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5 MATRICS GOING TO ANTARCTICA On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 15h15, the wait was finally over for five matrics who will be joining Riaan Manser in Antarctica this coming February.
Ferdinand Postma High School The High School for Girls Potchefstroom Al Huda Muslim School Nurul Iman Muslim School Potchefstroom Gimnasium Hoërskool Wesvalia Rustenburg Opvoedkundige Kollege Hoër Volkskool Potchefstroom Hoërskool Klerksdorp Hoërskool Sannieshof
Metric: Average distinctions per learner Source:
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On 10 February 2022, the five winners will fly out of Cape Town International Airport on an ALCI alusion cargo plane and land six and a half hours later on an Antarctic runway that is essentially a block of ice. Hosted at Novolazarevskaya, the Russian scientific base, the students’ home for the next 5 days. The students will spend their time learning about the Antarctic as a whole, the International Antarctic Treaty, exploring its beauty, hiking, taking part in science experiments, participating in a litter cleaning initiative and most importantly, learning about themselves. Congratulations to: • Tswaledi Mosa Hlakudi - Brainline - Gauteng • Anika Le Roux - Paarl Girls High School Western Cape • Mattheus Hendrikus (Kol) Wessels - Grey College - Freestate • Kgosatsana Mabalane - St Michaels School for Girls - Freestate • Keaton Stansfeld - Jeppe High School for Boys - Gauteng On their return, we will follow their progress with
campaign implementation in their communities and stand true to the motto of Matrics in Antarctica: Less talking and observation and more action and results. We do not need more activists; we need change makers. Matrics in Antarctica is a program founded by Manser with the primary objective of using Antarctica as a backdrop and the most exotic of environmental conversation starters. Manser’s belief that we need to move from “talking” to “doing” is something most on the planet would agree is necessary, but alas nobody practices. “We are only handing out more mops while more taps are being opened and the house continues to flood,” says Manser. How can this be a mindset we have continued to have for over four decades,” Manser added.
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AWSUM gesels met
Ulrich le Roux, wat verlede jaar and die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl gematrikuleer het, is as die landswye topleerder van 2021 aangewys. Baie geluk met die prestasie. Hoe voel dit om as die slimste leerder uit die Klas van 2021 gekroon te word? Dit voel ongelooflik en ek is verskriklik gelukkig daaroor. Het jy die goeie uitslae verwag of was jy verras? Ek was redelik verras met die uitnodiging en aankondiging. Hoe was die hele ervaring tot nou toe - vandat jy as toppresteerder aangekondig is? Alles het regtig vinnig gebeur, maar dit was baie lekker om die uitslae by die skool te kry en al my vriende weer te sien. Wie is jou rolmodel en hoekom? My ouer broer. Hy het my gewys hoe harde werk tot sukses kan lei en my geleer om altyd die grense van wat ek dink moontlik is, te druk. Watter ondersteuning het jy gehad? My ma het my baie ondersteun met Wiskunde ekstra-klasse.
kombinasie van teorie-leer, deur die jaar se oefeninge gaan en vraestelle uitwerk, gebruik. Moes jou ma ooit sê: “Ulrich, gaan leer nou”, of het jy op jou eie studeer? Ek het altyd op my eie studeer. Wat was jou gunsteling vak en hoekom? Wiskunde. Ek hou baie van syfers en probleemoplossing. Watter drie hoogtepunte staan vir jou uit tydens jou hoërskooljare? 1. My prestasie in die 2021 NSS eksamen. 2. Ek was in 2021 ‘n skoolprefek. 3. Ek was in 2021 kaptein van die o.19 B Hokkiespan. Wat gaan jy in 2022 studeer en hoekom? Ek gaan Aktuariële Wetenskap by Stellenbosch studeer. Ek hou baie daarvan om met syfers, wiskunde en komplekse probleme te werk. Wat is jou boodskap vir die Klas van 2022 wat ook so goed soos jy wil presteer? Geniet elke oomblik, maar werk van die begin af baie hard om jou doelwitte te bereik.
Watter studiemetode het jy gebruik? Ek het nie ‘n spesifieke studiemetode nie. Ek het ‘n
Noordwes se toppresteerder Hoërskool Hartbeespoort High School
Eloise Shelley, wat verlede jaar aan Hoërskool Hartebeespoort gematrikuleer het, is as die topleerder van die Noordwes provinsie aangewys. Baie geluk met die prestasie. Het jy die goeie uitslae verwag of was jy verras? Baie dankie! Ek was heel verras met die prestasie. Ek het geweet ek het hard gewerk, maar ek was maar onseker. Wat was jou grootste uitdaging in jou matriekjaar? My grootste uitdaging was maar al die oorweldegende gevoelens wat mens tydens jou matriekjaar voel. Dit was partykeer moeilik om my gedagtes positief te hou. Wie is jou rolmodel en hoekom? Jesus Christus, Hy was beslis die beste voorbeeld vir ons almal. Hy het vir ons gewys hoe om ‘n lewe vol liefde te lewe. Watter ondersteuning het jy gehad? My uitstekende ouers, my peetma, al my onderwysers en my wonderlike maats. Ek is so dankbaar vir almal wat my altyd ondersteun het. Watter studiemetode het jy gebruik? ‘n Kombinasie van baie, afhangend van die vak. Ek het wel ‘active recall’ in al my tegnieke probeer inwerk.
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Wat was jou gunsteling vak en hoekom? Biologie, dit is net verstommend wat die menslike liggaam als kan doen. Wie was jou gunsteling onderwyser? O nee, ek het te veel. Elke onderwyser het ‘n verskillende plek in my hart. Wat gaan jy in 2022 studeer en hoekom? Ek gaan Medies studeer. Ek wil graag my beste doen om te help ‘n verskil maak en ek vind die liggaam vreeslik interessant. Wat is jou boodskap vir die Klas van 2022 wat ook so goed soos jy wil presteer? Byt vas en hou aan jou beste doen. Harde werk is die enigste manier voorentoe. Jy is nooit die enigste een wat sukkel nie, so as jy hulp nodig het maak seker jy vra daarvoor. Laastens, geniet elke oomblik! Die tyd vlieg.
HOËRSKOOL RUSTENBURG Toppresteerders 2021 Hoërskool Rustenberg spog met 245 A’s en 78% universiteitsvrystelling. Rusties se harde werk werp altyd vrugte af.
SD Jacobs 7 Onderskeidings
Melissa J. van Rensburg 7 Onderskeidings
Dian van der Berg 7 Onderskeidings
Luan Bisschoff 6 Onderskeidings
Charl Naudé 6 Onderskeidings
Carli Venter 6 Onderskeidings
The 2021 NSC pass rate is 98.39%, slightly higher than last year’s pass rate of 98.06%. All candidates who passed achieved a pass that is good enough to enter tertiary study at one of the three levels 12 857
Full time candidates wrote the IEB NCS exams
Part-time candidates wrote the IEB NCS exams
Achieved entry to degree study
Qualified to entry to dimploma study
Achieved entry for study at the Higher Certificate level
To understand the impact of the pandemic on the NSC learners of 2021, one needs to consider what normally happens in many schools over the final two years of Grades 11 and 12. Grade 11 is spent primarily on ensuring that learners have a firm grasp and full understanding of key concepts and content in their respective subjects of study. The first term of Grade 12 is usually spent on completion of the curriculum and for the rest of the year, learners are exposed to applications of the concepts and content. A significant amount of time is spent on perfection of examination techniques, like judgement of time, or what to do should you come across a question that you don’t know how to answer. Finally, there is substantial revision to provide students with sufficient exposure to a variety of assessment approaches and hence opportunities to prepare for the final examinations. “The journey for Grade 12 candidates of 2021 was somewhat different with school closures from as early as March 2020 and then sporadically throughout the year, continuing right through their Grade 12 year. They experienced disruptive change of an unprecedented nature within a relatively short space of time,” explains Anne Oberholzer, CEO of the Independent Examinations Board (IEB).
“Teaching in 2020 focused primarily on ensuring that Grade 12 learners were given as much attention as possible to ensure that they could succeed in their final examinations. Most Grade 11 learners in 2020 spent much less time at school and were essentially the test cases of the greatest online tuition experiment of our time. Despite its varied rate of success, one thing is certain – the use of technology in education is here to stay, as it should be.
Top Achievers 2021 We are thrilled to announce a 97.3% pass rate for our 2021 matric group. Together we achieved a 78% Bachelor Pass rate and 99 distinctions.
Oumanyana Mabe 7 Distinctions
Prince Mashava 6 Distinctions
Orapetswe Rapoo 5 Distinctions
Tshegofatso Mokgofa 5 Distinctions
Uyanda Mpambani 4 Distinctions
Tshwaragano Nkwe 4 Distinctions
“There’s no doubt that online learning cannot replace a good teacher in person, however, it is far better than no teacher, and no guidance. The journey to uncover the true worth of technology in the classroom, has begin in earnest and it will be the teachers with initiative, imagination and creativity that will light the way. With the initial fear of unfamiliar technology now behind us, technology will find its rightful place in the education of our children. If there is one good thing to come out of the pandemic, let it be the value that technology can bring to the classroom and particularly those children currently deprived of a quality education,” says Oberholzer.
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BERGSIG AKADEMIE Top Matrieks Ons is baie trots op ons Matriek Heroes.
1. Marli Harmse 8 onderskeidings
2. Renier Jacobs 8 onderskeidings
3. Liam Odendaal 7 onderskeidings
4. Anria Kotze 7 onderskeidings
5. Catherine Woods 6 onderskeidings
6. Tessa Kock 5 onderskeidings
7. Dillon Croshaw 5 onderskeidings
8. Karla Sparks 5 onderskeidings
9. Monice (Corné) Nel 4 onderskeidings
10. Lariska Olivier 4 onderskeidings
11. Jonelle Joubert 4 onderskeidings
12. Dimitrios Angius 4 onderskeidings
13. Vian Scholtz 4 onderskeidings
14. Matthew v Rooyen 4 onderskeidings
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Greystone Crossing, Waterval East
The news site that more than 1.5 million parents visited in 2021. Don’t miss out! AW SU M
The biggest school news platform in S.A
NSC Top Achievers per province Ulrich le Roux
Paarl Boys’ High School
Matthew Holm
Hoërskool Kathu
Northern Cape
Chané Nel
Hoër Meisieskool Oranje
Eloise Shelly
Hoërskool Hartbeespoort
North West
Kgothatso Angela
KwaMhlanga Secondary
Dichochi Ramotlou
Hoërskool Noorderland
Laai’qah Bedford
Hudson Park High School
East London
Kristen Erasmus
Hoërskool Waterkloof
Cade Sayner
Kingsway High School
Kwazulu Natal
DIE HOËRSKOOL WAGPOS Ons is onsettend trots op die harde werk van al ons top kandidate!
Top Matrieks 2021
2021’s matric pupils experienced a disruptive change of an unprecedented nature within a relatively short space of time. They truly deserve the accolades they receive. Anne Oberholzer, the IEB Chief Executive
Rorisang Lehlahe 6 Onderskeidings
Ziné Jacobs 4 Onderskeidings
Roland Mayo 4 Onderskeidings
HOËRSKOOL HARTBEESPOORT Jwee Swanepoel 3 Onderskeidings
Zoanri du Toit 2 Onderskeidings
Paul Prinsloo 3 Onderskeidings
Zané Rothmann 2 Onderskeidings
Kelly Enslin 3 Onderskeidings
Johané Badenhorst 3 Onderskeidings
Dylan O’Neil 2 Onderskeidings
Jacqueline Meyer 2 Onderskeidings
Toppresteerders 2021 Baie dankie aan elke leerder wat ons trots gemaak het, elke ouer wat ons ondersteun het en elke onderwyser wat die ekstra myl geloop het.
Eloise Shelley Top achiever in North West 8 A’s - 95%
Elle Theron 7 A’s - 91.33%
Vanya Blignaut 7 A’s - 88.83%
Tatenda Maduku 7 A’s - 88.33%
Henko vd Merwe 8 A’s - 85.17%
Stefan van der Colff 7 A’s - 84.83%
Top Achievers 2021 Congratulations to the matric class of 2021! We are proud of you. Pass rate: 100% | Bachelor Degree Pass: 88%
Martin Muller 5 Distinctions
Caitlin Bryla 4 Distinctions
Warwick Kidson 4 Distinctions
Ntwanano Terry Mnisi 4 Distinctions
Charissa Cronje 5 A’s - 79.33%
Danae Swart 4 A’s - 79.17%
Anke vd Merwe 4 A’s - 78.50%
Cherelda Wentzel 3 A’s - 77.83%
2021 NSC Matric Results in numbers
ONTVANG DIE AWSUM KOERANT OP JOU FOON WhatsApp jou naam na 073 187 9539
Group pass rate
Learners that achieved bachelor’s pass
Learners that achieved a diploma pass
Learners that achieved higher certifcate pass
“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal” Author Unknown
HOËRSKOOL BRITS Topmatrieks 2021 Hoërskool Brits is weereens geseënd om uitstekende uitslae te lewer | 100% slaagsyfer | 73% slaag met universiteitsvrystelling | 133 onderskeidings | 62% graadgemiddeld.
Keorapetse Matau Dux Leerder Nr. 13 in Noordwes 8 Ondersk. - 92%
Kayla van Rheede van Oudtshoorn 8 Ondersk. - 86.9%
Jennifer Meyer 6 Ondersk. - 85.3%
Christoff Werner 6 Ondersk. - 84.9%
Liza-Mari Rabe 5 Ondersk. - 77.9%
Jowilmi de Villiers 4 Ondersk. - 80.6%
Alex Cloete 4 Ondersk. - 75.9%
Amogelang Malatsi 4 Ondersk. - 75.3%
Michael Strydom 3 Ondersk. - 79.7%
Michyla Links 3 Ondersk. - 77.7%
E’mor Muller 3 Ondersk. - 77%
Tanya van Rhyn 3 Ondersk. - 76.7%
Pearl Tlou 3 Ondersk. - 76.1%
Carelize Jansen van Vuuren 3 Ondersk. - 75.7%
Janca Botha 3 Ondersk. - 75.6%
Jacolien le Roux 3 Ondersk. - 75.6%
Henro Jansen van Vuuren 3 Ondersk. - 75.1%
Shanel Jardim 3 Ondersk. - 74.9%
Pieter Breedt 3 Ondersk. - 74.6%
Ruben Hefer 3 Ondersk. - 73.6%
Dané Nieuwoudt 3 Ondersk. - 73.4%
Conri Swart 3 Ondersk. - 73%
Juhan de Lange 3 Ondersk. - 70.9%
Elani Oberholzer 3 Ondersk. - 70.1%
Mareina Willemse 2 Ondersk. - 77.3%
Liné Scholtz 2 Ondersk. - 76.6%
Toppresteerders 2021 Baie geluk aan ons 2021 Matriek A-kandidate.
Pako Naane 7 Distinctions
Gift Matimulane 6 Distinctions
Bontle Tladi 4 Distinctions
Tenice Piquita 4 Distinctions
INTEREST INDEX Are you unsure what to study? Explore your career-interest with our free online Interest index for high school learners.
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Go to and select Matric Guide
Francois Pieterse 8 Onderskeidings
Tshegofatso Takang 8 Onderskeidings
Muhammed Abdur Rahman Gani 7 Onderskeidings
Leone Heenop 7 Onderskeidings
Mieke Hofmann 7 Onderskeidings
Thato Kesilwe 7 Onderskeidings
Thandolwethu Noinyane 7 Onderskeidings
Sarone Steenekamp 7 Onderskeidings
Karli Beukes 6 Onderskeidings
Dylan Arthur Bullock 6 Onderskeidings
Edwin William Drevin 6 Onderskeidings
Marthinus Phillippus Jonker 6 Onderskeidings
Marnus Jacobus Meintjies 6 Onderskeidings
Stephanus Schutte 6 Onderskeidings
Jillian Louise Springthorpe 6 Onderskeidings
Zaneera Anthony 5 Onderskeidings
Colene De Kock 5 Onderskeidings
Rethabile Tlhonolofatso Makume 5 Onderskeidings
Juane Schoeman 5 Onderskeidings
Natania Stewart 5 Onderskeidings
Francois Christoffel Venter 5 Onderskeidings
The class of 2021 was the ‘most impacted’ by the Covid-19 pandemic as it endured two years of restrictions and disruptions.
Minister Angie Motshekga
The news site that more than 1.5 million parents visited in 2021. Don’t miss out! AWS UM
The biggest school news platform in S.A
13 Aug
22 jaar 100% slaagsyfer 22 years 100% pass rate.
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1 SA skaakkampioen. 1 SA MobiTutor Maths Champion. 3 SA danskampioene. 2 SA World Knowledge Olympiad Winners. 1 SA Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Olimpiadekampioen. 1 SA tweekampkampioen. 3 SA onderwaterhokkiekampioene. 4 SA swemprestasies. 1 SA Programming Champion. 6 Ferdies onder NW top 10 Afrikaanse Olimpiade (juniors). 8 Ferdies onder NW top 10 - Afrikaanse Olimpiade (seniors). 22 Ferdies in NW sportspanne. 2 TV-sterre. 10 NW swemrekords. Top 1, 2 and 3 in NW for Programming Olympiad. 1 Cravenweek-afrigter. 13de Nasionaal - Afrikaanse skole (matrieks 2020) : getal onderskeidings per kandidaat.
Let the highlights do the talking...we'll just pay it forward
Hoërskool Ferdinand Postma High School
THE HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS POTCHEFSTROOM Grade 12 Top Achievers for 2021 Congratulations to The High School for Girls Potchefstroom on their following achievements: 100% Pass Rate | 95.05% University Entrance | 240 Distinctions from 101 Candidates (including Life Orientation) | 186 Distinctions from 101 Candidates (excluding Life Orientation) | 26 Candidates with an average above 80%
Marlé Siebert 7 Distinctions - 92.7% Top Physical Science and Mathematics learner in North West Province 3rd Place in Quintile 4 6th Place overall in North West Province
Inge Meyer 4 Distinctions - 85.9%
Ammara Omar 7 Distinctions - 91.9%
Eliske Jansen van Vuuren 7 Distinctions - 91.6% Top Dramatic Arts learner in North West Province
Takudzwa Mutungama 7 Distinctions - 90.06% Top Geography learner in North West Province
Chrizelle Kok 7 Distinctions - 88.7%
Elana du Plooy 5 Distinctions - 85%
Carla Kruger 6 Distinctions - 85%
Zahreen Latif 6 Distinctions - 84%
Lisa Nieseing 6 Distinctions - 83.7%
ONTVANG DIE AWSUM KOERANT OP JOU FOON WhatsApp jou naam na 073 187 9539
Michelle le Roux 9 Onderskeidings
Jacqueline van Rooyen 8 Onderskeidings
Michael van Rooyen 8 Onderskeidings
Wiané Joubert 7 Onderskeidings
Emma Nel 7 Onderskeidings
Merice Swart 7 Onderskeidings
Chloé Werkman 7 Onderskeidings
James Botha 6 Onderskeidings
Rynard Botha 6 Onderskeidings
Minelize du Toit 6 Onderskeidings
Louis Fourie 6 Onderskeidings
Simoné Hamman 6 Onderskeidings
Phillip Jonker 6 Onderskeidings
Hannes Koornhof 6 Onderskeidings
Elri Prinsloo 6 Onderskeidings
Sunel Smit 6 Onderskeidings
Ané Steenkamp 6 Onderskeidings
Maryke Gildenhuys 5 Onderskeidings
Wiehan Jonker 5 Onderskeidings
Hendrik Nel 5 Onderskeidings
Miré Pienaar 5 Onderskeidings
Marla Stear 5 Onderskeidings
AWSUM wil die topkandidate en matrieks van 2021 wat A-simbole behaal het, asook almal wat die eksamen geslaag het, gelukwens met julle uitstekende prestasie! #nuwedinge #opgewonde AWSUM
The biggest school news platform in S.A | Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A
“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal” Author Unknown
The biggest school news network in SA
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Mardi Swart Dux Leerder 7 Onderskeidings - 91%
Willis Viljoen 7 Onderskeidings - 90%
Jaden McCarthy 6 Onderskeidings - 89%
Jané du Toit 6 Onderskeidings - 88%
Hildemarie Swart 5 Onderskeidings - 87%
Renken Meiring 8 Onderskeidings - 86%
Chanté Fourie 5 Onderskeidings - 83%
Christine-Mari Pienaar 4 Onderskeidings - 81%
Milla Cilliers 3 Onderskeidings - 81%
Juan du Preez 4 Onderskeidings - 80%
TOP BILLING FOR CURRO’S IEB MATRICULANTS 1 774 Curro learners wrote the IEB exams, resulting in an exceptional 99% pass rate even though this group of learners experienced two extremely disrupted years. These results show their true ability and determination, and the group is immensely proud of Curro’s Class of 2021 matriculants. Michaela Noelle van der Waag from Curro Langebaan and Megan van der Walt from Woodhill College achieved within the top 5% in 6 or more subjects and scored a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation, while Kenzo Sandenbergh from Grantleigh received recognition as part of the IEB’s Commendable Achievements. She achieved within the top 5% in 5 subjects and similarly scored a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation. Some Curro learners performed exceptionally in specific subjects. Two learners each achieved 100% in specific subjects. Elizabeth Montgomery from Curro Hermanus obtained 100% in Engineering, Graphics and Design, and Lana de Waal from Curro Langebaan obtained 100% for Mathematics. Curro’s exceptional pass rate grants its learners access to tertiary education providers to study towards degrees, diplomas, or any other course of their choice.
Curro’s academic faculty is extremely proud of its learners’ results, noting the challenging conditions that they have continued to have to work within since the start of the pandemic, which remain disruptive. “For our 2021 matrics, it is the second year in which they have experienced disruptions to their studies and the results shows the calibre of these learners. One must not forget the journey a learner takes to get to Grade 11 and 12; the 2021 Class endured extreme disruptions, with most learning having taken place at home. Curro’s swift transition to virtual learning enabled learners to mitigate the effects of the pandemic significantly, but still required them to adjust and adapt especially as they may have lost family members or had challenges at home. “We commend our learners who have proven that they have talent and the acumen to produce remarkable results, despite
circumstances beyond their control,” says Andries Greyling, Curro Holdings CEO. The majority of Curro’s learners (70%) achieved a minimum of a C-average and 191 learners achieved an A average (an improvement from 2020), which demonstrates the learners’ prowess when it comes to their studies, and commitment to success. “We are extremely proud of our Class of 2021 matriculants. They have shown what can be achieved through hard work and dedication, and we wish each one of them well as they start their career journey by means of further tertiary studies or work opportunities,” concludes Greyling.
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HOËRSKOOL WESVALIA Toppresteerders 2021 Hoërskool Wesvalia is trots op ons toppresteerders en hul harde werk. Welgedaan!
Niël van der Walt 7 A’s - 94.71%%
Amoré van Niekerk 8 A’s - 90.14%
Kirsten van der Merwe 7 A’s - 90.86%
Henkie Mooiman 6 A’s - 90.57%
Anica Visser 7 A’s - 90.43%
Dian Raubenheimer 8 A’s - 90,14%
Luné White 7 A’s - 89.29%
Genevéve Schamrel 7 A’s - 89.29%
Karita Hayward 7 A’s - 88.57%
Talize Swart 7 A’s - 86.29%
Anushka Annandale 7 A’s - 85.71%
Changelle Horn 6 A’s - 85%
Mieke Opperman 5 A’s - 83.71%
Kaylee Meyer 5 A’s - 83.29%
Denise Badenhorst 5 A’s - 83.14%
Ludwig Lourens 5 A’s - 82%
Carlo Chadinha 5 A’s - 81%
Liza Wilkens 3 A’s - 80.71%
Liam Salgado 5 A’s - 80.57%
Jaco Victor 4 A’s - 80.57%
Nicole du Toit 4 A’s - 80.29%
Annemie Wienand 4 A’s - 80%
Abri Nieuwoudt 3 A’s - 80%
Jason Coetzee 4 A’s - 79.86%
Erean Erasmus 4 A’s - 79.57%
Lizandri Fourie 4 A’s - 79.29%
Clarise Prinsloo 3 A’s - 79.29%
Giselle Swanepoel 3 A’s - 79.29%
Terizia van der Plaats 5 A’s - 79%
Janelle Roux 3 A’s - 79%
Anneke van der Merwe 4 A’s - 78.14%
Jean-Louise Curry 3 A’s - 77.86%
Benise Botha 3 A’s - 77.57%
Kyla van Breda 4 A’s - 77.29%
Christine Benade 4 A’s - 76.86%
Alicia Fourie 3 A’s - 76.57%
Marlize du Toit 3 A’s - 76%
Michelle Brink 3 A’s - 75.57%
Ethan Terblanch 3 A’s - 75.29%
Zuanthé van Niekerk 3 A’s - 74.29%
Dané Robberts 3 A’s - 73.29%
Emma de Beer 3 A’s - 70.14%
KLERKSDORP HOËRSKOOL Top Achievers 2021 Congratulations to each of our top Matric achievers! You’ve made us all proud.
Lisa Alberts Dux Learner 7 Distinctions
Carla Bruwer 6 Distinctions
Ronel Kurger 6 Distinctions
Stephanie Esterhuizen 6 Distinctions
Carla van der Merwe 4 Distinctions
Jhené Jonker 4 Distinctions
JP Lubbe 4 Distinctions
Mieke van der Merwe 4 Distinctions
Sané Greeff 4 Distinctions
Zandré Taute 4 Distinctions
HOËRSKOOL LICHTENBURG Topmatrieks 2021 Baie geluk aan ons matriekklas van 2021. | Slaagsyfer: 96.2% | Vakonderskeidings: 146
Lize Joozte 7 Onderskeidings
Beatrix Viljoen 8 Onderskeidings
Frederich Hammann 6 Onderskeidings
Margit Gilliland 6 Onderskeidings
Nunro Brenkman 6 Onderskeidings
Megan Smith 6 Onderskeidings
Kayla van Zyl 4 Onderskeidings
Hezandri vd Westhuizen 4 Onderskeidings
Coreen de Villiers 4 Onderskeidings
Gary Erasmus 5 Onderskeidings
Tharina Pieterse 5 Onderskeidings
Amoret Bruwer 4 Onderskeidings
Joseph Pretorius 4 Onderskeidings
Anzuné Geldenhuys 4 Onderskeidings
The class of 2021 was the ‘most impacted’ by the Covid-19 pandemic as it endured two years of restrictions and disruptions.
Minister Angie Motshekga
Address: Lichtenburg Midas CNR Nelson Mandela & Republic Str, lichtenburg, 2740 Tel: 018 110 0900 Name:
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