of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #46 Nov. 13th 2017Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019 of Kootenai County, Idaho
For Ad Rates call: (208) 755-9120
by Janet Spencer The word avalanche comes from the Old French “avalanste” meaning “to let down” or “to go downstream.” Come along with Tidbits as we out-run avalanches! TOTALLY TRIVIAL • There are about 9,000 known snow avalanches per year in the western U.S., although unrecorded avalanches may top 100,000. About 100 avalanches per year cause serious problems in the U.S., and around 150 people per year are caught in avalanches worldwide, of which an average of 14 are killed. • There are two types of avalanches. Loose snow avalanches occur when large loads of freshly fallen snow, which has not had a chance to settle, descend in an inverted V-shape. Slab avalanches happen when many successive layers of snow, which have formed various levels of cohesion over time, break loose over a broad area. Slab avalanches are responsible for about 95% of avalanche deaths. • One scenario that often precedes avalanche activity is a long over-night snowstorm that deposits a great deal of snow in the mountains. In the morning, the skies clear and the sun shines upon the slopes, rapidly warming the snow, which settles and creeps downhill before finally breaking away. (cont)
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th AVALANCHES (cont) • Snow layers are highly compressible, because 85 to 95 percent of a typical layer of new snow is composed of empty space. • Temperatures of a snowfield will be lowest at the surface of the snow and highest near the ground. Because warm air can hold more moisture than cold air, this means that air at ground level in a snowfield may contain 100% humidity while air at surface level contains much less. As pressure forces air from the ground to the surface, moisture precipitates out of the air and condenses around snow crystals, making conditions ripe for avalanche. • When an avalanche encounters a building in its path, the structure often explodes like a bomb hit it. This is because snow entering through broken windows and doors acts like a piston, generating enough pressure inside the building to blow it apart at the seams. • Snow that is water-logged will avalanche on even the slightest slope, as was the case at a Japanese ski resort where an avalanche killed seven skiers who were practicing on the beginner’s “bunny slope” that had an angle of only ten degrees. But 90% of avalanche activity occurs at slopes of 30 to 45 degrees. Mountainsides that are steeper than 45 degrees produce no avalanches because they are so steep that snow will not build up. • Snowfalls of 6 inches (15 cm) or less seldom produce avalanches. Snowfalls of six to 12 inches produce a few small slides. Snowfalls of one to two feet (30-60 cm) produce avalanches of considerable size. Snowfalls of two to four feet 60-120cm) are very dangerous, and snowfalls greater than four feet produce major avalanches.
Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook tidbitscda
NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson * “If you have a beautiful planter that has no drainage holes, you can pot your plant in a second pot that will fit inside. Put a few pebbles in the bottom of the pretty planter, then put your potted plant in. This way, the roots won’t rot in any excess water. You can cover any gap between the pots with a bit of moss or more pebbles.” -- K.D. in Georgia * Consider this your fall reminder to schedule a visit from a chimney sweep, if you haven’t already. As temperatures drop, you’ll be tempted to light up the fireplace, and you’ll want it checked for any animal intrusion, creosote buildup or mortar that needs repairing. * “My dresser came with a glass panel that sits on top to protect the surface, but I didn’t like the look of it and just use a table runner across the top. Well, my daughter likes to play with slime (made from glue and other materials), and the glass is the perfect size when set on a table to make a protected, defined work surface. It’s easy to clean up after and very portable. Even though it’s glass, it’s very sturdy.” -- C.H. in Illinois * Flat paint will show fewer defects in a surface than glossier paint, experts say. When refinishing a piece of furniture or a wall that has seen better days, try to stay with a finish that’s less light-reflective. * “Puzzles are fun and rewarding, but you need a dedicated surface. Try using the back of a canvas. You can find one with a size big enough for your puzzle, and the frame keeps everything contained and portable from room to room.” -B.B. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019 AVALANCHES (cont) • The rate at which the snow accumulates is critical, with a snowfall of three feet (90cm) that falls in a single day being more dangerous than if it falls over three days. A snowfall rate of one inch (2.5 cm) per hour or greater, which is sustained for ten hours or more, is a great hazard, especially when accompanied by wind. • Avalanches are most common on slopes facing north, east and northeast. That’s because slopes that are shaded throughout the day undergo less melting and bonding that can make the snow layers stronger. • About one-third of avalanche deaths are due to trauma, usually to the head and neck, from being thrown against rocks, trees, and other debris during the fall. The other two-thirds of the deaths are due to suffocation, with a mere 1% dying of hypothermia. • If rescued within the first 15 minutes, 86% of victims survive, but if the rescue time stretches to 30 minutes, survival rates drop to 50% and lower. Only one out of every three victims will survive if buried for an hour, and only one out of ten after three hours. 75% of those who end up with a hand or foot sticking out of the snow survive. • Twice as many people survive if buried face up rather than face down, probably due to the fact that the body and head will sink a little bit after coming to a stop, and this creates an air space allowing easier breathing. When face down, the mouth and nose easily become solidly packed with snow, while the warm breath creates water that turns to ice, further blocking passage of air. • About 66% of those who have survived were rescued by members of their own party. Only 20% were rescued by an organized rescue team. A trained rescue dog can cover in a single 25-minute period what takes a team of 20 men four hours to search. (cont)
. Friday, October 11, 2019 at 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM
LAM Christian Academy 5350 N 4th St., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83815 Questions regarding the events call Evelyn at 208.755.9120 or email evelyn2318@gmail.com
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Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
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Thursday, October 17th
Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
TIDBITS 12:00pm-3:00pm Lake City Center
1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene
Now accepting vendors.
Email april@northidahoevents.com
Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
Thursday, October 17th 12:00pm-3:00pm Lake City Center 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene
Now accepting vendors.
Email april@northidahoevents.com
Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
Thursday, October 17th 12:00pm-3:00pm Lake City Center 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene
Now accepting vendors.
Email april@northidahoevents.com
Hiring for the holidays, made easy!
Thursday, October 17th 12:00pm-3:00pm Lake City Center 1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene
Now accepting vendors.
Email april@northidahoevents.com
Thursday, October 17th
® of Idaho of Kootenai Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019 TidbitsCounty, Dallas County 12:00pm-3:00pm
Lake City Center
1916 N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene AVALANCHES (cont) Now accepting • One of the deadliest avalanchesvendors. was when Email Hannibal crossed theapril@northidahoevents.com Alps in 218 B.C. while leading the Carthaginian army from Spain in order to conquer Rome. His troops were walking on fresh snow that had fallen on old snow, FAIRIn the end, perfect conditions for JOB avalanches. 18,000 Hiring out of 38,000 soldiers were buried un- by Samantha Weaver for the holidays, made easy! der snow, along with 2,000 horses and several elephants. Thursday, October 17th* It was 19th-century American social reformer • Movie photographer John Hermann worked and statesman Frederick Douglass who made the 12:00pm-3:00pm for Disney and was sent to Berthoud Pass, Col- following sage observation: “Those who profess Lake City Center orado, in 1957 to film avalanches.1916On April 8, to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation, N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene he set up his cameras in an area where a week- are men who want crops without plowing the Now accepting vendors. long storm hadEmail dropped 79 inches (201 cm) of ground.” april@northidahoevents.com snow. The skies had cleared; the sun came out; and the Colorado Dept. of Highways was going * If you use Listerine to freshen your breath, you to use a howitzer to shoot explosives to release might be interested to know that its original foran avalanche so he could it. Although this mula is 26.9% alcohol by volume -- that comes JOBfilmFAIR took place in an area that had not been hit by an out to 54-proof gargle. Hiring the holidays, easy! avalanche in thefor previous 24 years, themade slide was much bigger than anticipated, moving at 100 * The blue whale is the largest animal known mph (160 km/hr), snapping offThursday, 80-foot October (24 m)17thto have ever existed. The marine mammal is 12:00pm-3:00pm trees, and covering the entire highway. Hermann so large, in fact, that a grown man could swim ran for his life but was buried underLake 15 City feet 4.5 through its largest blood vessels. Center N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene m) of snow, killing him. Also killed1916was a highaccepting vendors. way worker whoseNow job was to stop traffic while * Next time you’re in Tinseltown, remember that Email april@northidahoevents.com during the avalanche. Hermann’s cameras were it is unlawful to herd more than 3,000 sheep at a recovered and contained spectacular footage of time down Hollywood Boulevard. the avalanche that killed him. • Red Mountain Pass near Ouray, Colo- * In the naming of American states, there some FAIR especially that never quite made it. It’s interesting to specurado, has seen its shareJOB of avalanches, in the area known East Riverside.made In 1992, Hiring for as the holidays, easy!late about the possibilities, though. For instance, snowplow operators Dan Jaramillo and Eddy if you currently reside in the state of Kentucky Imil were clearing snow from the highway from17thor parts of Tennessee, but for the whimsy of fate, Thursday, October a previous avalanche when another avalanche 12:00pm-3:00pm you could be a Transylvanian. Some people once hit. Their rig was buried under 15 feet (2.4 m) of wanted to take parts of Texas and Oklahoma Lake City Center snow, killing Imil. Jaramillo found 1916 a snow shovto create the great state of Texlahoma (perhaps N Lakewood Dr, Coeur D'Alene el in the cab of hisNow truckaccepting and was able to begin displaying a slight lack of imagination). When vendors. tunneling through theapril@northidahoevents.com snow. Fifteen hours later, the Mormon church settled out west, Brigham Email he broke through to the surface. Young petitioned to have the state of Deseret created, and the land he suggested make up the state included present-day Utah, almost all of Nevada and Arizona, a sizable chunk of California and bits of five other states. Long Island, in New York, even had designs on statehood at one time.
* You might be surprised to learn that in the 19th century, ice accounted for more shipping than any other commodity except cotton.
Q: What falls in the winter but never gets hurt? A: Snow!
1. What is the single most effective method of being rescued when caught in an avalanche? 2. Which travels faster in an avalanche, wet
1. In what percent of avalanche accidents is the slide caused by either the victim, or someone in the victim’s party? 2. What is the average age of an avalanche victim? 3. What percent of avalanche fatalities are men? 4. What month of the year has the most avalanches in the northern hemisphere? 5. How long does it take an avalanche to reach 80 mph (129 km.hr)?
Kn w
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #41 Oct. 7th 2019 For Advertising Call (334)
PHOTO: Jessie Usher, Samuel L. Jackson, Richard Roundtree in “Shaft.” Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
“Yesterday” (PG-13) -- What would you do if suddenly you were the only person in the world who remembered the Beatles? Meet Jack (Himesh Patel), who is hit by a bus during a massive blackout and wakes up to find that in the new reality, he is the sole keeper of such hits as “The Long and Winding Road” and, of course, “Yesterday,” which he sings to his friends, staring incredulously when they think it’s original material. His rocket to stardom is swift, including some pretty cute back and forth with a soupedup version of Ed Sheeran, played by Ed Sheeran. But it forces Jack to question what he may be giving up to be falsely famous. Lily James is at her wide-eyed best as Jack’s friend and love interest, as is Kate McKinnon as a seedy manager. From director Danny Boyle. “Shaft” (R) -- JJ (Jessie Usher), a soft but smart MIT-educated cybersecurity expert with the FBI, goes to Harlem to investigate the death of his childhood friend. The criminal underbelly is hard to navigate for a man with no real-world experience, so he looks to his long-absent father (Samuel L. Jackson) for help. It’s a good thing his initials stand for “John Jr.” and his last name is “Shaft”! That’s right, he’s third in a line of leg
endary private investigators who excel at buttkicking and looking good doing it. While Dad gives JJ a mean-streets education, they pursue bad guys aplenty -- and even grandpa (Richard Roundtree) gets in on the action. There are some witty one-liners and an exciting action moment or two, and even though it mostly fell into cliches, I still found it watchable. “Child’s Play” (R) -- Inspired by the original 1988 classic, this version finds single mom Karen (Aubrey Plaza) again gifting her darling boy Andy (Gabriel Bateman) with a very special doll. An AI, Wi-Fi-enabled piece of high tech designed to learn and grow with its owner, Chucky (voiced by Mark Hamill) befriends Andy and sets off a wave of chaotic violence that puts Andy under the microscope of Detective Mike Norris (Brian Tyree Henry). This wave culminates in typically gory fashion. Although I like Plaza in everything, I didn’t see any justification for a re-make. “Anna” (R) -- Director Luc Besson has a thing for icily beautiful women who are simultaneously vulnerable and fierce. The titular Anna, played by Russian model-turned-actress Sasha Luss, is -- surprise, surprise -- a Russian assassin turned model. Much like Besson’s “Nikita,” Anna is trained to kill in return for the promise of five years’ service. But then the KGB reneges on the deal, trapping her in the role of killer. To get out of it, she’ll need to hold onto her wits against a CIA agent (Cillian Murphy) and her guns against her Russian handlers (Luke Evans, Helen Mirren), with no shortage of crosses and double-crosses.
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TIDBITS ofTidbits Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019 of Dallas County
By Dr. Holly Carling
Why do you suffer? I have discovered that there are three primary reasons why people suffer: First, they don’t know any better. Second, they are doing everything they know but it’s not helping, or it’s just temporary. And last, it’s not a priority to change it. Let’s elaborate: If you don’t know any better it’s because no one has told you that your body can heal itself. Your body has the capacity to heal ANYTHING that’s wrong with it. Anything that is, which ould be considered an acquired infirmity. That rules out for instance the loss of a limb due to an accident. Also, any organs that have been removed will limit what the body can do to restore itself to its original state. If in fact your body can indeed heal itself, then instead of asking “why am I sick?” ask “why am I not healing?” There lies the resolution of your condition. The first two questions to follow that are “what am I doing that is prohibiting my body from healing?” and “what am I NOT doing that is preventing my body from healing?” The second reason why people suffer is because you think you’re doing “everything possible” to resolve your condition. More than likely you have been to your medical doctor and have had recommendations of therapy, medications or surgery. That’s such a finite approach to getting well.
Have you tried a great nutritionist, an acupuncturist or a naturopath? They are schooled in managing the health of your body from where it should be managed – from the causative factor! You need to understand that medical doctors, in addition to being unparalleled when it comes to emergency medicine, manage health from an outcome standpoint. In other words, if you have a symptom and you come in to see your doctor, he will most likely prescribe something to enable you to live with your symptom or your condition easier. Rarely will he treat the REASON you are ill in the first place. There are many other options you can use to get well. There are many ways to promote healing, and there is usually more than just one causative factor. If you have not yet tried acupuncture for instance, now would be a good time to get another perspective on your condition.The third reason why people suffer is because good health just isn’t a priority. We think it is a priority, until another want or desire screams louder. When it comes to a decision for instance, between buying a new sofa, a new outfit or even going out to a restaurant for dinner, we opt for the later and say we can’t afford treatment. There is a saying “pay now or pay later”. The pay later option is much more expensive. I prefer to pay now, not only because overall it will save me money, but also because I don’t want to SUFFER and you don’t have to suffer either. You are at choice.
Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www. vitalhealthcda.com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue505-0674 #41 Oct. 7th 2019 For Advertising CallIdaho (334)
Drunk Pathologist Missed Illnesses A pathologist at a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in Arkansas has been charged with three counts of manslaughter after he altered lab results that showed he had misdiagnosed illnesses that led to the deaths of three veterans. A review of his work last summer revealed over 3,000 mistakes in his findings over the years. He was eventually fired after being suspended two years in a row for being intoxicated at work. How on earth did someone like this continue to work at the VA? In 2015 it was reported that he was drunk at work and a test showed his blood alcohol level at was .396. He was suspended and went into a treatment program, where he apparently learned how to stay drunk and not have it show up on tests. He was rehired by the VA in 2016, then suspended again in 2017 for working while impaired. He managed to keep from having alcohol detected in his system by using a chemical that doesn’t show up in standard alcohol tests. It does show up, apparently, on a breathalyzer, as it did when he was picked up for drunk driving in 2018. Among other sins, he entered false information into patient records that indicated another pathologist had agreed with his findings. In one case, the veteran had prostate cancer; the pathologist said he didn’t, and the veteran died. As many as 15 deaths could be the result of his errors. In addition to manslaughter, he faces charges of mail fraud, wire fraud and making false statements. Reviews of his work showed an error rate of 8.8% -- the national average is 0.7%. The trial was to start October, but his attorneys requested an extension. It’s now set for September 2020. He could face 524 years in prison along with a $7.75 million fine. How dare he plead not guilty! (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
Volunteering at a Shelter DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I really want a pet, but our apartment doesn’t allow them. My mom told me that I could volunteer at a local animal shelter instead. What kind of work would I do as a volunteer? -- Amy in Bridgewater, Massachusetts DEAR AMY: There is always a variety of jobs for volunteers to do at animal shelters. These are usually assigned by the shelter manager or supervisor and are based on the tasks that need to be done and the age and ability of the volunteers. Now, keep in mind that not all volunteers get to work directly with animals in the shelter. That’s especially true if they’re brand-new or if they’re younger than 17. Instead, they may be assigned to handle tasks like cleaning, sorting through donated items or other jobs that don’t have direct contact with the animals. If you are assigned to work with animals, you may be socializing with kittens, walking dogs outside, or feeding the animals in their cages or kennels -- the list of needed tasks is long and never ends. That’s why most animal shelters require you to commit to a set number of hours per week or month. This isn’t a huge amount of time -- maybe two hours a week -Ð but they’ll rely on you to be there when you say you will. Look up nearby shelters online and contact them about volunteer opportunities. Many have web pages with instructions on how to volunteer, which will help you decide how you’d like to help. And of course, shelters take donations of blankets, toys, pet food and cash, so if you aren’t able to volunteer directly, consider a fundraising or toy collection drive instead.
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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #41 Oct. 7th 2019 Tidbits Dallas
Q&A with Susan Ashley, MD
Flu shots and Mercury
In case you missed it, recent lab tests conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food lab found that seasonal flu vaccines contain extremely high levels of mercury, a known neurotoxin. Vials of flu vaccine produced by British pharmaceutical GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) were found to contain upwards of 51 parts per million of mercury, or 25,000 times the legal maximum for drinking water established by the EPA. This discovery was made using advanced mass spectrometry technology which is incredibly accurate, filling the gap left by the nation’s regulatory agencies that have failed to conduct this type of safety testing themselves. Millions of people are injected with flu shots annually - flu shots are pushed on everyone, including babies, pregnant women and the elderly. Most are completely unaware that one of the most toxic metals known to man is being injected directly into their muscles. Mercury is one of the most poisonous substances known to mankind, and tends to concentrate in neurological tissue, including nerves, spinal cord and brain. sitionon vaccines has sparked many venemous attacks from angry pro-vaxxers who insist that mercury is completely safe. Others make claims that mercury is no longer being added to vaccines, which of course is far from the truth. See for yourself on the official drug insert for the FluLaval, the flu vaccine evaluated: Of course presenting this type of concrete data
which contradicts the official government po “ Each 0.5-mL dose from the multi-dose vial contains 50 mcg thimerosal (<25 mcg mercury); thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is added as a preservative.” It also contains formaldehyde and other contaminants. And yet, even with all these added contaminants, pregnant women, young children and the elderly are pressured to get the flu shot every year by health authorities. Never mind that these ingredients are a known neurotoxin, and that formaldehyde is a known cause of cancer. The irony is that the government now admits that mercury is toxic, at least when it comes from other sources. They warn pregnant women to avoid eating seafood because of the high mercury content in the food, especially canned tuna. The Obama administration tried to shut down all coal power plants, using the excuse that they blast heavy amounts of mercury into the atmosphere. But what about the mercury still being used in vaccines and dental fillings? Why is mercury exposure from these sources completely safe, according to the government, but mercury in food and from smokestacks should be avoided? Do I recommend getting a flu shot? No, I do not. And most especially for children and pregnant women. And what about the elderly? Last year “no statistically significant protection was observed in other age groups,” including people 65 years and older, reported investigators led by Brendan Flannery, PhD, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention influenza division. So if it’s not effective, and contains mercury and other toxins, why get it? Instead, work on getting your immune system healthier, thru diet and use of supplements such as vitamin D, Zinc, C and herbs for immunity. And if you’re coming down with a cold or flu this season, come in the office at the first sign to get an IV of high dose vitamin C - this almost always knocks it out within 24 hours.
Dr Ashley is board certified in Family Medicine and in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She provides a mix of traditional with alternative medicine and specializes in bio-identical hormones for both men and women.
ForofAdvertising 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019
* On Oct. 15, 1917, Mata Hari, the seductive female spy, is executed for espionage by a French firing squad. Mata Hari claimed to have been born in a sacred temple, but in reality, the exotic dancer was born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle in Holland. * On Oct. 17, 1931, gangster Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion. Capone had avoided long stints in jail by bribing city officials and intimidating witnesses, and tax evasion was the only way federal agent Elliot Ness and “The Untouchables” could get him. * On Oct. 14, 1947, U.S. Air Force Capt. Chuck Yeager becomes the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound. His X-1 rocket plane was dropped from a B-29 aircraft, rocketed to 40,000 feet and exceeded 662 mph. * On Oct. 16, 1958, Chevrolet begins to sell a car-truck hybrid that it calls the El Camino. The vehicle, a combination sedan-pickup truck built on a station-wagon platform, was discontinued two years later, but was brought back in 1964. * On Oct. 20, 1968, American Dick Fosbury wins gold and sets an Olympic high-jump record when he clears 7 feet 4-1/4 inches at the Mexico City Games. It was the international debut of his unique jumping style, known as the “Fosbury Flop.” * On Oct. 18, 1977, in the sixth game of the World Series, New York Yankees outfielder Reggie Jackson hits three home runs in a row off of three consecutive pitches from three different pitchers. Only Babe Ruth had ever hit three homers in a World Series game, but he didn’t do it on consecutive at-bats. * On Oct. 19, 1987, Black Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average experiences its largest-ever one-day percentage decline, plunging 22.6%. Unrelated world events compounded by computer-governed trading conspired to tank global markets. (c) 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai IssueCounty #41 Oct. 7th 2019 TidbitsCounty, Dallas
1. What kept the 1960 version of “Wild One” from reaching No. 1 on the chart? 2. The lyrics of which Bob Dylan song are thought to come from the Bible, Isaiah, Chapter 21, verses 5-9? 3. Name the singer who released “If You Really Love Me” on the “Where I’m Coming From” album. 4. Which group achieved international success when they released “Need You Tonight”? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips, And there’s no tenderness like before in your fingertips.” Answers: 1. The Bobby Rydell song stayed at No. 2 for 16 weeks, kept from the top spot by the Percy Faith instrumental “Theme from A Summer Place.” 2. “All Along the Watchtower,” released in 1967. All the songs on his “John Wesley Harding” album were written after his 1966 motorcycle accident. 3. Stevie Wonder, in 1971. 4. INXS, in 1985. 5. “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin,” by The Righteous Brothers, in 1964. DJs didn’t want to play the song because it was too long. Producer Phil Spector had to lie on the label to indicate that the song was 40 seconds shorter than it really was. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
For ofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019 Got Pain? We have High Tech Health Solutions – Every Wednesday is Demo Day in October
Aches and pains can get in the way of work and pleasure, can slow us down and take us out of the picture sometimes. Chronic pain is especially depressing and debilitating. Pain medications sometime help the symptoms, but they do not cure the problem and they can cause negative side effects. Fortunately, there are alternatives and solutions to dealing with pain naturally without the use of drugs, shots or injections. See: www.hugopemf.com for more information At CDA Health Center, we offer a state-of-the-art option to relieve muscle tension and pain with clinical grade High Intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy. This is called “PEMF Therapy” and it is used in Sports Medicine at the elite level – Olympic Athletes and Professional Football Teams. The brief explanation is that PEMF’s give the cells a free donation of electrons which improves their capacity to work efficiently and to detoxify in just a half hour session. The movement of the Magnetic Therapy over the muscles increases circulation, breaks up adhesions and causes them to relax and repair. This also provides pain relief that lasts up to 72 hours. Over time with cumulative sessions, pain is resolved. If you would like to learn more, please call to make an appointment or plan on attending our demonstration that is offered every Wednesday in October from 12:10-1:50 at our office near downtown Coeur d’Alene. 1044 Northwest Boulevard, Suite A-205 Sky Professional Center (Just North of Hubbard). See our ad to the right of this article featuring your High Tech Health Hero’s (208) 660-7363 www.cdahealthcenter.com
Dr. Margo Parker, OMD, a licensed acupuncturist with over 30 years in practice and higher education. CDA Health Center located at 1044 Northwest Boulevard in the Sky Professional Center Building. Phone/Text (208) 660-7363 to schedule High Intensity PEMF, Ozone Therapy, or other traditional therapies. We offer HU=GO™ HI-PEMF for mobility and pain relief and Ozone therapies for sinus issues, allergies, skin, scalp conditions and more. www.cdahealthcenter.com
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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue County #41 Oct. 7th 2019 Tidbits Dallas
1. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What kind of animal would be described as “leonine”? 2. THEATER: Which play features the song “The Impossible Dream”? 3. MYTHOLOGY: What was the Minotaur? 4. GEOGRAPHY: The nation of Ghana is located in what part of Africa? 5. LITERATURE: What kind of car was “Christine” in the Stephen King novel? 6. HISTORY: What was the code name for the site where the first atomic bomb was detonated in 1945? 7. MUSIC: Which rock band’s members included Frank Beard, Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill? 8. MOVIES: In “Field of Dreams,” what was the name of the baseball team for which Shoeless Joe Jackson played? 9. PSYCHOLOGY: Which fear is represented by the condition called “amaxophobia”? 10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On which Hawaiian island is Pearl Harbor located? Answers 1. A lion 2. “Man of La Mancha” 3. A mythical creature that had the body of a man and the head of a bull 4. West Africa 5. 1958 Plymouth Fury 6. Trinity 7. ZZ Top 8. Chicago White Sox 9. Fear of riding in a car 10. Oahu
TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019 ForofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674
SALOME’S STARS FOR RELEASE WEEK OF OCT. 14, 2019 --ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A changing situation calls for a change in plans. Although you might prefer the schedule you had already worked up, you could do better by agreeing to make the needed adjustments. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) That once seemingly rock-solid proposition you favored might be hiding some serious flaws. Take time to check it more carefully and question anything that seems out of kilter. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Finish up those lingering tasks so that you can then arrange to spend some time in quiet reflection. This will go a long way in restoring both your physical and spiritual energies. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A family situation could heat up and boil over unless you deal with it as soon as possible. Try to persuade other family members to work with you to help cool things down. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Cheer up, Kitty Cat! That low feeling will begin to ebb by midweek, and you should be back in the social swirl in time for the weekend. A long-postponed deal could be starting up again. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Going too fast and too far on too little knowledge could be risky. Best to slow down and check for any gaps in your information. It’s what you don’t know that could hurt you. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Trying to make peace among quarreling family members, friends or colleagues can be tough. Expect some resistance, maybe even some expressions of resentment. But stay with it. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Changing your mind doesn’t have to be a problem once you realize that you might have good and sufficient cause to do so. Make your explanations clear and complete. Good luck. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) An unkept promise can be irksome and easily raise the Archer’s ire. But instead of getting into a confrontation, take time to check why someone you relied on came up short. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A new workplace distraction creates an unnecessary delay. The sooner you deal with it, the better for all concerned. A personal matter also should be attended to as soon as possible. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Once again, the Aquarian’s gift for applying both practical and creative methods to resolve a situation makes all the difference. Personal relationships thrive during the weekend. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A relationship appears to be losing its once-strong appeal for reasons that might be different from what you think. An open and honest talk could lead to some surprising revelations.
Your life is bound by your belief that character counts more than anything else. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #36 Sept 2nd 2019 Tidbits Dallas
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #36 Sept 2nd 2019
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am Woops! 119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am Woops! 119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am Woops! 119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am
1. Washington’s Bryce Harper set a majorleague mark in 2017 for most runs scored in the month of April (32). Who had held the record? 2. In the 1960s, three major-league pitchers Ages 18+ compiled seasons in which they won at least 20 Speed more games than they lost.Dating Name two of them. 3. Who succeeded Woody Hayes as head coach Saturday, October 12th of the Ohio State Buckeyes football team? 10:00am 4. Who holds the Oklahoma City Thunder reWoops! cord for most 3-pointers in a playoff game? 119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, 83814 5. When was the last time before 2019Idaho that the $20 Signwere up on Eventbrite.com New York Islanders swept in an NHL playoff series? includes a beverage of choice 6. Track star Usain Bolt of Jamaica holds the world record for a 200-meter race (19.19 seconds in 2009). Who holds the U.S. mark? 18+ Brooks Ko7. Who was the last Ages golfer before epka in 2019 toSpeed go wire to Dating wire in winning the PGA Championship? Saturday, October 12th 10:00am
Woops! Answers 119 N. 4th St, d’Alene, Idahoin 83814 1. Colorado’s Larry Walker, Coeur with 29 1997. $20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com a beverage of Kochoice 2. Whitey Fordincludes in 1961 (25-4), Sandy ufax in 1962 (25-5) and Denny McLain in 1968 (31-6). 3. Earle Bruce, who coached the BuckAges 18+ eyes from 1979 to 1987. 4. Paul George, with eight 3-pointers Speed Dating made versus Utah in 2018. 5. It was 1994, versus the NewOctober York 12th Saturday, Rangers. 10:00am 6. Michael Johnson, who ran the 200 meWoops! 119 N. 4th St, ters in 19.32 seconds in 1996. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814 7. Hal Sutton, in 1983. $20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com (c) 2019 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
includes a beverage of choice
Ages 18+
Speed Dating Saturday, October 12th 10:00am
119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
119 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
$20 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
• Susanna Kinsey Salter was born in 1860 in Ohio. At the age of 12, she moved with her family to a farm in Kansas. After completing grade school, she attended Kansas State Agricultural College, dropping out just six weeks short of graduating due to illness. Shortly afterwards, she married attorney Louis Salter. The newlyweds moved to Argonia, Kansas, where Susanna Salter was active in the local Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and the Prohibition Party. She gave birth to the first child ever born in Argonia, followed by eight more children who survived to adulthood. She managed a hardware store until her parents moved to town and took over. Her father was elected the first mayor. • All in all, Susanna Salter was an ordinary woman doing ordinary things, but that changed in 1887, much to her surprise. On April 4, 1887, Susanna Salter was elected mayor of Argonia. She was surprised by this because she didn’t know that she was running for mayor of Argonia. • As it turned out, her name had been placed on a list of candidates as a prank by a group of men who were against women running for political office. They were hoping to secure such a loss that it would humiliate women and discourage them from running. Back in those days, candidates did not have to be made public before election day. Susanna Salter didn’t know she was on the ballot until voting opened on election day. • In a fortuitous twist, the election was held just weeks after the women of Kansas had been granted the right to vote in city elections. • When a delegation from the local Republican Party went to her home to see if she would accept the position if she won, they found her in the middle of doing the laundry. She was surprised to find she was on the ballot. (cont)
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019 SUSANNA SALTER (cont) • Susanna Salter agreed that if she won the election, she would accept the position as mayor. Republican ladies spread the word to vote for her. Then the Women’s Christian Temperance Union abandoned their preferred candidate and voted for Susanna instead en masse. As a result, she won with a two-thirds majority, becoming the first woman to ever serve as the mayor of a city in the U.S. • As it happens, the first woman recorded winning a mayoral election was Nancy Smith in 1862, who declined to be sworn in as mayor of Oskaloosa, Iowa. So when Susanna accepted the position, she became the first to actually serve. Her election generated national interest from the press, inciting much conversation on the topic of women running for office. This was long before women were allowed to vote in national elections, which didn’t occur until the 19th amendment was ratified in 1920. • Susanna’s term was uneventful, but she did her job well. The 27-year-old woman knew more about politics than her detractors realized, as the daughter of the town’s first mayor. Her fatherin-law, Melville J. Salter, was a former Kansas lieutenant governor. She was paid the sum of one dollar for her efforts. She served a single term of one year, even giving birth to a child while serving in office, but declined to seek re-election after her term was up. Later it was revealed that three of the five councilmen also elected alongside her had been among the men who put her name on the ballot as a joke. • She never again ran for office, though she had blazed the way for other women who did.
Microwave-Baked Apples with Dried Cherries
Studded with tart dried cherries, these baked apples are the perfect sweet ending to a fast fall dinner. 4 large (8 ounces each) Fuji or Gala apples 4 teaspoons margarine or butter 1/4 cup dried cherries 4 teaspoons water or apple cider 1 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon apple pie spice 1/4 cup walnuts (optional), chopped 1. With apple corer, core apples, but don’t cut through to bottoms. Beginning at stem end, peel apples one-third of the way down. Stand apples in 8-inch by 8-inch glass baking dish or 9-inch glass pie plate. Fill center of each apple with 1 teaspoon margarine, 1 tablespoon dried cherries and 1 teaspoon water. 2. In cup, combine sugar and apple pie spice; sprinkle over apples in dish. Cover with waxed paper, and cook in microwave on MediumHigh (70 percent power) 14 minutes or until apples are very tender when tested with fork. 3. Let apples stand, covered, 5 minutes. If you like, sprinkle with chopped walnuts to serve. Serves 4. * Each serving: About 150 calories, 4g total fat (1g saturated), 50mg sodium, 32g total carbohydrate, 5g dietary fiber, 50g protein. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our Web site at www.goodhousekeeping.com/foodrecipes/. (c) 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
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PHOTO: Gwyneth Paltrow Photo credit: Andrea Raffin/Wikipedia
Q: We are getting rid of cable soon, but my husband’s favorite show is “Seinfeld,” and he won’t be able to watch reruns anymore without it. Is “Seinfeld” available on Netflix? If not, I might just have to buy the DVDs. -- M.K. A: The hilarious hit comedy “about nothing” can be streamed through Hulu, which is similar to Netflix in that you pay a low monthly fee for access to various TV shows and movies. However, Hulu’s contract with “Seinfeld” ends in 2021 and after that Netflix will, in fact, have all the episodes available for viewing. The complete series also is available on DVD through Amazon and other retailers. *** Q: I was wondering if you could help me find these five made-for-TV movies: “The Burning Bed,” “Small Sacrifices,” “Fatal Vision,” “Blind Faith” and “Cruel Doubt.” I’ve been trying to find a place to purchase these movies, but so far no luck. -- J.M. A: It was back in the day when the three major networks (ABC, CBS and NBC) broadcast original TV movies several nights a week. Most were based on true crime. Your first two films starred Farrah Fawcett, while a young Gwyneth Paltrow appeared with mother Blythe Danner in “Cruel Doubt.” Depending on whether you have a DVD or VHS player, go to either Amazon.com or eBay. com and, in the search box at the top, type in the
name of the movie followed by either VHS or DVD. For example, on Amazon.com, type “The Burning Bed DVD,” and hit enter on your keyboard. I was able to find these movies to purchase either there or on eBay. *** Q: How is Cameron Mathison doing since his cancer diagnosis? Will he back to host “Home & Family”? -- A.A. A: Former soap star (ex-Ryan, “All My Children”) turned talk-show host is doing great since he had a tumor removed from one of his kidneys. He spent four days in the hospital, but fortunately the cancer had not spread to any other organs. Hopefully, Mathison will be back this fall on the Hallmark Channel set. *** Q: When we used to have Netflix, they would mail a movie disc to us that we could play on our TV. Now I hear they do it on the internet. Can I show those movies on my larger TV or just my puny computer monitor? -- J.K. A: Yes, you can “stream” movies and television shows on your big TV. If it’s not a “smart” TV that comes with the Netflix app, you’ll need to buy a streaming device or stick that plugs into your TV set. Your best bet is to visit your local electronics or big-box store and ask one of the employees to help you. Interestingly, Netflix still has an add-on DVD rental service through the mail. It’s not included in the regular subscription, but you can add it for a fee. Just visit www.netflix.com to learn more.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019
Top 10 Video On Demand 1. John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum (R) Keanu Reeves 2. Aladdin (PG) Will Smith 3. Men in Black: International (PG-13) Chris Hemsworth 4. Ma (R) Octavia Spencer 5. Rocketman (R) Taron Egerton 6. The Secret Life of Pets 2 (PG) animated 7. Booksmart (R) Kaitlyn Dever 8. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (PG-13) Kyle Chandler 9. It (R) Bill Skarsgard 10. Avengers: Endgame (PG-13) Robert Downey Jr. Top 10 DVD, Blu-ray Sales 1. Aladdin (PG) Disney 2. John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum (R) Lionsgate 3. Avengers: Endgame (PG-13) Disney/Marvel 4. Aladdin: Signature Collection (PG) Disney 5. Men in Black: International (PG-13) Sony Pictures 6. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (PG-13) Warner Bros. 7. The Secret Life of Pets 2 (PG) Universal 8. It (R) Warner Bros. 9. Rocketman (R) Paramount 10. Pokemon Detective Pikachu (PG) Warner Bros.
TOP TEN MOVIES 1. Downton Abbey (PG) Michelle Dockery, Tuppence Middleton 2. Ad Astra (PG-13) Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones 3. Rambo: Last Blood (R) Sylvester Stallone, Paz Vega 4. It Chapter Two (R) Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy 5. Hustlers (R) Constance Wu, Jennifer Lopez 6. The Lion King (PG) animated 7. Good Boys (R) Jacob Tremblay, Keith L. Williams 8. Angel Has Fallen (R) Gerard Butler, Frederick Schmidt 9. Overcomer (PG) Alex Kendrick, Shari Rigby 10. Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (PG-13) Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
THE WORST AVALANCHE • On February 23, 1910, a train called the Spokane Express left the city of Spokane, Washington, on a routine trip to Seattle. While passing through the Cascade Mountains, a winter storm set in. The snowfall was prodigious, dropping up to a foot (30 cm) of snow per hour. The tracks were snowed shut. The train, consisting of an engine pulling five passenger cars, stopped in the town of Leavenworth overnight while crews dug out the 30-foot (9 m) drifts blocking the tracks. • The next day, the train made it only as far as the town of Wellington west of Stevens Pass. Wellington was mainly a fuel depot for the railroad, but there was an inn and a few other buildings as well. Here the conductor was ordered to pull off into a siding to wait out the storm next to a mail train that was also sidetracked. Eleven feet (3.3 m) of snow fell that day, and sections of the railroad were buried under 25 feet (7.6 m) of snow. Only the tops of telegraph poles could be seen. The track ahead was impassable. •Above the town, the steep slopes of the mountains had once been covered with a thick forest of trees. These trees would have held the snow in place. But in recent months, the trees had been felled by lumberjacks and hauled to mills, leaving the slopes bare. •On the evening of February 24, a 50-foot (15 m) avalanche rumbled down the denuded landslide and destroyed a cook shack where train passengers had been fed hours earlier. Two crewmen who had remained in the shack were buried by snow and killed. Now the track was blocked both ahead and behind. The train was trapped. The snow continued to fall. Laborers with snow shovels were dispatched but balked at the huge load of work, deeming it not worth the 15 cents an hour they were paid. They walked off the job. (cont)
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019 WORST AVALANCHE (cont) • A rotary plow with a 12-foot (3.6 m) bite was sent in to clear the tracks but was stopped by an avalanche 1.5 miles (2.4 km) long and 35 feet (10 m) deep. The train was running desperately short of coal. The telegraph lines went down, leaving them without a means of communication. Some able-bodied passengers gave up waiting and slogged through the deep snow to the town of Wellington to find better lodging. Those with young children or physical ailments could not manage the trek. • On Sunday, the snow turned to sleet. On Monday, it began to rain. By now the passengers had been stranded for nine days. Over 30 feet (9 m) of snow had fallen. • On Tuesday, March 1st, in the early morning hours as passengers and crew slept, an avalanche a quarter mile wide, half a mile long, and 20 feet deep sheared off the mountain and bore down upon the stranded train. The entire train was swept off the tracks and into Tye River Canyon 150 feet (46 m) below. Rescuers rushing in from Wellington found only scattered debris. The two trains, seven locomotives, a rotary snowplow, several box cars, the water tower, the engine house, and all of the passengers and crew had disappeared. • The wreckage at the bottom was buried under 40 to 70 feet (12 – 21 m) of snow. Because the telegraph lines were down, there was no way to call for outside help. The citizens of nearby Wellington leapt into action. • It took searchers six hours to rescue 14 people. An hour after that, faint tapping noises revealed one end of a mail car that harbored four railroad employees who were only slightly injured. All in all, 22 people survived, and 96 died. The final victim wasn’t found until spring. It still stands as the deadliest avalanche in modern history.
Chicken Waldorf Supreme Just because there are only two at the table doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy elegant main dishes. This autumn luncheon is a perfect example of what I mean. 1/2 cup unpeeled, cored and diced Red Delicious apple 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 cup sliced, cooked chicken breast 2 tablespoons raisins 3/4 cup diced celery 1/4 cup chopped green onion 2 tablespoons no-fat sour cream 1/4 cup fat-free mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/8 teaspoon apple pie spice Sugar substitute to equal 1 teaspoon sugar 1 cup shredded lettuce 1. In a medium bowl, combine apple and lemon juice. Stir in chicken, raisins, celery and onion. Add sour cream, mayonnaise, vanilla extract, apple pie spice and sugar substitute. Mix well to combine. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 2. Gently stir again just before serving. For each salad, place 1/2 cup shredded lettuce on a plate and spoon 1 cup chicken mixture over top. Serves 2. * Each serving equals: About 211 calories, 3g fat, 23g protein, 23g carb., 374mg sodium, 2g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 2 1/2 Meat, 1 Fruit, 1/2 Starch (c) 2019 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019
HOUSES We are investors that buy houses in North Idaho and the Spokane area. Some people run into challenges when trying to sell a home and there may be a number of reasons why you require a fast house sale. Whatever your reason for seeking a quick property sale, We Buy Northwest Housesis here to pro vide assistance. We are an investment company that can buy your house in a timescale to suit you, regardless of condition or location, meaning you can spend your time on other things. Meanwhile, if you are facing financial difficulties, you may find it useful to know that during the sales process there are no fees or hidden charges for you to pay at any stage. Our team is flexible, very easy to work with, and has a proven track record of making win- win deals together.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019
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Elders often say they want to stay in their own homes.
By Matilda Charles
Estimated Increase in Social Security
Grab your calculator. Those in the know are making an educated guess about the amount of our Social Security increase for 2020. The Senior Citizens League estimates that the increase will be 1.6%, below the raise we got last year. This will mean an average net gain of $23.40 per month for those receiving the average $1,460 per month benefit. In 2019, that benefit amount netted an increase of $40.90 per month. The Social Security Administration will come out later with the final number, but the Senior Citizens League has used the Consumer Price Index for 2019 up to the end of the third quarter for its calculations. At the same time, says the Senior Citizens League, our Medicare Part B premium is expected to go from $135.50 to $144.30 per month. Doing the math, that nets the average benefit recipient an extra $14.60 per month. Some of us, however, are protected: If the Part B premium goes up more than the increased Social Security amount, the Part B premium will be adjusted to make sure there isn’t a net loss. What about our other expenses though? If we have a drug policy or a supplemental Medicare plan, chances are that the two of those will see increases that exceed the extra $14.60 per month. Then there’s the small matter of the price of fresh vegetables, beef, fish, eggs, dairy and cereal. Based on the Consumer Price Index, expect an increase in those prices, even before we get to 2020. Those of us who pay rent generally see an annual increase, too. Is there any chance the landlord will skip a year? To see all the things the SCL is doing for us, go online to seniorsleague.org.
They've lived there for decades and see no reason to move. However, many times their neighborhoods have changed so much that they are no longer safe. Even if the neighborhoods are safe, many of the old neighbors have died or moved away, and the elders become isolated. Many times a move to assisted living can give elders a new lease on life. Older homes that seniors hang onto often have bathrooms and bedrooms on a second floor. I've seen seniors sleep on the living room couch because they don't want to make the trip up the stairs to go to bed. This is often unhealthy for their bodies, and if the only bathroom is up a long flight of stairs, they still must climb. Stairs are not only an obstacle because of the energy it takes to climb them, they present a real hazard when it comes to falls. Change can be hard for anyone and elders are often reluctant to change the way things have always been. Decades of their lives may be tied to the home they live in, and the idea of moving away is terrifying, so they insist what they have is what they want. But the old home isn't necessarily the best place for them. Family members or caregivers need to move slowly and with compassion when they try to convince an elder to move from the family home. However, once the adjustment is made, many elders are thrilled with the change. Why? Here are five reasons. Safety. Assisted living centers are set up to provide a safe, comfortable environment for elders… Meals. Appetites can diminish as we age, plus many people don't enjoy eating alone… In assisted living, meals are provided and they often offer many choices of food. But the biggest plus may be that people have company for their meals… Transportation. …they can generally arrange transportation for seniors who need to get to clinic appointments… Less worry. …In assisted living, they don't have to worry about repair responsibilities. If something doesn't work properly, they or a loved one can alert the administration and the problem should be fixed… Socialization. Socialization is perhaps the most important reason why many people who insist that they will hate assisted living end up thriving… In assisted living, even those who swore they'd hate it often find, once they adjust, that they again enjoy the company of peers. They play cards, listen to music, exercise, have snacks, go to community events and have people come in to entertain them… (by Carol Bradley Bursack, Editor-in-Chief, “Elder Care Link”.)
Linda Davis Director of building relationships. 208.457.3403 www.LodgeLiving.net
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019
$25 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #41 Oct. 7th 2019
Ages 40+
Speed Dating Wednesday, October 2nd
UpNorth Distillery
846 N Boulder Ct, Post Falls, Idaho 83854
$25 Sign up on Eventbrite.com includes a beverage of choice
Make Baked Apple Rings and Applesauce
Baked apple rings are a tasty and nutritious snack you can make in your own kitchen on a chilly fall day. We use zesty apples that friends share with us from their backyard trees, or we buy them at farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s markets and apple orchards. The drying process concentrates the sweetness of the apples, making them an ideal snack food to grab between meals or to include with trail mix on a hike or bike ride. Enjoyable for adults and kids to make together, you also can turn any leftover raw end apple pieces into chunky applesauce in just minutes in the microwave. BAKED APPLE RINGS (Makes about 50 rings) 4 firm apples 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 cup water 1. Heat oven to 250 F. 2. Prepare pans. Place wire cooling racks on two large baking trays. Or line two large baking trays with parchment paper. 3. An adult should core and cut the apples in 1/8-inch rings using a sharp knife or mandolin. There will be extra irregular-size pieces on the ends. Snack on them as you work or save for making microwave applesauce (see recipe below). 4. In a shallow dish, stir together lemon juice and water. Set prepared baking trays on the counter by ingredients. Young kids will enjoy dipping
each slice into the lemon mixture and setting them on a rack or parchment paper. Edges may overlap slightly. 5. Bake rings until dried with a leathery texture, about two hours. (If using parchment-paperlined pans, an adult should flip the rings over after 1 hour and return to oven for additional hour.) 6. Remove from oven and enjoy! Cool before storing. TIP: For added flavor, sprinkle a mixture of 2 teaspoons cinnamon and 1 tablespoon sugar over the rings before baking. MICROWAVE CHUNKY APPLESAUCE 2 cups apple chunks from cored apples of one or more varieties, peeled or unpeeled if you like (red peels may give a nice rosy color) 1/2 cup water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1. Combine ingredients in a deep, microwavesafe bowl. 2. Cook, uncovered at full power for 5 minutes. Remove and stir well. Cook an additional 5 minutes. 3. Use a potato masher or whisk to mash and stir the apples into the liquid. 4. Cool and serve or refrigerate. Makes 2 servings. (c) 2019 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.