TIDBITS Issue 9 CDA Idaho 2020

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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #46 Nov. 13th 2017Issue #9 Feb. 24th 2020 of Kootenai County, Idaho


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by Janet Spencer In a scene from the play “Macbeth” three witches stand around a cauldron, brewing a stew from eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog—“double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble.” Here’s the story of the play and the trouble it spawned, for Shakespeare’s pen did indeed brew up, in his own words, “a charm of powerful trouble!” FAIR IS FOUL AND FOUL IS FAIR • When Shakespeare first began writing plays, reigning Queen Elizabeth was delighted with his work. Then she died, and the throne went to James VI of Scotland, son of Mary, Queen of Scots, who became King of England. • • James knew tragedy. While he was still in the womb, his mother watched her lover murdered before her eyes. James was taken from his mother shortly after birth. His father was murdered soon after. His mother was forced from the throne of Scotland, imprisoned in England, and beheaded by her cousin, Queen Elizabeth, who James replaced on the throne of England. • James was crowned King of Scotland at the age of 13 months, and began to rule at age 19. He was crowned King of England at the age of 37, and survived several assassination attempts. (cont)


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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th 2020


Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook/tidbitscda

THE CURSE OF MACBETH (cont) • King James was overjoyed with Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare and his company were given royal protection in a day and age when actors were considered scoundrels. They were given generous amounts of money. Shakespeare now had the security, popularity, respect, and money that he needed. As a result, he produced six new plays in the next five years. One of them was the accursed “Macbeth.” • In 1606, the King’s brother-in-law was due to visit. King James commissioned Shakespeare to write a play for the occasion. • James was fascinated by witchcraft. He even wrote a book about Demonology. With this in mind, Shakespeare sat down to write a play that took a serious look at the King’s favorite subject. • The play is about a Scottish general who learns from three witches that he will become King of Scotland. He murders several times to achieve his goal, feeling guilty at the same time, before being murdered himself. • The play is loosely based on a real-life Scottish ruler, Mac Bethad mac Findláich, who ruled in the mid-1000s. He took the throne after killing King Duncan in 1040 and five years later killed Duncan’s father. For the next 14 years, he ruled peacefully, but in 1057 Duncan’s son Malcolm killed him in battle and became king himself. In many ways the drama and intrigue of the real Macbeth mirrored the tragedies suffered by the parents of King James. • Some say that Shakespeare’s witchcraft spells were so faithfully reproduced that they created a curse surrounding the play that is renewed every time the words are uttered. Whatever the case, the play has been surrounded by 400 years of death. (cont)

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th 2020 THE CURSE OF MACBETH (cont) • The curse manifested itself immediately. The young actor scheduled to play Lady Macbeth for King James came down with a fever right before the performance. Some accounts say that he died. Shakespeare himself had to step in at the last minute and play the role, as women were not allowed on stage. King James, who had a secret phobia concerning knives and gore, was horrified by the death scenes which were realistically portrayed. He immediately banned Macbeth for five years. • Shakespeare went on to write many happier plays; King James died of natural causes at an old age; but the curse of Macbeth lives on. • Skeptical? Here is just a sampling of the disasters of Macbeth: • After the ban ended, the play was performed at Shakespeare’s home ground, the Globe Theater. A few days afterwards, the theater burned to the ground and with it all of the company’s scenery, props, costumes, and manuscripts. • In Amsterdam in 1672, Dutch actor Jan de Hoffmeyr substituted a real dagger for the fake knife usually used in the scene where Duncan is murdered, and he died a bloody death in full view of the entire audience. Jan de Hoffmeyr subsequently spent the rest of his life in prison. • In the early 1900s, the Moscow Arts Company was doing a dress rehearsal when actor Stanislavski forgot his lines in the middle of the murder scene. He whispered for a prompt but the prompter was silent. He yelled for a prompt but the prompter was silent. He stamped his foot for the prompter but the prompter was silent. Investigating, he found the prompter slumped over the script, dead. The show never opened. (cont)

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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai Issue #9 Feb 24th 2020 TidbitsCounty, Dallas County


THE CURSE OF MACBETH (cont) • During a 1937 production at Old Vic Theater in England, the theater’s founder suddenly died of a heart attack just before the play opened. Laurence Olivier starring in the lead role missed death by seconds when a sandbag accidentally fell from the ceiling. The curse provided wonderful publicity, ensuring the By Samantha Weaver success of the run. • In 1948 during a production in Connecticut, • * It was American political scientist, econoDiana Wynyard as Lady Macbeth announced mist, psychologist and professor Herbert Sishe thought the curse was ridiculous, which is mon who made the following sage observathe worst possible way to tempt a curse. She tion: “What information consumes is rather decided it was silly to play her sleepwalking obvious: It consumes the attention of its recipiscene with her eyes open, and instead tried it ents. Hence a wealth of information creates a with her eyes closed. She walked off the edge poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that of the stage during the next performance and attention efficiently among the overabundance fell 15 feet. Battered and bruised, she continof information sources that might consume it.” ued the performance. • Those who study such things claim that the act • In a 1942 production starring John Gielgud, of licking a stamp burns one-tenth of a calorie. four people involved in the production died, • The shortest song in the world is “You Suffer,” including two of the Witches and the man recorded in 1986 by the British band Napalm playing Duncan. Death. It lasts precisely 1.316 seconds. • Two days after the show opened at the Por- • Stanley Mason was an inventor who really got tuguese National Theatre, the theatre burned around, in a manner of speaking. In addition down and it took six years to rebuild. to coming with the idea for the granola bar, he • A Russian version of the play scheduled to be also created the squeezable ketchup bottle, the filmed in Georgia was cancelled when nine disposable diaper, heated pizza boxes and the members of the crew died of food poisoning dental floss dispenser. on location. • There are more Polish people living in Chica• During a 1971 production at the Mercer go than in any city on Earth except for Warsaw, O’Casey Theatre, no less than seven burglarPoland’s capital. ies and one fire marred the three-month run. • You might be surprised to learn that the most • Abe Lincoln was quoting passages from the dangerous profession in the country -- in terms play concerning the assassination of Duncan of the percentage of people holding that proto his friends the evening before he was shot. fession who have been killed -- isn’t firefighter • Convinced? To avoid the curse, follow this or police officer, it’s president of the United advice: Walk out of the dressing room, turn States. A total of 9% of our presidents have around three times, curse, knock on the door been assassinated. three times, and then ask for re-admittance. • Renee Zellweger was born the same year that Judy Garland died: 1969. Zellweger played Garland in the movie “Judy,” which debuted 50 years after her death, in 2019, the same year that Zellweger turned 50.

Thought for the Day:

“I think the biggest mistake most people make when they pick their first job is they don’t worry enough about whether they’ll love the work, and they worry more about whether it’s good experience.” -- Steve Ballmer (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue 505-0674 #9 Feb 24th 2020 For Advertising Call (334)

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North Idaho Drawing Large Numbers - Are We Ready For This? It's Happening Now Lake CDA Movers.indd 1

In North Idaho there is true freedom from the rat race - but is that going to change? A lot of folks have felt the call to leave coastal cities, from boths sides of the country with quite a few landing here in Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls, Rathdrum and the list goes on. Now the challenge is how do we not get swallowed up by the rat race when so many arriving here are inadvertantly bringing it with them? With 60,000 people predicted to move to Post Falls over the next 20 years, the traffic and house prices are going to feel the impact, resulting in a rat race. Coeur d'Alene wont grow as fast as it's already a well established city, there just isn't enough room. Maybe those are not big numbers to some, but with 200,000 more people coming to Spokane during that time, it creates pressure, a lot of it, on the people already here. We already get a lot of folks visiting from Spokane and many from Spokane may also end up as our neighbors as more of them make the move from the growth taking place in their city. With all these newcomers, that will create a big business boom and a spike in home prices. But the important call to our city planners is for well planned, controlled and distributed growth. Not reckless building, building, building. We don't want the urban sprawl that overtook dozens of mid size cities in the Puget Sound as Seattle exploded in population to come here. I hope city planners and developers will take a "spread out" approach and be extremely well thought out. Or we are going to lose the quality of life we currently have to the rat race. St. George, Utah (one of the fastest growing cities in the US) is a great example of experiencing a population boom and yet have it so well distributed that there is still room to grow, a lot of room. Our city council folks and community planners are key here. They're direction, our prayers, or some would say votes, would help keep North Idaho a great place to live, enjoy the outdoors, raise a family or retire, or maybe just play golf, ski, and fish. Let's keep our backroads that lead to adventure from becoming overrun by strip malls and urban sprawl by making sure our voices are heard. Truly it's what most of us want. Though companies like mine benefit from all this growth, my true desire is to keep North Idaho, "Idaho".

Ken Wilson - Lake Coeur d’Alene Movers -LakeCDAMovers.com - Post Falls, ID

10/10/19 5:25 PM

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TIDBITS ofTidbits Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th 2020 of Dallas County

By Dr. Holly Carling


No one, to my knowledge, has ever walked into a car dealer and asked for the slowest car they have. That their preferred model was slow to start, slow to get up and go, and just moseys’ along. No, we want fast! That is no truer than with our own personal get up and go. No one wants to be tired, have a hard time getting up in the morning, have to consume coffee or do something to get their engines roaring every day. But for many, it seems for most, that is the case today. Addiction to coffee, sugar and other substances to get moving and feel alive seems to be the American way. We are typically so tired, that we no longer even realize we’re tired, and most don’t realize that they are using foods, drinks and other substances to keep them up. I’m amazed at how many people, having been treated at our clinic, tell me that until they started to feel so much better, they didn’t realize how far down they had gone in energy levels. Others come in for seemingly unrelated symptoms and report their energy is “fine.” As we treat the underlying cause of their primary symptom, they find their energy is up, and that they hadn’t even realized how low it actually was. We can adapt amazingly well when we have to.

• Lightly spoon flour into your measuring cup. Never pack it down or tap the cup to level. Simply fill and then use the flat edge of a knife to remove the excess back to the original container. It’s best to weigh dry goods if possible, for the most consistent results. • “Here’s a delicious recipe that’s also beautiful: Homemade sugar scrub! Mix a cup of sugar with a tablespoon of salt and a quarter cup of olive oil. Use in the bath to scrub away rough patches and leave your skin smooth and hydrated. You can add a drop of perfume or essential oil for scent.” -- R.K. in Indiana • “It feels like we have less and less time with our doctors, and mine feels that way, too. Before I head to my appointment, I make a list of my top three discussion items and copy it out again for the doctor. When he walks in, I hand him the list so we stay on topic.” -- C.E. in Massachusetts • Use clean tin cans to make and decorate tiny cakes. They can be used just like a regular cake pan, just grease and dust with flour. Be sure to use only cans that are not lined with anything, because some cans are lined with BPA plastic! • “I have heard the tip to spray a thread end with hairspray to keep it stiff for threading, but I didn’t have any hairspray. I used a touch of hair gel, and it worked too.” -- T. in Kentucky • “You can reuse the envelopes that come in junk mail and solicitations. I use them to keep coupons together for when I go to the store, and magazine clippings that I save for my daughter.” -- M.W. in Alabama

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.(c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.


But at some point, the engine gets so sluggish, you can barely eek performance out of it. I remember one patient, decades ago, who came in with chronic fatigue. She was so tired all the time that even her car was tired! I know that sounds funny, but it would appear to be so. In a 6 month period of time, she was involved in an industrial injury, followed by 6 car accidents, all rear-end collisions! (Try sorting that one out between insurance companies!). She hadn’t been able to work in years, was unable to have children, she was having relationship issues as a result of her fatigue, and was just unable to participate in life. It took time, but we were able to get her back to life again. She became the lively, intelligent woman her husband married her for and was able to work again. We put measures in place to make sure that when followed, she’d never get herself into that kind of a jallopy again. There are many reasons why fatigue may be hindering a quality life for you. Like your car, there are vital components that if they are not working properly, things are going to run pretty sluggishly. You may be chortling, glugging, sputtering, and just creeping along, just trying to get through your daily destinations. Life doesn’t have to be that way. You need a health mechanic – one with the proper diagnostic tools to assess where the breakdowns are, and know how to get you first off the starting line!

Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www.vitalhealthcda. com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue505-0674 #9 Feb 24th 2020 For Advertising CallIdaho (334)

Rambling Dog Raises NeighAgent Orange Exposure Out- bor’s Hackles DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My neighbor’s dog side of Vietnam routinely gets out of their house and runs around The Government Accounting Office stepped into the fray to document exactly where all the Agent Orange was used and stored when it released a report entitled “Actions Needed to Improve Accuracy and Communication of Information on Testing and Storage Locations” in November 2018. The GAO report compared the records it had unearthed against the information provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense. It found that half of Agent Orange was used in Southeast Asia but that records were incomplete. Of the 13.9 million gallons of AO shipped, documentation was only found for 12.1 million gallons. The GAO took the VA and the DOD to task for omitting testing and storage locations and for failing to update the locations for more than a decade -- even though both had been getting reports about it since 2006. In 2006 the GAO found 40 locations not in Vietnam, some in the U.S., that never made it to the DOD list provided to the VA. Now, at the GAO’s prodding, the DOD has provided a list (posted on the VA website) of U.S. locations where Agent Orange was tested, disposed of or stored: Arkansas, California, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Ohio, Oregon, Kansas, Mississippi, Washington, Puerto Rico, Texas, Georgia, Montana, Indiana, Florida and Utah. How’s that for close to home? Foreign countries include Cambodia, Canada, India, Johnston Atoll, Korea, Laos and Thailand. Veterans trying to verify or determine their exposure to AO have been stymied, of course. As of June 30, 2018, the VA denied service-connected decisions to more than 58,250 veterans for service outside Vietnam. To read the whole GAO report, go to www.gao.gov/assets/700/695490.pdf. Be sure to read the Objectives, Scope and Methodology sections starting on page 62. The GAO left no stone unturned.

in our yard. He is a huge mixed-breed who looks kind of like a pit bull. He hasn’t acted aggressively, though. That’s one issue, but my other problem is that we are adopting a puppy from the shelter soon. Does the neighbor’s dog present a danger to my puppy? -- Claire T. in Columbus, Ohio DEAR CLAIRE: Years ago, my neighbors had a black Lab, “Terry,” who was great friends with my hound dog mix, Pharaoh. Terry was allowed to roam as he pleased, and his favorite thing was to lift the latch on my backyard gate and let Pharaoh out so they could ramble the streets together. I loved that they were friends, but I didn’t like having to go and find them constantly. Roaming dogs are always a reason for concern, even if they seem friendly. If you and your neighbors are on good terms, talk to them and ask if there is a solution to their dog wandering into your yard. You’ll probably need to put up stronger fencing, unless the fence is on their side -- and that enters the whole realm of property lines and who fixes what. It’s up to you whether you want to let them know you’re getting a puppy. If you’re on good terms, and they’re willing to work with you to fix the issue with their dog, you can suggest introducing the dogs to each other after your new puppy has had his shots. This should be done with both you and your neighbor present, and with both dogs on a leash, just in case one of the dogs becomes aggressive. Send your tips, comments and questions to ask@ pawscorner.com. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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® ofIdaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #9 Feb 24th 2020 Tidbits Dallas


ForofAdvertising TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #9505-0674 Feb 24th 2020 COUCH THEATER VIDEO/DVD PREVIEWS

PHOTO: Matt Damon, Christian Bale in “Ford v Ferrari” Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox Film Corp.

“Ford v Ferrari” (PG-13) -- In 1966, designer and engineer Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon) was challenged by Ford exec Lee Iacocca to design a car using a Ford engine that would be so fast, it could beat Enzo Ferrari, the prevailing champion design, in the 24 Hours of Le Mans race. He accepted, but with the stipulation that it required the addition of a driver who could instinctually manage the necessary level of power. He recruited British driver Ken Miles (Christian Bale), as talented and driven as Shelby, if a bit more dramatic. It’s about racing and strong personalities. But it’s also about relationships and trust, and the kind of belief in others that’s necessary to reach the next level in this deadly sport. I enjoyed it both for the exciting race scenes and for the brotherhood and collaboration. Directed by James Mangold. “Roma” (R) -- Director Alfonso Cuaron breathes life into 1970s Mexico City, seen through the eyes of Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio), a live-in domestic worker for an upper-middle-class family with four children. She cares for the children and home she lives in, and explores and loses a relationship, all with the backdrop of upheaval -- tensions in the streets and in the falling apart of her employers’ marriage. It’s shot in black and white, with an exquisitely sentimental feel. Aparicio is brand new to acting, but gives a solid performance. Her quiet triumphs and solemn tragedies are not overdramatized; they feel authentic. It’s likely as much due to Cuaron, for whom this is semi-autobiographical, really a love song to a time and place in his past. “Waves” (R) -- Complicated relationships are the forefront of this family drama. Tyler (Kelvin Harrison Jr.) is a talented and popular highschool wrestler. He’s also damaged goods, nursing a critical injury. He is driven by his heavy-handed father, Ronald (a tight performance by Sterling K. Brown), and supported by his sympathetic stepmother (Renee Elise Goldsberry). Taylor Russell plays Tyler’s younger sister. It’s no surprise that the film is titled “Waves.” In addition to being set in South Florida, where the ocean provides perspective, the story is wave after wave of action and reaction. And that’s the essential question it asks: Where does another’s influence end and one’s responsibility begin? “The Good Liar” (R) -- Ian McKellen plays Roy Courteney, a lifelong degenerate and con man who, along with his partner Vincent (Jim Carter), defrauds unsuspecting dupes of their money via offshore accounts. His latest target is Betty, played by Helen Mirren, a sweet widow with a big bank account. Roy works his magic, and just as the deed is on the cusp of being done, the plot thickens. Although McKellen and Mirren are lovely, you can see this con coming a mile away. NEW TV RELEASES “Preacher” Final Season “Swamp Thing” The Complete Series “Game of Thrones” Season 8 “Fleabag” Season 1

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• On March 7, 1876, 29-year-old Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for his revolutionary new invention -- the telephone. Bell’s patent filing beat a similar claim by Elisha Gray by only two hours. • On March 6, 1899, the Imperial Patent Office in Berlin registers Aspirin, the brand name for acetylsalicylic acid, on behalf of the German pharmaceutical company Friedrich Bayer & Co. In its primitive form, the active ingredient, salicin, was used for centuries in folk medicine. • On March 2, 1925, the first nationwide highway numbering system is instituted to minimize confusion. Later, interstate highway numbering would be improved by colored signs and the odd-even demarcation that distinguishes between north-south and east-west travel. • On March 3, 1931, President Herbert Hoover signs a congressional act making “The StarSpangled Banner” the official national anthem of the United States. Francis Scott Key had composed the lyrics as he witnessed the overnight British bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. • On March 4, 1966, Beatle John Lennon’s controversial quote is printed in the London Evening Standard: “We’re more popular than Jesus.” After a reprint in the U.S., Bible belt radio DJs organized Beatles record burnings and protests, declaring Lennon’s remarks blasphemous. Even the Vatican chimed in. Lennon eventually apologized. • On March 5, 1977, the Dial-a-President radio program, featuring President Jimmy Carter, airs for the first time. Carter answered calls from all over the country from his desk in the Oval Office. Approximately 9 million calls flooded the CBS radio studio during the twohour broadcast. • On March 8, 1986, “Mask,” starring Eric Stoltz and Cher, opens. Cher, who had launched a serious acting career with her appearance in Robert Altman’s “Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean” in 1982, received the Best Actress prize at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in “Mask.” (c) 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th 2020 ForofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674

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Less Money Despite Social Security Increase

I’ll be worse off financially this year, despite the Social Security increase we just received. I won’t be the only one. For the average recipient who receives $1,460 per month, that 1.6% equates to a gain of $23.36 per month. Medicare went up $9.10 to $144.60, so that drops the extra cash to $14.26. Except my Medicare supplement went up $42 and the drug plan went up as well. Rent went up $20 per month, justified by management with the “big increase” in Social Security we all got. With so many of us in the same situation, we need to think of ways to save money: If you take a daily newspaper and pay for it by the month, calculate whether you’ll save money if you pay for it by the year. If you have a tablet, ask if they offer a digital subscription at a lower rate. Making yearly payments might also work for your car or homeowner insurance. Call the local food bank about getting free food. Don’t worry about running into someone you know. Just make the call. Whatever you get from them you won’t have to buy at the store. Check into “senior helper” groups in your area. These are people who volunteer to take care of home repairs for free, instead of paying a plumber $150 per hour. If you have a credit card, make payments on time. Check AARP’s member discounts. Buy at Goodwill. Ask for lower prices. Buy generic groceries. Get serious about clipping coupons. Ask about senior discount day. If you love movies, consider that the price of Netflix for one month is the same as seeing one movie at a theater. Check online for a FreeCycle in your area (freecycle.org) and get things you need or want for free. And always, always ask for your senior discount. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

(by Legacy Retirement Communities, KSL.com/article/46616897) According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 1 in 10 adults age 65 and older have Alzheimer’s disease, which is a type of dementia, with one person diagnosed every 65 seconds across the United States. Since early intervention is key when it comes to Alzheimer’s, it’s important to recognize when your loved one’s forgetfulness is something more serious. They feel forgetful. Some days it may feel kike you’re the one losing your mind. But if your mom, dad, aunt, uncle or any elderly relative says they are feeling more forgetful, and it is happening frequently, you may have cause for concern. According to Fisher Centers for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, current research shows that seniors complaining of memory problems are 4.5 times more likely to develop a mild cognitive impairment or dementia over several years. If you family member is having a hard time recalling basic information—like their address, phone number, or the name of the current president—this could be a sign of cognitive impairment. Take note when they complain about forgetfulness; if it’s happening more and more frequently, it might be time to consult an aging specialist. But if memory loss problems are negatively impacting your loved one’s life, seek the help of a geriatric care professional. This loss of time orientation can be alarming for many reasons. It could lead to your loved one forgetting to take their medications, eat meals, and miss appointments, which will affect their physical and mental health. A memory care community can help with daily living activities. They’re getting repetitive. Have you noticed your loved one is getting repetitive more often? According to Social Care Institute for Excellence, people experiencing dementia are frequently repetitive in both word and action. Dementia can affect short-term memory, so those afflicted may say the same thing over and over again, and often in the same conversation. If you’re worried about your loved one’s increasingly repetitive behavior, visit a doctor together to express your concern. They have difficulty with conversations. Struggling with communication is a common issue for those suffering from a cognitive impairment like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. If your elderly relative is finding it difficult to participate in conversations, or even following them, it could be a sign of something more serious than simple aging. The Alzheimer’s Association lists the disease’s 10 early signs – one of those signs is forgetting basic vocabulary or calling things by the wrong name. This can make conversations difficult – both for you and your relative. A support group or senior living community can help with communication skills. They are getting lost. We all get lost from time to time, but if either of your parents are frequently getting lost in places that they are familiar with, that could be a warning sign. Being disoriented can be confusing, frightening, and potentially life-threatening for the elderly. People with Alzheimer’s can have a hard time retracing their steps, which can make it dangerous for them to go places without assistance. They are also at risk to wander aimlessly. If you are worried about your loved one getting lost, you may want to evaluate their housing and transportation situation. Simple tasks just aren’t simple anymore. If daily tasks like taking medications, grooming, cooking, driving, and using the bathroom are becoming confusing or overwhelming for your loved one, it may be time to meet with a geriatrician. According to the Mayo Clinic, when simple tasks – like following a recipe – are too difficult or take longer than they should, there may be more than simple aging at play. For those suffering from dementia or other memory loss issues, living on their own may not be safe… Please call for a tour of our “HOMES,” for truly they are… And, if you would like to join our circle of caregivers or volunteers in one of our homes, please contact Linda at 208-755-3637 or linda@lodgeliving.net. And, we are delighted to schedule around school commitments for our employees and volunteers who are reaching ever upward. Call us!!

Linda Davis Director of building relationships. 208.457.3403 www.LodgeLiving.net

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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #9 Feb 24th 2020 Tidbits Dallas

1. Birds of Prey (R) Margot Robbie, Rosie Perez 2. Bad Boys for Life (R) Will Smith, Vanessa Hudgens 3. 1917 (R) Dean-Charles Chapman, George MacKay 4. Dolittle (PG) Robert Downey Jr., Antonio Banderas 5. Jumanji: The Next Level (PG-13) Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black 6. The Gentlemen (R) Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam 7. Gretel & Hansel (PG-13) Sophia Lillis, Alice Krige 8. Knives Out (PG-13) Daniel Craig, Chris Evans 9. Little Women (PG) Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson 10. Star Wars: Episode IX -- The Rise of Skywalker (PG-13) Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.


ARIES (March 21 to April 19) There could be some negative reaction to your tough stance when making a recent decision. But overall, your efforts result in well-earned recognition and all that can follow from that. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your financial situation seems confusing, even for the fiscally savvy Bovine. Maybe it’s the conflicting advice you’re getting. Check it out before things get too tangled to unknot. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A relaxed attitude goes a long way in helping you deal with any of life’s irritants that might be popping up this week. You’re also a reassuring role model for others in the same situation. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your aspect favors creativity, which should persuade you to work on your artistic projects. If time is a problem, prioritize your commitments so that your work isn’t compromised. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Scrutinize all the job offers that interest you. Most are honest and worth considering. But a few might not be completely forthcoming about what the job is and what the salary and benefits are. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) An unexpected snafu could delay the completion of a project you’re eager to finish. Find out what’s causing it, fix it, and if you need help, don’t be shy about asking for it. Good luck. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) An idea that could be helpful to you comes from an unlikely source. Listen to it. Discuss it. If necessary, adjust it. If it looks as if it might work out quite well, go ahead and use it. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Be careful about allowing someone to share a very personal secret with you. This could cause problems down the line with others who are involved in that person’s private life. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A cooling down of a relationship could be the result of neglect, unintended or not. To save it from icing over, you need to warm it up with a large dose of hot Sagittarius passion. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) This is a good time to get involved with a number of family matters that involve money and other issues that might jeopardize the closeness between and among family members. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Cheer up. That difficult person who appears to be deliberately stalling your project might just need to be reassured of the value she or he brings to it. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Good news! Expect to feel re-energized now that you’ve gone through that stressful energy-depleting period involving a lot of changes. Now, go out there and show them what you can do.


You have a warm, giving nature that inspires many to follow your example. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th 2020

Understanding the big picture. Annual wellness visits provide a mechanism to look at mind, body and spirit.

By MARC STEWART Heritage Health In an era of computers and hand-held devices, health care providers are looking back to an old-fashioned approach to medicine, talking with patients about whatever might ail them. In recent years, the health care industry has created the annual wellness visit. Annual wellness visits focus on preventative care for health and wellness issues and developing strategies to address them based on the patient’s overall health and risk factors such as family history, smoking, eating habits and substance abuse. “We’ve found that there are a lot of factors that influence a person’s overall health,” said Dr. Peter Purrington, Heritage Health’s Chief Medical Officer. “Knowing a patient’s social interactions with friends and family is important to understanding stress and accom-

panying behaviors. A patient might be using alcohol as a coping mechanism for undiagnosed depression. We can connect the dots and provide resources to help that patient.” It’s an approach gaining popularity across the country because it allows the provider to create a master plan and schedule important tests, such as colonoscopies and mammograms that can help detect cancer. `“Early detection saves lives and the annual wellness visit provides an avenue for a referral to those screenings,” he said. “If we can save lives by having those conversations, it is invaluable.” People often confuse annual wellness visits and annual physicals. “Patients need to ask for an annual wellness visit,” said Purrington. “It is similar to but different than an annual physical. Ultimately, they are different things.” What are the differences? An annual wellness visit allows the patient to sit down with their provider and review all aspects of their life. Think of it as a wholistic approach to health care, focusing on mind, body and spirit. A physical is simply looking at a person’s body and how its functioning.

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An annual physical is a more extensive exam that typically includes drawing a patient’s blood and sending it to the laboratory to check things like cholesterol, white blood cell counts and liver and kidney function. Physicals might also include a lung exam, head and neck exam, abdominal exam and a check of your reflexes. “Your medical provider cares about you and annual wellness visits are a great opportunity for you to talk with your provider about all of your health concerns,” said Purrington.

To schedule an annual wellness examination call (208) 620-5250


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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #51 Dec. 16th 2019


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