of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #46 Nov. 13th 2017Issue #45 Nov. 4th 2019 of Kootenai County, Idaho
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by Janet Spencer Come along with Tidbits as we admire birds! BIRD FACTS • As Jim Robbins explains in his book, “The Wonder of Birds,” there are two categories of newly-hatched birds. Those that require weeks of careful attention from their parents are called “altricial” meaning “requiring nourishment.” This includes most song birds and raptors: robins, sparrows, owls, eagles etc. Then there are those that are able to function as soon as they hatch, called “precocial” from the Latin words meaning “mature before its time.” Precocial birds include most domestic species such as chickens, turkeys, and ducks; game birds like pheasants and partridges; and big birds like ostrich and emu. • Capsaicin is the substance that makes spicy chili peppers hot. In humans, a dilution of ten parts per million of capsaicin will send sensations of pain and distress to the brain. But birds lack the nerve receptors that register this sensation, and can eat capsaicin in dilutions of 20,000 parts per million without noticing anything. The seeds of the pepper plant are thus spread far and wide after being eaten by birds and landing in a pile of fertile bird poop far away. Some bird seed manufacturers add capsaicin to their bird seed to deter squirrels. (cont)
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th BIRDS (cont’d) • There are about 350 species of hummingbirds, all of which live in the Americas. The smallest is the calliope hummingbird, which weighs about as much as two paperclips. Hummingbird eggs are the size of a kidney bean. Hummingbirds display more colorful plumage than any other bird species, and their feathers reflect light. The tiny calliope hummingbird migrates 3,000 miles (4,828 km) each year, from the U.S. to Mexico and back again in the spring. • A hummingbird’s heart is the size of a pea, which is actually the largest heart-to-body size ratio of any bird. It beats anywhere from 1,260 times per minute down to 50 beats per minute when the bird is hibernating overnight in cold temperatures. Almost 80% of a hummingbird’s weight is composed of its pectoral muscles. Proportionately speaking, they are the most powerful pectoral muscles in the entire bird kingdom. A hummer is capable of hovering like a helicopter in place for up to 90 minutes at a time, something no other bird can do. BIRDS IN TROUBLE • The Hudsonian godwit is a shore bird that has one of longest migrations on Earth: From northern Canada to southern Chile in the fall and back again in the spring, a distance of 6,000 miles (9,656 km) each way. Because of climate change, insects that normally appear at the same time the chicks hatch are instead hatching earlier and earlier due to warming temperatures in Arctic regions. This leaves nothing for the chicks to eat, and they starve to death in their nest. (continued)
Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook tidbitscda
* What’s on sale in November? Try for good deals on shoes, boys clothing, blankets and preChristmas sales. They start earlier and earlier each year. Also, look for deals on cooking and serving pieces just before and after Thanksgiving. * Clean your coffee carafe regularly by scrubbing with soap and water. Run a descaler or a mix of vinegar and water through the brewer to clean out the reserve tank. Follow with a plain water rinse. * Need an egg substitute in a pinch? Mix a teaspoon of vinegar with a teaspoon of cornstarch. Making a recipe with rise? You could also use baking soda in place of the cornstarch. * Use aluminum foil on the back side of your radiator coils to reflect heat back into the room. One easy way to do this is to measure a piece of cardboard to fit the space behind the radiator. Then wrap the cardboard with aluminum foil and place behind the coils. * “Great gravy is only a plastic bag away! This is my great tip for separating the fat from pan drippings to make gravy. I take a quart-size plastic bag and set it in a glass measuring cup. Pour the pan drippings through a strainer, right into the bag. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and the fat will separate to the top. Seal the bag, and snip a small hole in a bottom corner, drain the liquid into a saucepan to make gravy. It’s that easy.” -- T.C. in Idaho * Give your loose tea a boost of flavor by adding a dried orange or lemon peel to the tea tin. It will impart a delightful citrus flavor the longer it’s in the tin. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019 BIRDS IN TROUBLE (cont) • In 1890, a hundred European starlings were imported from Europe and released in Central Park by an organization that wanted the U.S. to enjoy all the species of birds mentioned by Shakespeare. The next year, 100 more starlings were released. Some 60 years later, the population of starlings in the U.S. reached an estimated 200 million, and they can now be found from coast to coast. Along the way, they usurped the bluebird by invading its territory, taking over its nesting sites, and preying on fledglings, thereby decimating its numbers. • Swainson’s hawks eat mainly grasshoppers. The birds live in North America in the summer, and in South America in the winter. One researcher became alarmed at the sudden drop in the population of Swainson’s hawks, so he attached radio transmitters to several, and then followed one when it pinged a satellite indicating it was living in Argentina. • When he arrived in Argentina and tracked that particular Swainson’s hawk to a farmer’s field, he was dismayed to find dozens of Swainson’s hawks dead on the ground. In talking to the farmer, he discovered that local farmers had recently started using a new pesticide to kill grasshoppers that were eating their crops. The Swainson’s hawks were eating the poisoned grasshoppers, and then dying from ingesting the toxin. The grasshopper problem kept getting worse and worse, because the hawks were dying in such numbers that they could no longer keep the grasshopper population under control. The fewer hawks there were, the more grasshoppers there were. • The researcher was able to convince the local farmers to stop using the deadly pesticide in order to let the hawk population rebound, and their numbers have since increased. (cont)
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019 TidbitsCounty, Dallas County BIRDS IN TROUBLE (cont) • What was probably the world’s largest ever flock of birds passed over Ontario, Canada, in 1866. Composed of perhaps 3 billion passenger pigeons, the flock darkened the skies and was a mile wide and more than 300 miles (483 km) long. It took 14 hours to pass a single point in southern Ontario. It may have been the largest assembly of any animal on the planet ever, with perhaps only locusts topping it for sheer numbers. It’s been estimated that 40% of all birds that existed were passenger pigeons. Their droppings nourished entire forests. Due to overhunting, the passenger pigeon went extinct in 1914. • In 1958, Chairman Mao Zedong of China declared that since every sparrow ate an average of 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of grain each year, killing 1 million sparrows would free up enough grain to feed 60,000 people. The entire country was mobilized to drive the sparrow into extinction. Only after the campaign ended did scientists discover that sparrows actually eat primarily insects, not grain. With no sparrows around to eat bugs, the bugs had free rein to eat the crops, and the resulting famine killed about 30 million people. • During World War II, a plane landed on the isolated island of Guam, where there were thriving populations of birds and no snakes to be found. However, it’s likely that a single pregnant brown tree snake escaped from the cargo onto the island, where it found no natural enemies and a plentiful supply of birds. Today Guam has an estimated 3,000 brown tree snakes per square mile, and ten out of the 12 species of birds that used to inhabit the island are extinct. Without the birds, the population of spiders skyrocketed, and there are now 40 times more spiders on Guam than there are on neighboring islands. The forests of Guam are in decline because there are no birds to spread the seeds.
* It was influential American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman who made the following sage observation: “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.” * Those who study such things say that an eagle’s feathers weigh twice as much as its bones. * You’ve probably read about the unprecedented casualties suffered on all sides in World War I. You probably didn’t know, though, that 60,000 of those casualties were due to avalanches caused by gunfire in the Alps. * In 1962, a group of oceanographers sailed off to watch an undersea volcano off the coast of Japan whose eruption seemed imminent. It seems that they got the timing right, but not the location; or, rather, they got the location too right. The eruption occurred directly beneath their vessel, destroying it. * If you ever visit the Alpine village of Saint Veran, take a good look at the construction of the early buildings -- none of the walls meet at a 90-degree angle. Why aren’t they square? According to the beliefs of early townsfolk, the devil lurks in square corners. * Studies show a correlation between tight shoes and larger appetites. * Do you find it attractive when you see a person with a point of skin attached to the underlying muscle? You might not realize it, but many people have this condition; that’s what a dimple is.
Thought for the Day:
“A premarital lovers’ quarrel should never last more than three minutes. In the first year of marriage, a four-minute quarrel should be acceptable. After six years, and eight-minute quarrel is allowed. A 10-minute quarrel is permissible after a decade. Those married longer have more to quarrel about.” -- E.V. Durling (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #45 Nov 4th 2019 For Advertising Call (334)
PHOTO: Scene from “The Lion King” Photo Credit: Disney
“The Lion King” (PG) -- These days, the circle of life for any great Disney movie includes a remake, and “The Lion King” is no exception. Made fresh for a new generation by director Jon Favreau, the story remains very much the same: a king sabotaged and dethroned by a jealous sibling; the king’s young heir duped into exile only to return years later to exact retribution and claim his rightful mantle as benevolent ruler. James Earl Jones’ rich baritone reprises as King Mufasa, and many of the iconic scenes are almost shot for shot. But there’s a new, gorgeous song by Beyonce (the voice of Nala), and some strong voice work by Donald Glover as Simba. The biggest difference is that this is a live action film (photorealistic). A worthy effort indeed, but I’m still Team 1994. “Bloodline” (R) -- Seann William Scott stars as Evan, a social worker with a roster of at-risk teens. He’s helpful, kind and quick to mete out anonymous vengeance after-hours on their be half. He’s also a new father. While a newborn can induce “a good kind of crazy,” as his wife
(Mariela Garriga) puts it, it’s hard to tell whether it’s the good crazy or the bloodlust crazy that’s in charge -- and that’s before his mother comes to visit. Scott shows off some dramatic chops here, but this film is strictly for the non-squeamish set. It’s not called “Bloodline” for nothing. “Satanic Panic” (NR) -- Gore and titillation are the order of the day in the Fangoria production “Satanic Panic.” Sam (Hayley Griffith) is a pizza delivery driver who gets stiffed on a tip by some rich folks and decides to go back and give the mansion owners a piece of her mind -- only she walks right into the middle of a coven attempting to summon a satanic spirit. Oops. When the witches tap Sam to be their sacrificial virgin, all, um, hell breaks loose. It’s a raucous romp featuring Rebecca Romijn as vamped villain coven leader Danica. It’ll take all Sam’s demon-dodging wits to get her out of this jam, but will she ever get that tip? “Angel of Mine” (R) -- Noomi Rapace stars as a woman unraveling under the scars of losing a child in this tight psychological thriller. Lizzie is teetering on the edge of control a few years after the death of her infant daughter. She becomes obsessed with a neighbor child who she imagines is her own. Her obsession escalates -- at first snapping a few pictures, then outright stalking -all the while fending off attempts at intervention from her ex-husband (Luke Evans), as well as growing pushback from the girl’s mother (Yvonne Strahovski). It’s only a matter of time before she snaps, but the tension itself is almost unbearable. ( c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TIDBITS ofTidbits Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019 of Dallas County
By Dr. Holly Carling
Sleep apnea affects an estimated 22 million Americans. Sleep apnea is diagnosed generally after a sleep study that reveals the person’s breathing stops momentarily multiple times per night. Several common treatment choices include the use of a CPAP, a mouth appliance, surgery, losing weight, avoiding sleeping on your back, taking medications or supplements and quitting smoking. Gaining popularity is getting acupuncture treatments to help. In a meta-analysis done in 2015, it was found that acupuncture was as effective, and even more effective in some of the studies, than use of a CPAP. A meta-analysis means they took all the research on a particular subject (in this case sleep apnea), used only standardized collection methods, threw out any studies that weren’t done with stringent enough protocols, and only used the best of the best studies. Further, they assessed the studies using a tool called Cochrane Collaboration, meaning they reviewed and discarded any with any possible bias the original researchers may have had. The meta-analysis concluded that acupuncture was an extremely beneficial option for the treatment of sleep apnea. Acupuncture treatments improved the apnea hypopnea index and the SaO2 levels in the blood. These measurements are a standard in demonstrating successful treatment of apnea. So, when would you use acupuncture instead of other treatment methods?
sensitive to either the medications used to help, or the medications used to counteract the sleepiness due to sleep apnea or those who would prefer not to do any surgical intervention. Many sufferers prefer a more natural approach to helping and others simply want to take care of the problem that caused sleep apnea in the first place. That’s my favorite reason. Sleep apnea can be caused by being overweight. Acupuncture can help with that. Sleep apnea can be caused from smoking cigarettes. Acupuncture is super effective for addictions, including smoking. Sleep apnea can be caused by swelling of the uvula or enlarged tonsils. Acupuncture can help with the underlying causes of those conditions. Acupuncture can also help with many sleep disorders. Sleep apnea can also be caused by collapse or an overly relaxed state of the muscles of the throat/mouth/tongue. Acupuncture and nutrition can help improve tone of muscles. I like that acupuncturists review everything going on with your body and treat all things collectively. We treat you, your body, not just your symptom. So, you may have a main goal of eliminating your sleep apnea but gain the additional benefit of remedying other things at the same time. If you like to breathe, and you like to sleep, and you like to breathe correctly while you sleep, acupuncture may be just what the doctor ordered!
Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www.vitalhealthcda. com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue505-0674 #45 Nov 4th 2019 For Advertising CallIdaho (334)
Home Buyers, Does the VA Owe You Money? Is CBD Safe for Pets? Did you buy a home in the past 20 years using the Department of Veterans Affairs home loan program? And did you then have a change in your disability rating? If so, you might be due a refund of the funding fee. The VA’s Loan Guaranty Service has found 130,000 cases where there was a clerical glitch or change in the veteran’s exemption status after the loan closed and the disability rating changed. It will be refunding $400 million to veterans. As a result, the VA has made changes to guidelines for lenders: * Better communication with the veteran about just when the funding fee can be waived. * Asking about the veteran’s disability claim status during the writing of the loan and then checking the status just three days before closing. * Ensuring oversight, so that veterans who can waive fees are identified. If you think you might be entitled to a refund of those funding fees, call the loan center at (877) 827-3702. To understand the fees associated with a home loan (both before and after you buy a home), go online to www.va.gov. Do a search for home loan fees and read the fine print. For example, veterans pay a funding fee in lieu of down payment and mortgage insurance. The fee is a percentage of the loan amount and is based on the type of loan. It’s also based on whether you’re a first-time or subsequent buyer. You don’t pay a fee if you receive service-connected disability compensation, or if you would get that compensation if you didn’t get retirement or active duty pay, or if you’re the surviving spouse of a veteran who died during service or from a service-connected disability. Scroll down the loan fees page and click on the funding fee chart to see how much money is involved. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: More and more of my friends who have pets say they are giving them CBD oil, saying it has health benefits. Isn’t this derived from marijuana? What benefit does this oil have on pets? Does it make them high? -Concerned Neighbor in Sarasota DEAR CONCERNED: It’s true that CBD (cannabidiol) is derived from hemp and marijuana plants. However, it does not make them high. That’s the role of the other notable component in marijuana, THC, which is a psychoactive. CBD oil does not contain THC, so people and animals taking it don’t get high. It’s important to know that CBD has not been approved as a treatment for any condition by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (except for one drug that is used to treat epilepsy in humans). But pet owners who regularly give CBD oil to their pets -- usually added to their food -Ð say it calms them down, eases aggression and helps arthritic pets move more easily. If you’re worried about your friends giving CBD to their pets, worry more about whether the product itself is safe. Because the FDA hasn’t approved any pet treatments with CBD and isn’t monitoring the manufacturing and sale of CBD oil, there could be safety issues. Getting advice from a veterinarian isn’t always possible because in many states they are not allowed to even discuss CBD with their patients’ owners. As restrictions on CBD and marijuana ease in many states, it’s possible for more research to be done on the potential benefits of CBD oil when given to pets. Stay tuned. Send your comments, questions or tips to ask@pawscorner.com. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #45 Nov 4th 2019 Tidbits Dallas
AI Fertility Tracker - a monitor you place under your mattress for 3 months, and it tracks a woman’s heart rate and respiration. This lets her know her 6 day fertility window for those trying to conceive. Modern Movement M-Pad Balance Trainer - as we age, our sense of balance declines, leading to increased falls and hip fractures. One of the things I stress to my patients over age 50 is imQ&A with Susan Ashley, MD proving balance. This device is a fun way to New Medical Gadgets improve balance and core strength and mimics There are so many medical devices on the market movements that you do in real life. now, most completely unknown to the average E Skin Smart Pajamas - OK these are really cool, population. I want to highlight some of these for but not available until 2020. They’re pajamas you - if they interest you, search them on google that have clothing sensors embedded into the to purchase. shirt and pants set, which pick up specific inputs Gluten Food Testing Device - gluten allergy and and detects motion in the legs and hips. This is sensitivity is such a problem now, and it can be mostly important for hospitalized patients with very difficult to know if a food you didn’t make dementia, so nurses can tell when the patient is has gluten. Even foods like ice cream, ketchup, trying to get out of bed. This may help to preand potato salad can have gluten. Now there’s a vent injuries associated with falls. simple way to determine if there is gluten in your NeuroPlus Focus - wear it like a headset, and foods. With this device, called a Nima sensor, it monitors your brain activity and muscle tenyou simply put a pea size bit of food in a capsule, sion. This sends real-time feedback into training then slide it into the device. In 2-3 minutes it video games via bluetooth to help you practice will tell you if there is gluten. There now is a and improve your focus and self control. similar device to test for peanuts. Bite Helper Bug Bite Itch Solution - place it diHeadset for Weight Loss - called Modius, it’s a rectly on top of a bug bite, it uses thermo-pulse headset with electrode pads that you place be- technology to apply concentrated heat and vibrahind your ears. Open the app and it then sends tion. As a result this soothes the area and neuelectrical signals to your hypothalamus. Wear- tralizes the itching. It’s compact and can take it ing the device one hour a day will, possibly, re- anywhere. set your metabolic set-point of your body mass, As you can see, there are a number of devices leading to weight loss. The average weight loss available, and each year there are more introfor women is 7.6 lbs and 8.3 for men. duced. If you have an idea, google and see if it’s been invented yet, it may well be out there already! Dr Ashley is board certified in Family Medicine and in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She provides a mix of traditional with alternative medicine and specializes in bio-identical hormones for both men and women.
ForofAdvertising 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019
* On Nov. 15, 1867, the first stock ticker is unveiled in New York City. The ticker revolutionized the stock market by making up-to-the-minute prices available to investors. Previously, the information traveled by mail or messenger. * On Nov. 11, 1942, Congress approves lowering the draft age to 18 and raising the upper limit to age 37. In 1940, Congress had imposed the first peacetime draft in U.S. history for men between the ages of 21 and 36. But with the United States fighting in World War II, the draft ages had to be expanded. * On Nov. 12, 1954, Ellis Island, the gateway to America, shuts its doors after processing more than 12 million immigrants since opening in 1892. Following World War I, Congress passed quota laws, which sharply reduced the number of newcomers. * On Nov. 17, 1968, the Oakland Raiders score two touchdowns in nine seconds to beat the New York Jets -- and no one sees it. With just 65 seconds left to play, NBC had switched to its previously scheduled programming -- the children’s movie “Heidi.” * On Nov. 13, 1979, during a game at the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Philadelphia 76ers center Darryl Dawkins slam-dunks the basketball, shattering the fiberglass backboard. After a second incident, the NBA commissioner told Dawkins he’d be fined $5,000 and suspended every time he broke a backboard. * On Nov. 14, 1985, a volcano erupts in Colombia, killing over 20,000 people as nearby towns are buried in mud, ice and lava. Few people evacuated after radio reports instructed residents to stay in their homes. * On Nov. 16, 1999, construction begins on the massive annual bonfire at Texas A&M University. Two days later, the 59-foot-high lumber structure snapped, with scores of students caught on the huge log pile. Twelve people were killed, and 27 were injured. (c) 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai IssueCounty #45 Nov 4th 2019 TidbitsCounty, Dallas
1. Which Eagles song netted the group its first Grammy even though it only went to No. 2 on the charts? 2. Name the two soccer teams mentioned in “You’re In My Heart” by Rod Stewart. 3. Who were Ed Sullivan’s last musical guests on his show? 4. Which song’s label gave the credit as “John Ono Lennon”? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “When I left my home and my family, I was no more than a boy in the company of strangers.” Answers 1. “Lyin’ Eyes,” in 1972. The Grammy was for Best Pop Performance, and it also got a nomination for Record of the Year. 2. Glasgow Celtic and Manchester United. 3. Gladys Knight and the Pips, in 1971. The show ran for 23 years, always on Sunday night. 4. “Instant Karma! (We All Shine On),” in 1970. In the U.K. the credit was changed to “Lennon/ Ono with the Plastic Ono Band.” It was the first time a solo Beatles song sold a million copies. 5. “The Boxer,” by Simon and Garfunkel, in 1969. It was recorded in multiple parts in multiple locations (including a chapel) and took over 100 hours to complete. The “lie la lie” lyric was intended only as a place holder. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
For ofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674 TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019 Got Pain? Sinus Issues? Would like Rejuvenation and more energy?
We have High Tech Health Solutions: HI-PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy) and Ozone therapies that can help! Free Initial Consultation – Call or text: (208) 660-7363 to schedule. Aches and pains can get in the way of work and pleasure, which can slow us down and take us out of the picture sometimes. Chronic pain is especially depressing and debilitating. Pain medications sometime help the symptoms, but they do not cure the problem and they can cause negative side effects. Fortunately, there are alternatives and solutions to dealing with pain naturally without the use of drugs, shots or injections. At CDA Health Center, we offer state-of-the-art options to relieve muscle tension and pain with professional grade High Intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy. This is called “HI-PEMF Therapy” and it is used for pain relief and recovery in Sports Medicine at the elite level by Olympic Athletes and Professional Football Teams. The brief explanation is that PEMF’s give the cells a free donation of electrons which improves their capacity to work efficiently and to promote detoxification. The movement of the Magnetic Therapy over and under the body increases circulation, breaks up adhesions and causes them to relax and repair. We also combine PEMF therapy with Ozone therapy. If you would like to learn more call or text (208) 660-7363 to schedule your free consultation. CDA Health Center - 1044 Northwest Boulevard, Suite A-205 Sky Professional Center (Just North of Hubbard). See our ad to the right of this article featuring your CDA Health Center High Tech Health Hero’s www.cdahealthcenter.com; Facebook: CDA Health Center
Dr. Margo Parker, OMD, a licensed acupuncturist with over 30 years in practice and higher education. CDA Health Center located at 1044 Northwest Boulevard in the Sky Professional Center Building. Phone/Text (208) 660-7363 to schedule High Intensity PEMF, Ozone Therapy, or other traditional therapies. We offer HU=GO™ HI-PEMF for mobility and pain relief and Ozone therapies for sinus issues, allergies, skin, scalp conditions and more. www.cdahealthcenter.com
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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue County #45 Nov 4th 2019 Tidbits Dallas
TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019 ForofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Lots of choices could make it difficult to select what is best for your needs. Avoid snap judgments. Take the time to check them all out to find the one that really meets your goals. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You could once again experience pressure from others who would like to see you move in another direction. But heed your Bovine instincts to stay on your own path. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Taking charge of a project that seems to be about to stall or collapse altogether could be a challenge. But once everyone knows what you expect of him or her, things should go smoothly. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Avoid the pressures of the upcoming holiday period by setting a time right now to discuss how to divide up the responsibility of helping a loved one come through a difficult period. LEO (July 23 to August 22) It’s not too early for all you Leonas and Leos to start making longdistance travel plans. The sooner you stop procrastinating and start deciding where, when and how you’re going, the better. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Someone you’ve known for years might disappoint you, or even make you feel you’ve been betrayed. But check the facts carefully before you make charges that could backfire on you. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A holiday plan might need to be revised to accommodate an unexpected complication. Come up with an alternative arrangement as soon as possible to avoid more problems down the line. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Don’t accept halfway explanations for a situation that requires full disclosure. The more you know now, the better able you will be to handle any complications that might arise. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) The cooperation you relied upon might not be easy to get. Maybe there’s an information gap. See if everyone understands the situation. If not, be sure to offer a full explanation. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Problems caused by that recent workplace distraction should soon be easing, allowing you to resume working at a less frantic pace. That personal matter also begins to ease up. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Changing your mind about a job decision isn’t easy for the usually committed Aquarian. But once you check it out, you’ll find facts you didn’t know before. And facts don’t lie. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your unique way of sizing up a situation gives you an edge in resolving that upsetting workplace problem. Stay on your current course regardless of any attempts to distract you. BORN THIS WEEK: You are emotionally attuned to what’s going on around you, and you easily pick up on people’s needs. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #36 Sept 2nd 2019 Tidbits Dallas
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #36 Sept 2nd 2019
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019
1. Alex Rodriguez and Ken Griffey Jr., both drafted by the Seattle Mariners, combined to hit 1,326 major-league home runs. How many of them came as a member of the Mariners? 2. Entering 2019, the New York Yankees held the record for most World Series games won (139). Which team was second? 3. When was the last time before 2018 that the Kentucky Wildcats football team was ranked in The Associated Press Top 25 Poll? 4. The Orlando Magic have had the No. 1 overall pick in the NBA Draft three times. Name the players they drafted. 5. In 2019, Jeff Blashill became the winningest U.S. coach in the history of the top division of the Ice Hockey World Championship (19 wins). Who had held the mark? 6. Driver Lewis Hamilton set a record in 2019 by winning his sixth British Grand Prix. Name either driver who is second with five wins. 7. How many times have tennis stars Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova met in a Grand Slam final?
Answers 1. Rodriguez (189 home runs) and Griffey Jr. (417) combined to hit 606 homers for the Mariners. 2. The St. Louis Cardinals, with 58. 3. It was 2007. 4. Shaquille O’Neal (1992), Chris Webber (1993) and Dwight Howard (2004). 5. Tim Taylor (1989-1993) had 17 victories in the top division. 6. Alain Prost and Jim Clark. 7. Four times, with Serena Williams winning three of them. (c) 2019 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
• When a large cave was found in Kentucky, at first it was important only because of its reserves of saltpeter, used in the manufacture of gunpowder. In the mid-1800s, a cave explorer mapped much of this cave, finding it so large that it was dubbed “Mammoth Cave.” When the saltpeter reserves ran out, it was promoted as a tourist attraction instead. • In the early 1900s, tourism to the area boomed, and access to any of a number of entrances to the cave guaranteed a steady income to whoever owned that entrance. The Collins family lived nearby, and Floyd Collins was determined to cash in. In 1917, he found a wonderful cave, naming it Crystal Cave. But it was difficult to access and few tourists came. Floyd continued to search for a better cave. • Floyd Collins began methodically exploring every nook of the cave whose opening was big enough for him to squeeze into. On January 30, 1925, the 37-year-old explorer wiggled into an opening that he’d been working on expanding for weeks. With nothing but a kerosene lantern and a rope, he dropped into a skinny tunnel and slithered through a narrow downward-sloping chimney until he entered a large underground room. When his lantern began to sputter, he headed out. But as he worked his way through the tight passage, the ceiling collapsed. One large rock landed on his legs, while gravel and sand filled in the spaces around his legs. He was trapped. • It took more than a day for a friend of his to figure out where he was and wiggle down into the cave close enough to yell, confirming that Floyd was trapped. He took the news back to Floyd’s family. Floyd was 60 feet (18 m) below the surface, at the end of a claustrophobic 140foot (43 m) twisting tunnel, lying on his back in an opening the size of a coffin, with his legs trapped. (cont)
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019 FLOYD COLLINS (cont) • Floyd’s brother Homer wriggled into the cave to assess the situation. He brought food that he hand-fed Floyd, and tried to dig him out. When Homer emerged in defeat eight hours later, he found 100 or so townfolk gathered around the cave entrance, discussing options. • On February 1, a newspaper reporter crawled into the cave and came out with a newspaper story that went coast-to-coast within days. Radio newscasters picked it up, and soon people thronged to the cave bringing ideas, food, and cameras. Over 4,000 cars bearing 10,000 people crowded the cave entrance, awaiting news. Rescuers strung electric lights all the way down to Floyd. • On February 2, Floyd’s cave-exploring buddy made it down the tunnel, and organized a group who wrapped a rope around Floyd and tried to pull him out. On February 3, a bucket brigade hauled tons of stones out of the cave, but no matter how much rock they removed from around Floyd, more rock fell to take its place. On February 4, the reporter returned to Collins with a jack, spending hours trying to remove the overburden. On February 5, a cave-in cut off all access to Floyd. • On February 6, the National Guard started digging a shaft. On February 16, they finally penetrated the cave opening underneath Floyd Collins. By then he’d been trapped for 17 days, of which 12 had been without food, water, light, or companionship. There was no sign of life. Floyd had died perhaps three days earlier, alone and in the dark. • Two months later, Floyd Collins’ body was finally removed. His father sold the cave. The media attention surrounding this event convinced the government that Mammoth Cave needed to be a national park, rather than private property. Floyd is now buried in a local church cemetery, and the entrance to the cave where he died is permanently blocked off to be sure it never happens again.
Butternut Squash and White Bean Soup Cozy up with this sweet squash soup. 1 large butternut squash 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 1-inch piece fresh ginger, finely chopped 6 cups low-sodium chicken broth 6 sprigs fresh thyme 1 (15-ounce) can white beans, rinsed 1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, rinsed 1/2 cup couscous 1/4 cup roasted pistachios, finely chopped 1/4 cup dried apricots, finely chopped 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 1 scallion, sliced 1. Cut neck off butternut squash (reserve base for another use). Peel and cut into 1/2-inch pieces. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in nonstick skillet on medium. Add the squash and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, 8 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, heat remaining oil in Dutch oven on medium. Add onion and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, 6 minutes. Stir in garlic and ginger, and cook 1 minute. 3. Add broth, thyme and butternut squash, and bring to a boil. Using a fork, mash white beans and add to soup along with chickpeas. 4. Cook couscous as label directs; fluff with fork and fold in pistachios, apricots, cilantro and scallion. Serve soup topped with couscous mixture. Makes 4 servings.* Each serving: About 560 calories, 15.5g fat (2g saturated), 26g protein, 385mg sodium, 88g carb, 19g fiber. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our Web site at www.goodhousekeeping.com/food-recipes/. (c) 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
Q: I just finished binge-watching “The Ranch” with Sam Elliott and Ashton Kutcher, and loved it. Please tell me it will be back for another season. I can’t wait for more. -- J.M. A: “The Ranch” is a comedy series on Netflix that consists of four seasons, each broken into two parts of 10 episodes each. The first part of season four became available in September, so if you haven’t watched those episodes yet, you’re in for a treat. Sometime in 2020 the final part, consisting of another 10 episodes, will air. “The Ranch” stars Kutcher as a former semi-pro football player who returns home to help run his family’s ranch in Colorado. Elliott plays his father and Debra Winger his mother. Dax Shepard returns as his estranged cousin Luke. Kutcher’s former “That ‘70s Show” co-star Danny Masterson was a regular in earlier episodes of “The Ranch” until allegations of sexual assault were made against him off-camera. Other “’70s” cast members, Wilmer Valderrama, Kurtwood Smith and Debra Jo Rupp, also have guest-starred. *** Q: Now that Billy Miller is done playing Drew on “General Hospital,” will he go back to “The Young and the Restless”? He’ll always be Billy Abbott to me. -- C.P. A: So far, Jason Thompson still has a job as Billy Abbott on “Y&R.” As for Miller, he just landed a recurring role on an upcoming new series on the new Apple+ (Apple TV Plus) streaming service. “Truth Be Told” is co-produced by Reese Witherspoon and stars Octavia Spencer as podcaster Poppy Parnell, who delves into an old
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PHOTO: Brandon Micheal Hall
Photo credit: Jeff Riedell/Warner Bros. Entertainmen
case involving the murder of twin daughters. The series is based on the novel “Are You Sleeping,” by Kathleen Barber, and also stars Aaron Paul and Lizzy Caplan. Miller will play Caplan’s husband. *** Q: I really like the TV show “God Friended Me,” but missed the first two episodes of the first season and have been waiting impatiently for the series to come out on DVD so I can watch them. All the other new shows have been out on DVD for a while, but I still haven’t found this one. Is it ever going to come out? -- D.S. A: I couldn’t find season one of the CBS series starring Brandon Micheal Hall and Violett Beane on DVD either, so it doesn’t look like it’s being released in that format. However, you can purchase individual episodes to download and watch on your computer or stream on your television through Amazon Prime Video. Season one episodes are $1.99 each, or you can purchase the entire first season for $24.99. It’s not in DVD format, but at least you’ll be able to watch the episodes you missed. To check out your options, go to Amazon.com and click on the Prime Video logo near the top of the page, then do a search for “God Friended Me.” Send me your questions at NewCelebrityExtra@ gmail.com, or write me at KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019
Top 10 Video On Demand 1. Toy Story 4 (PG) animated 2. Spider-Man: Far From Home (PG-13) Tom Holland 3. Annabelle Comes Home (R) Vera Farmiga 4. Yesterday (PG-13) Himesh Patel 5. Aladdin (PG) Will Smith 6. John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum (R) Keanu Reeves 7. Midsommar (R) Florence Pugh 8. Rocketman (R) Taron Egerton 9. Shaft (R) Samuel L. Jackson 10. X-Men: Dark Phoenix (PG-13) James McAvoy Top 10 DVD, Blu-ray Sales 1. Toy Story 4 (PG) Disney 2. Spider-Man: Far From Home (PG-13) Sony Pictures/Marvel 3. Hocus Pocus (PG) Disney 4. Annabelle Comes Home (R) Warner Bros. 5. Aladdin (PG) Disney 6. John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum (R) Lionsgate 7. The Nightmare Before Christmas (PG) Disney 8. Avengers: Endgame (PG-13) Disney/Marvel 9. X-Men: Dark Phoenix (PG-13) FOX 10. Midsommar (R) Lionsgate Sources: comScore/Media Play News
TOP TEN MOVIES 1. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (PG) Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning 2. Joker (R) Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro 3. Zombieland: Double Tap (R) Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg 4. The Addams Family (PG) animated 5. Gemini Man (PG-13) Will Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead 6. Abominable (PG) animated 7. Downton Abbey (PG) Michelle Dockery, Tuppence Middleton 8. Judy (PG-13) Renee Zellweger, Jessie Buckley 9. Hustlers (R) Constance Wu, Jennifer Lopez 10. It Chapter Two (R) Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
SAILING TERMS • Makeshift wooden blockhouses would often be built on the decks of ships, providing extra quarters for sailors. When invaders boarded the ship, sailors would enter these blockhouse quarters, close and lock the doors, and then start shooting through holes in the planks. This set up a withering crossfire on the deck of the ship few pirates could withstand. The phrase “closed quarters” came out of this practice, and “close quarters” now denotes any situation in uncomfortably tight proximity. • The Dutch word “vrijbuiter” means “free booter” and described pirates, rogues, and privateers who could be hired to wage wars on the open sea, or paid to provide a blockade at a crucial port. The term transferred into Spanish and then French before coming into English as “filibuster.” In the 1800s the American government hired many of these privately-funded fleets to destabilize central American countries, and “filibuster” came to mean any sort of blockade or stonewalling that killed forward momentum. • In the 1600s, British war ships were divided into “first rate,” “second rate,” “third rate,” and so on, all the way down to “sixth rate,” and this rating system described how large they were, how many sailors were on board, and how many guns they had. • Before the invention of radios, communication between ships was by semaphore signals delivered with a series of flag movements. Whenever anything happened, the flagmen would be busy waving those flags around, and the flags would be flapping away. Today a “flap” means any sort of agitated situation. • There were only two reasons for a ship to lower its flag, or “colors”: the arrival of a senior vessel, or as a gesture of surrender. Any ship emerging from battle “with flying colors” was announcing a triumphant win. (cont)
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019 SAILING TERMS (cont) • Large ships such as battleships and aircraft carriers are called “high profile” while submarines and small fishing boats are called “low profile.” • When a ship was trying to track down another ship in international waters but had only a vague idea of where it was, it was called a “cold pursuit.” When the ship came into view and the chase heated up, it was called a “hot pursuit.” Ships engaged in a hot pursuit were allowed to leave international waters and follow their quarry into a nation’s waters in order to secure their prey. • Cannonballs were more dangerous if they were heated to red-hot before being fired. It took a skilled team to be able to heat the cannonball, load it into a cannon, and fire it without damaging or injuring anyone on the team. This team became known as “hot shots.” • When sea captains were sizing up an opponent for battle, the ships would often sail right by each other, offering a chance to size up the likely outcome of an engagement, leading to the term “to make a pass.” • The “cap” of a ship was the prow, and when a ship was preparing for battle, the helmsman would be ordered to “set your cap” in a direction designed to start the engagement. It then became a phrase denoting a woman setting her sights on a particular man. • The height of a ship’s flag was determined by a number of pegs installed along the mast, and which peg the flags were tied to. There was an entire etiquette that dictated the height of a flag, and warships coming into proximity of a ship being captained by a superior were expected to lower their flag by switching which peg it was tied to. When applied to a soldier being reprimanded, it was called “being taken down a peg or two.”
Cheesy Kielbasa Stew
With your first bite, you are going to think “cheesy smooth!” This will be a great hit with the kids. 3 cups (15 ounces) diced raw potatoes 8 ounces 98% fat-free kielbasa sausage, sliced into 1/2-inch pieces 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 (15-ounce) can cut green beans, rinsed and drained 1 (2.5-ounce) jar sliced mushrooms, drained 1 (12-fluid-ounce) can fat-free evaporated milk 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon parsley flakes 3/4 cup shredded 2% milk cheddar cheese 1. In a medium saucepan, cook potatoes in water until tender. Drain. 2. In a large skillet sprayed with butter-flavored cooking spray, saute potatoes, kielbasa and onion. Add green beans and mushrooms. Mix well to combine. 3. In a covered jar, combine evaporated milk and flour. Shake well to blend. Pour mixture into skillet with sausage mixture. Add parsley flakes and cheese. Mix well to combine. 4. Continue cooking over medium heat until mixture starts to thicken and cheese melts, stirring often. Lower heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Makes 6 (3/4-cup) servings. TIP: You can substitute 97% fat-free frankfurters. * Each serving equals: 238 calories, 6g fat, 16g protein, 30g carbs, 411mg sodium, 293mg calcium, 3g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Protein, 1 Starch, 1/2 Vegetable; Carb Choices: 2. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019
HOUSES We are investors that buy houses in North Idaho and the Spokane area. Some people run into challenges when trying to sell a home and there may be a number of reasons why you require a fast house sale. Whatever your reason for seeking a quick property sale, We Buy Northwest Housesis here to pro vide assistance. We are an investment company that can buy your house in a timescale to suit you, regardless of condition or location, meaning you can spend your time on other things. Meanwhile, if you are facing financial difficulties, you may find it useful to know that during the sales process there are no fees or hidden charges for you to pay at any stage. Our team is flexible, very easy to work with, and has a proven track record of making win- win deals together.
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019
By Matilda Charles
Why It’s Getting Harder to Live on Social Security
--It’s now official: Our Social Security increase for 2020 will be 1.6%, or $23.40 for the average senior who receives benefits. If our Medicare goes up, that comes out of the increase. We all know the Social Security increases we get are not enough to keep pace with rising prices. The Senior Citizens League did a study a few years ago that determined we had fallen 4% behind actual costs in one year alone. Since 2000 we’ve lost 34% of our buying power. For example, if we bought $100 in groceries back then, today we’d get only $66 worth. Just what determines the amount of Social Security increases? The number is called COLA, for cost-of-living adjustment, and the figures are calculated monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics using the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers. The BLS uses the prices in “A Basket of Goods” to calculate what is being spent and determine the Consumer Price Index. It includes food, but also tracks bedroom furniture, toys, the cost of education and communication. For over a year now I’ve kept a monthly chart of every dime I spend. If I come home from the store with a receipt or I pay a utility bill, the amount gets noted on the chart. The CPI that came out in September says that over the past year, overall prices for urban consumers went up 1.7 percent. I know my costs have gone up much more than that. How about you? Here’s some math homework for you for the next year. Make a list of the basic items you buy and the expenses you have. Write down what they cost. A year from now do a comparison and see if they’ve gone up, and if so, how much. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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(Written by Barbara Powell, a resident at The Lodge Assisted Living) When I learned to talk as a small child, it was discovered that I was tongue tied. Hardly anyone could understand me. In addition to being tongue tied I was extremely shy. I had these two disabilities when I started school. One day I overheard my Mother and father talking. My father said that he thought that they should take me to the doctor and have my tongue ‘clipped’. This would enable me to speak more clearly. The thought of having my tongue cut scared me so badly that I determined to teach myself to speak correctly. There was a sitcom on the radio. It was about a teen age boy by the name of Henry Aldridge. This radio program always began with the mother calling, “Henry. Henry Aldridge!” henry responded by answering, “Coming. Mother!” Our family always listened to this program. It was a part of our life. These phrases were spoken loudly and clearly. The name “Henry Aldridge” would be a perfect name to begin my determined effort to speak correctly. I began my journey by learning to slay “Henry Aldridge” loud and clear. My parents saw that I was beginning to speak correctly. The ‘clipping of the tongue’ was never mentioned to me. Throughout the years, I wrote words down and marked the accent and vowel sounds. I cannot remember ever sharing my self-taught accomplishment with anyone. I was a very shy person. At the age of 35, a friend told me that there was to be an all-day healing service the following Saturday at Bishop Lynch High School. I went to this healing service and stayed all day. I took part in everything. I did not talk to anyone or say anything all day long. It was a nice day. Not long after this healing service I began to notice that I was not so shy. I started to express my thoughts and opinions. I determined that I “step out” and speak even if I was wrong or thought that I might sound stupid. I joined the Toastmasters, not to make public speeches, but to learn to talk to people on a one to one basis and to be able to express myself to other individuals in an intelligent way. Toastmasters are generally self-confident, educated people on their way up in their companies. I did not fit into any of these categories. I had a story to tell, but no one knew that. I had a very serious reason for being there, but no one knew that either. A lot of the members did not want me in the group but I hung in there because I was learning. If I was a person who gave up easily, I would still be tongue tied. A really pretty, educated, woman who was an excellent speaker, told me that I was the worst speaker that she had ever heard. She said, ‘If you say, ‘uh…uh…uh…’ one more time, I think that I will scream. I went a couple more times to the meetings and then I quit. When I tell my story, people always say that it was terrible for Jill to say that to me. My answer is that ‘I know that Jill was not trying to do me any favors but she did help me tremendously. I don’t believe that I ever said ’uh…uh…uh…’ again. Another member of our chapter, a wonderful girl by the name of Janet came to my house 2 or 3 times and asked me to come back. However, I felt that my time was up. It was time for me to move on. I had learned a great deal. I had gotten what I needed. All through my life, I keep running into ‘Janet’s’. They are truly kind people. I didn’t qualify to be with this gifted group of people. I needed them for a period of time. Armed with what I had learned at Toastmasters, I enrolled in a class for Public Speaking at the community college. Miss Clara our teacher nor anyone else in my class knew that I had been in Toastmasters. The class was predictable and fun. I got a lot of good feedback and good grades Miss Clara. At the end of the year, I got that ‘A’ on my report card. Miss Clara liked me and my speaking. I have used what I learned at Toastmasters and the community college many times during the last 30 years. Most people think that I am just talking normally and that I may be a little aggressive. But then, they don’t know my story and they don’t know where I came from They probably have never even heard of Henry Aldridge……… Please call for a tour of our “HOMES,” for truly they are… And, if you would like to join our circle of caregivers in one of our homes, please contact Linda at 208-755-3637 or linda@lodgeliving.net. We even have gorgeous onsite studio apartments which include meals and all utilities as a part of our employment package. And, we are delighted to schedule around school commitments for our employees who are reaching ever upward. Call us!!
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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019
TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #45 Nov 4th 2019
Collect Tree Bark for Fun Craft Projects
What’s better this fall than taking leisurely family walks to grab some fresh air and enjoy the stimulation of the outdoors? While everyone might recognize houses and neighbors, and get caught up in collecting fallen leaves along the way, this time can also draw everyone’s attention to new discoveries ... like taking a closer look at the bark on trees. Is it knobbly and cracked? Talk about the colors and shapes. Some might even look like pieces to a puzzle. How does bark from an oak look different from that of a maple? If you live in a rural area or near a nature preserve where you are allowed to collect bark on the ground, bring it home for fun craft and decorating projects. Or, if you have a pile of firewood, use the bark from the cut logs and branches. (Never strip bark off of a living tree, as that can harm it.) BIRCH BARK Since we have an abundance of beautiful birch bark strewn in the woods where we walk and hike, I use the outer thin layer for unique craft projects and as a fire starter. Cards: Place a thin layer of bark between heavy books for a day or two to flatten it, then trim the edges and write a note to someone directly on the lightest side of the bark with pen. Tuck it in an envelope and send to a friend. If you have lots of bark, make sets of cards and
envelopes to give as presents. Or simply cut mini gift tags, punch a hole at the end, slip string through and knot. Cover recycled containers: Wrap and glue a piece of birch bark to a tin can for a charming vase or pencil holder, or around a small glass jar for a votive candleholder. Use when camping: When you head off for a camping trip now or next summer, keep in mind that dry birch bark is an ideal fire starter. Collect it from the ground on day hikes, and keep in your pockets for use when you get back to your campsite. OTHER BARKS You can use any kind of bark pieces in creative ways. Outfit a house: Decorate a milk carton bird feeder to hang in your backyard for feathered friends. Cover the “roof” and closed sides with strips of bark in all shapes and sizes, along with a few tiny pine cones. Or, decorate a wooden “house” from a craft store for an indoor story time prop. (Use a glue gun for best results.) Photo frame: Cover a frame with bits and pieces of bark using a glue gun. Place a photo of your family on a nature walk inside.
Donna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” (c) 2019 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.
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