TIDBITS Issue 4 CDA Idaho 2021

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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #46 Nov. 13th 2017

of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #4 Jan. 25th 2021


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by Janet Spencer Come along with us as we wear clothing! A SWEATER • James Thomas Brudenell was the son of an earl, born into a pampered life in Britain. When his father died, he inherited the title of earl and was called by the title of the place he lived. He wanted an important position in the British army. In 1824 he got it, even though he had no military training. • At the time it was accepted practice for rich people to be handed military appointments. When England went up against Russia in the Crimean War, he was given command of the Light Brigade of Cavalry and named brigadier general. While the men of the Light Brigade slept in mud, he slept on his nearby yacht. He wore shiny boots and tall plumed hats. On chilly days he often wore a jacket-like sweater. According legend, he didn’t like the sweater to hide the gilt edging on his royal blue tunic, so he wore only sweaters that hung open down the front. • When he made his suicide ride through Balaklava leading the charge of the Light Brigade, he went down in history. Today we remember Brudenell for the open sweater he wore which is named after the place he lived, a style later made famous by Mr. Rogers on his children’s show in the 1960s. What’s it called? (Answer next page)


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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #4 Jan. 25th 2021


Evelyn Bevacqua Howe 212. W. Ironwood Dr., Suite D,# 224, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Cell: 208.755.9120 Email: Tidbitscda@gmail.com www.tidbitscda.com Facebook/tidbitscda

Answer: Cardigan, after the Earl of Cardigan. A COLORFUL CLOTH • The process of tie-dying a piece of cloth involves tying up sections of the cloth in tight knots before dipping it into the dye. The looser parts of the cloth absorb more of the dye and become darker, while the tighter parts within the knot absorb less of the dye and remain lighter. The result is interesting symmetrical patterns. • The art of tie-dying began in India where the colorful dyed cloth was called “bandhnu.” This word can be traced to the Sanskrit root word “bhendh” meaning “bind.” • In the 1500s when Portuguese explorers first reached India, they bought pieces of the colorful dyed cloth, but altered the pronunciation and the spelling of the name. That pronunciation and spelling was further altered when the word came into English. • Whereas the word originally referred to pieces of dyed silk, today it refers to squares of cotton cloth which are typically imprinted with a paisley pattern. Housewives and hippies use use them to hold their hair back, cowboys and farmers use them to keep the sweat from dripping down their necks, and bank robbers use them to cover their faces. Often they are used as handkerchiefs. They come in all colors but are most typically found in red or blue. What are they called? Answer: Bandanas. • SKIN TIGHT • •Jules was born in France sometime around 1839, the son of a gymnastics instructor. At the age of 18 he rigged up a swinging bar suspended by two ropes. This was named the “trapeze” from the Latin word “trapezium” denoting “a quadrilateral having no parallel sides” which is also the root of the word “trapezoid.” (cont)

• “If you have a bunch of picture frames that don’t match or ones that are nicked or have small cosmetic damages, just paint them. Choose a matching color for all, and you have a collection.” -- T.L. in Florida • Kitchen tip: You can slice mushrooms in an egg slicer. • If your sneakers are smelly, try this: Stick a sheet of fabric softener in each one. Let them set overnight, and most of them time, the smell will be gone by morning. Of course, you should rotate your tennies to help them “breathe,” since wearing your shoes day after day can foster bacteria growth -- meaning your sneaks will be really stinky. • “To get sheets and towels to dry faster, try adding a tennis ball to the dryer. It bounces around inside while the cycle is going, and breaks up large items that tend to crumple into a ball.” -- C.L. in Illinois • When you get near the end of a roll of paper towels, save it to put in your car. Pull together a kit to keep in the car with the following items: a small bottle of glass cleaner, a squeeze bottle of water, some wet wipes and the short roll of paper towels. You will always be ready for a quick on-the-road cleanup. • The kitchen and the bathroom are the worst places in the house to store medicines and vitamins. Humidity and heat can damage the properties of the compounds. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #4 Jan. 25th 2021 SKIN TIGHT (cont) • Jules began experimenting with rings, ropes, and the trapeze, suspended over a swimming pool. In 1859 he became the first person to turn a somersault in mid-air and the first to jump from one trapeze to the next. The safety net had not yet been invented so he landed on a stack of mattresses. He became rich and famous, appearing before sold-out audiences. • He died in 1870, possibly of typhoid. By then, other circus performers had copied the skin tight garment, as well as ballet dancers, gymnasts, and acrobats. The stretchable tights now carry his last name. What was it? Answer: Leotard. FORMAL ATTIRE • In the 1880s formal attire for a wealthy man meant a suit with tails, but there’s always somebody to challenge the rules of fashion. The Lorillard Tobacco Company is the oldest tobacco company in America. Pierre Lorillard IV was heir to that impressive fortune. He had an estate about 40 miles north of Manhattan, where he developed a community and founded a country club. • The annual Autumn Ball was scheduled for the fall of 1886, and Pierre was trying to decide what to wear. He thought of Edward VII, Prince of Wales. When the Prince visited India, he had a tailor cut off the tails of his coat due to the oppressive heat, and he’d been sporting the short-tailed look ever since. He thought of the scarlet riding jackets of British fox hunters, which were also short and sporty. So he had his tailor make several suit coats without the required tails. (cont)

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FORMAL ATTIRE (cont) • According to legend, on the evening of the ball, Lorillard chickened out, fearing people would laugh. Instead, his son Griswold wore the short-tailed coat. Nobody laughed. Instead, they copied the style. • The new suitcoat was named after the country club, which was named after the community, By Lucie Winborne which was named after the Algonquian Indian • The most leaves ever found on a clover is 56. word for “wolf.” Today the attire is standard • In 2012, General Mills sent professional basat proms, weddings, and formal functions. ketball player Jeremy Lin a special jersey What’s it called? made entirely out of Fruit Roll-Ups after he Answer: Tuxedo. tweeted about his love for the snack. • The southern polar region of Enceladus, one A TINY SWIM SUIT of Saturn’s moons, contains cryovolcanoes, • In the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean an exotic type of geyser that spews ice instead there’s an island that takes its name from a of magma. corruption of the Marshallese words “pik” • Aluminum is infinitely recyclable, with nearmeaning “surface” and “ni” meaning “cocoly 75% of all aluminum ever produced still in nut” meaning “the place of floating coconuts.” use today. After World War II, the U.S. needed a place • The first footprints on the moon will remain to test nuclear weapons, so they searched for there for a million years. a remote location. The “floating coconut” is- • A Kansas man requested that an Iowa court land was chosen, and the inhabitants were regrant his motion for trial by combat. His oplocated. ponents? His ex-wife and her attorney, whom • On July 1, 1946, the first of 23 nuclear bombs he desired to meet “on the field of battle” in was dropped. More than half of the world’s order to “rend their souls from their corporeal supply of motion picture film was on hand to bodies.” record it for the world to see. • The world’s largest recorded snowflake mea• Meanwhile, back in France, designer Louis sured 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick. Réard was designing the world’s smallest • Similar to how human babies suck their swimsuit. Whereas one-piece swimsuits were thumbs for comfort, baby elephants suck on accepted, two-piece bathing suits were scantheir trunks. dalous, and he was designing two-piece bath- • In the Middle Ages, a man’s wealth was meaing suits that were barely there at all. sured by his stockpile of pepper. • Because the word “atomic” had entered the • A 639-year performance by an automated language meaning “sensational” and because organ, based on avant-garde composer John the bomb was splitting the atom just as he was Cage’s “As Slow as Possible,” started in Sepsplitting the bathing suit, he named his creation tember 2001 and is still running at St. Buchaafter the island. He couldn’t find a model willrd Church in Germany. Progressing so slowly ing to wear it, so he hired a stripper to model it that visitors have to wait months for a chord at a Paris fashion show on July 5, 1946. What’s change, it is scheduled to conclude in 2640. the name shared by the island and the swimsuit? • Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin brought a chalice, bread and wine to the moon to take Answer: Bikini. communion.

Thought for the Day:

“Yet I had rather be remembered as those brave beginners are, though many of them missed the triumph, than as the latecomers will be, who only beat the drums and wave the banners when the victory is won.” -- Louisa May Alcott (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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TIDBITS ofTidbits Kootenai® County, Idaho Issue #4 Jan. 25th 2021 of Dallas County


By Dr. Holly Carling

Losing Weight is Serious Business

Next is a plan. This would be akin to a business plan, or an agenda for an important meeting. This must be an action plan – what you are planning to do to make this goal happen. A good action plan includes determining the goal (see above), then establishing the strategies. How are you going to eat? What can you eat, what can’t you eat. This needs to be concrete, otherwise, it’s too easy to blur the lines, then blur them again and again until there’s no real diet. Assign responsibilities for yourself and others too if you can. If you’re not good at shopping without getting things forbidden on your diet, make a list and have someone else shop for you. Get (or assign someone to get) all temptations out of the house (either permanently or while you are trying to accomplish your goal). Who will do the cooking? What will you eat that you can easily prepare for breakfast and lunch (the two meals most abused), as well as dinner? Next you have to anticipate obstacles. Plan for what could go wrong and put in preventive measures at the beginning, or how you will handle them as they arise. Be prepared to modify them if needed. There is a saying that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Don’t be surprised if you find that losing weight is serious business and if you follow basic business or meeting rules, losing weight will be successful this year!

Most people who set out to lose weight, approach it as a one-time, heavy hit endeavor. Do this diet or that one with gusto, then go back to life as normal, or a modified “livable” diet for a while afterwards. But what would happen if we approached it like we did a new business, or even an important meeting? Except for rare occasions, one would not think of doing either without a goal or a plan. The first step is the goal. A goal must be measurable and include a target date. You can’t just say “I’m going to lose weight this year”, it’s too ethereal. It is better to say “I’m going to lose 10 pounds by March 1st”. Take it in realistic chunks. If the date is too far off, it won’t be real enough and you’ll lose steam. Set it up in multiple weekly, monthly or quarterly results (real weight loss numbers), that is realistically achievable – which is another component of a good goal – realistically achievable. Don’t set it too high that you know you can’t reach it. Another quality of a goal is that there is a cost or consequence at the other end if you don’t accomplish it. If there’s no consequence, there’s no motivation and you’ll just blow past your date/ weight goal and say “oh well!” Lastly, a goal has more solidity if you write it down and tell someone. That someone should be a support and be willing to hold you accountable.. Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over three decades of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www.vitalhealthcda.com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-7651994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Issue505-0674 #4 Jan. 25th 2021 For Advertising CallIdaho (334)

by Freddy Groves

Get the VA Welcome Kit

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been out for years or are just now separating from the service, the Department of Veterans Affairs has a gift for you: the VA Welcome Kit. It’s something every veteran needs to have on hand for current information you need now or things that can come up over the years. It’s all about your VA benefits and the services it offers for the veteran, families, survivors and caregivers. Each kit has over a dozen quickstart guides for a wide array of topics, including health services for women, accessing urgent care, mental health services, getting caregiver benefits, home loans, explanation of disability ratings, applying for burial in a VA cemetery and getting educational benefits. They give step-bystep instructions, as well as listing the documents you’ll need, links to specific web pages (put your cursor on one and click), telephone numbers and departments within the VA system. Getting one of the kits is easy: Just download it (www.va.gov/welcome-kit) as a .PDF file either in black and white or color. If you only want one specific guide, scroll down the page and pick your topic. Further down are links to other topics such as housing assistance, careers, life insurance, pension and more. I give this kit an A grade. The VA put a lot of thought into it, and it’s well done. Take a look. So far there have been over 1 million downloads. Suggestion: Print it out (42 pages) and put it in a folder so it’s handy. As a final note: Are you still doing the full minute hand washing? Never mind the 20 second wash, go for the full minute. Keep your nails short and scrubbed. Wash often. It doesn’t matter that the vaccine is now being given. Don’t slack off. For a long time we’ll still need to do the distancing and mask wearing ... and hand washing. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

TRIVIA TEST By Fifi Rodriguez 1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the longest river in Asia? 2. TELEVISION: What is the name of the trashcan dweller in PBS’ “Sesame Street”? 3. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of nuts are used to make marzipan? 4. MOVIES: What incantation did the fairy godmother use to transform the character in Disney’s animated “Cinderella”? 5. MEDICAL: What is a more common name for onychocryptosis? 6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a male goose called? 7. LITERATURE: In which famous work did the phrase “eat, drink and be merry” appear? 8. MUSIC: What is the most watched video on YouTube? 9. CHEMISTRY: What is the chemical symbol of potassium? 10. AD SLOGANS: Which company sells its popular clothing with the slogan, “Quality never goes out of style”? Answers 1. Yangtze River 2. Oscar the Grouch 3. Almonds 4. “Bibbidi bobbidi boo” 5. Ingrown toenail 6. A gander 7. The Bible 8. “Baby Shark Dance” 9. K 10. Levi’s (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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ForofAdvertising TIDBITS Kootenai County,Call Idaho(334) Issue #4505-0674 Jan. 25th 2021 COUCH THEATER VIDEO/DVD PREVIEWS

PHOTO: “Jumanji: The Next Level”Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures

Many jokes have been made at the year 2020’s expense. We could all have done without the fear and anxiety of a global pandemic that’s still all too real today, but being homebound has had some benefits. Maybe you learned to bake bread or tend a potted garden, mastered homeschooling or finally fixed that leaky toilet. It wasn’t all bad. Here are five films that were released for home viewing in 2020 that prove my point. “Jumanji: The Next Level” (PG-13) -- Spencer Gilpin, home on a college break, jumps right back into Jumanji -- forcing his gang (Bethany, Fridge and Martha) to follow suit. For good measure, Spencer’s grandpa Eddie (Danny DeVito) and Eddie’s estranged business partner Milo (Danny Glover) are sucked into the game, too. With mixed-up avatars and some fun new additions (Awkwafina joins as a new avatar, Ming Fleetfoot), this fantasy comedy delivers a racing pace, some rollicking good laughs and a surprisingly sweet ending. “Jojo Rabbit” (PG-13) -- Young Jojo is a Hitler Youth believer. He believes so hard that Adolf Hitler is his imaginary friend (played hilariously by Taika Waititi, who also writes and directs), the one who gives him a bucking up when the boys at camp come down on him. He has a perennially positive and optimistic single mother (Scarlett Johansson) with a secret. Its discovery leads Jojo to reflect on his own nationalistic beliefs and racism while the makeshift family confronts the final days of World War II. “Parasite” (R) -- South Korea’s sleeper hit is a black comedy that effortlessly tackles social aspirations and class conflict. The Kim family lives in a squalid basement of a basement, with no prospects and no resources. Son Ki-woo fakes some credentials and takes a job as a tutor to the daughter of the filthy rich Park family, living the good life by association. Getting there was only part of the battle, though. The ends inevitably begin to unravel, with macabre consequences. Written and directed by acclaimed director Bong Joon Ho. “Just Mercy” (PG-13) -- Michael B. Jordan plays a young, morally ambitious Harvard law graduate who goes to Alabama to seek justice on behalf of poverty- and racism-stricken death row inmates. He starts with Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx), wrongfully convicted of murder and overcome by hopelessness. It’s uplifting and tugs at your heartstrings, plus it’s filled with topnotch actors and is based on a true story. “1917” (R) -- A riveting first-person war story by celebrated director Sam Mendes, “1917” centers around two British lance corporals, Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) and Schofield (George MacKay), who are sent across enemy territory to stop a division of British soldiers from advancing into a deadly German ambush. In the thick of war, through the dead of night and with almost no time in which to complete this impossible feat, the two soldiers set out with singular, unwavering focus. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• On Feb. 1, 1790, the Supreme Court of the United States meets in New York City for the first time, with Chief Justice John Jay presiding. The U.S. Supreme Court was established by Article Three of the U.S. Constitution, which took effect in March 1789. • On Feb. 7, 1812, the most violent of a series of earthquakes near Missouri causes a so-called fluvial tsunami in the Mississippi River, making the river run backward for several hours. The strongest of the aftershocks, an 8.8-magnitude, caused church bells to ring in Boston, over a thousand miles away. • On Feb. 4, 1861, delegates from South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana convene to establish the Confederate States of America. Within two months, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee all had joined the Confederacy. • On Feb. 6, 1891, three members of the Dalton Gang stage an unsuccessful train robbery in California -- an inauspicious beginning to their careers as serious criminals. A year later, the gang botched another robbery, boldly attempting to hit two Kansas banks at the same time. • On Feb. 3, 1953, French oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau publishes “The Silent World,” a memoir about his time exploring the oceans. In 1950, Lord Guinness, a British patron, bought him an old British minesweeper to use for his underwater explorations. Cousteau christened it Calypso. • On Feb. 2, 1980, details of ABSCAM, an FBI sting operation to uncover political corruption in the government, are released to the public. Thirty-one public officials were targeted. In the operation, FBI agents posed as representatives of a fictional Arab business, offering money in exchange for special favors. • On Feb. 5, 2003, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell gives a speech to the United Nations justifying an invasion of Iraq that is full of fabrications. Powell later called it a “blot” on his record. (c) 2021 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

TIDBITS Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #4 Jan. 25th 2021 ForofAdvertising Call (334) 505-0674

“Wisdom, Culture, Love, and Story-telling”

By Matilda Charles

Ordering Your Free Credit Reports

For years we’ve been able to get one free credit report per year from each of the three credit bureaus. Right now, we’re able to get a free one each week until the middle of April. Why? Their generosity is likely due to the astronomical number of scams coming out of the COVID crisis. The number of unemployed crooks has surely gone up, making your good credit too enticing to pass up. This is one time when constantly monitoring our credit is a good idea. Besides ordering your credit reports, one additional big step is to freeze your account, making it impossible for someone to apply for credit in your name. All three credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian) can be accessed in the government clearinghouse website www.annualcreditreport. com ... theoretically, that is. In 2015, 2017 and today, I was only able to access TransUnion. For the other two I had to go to the individual website. One I had to call, as the website was down. If you decide to order your credit reports by phone, allot several hours to the task and turn down any background noise so you’ll be able to hear clearly. Go to www.usa.gov/credit-reports to learn more about credit reports, scores, freezes and errors. If you want to try to get all three reports at once, call 1-877-322-8228 at the Annual Credit Report location. The others are: Equifax: 1-888-548-7878 or 1-800-685-1111; equifax.com. Experian: 1-888-397-3742; experian.com. TransUnion: 1-800-916-8800 or 888-909-8872; transunion.com. Once you get your report, either online or in the mail, study it carefully. Look for accounts that you never opened and the names of people you don’t know. Be sure all the information is correct. If you need to file a complaint, go to ftc. gov/complaint or call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877382-4357). (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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A text from a resident’s family member received recently really struck my heart… “I’m so ashamed of our Youth Centric Society. There is so much wisdom, culture, love and story-telling that is being wasted and lost, simply disregarded…” Rory Steward in the November 9, 2013, “Guardian” reflects as follows. “…ours is the first generation to draw our deepest fulfilment from our own descendants. Some of my friends imply that all that matters is what happens to their families, in the lives behind their own front doors. We have become reluctant to make sacrifices, except on the altar of our children. And what is the purpose of our children's lives? Their own children. And so on, all the way down. But instead of focusing overwhelmingly on the interests of "the next generation", politicians should give more space to the previous generation. We should begin by allowing older people to take far more political responsibility in local communities…. Our older population is the most impressive, self-sacrificing and imaginative part of our entire community. They are almost the last people who belong to political parties, the last who maintain our churches, the most generous and dedicated supporters of all our charities. They are our last fragile link to deeper history. They are also people who can find themselves in extremes of poverty (fuel poverty, in particular), of isolation, of loneliness and of hopelessness in the wait for death, unimaginable to anyone younger. We are not respecting them and, as a society, we are not making use of their extraordinary talents… If we are looking for redemption for the young, and a mission for our society, it could be in our care for the older generation: finding fulfilment and delight in relationships with the elderly and in helping the elderly. We should admire and learn from them. This is possible. On every street corner in Kabul, you can see a teenager in stonewashed jeans raising his head from scowling at his phone and moving with genuine delight to talk to an older person. I would like to see us begin to do the same here. Instead of building a world that's only fit for our children, I would like to see us building a world fit for our parents…” Rory Stewart is Conservative MP for Penrith For guidance, questions, and tours of The Lodge Assisted Living, call Linda Davis 208-755-3637.

LindaDavis Director of building relationships. 208.457.3403 www.LodgeLiving.net

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® of Idaho TIDBITS of Kootenai County, IssueCounty #4 Jan. 25th 2021 Tidbits Dallas

Q&A with Susan Ashley, MD


There is so much confusion and mis-information concerning Covid-19 now. What can we do to elp prevent the disease, and if we do get diag osed, how do we treat it? I'm going to make this simple and concise and try to eliminate any confusion. First of all, for diagnosis, we have a simple 15 minute nasal swab test that tells you if you have Covid. You don't have to wait 2 or 3 days to find out your results. The test is extremely accurate, and can allow you to get back to work promptly. For prevention, take the following supplements: Vt D 5,000-10,000 IU a day. Vt D has immune enhancing properties that help fight viruses. lways take with food containing fat for absorption. Vitamin C - take 1000mg twice a day; trong antiviral properties. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Quercetin 250mg once a day. Anti-oxidant, treats SARS and other flu/ viruses. Use caution with hypothyroidism and monitor thyroid levels if on medication. Zinc - inhibits ability of the virus to replicate. Take Zn glycinate 25mg for women, 50mg for men. Melatonin - not use a sleep hormone, it is an anti-oxidant with immune enhancing properties. Take 1-6mg at night, depending on how sensitive you are to it.

If you are diagnosed with Covid, change to the following: D 5,000-10,000 IU a day C 2000mg 3 times a day Quercetin 250mg twice a day Zinc glycinate 100mg/day (may want to take this in divided doses or it can cause nausea) Melatonin 10mg before bedtime Aspirin 325mg once a day for 10 days Ivermectin 0.2mg/kg on day one, repeat 72 hours later A note on Ivermectin - it is a very safe drug that's been around forever. Since Covid, it is now difficult to find however. But the studies on Ivermectin are numerous and show conclusively that this drug kills the SARS virus (Covid is a type of SARS). To figure out your Kg, take your weight in pounds and divide by 2.2. If you can't find it at the pharmacy since there is a shortage, you can buy liquid Ivermectin for cattle, and rub one tablespoon in your hands once a week for prevention, or once a day for 5 days for treatment. Do not ingest this form! It's absorbed through the skin quite readily. This protocol will keep the vast majority of patients out of trouble and prevent acute respiratory distress syndrome. For more information on this and hospital management of patients, go to FLCCC.net. And if you want a rapid Covid test, call our office in Liberty Lake at 509-9286700 extension 6 for the Covid line. Dr Ashley is board certified in Family Medicine and in AntiAging and Regenerative Medicine. She provides a mix of traditional with alternative medicine and specializes in bio-identical hormones for both men and women.


1. Who wrote and sang about “Kodachrome”? 2. What was the first single released by David Bowie? 3. Where did Lynyrd Skynyrd get its name? 4. Which artist was called “Little Miss Dynamite?” 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “You’re looking kinda lonely, girl, Would you like someone new to talk to? Ah-yeah, alright, I’m feeling kinda lonely too.” Answers 1. Paul Simon, in his 1973 hit. Kodachrome was one of the first types of color film. 2. “Liza Jane,” in 1964. It was credited to Davie Jones with the King-Bees. Bowie was born David Robert Jones. 3. They named themselves after a strict highschool gym teacher, Leonard Skinner, who didn’t like boys to have long hair. Tired of being hassled over his hair, band member Gary Rossington had dropped out of school. 4. Brenda Lee, who stood only 4-foot-9. She used to go to a local store where she would sing for money or candy -- before she was even 3 years old. By the age of 10, Brenda was the breadwinner for her family. 5. “Sharing the Night Together,” originally recorded by Lenny LeBlanc and then Arthur Alexander in 1976. But it was Dr. Hook who sent the song up the charts internationally in 1978. (c) 2021 King Features Syndicate

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #4 Jan. 25th 2021


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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #25 June 15th 2020


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