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November 26, 2015
of Pike, Floyd & Johnson Counties Volume 1 Issue 3 TheThe Neatest Little Paper Neatest Little PaperEver EverRead Read
Published by: Events N Print, LLC
For Advertising: (606) 207-3846
by Janet Spencer
On November 23, 1919, the first playby-play football game in radio broadcast history took place when Texas A & M beat the University of Texas 7 to 0. In honor of this, join Tidbits as we play football! FOOTBALL HISTORY BITS
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• In a 1897 football game, Georgia was playing the University of Virginia. During a pile-up, a player named Von Gammon ended up on the bottom and was found unconscious. He died of a brain concussion. As a result, the Georgia team disbanded. Protests against the brutality of football spread. A bill was introduced to the Georgia state legislature to ban football from the state. It passed and was sent to the governor for his signature. It looked like football was doomed. But then a woman came forward. She wrote a letter to the governor, pleading with him not to use Von Gammon’s death as an excuse to outlaw a good game. Because of this letter, the Governor refused to sign the bill into law. Football was saved. The woman who had written such an effective letter was Von Gammon’s own mother. • In 1905 there were 18 football deaths in the nation. The violence of the game diminished somewhat when the forward pass was invented, cutting down on the confrontations. (Cont’d next page)
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