Celebrating school achievements in South Africa JUNE 2022
Read the latest school news on www.awsumnews.co.za
Learners selected for provincial teams Leerders wat verkies is tot provinsiale spanne
Bring jou tekkies en bring jou tokse Skenk ou tekkies of toks aan leerders wie se ouers dit nie finansieel kan bekostig nie. Skole en instansies kan betrokke raak deur te help met die insameling van die sportskoene. Die skopafrigter Vlok Cilliers en die Springbok-losskakel Morné Steyn het hul kragte saamgesnoer om `n verskil in die lewe van jong mense met sporttalent te maak. Cilliers het in 2020 die Tekkies-en-Toks-projek, in samewerking met Solidariteit Helpende Hand, begin om behoeftige kinders te help wat nie rugbystewels of tekkies kan bekostig nie. AWSUM is trots om van 2022 ook as mediavennoot by die projek betrokke te kan wees.
Hoe raak ons skool betrokke en skenk ek as ouer skoene? 1. 2. 3.
Indien jou skool wil betrokke raak, kontak gerus vir Annelize by annelize@helpendehand.co.za Ouers en leerders kan betrokke raak en enige ou of nuwe sportskoene skenk of deur `n geldelike bydra te maak. Die projek is nie net gemik op seuns wat aan rugby deelneem nie, maar op alle kinders en vir enige sportsoort. Daar is twee afleweringspunte: • •
4. 5.
Leerders of ouers bring tweedehandse/nuwe sportskoene (ons versoek wel dat dit in ‘n bruikbare toestand moet wees) na hul skool en plaas dit in die Tekkies en Toks boks by die skool Ouers kan ook die skoene by hulle naaste Helpende Hand Ons Winkel-tak aflaai
Sodra die bokse vol is kontak die skool Helpende Hand wat die bokse leegmaak vir verdere insameling Helpende Hand is verantwoordelik vir die allokering en verspreiding na geskikte kandidate.
Gaan besoek ook gerus die webtuiste www.tekkiesentoks.co.za vir meer inligting.
Laerskool Volschenk wins the AWSUM Primary School competition Laerskool Volschenk from Riversdal won the AWSUM competition for primary schools. Primary schools had to send a photo with grade 7 learners holding the Top Matrics AWSUM edition. The winning school won R2500 for the grade.
(Right) The winning photo from Laerskool Volschenk, Riversdal
ONTVANG DIE AWSUM KOERANT OP JOU FOON WhatsApp jou naam na 073 187 9539
The risks of supplements As parents or guardians, you know that the pressure to train hard, compete and achieve at a high level can lead athletes to entertain dangerous options. Saids is the Institute for Drug-Free Sport in S.A. AWSUM asked them why we should be concerned about the risks of supplements and they share the facts. The general assumption in school learners is that supplements will improve their performance on the sport field and that it is a ‘quick fix’ to reach your goals. This might be due to the confusing, sometimes dubious, claims on supplement labels. A scary fact is that one of the boys who tested positive for anabolic steroids during the Craven Week Rugby Tournament in 2018, revealed taking 18 different supplements, ranging from protein shakes and ‘mass builders’, to pre-workouts, energy boosters, etc. Why should we be alarmed if the following claims “scientifically tested”, “proven”, “healthy”, “specifically designed for youth”, “superior”, “drug-free” appear on the supplement packaging? It is unethical marketing and outright false claims of efficacy and safety and provides hidden risks that consumers are not always aware of. In fact, researchers from the University of KZN did an analysis of 15 Whey Protein Shakes from the top-selling brands in SA and found that 9 out of the 15 were non-compliant with labelling regulations, and deliberately manipulated and overstated the protein and amino-acid content of the products. Are supplements being tested sufficiently? No. In reality, the majority of supplements on the market have not been sufficiently tested or scrutinised by an independent health authority, such as the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). This problem is not unique to South Africa, but is a global concern. What are the dangerous ingredients that were found in supplements? Prescription drugs, banned substances, heavy metals, pesticides, and other dangerous chemicals. In one study, researchers analised the contents of 134 top-selling protein supplements available via the internet - many were found to contain heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, BPA (found in plastic) and other chemicals linked to cancer, liver damage and other ill-health effects3. In a study conducted by the University of Cape Town (UCT), 138 popular Protein Shakes from leading brands available on the SA market were tested for melamine content (found in plastic). The use of melamine in food production is not approved by WHO as it is related to kidney stones and kidney failure. Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food products to increase their ‘apparent’ protein content. The UCT researchers found that 57% of imported and 82% of locally produced protein shakes tested positive for melamine. Though the concentration was below toxic levels per se, there is a risk related to the amount of product the consumer will be taking (dosage), frequency, duration, and/or number of supplements the individual will be taking.
Can these ingredients, that exceed safety limits, cause medical problems or hospitalization? A study report from Harvard Medical School looked at the number of ill-health events reported on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System between 2004 to 2015. They found 977 adverse event reports in the 0 – 25 year age group2. Around 40% had severe medical outcomes, including hospitalization and death. Supplements sold for muscle-building, weight loss and energy were associated with almost 3 x the risk for severe medical outcomes compared to vitamins. Can supplements be taken as a supplement to nutritional needs? Advertising such as: “supplements specially designed for youth”, or that “young athletes need supplements to perform / bulk-up”, or “a normal diet is not enough” is concerning. These claims have no scientific grounds and contradicts evidence-based consensus on the value of “food first” for youth as best support for optimal health, growth and development and sporting performance (over the short- and long-term). Particularly in youth, a dietary supplement should only be considered (for as short duration as possible) to correct a clinically diagnosed dietary deficiency and taken under appropriate health professional guidance e.g. Registered Dietitian, who can address and optimise dietary intake as the main focus. A Dietitian can also help do a risk vs. benefit analysis and help identify low-risk products, if needed. Parents should note that SAIDS supports the views of leading health and sport authorities from around the world (including the IOC) that deems it inappropriate and unethical for active and competitive adolescent athletes to be encouraged to consume dietary supplements for performance-enhancement. References 1. Harvard Medical School - The hidden dangers of protein powders: They may contain added sugar, calories, or even toxic chemicals. 2020 (link) 2. Taking Stock of Dietary Supplements’ Harmful Effects on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults,” Flora Or, Yongjoo Kim, Juliana Simms, S. Bryn Austin, Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019, doi: 10.1016/j. jadohealth.2019.03.005. 3. Consumer Reports - Arsenic, Lead Found in Popular Protein Supplements. Hirsch, 2018.
Visit the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport webpage – Education and Video Library; Report Doping or Contact Us for any queries. www.drugfreesport.org.za
LAERSKOOL WIERDAPARK Algehele skaakwenners by Super 12
Bloubul Rugby
Laerskool Wierdapark is aangewys as die Super 12 algehele skaakwenners! Daar het 22 leerders aan die Super 12 deelgeneem. Die junior -en seniorspanne het gewen.
Laerskool Wierdapark is baie trots op ons o.13 rugbyseuns wat die Bloubulgroep behaal het. Hulle sal in onderskeidelike spanne aan die Cravenweek deelneem.
Voor: Madia Opperman, Yolandé Sutil, Louis Dekker, Teresa Vermeulen en Hanlie Oosthuizen. Middel: Zander vd Merwe, Jordan Opperman,Tristan Whiteman, Amber-lee Engelbrecht, Ewan Roos, Reuben Coetzee, Simon Barkhuizen. Middel agter: Anneke Bogaard, Nathan Tennant, Tiaan Fokker, Hanko Vermaak, Franco Bogaard, Ethan Calcott, Levi Alberts, Mari Muller. Agter: Emile Muller, Kirsten Maartens, Barnard Olivier, Helen Rautenbach, Mia Redelinghuys, Carli Pistorius, Christian Muller.
Marinel oppad Dance World Cup toe!
Jaden Herbst (Cravenweek, onder kaptein), Ziaan Slabbert (Cravenweek), Jackie Rampyapyedi (15 Tal), Dean Wilbers(15 Tal, Onder kaptein) en Nicus de Jager (15 Tal Kaptein).
Geelbekkies en Alawierdas verower goud Laerskool Wierdapark is baie trots op ons junior (geelbekkies)- en seniorkoor (Alawierdas). Hulle het die beoordelaars betower met hul goue stemme en verower goud by die Afriforum Super 12-Kore kompetisie en is aangewys as die Sing in Harmonie kategoriewenners.
Ons is baie trots op Marinel Coetzee wat Suid-Afrika by die Dance World Cup 2022 in Spanje gaan verteenwoordig.
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Matrieks! Maak seker jy kry die 2022 AWSUM After School Guide wat in Junie by jou skool uitgedeel gaan word. Ons deel in hierdie gids moontlike studierigtings en ander opwindende avonture wat jy na skool kan aanpak.
The biggest school news platform in S.A | Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A
HOËRSKOOL CENTURION Lugpistool- En Luggeweerskiet
Interprovinsiale Landloop
Die naweek van 22 tot 23 April, was die SuidAfrikaanse Skole Skutters Unie (SANSSU) se SA kampioenskappe in Bloemfontein aangebied. Die land se top lugpistoolen luggeweerskuts is uitgenooi om deel te neem. Hierdie deelname kan vir die skuts ‘n moontlike plek in die SA skolespan se toer na Engeland later die jaar besorg. Hier sal hulle dan aan die “UK Bisley Competition” deelneem wat vroeg in Augustus plaasvind.
Ons atlete wat aan die interprovinsiale landloopbyeenkoms deelgeneem het. Dogters: Izelle Nel, Liandrie Roux, Cherri Mienie, Amé van Brede, Brigitte Martins, Zoë O’Brien, Louise Bruwer en Eliska van der Westhuizen. Seuns: Pine le Roux (L/S Louis Leipoldt), Jaco le Roux, JP Pretorius, Marco Erasmus, Anton Stassen, Ronin Rybnikar, Dillan van Niekerk, Hennie Vermaak, André Erasmus en Anton-Raynard Pretorius.
Kristian-Leigh Cockrell (gr. 11) is uitgenooi om aan die o/21-lugpistoolkategorie deel te neem. Sy eindig 5de in die lugpistoolafdeling en algeheel 6de in die toernooi (luggeweer en lugpistool gekombineerd). Hierdie puik prestasie het vir haar ‘n plek in die SA span verseker. Slegs die top 21 skuts word na Engeland geneem. Die toer sal vanaf 1 tot 13 Augustus 2022 plaasvind.
Kristian-Leigh Cockrell
Adjunkhoof as voorsitter van Gauteng-Skolekrieket verkies Ons is trots daarop dat ons adjunkhoof van buitekurrikulêre aktiwiteite as die voorsitter van Gauteng-skolekrieket verkies is. Die aanstelling bring mee dat hy vir die volgende drie jaar op die SA skolekrieketkomitee sal dien. Buiten dat hy reeds voorsitter van Titansskolekrieket is, dien hy ook as voorsitter van die Finsbury Superliga en die Nasionale Noord-Suid T20kompetisie.
Hy is ook die sekretaris van Noordvaal-skolekrieket.
Mnr. J. Cloete
Woeries se hoof verjaar! Ons hoof se verjaarsdag was op 6 Mei met kolwyntjies en kleurvolle pret gevier. Ons wil elke Woerie bedank vir julle deelname om hierdie dag vir mnr. Koekemoer spesiaal te maak.
Tennis Teen Zwartkop Baie geluk aan die eerste seunstennisspan wat onoorwonne in hulle liga geëindig het, nadat hulle met Zwartkop afgereken het.
LAERSKOOL BAKENKOP Provinsiale Spanne Die volgende leerders het ‘n posisie in provinsiale spanne behaal vir verskeie sportsoorte:
Alex Abrahams o.12 Hokkie
Anneri Theron Akrobaat Level 7
Keegan Enslin o.12 Indoor Krieket
Juané Coetzee o.12 Aksie Netbal o.12 Skaak
Logan Kidson o.13 Muurbal
Lisa-Lyn Venter Akrobaat Level 4
Chané Venter o.12 Hokkie en Indoor Krieket
Merikus Coetzee o.10 Skaak
Xander Pheiffer o.10 Indoor Krieket
Michael Brown Level 5 Trampoline
Wiandi Rheeders Akrobaat Level 2
Amicke Bands Akrobaat Level 6
Zarius Keyter o.11 Skaak
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HOËRSKOOL ELDORAIGNE Anja deel van o.19 Tshwane A-Netbalspan Ons is baie trots op Anja Combrink wat verkies is tot die o.19 Tshwane A-netbalspan. Hulle neem die vakansie aan die Gauteng Provinsiale kampioenskappe in Sedibeng deel, sowel as die Telkom Netbal kampioenskappe in Witbank.
Georgia de Jongh deel van NoordGauteng span Hokkie deel van Notherns span Baie geluk aan Georgia de Jongh, wat gekies is vir die o.19, asook die O/23 Noord-Gauteng span se binnenshuise netbal. Sy het ook deelgeneem aan die Interprovinsiale toernooi vir binnenshuise netbal.
Ons is baie trots op Sego Motswasele wat in die Northerns o.18 B seunsspan opgeneem is. Chadwin Petersen is aangestel as die huidige afrigter van die Northerns o.18 B seuns en Stefan Coertzen van die Northerns o.16 B seunsspanne. Baie geluk met hierdie wonderlike prestasie, ons is baie trots op julle!
Georgia de Jongh
Inter-Provinsiale Landloop Kampioenskappe Die atlete het tydens die AGN landloop ligas gekwalifiseer en is almal ingesluit in die AGN span wat eerskomende naweek, 4 Junie aan die InterProvinsiale Landloop kampioenskappe in Rayton gaan deelneem. Baie geluk en baie sterkte vir die naweek! Ons is baie trots op julle!
Anja Combrink
Mnr. Dave du Plessis, Luhané Smith, Elmé Mienie, Louis-Christo Venter, Megan Muller.
Chadwin Petersen, Sego Motswasele, Stefan Coertzen.
Eerste muurbalspan by Top Schools Ons eerste muurbalspan eindig algeheel 3de by die Top Schools toernooi. Al die top muurbalskole in Pretoria het aan die toernooi deelgeneem. Die leerders wat deelgeneem het is as volg: Johan Coetsee • Wynand van den Heever • • Wiehan Viljioen • Dian Meades • Nicholas Roets
LAERSKOOL LOUIS LEIPOLDT Landloop Leipies Atletiekklub het die afgelope Landloop Klubseisoen groot suksesbehaal. 20 Atlete van Laerskool Louis Leipoldt het AGN kleure verwerf en deelgeneem aan die Interprovinsiale kampioenskappe te Rayton. Die atlete het die afgelope 10 weke kliphard geoefen en spog met 5 medaljes.
ATKV Redenaars Baie geluk aan Mia Schabort wat onder die Top Tien van die semi-finale rondte is. Dit beteken sy is onder die eerste tien in Noord- Gauteng. Dit is ook die eerste keer wat Mia deelneem aan onvoorbereide redenaars. Dit beteken Mia moes binne ‘n uur haar eie toespraak skryf. Baie geluk en knap gedaan Mia! Ons is baie trots op jou.
Mia Schabort
Netbal Die 0/12 A span eindig 2de in die liga. Hulle dring deur na die Diamand uitspele op 7 Junie. Hulle eindig 5de tydens die uitspele. Die 0/11 A span was liga wenners gedurende die seisoen.
O.12 A Me C Barnard, Arné Cloete, Mia de Jager, Jana Engelbrecht, Lara vd Poll, Kiara Grobbelaar, Zine Brandt (Tatum Lemmer afwesig).
O.11 A Me H Putter, Anke Badenhorst, Leah Moolman, Kirsti Jv Vuuren, Ané van Loggerenberg, Tyler van Rooyen, Lee-Hané Mienie en Gemah Conradie.
Voor: Leandri van der Bijl, Ian Fowler, Nico van der Poll. Tweede ry: Minke Dekker, Chanene Barnard, Lee-Hané Mienie, Anje Fowler Derde ry: Christian Benadé, Arno Bester, Juanita Dekker (Afrigter), Mattias Kielblock, Benjamin Pietersen. Vierde ry: JC van der Bijl, Jonathan Pietersen, Elmar Kriel, Wessel Fourie, Pine Roux. Vyfde ry: Marlene Nel (Sporthoof), Christian Pietersen, JanDaniel Beeslaar, Ewan Kielblock, Hanno Bester, Pieter Ferreira (Hoof).
Daar het 75 000 kinders oor die land deelgeneem uit 525 skole in rondte een. 11 263 kinders het in rondte 2 deelgeneem uit 366 skole, dis ook oor die hele land. Alle leerders van Gr 5-7 het deelgeneem. Van die leerders het deurgedring na die 2de rondte en daarna is die volgende leerders uitgenooi na die prysuitdeling. Alex Killian het die beste in ons skool gevaar deelgeneem aan die • tweede rondte en behaal 11de plek van al die skole. Lienke Vogel neem deel aan A+ Students Wiskunde Streeks Kompetisie. • Sy het die hoogste prestasie behaal wat daar by die kompetisie was naamlik “Kampioen van Kampioene”. Lee-Hane Mienie en Christiaan Benade het deelgeneem en albei het • Kampioen van Kampioene toekenning behaal.
Alex Killian
Christiaan Benade
Lee-Hane Mienie
Lienke Vogel
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LAERSKOOL SWARTKOP Swarries opgeneem in Blou Bul rugbyspan
Baie geluk aan Amahle Kilani, Jaden Stewart en Angus Myers wat in die o.13 Blou Bul rugbyspan opgeneem is.
Landloop Ons AGN Landloopspan wat Laerskool Swartkop by die Voorseisoen Interprovinsiale byeenkoms in Cullinan verteenwoordig het.
Nege Swarries haal AGN span! Baie geluk aan die volgende leerlinge wat die AGN span gehaal het en sodoende provinsiale kleure verwerf. • • • • • • • • •
Nadea Steyn Milané Rheeders Véani Slabbert Josua Bruwer Hendré Rheeders Gideon Steyn Reinart Bruwer Marnus Laubscher Ruan Steyn
SA Atletiekkampioenskappe Baie geluk aan hierdie twee Swarries wat gister deelgeneem het aan die SA Kampioenskappe. Hulle het uitstekend gevaar en stap elkeen weg met ‘n medalje! Jaco van Dyk (0/12) verower ‘n 2e plek in gewigstoot. Jaden Stewart (0/13) verower ‘n 3e plek in diskus. Ons is ongelooflik trots op julle twee manne.
Jaco van Dyk en Jaden Stewart
Krieketpresteerders Ons skaak presteer
WJ Esterhuizen (Gr.7) het aan die Nasionale Toernooi vir binneshuise krieket deelgeneem en is in die SA Span vir 2022 asook die Wêreldbeker span vir 2023 opgeneem.
Ons Swarrie Junior -en Seniorskaakspan behaal elk `n 3e plek by die Arnold Classic Skaaktoernooi. Baie geluk julle!
Ruan Steyn is vir die u/13 Mzansi Hawks krieketspan gekies. Die span het in die LPL krieket toernooi gekompeteer, wat in Mei-maand plaasgevind het.
• • • •
WJ Esterhuizen SA Krieketspan en 2023 Wêreldbeker Proefspan
Ruan Steyn u/13 Mzansi Hawks krieketspan
Veronica Engelbrecht Zaney Otto Dylan Benade Hanroux Pieters
• • • •
Connor Carney Evangeline Carney Jean-Pieter Fouche Chantane Veldman
Swarries skaakspan
• • •
Eben Engelbrecht Grace Anderson JC Kleynhans
HOËRSKOOL ZWARTKOP Ons muurbalspelers is tops!
Noord Gautengspan vir Emma
Agt van Hoërskool Zwartkop se junior muurbalspelers het onlangs aan die NJSA (Northern Junior Squash Association) se geslote toernooi te Pretoria deelgeneem.
Emma Thompson, ‘n graad 10 Zwarrie, is gekies vir die o.16 dogters Noord Gauteng HP hokkiespan. Emma sal die B-span in die komende IPT te Stellenbosch verteenwoordig. Megan Massyn is die Zwarries se o.14 A-span afrigter wat ook gekies is as die afrigter van vanjaar se dogters o.15 Northens hokkiespan.
Die Zwarries se Teonie Badenhorst is as die Noord Transvaalse Ope muurbalkampioen in die dogters o.14-kompetisie aangewys met nog ‘n Zwarrie, Kaitlyn van Wyk, in die tweede plek. Juan Corne Brand is ‘n onder 14 speler wat die Noord Transvaalse Ope kampioen in die o.16 seunskompetisie is. Chante Leppan het ‘n intrukwekkende 2de plek in die dogters o.16 afdeling gekry. Die muurbalsensasie, Luhann Groenewald (16) is die Noord Transvaalse Ope kampioen in die seuns o.19-kompetisie.
Voor: Chante Leppan, Teonie Badenhorst, Kaitlyn van Wyk. Agter: Luhann Groenewald, Juan Corne Brand, Frederik Botha.
Emma Thompson
NWU Prestige Sportreeks 2022 draai in Zwarries se guns Hoërskool Zwartkop se deelname aan vanjaar se NWU-Sportreeks is definitief ‘n hoogtepunt aan die begin van die wintersportseisoen. Van die 16 skole wat deelgeneem het, eindig die Zwarries algeheel in die tweedeplek. In die rugby-afdeling van die NWU-reeks het die Zwarries in die 4de plek geeindig. Die netbal het ook ‘n alghele 4de plek ingepalm. Die dogtershokkie het verras met ‘n besonderse 3de plek in vanjaar se reeks. In die kleiner sportsoorte het die Zwarries skoonskip gemaak deur algeheel 1ste te eindig. Die kleiner sportsoorte bestaan uit skaak, landloop, tennis, seunshokkie en gholf. Hoërskool Zwartkop het eerste plekke in die skaak, landloop, tennis en seunshokkie teen die 16 ander skole behaal wat dus die trofee vir die kleiner sportsoorte verseker het. Die finale puntestand vir die reeks is dus as volg met Hoërskool Noodheuwel in die eerste plek, Hoërskool Zwartkop kort op hul hakke in die tweede posisie en Hoërskool Rustenburg wat die derde plek bekleë.
NWU Sportreeks 2022 medaljewenners
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LAERSKOOL HENNOPSPARK Laureate Toekenning vir 2022 Die leerlinge van Laerskool Hennopspark ontvang Laureate vir die onderskeie prestasies wat hulle behaal het. Hoofseun Joshua Fourie ontvang Laureate vir Leierskap Hoofdogter Zané Oosthuizen ontvang Laureate vir Leierskap Laurenda Steyn verwerf ‘n tweede plek in Suid Afrika vir gholf in die dogters o.19 span. Jana van Schalkwyk verwerf ‘n tweede plek (Silwer) vir D o.13 in 1500m by die SA Atletiek Kampioenskappe te Potchefstroom. Sy is ook gekies vir die SA skole span wat later gekanselleer is. Nicolaas Botha verwerf ‘n tweede plek (Silwer) vir S o.11 in 1200m by die SA Atletiek Kampioenskappe te Potchefstroom. Mia Kritzinger verwerf tweede plek (Silwer) vir Junior Dogters span in Boogskiet. Dewan Borstlap verwerf Laureate vir Akademiese prestasie met ‘n gemiddeld van 97% in agt opeenvolgende kwartale.
Jana van Schalkwyk
Joshua Fourie
Zane Oosthuizen
Laurenda Steyn
Nicolaas Botha
Mia Kritzinger
Dewan Borstlap
CORNWALL HILL COLLEGE Pieter on his way to World Championships and Commonwealth Games Pieter Coetzé competed in an international 3-leg series of galas held over three days. The series was held in Monaco, Barcelona and Canet. Pieter produced exceptional results.
Provincial hockey Congratulations to the following College girls hockey players who were selected to represent Northerns Blues Hockey in 2022:
Cornwall Hill College Prep’s very own Teyah Beeka (U13) and Hanns Arndt (U12) have both been selected to represent their school in provincial hockey teams.
Monaco - 1st 50m Backstroke, 1st 200m Backstroke, 3rd 100m Backstroke Barcelona - 2nd 50m Backstroke, 2nd 200m Backstroke, 3rd 100m Backstroke Canet - 1st 50m Backstroke, 1st 200m Backstroke, 3rd 100m Backstroke
Teyah was chosen for the Northern Blues Primary Hockey U13A Girls team playing in the National Tournament in July at Stellenbosch.
Pieter will compete in the World Championships and Commonwealth Games in July 2022 and we wish him all the best!
Hanns was selected for the Northern Blues Primary Hockey U12A Boys team playing in the Regional Tournament in July.
Realeboga Molosiane u.14A
Mmamorena Manthata u.16A
Joy Mayo u.18B
Lana Mignon De Wet u.18A & u.21A
Pieter Coetzé
Provincial rugby Three Cornwall Hill College Prep rugby players were selected for the Blue Bulls Primary School’s provincial rugby teams this year. These boys endured several rounds of trials and braved the pressure to finally be chosen as one of the best players in their respective positions in the province.
Onalerena Mashifane Craven Week, U13A
Zander Davel XV-tal side, U13B
Hanns Arndt
Congratulations to the following Cornwall Hill College High School boys who were selected to represent Gauteng North for hockey.
Daneel Swanepoel Young Guns side (U12A)
Ayden Doren u.14
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Teyah Beeka
The biggest school news platform in S.A
Tudueto Monnanyana u.14
Kutloano Notoane u.16
Aubrey Kaseke u.16B
Jarryd Smulders u.18
Omphemetse Modise u.18B
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SUTHERLAND HIGH SCHOOL Sutherland High School wins at Grads final
Northern Gauteng Squash
Sutherland High School Drama team finished the GRADS (Gauteng Regional Amateur Dramatics Series) final in style. With 3 One-Act plays in the finals including an Afrikaans play, Suthies Actors and Actresses stole the show at the Finals which were held at Sutherland High School on 28 May 2022.
Congratulations to Kayla Randall on receiving her Provincial Colours from Northern Gauteng Squash. We are very proud of Kayla and look forward to future awards.
The final results were: • 1st Sutherland with #Viral • 2nd Jeppe Boys with Jump • 3rd Sutherland with Wat die hart van vol is. • 4th Sutherland with A Simple task • 5th Edenvale High
Chelton Graham won the trophy for Best Supporting Actor, Dimpho Keetse and Trinisha Wangra shared Best Actress. Our Drama #Viral won Best Ensemble and it’s director Tshepang Rabase won Best Director.
Chelton Graham
Tshepang Rabase
Dimpho Keetse
Trinisha Wangra
Gareth Cliff addresses learners and staff Gareth Cliff, past pupil of Sutherland High School addressed the learners and staff at a recent assembly before exams commenced. Gareth gave the learners advice regarding future studies and how study paths may change, the expectations vs.reality of a learner’s schooling career. Gareth used his incredible sense of humor to provide some motivational tips to guide the learners through school and the stresses relating to studies and every day life.
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KYALAMI PREPARATORY 2022 Choir Leadership
Junior Drama Club performs at Eistedfodd Congratulations to the Junior Drama Club and Ms Young from Beaulieu College on their wonderful results at the Eistedfodd.
Head of Choir: Zoë Grové. Sopranos leader: Nosipho Sibanyoni. Altos leader: Langelihle Dube
Learners awarded scholarships Congratulations to all our children awarded scholarships to Beaulieu College! What an incredible achievement!
Our netball having fun
BEAULIEU COLLEGE World Jumping Challenge Congratulations to Zani Alcock and Alexandra Ric-Hansen who will represent South Africa at the FEI World Jumping Challenge final 27 -31 July 2022 in Bulgaria.
Zani Alcock
Alexandra Ric-Hansen
1st Team hockey qualifies for Top 12 tournament Congratulations to our Beaulieu College 1st team hockey girls for qualifying for the Top 12 tournament hosted by Oranje Meisies. We are currently ranked 7th in South Africa.
CURRO WATERFALL SA Dance Shriya Somaroo (Grade 10) and her dance team (Pulse Empire) participated in the Dance World Cup (SA) finals in March 2022 and were placed 1st in both their categories and qualified to represent South Africa at the World Cup Champions later this year (venue not confirmed as yet). They subsequently participated in The Battle of the Giants at Sun City (21 – 24 April 2022) and were placed 3rd and 4th in their categories. Here is a Q & A with Shriya Somaroo: Do you remember when your love for dance started? I started dancing at an early age. Initially, it was just a hobby but, I really enjoyed it and I started dancing competitively. What is it about dance that you love so much? The feeling of freedom that it gives me. I am able to express myself, while being around people with a similar energy and vibe. How much time do you spend practicing? About 4 hours a week but, during competition time, the hours are much longer. Sometimes as much as 5 hours a day. What is your favourite style of dance and why? Bollywood. I actually first started doing Bollywood dancing before I did Hip hop. Apart from being a style that I enjoy, I identify with it culturally as well. What do you like the most about dancing in a team? It’s fun to be around people who love dancing as much as I do. We’re all working towards the same goal, and we are a family. How do you feel about the recent competitions, you recently competed in (Dance world Cup SA and Battle of the giants)? These were very difficult as the competition we up against was very strong. There were many talented dancers there, and we had to work very hard to earn our spot.
What categories did you participate in? Hip hop senior large group commercial and Hip hop large group ‘open-entry’. What were the challenges that you came across in these competitions? As I participate in the large group category, one of our challenges is to ensure that we are all in sync. This requires a lot of practicing and perfecting. Covid-19 has also been a challenge over the last 2 years, from practising with a mask, social distancing and a few of our competitions were postponed. Which other competitions do you wish to participate in future? My next competition is the “World of Dance” competition coming up in June 2022. Do you have any advice for your peers who love dancing and wish to start competing? Go for it! It requires a lot of hard work and dedication but, it’s an incredible experience that’s worth it. Do you want to continue dancing when you complete your schooling? Definitely! I love dancing. Do you have anything else you would like to add? It’s important to find something that you love doing and pursue it. It’s not about being the best but being able to say that you’ve tried your best.
CURRO MIDRAND Southern Gauteng Football
Gauteng School Athletics Champions
Moeletsi Mofokeng, a Grade 7 learner, was selected to be a part of the Southern Gauteng Football squad. The squad will participate in the Bill Stewart Festival at Camp Discovery from 30 June to 4 July 2022. We would like to wish Moeletsi well for the upcoming tournament.
We would like to congratulate the following athletes, Banele Ngwenya, Tyler Kühne, Thato Magoro, Kamogelo Letsoalo and Damian Pillay who were chosen to represent the district team at the Gauteng School Athletics Champions and received their sport colours. We would also like to congratulate Veshan Pillay for being placed in the Top 3 in the National Downhill Mountain Bike league in his age group. Veshan also received his sports colours.
Moeletsi Mofokeng
Veshan Pillay
Damian Pillay
Kamogelo Letsoalo
Moeletsi Mofokeng
Tyler Kühne
Thato Magoro
Public Speaking Curro Midrand Halfway Gardens campus hosted our Public Speaking Event on Wednesday, 1 June. The best speaker in each grade walked away with a gold certificate, medal and trophy. The winnners of the Gold certificates were:
Grade One Kuyuran Marimuthu
Grade Two Ayabonga Mbanjwa
Grade Three Yajna Maharaj
Grade Four Saranya MArimuthu
Grade Five Elin Moodley
Grade Six Dhiara Naidoo
Grade Seven Mihle Fredricks
SUMMERHILL SCHOOL - PREPARATORY NEWS 2023 enrolment is open The 2023 enrolment is open and we invite future learners to apply. Contact Daniela at: 011 468 1414 daniela@summerhill-school.co.za (By appointment only)
Cricket selection Congratulations to Kaushik Kutura for being selected for the Far North Area Cricket Squad.
Kaushik Kutura
Family Colour Festival Fun On Friday, 3 June we hosted our first Summerhill Colour Festival.
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We believe young people are important! Are you between 15 and 34? That means you should have a voice.Take part in the survey and stand a chance to win.
Youth lifestyle survey
YDx Youth Matters online market research community
We’re giving away 80 x R250 vouchers! Take part, give us your views AND stand a chance to win!
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We would love YOU to sign up to be part of the YDx Youth Matters online market research community. YOU can earn cash and / or win prizes for your participation! PLUS, you get to give your views and opinions on various topics!
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Your name and details will remain private, your opinions will be anonymous, and your details will never be shared with any third party. If you are under 18, please ensure you ask your parents for their permission! Please note: YDx is a respected market research agency, passionate about understanding SA’s young people. Visit our website at www.ydx.co.za if you’d like to know more.
Zwarrie-koor presteer by Pretoria Eisteddfod Hoërskool Zwartkop se koor het aan die 2022 Pretoria Eisteddfod deelgeneem en is as kategoriewenner aangewys. Die Zwarrie-koor spog met ‘n A+ simbool. Die Zwarrie-koor word deur mnr. Anton Pottas afgerig. Mnr. Pottas het in 2016 met sy studie in B.Mus sowel as Koorleiding en Sang klaargemaak, waarna hy voltyds begin afrig het. In 2018 het hy by Hoërskool Zwartkop begin afrig. Die Zwarries het die pragtige liedere van Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Kuhle ke en Reisiger van Refense tydens die kompetisie gesing.
Die Zwarrie koor tree tydens vierkant vir die Zwarries op.
LS Wierdapark se Robotika-FLL span algehele wenners Laerskool Wierdapark is baie trots op ons First Lego League span, die Mechatronics. Hulle het op Saterdag, 28 Mei, aan die Gauteng-Suid FLL-kampioenskap deelgeneem teen 25 ander spanne en het die Championship Award verwerf - algehele wenners!
Is your Grade 7 child currently attending Halfway Gardens and going to our Sagewood Campus next year? Did you know that we provide a shuttle service from the Halfway Gardens Campus to the Sagewood Campus at no additional cost? Contact us today to secure your child’s space! 087 232 1383 info.midrand@curro.co.za
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