2021 Top Matrics - Noordkaap & Vrystaat

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CHANÉ NEL Toppresteerder van die Vrystaat Hoër Meisieskool Oranje

Chané Nel, wat verlede jaar aan Hoër Meisieskool Oranje gematrikuleer het, is as die topleerder van die Vrystaat aangewys. Baie geluk met die prestasie. Het jy die goeie uitslae verwag of was jy verras? Ek het in die begin van die jaar vir my ‘n doelwit, wat ek in elke vak wou bereik, gestel en ek wou graag eerste in die Vrystaat wees, maar in die eindeksamen self het ek nie so lekker geskryf nie en ek het toe verwag dat ek nie my doelwitte sou bereik nie. Al het ek van die begin van die jaar hard gewerk aan goeie uitslae, was ek baie verbaas toe ek dit ontvang en uitvind dat ek wel so goed gedoen het, tenspyte van die feit dat ek gevoel het dat die eindeksamen bietjie moeiliker was. Wat was jou grootste uitdaging in jou matriekjaar? Vir my was die grootste uitdaging om druk, veral tydens die eindeksamen, te hanteer. Ek dink ek het altyd alle eksamens en toetse as deel van die proses en leerervaring gesien om in die eindeksamen goed te doen, want ek kon sien waar ek moet verbeter om op die ou end goeie matriekuitslae te hê. Toe die eindeksamen aanbreek, het ek besef dat dit is waarvoor ek al van graad 8 af hard gewerk het. Wat ook veral vir my erg was, was dat in meeste vakke die jaarpunt weggegooi word en jou volle punt op jou matrieksertifikaat afhang van jou prestasie of hierdie 1 of 2 vraestelle. Dit het my vreeslik laat stres en gelei daartoe dat ek in die eindeksamen met eksamenstres gekonfronteer is waarmee ek nooit voorheen gesukkel het nie. Wie is jou rolmodel en hoekom? Ek het nie eintlik ‘n rolmodel nie. Die naaste aan ‘n rolmodel vir my sal seker my oupa wees. Al het ek hom nooit geken nie, was hy ‘n fantastiese chirurg en ek sal graag soveel soos hy wil bereik. Verder stel ek op alle gebiede gereeld vir myself doelwitte eerder as wat ek in ‘n spesifieke persoon se voetspore probeer volg. Watter ondersteuning het jy gehad? Ek het ondersteuning vanaf my ouers, my vriendinne en my onderwysers ontvang. My ouers het altyd alles in hul vermoë gedoen om seker te maak dat ek die ideale leeromgewing by die huis gehad het. My vriendinne het my bygestaan as ek gestres het of hartseer was oor ‘n vraestel. My onderwysers het dit altyd aan my duidelik gemaak dat ek my drome kan bereik, maar hulle het nooit druk op my geplaas om sekere punte te bereik nie. My beste was altyd vir hulle genoeg.

Watter studiemetode het jy gebruik? Ek gebruik verskillende studiemetodes vir verskillende vakke. Ek het slegs in Ekonomie en Afrikaans Taal opsommings gemaak. In Lewenswetenskappe het ek gevoel dat die boek reeds goed opgesom was; aangesien dit vol kolpunte en sketse was. Die boek waaraan die Engelse Taal voorkom, is ook baie mooi uiteengesit. In verstaanvakke soos Wiskunde en Fisiese Wetenskap het ek alles wat in die klas verduidelik is in kleur geskryf in my boek soos ons dit gedoen het en dit dan geleer voor eksamens. In hierdie vakke het ek ook, soos ons huiswerk gekry het, die somme waarmee ek gesukkel het in die kantlyn gemerk en dan as die eksamen aanbreek veral gefokus daarop om hierdie somme weer te oefen. Ek leer deur hardop met myself te praat, maar is ook soms ‘n kinetiese leerder en loop rond in my kamer of omkring kernwoorde terwyl ek daardie werk leer. Herhaling is vir my baie belangrik en in leervakke probeer ek om minstens 3 keer deur al die werk te wees voor ek gaan eksamen skryf. Ek gebruik rympies en visuele beelde om van die werk te onthou. In oefenvakke soos Rekeningkunde en Wiskunde, het ek sommer van al die werk geoefen en toe vraestelle uitgewerk. Ek leer ‘n uur op ‘n slag en vat dan 15 – 20 minute breuke tussen-in. Ek leer eers van 8h00 of 9h00 in die oggend af, maar leer dan weer tot laat bv 21h00 of later in die aand. Wat was jou gunsteling vak en hoekom? My gunstelling vak was Fisiese Wetenskap. Ek hou daarvan om die wette en teorie te gebruik om praktiese somme op te los. Ek hou daarvan om te sit en dink aan verskillende manière om somme te benader en op te los. Ek geniet dit ook om met logika en ander reëls nuwe wette af te lei en ons komplekse heelal te probeer verstaan. Wie was jou gunsteling onderwyser? Juffrou Ilse Olivier. Sy het vir my Rekeningkunde en Ekonomie gegee. Sy het my altyd emosioneel bygestaan en was vir my soos ‘n tweede ma by die skool.

Wat gaan jy in 2022 studeer en hoekom? Ek gaan medies (MBChB) studeer. Die 2 goed waarvan ek vreeslik baie hou en graag in my loopbaan wil doen, is wetenskap en praat voor/met mense bv debat en redenaars. Hierdie is egter twee moeilike belangstellings om te kombineer in ‘n loopbaan, omdat meeste wetenskaplike loopbane jy amper niks met of voor ander mense praat nie. Meeste beroepe waar jy baie voor mense praat bv ‘n prokureur, het weer niks te doen met wetenskap nie. Medies kombineer die twee belangstellings egter mooi. Jy werk met wetenskap en anatomie, maar jy werk ook met pasiënte en kan met hulle kommunikeer. Wat is jou boodskap vir die Klas van 2022 wat ook so goed soos jy wil presteer? My boodskap sal wees om net elke dag hard te werk. In leervakke moet jy elke dag die werk wat julle daardie dag gedoen het, leer, sodat dit nie ophoop en massas werk is wanneer die eksamen aanbreek nie. In verstaanvakke, soos Wiskunde of Fisiese Wetenskappe, maak seker dat jy elke dag ten volle by is met die werk wat behandel is, want die volgende dag se werk bou weer daarop.

Top Performing Schools | Northern Cape 1.

Kimberley Girls’ High School


Hoërskool Upington


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Top Performing Schools | Freestate 1.

Hoër Meisieskool Oranje


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Wilgerivier High School


Hoërskool Witteberg


Hoërskool Christiaan de Wet


Hoërskool Jim Fouche


The Beacon Secondary School


Hoërskool Sentraal

Metric: Average distinctions per learner Source: https://www.gradesmatch.co.za/

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AWSUM gesels met

MATTHEW HOLM Northern Cape’s top learner





Ulrich le Roux, wat verlede jaar and die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl gematrikuleer het, is as die landswye topleerder van 2021 aangewys. Baie geluk met die prestasie. Hoe voel dit om as die slimste leerder uit die Klas van 2021 gekroon te word? Dit voel ongelooflik en ek is verskriklik gelukkig daaroor. Het jy die goeie uitslae verwag of was jy verras? Ek was redelik verras met die uitnodiging en aankondiging. Hoe was die hele ervaring tot nou toe - vandat jy as toppresteerder aangekondig is? Alles het regtig vinnig gebeur, maar dit was baie lekker om die uitslae by die skool te kry en al my vriende weer te sien. Wat was jou grootste uitdaging in jou matriekjaar? Die grendeltyd en aanlyn-leer was aanvanklik ‘n uitdaging, maar ek kon gelukkig gou aanpas. Wie is jou rolmodel en hoekom? My ouer broer. Hy het my gewys hoe harde werk tot sukses kan lei en my geleer om altyd die grense van wat ek dink moontlik is, te druk. Watter ondersteuning het jy gehad? My ma het my baie ondersteun met Wiskunde ekstra-klasse. Watter studiemetode het jy gebruik? Ek het nie ‘n spesifieke studiemetode nie. Ek het ‘n kombinasie van teorie-leer, deur die jaar se oefeninge gaan en vraestelle uitwerk, gebruik. Moes jou ma ooit sê: “Ulrich, gaan leer nou”, of het jy op jou eie studeer? Ek het altyd op my eie studeer. Wat was jou gunsteling vak en hoekom? Wiskunde. Ek hou baie van syfers en probleemoplossing. Wie was jou gunsteling onderwyser? Ek het geen spesifieke onderwyser nie, almal by HJS was regtig goed. Watter drie hoogtepunte staan vir jou uit tydens jou hoërskooljare? 1. My prestasie in die 2021 NSS eksamen. 2. Ek was in 2021 ‘n skoolprefek. 3. Ek was in 2021 kaptein van die o.19 B Hokkiespan. Wat gaan jy in 2022 studeer en hoekom? Ek gaan Aktuariële Wetenskap by Stellenbosch studeer. Ek hou baie daarvan om met syfers, wiskunde en komplekse probleme te werk. Wat is jou boodskap vir die Klas van 2022 wat ook so goed soos jy wil presteer? Geniet elke oomblik, maar werk van die begin af baie hard om jou doelwitte te bereik.


Kathu High School

Matthew Holm, matriculated in 2021 at Kathu High School and was announced as the Northern Cape’s top learner from the Class of 2021. Congratulations Matthew. Were you expecting the results, or did they take you by surprise? I was very surprised, but I felt as if I had worked very hard and deserved it. What was your greatest challenge in matric? Self-doubt. You are your own harshest critic. Who is your role model and why? I have a variety of role models, from previous learners who attended to the top 20 to my teachers and other classmates. They all gave me the idea that success is a very possible outcome if you work at it. What kind of encouragement did you have and from whom? I had the support of loving friends and family members. Whenever I had a setback, I had people there to help me recover and get back at it. Tell us the study method your used that made you receive top marks? Past papers were very good for work that subjects required comprehension, like Mathematics, Physical Science and Accounting. I used active recall for subjects that required more memorisation, such as Life Science. Active recall is where you actively stimulate your memory for information; it focusses on retrieving information from your memory rather than putting it in. What is your favourite subject and why? Physical Science, it had the most interesting subject matter and was a very logical and methodical when it came to solutions.

Who was your favourite teacher? This is a very difficult question as I believe all my teachers provided me with amazing support, but if I had to choose one, it would either be my Mathematics teacher, Mrs. N. Human, or my Physical Science teacher, Mr. B. Ncube. What are you going to study in 2022 and why? At Stellenbosch University, it has always been my dream university since grade 8. What is your message to the Class of 2022 who want to achieve the best like you did? Be consistent and give yourself enough time to rest. You cannot work on a tired mind. And don’t be too deterred by setbacks because they are inevitable.

HOËRSKOOL FICHARDTPARK Top Matrieks vir 2021 Fichardtpark is trots op hul matrieks en het ‘n 100% slaagsyfer

Marnie Dreyer 8 A’s

Alida Grobbelaar 8 A’s

Elane Bekker 7 A’s

Walter Lindeman 6 A’s

Marli Coetzer 5 A’s

Ignus Kruger 5 A’s

Wilme Jonker 4 A’s

Sone Griessel 4 A’s

Lloyleete Mhalo 4 A’s

Lene Ludick 4 A’s

Chante Liebenberg 4 A’s

Zane vd Merwe 3 A’s

Simone Harms 3 A’s

Rochelle Jacobs 3 A’s

Michelle Catelyn 3 A’s

Megan Visser 3 A’s

Marshawne J v Rensburg 3 A’s

Juane Bester 3 A’s

Janelle Jonker 3 A’s

Jandre vd Merwe 3 A’s

Emma Kruger 3 A’s



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Beste Pryse en Diens Gewaarborg.

HOËRSKOOL JIM FOUCHÉ Top Matrieks vir 2021 Jim Fouché het ‘n slaagsyfer van 99.5%, Die volgende leerders word uitgenooi na die Dept van Onderwys se prysuitdelingsfunksie omdat hul onder die top 50 presteerders in die Vrystaat geplaas word :Rianette Kemp, Xander de Jager, Mahike Killian, Mijuan Lennox en Christine Rossouw. JF se Wiskunde departement ontvang ook erkenning as een van die top 10 skole in die Vrystaat na aanleiding van hul Wiskundeprestasies in die 2021 matriekeksamen. 90,32% van die 217 matrieks slaag met matriekvrystelling.

Jaano de Bruin 8 A’s

Rianette Kemp 8 A’s

Alana Claassen 7 A’s

Xander de Jager 7 A’s

Zandri Ferreira 7 A’s

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Mahike Kilian 7 A’s

Mijuan Lennox 7 A’s

Lize-Marie Pretorius 7 A’s

Chrizaan Raath 7 A’s

Johandri Ferreira 6 A’s

Franco Marais 6 A’s

Christine Rossouw 6 A’s

Corli Claassens 5 A’s

Iwan Crafford 5 A’s

Barend de Lange 5 A’s

Sumé Delport 5 A’s

Esteé du Plessis 5 A’s

Evanrie Menge 5 A’s

Cailyn Nuttall 5 A’s

Marteli Roux 5 A’s

Anke van der Merwe 5 A’s

Suane van Niekerk 5 A’s

André Boshoff 4 A’s

San-Mari de Kock 4 A’s

Marioné Diesel 4 A’s

Sarel du Plessis 4 A’s

Bianca Greybe 4 A’s

Madlé Nel 4 A’s

Demi Nel 4 A’s

Amei van der Nat 4 A’s

“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal” Author Unknown

Angelo Wapad 4 A’s

EUNICE GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Top Matrics We are proud of our Matric Heroes.

Corlia Hugo 7 Distinctions - 93,43%

Clarece Thompson 7 Distinctions - 91,14%

Shih Tung 7 Distinctions - 90,57%

Tasmiah Hoosain 7 Distinctions - 89,71%

Onkarabetse Losabe 7 Distinctions - 89,57%

Jessica Wiltshire 7 Distinctions - 89,29%

Lisa van Heerden 7 Distinctions - 89,14%

Hannah Lombard 7 Distinctions - 88,71%

Abigail de Klerk 7 Distinctions - 86,86%

Till-Mari du Preez 7 Distinctions - 85,14%

Jandri van Straaten 6 Distinctions - 85,57%

Naledi Hagemeister 6 Distinctions - 83,88%

Lienke Lombard 6 Distinctions - 83,57%

Thato Malebo 6 Distinctions - 83,29%

Tiffiny Joubert 6 Distinctions - 83,25%

Rebone Gopane 6 Distinctions - 82,86%

Phone: 051 447 1600 | Address: 34 Kolbe Ave, Oranjesig, Bloemfontein, 9301

AWSUM wil die topkandidate en matrieks van 2021 wat A-simbole behaal het, asook almal wat die eksamen geslaag het, gelukwens met julle uitstekende prestasie! #nuwedinge #opgewonde AWSU M


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HOËRSKOOL SENTRAAL Matriek Toppresteerders 2021 Geluk aan ons klas van 2021! Hulle het 100% slaagsyfer behaal. Hoërskool Sentraal is ongelooflik trots op julle prestasies.

Petro-Mari van Pletzen 7 Onderskeidings Top Afrikaanse Presteerder in die Vrystaat

Maryka du Pisanie 7 Onderskeidings

Leandri du Plessis 7 Onderskeidings

Elmè Calitz 7 Onderskeidings

Corlie Hertzog 7 Onderskeidings

Alicia Cilliers 7 Onderskeidings

Madine Pittendrigh 6 Onderskeidings

Jana Landman 6 Onderskeidings

Innus de Coning 6 Onderskeidings

Danielle Ceronio 6 Onderskeidings

Alta Diedericks 6 Onderskeidings

Louw Pretorius 5 Onderskeidings

Lalla du Plessis 5 Onderskeidings

Jac van der Merwe 5 Onderskeidings

Christine Human 5 Onderskeidings

Anika Robberts 5 Onderskeidings

Ruan van der Walt 4 Onderskeidings

Johan du Raan 4 Onderskeidings

Izel van Heerden 4 Onderskeidings

Dene Honiball 4 Onderskeidings

Dehanie Bronkhorst 4 Onderskeidings

Anke Meyer-Auld 4 Onderskeidings

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The class of 2021 was the ‘most impacted’ by the Covid-19 pandemic as it endured two years of restrictions and disruptions. Minister Angie Motshekga



Oranje het ‘n 100% slaagsyfer, baie geluk aan al ons matrieks.

Die Hoër Meisieskool Oranje se 11 leerders in die top 50 in die Vrystaat is van links Thanya Venter (91,92%), Stephanie Wessels (90,23%), Marné Clase (92,85%), Carmi van Niekerk (96,31%), Mia Olivier (95,23%), Anne-Marie Klink (skoolhoof), Chané Nel (96.54%), Inge van Driel (90,69%), Suzanne Streicher (92,92%), Joané Bekker (90,62%), Trewhella van Aswegen (91,54%) en Ciska Brummer (90,38%).

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2021 NSC Matric Results in numbers


Group pass rate


Learners that achieved bachelor’s pass


Learners that achieved a diploma pass


Learners that achieved higher certifcate pass

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ST ANDREW’S SCHOOL Top Matric Achievers We are very proud to announce that St Andrew’s School has achieved a 100% pass rate with a bachelors pass of 84.80%.

IEB NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE 2021 RESULTS The 2021 NSC pass rate is 98.39%, slightly higher than last year’s pass rate of 98.06%. All candidates who passed achieved a pass that is good enough to enter tertiary study at one of the three levels 12 857

Full time candidates wrote the IEB NCS exams


Part-time candidates wrote the IEB NCS exams


Achieved entry to degree study


Qualified to entry to dimploma study


Achieved entry for study at the Higher Certificate level

To understand the impact of the pandemic on the NSC learners of 2021, one needs to consider what normally happens in many schools over the final two years of Grades 11 and 12.

Nicolaas Liebenberg 6 Distinctions 87,4%

Joshua Mchlachlan 8 Distinctions 86%

Henco Meyer 7 Distinctions 85,3%

Grade 11 is spent primarily on ensuring that learners have a firm grasp and full understanding of key concepts and content in their respective subjects of study. The first term of Grade 12 is usually spent on completion of the curriculum and for the rest of the year, learners are exposed to applications of the concepts and content. A significant amount of time is spent on perfection of examination techniques, like judgement of time, or what to do should you come across a question that you don’t know how to answer. Finally, there is substantial revision to provide students with sufficient exposure to a variety of assessment approaches and hence opportunities to prepare for the final examinations.

Gareth Visser 4 Distinctions 83%

Miltiades Marangelis 5 Distinctions 80,4%

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10 % 0FF

Savon Herbst 5 Distinctions 81%

“The journey for Grade 12 candidates of 2021 was somewhat different with school closures from as early as March 2020 and then sporadically throughout the year, continuing right through their Grade 12 year. They experienced disruptive change of an unprecedented nature within a relatively short space of time,” explains Anne Oberholzer, CEO of the Independent Examinations Board (IEB).

“Teaching in 2020 focused primarily on ensuring that Grade 12 learners were given as much attention as possible to ensure that they could succeed in their final examinations. Most Grade 11 learners in 2020 spent much less time at school and were essentially the test cases of the greatest online tuition experiment of our time. Despite its varied rate of success, one thing is certain – the use of technology in education is here to stay, as it should be. “There’s no doubt that online learning cannot replace a good teacher in person, however, it is far better than no teacher, and no guidance. The journey to uncover the true worth of technology in the classroom, has begin in earnest and it will be the teachers with initiative, imagination and creativity that will light the way. With the initial fear of unfamiliar technology now behind us, technology will find its rightful place in the education of our children. If there is one good thing to come out of the pandemic, let it be the value that technology can bring to the classroom and particularly those children currently deprived of a quality education,” says Oberholzer.

Tel: 051 110 0655 Invoice No:


Mc Gregor Street, Bloemfontein, 9301 Tel: 051 448 7526 | Fax: 051 448 7676 | Email: www.coastalhire.co.za

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2021’s matric pupils experienced a disruptive change of an unprecedented nature within a relatively short space of time. They truly deserve the accolades they receive.

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Anne Oberholzer, the IEB Chief Executive

GREY COLLEGE | GREY KOLLEGE Top Matrics Pass rate of 98,33%, a total number of 230 Distinctions with 239 candidates, 22 average A’s & 80% Bachelors pass rate.

Wouter van Aswegen 7 Distinctions - 91,29%

Talal (Muhammad) Hussain 6 Distinctions - 90,14%

Conrad Grobbelaar 6 Distinctions - 88,71%

Daniel David Marin Montano 6 Distinctions - 86,75%

Danie Volschenk 7 Distinctions - 85,71%

Francis Gibson 5 Distinctions - 84,57%

Jurie Geldenhuys 7 Distinctions - 84,29%

Rynard Otto 5 Distinctions - 84,14%

Kaleb Lombard 6 Distinctions - 83,71%

Edmund Koen 7 Distinctions - 83,63%



Top Matrics for 2021

Top Matrieks vir 2021

Surina Claassen 4 Onderskeidings

Onderskeidings Mikyla du Plessis 3 Jeanné Engelbrecht 3 Mieke Jacobs 3 Janco van den Berg 3

Mia-Marie Campher 7 Distinctions

Bokamoso Motemane 4 Distinctions

Distinctions Ruané Cilliers 3 Ané Kleynhans 3 Keketso Letaba 3 Marianke Rossouw 3 Naledi Maleboho 3 Felicity Thebe 3


Pass rate






Baccalareus vrystelling


Total candidates


Totaal kandidate ingeskryf




Totaal onderskeidings

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WELKOM-GIMNASIUM SKOOL Toppresteerders 2021 Welkom-Gimnasium spog met n slaagsyfer van 96.3%. Ons het 160 onderskeidings in totaal.

Jana Briel 7 Onderskeidings Top 10 in Vrystaat Nr.1 Rekeningkunde student

Ipeleng Salemane 4 Onderskeidings

Joshua-Arthur Philander 6 Onderskeidings

Bianca van Heyssteen 4 Onderskeidings

Ahmad Saleem 6 Onderskeidings

Jean-Dré Vosloo 4 Onderskeidings

Karlien Lourens 6 Onderskeidings

Matshidiso Ramphoma 5 Onderskeidings

Day-Lin Mapstone 4 Onderskeidings

Tamara Nkosi 4 Onderskeidings

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GOUDVELD - HOËRSKOOL Top Matrieks Slaagsyfer van 96,15% & 77,70% Universiteit vrystelling met ‘n totaal van 118 Onderskeidings.

Marli Louw 5 Onderskeidings

Franco Nel 7 Onderskeidings

Leoné van Deventer 6 Onderskeidings

Elmé Scott 6 Onderskeidings

Miné de Klerk 4 Onderskeidings

Miche Buchler 4 Onderskeidings

Crystal Henning 4 Onderskeidings

Pieter Jonker 5 Onderskeidings

Die Goutie Matriekklas van 2021 96.15%









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HOËRSKOOL WITTEBERG Matriekuitslae 2021 Hoërskool Witteberg is weereens die Nr.1 Wiskunde- enfisiese Wetenskappe-skool in die Vrystaat. 99.3 % Slaagsyfer en 2 Leerders onder die top 50 in die Vrystaat.

Elfrieda Prinsloo 8 Onderskeidings

Dorijke du Toit 6 Onderskeidings

Natasha Jacobs 5 Onderskeidings

Catherine Shepherd 8 Ondersk - Top 50

Luan Matthee 6 Onderskeidings

Henco Coetzee 4 Onderskeidings

Anneri Botha 7 Onderskeidings

Duan Maritz 7 Ondersk - Top 50

Zanné de Wet 5 Onderskeidings

Megan Collett 4 Onderskeidings

Chrizelle Mienie 7 Onderskeidings

Nerissa Fourie 5 Onderskeidings

Coenie Dowling 4 Onderskeidings

Danielle Olivier 7 Onderskeidings

Stan-Lee Gunter 5 Onderskeidings

Susan Lamprecht 4 Onderskeidings

Jené van Heerden 7 Onderskeidings

Anika van Rooyen 5 Onderskeidings

Wian Maritz 4 Onderskeidings

Erica Bibbey 6 Onderskeidings

Khanyisile Thabalala 5 Onderskeidings

Chené Stear 4 Onderskeidings

Wian Viljoen 4 Onderskeidings

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BETHLEHEM VOORTREKKER HOËRSKOOL Matriek Toppresteerders vir 2021 Bethlehem Voortrekker is besonders trots op sy 2021-matriekgroep: 142 uit 144 matrieks slaag met uitstekende uitslae: 98.6% slaagsyfer.

Hendro Botha 8 Onderskeidings

Zelmé Heyns 7 Onderskeidings Vrystaat top 25

Niel Swanepoel 7 Onderskeidings Vrystaat top 25

Daleen vd Merwe 7 Onderskeidings

Nadia Lombard 7 Onderskeidings

Annabelle Brüssow 7 Onderskeidings

Nicoleen Cronje 6 Onderskeidings

Thalja de Jager 6 Onderskeidings

Keean de Klerk 6 Onderskeidings

Mia Marais 5 Onderskeidings

Jany Schnetler 5 Onderskeidings

Carla Schutte 5 Onderskeidings

Mart-Mari de Clerk 5 Onderskeidings

Heinrich Crous 5 Onderskeidings

Elani Cilliers 5 Onderskeidings

Neil Bishop 5 Onderskeidings

“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal”



Author Unknown

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HOËRSKOOL DUINEVELD Top Matrieks vir 2021 Baie geluk aan al ons matrieks, ons is trots op julle.

Gideon Breedt 7 A’s - 88,14% Provinsiale pryswenner

Milla Slabber 6 A’s - 82,28%

Nireen Jordaan 7 A’s - 86,42%

Franco du Plessis 4 A’s - 81,57%

Albert Venter 6 A’s - 85,29%

Amelia Stubbe 5 A’s - 81,14%

Christiaan Venter 7 A’s - 84,85%

Ahbé Fölscher 4 A’s - 80,85%

Cherman Brown 6 A’s - 84,57%

Loubser Nel 3 A’s - 80%

Mienke Nagel 6 A’s - 84,42% Provinsiale pryswenner

Igmon Terblanche Provinsiale Prys

Elseri Pienaar Provinsiale Prys

Simoné van Zyl 6 A’s - 84,14%

Stiaan Venter Provinsiale Prys

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HOËRSKOOL UPINGTON Toppresteerders 2021 11 A-Kandidate | 24 B-Kandidate | 32 C-Kandidate | 77.2% Matriekvrystelling | 62.2% Klasgemiddeld | Eerste in die ZFM-streek | 5 leerders genooi na Matriektoekennings | Baie geluk aan ons Gr. 12’s!

Jana Nel 7 A’s - 88%

Anke Engelbrecht 6 A’s - 84.9%

Liané Kapp 8 A’s - 87.9%

George Engelbrecht 6 A’s - 84.6%

Inge Smith 7 A’s - 87.3%

Tiffany Strauss 6 A’s - 84.3%

Daniel Maasdorp 5 A’s - 86.9%

Amanda Montero Machado 6 A’s - 83.9%

Yulin Steenkamp 7 A’s - 85.1%

Roux-Che Du Raan 4 A’s - 80.4%

Reagan Cupido 4 A’s - 80%

HOËRSKOOL DOUGLAS Top Matrieks 2021 Top akademiese skool in die Pixely Ka Seme Streek met ‘n 100% slaagsyfer & eerste in die Pixley ka Sema streek en derde in die Noord-Kaap provinsie.

1. Abri Cilliers 86% - 7 Ondersk. Afrikaans HT English FAL Wiskunde LO Fisiese Wetenskappe Lewenwetenskape Rekeningkunde

2. Miné Steenkamp 86% - 7 Ondersk. Afrikaans HT English FAL Wiskunde LO Fisiese Wetenskappe Lewenwetenskape Landbouwetenskappe

3. Elze Becker

4. Adri Botha

5. Petrie Faber

Vodacom 4U Diamond Pavillion Mall 087 310 7623 Vodacom 4U Douglas 053 492 0560


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6. Richard Joseph

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8. Kyla van Wyk

Congratulations to the Matric Class of 2021 25 Onderskeidings | 52 B-Simbole | 59 C-Simbole

7 January 2022 - 7 February 2022

Terms and Conditions Apply


TOP BILLING FOR CURRO’S IEB MATRICULANTS 1 774 Curro learners wrote the IEB exams, resulting in an exceptional 99% pass rate even though this group of learners experienced two extremely disrupted years. These results show their true ability and determination, and the group is immensely proud of Curro’s Class of 2021 matriculants.

Top Matric Achievers

We are proud of our matric heroes.

Michaela Noelle van der Waag from Curro Langebaan and Megan van der Walt from Woodhill College achieved within the top 5% in 6 or more subjects and scored a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation, while Kenzo Sandenbergh from Grantleigh received recognition as part of the IEB’s Commendable Achievements. She achieved within the top 5% in 5 subjects and similarly scored a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation.

Tiaan Schutte 7 Distinctions

Ilke Barnard 3 Distinctions

Declan Lewis 2 Distinctions

Some Curro learners performed exceptionally in specific subjects. Two learners each achieved 100% in specific subjects. Elizabeth Montgomery from Curro Hermanus obtained 100% in Engineering, Graphics and Design, and Lana de Waal from Curro Langebaan obtained 100% for Mathematics. Curro’s exceptional pass rate grants its learners access to tertiary education providers to study towards degrees, diplomas, or any other course of their choice. Curro’s academic faculty is extremely proud of its learners’ results, noting the challenging conditions that they have continued to have to work within since the start of the pandemic, which remain disruptive.

Charnel Valentin 2 Distinctions

El-Chané Lombaard 1 Distinction

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“For our 2021 matrics, it is the second year in which they have experienced disruptions to their studies and the results shows the calibre of these learners. One must not forget the journey a learner takes to get to Grade 11 and 12; the 2021 Class endured extreme disruptions, with most learning having taken place at home.

Curro’s swift transition to virtual learning enabled learners to mitigate the effects of the pandemic significantly, but still required them to adjust and adapt especially as they may have lost family members or had challenges at home. “We commend our learners who have proven that they have talent and the acumen to produce remarkable results, despite circumstances beyond their control,” says Andries Greyling, Curro Holdings CEO. The majority of Curro’s learners (70%) achieved a minimum of a C-average and 191 learners achieved an A average (an improvement from 2020), which demonstrates the learners’ prowess when it comes to their studies, and commitment to success. “We are extremely proud of our Class of 2021 matriculants. They have shown what can be achieved through hard work and dedication, and we wish each one of them well as they start their career journey by means of further tertiary studies or work opportunities,” concludes Greyling.



On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 15h15, the wait was finally over for five matrics who will be joining Riaan Manser in Antarctica this coming February.

On 10 February 2022, the five winners will fly out of Cape Town International Airport on an ALCI alusion cargo plane and land six and a half hours later on an Antarctic runway that is essentially a block of ice. Hosted at Novolazarevskaya, the Russian scientific base, the students’ home for the next 5 days. The students will spend their time learning about the Antarctic as a whole, the International Antarctic Treaty, exploring its beauty, hiking, taking part in science experiments, participating in a litter cleaning initiative and most importantly, learning about themselves. Congratulations to: • Tswaledi Mosa Hlakudi - Brainline Gauteng • Anika Le Roux - Paarl Girls High School Western Cape • Mattheus Hendrikus (Kol) Wessels - Grey College - Freestate • Kgosatsana Mabalane - St Michaels School for Girls - Freestate • Keaton Stansfeld - Jeppe High School for Boys - Gauteng

On their return, we will follow their progress with campaign implementation in their communities and stand true to the motto of Matrics in Antarctica: Less talking and observation and more action and results. We do not need more activists; we need change makers.

Top Matrieks vir 2021 Baie geluk aan al ons matrieks van 2021, ons is trots op julle.

Matthew Holm 7 A’s - 92.4%

Jana Gouws 6 A’s - 85,28%

Lorinda Graham 3 A’s - 78,14%

Jacobus Solomon 2 A’s - 76,5%

Kylin Cloete 2 A’s - 75,71%

Johannes van Niekerk 3 A’s - 75,57%

Karla Lotz 3 A’s - 73,28%

Alicia Grobler 68,71%

Winnie Jansen 68,71%

Anika Gerber 68,28%

Matrics in Antarctica is a program founded by Manser with the primary objective of using Antarctica as a backdrop and the most exotic of environmental conversation starters. Manser’s belief that we need to move from “talking” to “doing” is something most on the planet would agree is necessary, but alas nobody practices. “We are only handing out more mops while more taps are being opened and the house continues to flood,” says Manser. How can this be a mindset we have continued to have for over four decades,” Manser added.

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Top Achievers 2021

Top Matrieks 2021

Top akademiese skool in JTG Streek met n slaagsyfer van 98.3%. Baie geluk aan ons matriekklas van 2021!

Baie geluk aan al ons matrieks van 2021. Ons is trots op julle.

Chané Moller - 78,3% Le Roux de Vos - 78% Julian Louw - 74,1% Wilmari Basson - 73,1% Wian van Zyl - 72,9 % Michaelar Bartlett - 71,6% Marlette Coetzee - 71% Oteng Nouse - 67,3% Abigail Vass - 67,3%

Wilmari Krüger 7 Onderskeidings 85,4% 1 Onderskeiding/ Distinction Bernis Botes Ogotlhe Gaobuse Boineelo Gasealowe Alét Kotzé Ashleigh Kühn Brent Lombaard Pabalelo Mathlare Kiana McCarthy Hans Nienaber Joachum Nienaber Diketso Rebang Stefan Visser A - Gemiddeldes: 4 B - Gemiddeldes: 25 C - Gemiddeldes: 50

Andrea Brundyn 6 Onderskeidings 84,7%

Onalenna Chwene Ofentse Disipi Razia Francis Wiandi Haasbroek Pabalelo Khwane Rethabile Leabile Alungile Madikane Tshepiso Makatong Katlego Pule Diederick Reinecke Kutlo Seikaneng Andiswa Tsumane

Dimpho Ortel 4 Distinctions 82,1% 2 Onderskeidings/ Distinctions Pelonolo Dithae Lethabo Malele Boikago Mangate Pales Matsobane Keisha McCarthy Tlhalehang Peme Georgia Renoster Idené Rossouw Juanri vd Westhuizen

Matriekuitslae/Matric Results For 2021 A - Vaksimbole: 87 B - Vaksimbole: 224 C - Vaksimbole: 328

Ilze Haasbroek 5 Onderskeidings 81,6%

Maryke van Staden 83%

3 Onderskeidings/ Distinctions Sindiswa Dondolo Michaela Du Plessis Olorato Marumu Shalom Mujaranji Tumisang Nkobang Nakai Ruzive William West

Baccalareus Toelating: 66% Diploma Toelating: 21%

Hoërskool Martin Oosthuizen behaal ‘n derde plek in die ZFM-Distrik.

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Top Matrics 2021

Top Matrieks 2021

Congratulations KHS Top Matrics From GOOD to GREAT in my space Per Labores ad Honores

Claude Marekwa 5 Level 7s 2 Level 6s

Tlotlo Motingwe 7 Level 7s

Saaligh Fredericks 3 Level 7s 2 Level 6s 2 Level 5s

Unathie Albanie 5 Level 7s 1 Level 6 1 Level 5

Trinity Phokoje 6 Level 7s 1 Level 6

Tumelo Thole 3 Level 7s 4 Level 6s

Nr 2 school in the Northern Cape, Top Maths and Science school in the Northern Cape, 99% pass rate, 88% Bachelors passes

Aphiwe Faas 4 Level 7s 3 Level 6s

Hassan Rayhaad 2 Level 7s 3 Level 6s 2 Level 5s

Musa Wittes 4 Level 7s 3 Level 6s

Shannon Wong Fatt 8 A’s 2nd in NC

Khadija Hoosain 7 A’s 3rd in NC

Aaminah Habib 7 A’s 4th in NC

Nomasonto Sekhoacha 7 A’s 17th in NC

Sash-Neigh Arends 6 A’s

Lesedi Lekoto 6 A’s

Menoka Maharaj 6 A’s

Puleng Maphalanr 6 A’s

Kristen McNally 6 A’s

Galaletsang Monyaki 6 A’s

Heinisha Oliphant 6 A’s

Amelia Hendricks 5 A’s

Galalelo Monyaki 5 A’s

Omolemo Moseki 5 A’s

Millicent Pholo 5 A’s

Nilton Traugott 2 Level 7s 3 Level 6s 2 Level 5s

ST PATRICK’S CBC KIMBERLEY Top Academic Achievers for 2021

Totale kandidate ingeskryf: , 40Slaagsyfer: 100%, Totale onderskeidings: 5 A-Aggregates, Universiteitsvrystelling: 82.5%, Aantal A simbole: 45, Aantal B simbole: 66

Caitlyn van Coller 5 A’s

Kgothatso Crutse 82,14% 5 Distinctions

Tegan Ford 85,14% 6 distinctions

Megan Jooste 4 A’s

Zoë White 4 A’s

Hlompo Seliane 4 A’s

Ivandre Steenkamp 4 A’s

2021’s matric pupils experienced a disruptive change of an unprecedented nature within a relatively short space of time. They truly deserve the accolades they receive.

Anne Oberholzer, the IEB Chief Executive

Riley Jones 81,57% 5 Distinctions

Nathan Misdorp 80,86% 3 Distinctions

David-John Templeton 80,14% 5 Distinctions

Thuto Matlhoko 4 A’s

Vodacom 4U Diamond Pavillion Mall 087 310 7623


Vodacom 4U Douglas 053 492 0560


Top Matrics 2021

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Congrats to all our matrics as we have a 95,2% pass rate, we are proud of you.

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Congratulations to the Matric Class of 2021 Shihaam Suliman 11th in NC

Damien Harmse 9th in NC

Thabo Pitso 7 A’s

7 January 2022 - 7 February 2022


Terms and Conditions Apply

HOËRSKOOL HARTSWATER Top Matriekulante 2021


Hoërskool Hartswater is uiters trots op hierdie leerders. Ons leuse is ‘Werk Saam en Bou’. Nou hoop ons dat die Gr.12 klas van 2021 sal werk tot die bou van `n uitstekende toekoms.

Raees Sadek 7 Onderskeidings

Ruan van Niekerk 7 Onderskeidings

Liandri Bothma 3 Onderskeidings

Andaline Davis 3 Onderskeidings

Bianca de Waal 3 Onderskeidings

Gishla de Klerk 2 Onderskeidings

Nazaria Faria Freitas 2 Onderskeidings

Edith Meyer 2 Onderskeidings

An-lé Vernooy 2 Onderskeidings

Yanke Human 1 Onderskeiding

Karla McKenzie 1 Onderskeiding

Sarah-Leigh Nel 1 Onderskeiding

Johandri Tolmay: Dux-leerder Onderskeidings in Afrikaans, Wiskundige Geletterdheid, Lewensoriëntering en Besigheidstudies


Total kandidate ingeskryf






Aantal A-simbole


Aantal B-simbole

NSC Top Achievers per province


“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal” Author Unknown

Ulrich le Roux

Paarl Boys’ High School


Matthew Holm

Hoërskool Kathu

Northern Cape

Chané Nel

Hoër Meisieskool Oranje


Eloise Shelly

Hoërskool Hartbeespoort

North West

Kgothatso Angela

KwaMhlanga Secondary


Dichochi Ramotlou

Hoërskool Noorderland


Laai’qah Bedford

Hudson Park High School

East London

Kristen Erasmus

Hoërskool Waterkloof


Cade Sayner

Kingsway High School

Kwazulu Natal

HOËRSKOOL DIAMANTVELD Top Matrics 2021 Top Akademiese skool in die Noord-Kaap provinsie met ‘n 100% slaagsyfer.

Tahlita Fourie (Dux Leerder) 87,2% - 8 A’s

Dimitria v Wyk 5 A’s

Koot Oosthuizen 6 A’s

Zak Zwiegers 5 A’s

Bea Kruger 7 A’s

Rochelle de la Rey 5 A’s

Riàn-Marie Coetzee 7 A’s

CJ Marx 4 A’s

Tané Barnard 4 A’s

Elana Burger 4 A’s

Cimé Vermeuelen 6 A’s

Mart-Marie de Wet 4 A’s

Francois du Toit 5 A’s

Fouché Naudé 4 A’s



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