a polar-fracking induced zombie apocalypse. In the tiny town of Centerville, strange things are afoot, bringing out all the quirks and coots, while the nonplussed police force and a Scottish samurai mortician (Tilda Swinton) seek to smother the uprising by lopping off heads. Or something like that. It’s chock-a-block with crazy characters (Carol Kane, Danny Glover, Steve Buscemi) and features a slew of musicians (Tom Waits, Selena Gomez, Iggy Pop). “Echo in the Canyon” (PG-13) -- Wallflowers front man Jakob Dylan (who also happens to be Bob Dylan’s son) pairs with director Andrew Slater for a reminisce of the mid-1960s music scene out of Laurel Canyon, the site of iconic California folk-rock sound. It’s told through footage and photos, and Dylan’s comfortably rambling interviews with legendary artists Tom Petty, Brian Wilson, Stephen Stills, Jackson Browne, Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, Michelle Phillips and more.
“Aladdin” (PG) -- It’s street rat meets princess with a little help from a genie in this updated, live-action remake of Disney’s “Aladdin.” Mena Massoud assumes the title role of Aladdin, a poor kid with a heart of gold who forms a connection with the beautiful princess Jasmine (Naomi Scott), who’s trying to escape a cloistered life. He wins her heart, but to be together, Aladdin must transform into a worthy prince. Enter the Genie (Will Smith), who magics him up with all the tools needed to fight for her hand, even with interference from the evil court-magician Jafar (Marwan Kenzari). I’m the right age to have some strong emotional attachments to the original ‘90s animated film. In the end, the final word on this version comes from my own kids, who have no such ties: It’s good, the songs are (still) catchy and Jasmine is awesome. “John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum” (R) -In this glorious threequel shoot-em-up, Keanu Reeves returns as uber-assassin John Wick, dis- (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc. avowed from the criminal syndicate High Table
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TIDBITS ofTidbits Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019 of Dallas County
By Dr. Holly Carling
Recent hurricanes and their resultant floods as well as fires, and the smoke from them, are cause for alarm or concern. Despite our technological advances, we cannot always control natural disasters, but much of it we can predict. When we look at disasters in our bodies, we call it disease. The warning signs of disease are myriad, but are often overlooked, until a major disaster strikes. Many a time I have interviewed a patient who had a “sudden onset” heart attack or stroke. They say it came without warning. But with further questioning, there were warnings along the way, but none to interpret them. Many times they will have just visited their cardiologist who gave them “a clean bill of health” just days or weeks before their heart incident. Many times they had warning signs, saw a doctor for them, and it was dismissed – either without further investigation, or even after fancy tests. This holds true for many diseases – cancer as well. One day healthy, the next day diagnosed with stage IV cancer. One day perfect, the next with an auto-immune disorder. The list goes on. So how does the body warn us? The body warns us in many ways, but not always in the ways expected, and not always in ways that are diagnosable by lab tests or other modern testing methods. How often has someone complained of being exhausted and was told they were just depressed and put on psych meds?
Way too often! Exhaustion or fatigue can mean many, many things. The body is a complex mechanism. Many parts are dependent upon other parts. Because medicine is becoming more and more segregated, isolated, specialized, we are losing the whole picture. The sum of the parts is greater as a whole because the body tells us in more than one way what is wrong. For instance: arthritis, cataracts, osteoporosis, gallstones, kidneys stones, and bone spurs all have one common denominator – calcium metabolism. Yet you would see a Rheumatologist for the arthritis, an Ophthalmologist for the cataracts, an Internist for the osteoporosis, a Gastroenterologist for the gallstones, a Urologist for the kidney stones, and an Orthopedist for the bone spurs. Wow! If all of these have similar originating factors (calcium metabolism issues plus another symptom that makes for the disease – such as weakened joints), then if you fix the originating factor, you fix all the above. Don’t ever let your symptoms get dismissed. Every symptom has a meaning. The body doesn’t just one day decide to misbehave and cause a symptom or disease. There is a defined reason for it. It is important that you see a practitioner who will wade through the myriad symptoms to discover the disaster lurking under the surface. That is true health care! If you need help sifting through your symptom puzzle pieces to identify the root cause of your health challenges, come to Vital Health.
Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www. vitalhealthcda.com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue505-0674 #39 Sept 23rd 2019 For Advertising CallIdaho (334)
Judge Orders Public Shaming for Fake Vets Two not-too-bright Montana men tried to pretend they were veterans, one even claiming he’d served seven combat tours. They weren’t trying to claim benefits. What they wanted was to have their criminal cases moved to the Veterans Treatment Court with the hope they’d get lighter sentences. Once their scam was revealed, one of them was sentenced to 10 years in prison with three years suspended. The other was sentenced to five years with two years suspended. The district court judge, however, wasn’t letting it go at that. Before they can be eligible for parole, both men have to handwrite the names of all 6,700 American servicemembers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have to write letters of apology to veterans’ groups such as the American Legion and Disabled American Veterans. They also have to hand-copy the obituaries of the 40 Montanans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Once they get out, they need to do 441 hours of community service, one hour for every Montanan killed in combat since the Korean War. Then there’s the signs. Once they get out of prison, both men have to visit the Montana Veterans Memorial twice a year for the time their sentences were suspended, wearing a sign that says, “I am a liar. I am not a veteran. I stole valor. I have dishonored all veterans.” Both men objected to wearing the sign. Of course they did. They can write names and letters of apology in private in their prison cells. The signs, worn out in public, will show everyone just what kind of men they really are. The judge, however, held firm, citing case law that shows he could impose that sentence. What they apparently didn’t know was that the judge, this judge, had established the local Veterans Treatment Center five years ago, the very center they were trying to scam. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
When Training Seems to Go Backward
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I tried training my cat to stay off the counter using the “positive reinforcement” method you described. It worked at first, but now “Jake” is acting worse! Why didn’t it work? -Ð Greg H., Iowa City DEAR GREG: Don’t give up on training Jake to stay off the counter. If you continue to be consistent in rewarding the behavior that you want from him, and not rewarding the behavior you don’t want, Jake should settle down. What’s happening with Jake is not unusual. He previously had a habit of jumping up on the counter, and his “reward” at the time was to get attention from you, even if it was just picking him up or shooing him down. Even though he responded well to the initial training, that habit is still lurking in the background. Behavioral therapists call this “extinction burst” -- a last hurrah, of sorts, by the brain. It’s one more huge attempt to get that old “reward” back. It’s very similar to someone who’s on a strict diet for a long time, and despite seeing great results, suddenly begins talking themselves into eating that piece of cake they’ve seen in the bakery window. Now, cats (probably) don’t talk themselves into starting up old behaviors. Jake may simply be reacting to an old habit resurfacing. Keep working with him on staying off the counter. When he looks as if he’s going to jump up, redirect his attention by calling him over. Note the times that he jumps on the counter and keep him occupied with a fuzzy toy or snuggles during these periods. Be patient, and don’t give up. Send your comments, questions or tips to ask@ pawscorner.com.
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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #39 Sept 23rd 2019 Tidbits Dallas
Q&A with Susan Ashley, MD
Curing Drug Addiction
Every once in a while I learn of a medical treatment so profound, with the potential to positively affect so many lives, that I know I must obtain the training needed to provide this to my patients. And I have done just that this week, with a treatment called IV NAD. NAD, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a molecule found in all living cells. It is essential for life and for energy production, DNA cellular repair, and regulation of circadian rhythm and gene expression. The levels of NAD decline as we age, which can lead to fatigue and cognitive impairment, among other things. But even more profoundly, it can completely eliminate the physical symptoms of drug withdrawal and drug cravings. IV NAD is used with a particular protocol for drug addictions, and eliminates the cravings of the drug, any drug, including: alcohol, opiates, cocaine, meth, heroin, methadone, valium, crack, marijuana, and suboxone.
The IV is given for 10 days on average, and the patient leaves the clinic without the cravings they had before and the continual desire for their drug of choice. At the same time, it is brain restorative, removing brain fog and allowing for clearer thoughts, while allowing more normal sleep patterns. Testimonies from patients that have used NAD: “It was a miracle to me. I thought I would never be free of my addiction. I didn’t want to my family to know, especially my little children, so I traveled to obtain the treatment on my own. It wasn’t easy for me, but I did it and now I’m free at last. It is hard to believe it has been six years ago”. “Before I took the treatment I would spend all my mental energy on one or two things. I would either think about how I was going to get what I wanted or how I was not going to give into my cravings. I was always fighting myself. Now I have all this mental energy to use on my business.” “I have been to 3 inpatient and 4 outpatient rehab facilities for heroin, and never stayed clean for more than one month after completing the programs. After the NAD treatment, I had no cravings whatsoever and was able to go back to school and get my education. I am now able to give back to others, and this treatment literally
Dr Ashley is board certified in Family Medicine and in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She provides a mix of traditional with alternative medicine and specializes in bio-identical hormones for both men and women.
ForofAdvertising 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019
* On Oct. 2, 1780, British Major John Andre is hanged as a spy by U.S. military forces in New York. Andre, an accomplice of Benedict Arnold, was captured with incriminating papers in his boot. The papers revealed Arnold’s offer to surrender West Point to the British for a bribe of 20,000 pounds. * On Oct. 3, 1863, expressing gratitude for a Union Army victory at Gettysburg, President Abraham Lincoln announces that the nation will celebrate an official Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 26, and on the fourth Thursday of every November thereafter. * On Oct. 1, 1890, an act of Congress creates Yosemite National Park, paving the way for generations of nature lovers. Yosemite’s natural beauty is immortalized in the stark black-andwhite landscape photographs of Ansel Adams (1902-1984). * On Oct. 4, 1918, German Chancellor Max von Baden sends a telegraph message to President Woodrow Wilson requesting an armistice between Germany and the Allied powers in World War I. After a difficult month of negotiations, World War I came to an end on Nov. 11, 1918. * On Sept. 30, 1954, the USS Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine, is commissioned by the U.S. Navy. In August 1958, the Nautilus accomplished the first voyage under the geographic North Pole. * On Oct. 6, 1961, President John F. Kennedy advises American families to build bomb shelters to protect themselves from atomic fallout in the event of a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union. One year later, the world hovered on the brink of nuclear war after the USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. * On Oct. 5, 1978, Isaac Bashevis Singer wins the Nobel Prize for literature. Singer wrote about Jewish life in Poland and the United States. One of his stories, “Yentl,” was made into a movie directed by and starring Barbra Streisand in 1983. (c) 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc.All Rights Reserved
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai IssueCounty #39 Sept 23rd 2019 TidbitsCounty, Dallas
1. Name the artist who wrote and released “Lovin’ You.” Hint: She had a five-octave singing range. 2. Which rockabilly artist released “You’re Sixteen” in 1960? 3. Which group released “I Need You” and “Ventura Highway” in 1972? 4. Who released an album entitled “Rock of the Westies”? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “Until we dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need.” Answers 1. Minnie Riperton, in 1975. Stevie Wonder produced her first album, but under a pseudonym because he was under contract to another record company. 2. Johnny Burnette. His version peaked at No. 8 on the Billboard Hot 100, but Ringo Starr’s 1973 rendering was an international hit and went to No. 1 in the U.S. 3. America. The trio met in high school in London, where their fathers were stationed with the U.S. Air Force. They picked the name so no one would think they were Brits trying to sound American. 4. Elton John, in 1975. The name was a play on “West of the Rockies” because the album was cut in Colorado. 5. “A View to a Kill,” by Duran Duran. They wrote and performed this theme song for the 1985 James Bond film of the same name. It is still the only James Bond theme song ever to reach No. 1 on the charts. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
Melvin (“Mel”) E. Wach Jr. of Coeur d’Alene, ID (formerly of Pittsburgh, PA) died On Friday the 13th after a long battle with an Agent Orange related neurological disorder. Mel proudly served our country in Vietnam with the US Army where he was awarded four (4) Medals of Honor including the Bronze Service Star for Combat and the National Defense Service Medal. After returning home from Vietnam, Mel entered the financial industry and was a Sr. Vice President with a national mortgage company before branching out to become a Partner of Your Equity Source (YES Mortgage). Mel was one of the few men in his unit who made it back from Vietnam and these experiences led him to become an advocate for Veterans, both through his business and his charitable contributions. Mel never wanted to take credit so most of this work was done anonymously. He said he owed it to his ‘brothers and sisters’ who were in need. Mel is survived by his wife, Sandra Wach of Coeur d’Alene, and his family in Pittsburgh: Eric Wach (Son), Kevin Wach (Son), Zachary Wach (Grandson), McKenzee Wach (Granddaughter), Dolores “Sissy” Wach (Sister), Rita Scanio (Sister), Carole & Chuck McConville (Sister and Brother-in-Law) and his beloved pets: Boris & Natasha (the crazy Maine Coons) and baby Moxie. Mel will be transferred from Yates Funeral Home in Coeur d’Alene to The Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Arlington is the home of The Vietnam Wall which pays tribute to the 58,320 Veterans who bravely lost their lives while serving our county and the Arlington National Cemetery which is our Nation’s most hallowed ground consisting of over 624 acres where over 400,000 men and women who have sacrificed for our Country reside. The family has asked that donations be made to Newby-gennings of North Idaho (a non-profit which provides vital services to Veterans and their families) in lieu flowers. A special thank you is extended to all of the wonderful people at Hospice of North Idaho who provided care and compassion during his final days.
For ofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019 What is Acupuncture all about?
Acupuncture is an ancient technique that has been proven highly effective for: reducing stress, healing back and neck pain, headaches and eye strain. Acupuncture helps with allergy relief, improve digestive disorders boost the immune system and benefit woman’s health issues such as painful periods and improves fertility. Acupuncture helps to regulate the endocrine system (hormones) and calm the nervous system. The stimulation of acupuncture points triggers a release of our body’s natural pain- relieving chemicals and reduces inflammation. Acupuncture is used in combination with High Intensity PEMF therapy at the CDA Health Center for exceptional results for pain relief and improved range of motion without medication or invasive procedures. My Neck pain was gone after the acupuncture treatment and I stayed pain free for a whole week. James P. Conroe, Texas Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a natural non-surgical, non-filler method of reducing the signs of aging on the face and can seem to erase years when used in combination with High Intensity PEMF therapy while benefiting the entire body. Acupuncture needles are used to stimulate the facial muscles and bring more blood supply to the face. Cold laser is also used on the acupuncture points with the needles. Facial tone is improved with improved circulation and collagen production with a series of treatments. Dr. Margo Parker, OMD, a licensed acupuncturist with over 30 years in practice and higher education. CDA Health Center located at 1044 Northwest Boulevard in the Sky Professional Center Building. Phone/Text (208) 660-7363 to schedule High Intensity PEMF, Ozone Therapy, or other traditional therapies. We offer HU=GO™ HI-PEMF for mobility and pain relief and Ozone therapies for sinus issues, allergies, skin, scalp conditions and more. www.cdahealthcenter.com
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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue County #39 Sept 23rd 2019 Tidbits Dallas
For Advertising Call (334) 505-0674
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #36 Sept 2nd 2019 Tidbits Dallas
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #36 Sept 2nd 2019
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am Woops! 119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am
1. Name either of the two Canadian-born major-league pitchers to toss a complete-game nohitter. 2. Who was the first Houston Astros pitcher to Ages 18+ win at least 20 games in a season? Speed 3. How many times has a Dating Penn State football player gone No. 1 in the NFL Draft? Saturday, October 12th 4. Before San Antonio in 2008, name the last 10:00am(miniNBA playoff team with only one player Woops! 12 or mum 10 games played) who averaged 119 N. 4th St, more points a game during the regular Coeur d’Alene,season. Idaho 83814 5. Hall of Famer Red Kelly won eight Stanley $20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com Cups during his 20-season playing career. includes a NHL beverage of choice With which two teams did he win them? 6. In 2019, Kyle Busch tied a NASCAR Cup record by posting 11 consecutive top-10 finishes to open a season. WhoAges else did it? 18+ 7. Who was theSpeed last BritishDating female tennis player before Johanna Konta in 2019 to reach the French Open semifinals in singles? Saturday, October 12th 10:00am
119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am Woops! 119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com
includes a beverage of choice Answers 1. Joe Nathan got his 300th save in his 335th save opportunity in 2013. 2. Mickey Mantle, who did it at 21 years, Ages 18+ 185 days old. Speed Dating 3. Under; Arizona and Green Bay combined for 96 points in a playoff game in Saturday, October 12th 2010. 4. Eight, the last coming in 2016.10:00am 5. Al MacInnis did it in 1994. Woops! 119 N. 4th St, 6. It stood for 23 years -- Russia’s Coeur d’Alene,SvetIdaho 83814 lana Masterkova set the previous mark of $20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com 4:12.56 in 1996. includes a beverage of choice 7. Brooks Koepka, Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods.
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am
119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
• Jules Piccard was a Swiss chemist born in 1840. He made contributions to food chemistry. Jules Piccard was the father of twin sons Auguste and Jean Piccard. • Auguste Piccard was born in 1884. In 1930, he and Paul Kipfer ascended to a height of 9.8 miles (16 k) in a balloon Auguste designed which had an airtight aluminum gondola so they would not pass out from lack of oxygen. They became the first humans to enter the stratosphere, and were the first to see the curvature of the Earth with their own eyes. • Auguste made 27 high altitude flights. He then realized he could apply the same technology towards creating a vessel that could descend into the ocean’s depths. He began building a bathyscaphe in 1937 but was interrupted by World War II. The work continued in 1945. After making a series of successful unmanned trips to great depths, he gave the craft to the French navy in 1950, where it was redesigned to carry a human. In 1954, it took a man safely down 13,701 ft. (4,176 m). Auguste and his son Jacques built a second bathyscaphe and together they dove to a record-breaking depth of 10,335 ft (3,150 m) in 1953. • Jean Piccard worked to advance balloon technology along with his twin brother Auguste. Jean and his wife Jeanette made the first stratospheric flight through clouds in 1934, ascending to a height of 11 miles (18 km) in a pressurized gondola. He subsequently invented a window that that would not frost over during flights. Later he created an electronic system for emptying ballast bags. • Jean Piccard’s wife Jeannette was the first licensed female balloon pilot in the U.S., and the first woman to fly to the stratosphere when she accompanied her husband in 1934. She piloted the balloon, travelling 300 miles (482 km) in 8 hours. (cont)
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019 THE PICCARD FAMILY (cont) • Donald Piccard was the son of Jean and Jeanette Piccard, born in 1926. As a child, he ascended with his parents to the edge of the stratosphere. He pioneered the use of Mylar and plastic in hot air balloons, and was the first to cross the English Channel in a balloon. Donald championed hot air ballooning as a hobby, and was a founding member of the Balloon Federation of America, the national organization for ballooning. He later set up a company to sell hot air balloons to the public. • Auguste Piccard’s son was Jacque Piccard, born in 1922. Jacque and Auguste worked together to build several deep-sea bathyscaphes. With the help of funding from the U.S. Navy, they built the craft named “Trieste.” In 1960 Jacques Piccard and Lt. Don Walsh descended to the bottom of the Mariana Trench at a spot called the Challenger Deep in the Trieste. It took them four hours to descend to the depth 35,814 ft (10,916 m), or almost 7 miles (11 km) below the surface of the sea. They spent 20 minutes at the bottom before returning to the surface. Jacques later spent four weeks in a five-man submersible he designed, which travelled from Florida to Canada following the Gulf Stream. • Jacque’s son Bernard Piccard was born in 1958. He became a pilot, obtaining licenses to fly not only hot air balloons but also airplanes, gliders, and motorized gliders. He was one of the pioneers of hang gliding in the 1970s, and became the European hang-glider aerobatics champion in 1985. Along with co-pilot Brian Jones, Bernard was the first to complete a non-stop balloon flight around the globe, a trip that took 20 days. He was the initiator, chairman, and co-pilot of the first successful round-the-world flight in a solar-powered fixed-wing aircraft in 2016.
Easy Seafood Stew
Low in fat and rich in protein, this speedy version of a classic fisherman’s stew also delivers an abundant serving of red tomatoes, which lower your risk of heart disease and certain cancers. 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 large yellow pepper, coarsely chopped 1 medium onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed with press 1 can (14 1/2-ounce) stewed tomatoes 1 cup spicy tomato-vegetable juice 1 pound skinless cod fillet, cut into 1-inch chunks 8 ounces shelled and deveined medium shrimp 1. In 4-quart saucepan, heat oil over medium heat until hot. Add yellow pepper and onion, and cook 5 to 6 minutes or until softened and lightly browned, stirring frequently. Stir in garlic and cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. 2. Stir in stewed tomatoes, vegetable juice, 1/2 cup water and 1/4 teaspoon salt; cover and heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, 10 minutes. 3. Stir in cod and shrimp; cover and simmer 3 to 4 minutes or until cod and shrimp just turn opaque throughout, gently stirring once. Ladle stew into 4 large soup bowls. Makes about 7 cups. * Each serving: About 245 calories, 4g total fat (1g saturated), 135mg cholesterol, 715mg sodium, 17g total carbohydrate, 3g dietary fiber, 34g protein. (c) 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
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PHOTO: Ed Sheeran Photo credit: Depositphotos
Q: Is it true that Ed Sheeran is quitting music? What is he going to do next then, act? -- B.B. A: After touring for two years, singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran is taking a long hiatus, but he’s not quitting. He told the crowd at the last stop on his tour that he’s going to take about an 18-month break. I wouldn’t be surprised though, if he pursued more acting projects. He played himself in the movie “Yesterday” this summer and also filmed a guest spot on the upcoming anthology series “Modern Love,” based on The New York Times column. Episodes will be available to stream on Amazon beginning Oct. 18. Other stars will include Tina Fey (“30 Rock”), Anne Hathaway (“The Dark Knight Rises”) and John Slattery (“Mad Men”). *** Q: I saw an actor named Jonathan Groff on the “Live with Kelly and Ryan” talk show one morning, and they mentioned how he was once on the soap “One Life to Live.” I watched that soap for decades and don’t remember him. When was he on? -- S.T. A: For those who might not recognize the name, Jonathan Groff stars as an FBI agent on the Netflix crime show “Mindhunter.” Before that, he was a regular on the hit high-school musical series “Glee,” and you also might recognize his voice as Kristoff in the animated blockbuster “Frozen” and its upcoming sequel. Groff’s very first onscreen role, however, was playing a teen named Henry on “One Life to Live” for just a few episodes. His character died in a car accident after doing drugs.
Kelly Ripa, who hosts the live syndicated talk show with co-host Ryan Seacrest, got her start on an ABC soap as well. She played Hayley on “All My Children” before being selected as Regis Philbin’s new co-host, and the rest is broadcast history. Q: Will there be any more “Pitch Perfect” movies? I still like the first one the best, but have enjoyed them all. -- Y.J. A: The original “Pitch Perfect” in 2012 starred Anna Kendrick as a college freshman who joins an all-female a cappella group. It was followed by two sequels, the last in 2017. Not long ago, co-star Rebel Wilson hinted that there would be a fourth installment ... someday. In the meantime, most of the cast has been working nonstop on other projects. Up next for Wilson is the movie version of the Broadway musical “Cats,” while Kendrick has an upcoming TV series titled “Love Life” on the new WarnerMedia streaming service. Another “Pitch Perfect” alum, Brittany Snow, stars in the Fox drama “Almost Family,” which debuts Oct. 2, and Anna Camp can be seen in the new sitcom “Perfect Harmony” on NBC beginning Sept. 26. Sadly, Camp and her husband, Skylar Astin, recently divorced. Astin starred in the first two “Pitch Perfect” movies. Send me your questions at NewCelebrityExtra@ gmail.com! (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019
Top 10 Video On Demand 1. Rocketman (R) Taron Egerton 2. The Secret Life of Pets 2 (PG) animated 3. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (PG-13) Kyle Chandler 4. Avengers: Endgame (PG-13) Robert Downey Jr. 5. The Hustle (PG-13) Anne Hathaway 6. A Dog’s Journey (PG) Josh Gad 7. Brightburn (R) Elizabeth Banks 8. Long Shot (R) Charlize Theron 9. Pokemon Detective Pikachu (PG) Ryan Reynolds 10. Shazam! (PG-13) Zachary Levi Top 10 DVD, Blu-ray Sales 1. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (PG-13) Warner Bros. 2. The Secret Life of Pets 2 (PG) Universal 3. Avengers: Endgame (PG-13) Disney/Marvel 4. Rocketman (R) Paramount 5. Pokemon Detective Pikachu (PG) Warner Bros. 6. A Dog’s Journey (PG) Universal 7. Captain Marvel (PG-13) Disney/Marvel 8. Brightburn (R) Sony 9. Descendants 3 (TV-G) Disney 10. Apocalypse Now: Final Cut (R) Lionsgate
TOP TEN MOVIES 1. It Chapter Two (R) Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy 2. Angel Has Fallen (R) Gerard Butler, Frederick Schmidt 3. Good Boys (R) Jacob Tremblay, Keith L. Williams 4. The Lion King (PG) animated 5. Overcomer (PG) Alex Kendrick, Shari Rigby 6. Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (PG-13) Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham 7. The Peanut Butter Falcon (PG-13) Shia LaBeouf, Dakota Johnson 8. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (PG-13) Zoe Margaret Colletti, Michael Garza 9. Ready or Not (R) Samara Weaving, Adam Brody 10. Dora and the Lost City of Gold (PG) Isabela Moner, Eugenio Derbez (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
HAGFISH • The hagfish is an eel-like creature that grows up to several feet long and lives in the ocean. By most accounts, it is considered to be the world’s most disgusting animal. • There are over 70 species of hagfish which live mostly in cold-water areas, ranging from the shallows to depths of 5,500 feet (1,700 m). They all share one common trait of spewing huge amounts of slime when threatened or startled. • Though they are often called “slime eels” or “snot eels” they are not true eels. They belong to the family Agnatha denoting a classification of fish that have no jaws and no fins. • Hagfish are scavengers, typically boring a hole into whatever carcass they find. They have lost their fish scales which might snag on things, sporting a smooth skin instead. • After delving into a body, they spread mucus around. This serves not only to repel other creatures who might also want to feast, but also kills bacteria in the area. • Hagfish have no jaws, but instead use a sucker-like mouth with two rows of teeth to bite off chunks of their meals. They wrap themselves in knots which provide leverage when tearing through tough skin. Their skull is made of cartilage but they have no bones and no vertebrae, making knot-tying easy. They also tie themselves in knots which they pull themselves through in order to scrape excess mucus off their bodies. Additionally, they can tie themselves into a knot if they find themselves in the mouth of a larger creature. • The hagfish is also capable of “sneezing” in order to clear its nostrils of slime. • Because the hagfish has no bones, and its skin is only very loosely attached to its body, it can squeeze through very small holes that are only half as wide as its body. (cont)
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019 HAGFISH (cont) • Hagfish can go months without food, but when they do find food, they can absorb nutrients directly through their skin. • The only known fossil of a hagfish dates back 300 million years and shows that the creature has changed little since then. • When threatened or harassed, the hagfish excretes long strands of slime through a set of glands lining its body. A typical foot-long hagfish can fill a 5-gallon bucket with slime within mere seconds. So prodigious and so immediate is the production of slime that bigger fish hoping to make a meal of the hagfish get a mouthful of slime instead, and immediately back off while the hagfish slips away. The slime can also kill an intruder if it clogs their gills. • The slime they spew consists of two components: thread-like proteins, and mucin, which is a gelatinous lubricant. The threads are extremely thin (1/100th the width of a human hair) but are each 6 inches (15 cm) long. The threads are coiled tightly inside the hagfish, but when released, they unspool like a spring. Then the mucin quickly absorbs seawater, expanding to 10,000 times its original volume almost instantly. • A hagfish will typically release less than a teaspoon of gunk from the 100 or so slime glands that line its flanks, but within half a second, it will expand to fill an entire bucket. • Bioengineers are working to develop synthetic hagfish slime, which may prove useful for firefighting, shark repellent, diver protection, or ballistic defense, among other things. • Although it may seem disgusting, the hagfish is very efficient at clearing away dead animals from the sea floor. Today hagfish in the wild are threatened by intentional fishing and by unintentional bycatch.
Coconut Chocolate Cream Pie
Once you’ve tried the combination of coconut with chocolate in a healthy, creamy pie, you’ll quickly become a believer that “diet” and “dessert” have more in common than the “D” section of the dictionary. 2 (4-serving) packages sugar-free instant chocolate pudding mix 1 1/3 cups nonfat dry milk powder 2 1/4 cups water 1 (6-ounce) purchased chocolate graham cracker pie crust 1/2 cup reduced-calorie whipped topping 1 teaspoon coconut extract 2 tablespoons flaked coconut 1. In a large bowl, combine 1 package dry pudding mix, 2/3 cup dry milk powder and 1 1/4 cups water. Mix well using a wire whisk. Pour mixture into pie crust. Refrigerate while preparing topping layer. 2. In the same bowl, combine remaining package of dry pudding mix, remaining 2/3 cup dry milk powder and remaining 1 cup water. Mix well using a wire whisk. Blend in whipped topping and coconut extract. Spread topping mixture evenly over set chocolate layer. Evenly sprinkle coconut over top. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serves 8. * Each serving equals: 198 calories, 6g fat, 6g protein, 30g carb., 497mg sodium, 1g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Starch, 1 Fat, 1/2 Skim Milk. (c) 2019 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019
HOUSES We are investors that buy houses in North Idaho and the Spokane area. Some people run into challenges when trying to sell a home and there may be a number of reasons why you require a fast house sale. Whatever your reason for seeking a quick property sale, We Buy Northwest Housesis here to pro vide assistance. We are an investment company that can buy your house in a timescale to suit you, regardless of condition or location, meaning you can spend your time on other things. Meanwhile, if you are facing financial difficulties, you may find it useful to know that during the sales process there are no fees or hidden charges for you to pay at any stage. Our team is flexible, very easy to work with, and has a proven track record of making win- win deals together.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019
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By Matilda Charles
Medicare Open Enrollment
It’s that time again. Every year we have the opportunity to make changes to our Medicare plans between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7. We have the option of changing from original Medicare to an Advantage plan, or vice versa, or changing to a different Advantage plan. We also can change our Medicare Part D drug plan. The decisions aren’t easy. After all, we have to live with them for the next year. We’ll soon receive a new Medicare & You book in the mail, as well as notices about any changes to our current coverage. While we can usually stay with the plan we have if we don’t want to make any changes, it’s important to review everything we’re sent, because there might be new information buried in the language. Sometimes a plan is discontinued! The premium can change. Coverage details might be different. Read the fine print and be certain that your coverage will be what you expect. For Advantage plan changes, there is an additional open enrollment period: Jan. 1 to March 31. This was new for 2019 and gives three extra months to decide on an Advantage plan. Beware: You can change your mind about Advantage plans a few times during fall enrollment, but only once during the first three months of the year. If you’re signing up for Medicare Parts A and B for the first time, you have a seven-month period to do it: the three months before you turn 65, the month you turn 65 and the three months after you turn 65. If you don’t sign up for Part B in time, you can be forced to pay a penalty for the whole time you have Part B. Keep an eye on the dates! To review plans, go online to www.medicare.gov and look at the plan finder. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
“Health care is a subject that remains front and center in so many of our national conversations and debates… It continues to poll as a top concern among the American public. …One of those issues is something that is very close to my heart: Alzheimer’s disease. Like so many Americans, I have felt the impacts of this disease. I lost both of my parents to Alzheimer’s, and our family helped to care for them. So I understand the difficulties that caregivers and loved ones face as they try to figure out this difficult challenge. This disease is devastating, and there is no book or a magic formula for how to face it. But I feel strongly that we can do more to ease the pain of those who suffer from Alzheimer’s, to help their caregivers, and most importantly, to find a cure. The statistics surrounding Alzheimer’s are staggering. More than five million Americans are living with the disease, and it’s estimated that as many as 16 million will have it in 2050 without some kind of medical breakthroughs. The cost of caring for those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias is also notable: an estimated $277 billion in 2018, increasing to $1.1 trillion by 2050. Not to mention the emotional costs. These numbers make it clear that we have some work to do… I so wish my parents had the opportunity to be involved in decisions regarding their own care, but it’s my hope that through early assessment and diagnosis, we can give others that opportunity… At the same time, it’s essential that we continue working toward a cure. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I’ve worked with Labor-Health and Human Services Subcommittee Chairman Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and others to provide resources for critical Alzheimer’s research. With the passage of last year’s government funding bill, we have surpassed the $2 billion milestone when it comes to Alzheimer’s research, providing the National Institutes of Health the funding it needs to continue its work and to help support the work of others. It’s easy to get discouraged when you hear about a once-promising clinical trial not moving forward, when you learn another person you know has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, or when a cure may seem so far away. But observing the research being done at NIH and other institutions across the county, seeing the hope and determination in the eyes of those fighting back, and witnessing the bipartisan commitment to tackling this disease—that’s all proof that we are making progress…” Please call for a tour of our “HOMES,” for truly they are… And, if you would like to join our circle of caregivers in one of our homes, please contact Linda at 208-755-3637 or linda@lodgeliving.net. We even have gorgeous onsite studio apartments which include meals and all utilities as a part of our employment package. And, we are delighted to schedule around school commitments for our employees who are reaching ever upward. Call us!!
Linda Davis Director of building relationships. 208.457.3403 www.LodgeLiving.net
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019
UpNorth Distillery
846 N Boulder Ct, Post Falls, Idaho 83854
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #39 Sept 23rd 2019
$25 Sign up on Eventbrite.com
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includes a beverage of choice
Ages 40+
Speed Dating Wednesday, October 2nd
UpNorth Distillery
846 N Boulder Ct, Post Falls, Idaho 83854
$25 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Creating Papier-Mache Pigs Is Gooey Fun
Creativity is at your elbow, always available. I try to remember that. If you are a parent who, like many people, considers him- or herself “noncreative,” just think of creativity as a water faucet. Turn the stream on, and it can be a steady flow into your everyday life. One thing that works for me is to let myself get sidetracked from the original plan. That’s when I discover that having fun with kids is what’s most important, not the end result. It can happen naturally when you stir up a gloppy, messy batch of papier-mache, a craft you probably remember from your own primaryschool days. Grab stuff from the recycle bin and magically turn newspaper, plastic water bottles, golf tees and paper-towel tubes into creatures like these whimsical pigs. This activity has all the basics for family fun: tradition, creativity and a gooey mess! Here’s how: To make the basic papier-mache goop for any form, stir together equal parts of all-purpose flour and water in a large bowl. (Two cups of each is good to start.) Tear newspaper into strips about 1-inch wide. To create a form for a pig and piglets, start with a small-size plastic water bottle for a piglet and a plastic liter-size bottle for a pig. Place a bottle in front of you horizontally and note how the spout can be the snout.
For the pig’s legs, tape four trimmed bathroom tissue tubes to the bottom of the body of the bottle. For piglet legs, poke the pointed end of four golf tees into the bottom of the body of a small bottle. Make ears by cutting cardboard into two triangles. Tape in place just beyond the neck of the bottle. Dip the newspaper strips one at a time into the mixture, remove excess goop with your fingers, and then drape strips over the form. Lay the coated strips any which way, covering the entire surface. Smooth out the wrinkles as you go, making the surface as smooth as possible. Let dry. Make a second layer, if you wish. Paint the pig with poster or acrylic paints. The brighter, the better! Poke a spring into what was the base of the bottle for a curly tail. For a piggy bank, cut a slit through the top to insert coins. Cut out a flap underneath the pig when you wish to retrieve the money.
Ages 40+
Speed Dating Wednesday, October 2nd
UpNorth Distillery
846 N Boulder Ct, Post Falls, Idaho 83854
$25 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Donna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” (c) 2019 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.