AWSUM Helderberg - November 2022 edition

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THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on NOVEMBER 2022
Now Open! | 021 002 3993 91B Bird Street, Stellenbosch LUXURY COLLECTION FREE / GRATIS HELDERBERG FRESH EGGS NOURISH THE MIND IN THIS EDITION: • School Prizegiving Awards • Top Achievers • Gekose leiers vir 2023 • Hoogtepunte: 4de kwartaal
Celebrating school achievements in South Africa

Interesting facts of FIFA World Cup 2022

It marks the first World Cup to take place in an Arab nation and only the second to be held in Asia after World Cup 2002, which was hosted in Japan and South Korea. This will also be the first time that the event will take place this late during the year, due to the extreme summer climate in Qatar.

First-ever Winter World Cup

The 2022 edition of the competition would be the first-ever winter World Cup, if considered from the northern hemisphere. The World Cup usually takes place in mid-year but when it came to Qatar, an exception just had to be thrown.

The Most Expensive

As per an estimate, Qatar is spending a whopping $200 billion on infrastructure projects. That’s nearly 10x more than the next most expensive World Cups, Brazil (£11.6 billion) and Russia (£14.2 billion). This is partly because Qatar is building seven brand new stadiums from scratch. It’s also nearly 64x the $3.5 billion South Africa invested in its World Cup. This will make the upcoming event one of the most expensive World Cups in the history of the game.

Fewest Stadiums

Only eight stadiums have been lined up by Qatar to host the World Cup which is the lowest number of venues for the World Cup in recent years. In fact, out of all the eight venues selected to host the tournament, only one got revamped completely while seven are being newly constructed in the country.

Record Number of Visitors

As per an estimate, the Qatar FIFA 2022 World Cup may well end up receiving a record number of visitors by the time the tournament comes to an end. The country expects to welcome the largest influx of over 1 million international spectators . It’s estimated that 1,300 incoming flights will land in the country daily throughout the competition. The reason behind this is easy to grasp. Being one of the finest countries in the Middle East, Qatar’s convenient geographic location makes it lie in close proximity to most nations.

The Most Commutable

Qatar is a small country. It is, in fact, way smaller than the host of the World Cup 2018, Russia. Since the size of the country is so small, commuting from one place to another here is not a big hassle. Host cities like Doha, Lusail, Al Wakrah, and Al Rayyan are located in close proximity to each other. Hence, moving from one venue to the other wouldn’t be a big hassle for travelers. Another interesting fact is the two most remote stadiums of Qatar -- Al Bayt and Al Wakrah -- are only 90 miles apart.

Air-Conditioned Stadiums

One of the most important points to note about the host nation for FIFA 2022 is the fact that Qatar receives distressingly high temperatures during day times. To tackle the issue,

Qatar came up with an audacious solution. For the first time ever, a country is set to host the FIFA World Cup in fully air-conditioned stadiums. All eight venues in Qatar will be fully air-conditioned, providing a comfortable viewing experience to fans while making the conditions good enough for players to perform on the pitch. That translates to roughly 43,560 household air conditioners per stadium or a whole lot of industrial fans.

The Second One In Asia

Not only will Qatar be the first-ever Middle Eastern nation to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022, but it will also be only the second time when the prestigious competition takes centre stage in Asia. The first time it happened was in 2002 when Japan and South Korea co-hosted the FIFA event for the first time in Asia.



FIFA announced the official soundtrack for the World Cup earlier this year.

It includes three massive tracks — “Hayya Hayya (Better Together),” “Arhbo” and “Light the Sky” — that will dominate the airwaves during the world’s biggest soccer tournament.


20 November – 18 December 2022
BTS’ Jungkook will perform at the 2022 FIFA World Cup’s opening ceremony in Qatar and appear on the tournament’s official soundtrack. opening ceremonies will happen on Sunday, Nov. 20, at Al Bayt Stadium in Qatar.
HEAD OFFICE AWSUM Helderberg The AWSUM Newspaper is published by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646 Email: OUR TEAM Advertising Coordinator Elmaré Dippenaar Distribution Charl Paulse Editor Meinette van Zyl Sales Samantha Coetzee Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl Managing Director: Meinette van Zyl Financial Manager: Christelle van Wyk Sales Manager: Quintus Brand Printed by Paarl Coldset. Copyright: TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd Schools Coordinator Melinda Huysamen The biggest school news platform in S.A Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A AWSUM NEWS Read the latest school news online at Layout & Design Aniena Venter Rowan Engledoe Ruveix Venter Enrico Theart Anzèl Heyns

Dink nuut oor drukwerk by jou skool!

Die Skole Ondersteuningsentrum het onlangs die voorbeeld gebruik: om klein veranderinge aan die manier waarop inhoud oorgedra word te maak, is soos om `n kamer aan `n ou huis aan te bou. Ja, dit lyk goed, en elke kamer het sy funksie en ons doen ons bes met wat ons het. Wanneer jy egter uit die staanspoor en vir ‘n spesifieke doel ‘n nuwe, moderne, ontwerpte huis binnestap, sal jy nie terugtrek na jou ou huis toe nie, maar eerder die ou huis afbreek en van nuuts af bou.

Hoe vernuwe jy drukwerk by jou skool? Werksboeke, addisionele leermateriaal of skryfboeke is `n kopseer vir elke skool. Nie net neem dit ure om dit by die skool te bind nie, maar dit kan ook binne `n paar weke uitmekaar val. Met vandag se tegnologie is die prys vir swart en wit boeke basies dieselfde as vir kleur.

Die bindwerk verseker ook dat jou boeke waaraan jy so hard gewerk het, die hele jaar sal hou!

Het jy geweet skole kan deesdae die skryfboeke van die leerders laat druk met die skool se kleure op die voorblad? Dit skep nie net eenvormigheid by die skool nie, maar is reeds gelamineer en daarom hoef dié boeke nie oorgetrek te word nie. Die skool kan self besluit hoe breed die lyne moet wees en verkoop dan dié boeke weer aan die leerders as deel van `n fondsinsameling vir die skool.

Die prys vir die boeke hang af van die hoeveelheid boeke wat bestel word. Jy sal nie glo hoe bekostigbaar dit is nie.

Alle grootte boeke is beskikbaar - van die 32-blad tot die 192-blad boeke.

Raak kreatief met voorblaaie!
Die boek behoort aan: Afrikaans Klaswerkboek Kwartaal 4 < Skandeer hierdie QR-kode en blaai saam met ons deur `n paar voorbeelde
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E-pos vir `n kwotasie vir jou skool.
o.11 Meisies B-Span o.11 Meisies A-Span o.11 Seuns B-Span o.11 Seuns A-Span Deon Toerien Semper Altior Toekenning Toppresteerders 2022 LAERSKOOL STELLENBOSCH HOËRSKOOL STELLENBOSCH Stellenbosch o.11 Tennistoernooi Oude Post Tennistoernooi La Rochelle Redenaarsfees Stellenbosch Redenaarsfees Meisies: • A-span Goud • B-Span Brons Seuns: • A-span Silwer • B-span Brons Stellies wen die oude post Tennistoernooi in Swellendam. Ons skool is baie trots op Daniël Schoonraad en Julia Barry wat Donderdag, 20 Oktober 2022, onderskeidelik ‘n eerste en tweede plek by La Rochelle se Redenaarsfees losgepraat het. Donderdag, 13 Oktober 2022, het 8 van ons leerders (gr. 4 - 7) aan die jaarlikse Redenaarsfees deelgeneem. Almal het hulle baie goed van hulle taak gekwyt en die toesprake was interessant en humoristies. Baie geluk aan Iza Janse van Rensburg (gr.6) wat ‘n 2de plek en Daniël Schoonraad (gr.7) wat ‘n derde plek in die gr.6/7-afdeling losgepraat het. Ons skool is baie trots op al 8 leerders wat deelgeneem het, maar in besonder die twee leerders wat so mooi presteer het. Baie geluk aan al ons spelers.
6th in Grade 12 - 90,9% Dawid Nieuwoudt Thys de Wet-skild vir die beste graad 12-Rekeningkundeleerder Jan Smit-trofee vir tweetaligheid Merietetoekenning vir Inligtingstegnnologie – 89% 3de in Graad 12 - 91,4%
English HL - 90% Merit award: Music - 97% Academic
8th in Grade 12 - 90,3%
Botha Afrikaans Huistaal - 88% Merietetoekenning: Wiskunde - 99%, RTT - 93% Beste prestasie: Wiskunde en Rekeningkunde 2de in Graad 12 - 93,4% Justin Cowley 7de in Graad 12 - 90,6%
Life Orientation - 99% Dennis
Partnership Prize for Social Sciences: History - 91% Best learner in History Academic Honours 4th in Grade 12 - 91,3%
Akademiese Erekleure 9de in Graad 12
5th in Grade 12 - 91,0%
10de in
89,7% Graad 12 Top 10 PAUL ROOS GIMNASIUM/GYMNASIUM Alex Jovanovic Merietetoekenning vir IGO - 98% Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal - 93% Beste matriekleerder 1ste in Graad 12 - 93,7%
Thomas Mullineux
Daniel Dillon
Michael Willmore
Wihan Meyer
Frans Hoffman
Ruben Rossouw
Smit-Trofee vir Tweetaligheid

Bernice West se Lyfie het skole aan die dans

Bernice West, naaswenner van die realiteitsreeks, Maak My Famous, het `n uitdaging aan sosiale media gebruikers gerig. Al wat gebruikers moet doen is om haar te “tag” soos hulle dans op haar weergawe van Lyfie, en die wenner kry ’n kans om dit saam met haar by een van haar konserte te dans op die verhoog.

Skole het nie op hulle laat wag nie en reeds gesorg vir verskeie videos op sosiale media.

Haar album, Jona, is deur die loop van 2022 uitgereik en een van die liedjies op die album het egter op ander maniere aandag getrek! Platebaas van Inhoud Huis Musiek, Johan Vorster, het die gawe om treffers te identifiseer. Hy het die lied, Lyfie, ‘n paar jaar gelede gehoor en geweet daar is iets groter in as wat mense dink!

Bernice staan sinoniem met inspirasie en iemand waarna mense opkyk, insluitend ouer mense. Alhoewel sy haar eie musiek skryf het die platemaatskappy die liedjie aan haar voorgestel met ‘n opname in gedagte. Bernice het die potensiaal gehoor, 100% in die liedjie in gekoop en dit haar eie gemaak! Haar unieke aanslag op die vervaardiging saam met Johan en Robin Kielly het die land aan die dans!

Jannes Erasmus noem: “Ons het die duisende Lyfie dans videos op alle sosiale media platforms gesien die afgelope maand en net opnuut besef dat die boodskap van Lyfie soveel hoop aan almal bring wat dit hoor!”

Die lied het alreeds sy verskyning op trefferparades gemaak na aanleiding van stromingsdienste se data en dit is die bewys dat luisteraars dit graag sal wil hoor op radiostasies!


Graad 12 Top-toekennings

Liam Stander Trofee vir uitstaande prestasie op rugbygebied, akademie en leierskap – ter nagedagtenis aan Jurian Prins Sian Maart The der Kinderen trophy for the highest performance in hockey Ruben Rossouw The Werner van Rensburg character award Pro-merito – spesiale toekenning vir diens aan die skool Dehumanitate colours Cameron Miell Most promising senior player in water polo Jano Roux trophy for the highest performance in water polo Justin Cowley James Thomas-toekenning Dehumanitate colours Reno Hirst Trofee vir hoogste prestasie in rugby Daniel Dillon Most versatile learner: Academics, Sport and Societies – donated by the 1970 matrics Paul Roos Rektorsprys Dehumanitate colours Jordan Cridland Trofee vir veelsydigste senior kultuurleerder van die jaar Dehumanitate colours André Bekker Pro-merito – spesiale toekenning vir diens aan die skool Dehumanitate colours Ben Ligthart Pro-merito – spesiale toekenning vir diens aan die skool Dune Dugmore Dehumanitate colours Jack Vlismas Dehumanitate colours Thomas Forbes Strand Jewelers trophy for the best senior swimmer
“Ons het die duisende Lyfie dans videos op alle sosiale media platforms gesien die afgelope maand en net opnuut besef dat die boodskap van Lyfie soveel hoop aan almal bring wat dit hoor!”
Kyk gerus hoe Hoër Landbouskool Marlow se Wolramme die uitdaging aanvaar het:

Nasionale Radikale Redenaars

Matthew Kerr-Fox het die afgelope naweek in Boksburg by die Nasionale Radikale Redenaars ‘n 2de plek behaal. Daar was slegs ‘n 0.5% verskil tussen die 1ste en 2de plek!

Hierdie prestasie is noemenswaardig aangesien Matthew eers hierdie jaar met Redenaars begin het.

Matthew is ook by die Stellenbosch Kunswedstryd as die beste gr. 7-seun in Woordkuns aangewys. Baie geluk, Matthew! Ons is trots op jou.


Rhenish Primary’s Prize Giving 2022


Hoofleiers 2022

Matriektee - Klas van 2017

Op Woensdag, 26 Oktober 2022, was die gr.7-klas van 2017 terug genooi na Laerskool Eikestad vir hulle matriektee. Dit was ‘n heerlike oggend en ons het dit geniet om die oud-Eikestad leerders weer te sien en herinneringe te herleef. Dankie aan elke leerder wat dit bygewoon het. Eikestad wens julle baie sterkte toe met die eksamen, asook vir die nuwe hoofstuk in julle lewens wat voorlê. Julle sal altyd deel wees van die Eikestad-familie.

Eike-orkes en Lentekoor

Ashton Pyke and Stephanie van Woudenberg Leadership Award Frankie Henn and Nathan Barnard All-round Sport Achievement Frankie Henn and Ashton Pyke Trophy for Sportsmanship Keira Campbell Dux Learner 2022 Matthew Kerr-Fox Ruan Ackermann (Onderhoofseun), Pieter Aucamp (Onderhoofseun), Krisjan Potgieter (Hoofseun), Lize van Rooyen (Hoofdogter), Luah vd Merwe (Onderhoofdogter), Daniella le Hanie (Onderhoofdogter) Stephanie van Woudenberg Marie Potgieter Trophy for the pupil who has made the most use of her abilities and been involved in all facets of school life
Ons Eikestad families verkeer gesellig by Vredenheim wynplaas voor ons Lente konsert program afskop. Ons maak gebruik van Vredenheim se pragtige onthaal saal om te spog met al drie ons Eikestad kore en ons Eike orkes.
Pètra de Beer Allderman Cup for Dedication and Service to Rhenish and the Community Rachel Smit Manning Award for Helpfulness and Courtsesy Yolisa Tile Buisinne Award for Leadership and Loyalty Zaidee Braam Phillipa Husband Trophy for Community Service Ashley Fourie Bertha Voigt Award for Fortitude in the Pursuit of Excellence Kirstin Skein Nikki Liebenberg for exceptional contribution to Academic and Cultural Life of Rhenish Rachel Kleyn Elodie Daneel Cup for Bilingualism Dimpho Makena Principal’s Award 2022 Dimpho Makena Letitia Snyman Award All-Round Excellence and Service
AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A < ho ho ho > *<]:{) A very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2023 from all of us at AWSUM News. MAKE IT SPECIAL! PERSONALISE IT! Add the schools name | 076 538 4102 ORDER YOUR GRADE 7 JACKETS Baseball Jackets, Sneakers, Hoodies, Caps, You name it. B RA N DI N G A SPI R E RHENISH GIRLS’ HIGH THE PRINT OFFICE Your partner in printing The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books. Send your request to Top Achievers 2022
Erin Commaille The Rose Bowl Trophy for Commitment and Dedication

Top Achievers

Dianei Bekker Senior kultuurleerder 2022 Allegra Korb Dux Learner Tauhier Joshephs & Madri van Rensburg Sportman & Sportwoman of the year Front row: Jade Du Plooy, Dianei Bekker, Gerrit Zwemstra, Nico Swart, Christopher Scheepers. 2nd row: Abigail Groenewald, Ariana van der Merwe, Tiana van der Walt, Zander van der Merwe, Eugene Rörich, Joshua Boshoff. 3rd row: Airyn Bentham, Ruben Erasmus, Devaney Rhoda, Andréa De Jager, Ezra Cloete. 4th row: Cameron Gillbanks, Imaad Railoun, Lienka Willers, Madri van Rensburg, Bea Van Staden. Back: Tara Matthews, Alexandra Basson, Aydin Heunis, Xavier Basson, Tayne Rall. Absent: Jessica Swart
LAERSKOOL HENDRIK LOUW THE PRINT OFFICE Your partner in printing The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books. Send your request to AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Download past exam papers Per grade, Per subject
Learner Council 2023
Nina van Reenen Ut Prosim Award - Winner Alex Kemp Dux Award - Winner (Overall Best Academic Achievement in Gr 7) Fabia Hollander Ut Prosim Award - Runner-up (Gr 7 All-Round Achiever Award) Elzé van der Merwe Dux Award - Runner-up
Roberts Overall Academic Award - 1st in Grade 4
Branfield Overall Academic Award - 1st in Grade 5 Mieke Labuschagne Overall Academic Award - 1st in Grade 6 Beaumont’s Top Achievers BEAUMONT PRIMARY STELLENBOSCH: Stellenbosch University, Die Neelsie Langehoven Centre Tel: (021) 887 2830 Email: LET US HANDLE YOUR STATIONERY LIST Van Schaik Bookstore pre-pack stationery per grade and learner. FOUR EASY STEPS TO FOLLOW: Send us your booklist. We can prepack and deliver books as well. Contact your nearest store to start the process.
Top Achievers 2022 SOMERSET COLLEGE Our heartfelt congratulations go to both Kairo and Kiran on their sterling achievements. Customise your school bags in 2023. Contact us to view a sample and for more information | Quality bags parents appreciate and comfortability students love to wear. MADE IN RSA | WATER-RESISTANT | PADDED STRAPS | REINFORCED STITCHING ON STRESS POINTS SATCH BACKPACKS AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Read the latest school news online! All photos published in this edition, can be found online, so that you can share your school’s news with your whole family! Personalise it! Make is your own - add the schools name on the back ORDER YOUR MATRIC WEAR Personalised Baseball Jackets, Caps, Sneakers, Hoodies, and more. 076 538 4102 B RA N DI N G A SPI R E


Top Achievers 2022

Rose Trophy Priyanka Pitamber Suzanne & Elaine Rose Trophy, Investec Award Jamie-Leigh Lewin Van Heerden Heunis Joie de Vivre
Etienne Uys Graad 4 Top 3 - 1ste Mienke Engelbrecht Graad 6 Top 3 - 2de Anne-Lucia Fouché Graad 5 Top 3 - 1ste Megan Cocklin Graad 7 Top 3 - 2de Beeldbou Graad 7 Amé Ligthart Graad 4 Top 3 - 2de Kara Kruger Graad 6 Top 3 - 3de Mari Louw Graad 5 Top 3 - 2de Alice Janse van Rensburg Graad 7 Top 3 - 3de Anlia le Roux Graad 4 Top 3 - 3de Nichola Pienaar Graad 7 Top 3 - 1ste Magriet Spies Graad 5 Top 3 - 3de Kyle Snyers Sportseun van die jaar Karmi Karsten Graad 6 Top 3 - 1ste Uitsonderlike prestasie in skoolsport Carli Bayer Sportdogter van die jaar Karla Maree Kultuurleerder van die jaar Prestige Prysuitdeling LAERSKOOL LOCHNERHOF Laerskool Lochnerhof is baie trots op die volgende leerders wat toekennings tydens die Prestige Prysuitdeling wat op 8 November 2022 gehou is ontvang het.


Toppresteerders 2022

Nika van Vuuren is aangewys as die toppresteerder in matriek met Lien Hoogenboezem (2de plek) en Kira Potgieter (3de plek) Vincent Kruger Veelsydigheid op kultuurgebied Gino Cupido Sportman van die Jaar (rugby) Aneldi Morkel Mees veelsydige sportvrou in matriek Elana Hay Sportvrou van die Jaar (muurbal) Durand van Deventer Mees veelsydige sportman in matriek Christopher Smit Sportman van die Jaar (hamergooi) Melissa vd Merwe Gr. 11 Beste prestasie in ‘n buitesport vir toutrek (deel) Lecé van Wyk Sportvrou van die Jaar (hokkie) Alex Hön Gr. 11 Beste prestasie in ‘n buitesport vir skopboks (deel) Lien Hoogenboezem en Michelle Pretorius Leerder van die jaar is verower deur Michelle Pretorius (regs) met Lien Hoogenboezem (links) wat kort op haar hakke in die tweede plek was met die Rotariërs -wisseltrofee vir veelsydigheid. Tydens die matrieks se laaste skooldag is ‘n hele paar leerders vereer vir hulle uitsonderlike prestasies op akademiese-, kultuur – en sportgebied. Cerys Richardson Grade 12 Top 5 - 1st place English HL, Afrikaans FAL, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Physical Science, Visual Art, Life Orientation Academic Honours (Gr. 11 & 12) Afrikaans FAL - 3rd place Arwen Richardson Jocelyn Mienie Afrikaans FAL Mathematical Literacy - 2nd place Jaydon Engelbrecht Life Orientation Leo Rosa Mathematical Literacy - 3rd place 2022 Grade 12 Awards

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