Interesting facts of FIFA World Cup 2022
It marks the first World Cup to take place in an Arab nation and only the second to be held in Asia after World Cup 2002, which was hosted in Japan and South Korea. This will also be the first time that the event will take place this late during the year, due to the extreme summer climate in Qatar.
First-ever Winter World Cup
The 2022 edition of the competition would be the first-ever winter World Cup, if considered from the northern hemisphere. The World Cup usually takes place in mid-year but when it came to Qatar, an exception just had to be thrown.
The Most Expensive
As per an estimate, Qatar is spending a whopping $200 billion on infrastructure projects. That’s nearly 10x more than the next most expensive World Cups, Brazil (£11.6 billion) and Russia (£14.2 billion). This is partly because Qatar is building seven brand new stadiums from scratch. It’s also nearly 64x the $3.5 billion South Africa invested in its World Cup. This will make the upcoming event one of the most expensive World Cups in the history of the game.
Fewest Stadiums
Only eight stadiums have been lined up by Qatar to host the World Cup which is the lowest number of venues for the World Cup in recent years. In fact, out of all the eight venues selected to host the tournament, only one got revamped completely while seven are being newly constructed in the country.
Record Number of Visitors
As per an estimate, the Qatar FIFA 2022 World Cup may well end up receiving a record number of visitors by the time the tournament comes to an end. The country
expects to welcome the largest influx of over 1 million international spectators . It’s estimated that 1,300 incoming flights will land in the country daily throughout the competition. The reason behind this is easy to grasp. Being one of the finest countries in the Middle East, Qatar’s convenient geographic location makes it lie in close proximity to most nations.
The Most Commutable
Qatar is a small country. It is, in fact, way smaller than the host of the World Cup 2018, Russia. Since the size of the country is so small, commuting from one place to another here is not a big hassle. Host cities like Doha, Lusail, Al Wakrah, and Al Rayyan are located in close proximity to each other. Hence, moving from one venue to the other wouldn’t be a big hassle for travelers. Another interesting fact is the two most remote stadiums of Qatar -- Al Bayt and Al Wakrah -- are only 90 miles apart.
Air-Conditioned Stadiums
One of the most important points to note about the host nation for FIFA 2022 is the fact that Qatar receives distressingly high temperatures during day times. To tackle the issue, Qatar came up with an audacious solution. For the first time ever, a country is set to host the FIFA World Cup in fully air-conditioned stadiums. All eight venues in Qatar will be fully airconditioned, providing a comfortable viewing experience to fans while making the conditions good enough for players
to perform on the pitch. That translates to roughly 43,560 household air conditioners per stadium or a whole lot of industrial fans.
The Second One In Asia
Not only will Qatar be the first-ever Middle Eastern nation to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022, but it will also be only the second time when the prestigious competition takes centre stage in Asia. The first time it happened was in 2002 when Japan and South Korea co-hosted the FIFA event for the first time in Asia.
The opening ceremonies will happen on Sunday, Nov. 20, at Al Bayt Stadium in Qatar.
FIFA announced the official soundtrack for the World Cup earlier this year.
It includes three massive tracks — “Hayya Hayya (Better Together),” “Arhbo” and “Light the Sky” — that will dominate the airwaves during the world’s biggest soccer tournament.
Bernice West se Lyfie het skole aan die dans
Bernice West, naaswenner van die realiteitsreeks, Maak My Famous, het `n uitdaging aan sosiale media gebruikers gerig. Al wat gebruikers moet doen is om haar te “tag” soos hulle dans op haar weergawe van Lyfie, en die wenner kry ’n kans om dit saam met haar by een van haar konserte te dans op die verhoog.
Skole het nie op hulle laat wag nie en reeds gesorg vir verskeie videos op sosiale media. Haar album, Jona, is deur die loop van 2022 uitgereik en een van die liedjies op die album het egter op ander maniere aandag getrek!
Platebaas van Inhoud Huis Musiek, Johan Vorster, het die gawe om treffers te identifiseer. Hy het die lied, Lyfie, ‘n paar jaar gelede gehoor en geweet daar is iets groter in as wat mense dink!
Bernice staan sinoniem met inspirasie en iemand waarna mense opkyk, insluitend ouer mense. Alhoewel sy haar eie musiek skryf het die platemaatskappy die liedjie aan haar voorgestel met ‘n opname in gedagte. Bernice het die potensiaal gehoor, 100% in die liedjie in gekoop en dit haar eie gemaak! Haar unieke aanslag op die vervaardiging saam met Johan en Robin Kielly het die land aan die dans! Jannes Erasmus noem: “Ons het die duisende Lyfie dans videos op alle sosiale media platforms gesien die afgelope maand en net opnuut besef dat die boodskap van Lyfie soveel hoop aan almal bring wat dit hoor!”
Die lied het alreeds sy verskyning op trefferparades gemaak na aanleiding van stromingsdienste se data en dit is die bewys dat luisteraars dit graag sal wil hoor op radiostasies!
“Ons het die duisende Lyfie dans videos op alle sosiale media platforms gesien die afgelope maand en net opnuut besef dat die boodskap van Lyfie soveel hoop aan almal bring wat dit hoor!”
Top Achievers 2022
Yoonlee Kim Dux Award Grade 12 Top 3 - 1st Yunhui Jeong Cultural Cup Ethan Bainbridge Grade 12 Top 3 - 3rd Sisipho Matutu Service to Sport Ashli Ahrense Sportswoman of the Year Mia Nothnagel Di Giovanni Executive Head’s Award Grade 12 Top 3 - 2nd Aaron Naidoo Service to the Arts De Coito Cup Lwazi Mdluli, Aaron Naidoo, Princess Mguni Mogamat Matthews Sportsman of the Year Sergio Cupido Grade 12 Peer Award u.19 Boys Soccer Sportsteam of the Year Ameer Allie Cultural Cup•
Swimmer of the Year
14th Annual Classical Guitar Competition Term Highlights
On Saturday 29 October, the music department held our 14th Annual Classical Guitar Competition in the Candlelight Theatre. This year’s 62 entries from 22 primary and high schools surpassed our earlier record of 42. Once again, the performance level was impressively high from the youngest 8 year old grade 2 performer to grade 12. Each had come along eager to fight for the coveted trophies and medals.Despite the 33-degree temperature, our captivated audience endured the 3 hours show with warm appreciation for all contestants and the promise to return in 2023 to witness our youth showing off their talents again. EHS learners gave an excellent account of themselves.
Performance medals where awarded to:
• Neo Tenai Gr.8
• Aidyn Sullivan Gr 9
• Aiden van der Merwe Gr. 9
• Thaania Omar Gr. 8
• Justin Kerr Gr. 9
• Zane Jacobs Gr. 12.
• Thaania Omar took second place in the grade 8 category. Zane Jacobs took 3rd place in grade 12.
Aiden van der Merwe was awarded the trophy for best beginner. Aiden had only started playing 11
Sport - Swimming
Tamryn(Left: House Captains:) • Tyler Battista: Glebe • Jayden Dyers: Hawthornden • Nathi Matyeba: Littlewood • Alexander Masters-Kay: McNaughton • Tawfeeq Botha: Silverhurst • Oliver van Niekerk: Sunnninghill • Khoza Makubalo: Trovato • Tando Green: Oude Wijnberg
Grade Prefects
Matric (Deputy Head Prefect): Nicholas van Schalkwyk
Matric Prefect (Buddies): Morgan Cochius Junior Prefect: Luca Conarroe
Baie geluk ook aan ons JvR-hoofleier, Simon van den Berg, wat verkies is om die 64ste Die Burger Jeugleierskonferensie vanaf 11 tot 15 Desember by te woon.
Slegs 50 hoofleiers van skole in die Noord-, Oos- en Wes-Kaap word jaarliks gekies om dié konferensie (in samewerking met die WKOD) by te woon.
Ons is ook trots en opgewonde dat vanjaar se konferensie hier op die Jan van Riebeeck-kampus aangebied word.
Dié 50 jeugleiers sal almal in ons koshuis tuisgaan en verskeie leierskapsessies, aanbiedinge deur top sprekers en sosiale aktiwiteite in ons skoolgebou en Welgemeend geniet. Geniet hierdie besondere geleentheid, Simon!
Hierdie leerderleiers gaan die matriekraad en VRL ondersteun deur spesifiek aan matriekprojekte en -inisiatiewe aandag te gee. Hul tree ook as ons mentors vir die graad 8-leerders op. Hierdie leiers is opgewonde en sien uit om in 2023 hulle idees met die res van die skool te deel. Enige matriekleerder wat ‘n sinvolle impak wil maak, kan hul kom help in die lekker projekte wat hul gaan beplan. Baie geluk en baie sterkte met jul groot taak!
• Hanlie Theron (voorsitter)
• Jamie Nel (voorsitter)
• Lesley-Ann van Schalkwyk
• Nian du Toit
• Albert Matthee
• Bernard Wiese
• Natasha Roos
• Guilia Nel
• Chanté du Plessis
• Paul Schultz
• Aimee Els
• Charné Basson
• Annique Wait
Jan Karsten in graad 8 is vroeër vanjaar as die o.14-Afrika-skaakkampioen gekroon... en nou is hy ook die nuwe Afrika Junior o.20-skaakkampioen!
Jan het hierdie titel die afgelope naweek in Bejaia, Algerië verower. Dit gee hom nou ‘n voorwaardelike IM-titel (International Master-titel) asook ‘n GMnorm (Grand Master).
Jan is op 14 jarige ouderdom die jongste Afrika Junior o.20-kampioen tot nog toe!
Baie geluk met hierdie uitsonderlike prestasie, Jan - ons is baie trots op jou!
• Stefan Turkstra
• Tayden Groenewalt
• Nicole Prinsloo
• Ghafsa Thompson
• Daniella Nikoforus
• Zia Meintjies
• Hans-Jacob Hoffman
• Monique Liebenberg
• Francois Liebenberg
• Nina Crouse
• Kiara du Plooy
Dink nuut oor drukwerk by jou skool!
Die Skole Ondersteuningsentrum het onlangs die voorbeeld gebruik: om klein veranderinge aan die manier waarop inhoud oorgedra word te maak, is soos om `n kamer aan `n ou huis aan te bou. Ja, dit lyk goed, en elke kamer het sy funksie en ons doen ons bes met wat ons het. Wanneer jy egter uit die staanspoor en vir ‘n spesifieke doel ‘n nuwe, moderne, ontwerpte huis binnestap, sal jy nie terugtrek na jou ou huis toe nie, maar eerder die ou huis afbreek en van nuuts af bou.
Hoe vernuwe jy drukwerk by jou skool? Werksboeke, addisionele leermateriaal of skryfboeke is `n kopseer vir elke skool. Nie net neem dit ure om dit by die skool te bind nie, maar dit kan ook binne `n paar weke uitmekaar val. Met vandag se tegnologie is die prys vir swart en wit boeke basies dieselfde as vir kleur.
Die bindwerk verseker ook dat jou boeke waaraan jy so hard gewerk het, die hele jaar sal hou!
Raak kreatief met voorblaaie!
Het jy geweet skole kan deesdae die skryfboeke van die leerders laat druk met die skool se kleure op die voorblad? Dit skep nie net eenvormigheid by die skool nie, maar is reeds gelamineer en daarom hoef dié boeke nie oorgetrek te word nie. Die skool kan self besluit hoe breed die lyne moet wees en verkoop dan dié boeke weer aan die leerders as deel van `n fondsinsameling vir die skool.
Voorbeeld van skryfboeke:
Die prys vir die boeke hang af van die hoeveelheid boeke wat bestel word. Jy sal nie glo hoe bekostigbaar dit is nie.
Alle grootte boeke is beskikbaar - van die 32-blad tot die 192-blad boeke.
Prestige Awards & Premier Awards 2022
Optima Petamus
The following trophy is awarded to a Grade 12 learner who has excelled in all areas of Table View High School’s co-curricular and extracurricular programme. They need to meet the following criteria:
• Be a member of the 1st team of a summer or winter sport.
• Be in the 1st team or on the executive committee of a cultural activity.
• Display leadership qualities (example a sports captain or a prefect)
• Obtain an A aggregate.
This young man has been no stranger to the stage during his high school career. Not only has he maintained an A aggregate for 3 years, an achievement that earned him colours in academics, but he has also played for the first cricket team, led the Audio Visual team and served on the prefect body.The Optima Petamus is awarded to Peter Glover
Service to Culture trophy was awarded to Peter Glover.
Peter has shown tremendous commitment to cultural activities this year. For his commitment to culture at Table View High School, through his contribution to the choir, interact & eco-club, Viewsion, the 2022 house play festival, and most importantly the Audio Visual team.
The Trophy for All-round excellence in school sport for boys was awarded to Caleb Achmad. Caleb represented Table View High School on the Hockey Field and was awarded the trophy for the player of the year.
Caleb played cricket for the first team and was the vice-captain for the Cricket team.
Caleb obtained his Western Province colours for Action Cricket.
As a Table View High School learner, he has shown commitment and dedication to his sport.
Sally O’shea Trophy - Leadership (Girls): Abigail Spinola.
Bradley Wade Shield - Leadership (Boys): Nayson Gounden.
Dux Learner 2022; Seven Subject As:
• Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal
• Business Studies
• English Home Language
• History
• Life Orientation
• Life Sciences
• Mathematical Literacy
Sharing Trophy: Best Achievement in Business Studies
Trophy: Best Achievement: Oral - English Home Language, Academic Bar, Academic Honours ReAwarded, Aggregate of 88.71%. The Dux Learner is Charlotte Franklin.
Principals Trophy
This year’s principal’s award goes to a learner who embodies what it means to be a Percy. During the five years that he has been a learner at Table View High School, he has dedicated countless hours, unfailing optimism, and absolute love to the school through his commitment to the AV team, cricket, the school newspaper, the prefect body, his academics, and the general functioning of the school. He is well-respected by his peers and educators alike. It has been both an honour and privilege to work with him during his time at TVHS. The 2022 principal’s award goes to Peter Glover.
Floating Trophy For Courtesy (Boys)
This gentle and friendly young man is an extraordinary gentleman, with a courteous nature. He is highly respected by his peers and educators alike, a reflection of his respect for others and for himself. The floating trophy for Courtesy is awarded to Brandon De Abreu.
Floating Trophy For Deportment (Girls)
This year we award a polite young lady who is always ready with a smile. Her courteous disposition, exemplary behaviour, and manners, in addition to her immaculate appearance, make her truly deserving of this award. The floating trophy for Deportment is awarded to Elmarie Michaels.
Lions Club Service Award
The Lion’s Club Service Award goes to an individual who has given of their time and energy in service to the community. This year, the trophy goes to a selfless young lady who truly dedicates herself to helping her community. Her official title is secretary of the Junior Table View Neighbourhood watch, a position she has held since 2019. In her role as secretary, she coordinates the annual Santa shoebox drive, organises and minutes meetings, plans patrols when needed and takes part in special patrols on holidays such as women’s day and Mandela Day, just to mention a few of her responsibilities. The Lions club service award goes to Romy Gregory.
Excellence in Sport
This learner has shown tremendous dedication and achievement in her chosen sport. She was selected to represent South Africa at The African Gymnastic Championships in Egypt where her team placed second overall. It was there that she was selected to represent South Africa at the Olympic Hopes competition in the Czech Republic which will take place in November of this year. Therefore, the trophy for the Excellence in sport is awarded to Tatum Daniels.
Brandon De Abreu and Elmarie Michaels Charlotte Franklin Peter Glover Abigail Spinola and Nayson Gounden Caleb Achmad and Peter Glover Tatum Daniels Romy GregoryTABLE VIEW PRIMARY SCHOOL
Prefects for 2023
EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Congratulations to the following learners who were elected to represent their school as prefects for 2023. Front Row: Likho Koli, Reabetswe Sekhonyane, Theodore Webber, Marques Bosch, Emmanuel Waka, Adam Hodgson, Ivile Kulu, Payton Earland, Buhle Dikana. Middle Row: Keiralee Rogerson, Resego Kgati, Minaaz Hauptfleisch, Norman Heath, Lilitha Fosi, Emma Brown, Sinhle Mbolompo, Michael Watson, Mackenzie Koko, Zinati Sam. Back Row: Matthew Wrench, Georgi Gueorguiev, Kuhle Kobese, Mila Viljoen, Bella Bekker, Phamna Makhathini, Hailey Bell, Stephano Musambya, Gideon Smit, Donald Musimar. Absent: Jack Stewart.Student
Rifqah Price of the year - Awarded to a student who embodies the spirit of BIS. Half colours for 80% aggregate and above. Highest mark achieved in Business Studies and Physics. Shannon Alves Half colours for 80% aggregate and above. Highest mark achieved in Geography, German and Art (Shared). Isabella Hart colours for 80% aggregate and above. Highest mark achieved in History. Kazimla Dyakalashe Half colours for 80% aggregate and above. Highest mark achieved in Biology, English and Speech and Drama Award (Shared). Rémy Wang